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edgerescue · 5 years ago
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Dreaming about first chair on a POW day! #winteriscoming #powday #freshies #patrollife #opening #goggletan #ilovecoffee #nationalskipatrol #snow #rockclimbing #skiing #upperleft #sunset #skipatrol #singletrack #snowboarding #mtb #virusintl #bikes #optoutside #bouldering #bestdayever #climbing #fatbike #propatrolorg #bikepatrol #mtbpatrol #rescuevolved (at Mount Spokane) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD33wamjGNk/?igshid=3jlkrmi6co8b
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seayeno · 5 years ago
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Front squat, push-up
Kettlebell rows
Calf raise
Walking lunge
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ruckuppodcast · 5 years ago
China coronavirus outbreak: quarantine tents #china🇨🇳 #virus #quarantineenterprise #chinatown #quarantined #coronavirusoutbreak #visualoutbreak #coronavirüsü #outbreak #coronavirus #wuhanchina #virusvideo #coronavírus #wuhanuniversity #wuhan #outbreaktour #chinatravel #coronaviruses #china #virusintl #quarantinevision #quarantine #virushka #wuhancity #chinaglaze #happyvirus #zombieoutbreak #quarantinestation #outbreakeurope #wuhancymbals https://www.instagram.com/p/B7rcIPrFlFP/?igshid=b0hm33y6duyc
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medlifeline-blog · 6 years ago
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What is Virus?
There are 2 type of virus as a normal people we know.
1. Computer Virus
2. Human Virus
Computer virus is a Piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data.
How ever computer virus work it can only damage computer program, it can't take any effects in human life or health
Human virus is not like that soft programmes. its is an infective agent that typically consists of nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen light microscope, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host.
Virus cover a big sector of human illnesses. it can infect all types of life forms.
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Is a virus Living?
Well this is a complicated question. A cell is considered to be living because it contains all the necessary components to replicate its DNA, grow and divide into new cells. This is the process all life takes, where it is a single celled organism or a multi-cellular organism. Some people do not consider a virus living because a virus does not contain all of the mechanisms necessary to replicate itself. They would say that a virus, without a host cell, cannot replicate on its own and therefore no alive.
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kcnobody · 6 years ago
When your bar-dropping skills suck so you shuffle all over the place trying to get your snatch triples done. . . #SnatchShufflingAllOverThePlace #snatch #happyfriday #OvertrainingRecovery #WhileYouWereSleeping #WorkInProgress #crossfit #usaw #MastersWeightlifting #weightlifting #barbend #inWeightliftingWeTrust #training #kctrainingjournal #lift #fitness #health #virusintl #teamrepscheme #HybridAF @HybridPerformanceMethod (at Team RepScheme) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoR1B0cBjwl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gphemofgptw9
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pickstuffupputstuffdown · 4 years ago
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Triple extension, why do you elude me so! . . . . . @pickstuffupputstuffdown #fitness #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation #fitover40dad #fitspiration #fitdadclub #olympicweightlifing #igfitness #powerclean #fitover40 #barbellworkout #olympiclifting #olympiclift #olympiclifts #40somethingfitness #fitdadlife #trainhardorgohome #kettlebelltraining #virusintl https://www.instagram.com/p/CME94UJHxUP/?igshid=qv1rxhutwl3e
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jon-no-h · 7 years ago
18.3 had my favorite #gymnasty movement #muscleups, still have work to do to make them more efficient but it’s so much fun to get to do them @Crossfit t_iconic . . . #crossfitopen2018 #crossfit #gymnastics #feelslikeflying #crossfitwaipio #metcons #chalkedup #virusintl @virusintl @nike (at CrossFit Iconic)
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Say 🧀...😁 · · · @marquelmederos X @thegreat155 · · · · #saycheese #photo #photography #headposition #wallwork #sanabul #virusintl #xonthechest #wrestling #wrestlingpractice #cftpg #colorado #denver #denvercolorado #denversbest #denverartist #denverphotographer #cheesin #mma #mixedmartialarts #ufc #cccchamp #fuji #hdr #hdrphotography #hdrphoto #thumbsup (at Factory X Muay Thai / MMA / BJJ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEWx85-g0B9/?igshid=ueuag2ixfra
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edgerescue · 4 years ago
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#tbt @akmiracle2 rocking her Certified toboggan test at the Mt Hood @assoc_of_pro_patrollers Mid Winter Clinic. Congrats Mira! #certified #shepatrol @womenofpatrol #shejumps #propatrol #kneedeepinwork #goggletan #ilovecoffee #nationalskipatrol #snow #rockclimbing #skiing #upperleft #sunset #skipatrol #singletrack #snowboarding #mtb #virusintl #bikes #optoutside #bouldering #bestdayever #climbing #fatbike #propatrolorg #bikepatrol #mtbpatrol #rescuevolved (at Mt. Hood Skibowl) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFPaBwvDq_p/?igshid=1lldqsiq54g78
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seayeno · 5 years ago
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Front rack hold, front squat, back squat
Glute bridge, step-up
Chest press EMOM
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vicious92 · 7 years ago
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Worked up to openers at 93% yesterday. Feeling pretty solid, other than being on my toes in my snatch. #snatch #cleanandjerk #weightlifting #olympicweightlifting #roguefitness #ryourogue #torokhtiy @torokhtiy #warmbodycoldmind @torokhtiy #nike #nikeweightlifting #virusintl @virusintl #eliteathletics #ncweightlifting #northcarolina (at Elite Athletics NC)
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kcnobody · 6 years ago
The first step to handstand walking...handstand hold practice. This is going to take awhile 🙃 . . Wall, thank you for being my training partner and supporting me in this journey. . . #handstand #strugglebus #WorkInProgress #Mobility #flexibility #calisthenics #bodyweight #crossfit #crossfitgymnastics #kctrainingjournal #virusintl #training #lift #fitness #health #teamrepscheme (at Team RepScheme) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn_sp5xBCLQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uzoxhb3kk87o
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distilleriecoqlicorne · 5 years ago
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J essaie comme tout le monde en ce moment d apporter ma modeste contribution pour le bien-être de la communauté, en distillant de l' eau qui va servir a la confection de gel hydroalcoolique. On lâche rien, vivement qu on gagne face à cette saloperie! #happyvirus #contribution #virüs #tagify_app #covi̇d19 #virusintl #virus #virushka #covıd19 #virusvideo#personnelsoignant #eaudistillée #iberiancoppers #coqlicorne #victoire (à Distillerie Coqlicorne) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_HxrjTIsdD/?igshid=1q7qi3osiplpn
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That feeling when you have fight news...10.10.2020... 🇲🇦😈We out here! · · · · #WeOutHere #themoroccandevil #youssefzalal #xonthechest #ufcfightnight #ufc #ufcfighter #virusintl #camo #camouflage #cftpg #mma #mmafighter #ufcnews #mmanews #coloradommanews #morocco #moroccan #denver #denversbest #ufcmemes #ufcmeme #fight #fightnews (at Factory X Muay Thai / MMA / BJJ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CECo-xngDYi/?igshid=qwb9pql555zj
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Prevenção de Vírus saiba lavar as mãos e seu rosto de forma que correta.Prevenção de Vírus saiba lavar as mãos e seu rosto de forma que correta. Site oficial do makepages autorizado pelo Instagram Facebook ⤵️⤵️⤵️ https://www.makepages.com.br/r/AMV7537518 #coronavirus #coronavírus #coronavirusitalianews #coronavirüsü #coronavirusbrazil #coronavirusespaña #coronavirusoutbreak⚠️ #coronavirusitaly #coronavirüs #coronaviruspandemic #prevençãovirus #virus #virushka #virusvideo #happyvirus #virusintl #virushkawedding #popvirus #virüs #caronavirus #virushkaforever #virushkalove #govirus #viruses #viruscoronavirus #virusshawl #virushkaslays #vírus #alfistivirus #cornavirus https://www.instagram.com/p/B99JQZclnkE/?igshid=va811kcqi98c
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edgerescue · 4 years ago
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#tbt @akmiracle2 rocking her Certified toboggan test at the Mt Hood @assoc_of_pro_patrollers Mid Winter Clinic. Congrats Mira! #certified #shepatrol @womenofpatrol #shejumps #propatrol #kneedeepinwork #goggletan #ilovecoffee #nationalskipatrol #snow #rockclimbing #skiing #upperleft #summer #sunset #skipatrol #singletrack #snowboarding #mtb #virusintl #bikes #optoutside #bouldering #bestdayever #climbing #fatbike #propatrolorg (at Mt. Hood Skibowl) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMVQc0leJN/?igshid=167a3lay18u0
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