#vm underground
Tombs - Ex Oblivion
I know Tombs, you know Tombs, we all should know Tombs by now. And if you know, you know that Tombs is never one to be beholden to one “true” sound. For each and every thing that has been released under the Tombs banner is somewhat different.
Now, with ‘Ex Oblivion’ Tombs have created an EP that changes from song to song. Definitely not the normal change in feeling you would normally get but much more drastic from track to track. From the “normal-ish”, for Tombs, opener to the Drone-ish closer you keep asking yourself; “Is this still Tombs or did it skip to something else”?
While the title track ‘Ex Oblivion’ is excellent and what you may somewhat expect from Tombs. The rest just feels like filler, to fill out an EP to be a vehicle to release ‘Ex Oblivion’ as an EP and not just a single. While it’s all pretty decent stuff; it just feels like there was stuff thrown together to make a release. Almost like a throw away to finish off a record deal. But in the end it’s really up to you. It’s Tombs. You know you’re gonna check it out and there is some good stuff here.
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greenticklerdreams · 10 months
Vex vs. The Ticklelock
Fandom: Critical Role - Vox Machina
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Vex'ahlia, Ler!OC, Ler!rest of VM
Word Count: 2992 words
Summary: Vex is captured by a very strange villain with an even stranger set of powers. Can she hold out until she's rescued?
“FINALLY!! You FUCKING creep!!” Vex’ahlia shouted, finally free of the Hold Person spell. Her mouth was dry and tasted terrible. Her arms were stretched out to either side, locked at the wrists by padded cuffs. She was sitting up against that backboard, back straighter than when Father tried to drill good posture into her and her twin when they were little. Her legs were propped up on a bench, straight out in front of her, her ankles locked in a wooden stocks. Her bare feet felt clammy with fear, despite the roaring fireplace that was the only source of light in this weird underground laboratory. “What’s the big idea, taking my boots off?!” she snarled. “And ONLY my boots?? Not anything else?? Really?!”
“It’s necessary, my dear,” came a voice from the chair by the fire. Vex perceived the hooded man there, though his face was just obscured by the dancing shadows. This same hooded man had dragged her off after successfully casting the Hold Person spell upon her. Dragged her away from the fight, from her friends battling the giant tentacled creature that had risen from the underground lake in this dank dungeon of his. He’d taken her down hallways, stepping around traps, moving past slavering aberrant creatures waiting in the wings, and bringing her here… It certainly looked like every other mad arcane caster’s lab she’d ever seen, and Vex had seen a few at this point in her adventuring career. A shelf full of scrolls, weird instruments on a nearby table, books… and a rather unusual amount of feather quills. They were quills, right? Most humiliating of all was being completely unable to resist as he forced her into this position, removed her boots and socks, shut her wrists and ankles into their bondage, and spoke a command word that sealed the locks with a magical click. Vex had been terrified at the time, but now that she found herself almost fully clothed and otherwise untouched, she was mostly just nonplussed. And pissed off.
The hooded man stepped into the light. He was pudgy in his brown robes, looking a little like a fat monk. Throwing back his hood, his red-brown hair was revealed to be long and lank, and his beard and mustache needed a trim. His eyes looked just a little too large for his face, and a little too black. “You and your friends have something that my master needs, and he has asked me to get it from you.” He grinned a sleazy grin, those black eyes glinting in the firelight. “I must confess, I hoped you would be the one to fall prey to my spell.”
“You would, wouldn’t you? Get in line,” she spat at him. Damned Arcane Locks, she thought, trying and failing to thrash against her restraints. The hooded man advanced to her, stopping just in front of her stocked feet. “At least ravish me like a proper villain. Freak. Pervert.”
“Like I said, lovely Vex’ahlia,” purred the man, his voice low and honeyed. “What I need is information. I need it quickly. And I am going to get it. Although… I am going to enjoy getting it out of you.” Vex felt his soft, pudgy hands caress the soles of her feet. She shuddered in horror - and worse, it tickled!! - and tried to pull her feet away, but her big toes were tied to an unseen hook on the front of the stocks. “You CREEPY fucker,” she snarled, trying not to let him see her reaction.
The hooded man just smiled. “I also would not deprive my pets of the pleasure,” he said. With a flutter of feathers, a pair of doves descended from atop the scroll case. They were the type noble ladies bred, with big, fluffy feather skirts around their ankles. However, Vex recognized that these were not normal pigeons. Their beaks were just a little too long and sharp, the feathers of their wings a little too large and fluffy, those odd spots of exposed flesh on their chests weren’t normal, and their eyes… were too intelligent. These had to be mage constructs of some type. “Lester, Leelee, get to work,” said the hooded man, and the creatures alighted on Vex’s hapless body. The mage-pigeons walked over up and over her chest - she could feel their sharp little claws hooking into the unarmored parts of her clothes, barely poking her quivering skin - and then they started using their sharp beaks to cut holes around her underarms. “Hey!!! What?! Are you serious?!” she snapped, and she tried to thrash, but she could barely move, and the birds hung on anyway. She felt her armpits exposed to the open air. The hooded man smiled. “Start brushing.”
With uncanny intelligence, the birds looked to their master, and then began brushing Vex’s taut, stretched armpits with their fluffy, feathery wingtips. Vex felt an electric sensation course through her body and choked back a cry. Biting her lip, she grunted with exertion.
[MATT: Make me a Constitution saving throw.]
[LAURA: ……17! HA!]
Releasing her lip, Vex gasped as she convinced herself this wasn’t too bad. “You’re gonna have to do better than that,” she said, blowing air out of her nose with a little “hmph” for emphasis. “What do you wanna know so badly anyway, you freak? Who are you?” The bearded man smiled. “I am Gruvo, a servant of K’nizz Mo’lag, a creature from beyond the stars and beyond your mortal comprehension.” Well, at least he’s easy to persuade to talk, Vex thought through the terrible feathery sensations in her armpits. “His many-feathered wings sweep through the universe and will soon alight in this world. None will be able to withstand him, and your kingdom will be reduced to helpless laughter in his ticklish embrace.”
“Lamest Far Realm patron I’ve ever heard of,” Vex taunted. Gods, it never ends. Oh gods. It tickles. “Did the cool eldritch… beings pi-hick you last at recess? You must be so disappoi-hointed.”
Gruvo looked back into Vex’s defiant eyes and raised his hands, wiggling his fingers in her full view. “Form of Feathers,” he said. Suddenly all ten fingers contorted and transformed into long brown feathers, wiggling at the ends of his palms. His beard changed, too, going from unkempt hair to a mass of reddish-brown feathers that surrounded his lips and covered his chin. His eyes seemed to grow larger and blacker, like an owl’s. He lowered those hands, out of view behind the stocks, and suddenly Vex’ahlia felt ten brushy, whispery feathers gliding all along the soles of her feet. “How do you like this, Lady of Whitestone? Do you still doubt my patron’s power?” A strangled squeal escaped Vex’s lips. Her head thrashed back and forth. “Mmhmmph!! Mmmm!!!” The soles of her feet were tingling like crazy. Her knees spasmed and banged against the bench. Then she felt just the tips of the feather-fingers jittering against her soles, ten little points all at once. They quested for the tips of her toes and the spaces between. They danced on every wrinkle. Gruvo chuckled. “You are already succumbing to our power. Now tell me, Lady Vex’ahlia: where is the Tome of Isolation?”
[MATT: That’s another CON save.] [LAURA: … 19.]
“I’ll… never… tell you… ANYTHING!! Eeheeheeheehee!!! Hmmmph!!” Angry that she had let even a few giggles escape, Vex bit her lip again. Her armpits were twitching, her feet were squirming against the toe-tie, but she resisted with all her might. She resolved herself to scrunching her feet as hard as she could, even as those feathers brushed all over her wrinkled, curled soles. “My friends… hhh-are… haha! They’re… going… to kill you… SO hard! Pfffhaha!”
[LAURA: Seriously, how long does it take to kill a stupid tentacle monster?!?!]
[TRAVIS: Ow!! We’re workin’ on it!!!]
“Maybe… heehee!! Maybe if you tell me… hh-why?!” Through scrunched-up eyes, Vex saw Gruvo’s smile fade. He looked oddly serious as his feather-fingers brushed her feet. “My patron attempted to enter this world and brush his feathery wings over it, but he was thwarted… by a goddess called the Dawnflower. That tome of the Knowing Mistress’s is able to banish a god, am I right? Well, my patron will be able to corrupt that tome to drag a divine being into his realm. There shall we bind her, and K’nizz Mo’lag will tickle your meddling goddess into oblivion.”
Seriously easy to persuade, Vex thought through the sensations flooding her body. Would’ve been more appropriate if he’d grabbed Pike. Not that she would’ve fallen to a lousy - hhooooohhhh gods. Oh gods my feet. Don’t let him get between your toes. Focus. “Stu-stupid plahahannn,” she gasped. “Ahahaha. Heeheehmmmph.” 
Gruvo’s face grew uglier. “This is taking too long. I think it’s time we changed it up.” He raised his hands and Vex saw his fingers and beard go back to normal. “Lester. Leelee. The belly.” He walked over to his shelf, but Vex was too busy watching the pigeons walk down her ribs - damn those little claws - so they could start snipping off the middle of her shirt. “Come on! Really? Not my look, you freak. Though I’ve got better abs than you!” It was a lame taunt, but Vex felt woozy from resisting the tickles. 
The chubby warlock walked back over with a bottle in his hands. He uncorked it, poured the glistening yellow contents into one hand, and rubbed them together. It had to be oil of some kind. He then started rubbing it into her feet. Vex gasped. Just rubbing the oil on tickled her poor feathered feet so badly. Suddenly all of his fingers slid between all of her toes to rub it in. “YEEE-hee-heek!!” she squealed, throwing her head back. When she looked at her captor again, he was grinning. The birds had fully exposed her belly by now. Gruvo walked around to where she sat, poured more oil into his hands, and then rubbed down Vex’s pale, quivering belly. Vex smothered another squeal and squirmed for all she was worth. “You do have nice abs,” he murmured, looking her full in the face. “Does it tickle, Lady Vex’ahlia?” 
Vex shook her head violently. “Nuh-uh. Fuck you.” Gruvo just smiled back. “I think our tough ranger has a ticklish tummy…” He curled his fingers and squeezed Vex’s slick midriff. “Mm-hm!! Hmmmm!!” came the strangled cry. The warlock chuckled softly as he rubbed more oil into her armpits. Suddenly his fingers were digging in! “YA-HA! Heeheehmm!!” Vex heard Gruvo chuckle as he walked away, back down to her feet. The oil wasn’t making her cold - if anything, it was too warm. And her sensitive skin was tingling like crazy. Gruvo raised his hands again. “Form of Nodules,” he said. It was hard to see in the firelight, but Vex perceived his palms and fingers sprouting weird, rubbery-looking little nodules, like painful-looking boils, darker-colored than his sallow skin. “Oh, what the fuck,” she said. “Lester! Leelee! Tentacalus!” One of the pigeons hopped up to Vex’s chest while the other perched just above her belly. Their heads reeled back… and two fleshy tentacles emerged from those odd bare spots on their chests, squirming like giant earthworms. “Ohhh WHAT THE FUCK!!” Vex screamed in horror. “Now,” said Gruvo, voice low and dangerous. “We’re going to try this again.”
Suddenly Vex’s feet were being scrubbed, rubbery nodules bouncing and sliding all over her oil-slick soles. The pigeons’ tentacles were in her right armpit and slithering all over her belly, the tips finding purchase in her soft, slippery skin. One tentacle slid into her belly button and vibrated around while the other prodded one side, then the other. “Where is the Tome?” Gruvo called in a raised voice.
[MATT: Make another CON save, this time with disadvantage.] [LAURA: Aw WHAT?!] 
[MATT: It’s magic oil.]
[LAURA: …… 4.]
[the table groans and laughs]
[MATT: There it is! First failure.]
“BAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! AHAHAHAHAAAA!!!” The laughs Vex’ahlia had been holding back suddenly exploded forth, like a burst dam. She felt herself give in to the sensations as her back arched and stiffened, head hitting the backboard, as tingly fire filled her body. She had taken lightning damage before. This was worse. Her feet were being tortured with endless electric shocks as the nodules scrubbed her arches. That tentacle in her belly button had to be like Percy sticking one finger of his Diplomacy gauntlet in and turning it on. “NOHO!! NOOO!!! WE ALREADY HAVE IIIIIITTT!!! WE HAVE IT!! WE HAVE IIIT!!! AAAAA-HAHAHAHAAAA!!!”
“You see?!” Vex could hear the glee in Gruvo’s voice rising above her laughter, oily as his hands. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Poor Vex here can’t handle the tickles… she’s such a ticklish girl… all will fall before our master.”
[LAURA: Will you hurry the fuck up?!?!]
[LIAM: We’re almost there, we’re almost there! Geez!]
“You're doing so well, my lady,” purred Gruvo. “You like this form better, don’t you? Now you’re going to have to tell me…” He grabbed her left foot, nodules helping him to grip despite the oil. He raised his other hand, showing her his knobby fingers, wiggling them slightly. “Where did you put the tome? Which one of you has it? You will tell me.” He lowered his hand and Vex felt those fingers, noduled on three sides, force their way between her toes and start sawing back and forth.
[MATT: That’s another CON save. With disadvantage.]
[LAURA: I KNOW!! ……… There is a thud as her head hits the table.]
[TRAVIS: barks with laughter]
[LIAM: Yeah, that’s a natural 1.]
[MATT: Hmm. I think that’s Vex’ahlia’s worst spot.]
[the entire table cracks up]
[LIAM: That’s canon now, motherfuckers!!!]
[SAM: Go update the wiki!! Hurry!!]
Vex shrieked as the nodules raked her sensitive toes, her normally sultry voice going full soprano. “NYYAAAAHOOO!!!! NOHO!!! AHA!!! AHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!”
“Tell me, Vex’ahlia!!” Gruvo bellowed triumphantly, and through the horrific tickling on her belly and armpit - the pigeon had switched to her left - she felt that hand grip her toes and bend them back. “NO!!! NO!! NONONONO!!!” Vex cried, but it didn’t matter. Gruvo took one noduled index finger and scrubbed back and forth across the top of the ball of her foot and under her toes. “AAAAAAAGH!!! IT’S SCANLAN!!! SCANLAAAAANN!!! AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!”
“The little gnome, you say? Then he will be next on our list. My shrieking, laughing beauty, I will drive you mad!!!” howled Gruvo as he continued to saw under her toes.
Just then, the door slammed open from a mighty kick. Gruvo stopped what he was doing and rose with a start. Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III planted his front foot and leveled his pistols at the astonished warlock.
[TALIESIN: Natural 20. 23. And another natural 20.]
[the table cheers as Matt shakes his head ruefully]
BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Gruvo’s chest exploded, then his shoulder, then his face. Even as he started to fall backwards, Vax’ildan swept past Percy into the room, swift as a shadow. Dagger, dagger, dagger! One pigeon shot off Vex’s chest, transfixed by a knife, then the other fell upon her belly and slid off. The third dagger buried itself in Gruvo’s ruined chest as he collapsed to the floor. The warlock was stone dead in a matter of seconds.
“Well. That was easy,” said Percy, checking his guns for damage. “I guess the tentacle monster was the real threat… darling! What in heaven’s name happened to you?! Did he hurt you?”
However, Vex’ahlia was not looking at her betrothed. She was glaring daggers right past him at her twin brother. Percy looked to Vax and saw he was wearing his most teasing smirk. 
“Don’t just STAND there!!” yelled Vex, out of breath, sweat coating her brow, braid half undone from thrashing about. “Let me out, ya asshole!!”
“Oh, dear sister,” Vax said smarmily. “What an interesting predicament we find ourselves in.” “WE?!?! Get me out of here, you shi-”
“Percy.” Vax clapped his hand on the human’s shoulder. “Did you know my sister is terribly ticklish?”
“So’re you, ya fucker!!” screamed Vex as Percy blushed scarlet.
“Yes, I am. She always won tickle fights when we were growing up.” Vax’s face was all mock sorrow. “I can’t help but see a golden opportunity… to get even.”
“Her feet were really bad, the couple times I got them,” Vax said to Percy. “I think there was this one time I got right under her toes, and she shrieked-” 
The rest of the team started filing in behind Vax and Percy, coming to see what all the commotion was. A slow grin was creeping across Percy’s face, a grin Vex’ahlia did not like to see at all.
“I’ll tell you what, Vax. I see this as a great opportunity for some team bonding. I think everyone should get in on this.”
“Come on, everyone!” Percy waved all of Vox Machina into the room. Scanlan was already rubbing his hands together as he walked to her stocked feet. Grog started guffawing as he walked behind the backboard and started to reach over for her armpits. Keyleth hung back, watching with wide eyes as Pike joined Vax at Vex’s tummy.
“All right,” declared Percy in his most noble voice, “on my signal. Keyleth, get over here, everyone participates. I get a foot, Scanlan, you don’t get both to yourself. Ready?” “NO!!! FUCK NO!!! FUCK YOU ALL!!!”
“One… two… and begin!”
They would eventually let Vex’ahlia out, far sooner than Gruvo the warlock would have. Until that time, however, the air rang with laughter, and only a few swears - because, as Vex would have to admit to herself later, being tickled by friends was actually pretty special. Or at least better than being held captive by a creep with “nodule” hands.
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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Game Secrets Institute - Jet Set Radio on Game Players magazine Vol.133 (Video game magazine)(Hong Kong)(12/08/2000)
Translation in English:
DC (Dreamcast)
Manufacturer: SEGA Price: 5800 Yen Capacity: GD-ROM X 1 Memory: 4 BLOCKS Release date: on sale 1P/ETC/MODEM, VMS, vibration PACK, VGA BOX correspondence
DO YOU REMEMBER THAT I SAID IN THE GAME INTRODUCTION OF ISSUE 131 THAT THIS JET SET RADIO HAS SOMETHING CALLED THE "JET SET LOGO"? These signs allow players to change the patterns of the current character when the game, and the entire game has 90 Jet Set logos. I believe that many players have not stored all patterns. Therefore, I will send you the location of all 90 "JET SET Logo" in this issue, plus some special information.
The first level (Shibuya GG)(Shibuya-cho)(Stage 1)- Number of JET SET logos (5)
Logo No. - Place:
No.11 - Platform above convenience store No.15 - Lamp Post Top No.41 - Next to the billboard No.45 - Under the Flyover No.71 - Under the Flyover
First encounter with the red gang (Love trap)(Shibuya-cho)(Stage 2) - Number of JET SET logos (7)
Logo No. - Place:
No.13 - Residential roof No.16 - Over the road No.43 - Above the park to the broken bridge No.46 - Broken bridge and high altitude No.72 - Roof next to the broken bridge No.73 - Under the broken bridge No.75 - On the traffic sign next to the park
Strange Group (The monster of Kogane)(Kogane-cho)(Stage 3) - Number of JET SET logos (8)
Logo No. - Place:
No.18 - Near the boat behind the starting point No.20 - The steel bars movement on the way No.22 - Residential roof No.48 - Residential house No.51 - In the alley No.77 - Over the railing No.79 - Next to the oil depot No.80 - Near the starting point
Fighting the Strange Group (No.540)(Kogane-cho)(Stage 4)- Number of JET SET logos (4)
Logo No. - Place:
No.17 - Over the fence next to the starting point No.21 - The end of the upper tunnel in the workshop No.50 - Wires above the workshop No.78 - Factory roof
Dueling the Strange Group (Kogane Circus)(Kogane-cho)(Stage 5) - Number of JET SET logos (3)
Logo No. - Place:
No.19 - Inside the hidden tunnel No.47 - Sewer tunnel in the air No.76 - Sewerage tunnel
First encounter with the Mechanical Corps (Benten Boogie)(Benten-cho)(Stage 6) - Number of JET SET logos (3)
Logo No. - Place:
No.24 - Residential roof No.52 - Above the starting point No.82 - Inside the underground tunnel
Fighting the Mechanical Corps (Graffiti high)(Benten-cho)(Stage 7) - Number of JET SET logos (7)
Logo No. - Place:
No.25 - Top of the Dome Square store No.53 - Near the movie bulletin board No.54 - Over the shopping street tunnel No.55 - Over the flyover above the starting point No.83 - Dome Square on the wire No.84 - Top of a store in Shopping Street No.85 - On the container next to the starting point
The end of the Mechanical Corps (Noise Reduction)(Benten-cho)(Stage 8) - Number of JET SET logos (8)
Logo No. - Place:
No.23 - Over the road No.56 - Among the trees No.57 - The two bridges are connected in the air No.86 - Over the footbridge No.87 - Over the footbridge
The final battle with the red gang (Love attack)(Shibuya-cho)(Stage 9) - Number of JET SET logos (5)
Logo No. - Place:
No.12 - On the road No.14 - Billboard No.42 - Road No.44 - On the stairs No.74 - On the store platform
Battle of the Flying Forces(Fight or Flight)(Kogane-cho)(Stage 11)- Number of JET SET logos (2)
Logo No. - Place:
No.49 - Rooftop position No.81 - Rooftop position
The last level of the map for joint supply(Benten Burning)(Benten-cho)(Stage 12)- Number of JET SET logos (2)
Logo No. - Place:
No.26 - Inside the subway passage No.27 - Attached to the patio of the subway station
These are the locations of all 90 JET SET logos, 51 in total, and the remaining 39 are obtained after joining the character and obtaining a hidden character.
Three Hidden Characters
The game has ten basic characters for use, in fact, there are three hidden characters, and the method of obtaining these three hidden characters is very difficult, the method is that the player has to obtain all the version of the score "ジェット(Jet)" after the completion of the game will be released to play the role of the selection of the screen on a wall will be thumbs to the three logos, as long as you select these three logos can be selected to use these three hidden characters.
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webmarketingar · 5 months
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The CAI Conference is swiftly approaching! Join ReadyRESALE this May in Las Vegas for an unforgettable experience. Meet the RR2 team at booth #104 and witness the remarkable capabilities of the ReadyRESALE document automation application firsthand. Discover how ReadyRESALE can empower you to efficiently manage all your resale and community document requests with unparalleled flexibility and automation, all at absolutely no cost – that's right, it's completely FREE. Additionally, unlock the potential for additional revenue by enabling the purchase of Community Access Control Items like pool passes, gate clickers, visitor passes, and parking permits. Our platform seamlessly integrates with leading accounting software such as Enumerate, Vantaca, CINC Systems, Caliber, and VMS. Stop by for a live demo and see the application in action.
ReadyRESALE is proud to sponsor the CAI Nevada Chapter's "Welcome to the Jungle" party at The Cromwell, Drais After Hours Underground Lounge. Save the date for May 9, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Embrace the theme with animal prints and safari attire! For more information about this event, visit https://bit.ly/2024caiexpo
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Ascendant Resources Announces Post-Tax NPV8 of US$147 Million and 39% IRR from Initial Feasibility Study at Lagoa Salgada Project in Portugal Completes Requirement for Project Ownership to Increase to 80% Robust economics to drive construction funding solid operating basis to drive initial production Optimization program commenced to further enhance economics Highlights of the 2023 Definitive Feasibility Study include: Post-tax NPV8% of US$147 million and 39% IRR Average annual payable zinc equivalent ("ZnEq") production of 124 million lbs per annum over first 5 years Average All-in Sustaining Cost ("AISC") of US$0.59/lb ZnEq over first 5 years Robust Average EBITDA of US$75.5 million per annum over the first 5 years Upfront capex requirement of US$164 million (including US$12 million of contingency) Inaugural NI 43-101 compliant Proven and Probable Reserves in the North Zone and South Zones of 14.6Mt at an average NSR of US$66.1/tonne Updated NI 43-101 compliant Mineral Resource of: North Zone: 8.9Mt at 10.52% ZnEq Measured and Indicated and additional Inferred Resources of 0.5Mt at 6.62% ZnEq South Zone: 10.0Mt at 1.22% Copper Equivalent ("CuEq") and additional Inferred resources of 8.1MT at 1.16% Cu Eq. Fulfilled option requirement to deliver 80% indirect ownership in the Lagoa Salgada Project; Metallurgical results confirm strong metal recoveries and saleable concentrates Optimization Program commenced to enhance NPV, IRR and operational efficiencies targeted for completion by year end. TORONTO, July 25, 2023 /CNW/ - Ascendant Resources Inc. (TSX: ASND) (FRA: 2D9) ("Ascendant" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results of its initial NI 43-101 Feasibility Study ("FS") for its Venda Nova deposit at its Lagoa Salgada VMS Project in Portugal, based upon an updated Mineral Reserves and Resources Estimate. The completion of the FS satisfies Ascendant's earn-in option requirements to move to 80% ownership, subject to closing documentation with all other conditions having previously been met. The FS was completed by QUADRANTE, a multidisciplinary engineering and consulting company with more than 25 years of experience in Europe, Africa and the Americas. Mine planning, design and engineering was undertaken by IGAN INGENIERÍA, an independent consulting firm specializing in mine planning and engineering for open pit and underground mining projects and operations based in Spain. The DFS is based on the NI 43-101 Mineral Resource estimate completed by MICON International dated May 31, 2023 and Mineral Reserves estimate completed by IGAN dated June 16, 2023. Golder Associates has been engaged to provide a comprehensive peer review of the entire report. The FS report will be posted to the Company's profile on SEDAR imminently. Mark Brennan, Executive Chairman of Ascendant stated, "We are very pleased to have completed this initial feasibility study for the Venda Nova deposit at Lagoa Salgada. It is the first comprehensive study covering all aspects of the operations required for the commercialization of the project. It will also serve to secure our 80% interest in what is proving to be a robust project, even at this very early stage in its development. Lagoa Salgada remains a discovery project with significant upside potential expected as we optimize these results and as we continue to expand the resource base." He added, "We believe the results of the FS demonstrate a solid, economically robust project for what has always been the initial development phase for the larger potential we see for the Lagoa Salgada property. Given the nature of VMS deposits to occur in clusters on the Iberian Pyrite Belt, we see evidence of potential for several more deposits to be defined in the coming years to enhance the overall value proposition at Lagoa. Furthermore, we expect these results to support our current financing discussions and construction decision in the coming months."  Optimization Opportunities While completing the FS satisfies the requirements for Ascendant to earn an 80% interest in the project as required under the Earn In Option agreement, the Company believes that with additional time now available, the following near-term optimization opportunities exist to further enhance the FS prior to commencing development work over the next six months. The Company's initial focus will be as follows: Optimize mine ore sequencing to maximize revenues in the initial years. Optimization of the mining and processing rate to optimize NPV and IRR; and Undertake further metallurgical test work to enhance metal recoveries above those already achieved in tests to date Project Overview The Lagoa Salgada Project is located within the north-western section of the prolific Iberian Pyrite Belt ("IBP") in Portugal, approximately 80km southeast of Lisbon, accessible by national highways and existing roads. The Project is comprised of a single exploration permit covering an area of approximately 7,209 hectares. The Project represents a high-grade, polymetallic zinc-lead-copper development and exploration opportunity in a low risk, established and prolific jurisdiction where the project has been accorded a Project of National Interest ("PIN") status. Figure 1. Project Location Updated Minerals Reserves and Resources Estimate Table 1. below outlines the initial NI 43-101 Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves Estimate prepared by IGAN Ingenieria upon which the FS was based. Table 2 provides the updated Mineral Resource Estimate, prepared by Micon International Limited, ("Micon") identified for the Lagoa Salgada project to date. Infill drilling in 2022 focused upon upgrading sufficient high-grade mineralization in the North Zone and part of the mineralization in the South Zone to the Measured and Indicated categories to support the completion of the FS. Future drilling is expected to add additional Resources as the project moves forward to extend the overall mine life and it should be noted both the North and South zones remain open to future expansion along strike and at depth for future exploration. In addition, several regional exploration targets have been identified for future exploration work to further increase the known mineral resources on the property, thereby extending the overall mine life and/or potentially supporting a future expansion. The estimated Proven and Probable Reserves total 14.6 million metric tons (Mt), with 7.0Mt in the North Zone having an NSR of 84.1 $/t, and 7.6Mt in the South Zone with an NSR of 49.6 $/t, sufficient to support an initial mine life of 14+ years based upon a throughput rate of 1.2Mtpa through the plant as outlined in the FS. Reserves were defined using an NSR calculation based upon current metallurgical recoveries, payability, treatment charges and mining methods. The project has converted 77% of its Measured and Indicated resources into reserves: additionally there are 0.5Mt at a grade of 6.62% ZnEq in the North Zone and 8.13Mt at a grade of 1.16% CuEq in the South Zone of Inferred Resource. Additional drilling is required to upgrade these additional resources to the Measured and Indicated categories.  Table 1: Mineral Reserves NSR cut-off grades were established following Mortimer's approach to cut-off grades (Hall, 2014) Table 1a: NSR cut-off values per mining method and material               Mining Method Material MiningCost Processing Cost Boundary cut-off G&A Volume cut-off LHOS STWK 19.5 16.31 35.81 2.5 38.31 PMS 19.5 19.62 39.12 2.5 41.62 TMS 19.5 14.48 33.98 2.5 36.48 GOS 19.5 16.22 35.72 2.5 38.22 STR 19.5 16.31 35.81 2.5 38.31 CF STWK 29.98 16.31 46.29 2.5 48.79 PMS 29.98 19.62 49.60 2.5 52.10 TMS 29.98 14.48 44.46 2.5 46.96 GOS 29.98 16.22 46.20 2.5 48.70 STR 29.98 16.31 46.29 2.5 48.79 Table 2: Mineral Resources (Inclusive of Reserves) North Zone South Zone Mining In line with previous studies, the mine is designed using a single access ramp from surface and will target the extraction of ore from the North and South Zones at a rate of 1.2 million tonnes per annum ("Mtpa"). Mining will be undertaken by targeting the various sub domains within the ore deposit to maximize metallurgical recovery. As with most VMS type deposits, the sub domains reflect a precious metal rich gossan layer above a Massive Sulphide layer (further divided into a Transition and Primary layer) and a layer of stockwork mineralization each with its own metallurgical characteristics. The mining methods defined are a combination of transverse sublevel stoping and cut & fill. Paste backfill is to be used for both mining methods to maximize ore recovery and productivity while minimizing surface tailing disposition. The initial years will focus on mining the higher-grade gossan and massive sulphide zones in the North Zone, followed by the South Zone as underground access is developed in the early years of the operation to the South zone. Mining will be conducted using an owner operated electric fleet which will reduce operating costs. Figure 2. Underground Mine Design (In blue the main ramps and accesses and in green and violet the ore blocks to be mined) Metallurgy Metallurgical test work was completed by Grinding Solutions ("GSL") in Cornwall, UK. Confirmatory test work was developed by Maelgwyn Mineral Services, South Africa to confirm metal recoveries and saleable concentrates have been achieved in principal domains. Further testing is required to confirm and improve on current results as fully optimized circuit adjustments are developed. The Company notes that its consultants have indicated that the actual performance of operating mines in the region have typically seen an improvement in concentrate quality once an industrial scale operation is in production as compared to lab testing. The approach to flowsheet development was to prepare representative master composites for each ore type, then proceed through open circuit to identify and optimize flowsheet conditions and reagent schemes. Locked cycle tests were then conducted on principal master composites to demonstrate the anticipated overall metallurgical performance within a closed circuit. Tests were completed on blends of Primary Massive Sulphide (PMS), Stockwork (STW), Gossan (GO), Transition Massive Sulphide (TMS) and Stringer (STR) ores to allow comparison with individual composite results and to assess the viability of co‐processing the ore types. Mineralogical assessments were undertaken to provide information to refine the comminution/beneficiation process during optimization, and to provide reasonable expectations for metallurgical performance versus mineral liberation and association within each ore type. Samples from various open and locked cycle test products were used to characterize final concentrates and tailings. The developed metallurgical models were applied to mine production schedules as part of the financial modelling process. The resulting average recoveries over the life of the mine (LOM) are presented in the table below: Table 3. Achieved Recoveries by Metal and Domain Table 4 below highlights the concentrate grade profile as determined by the various metallurgical testwork. These results are largely inline with other regional producers. The Project will produce four concentrates, namely Zinc, Lead, Copper and a Tin concentrate. Table 4. Concentrate Technical Specifications Processing The mineral treatment plant is based on industry standard methods and will mainly consist of different process areas where the mineral will be crushed, ground, and then fed to several flotation processes where Cu, Pb, Zn and Sn concentrates and Au/Ag dore bars will be produced. Other than crushing, grinding, dewatering and auxiliary services, common to all mineral domains, the remaining process areas will be configured depending on the mineral domain being processed. The mined material goes through a grizzly feeder and primary jaw crusher, and then onto a grinding circuit which consists of a SAG mill, ball mill, and vertical mill in a closed circuit with hydrocyclones. The material is discharged into a vibrating screen, with rejected pebbles recirculated to a pebble crusher. Grinded material will feed the copper and lead flotation circuit, that includes aeration and conditioning tanks, rougher cells, regrinding mill, and cleaning stages. The circuit can produce bulk or separate Cu and Pb concentrates depending on the mineral domain being processed. The zinc flotation circuit, downstream process, consists of conditioning tanks, rougher cells, regrinding mill, and cleaning stages. Zinc flotation tailings, feed the sulphide flotation circuit to remove sulphides before concentrating tin minerals. It includes conditioning tanks, rougher cells, and cleaner stages. Rougher tailings flow to the next area, while the concentrate is pumped to the tailings management area. The tin recovery circuit will consist of flotation and gravimetric concentration technologies. Flotation includes conditioner and aeration tanks, rougher and cleaner stages, with intermediate tin concentrate being processed using multi-gravity separators to increase the final tin grade. A summary Flowsheet is provided below. Figure 3. Simplified Process Flow Diagram Infrastructure The Lagoa Salgada Project will be developed on a greenfield site located in close proximity to the Grândola municipality, in the Setúbal district, which benefits from well-established infrastructure, including road and rail transport, power, and water supply services. Transportation of supplies will be facilitated by trucks from Portugal or Spanish locations, while concentrate products will initially be shipped to the Sines port by road (47km) and subsequently by ship to final destinations. The project site will have a compact layout that incorporates essential components such as the tailings storage facility, ore and waste dumps, water treatment infrastructure, and various buildings, including administration, warehouse, laboratory, gatehouse, and mobile equipment workshop. The processing facilities will consist of a primary crusher building, ore stockpiles on the ROM pad, a mill building, and a paste plant building. The mine will be accessed via a portal and the ore will be brought to the surface and stored as stockpiles, while waste stockpiles will be utilized for constructing the embankments of the Tailings Storage Facility. The mine plan outlines the processing of 14.8 Mt of ore and the generation of 1.9 Mt of waste rock. After accounting for concentrate and underground backfill, a total of 11.3 Mt of tailings, along with 1.0 Mt of development rock, will be deposited in the TSF. Figure 4 Site Layout Capital Costs Upfront capital costs are estimated at US$164 million inclusive of US$12 million in contingency. A further US$102.9 million of sustaining capital is planned over the 14.5 year mine life, including closure costs. Pay back is in the order of 2 years with an after-tax IRR of 39%. Table 5. Capital Costs Operating Costs Operating costs are summarized in Table 6 below. All costs are based on a mining rate of 1.2Mtpa and relied on recent quotes from various vendors which are consistent with other mines in the region. On a zinc equivalent per pound basis, Life of Mine C1 Cash Costs are estimated at US$0.67/lb and All-In Sustaining Costs are US$0.71/lb over the life of mine. Table 6. Operating Costs Production and Operating Cost Profile The chart below highlights the expected production and AISC profile at Venda Nova as per the FS. Production and cash flows are expected to be stronger in the early years as the processing of the higher-grade massive sulphide and gossan material is undertaken. Production over the mine life is expected to average 77 million lbs of Zinc equivalent production per year but averages approximately 124 million lbs of Zinc equivalent production over the first five years. Similarly, AISC will average US$0.71/lb per year LOM and US$0.59/lb over the first five years on a ZnEq basis. Figure 5. Production and AISC Overall Project Economics The Venda Nova project at Lagoa Salgada shows strong robust economics with a Post-Tax NPV at an 8% discount rate of US$147 million and an IRR of 39% for a payback period of 2 years at long term consensus metal price assumptions. Project economics are based on the current Proven and Probable Reserves only for a mine life of 14.5 years and does not factor in the upgrading of additional resources or potential future exploration success. Table 7 Economic Summary The mine is expected to benefit from regional tax incentives in Portugal. Contractual fiscal incentives for productive investment in Portugal offers a validity period of up to 10 years for investment projects with relevant expenditures amounting to €3,000,000 or more. The fiscal benefit corresponds to 10% of the project's relevant expenditures, and this rate can be increased based on factors like the location of the project and the creation of jobs. The benefit takes the form of a tax credit deducted from the corporate income tax liability. Additionally, there are provisions for exemptions or reductions in municipal property tax, property transfer tax, and stamp duty. These contractual fiscal incentives aim to attract productive investments, boost economic growth, create employment opportunities, and support strategic sectors in Portugal. The incentives provide companies with tax benefits, such as tax credits, deductions, and exemptions, encouraging investment in various sectors and regions. In the case of Lagoa Salgada, the maximum tax benefit is determined by considering the lower value between €24.75 million (Maximum regional aid intensity applicable) or 15% of the initial investment. The application method for this incentive involves a 50% reduction in income tax (equivalent to 21% of the taxable income) until the maximum amount of tax benefit is attained. The chart below demonstrates the robust free cash flow generation expected, especially in the first five years of operation. Cash flows during the first five years of production are estimated to average US$56 million per annum. Figure 6. Free Cash Flow The chart below highlights the NPV sensitivity to changes in capital costs, various input costs and Zinc price assumptions. Figure 7. NPV Sensitivity Optimization Opportunities The completion of the Feasibility study completes the requirements by Ascendant to Earn an 80% ownership in the project as required under the Option Earn-In agreement. The Company believes that with additional time now available, the following near term optimization opportunities exist to further enhance the FS prior to commencing development work over the next six months. The Company's initial focus will be as follows: Optimize mine ore sequencing to maximize revenues in the initial years. Optimization of the mining and processing rate to optimize NPV and IRR; Undertake further metallurgical test work on available material to enhance metal recoveries above those already achieved in tests to date On a longer-term basis, the Company has identified additional areas to further increase the value of the Lagao Salgada project such as; Additional metallurgical test work to continue to enhance recoveries subject to additional new fresh core Increase in mineral reserves and resources to enhance the mine life or support a larger scale operation via upgrading additional known resources to the Proven and Probable categories, and the addition of new ore through new exploration to define additional resources on the numerous follow up targets known on the property. Qualified Persons An NI 43-101 Technical Report supporting the DFS is being prepared by Quadrante under the guidance of Mr. João Horta (M.Sc., MIMMM), who serves as Project Director at QUADRANTE and is a "Qualified Person" in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Although the Qualified Person was not responsible for the completion of some of the sections of the DFS, such as Geology, Mineral Processing and Metallurgical, Mineral Resource, Reserve, Mining Methods, Recovery Methods, TSF, Paste Fill, and Hydrogeological Study, the Qualified Person at Quadrante has relied on the Qualified Persons listed below who are the specialists in these fields for completion of their respective portions of the DFS. The scientific and technical information contained in this release relating to the Geology and Mineral Resource Estimate has been approved and verified by Mr. Charley Murahwi (MSc., P.Geo., FAusIMM), Senior Economic Geologist with Micon International Limited, who is a "Qualified Person" in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Sampling, analytical, and test data underlying the Mineral Resource Estimate was also approved and verified by Mr. Charley Murahwi. The Mineral Reserve calculation and the Mining Methods section was completed by IGAN Ingenieria under the supervision of Mr. Pablo Gancedo Mínguez (CEng, MIMMM), who is a "Qualified Person" in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) study was completed by SLR under the supervision of Mr. David Ritchie (P.Eng, Principal Geotechnical Engineer at SLR), who is a "Qualified Person" in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Scientific and technical information contained in this release in relation to metallurgical test work and the Recovery Methods section has been approved and verified by Mr. David Castro López (MIMMM), who serves as Process Engineer at Minepro Solutions and is a "Qualified Person" in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The Hydrogeological Study was completed by Dr. Rafael Fernández Rubio (PhD, Specialist), which is a Special Consultant at FRASA and is a "Qualified Person" in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The Paste Fill study was completed by Mr. Frank Palkovits (P.Eng, B.Eng), Pastefill Specialist at RMS and a "Qualified Person" in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Review of Technical Information The scientific and technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Clinton Swemmer, Chief Technical Officer for Ascendant Resources Ltd, who is a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. About Ascendant Resources Inc. Ascendant Resources is a Toronto-based mining company focused on the exploration and development of the highly prospective Lagoa Salgada VMS project located on the prolific Iberian Pyrite Belt in Portugal. The Lagoa Salgada project is a high-grade polymetallic project, demonstrating a typical mineralization endowment of zinc, copper, lead, tin, silver, and gold. Extensive exploration upside potential lies both near deposit and at prospective step-out targets across the large 7,209-hectare property concession. Located just 80km from Lisbon and surrounded by exceptional infrastructure, Lagoa Salgada offers a low-cost entry to a significant exploration and development opportunity, already showing its mineable scale and cashflow generation potential. Ascendant currently holds a 50% interest in the Lagoa Salgada project through its position in Redcorp - Empreendimentos Mineiros, Lda, ("Redcorp") and has an earn-in opportunity to increase its interest in the project to 80%. The Company's common shares are principally listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "ASND". For more information on Ascendant, please visit our website at http://www.ascendantresources.com/. Additional information relating to the Company, including the Preliminary Economic Assessment referenced in this news release, is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Forward Looking Information This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking information" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of the applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. Any statement that discusses predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance (often but not always using phrases such as "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans", "budget", "scheduled", "forecasts", "estimates", "believes" or "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or results "may" or "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken to occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, without limitation, statements regarding the business, the Lagoa Salgada project and timing of completion of studies. In making the forward- looking statements contained in this press release, Ascendant has made certain assumptions, including, but not limited to its ability to enhance value through further optimisation, the discovery potential of the project and ability to define further deposits and the support for and ability to obtain project financing and commence construction. Although Ascendant believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this press release. Except as required by law, Ascendant disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise. Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking information, including, without limitation, the risks described under the heading "Risks Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form dated March 31, 2023 and under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" in the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 and other risks identified in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. The risk factors referred to above are not an exhaustive list of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking information. The Company's statements containing forward-looking information are based on the beliefs, expectations and opinions of management on the date the statements are made, and the Company does not assume any obligation to update such forward-looking information if circumstances or management's beliefs, expectations or opinions should change, other than as required by applicable law. For the reasons set forth above, one should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. https://www.juniorminingnetwork.com/junior-miner-news/press-releases/1546-tsx/asnd/145438-ascendant-resources-announces-post-tax-npv8-of-us-147-million-and-39-irr-from-initial-feasibility-study-at-its-lagoa-salgada-project-in-portugal.html
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Captain Monogram 3: Law & Order Mega-Girl wanted to meet high up in the sky, but when Law called he left terse instructions for me and Captain Monogram to meet him in the depths of Temple City. He doesn’t know that there is no Captain Monogram any more – just me, Kid Bungee, and I don’t know what to do. The phone, even one as encrypted and secret as the mono-phones (with a discreet “CM” printed on them) Captain Monogram issued to his closest allies, are not the place to be discussing superhero deaths. Instead of just bungeeing down through the streets and into the underground, I decide to swing back home and pick up the mono-mobile instead. It’s the only way I have to make it look like Captain Monogram is still out and doing his hero thing. No one would expect his side-kick to be using it on their own. I fire up the mono-mobile in our hidden garage. It’s a beast of a machine. Once upon a time it was a VM camper van, before Chris started ... >> Read On with Captain https://wp.me/pbprdx-8Zg
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b2bcybersecurity · 2 years
Top Malware im Q1-2023: Qbot, Formbook, Emotet
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Der Global Threat Index für das Frühjahr 2023 von Check Point zeigt, dass die Malwares Qbot, Formbook und Emotet am bedrohlichsten sind, die Sicherheitslücke zum Thema HTTP Headers Remote Code Execution zulegt und der Einzelhandel als Branche am meisten angegriffen wird. Check Point hat seinen Global Threat Index für Januar 2023 veröffentlicht. Qbot, ein ausgeklügelter Trojaner, der Bankdaten und Tastatureingaben stiehlt, bleibt an der Spitze. Emotet rutscht auf Platz Drei in Deutschland. Mit Blick auf Branchen und Bereiche wurde in Deutschland vor allem der Handel attackiert. Maya Horowitz, VP Research bei Check Point Software, spricht außerdem über die Gefahren von Phishing und gefälschten Web-Seiten: „Ich kann nicht oft genug betonen, wie wichtig es ist, auf die Links zu achten, die man anklickt, um sicherzustellen, dass es sich um legitime URLs handelt. Achten Sie auf das Sicherheitsschloß, das auf ein aktuelles SSL-Zertifikat hinweist, und achten Sie auf versteckte Tippfehler, die darauf hindeuten könnten, dass die Website bösartig ist.“ Top 3 Malware für Deutschland ⇑ Qbot – Qbot, auch bekannt als Qakbot, ist ein Banking-Trojaner, der erstmals 2008 auftauchte. Er wurde entwickelt, um die Bankdaten und Tastatureingaben eines Benutzers zu stehlen. Qbot wird häufig über Spam-E-Mails verbreitet und verwendet mehrere Anti-VM-, Anti-Debugging- und Anti-Sandbox-Techniken, um die Analyse zu erschweren und die Erkennung zu umgehen. ⇑ Formbook – Formbook ist ein Infostealer, der auf das Windows-Betriebssystem abzielt und erstmals im Jahr 2016 entdeckt wurde. Er wird in Underground-Hacking-Foren als Malware as a Service (MaaS) vermarktet, da er starke Umgehungstechniken und einen relativ niedrigen Preis hat. Formbook sammelt Anmeldeinformationen von verschiedenen Webbrowsern, erstellt Screenshots, überwacht und protokolliert Tastatureingaben und kann Dateien auf Anweisung von seinem C&C herunterladen und ausführen. ⇓ Emotet – Emotet ist ein fortschrittlicher, sich selbst verbreitender und modularer Trojaner, der einst als Banking-Trojaner eingesetzt wurde und derzeit andere Malware oder bösartige Kampagnen verbreitet. Emotet nutzt mehrere Methoden zur Aufrechterhaltung der Persistenz und Umgehungstechniken, um nicht entdeckt zu werden, und kann über Phishing-Spam-E-Mails mit bösartigen Anhängen oder Links verbreitet werden. Top 3 Schwachstellen Im Dezember war Web Server Exposed Git Repository Information Disclosure weiterhin die am häufigsten ausgenutzte Schwachstelle, von der 46 Prozent der Unternehmen weltweit betroffen waren, gefolgt von den Neulingen HTTP Headers Remote Code Execution mit 42 Prozent und MVPower DVR Remote Code Execution mit 39 Prozent. ⇔ Web Servers Exposed Git Repository Information Disclosure - Eine Schwachstelle in der Offenlegung von Informationen wurde in Git Repository gemeldet. Die erfolgreiche Ausnutzung dieser Schwachstelle kann eine unbeabsichtigte Offenlegung von Kontoinformationen ermöglichen. ⇑ HTTP Headers Remote Code Execution (CVE-2020-10826, CVE-2020-10827, CVE-2020-10828, CVE-2020-13756) – HTTP-Header erlauben es dem Client und dem Server, zusätzliche Informationen mit einer HTTP-Anfrage zu übermitteln. Ein Angreifer kann einen verwundbaren HTTP-Header verwenden, um beliebigen Code auf dem Rechner des Opfers auszuführen. ⇑ MVPower DVR Remote Code Execution – In MVPower-DVR-Geräten besteht eine Schwachstelle für die Ausführung von Remotecode. Ein Angreifer kann diese Schwachstelle ausnutzen, um über eine manipulierte Anfrage beliebigen Code auf dem betroffenen Router auszuführen. Top 3 der angegriffenen Branchen und Bereiche in Deutschland: ⇑ – Einzelhandel/Großhandel (Retail/Wholesale) ⇓ – Bildung/Forschung (Education/Research) ⇔ – Gesundheitswesen (Healthcare) Der Global Threat Impact Index und die ThreatCloud Map von Check Point basieren auf der ThreatCloud Intelligence von Check Point. ThreatCloud bietet Echtzeit-Bedrohungsdaten, die von Hunderten von Millionen Sensoren weltweit über Netzwerke, Endpunkte und Mobiltelefone abgeleitet werden. Angereichert wird diese Intelligenz mit KI-basierten Engines und exklusiven Forschungsdaten von Check Point Research, der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung von Check Point Software Technologies. Top 3 Mobile Malware: Im vergangenen Monat war Anubis weiterhin die am häufigsten verbreitete mobile Malware, gefolgt von Hiddad und dem Neuling AhMyth. ⇔ Anubis – Anubis ist ein Banking-Trojaner, der für Android-Handys entwickelt wurde. Seit seiner ersten Entdeckung hat er zusätzliche Funktionen erhalten, darunter Remote-Access-Trojaner (RAT), Keylogger- und Audioaufzeichnungsfunktionen sowie verschiedene Ransomware-Funktionen. Er wurde in Hunderten von verschiedenen Anwendungen im Google Store entdeckt. ⇔ Hiddad – Hiddad ist eine Android-Malware, die legitime Apps neu verpackt und sie dann in einem Drittanbieter-Store veröffentlicht. Ihre Hauptfunktion ist die Anzeige von Werbung, sie kann aber auch Zugang zu wichtigen Sicherheitsdetails des Betriebssystems erhalten. ⇑ AhMyth – AhMyth ist ein Remote Access Trojaner (RAT), der 2017 entdeckt wurde. Er wird über Android-Apps verbreitet, die in App-Stores und auf verschiedenen Websites zu finden sind. Wenn ein Benutzer eine dieser infizierten Apps installiert, kann die Malware sensible Informationen des Gerätes sammeln und gefährliche Aktionen, wie Keylogging, das Erstellen von Screenshots, das Versenden von SMS-Nachrichten oder das Aktivieren der Kamera, durchführen, die in der Regel zum Stehlen sensibler Informationen verwendet werden.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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jp-barbedwire · 2 years
Im into death matches. Why would i bestow the gift of ultra violence to a soft ass anti hadcore, pro pornographic company? Huh, hhh and vinnie in the wwe...?
I love the sport. I hate your commercialism. And withered mind set, vm or hhh with your bisnis levels of totaliteriotnism. No need to be a softcore dicktater h and mcmohan. Im a fan after all still of it in general. Not the dabolya daboya eih tho. But czw is good, ecw is good, tna with the 6 sided ring was good, wcw is good, aaa is good. And up r good. Lucha underground lookin flea. The wwe? The Bwf and the wwe to switch places.
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thyele · 2 years
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【秋と漫歩(feat.アル)/いくまろ】 V系シンガーソングライターを謳ういくまろ氏。前作より一月ぶりの本曲は女声をゲストに迎え想いを綴った楽曲。 鍵盤、優しげな楽器隊、雑踏、時計の針、そして歌ではなくポエトリーリーディングという形で紡がれる言葉達。このようなアプローチの楽曲はV系では新鮮。 https://t.co/3cArKDYRju」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1615929441670295554
seekさん「今夜20時から サイコチャンネル『LidaバースデーSP』 みんなで祝うで! 新年最初の放送はLidaバースデー! ニューアルバムの制作状況もきっと聞けるはず! お楽しみに! 出演:Lida,seek,YURAサマ※無料放送枠60min https://t.co/9j9CvoP8Ci https://t.co/QylrcXPSul」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1615933665728684034
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Marilyn Marathon ✙ 1/27(金) 新宿WildSideTokyo 👻さん「🛍👻FAR★STAR 1日店員💁‍♂️ 🎍1/19(木) Marilyn アパレル Marathon ⏰15:00〜20:00 原宿FAR★STAR店舗にてアパレル・マラソン‼️ ⏰参加メンバー&時間割は画像参照 ¥2,500以上の購入で、メンバー私物や【特別グッズ】も買えるチャンス🤩 🏣東京都渋谷区神宮前1-6-15-B1 https://t.co/lm5iLxSgkd」https://twitter.com/M_Marathon_JP/status/1615804579609776136
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「https://t.co/LRRcGWqGvs」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1615959959765913601
seekさん「MIMIZUQアートワーク打ち合わせ。 イメージが具体的になってきて、ますます楽しみになってきた。 居残り喫茶店。 事務作業に集中します。 https://t.co/eB0JEe8abR」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1615966658832773120
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「朝食にゲストハウスの女の子がくれた手巻き寿司を食べて優しい気持ちになった。名古屋k. dハポンに行ってきます。 https://t.co/wA36kCQ7g0」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1615974758801342466
takuto_さん「久しぶりにナベさんに会えて嬉しかった。 https://t.co/cNsvpmfr9s」https://twitter.com/takuto_/status/1615983230108446722
【貴族】Shinpei Mörishigeさん「Jeff Beckが好きだった。ギタリストの頂点にいながら、ただのギター野郎というか憧れの先輩のような…。昔観に行った時、出番前から舞台袖で談笑してるのが客席から見えてて、客の目とか気にしてなくてフランクな紳士って感じだったけど、ギターを持った瞬間に奇跡が会場を覆ったのが忘れられない。 https://t.co/CSm5aefi44」https://twitter.com/KIZOKU_0927/status/1615989054163808258
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「rehearsal https://t.co/Qdw7MFG5Y3」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1615991560944115712
憂里 Lucifer's undergroundさん「チェキ事前予約は明日12時までとさせて頂きます。 ご希望の方はよろしくお願いします。」https://twitter.com/yuuri_0526/status/1615991525657448449
キリ(luin) 1/20池袋手刀単独公演さん「今日の栄養は目黒:土鍋炊きごはん『なかよし』の生姜焼き定食です🍚 素晴らしいお米!! そして最終調整の練習いってきます◎ https://t.co/lW0OfWhUWR」https://twitter.com/kiri_drums/status/1616000773175021569
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「こちらこそご覧いただきありがとうございます! また一人良いソロアーティストに出会えた嬉しさ…!地元はもちろん、今後日本も舞台にご活躍してくれることを期待しております!」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1616001585511038977
甲斐風雅 / Fuga Kaiさん「岩山の事まで、、凄い・・・ のるさんの存在は前バンドの時から存じておりましたが、とにかくレポが凄い。 生半可なレポじゃないと、↓僕らのレポ見て改めて感じました。。。 ありがとうございます!」https://twitter.com/FugaKaiOfficial/status/1615431027106942977
Hydeさん「みんなヨガマット持ってきてるリハスタ♫ どれが誰のでしょう? #YOSHIKI #HYDE #SUGIZO #MIYAVI #THELASTROCKSTARS #リハーサル #ヨガマット @YoshikiOfficial @SUGIZOofficial @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL @LAST_ROCKSTARS https://t.co/HvRMwyMxD7」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1616002292465160195
ryoさん「@yokodile01 素敵な先輩を見習って良き一年にしますー!🤩」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1616006904752533506
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「今回手に入れたのは ドラムヘッドとコピック (°_°)」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1616006966895333376
lucy〜中村真悟@1/20luin単独公演さん「コンパクトディスクが届きました。 ブラボ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜!!! https://t.co/ncQKO5SkGz」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1616007156045877248
ryoさん「本日は今週末に控えたHOLLOWGRAMの9周年公演のリハだった 二日間演目をガラッと変えるのでなかなかのボリュームだぃ 誕生日男の私は昨日に続いてまたバンドメンバーに祝ってもらえてホント幸せ🥰 さ、幸せお裾分けするから週末のチケットを購入🤘購入🤘」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1616008454723993600
koumei_Lucifer's undergroundさん「https://t.co/v1Ck6am60e」https://twitter.com/KoumeiLucifer/status/1616008556268105728
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【VM/DiAMiLiON】 GOATBEDやcali≠gariなどでドラムを務めた善彬氏率いる新バンド、DiAMiLiONの2曲同時配信の1曲。 全面を英詩で綴られた、ドラマティックさのあるエレクトロロック。邦ロックの垣根を飛び越えた音作りは、世界の音楽シーンへ一気にアプローチできそうな仕上がりになっている。 https://t.co/scZe5APsw2」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1616019744267829248
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【Raising our flag/DiAMiLiON】 2曲同時配信のもう1曲は仄かにアジアンテイストの香る、スローテンポの楽曲。 こちらも全面を英詩で綴り、メランコリックなギターやオリエンタルな旋律はアジアの広大な大地を思わせる。 それもそのはずVo.Kenji氏は韓国の出身。結成直後からこの化学反応は恐ろしい。 https://t.co/oZnTt9SXGD」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1616019802971340800
アマミツゝキofficialさん「明日のライブ情報 1/20(金)池袋EDGE 「見世物小屋は終わらない」 アマミツゝキ / nurié / Mr.ChickenHat Timers OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 ADV/DAY ¥4,500/¥5,000 ※当日券有り、 https://t.co/5geNgC3QHz」https://twitter.com/mayonakarecords/status/1616012673153662976
lucy〜中村真悟@1/20luin単独公演さん「いよいよ明日は単独公演。 年末の『忘年会』『渾身の一曲』、そして明日の『十三月、王莽が時』と大事な演奏会が続く為、12月・1月はリスクのありそうな場所にはなるべく行かない様にしてました。 結果、超健康で本番を迎えられそうです🤺🤺🤺 修練も積んだ。CDも届いた。 後は愉しむだけざます!!」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1616032196393062401
SOPHIA_OFFICIALさん「✨チケット先行予約 受付スタート✨ SOPHIA LIVE 2023 「MTV Unplugged      Presents: #SOPHIA」 チケット二次先行、スタートです‼️ ここでしか見られないSOPHIAをお見逃しなく🌻」https://twitter.com/SOPHIA_OFFICIAL/status/1616037463943970818
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「https://t.co/RTsbjcXeOd」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1616037487109115905
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「名古屋Clover House🫶🏻 ブログ更新しました! https://t.co/8ar5liDxrY」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1616040377835982850
Hydeさん「#YOSHIKI #HYDE #SUGIZO #MIYAVI #THELASTROCKSTARS #リハーサル #2人の手 #誰の手 #無音です @YoshikiOfficial @SUGIZOofficial @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL @LAST_ROCKSTARS https://t.co/XmxLM6KSBv」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1616041162347020295
森 翼mori tsubasa/MIMIZUQさん「🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭 https://t.co/qbonaXvAm5」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1616042780073283589
キリ(luin) 1/20池袋手刀単独公演さん「ついに明日ですね〜! 応援のお気持ちがとても嬉しいです。 ありがとうございます🙏 良きライブになりますよ✨✨ 前売りの受付は間も無く23:00迄↓ https://t.co/XLhRkfYd62 お待ちしております٩( ´ᆺ`)۶」https://twitter.com/kiri_drums/status/1616043203010121728
中島卓偉さん「松浦監督!ありがとうございます!いつか松浦監督の作品で僕の曲を使ってもらえるように頑張ります! #松浦健志 #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1616046923156434945
YOSHiPON※luin1/20池袋手刀単独公演さん「遂に明日luin単独公演!!!! アルバムも発売!!! 物販もアル!! 来てね! 前売りの受付は間も無く23:00迄↓ https://t.co/RVbO6t8MfP」https://twitter.com/YOSHIP0NxxxTOR/status/1616045451761049604
seekさん「Psycho le Cemuニコ生 サイコチャンネル Lida Birthday SP終わり 新年一発目、Lidaさんの誕生日お祝いもできて縁起のええスタート! 今年はサイコルシェイムの年間スケジュールも発表されています。 全国に逢いに行くでー。 https://t.co/KU0A4oMUik」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1616052264552235010
舜1/22覇叉羅@浦和ナルシスさん「こんなタイミングで腰を痛めてしまった…💦 ライブであんまり動けてなくても、機嫌わるいとかやる気ないとかじゃないからね(*´・ω・*) https://t.co/DMu8DHb5X1」https://twitter.com/shun_thefuzzbox/status/1616052490436509697
森 翼mori tsubasa/MIMIZUQさん「タイにいます🇹🇭 家を探すために現地に来ました。 どうせならと日本にいるときにいくつかプロフィールを関係各所に送りました。返事はほとんどなかった。 だけど1つ奇跡が起こりました。 FESに出演決定。メインステージ。 30分。もらった。 いつも通り弾き語りしてきますね。 https://t.co/QzIw7BsBGc https://t.co/LIz5aRH7Jo」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1616056693754056705
Yoshikiさん「.@LAST_ROCKSTARS の LIVEの準備もあって忙しい、 猫の手じゃ足りない、タコの足も貸してくれー。。🤣 #YOSHIKI @HydeOfficial_ @SUGIZOofficial @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL @Live_Viewing_jp @wowow_mj #THELASTROCKSTARS #TLRS #YOSHIKI #HYDE #SUGIZO #MIYAVI」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1616060355847000065
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「当日分のチェキは少量しか撮らないので、予約してくれた方が確実です🙆‍♀️」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1616060394484953088
tvk(テレビ神奈川)さん「🌙毎週木曜深夜0時~ 『上野優華の #角打ちゆうか 』 1/19 OA / 🍻ゲスト #中島卓偉 さん @takuinakajima \ 出演🎤 #上野優華 見逃し配信は👇 https://t.co/FYrXHDRxdJ #tvk @yuuka_official https://t.co/qtvcvlOygK」https://twitter.com/tvk_3ch/status/1616056336029982720
SUGIZOさん「TLRS絶賛リハ地獄!  このフィーディー、超カワイくない???🥹 SGZ #THELASTROCKSTARS #YOSHIKI #HYDE #SUGIZO #MIYAVI @YoshikiOfficial @HydeOfficial_ @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL @LAST_ROCKSTARS https://t.co/DneJmYhVxn」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1616065158698405888
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【TO THE MARROW/QEDDESHET】 V系という体ではいるが、音は完全にブルータルデスメタルを放つバンド、ケデシュト。 久々の新曲となる配信シングルは、とにかく詰め込まれた音に凶悪なシャウト、ガテラル、デスボイスで攻め立てる。 「V系史上最もブラストビートが多いバンド」の名は伊達じゃない。 https://t.co/ZB3HfKWwR1」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1616067930286096387
Hydeさん「#YOSHIKI #HYDE #SUGIZO #MIYAVI #THELASTROCKSTARS #リハーサル #ドラム占拠 #無音です @YoshikiOfficial @SUGIZOofficial @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL @LAST_ROCKSTARS https://t.co/w76dZipoOj」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1616073532575985665
kazuさん「11月のイベント復活に向けてサレンダーズ会 https://t.co/qJIWvOCWV7」https://twitter.com/sckkazu/status/1616081459441467399
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Perdition Temple - Merciless Upheaval
Over the last few releases from Perdition Temple it seems as if Gene Palubicki has really found his true stride, possibly maybe even his happy place (musically). Now that is not a knock on anything he has been involved with before, for it is all of the upmost quality. But there is just something about the last few releases that have a feeling and a touch that all the others didn’t. Whatever it is, I am not sure but there is just something there now that just makes everything so much better.
For those not in the know, Perdition Temple are a “Old School” Death Metal band that sounds modern while not being modern at all. What I mean is that they are a band whose base is rooted in the “Old School” era and feeling of Death Metal. And also the production of this album is magnificent. Each and every note of every instrument and vocal is crystal clear yet there is just the appropriate amount of grit and grime left on top to make it feel just right.
With ‘Merciless Upheaval’ they call it a full length but I would say it’s two EPs. One of original material and one a cover EP but I digress. Because in the end it really doesn’t matter. For every track on this album fucking slays and even with it being half originals and half covers it flows really really well.
Hate to say it; because I am sure Perdition Temple and Gene, in general, have heard this all before. But the easiest (laziest) way to describe what you will find within this album, and most of their releases, is to say that it’s a full-frontal assault, high-speed mixture of the best parts of Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse. Which is a good thing when it is written and performed as damn good as everything is on ‘Merciless Upheaval’.
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vmproductions-us · 6 years
However, VM Productions did try to take on this magnificent feat with “Notes from the New World,” a modern adaptation of the brilliant “Notes from the Underground.” Whether we succeeded or not, is for you to judge, of course, but we put in our heart and soul for a project so close to our hearts. (I mean it did win a few awards, just putting it out there...) It was indeed, quite a journey, to put in in simple terms.
If you would like to find out more about what went into the making of this film, including how we ended up with a missing writer and at the edges of the mafia and strange cults, our upcoming release: “Dostoyevksy Reimagined: The Making of the New World,” attempts to portray this very rollercoaster. 
Pay a visit to dostoevsky-bts.com to learn and explore this rather extraordinary, if not plain strange, set of events. Join our community to keep up with our latest activities and events. Join the search for Robert Hurley, our writer, here. ... We want to communicate this experience to as many people as possible, because boy, do we have a story to tell.
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I got some thoughts about Ashton that I want to like put into words and see if other people also have ideas.
I’ve been thinking more and more about how Ashton said they used to be squishy. I know genasi, in general, have a few different ways in which they come to be. Either from being born that way due to lineages/their parents also being genasi or from exposure to elemental energy/elemental planes.
In terms of Ashton, the second makes more sense. They were fleshy in their youth, and around the same time they went to the Greymoore State Home, they started changing.
We don’t know Ashton’s age, which is unfortunate, but I think they’re decently young.
We know that Ashton was probably 8 or 9 years old when they went into the home. (4 sided dive)
One of the last big planar-related things that happened (that we know of anyway) was the Nein fighting the Somnovem/Cognouza in the Astral Sea. That was like 7 years ago. If Ashton’s changing is related to that planar event, that would only make them like 15 or 16 years old, which feels too young.
If their changing is related to VM and Vecna, that would mean Ashton is like 40 years old, which feels way too old.
For timeline reference: VM (809-812 PD); MN (835-836 PD); BH (843 PD)
I think Ashton is more likely in their early to mid-20s. Meaning their change started 10+ years ago.
I’m more inclined to think that something happened to them and their family in Bassuras or somewhere else in the Hellcatch Valley, and this resulted in them becoming an orphan and changing into an earth genasi. I just want to know what. They had to have been exposed to some kind of elemental energy or even the Elemental Plane of Earth? Maybe during a solstice? Maybe under a Ruidus flare?
The Elemental Plane of Earth is often described as a “grave for the greedy” because it’s full of precious gems etc. but is so incredibly dangerous to travel to. What if Ashton’s parents/family were trying to travel there to maybe gain some riches for a better life back on the material plane? What if their plan went horribly wrong and Ashton was the sole, now plane touched, survivor?
There are a bunch of sinkholes and endless tunnels underground in the Hellcatch Valley. Could Torog be down there? Maybe there’s a rift or thin spot like in Call of the Netherdeep or like where the various Ashari are settled. Perhaps that’s how Ashton was exposed, near a rift during a solstice, because a sinkhole opened up and swallowed them and their family? Maybe that’s how they became an orphan...
There are so many possibilities for Ashton’s backstory, and I want so much more, but knowing Tal, it will take a while to get those juicy details.
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confusedmarihere · 3 years
Reasons why I think Laudna is not a de Rolo and is actually one of the hanged people on the sun tree:
1 - The Briarwoods tricked the de Rolos by being friendly first and then attacked the castle during a feast with ALL of the de Rolos inside. Only Percy escaped - basically half dead - and they captured Cassandra after that. They would have no reason to wreck the city looking for them.
2 - They would also have no reason to have a undead de Rolo because they already had a very alive Cassandra. It would be easier for the people of Whitestone to trust her instead of a undead royal.
3 - The Briarwoods KNEW when Vox Machina first arrived at Whitestone. The hanged VM look alikes on the sun tree was a clear message about this. The reason why the might have wreck the city looking for VM was because they were hiding underground, so they didn't know exactly where they were.
4 - The hanged people was one - if not the most - disturbing moment of Campaign 1. The cast had a very WTF reaction listening to Matt describing dead citizens - and a bear - that looked like their characters, so it would be a very cool background story and an exemple of the consequences that an adventure party might have on regular people.
5 - This reason it's the weakest one, but giving that Percy already found an alive "dead family member" in Campaign 1 and Keyleth got her mother back during Campaign 2, maybe Matt would've suggest different backgrounds than "I'm a dead relative that is not so dead after all". Being one of the hanged people would still tied her story to Vox Machina and the de Rolos, but not so much that it would drastically affect canon.
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pocketgalaxies · 3 years
obsessed with this ridiculously unnecessary web of lies in which scanlan forgot to insight check anybody at this underground drug deal and just assumed fusaka (which was explicitly described as a spice) was indeed an illegal drug and spent 400 gold on two bags that should’ve been worth 20 gold and then came back, told vm that he only spent 50 gold to save his ego (and vex’s health), and then went back to the site of the drug deal the next day but couldn’t find the perpetrators and so just took a dump on their table, tried to gamble back some of the money but instead lost an additional 100 gold, and then came back to vm and told them that he won back the 50 gold he lied about spending in the first place
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glossolali · 3 years
VM: We can camp there overnight (at the raven queen champion's tomb)
Percy: Yeah it's fine it's underground I'm sure it's perfectly fine
Matt: *scoffs*
Tumblr media
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pikelansource · 5 years
I love how in Vox Machina everyone has had a "no not our gnomes!" moment on the battlefield. Physically protecting them, or just cussing someone out for daring to assault a gnome.
When the gnomes themselves are uniquely terrifying opponents.
Scanlan's an all purpose member of the team-- buffing, healing, distraction, sabotage, and dealing a little damage but mainly acting on whatever he can imagine in the moment helps their team. Which can be as whimsical as tanking via the protection of an impenetrable magic gerbil ball or as frightening as charming an enemy to turn on their own teammates. It's a huge testament to Scanlan's unpredictability and talent for using non-offensive spells offensively that Vecna, who was unflappable and arrogantly chatty, was reduced to seething roars by the end of Scanlan's atring of counterspells, and at a loss for things to do with him, turned him into a cunning little fox.
Pike is a powerhouse, as a healer and in dealing holy destruction. The only reason we didn't see more of it was because of her duty towards goodness. Even without acting to her full capacity in the more offensive spells she had, she was routinely targeted as a threat. Not only can she revive and restore her teammates from death or near death, but she can summon the aid of the gods and divine attacks from the sky. I mean, remember when she single handedly collapsed and killed an underground colony of ankhegs? Girl can do that three times a day everyday if she really wants. That was not even her at full power.
These two highly magical gnomes each have a list of epic feats as long as themselves.
Yet when someone targets them the rest of VM is just 😱
Don't mess with our gnomes! They'll revive our unconscious bodies and then you're really in trouble.
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