#vitamin k shot
stevenspacil · 7 months
Unveiling the Health Benefits of Vitamin K
Introduction: In the world of vitamins, vitamin K often stands in the shadow of its more renowned counterparts like vitamin C or D. However, its significance in maintaining optimal health should not be overlooked. From promoting bone health to supporting blood clotting, vitamin K plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. Let’s delve deeper into the health benefits of this underrated…
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lilidawnonthemoon · 3 months
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drdessertfox · 2 months
It’s been really interesting to see the turn medicine has made with the public over the past several years. I would never advocate that you should trust any physician blindly, but it’s quite amazing that those with GED level education are trying to convince others glucola is evil, the vitamin K shot is unnecessary, and that doctors order certain medicines and tests because “big pharma” pays them to do so.
I want to be very clear- as an EM physician I am paid hourly, much like all other EM physicians. I do have an RVU component meaning I make more money if I am more efficient but that is only a minimal component of my pay. I want to have conversations with my patients and help address your emergencies, but it’s incredibly difficult when I’m met with antagonistic attitudes from the start that stem from misinformation and fear mongering of online crunchy mom influencers.
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diejager · 4 months
Reader poisoning konig and horangi
Cw: DARKFIC,DUB-CON/NON-CON, STEPCEST, poisoning, non-con drugging, implied murder, implied death, crime, tell me if I missed any.
It was a daring act —reckless and stupid. Pushed to make an ultimatum, to decide to poison your stepfather and his best friend. To slip rat poison - easily acquired and rarely inquired about the purchase of it - into their drinks whenever they were looking. You looked it up when you went to the library, one of the few places they didn’t follow you, and searched all types of poison under another’s account to keep yourself clean and innocent. It’d take small doses on a long period to make it seem natural - or as natural as it would seem - and absolve you of any crime. 
You had it all planned, and, despite how reckless it was, you still went with it. Hiding the distinct taste of rat with the strong burn of alcohol in their hard liquor and serving them when König waved his hand at you. You cycled through a metal phosphide and an anticoagulant, thinking that one would corrode the body from the inside, killing them slowly and painfully. A fitting revenge. While the other would staunch the production of vitamin K and make the smallest bruise life threatening, causing them to bleed internally until they were administered a shot of vitamin to start the production of it. 
It seemed full proof —perfect. Weeks turned to months of planning and spending your hard-earned cash to buy small amounts over the months of use and committing to it while you swallowed down your nerves and anxiety about it. The small tremble in your hands when you mixed the powder into their drinks, watching the fine powder dissolve into nothing, the once heterogeneous substance calming to a bright, homogeneous amber.
But how were you supposed to know they had the nose of a bloodhound? They were soldiers, cautious and like-minded with killers of their calibre, but how? How could you know that they were instinctively familiar enough with rodenticideto sniff it out in the whiskey you poured for them. It was scent less and tasteless, and yet they knew —they knew of your little plan and weren’t happy about it. Amused, yes; entertained by your brawl, yes; but happy? No, not on the attempt on their lives. 
Praising your brilliant, but failed plan, they hounded you to your room, reminding you that they were in control and that you wouldn’t be able to escape them. They murmured it, screamed and lashed you with the words with every drive of their hips, ramming their slick girth into you to teach - teach once more - your the lesson you seemed to forget. Their hands bruising your hips and thighs with big, purple palms and their teeth bleeding your shoulders and throat, latching onto your skin until you every part of you was marked.
Left battered and exhausted, limp and motionless between them with your sheets and body covered in slick, cum and blood, you wouldn’t forget this lesson any time soon.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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froody · 10 months
the irony of crunchy parents taking random unregulated and untested supplements by the handful and feeding them to their children but refusing to vaccinate or give newborns vitamin k shot because they “don’t know what’s in there or what it could do”
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reality-detective · 4 months
What’s in the vitamin K shot they give to newborns........ they have been poisoning our babies for decades. Stop injecting your children with these toxins. 🤔
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pumpkincryptid · 2 months
Jouse and Will!
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(They took up 2 days of my life, lmao)
-Jouse is a curly furred mouse
-Jouse is more yellow-ish, like the mechanical mouse from the og Tomcat Disposeables
-Jouse is smaller because he was the runt of his litter
-Jouse's nametag matches Will's necklace, which both look like WW's album cover
-Will has a small skull tattoo on his left thigh, which transfers into the pattern of his fur when he shapeshifts
-The tattoo marks where he can inject his Vitamin K shots, which he needs if he accidentally eats something that has rat poision in it
(-Btw, Will is already dead, he just takes those shots because without them he'd be suffering for like 2 weeks before he heals up)
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agro-carnist · 29 days
Today I learned there's people that fearmonger about giving vitamin K shots to newborn babies. VITAMIN K???
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artsybi · 5 months
hey btw. if your question re modern medicine or safety features is ever "well what did they do before this?" the answer is that people fucking died. that's always the answer.
"oh do babies REALLY need a vitamin k shot? well what did people do BEFORE this?" babies fucking died, suzanne. vitamin k deficient bleeding is common in newborns. a vitamin k shot does not harm the kid in any way and could very easily save their life. it's not that fucking deep.
"but BEFORE vaccines what did we do-" children died of polio, greg. people spent their lives in iron lungs. my grandmother had to watch her mother get polio and it almost destroyed her. there is a reason me and my brother got polio vaccines as children. children also died of measles. we forget that now, i think. because the vaccine is so good, but measles is awful, actually, can kill you, and has other terrible horrible side effects.
"back in my day we didn't have all this safety gear this generation is so SOFT-" back in your day, jeff, kids cracked their skulls open on curbs when they fell off their bikes, instead of hitting their helmets on the cement and scraping their knees. ever heard of survivorship bias? sure, you survived. not everyone did though.
"old cars are so SOLID they're much better-" do you know what a crumple zone is, martha? cars are supposed to collapse in on themselves like crushed soda cans in accidents, because it absorbs the force of the collision. those solid steel framed old cars looked fine after crashes, but that force was transferred to the squishy human occupants, something that was frequently fatal. yeah your car might not survive an accident, but you fuckin will.
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daily-vitamin-ena · 2 months
psst. hey. you there yeah you. would you perhaps like some vitamin k-(gets shot down by mod for illegally selling vitamins other than pjsk ones off the street)
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clarkes-and-god · 10 months
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"Hey, are you the new folk? I saw your post on Facebook, and your church thing sounds like just the type of thing that my wife and I have been praying for. I'm Cooper Hankins, she's Hepzibah, and this is our daughter, Joy-In-Worship."
"You can call me Zizi! And congratulations on your pregnancy, Beth, I'm expecting too. It's such a blessing to have another pregnant lady around! We'll have to talk about that. And y'all just moved all the way from Brindleton? How're you finding it down here?"
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"Well, do you guys wanna come inside and then we can talk? We have a little room for the church, and it'll be more comfy than hanging out on the porch."
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"Now, I've gotta ask, are you seeing that doctor in town about your pregnancy?"
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"Doctor Williams? I've just booked an appointment, why?"
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"Goodness gracious, thank the Lord that we came! You mustn't go to that awful man, he's a baby killer! They'll inject you and your baby with all these nasty chemicals, and give you all these scans that'll ruin your baby's brain and stop them growing. We didn't go to any doctors when I was pregnant with Joy, and we had an unassisted homebirth, it was wonderful. And she is just the smartest little girl, and so healthy. We're doing the same with this baby too, and you really should with yours."
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"That's just awful, but how do you know all this? I mean, all the women in my family have had doctors involved with their pregnancies, and all us kids are fine."
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"Cooper is on this website called SimChan, and some others. They're all really the only places you can speak your mind these days, if you know the truth. All the folks at the top don't want you to know what's going on, but my Cooper and the other guys have found all this evidence, and they know the truth. He told me about how awful Vitamin K is, it's not healthy for babies. And I mean, babies are made in God's image, they're perfect just as they are. They don't need those awful chemicals to make them slaves to the-"
"Alright, I think they get it. I know it sounds strange, but Zizi's right. The people of the Bible didn't go and get scans and shots, and they were all just fine, all those babies were healthy. But now we all live under this Satanic system, they suddenly all need all these interventions. And you've gotta think, if we're meant to be the healthiest we've ever been, then surely our babies don't need all that? It's just another reason for the government to be involved in our kids lives, like the drag queens in schools. This country is heading to Hell, it's not even just about the kids, and they're trying to hide it."
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"Really? Gosh, I see your point, I won't go to that appointment. It sounds like we should do some more research."
"Yeah, maybe we should. Thanks for telling us that, it makes a lot of sense. Maybe Zizi, you can help Beth with that? Sounds like you know a lot. Anyways, I guess we should start the Bible reading, today we're reading Luke 5:27-31"
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queen-esther · 1 year
I really hate how COVID made actual anti-vaxxers feel emboldened enough to be all like, “See?! Big Pharma IS out to poison our children! This is why I don’t want my baby to get the vitamin K shot at birth! This is why my children won’t be getting flu vaccines or Hep B shots! *Posts links to random unverified blogs ‘proving’ that the whooping cough vaccine kills more babies than actual whooping cough does or whatever.* Do your research!”
And because some people don’t have any critical thinking, these insane idiots are excused more now, because, “Well can we really blame them after what happened with the COVID vaccines?!?!” Like…yes? We sure can! They would’ve found any other excuse to push their shit anyway had COVID not happened, so the controversy surrounding COVID vaccines isn’t what caused their way of thinking!
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hi, wrong birthday anon
far as we can tell, a single nurse wrote down the wrong date on my shots record and then my parents just. never looked at my birth certificate. we didn't find out til my school looked at it for a standardized test.
I wasn't even born near midnight or anything either. I was born at 2pm. :/
i'm fucking screaming like how does this even happen
i don't even know where to fucking start this
you're seriously telling me that you were born in the middle of the fucking day and not only did neither of your parents check the date at any point, but in the weeks that followed they couldn't even work it out mathematically?????
actually you don't even need to know the date, if you remember what day of the week it was you can just look at a fucking calender and work backwards, you don't need your birth certificate
or are you saying they couldn't remember the day or the date, but they did remember that you were born at 2pm???????
and now that i'm thinking about it, how the fuck did they even GET the birth certificate if they don't even know what was supposed to be on it?????
i mean surely they had to go in and give the information that's on the certificate when they registered your birth, unless you're gonna tell me you don't have a name either
so if your date of birth is right on the certificate they had to have known at some point after you got your vitamin K, right? but they still proceeded to get it wrong for 12 YEARS because of that one form i can't-
like how did it take them that long to realise this???? didn't you have a passport or medical records that would have the right date??? and you must've given the certificate to the school when you were put on the register, that's how they fucking knew
but it still took 12 FUCKING YEARS to figure this out???? i can't breathe this is so fucking funny-
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darkmaga-retard · 2 months
Did God make a mistake?
Peggy Hall
Aug 07, 2024
There were some great comments on my YouTube video yesterday, where I shared information about Connecticut eliminating the religious exemption for public and private schools and their extensive list of required vaccines for school entry.
Peggy Hall
Learning about the requirements for preschool got me thinking – why send your kids there at all? Or to kindergarten, or any public school, for that matter. As a parent, you are the best teachers, and there are plenty of resources out there.
In my video below, I break down two of the worst shots newborns get: Hepatitis B and the so-called Vitamin K (which isn’t even a vitamin).
Vitamin K Vaccine
According to the CDC, God made a mistake with newborns, so let’s all bow down and worship the almighty CDC. They claim ALL newborns have low vitamin K levels and need a shot to fix it. Apparently, without it, babies are 81 times more likely to have severe bleeding. I'd love to see that data because it reeks of fear-mongering, making parents worry unnecessarily.
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reality-detective · 1 year
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The Vitamin K shot is a vaccine and not a vitamin. It contains aluminum, Benzyl Alcohol and polysorbate-80 (polyoxyethylated/Polyoxyethylene). It is one of the most dangerous vaccines available and only a few that comes with a Black Box Warning, meaning that it can cause death. Also, babies are deficient in vitamin K for a reason. When a baby is born, its blood is thin to facilitate the transfer of nutrients and stem cells from the umbilical cord (connected to the mother's placenta).
The baby starts producing its own vitamin K in the 7-8th day. It's one reason to avoid the vitamin K vaccine. It's also a reason for delayed cord clamping.
"At the moment a baby's born, 1/3 of their blood is still outside their body. If you delay cord clamping 90 seconds, they get 60% more blood cells. They get enough iron to last them through their first year. They get white blood cells to fight infection. They get antibodies. They get stem cells to help repair their body."
— Dr. Alan Greene, MD
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socially-reluctant · 7 months
more Hornet rambles
I feel like Hornet has been infertile his whole life. Like, he'd cycle hormonally but none of his internal reproductive organs worked properly (which is good, considering he was SA'd multiple times as a youngster in the facilities where he was kept). He never ovulated, never bled etc., but he'd go through the hormonal cycle.
That means in my comfort au, him getting pregnant at all would have been a fluke, a freak thing that happened once and never happened again. I also think that his pregnancy with the twins was cryptic due to the way he's built internally (a funky tilt to the uterus can cause a cryptic pregnancy).
I feel like he showed no real outside signs that he was preggo aside from getting even more ravenously hungry and being a little more emotionally unstable than usual. No morning sickness, barely showed, he was just hungry and even more unpredictable than before.
Hornet's labor was a bit odd too, due to his ability to hide pain, and it was only when he started nearly passing out and collapsing from pain that he showed any sign of something up with him. Mantis would rush him to the infirmary because it's completely out of character for him to actually act sick. A few hours later the doctors would come and get Mantis (bro can handle hospitals, too much trauma) and wow congratulations you're a dad. Bro probably almost fainted 😭
Finally, I feel like the twins would have been very small, maybe 5 lbs each. Due to Hornet's animalistic quirkiness, the babies would have been able to hold their heads up for short amounts on time and scoot around (kind of like how newborn kittens do) and would communicate with both squeaks/chirps and like. normal baby noises.
I also think that Mantis would be the only one able to pick the babies up so he'd have to scoop them up in order for the nurses to give em vitamin k shots and stuff. Hornet is an extremely protective parent, and no one's going to fuck with him knowing his history of taking chunks out of people.
I'm also sure that Mantis could hold one of the babies in his hand 🥺
and since I forgor that I didn't put it here before, but yeah in my comfort au I changed it so Hornet has twins, a girl and a boy, named Sylvie and Storm c:
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