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hgprime · 1 year ago
Fine Examples When A Picture Says More Than Just A Thousand Words
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Witness the power of visual communication with these elegant illustrations that speak volumes beyond mere words. Explore fine examples that go beyond a thousand words on Pinterest.
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msswans · 1 year ago
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Fine Examples When A Picture Says More Than Just A Thousand Words Witness the power of visual communication with these elegant illustrations that speak volumes beyond mere words. Explore fine examples that go beyond a thousand words on Pinterest.
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blc5ir · 2 years ago
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🗣️🌐 Emojis Speak Louder Than Words: The Rise of Visual Language! 😄🔤 Hey there, language enthusiasts! 🌍💬 Let's embark on a colorful journey into the world of emojis and how these tiny symbols have transformed modern communication! From simple smileys to elaborate expressions, emojis have become more than just fun additions to our texts; they've evolved into a universal language of emotion and connection. Let's explore their impact together! 🚀🗣️ 🌟 From Humble Beginnings: Emojis first emerged in Japan during the late 1990s, thanks to the genius of Shigetaka Kurita. Initially intended to add a bit of flair to pager messages, these early emojis were simple and limited in variety. Little did anyone know that these cute characters would soon conquer the world of communication! 😍📟 ���� The Emoji Revolution: Fast forward to today, and emojis have become an essential part of how we express ourselves digitally. Whether it's a thumbs up 👍 to show approval or a laughing face 😄 to share humor, emojis provide a powerful way to convey emotions that words alone sometimes can't capture. It's a revolution that's crossed linguistic and cultural barriers! 🌐🗺️ 💬 Beyond Language Barriers: One of the most remarkable aspects of emojis is their ability to transcend language barriers. They offer a universal language of expression, enabling people from different backgrounds to communicate and connect effortlessly. Emojis allow us to share joy, love, sadness, and excitement without the need for translation. Emojis truly speak a language understood by all! 🌈🔠 🌌 A Window to Emotions: In our fast-paced digital world, emojis add depth and context to our written words. They add a touch of humanity to virtual conversations and help us connect on a more emotional level. From birthday wishes 🎂 to heartfelt apologies ❤️, emojis enhance the tone and intent of our messages, creating a richer and more meaningful exchange. 💌😊 🚀 Emojis in Pop Culture: Emojis have become more than just a part of our daily chats; they're now ingrained in popular culture! Movies, fashion, and even art have all been influenced by these expressive symbols. We've seen emojis grace the big screen, become fashion statements, and inspire creative art installations worldwide. Who knew tiny icons could have such a huge impact? 🎬👗🎨 So, let's celebrate the rise of visual language! 😄🔤 Emojis have revolutionized how we communicate, offering us an expressive and universal way to connect with others across the globe. Next time you text or tweet, don't forget to add a splash of emoji flair to your words! Let's keep the emoji conversation alive! 💬📲
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westovergallery-blog · 2 years ago
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Abstract Art, some overthink it, some under think it but let the paintings decide for you. The word means to separate or withdraw from something else. Creation of a thought process that changes midway, perhaps an idea is reversed and another journey commences? Artist Kealey Farmer is best known for her high resin artwork of hearts and trees so this is a dimension most will think is a universe away, but is it? You decide. . . . #available #new #abstractart #abstract #originalart #kealeyfarmer #visuallanguage #independence #distancing #westovergallery #bournemouth #wishbonefineart (at Bournemouth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTH7wYo0Bi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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solitaryecho · 6 months ago
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#shape #contrast #combination #photoshop #visualcommunication #visuallanguage
Combination of shape of different forms and contrasts presented in different way(like color gradience, texture change, and shape size comparison) is an effective way to convey strong and impactful visual language.
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ftihyderabad · 9 months ago
Visual storytelling in direction involves using visual elements such as composition, color, lighting, and camera movement to convey a narrative and evoke emotions without relying solely on dialogue. Directors craft each shot to serve the story, guiding the audience's attention and shaping their perception of characters and events. Through meticulous planning of visual details, directors create a cohesive and immersive experience that enhances the overall narrative, allowing viewers to infer meaning and engage deeply with the story on a visual and emotional level.
Visit our website: www.ftihedu.com Enroll Now at FTIH Film School: +918121152777
#VisualStorytelling #FilmDirection #CinematicArt #VisualNarrative #FilmMaking #Cinematography #StoryThroughImages #FilmCraft #DirectorVision #FilmAesthetics #VisualEmotion #CinematicExperience #FilmComposition #ColorInFilm #LightingInFilm #CameraMovement #ShotDesign #FilmArtistry #VisualLanguage #EmotionalCinema
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imjustsomedude00 · 1 year ago
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#De Palma #snakeeyes #carlito’sway #visuallanguage
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rahmahamammi · 2 years ago
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1 2 .. 0 1
Mixed media on paper
Dimensions : A3
Rahma Hamammi
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matt-niebuhr · 2 years ago
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untitled, 2023_03_05, graphite on Arches natural white watercolor paper, 25-3/4" x 40", Matt Niebuhr - West Branch Studio………………………………………………………….#drawing #drawingisthinking #glyphs #markmaking #barcode #fearandhope #visuallanguage #nonsense #noise #figureground #contemporary #pictographs (at West Branch Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpa-ekfOMt2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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More development photos of paper folding - some of which are the folding techniques needed to create transformative origami pieces.
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skinxstars · 3 years ago
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Agnes Martin. With My Back to the World. 1997
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found-fabricated · 5 years ago
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Hawthorn hedgerow vessel throwing shadows in the sun. A piece from 2006 photographed today in the April sunshine. #hedgerow #vessel #hawthorn #vessel #woven #sunshine #shadows #landscape #landscapecaptures #lines #marks #visuallanguage #materiality #contemporarycraft #contemporaryart #irishart #irishartist #contemporaryirishart #april #senseofplace #object #vibrant #nature #naturalworld #semiotics #materiallanguage #visualart #visuallife #stuartcairns #artist #maker https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7HkK2pc-R/?igshid=z47mg9ba9z5a
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deviprasadcrao · 5 years ago
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Untitled , Industrial Fragment Series, 2018, acrylic and ink on canvas, 30 x 30 cm © Deviprasad C Rao #abstractart #contemporaryart #artlovers #artcollector #artcurator #fineart #instaart #visuallanguage #abstract #kunst #zurich #zürich #kunstler #schweiz #art #artist #painting #art #colors #intuitive #intuitiveart #colour #lines #dots #inkart #artworld #industrial #abstraktkunst https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvSszMH9yV/?igshid=38qqqfeen68g
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rifkisyabani · 5 years ago
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"Ridho: Melampaui Rasa Suka dan Benci Maupun Ringan dan Berat" . Ridho dalam perkara yang kita sukai, cintai, harapkan dan inginkan, tentu amatlah ringan. Padahal ridho sejatinya harus melampaui dari persoalan semua RASA itu. Karena ketika ridho adalah puncak dari KEIMANAN, maka ia harus melampaui rasa suka dan benci. . Tidak semua yang kita sukai memberi manfaat, dan tidak semua yang kita benci memberikan keburukan. Boleh jadi apa yang kita benci dan tidak kita sukai sejatinya memberikan kebaikan kepada kita. . Gurunda @ustbudiashari kembali menjelaskan secara gamblang bagaimana Al Quran menuntun kita untuk mendapatkan hikmah ridho di atas rasa tidak suka, berat, dan benci. . Mari kita tadabburi ke-6 ayat tersebut. 3 ayat mengurai seputar kewajiban b. Kenapa PERANG? Yaa.. karena perang sejatinya tidak disukai oleh siapa pun. Ada banyak pengorbanan yang harus diberikan: waktu, uang, tenaga dan bahkan nyawa. Islam adalah agama cinta damai, dakwah pun disampaikan oleh Nabi dengan penuh hikmah. Maka mengapa setelah 13 tahun dakwah akhirnya Allah perintahkan kaum muslimin untuk berperang? Tentu ada kebaikan di baliknya. (Ada satu sketchnote yang telah saya buat dari pembahasan bab pertama buku Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammad Ash Shalabi dengan judul asli: “Ghazawat Ar Rasul Durus wa ‘Ibar wa Fawa’id”. Silakan di search di blog saya atau di IG ini). . Ayat yang lain terkait benci yang timbul diantara suami dan istri dalam rumah tangga. Ayat lain berkisah tentang orang-orang yang membenci kebenaran dan 1 ayat yang terakhir tentang kesulitan dalam mengandung, melahirkan dan membesarkan (mensapih) anak. . Saat ini dunia barat mengalami masalah pertumbuhan pendudukan yang begitu rendah, krisis generasi membayangi mereka. Berbeda dengan dunia Islam; meski berat, sulit dan kadang sangat menyakitkan, banyak pasangan muda yang berlomba memiliki banyak anak. Karena dibalik itu semua ada kebaikan dan kemuliaan. Apalagi jika anak-anak itu lahir dan tumbuh besar dalam keluarga dan lingkungan yang baik, maka peradaban mulia bersama generasi gemilang bukanlah utopia. . Wallahu 'alam. #sketchnote #sketch #quran #kuttabalfatih #dakwah #muhasabah #visuallanguage #ridho (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-4aCvSjt4W/?igshid=yw8oeacjec9k
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bryzoid · 5 years ago
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visual language -- ways of seeing. 2020©
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