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In a world where zombies roam, being prepared is essential. Echo-Sigma’s Zombie Survival Gear includes our Zombie Outbreak Get Home Trauma Kit, packed with everything you need to stay alive. With first aid essentials, survival tools, and protective gear, this kit will be your lifesaver in the face of a zombie uprising. Get the best Zombie Survival Gear and be ready for whatever comes next.
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Secret Walker Mission
Chapter 2 Next Action
After a few hours the group decided to see if they could find any other survivors who hopefully have a way out of the city. So they packed up some supplies, such as food, water, medicine, bandages, and some weapons. After packing they all got some backpacks that had a good amount of the supplies in them. While they all carried whatever weapons they could carry, cautiously they left the house, with Leha making sure Jenifer didn't do anything stupid as she was still slightly tipsy from the wine she drank earlier.
The group looked around the area and thankfully didn't see any walkers so they made their way to the main street. Upon arriving at the main street the group saw the destruction that had been left upon the town as a result of the outbreak. Windows and doors were broken in from the walkers chasing down their victims. Cars were crashed into other houses and traces of blood were both in and on the car and streets. Some body parts of people and walkers were scattered over the streets now rotting away. Some fire's were even burning in some buildings and streets, this was a result from some of the gas that had leaked from the cars.
"Oh god! You never get used to the smell," Kevin commented.
"I'd be surprised if anyone ever gets used to it," Aaron said.
"... I wonder how this town was before this whole incident?" Rachile asked.
"A pretty nice neighborhood, I had to live here for a bit due to my job," Ray explained.
"Lucky! I've got a shit ass apartment in a not so nice neighborhood! That's all I got from working as a fucking stripper and having to dance in front of random strangers! Ugh! Sometimes I wished I could've killed my boss for hardly paying me for all that!" Jenifer ranted angrily, her voice still slurred a bit.
"Yesh, sorry you went through that." Rachile said.
Jenifer just rolled her eyes and the group kept on moving through the neighborhood. As they were walking they heard some walkers roar in the distance getting closer. In fear the group hid behind an upturned car as they didnt want to get into combat just yet. The roars soon reached the area and the walkers reached the area and started looking around for a meal. As the walkers looked, the group remained in hiding trying to find a way to continue on without being spotted.
Rachile sat there paralyzed, however she had a memory come back to her instantly. She remembered being in a conference room talking about something, but she couldn't remember what. However she suddenly had an idea come to her, she quickly came out of the hiding spot and watched as the walkers wandered around. She didn't stay out for long when her eyes landed on a dismembered torso from a human. Acting fast before the walkers noticed her she grabbed the torso and threw it across the streets. As soon as the walkers heard the thump of the body part, they whipped around and saw the torso. In a furious hangry fit they all roared and ran up to the torso and began to devour it.
While they were distracted Rachile waved her arms telling the others to follow her. So everyone quickly and quietly ran away from the area they soon found a trashed grocery store with some of the windows broken and covered in blood. Not wanting to be out in the open for to long the group all ran inside and closed the doors behind them. Now in a safe area for now the group all take a moment to recover and regain their composer.
"Okay so we need to collect supplies and somehow find a way out of here," Rachile explained.
"Yeah but how?" Jenifer asked.
"Yeah knowing how the government operates they won't be risking any forces to save a group like us. For all we know they could only save those who had something they could use to fight back against the infection," Aaron explained, showing his view of the government.
Once Aaron had said that Rachile had some memory come back to her. She remembered being in a meeting with a man whose face she couldn't make out. "You know your mission right?" The man asked.
"Yes, retrieve the brief case and test out what's inside," Rachile replied.
"Good, now get ready and I hope you succeed on your mission. The fate of all of humanity depends on it," The man explained, his voice very serious.
"I don't know the meaning of failure, after all I've never failed once on any of my missions," Rachile replied very calmly. She soon returned back to the present and rubbed her head as the memory hit her like a brick.
Rachile's staggering didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the group and they all became worried about her. "Hey Rach, you alright?" Sean asked a little worried if she was okay or not.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine I think? I just remembered being in a meeting and talking about something. However I can't remember what it was about, all I do remember is that I apparently went on a mission, I think?" Rachile explained very confusedly about the memory.
"Huh, well you were talking to someone on the plane about having something, before it was shot down," Leha explained.
"Okay, strange, but I hope that when my memories return everything will make a lot more sense," Rachile said.
A clank was then heard as some items on the shelves were knocked off. The group all turned to where the nose was coming from, scared that they were not alone here. Thinking fast Rachile and Jenifer both grabbed some baseball bats from a sports display and cautiously made their way over to where the source of the sound came from. The two slowly walked over to where they heard the sound. Before they turned the corner they brace themselves up against the shelf. Rachel held her hand up and after counting to three the two girls turned the corner with their bats in the air ready to attack.
However once they had seen what had caused the products to fall over they froze in their tracks. Standing over the corner was a little girl, her long brown hair all matted and tangled up, her blue princess dress ripped and some blood splatters on it. Her feet were bare and dirty with small cuts on them, she clutched tightly on an old torn stuffed bear as if letting go would kill her. She stared up at the two women, curled back and shaking like a leaf, terrified at what they would do next. Rachile and Jenifer instantly lowered their weapons and showed more calming and comforting faces.
"Hey, guys! Don't worry, it's not a zombie! It's just a kid!" Rachile called out.
The others all relaxed, calmness replacing the tension in their bodies, they all began walking up to the girls to get a better look at the kid and to hopefully calm her down. When they turned the corner they saw the poor conditions the little girl was in and their hearts were instantly penetrated with sadness and sympathy.
"Oh god! Kid what happened to you?!" Sean asked as he saw the little girl's condition.
"I-I, I was hiding in here," the little girl answered as she backed up from them.
"Hey kid, it's alright we won't hurt you," Leha reassured as she crouched down to the girl's eye level. However she just backed up a little more still very shaken and scared; the group frowned as they believed the poor child had gone through something horrifying.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Ray started saying as he crouched down to the little girl's level.
"You're gonna be alright, we're trying to find a way out of the city so we'll take you with you. So you don't need to be hiding in here, what do you say kid?" Ray asked as he reached his hand out to the girl.
The girl looked up at Ray for a moment, she then looked at his hand that he was offering to her. She started raising her hand up to him, although hesitant she soon took it and Ray smiled while gently pulling her up to him and taking her into his arms.
"Wow, how'd you know that would work?" Aaron asked.
"Well, I have a little sister who I had to raise as our parents were busy with work all the time, so I know a lot about kids," Ray explained.
"Huh, lucky, I was an only child growing up," Kevin said.
"Hey! I hate to ruin the moment, but we should find that kid a pair of shoes, and find a way to "oh I don't know, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Jenifer screamed angrily, both worried about the girl and determined to stay on task about getting out.
"Alright! Let's go! You don't need to shout!" Ray exclaimed, taken aback by Jenifers angry and loud tone.
"P-Please don't s-scream," The little girl stuttered out while shaking violently in Ray's arms.
"... Sorry kid, I-I've just had to jump through a lot of hoops to get out here and I'm not letting that go to waste but dying," Jenifer explained.
"I-It's okay," The little girl replied as she nuzzled her head into Ray's shirt.
"Hey kid, could you tell us your name please?" Rachile asked.
"I-It's Orchid," Orchid responded.
"Alright, don't worry Orchid, we'll take care of you and help you find your family and get out of here," Rachile reassured as she gently pat Orchid's head.
"I-I don't have a family anymore," Orchid explained as she began to cry a little.
After hearing that the group all felt their hearts break as they heard that the poor girl was now an orphan. "Oh my god! Your poor thing, if it makes you feel better I lost my parents a long time ago," Jenifer explained trying to make Orchid feel better.
She didn't respond but the group decided to cut the conversation short as they gotta get moving. Loud roars could be heard outside so the group all started running into the back to get out through the fire escape. Once in the back the group started searching for the fire escape, however as they were searching, Kevin stopped when he spotted some inventory that looked useful. He opened the box and saw it was full of kid shoes, they looked big enough for Orchid so he began digging through them.
"HEY! K GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR!" Jenifer screamed out reminding Kevin they didn't have the time to goof around.
"Alright! Alright! I'm coming!" Kevin called out as he just grabbed a random pair of shoes and started running again.
Soon Rachile found the fire escape and called out to the others via whistling. Catching everyone's attention they all saw her standing next to the escape. So they all started running out into the open, hoping they'll find another temporary hiding place.
"Phew, okay, guys, let's try to find a working vehicle so we can atleast drive to a less populated area of the city. I have a feeling we'll run into less zombies there, hopefully there'll also be some supplies and something we can use to get out of here," Rachile explained.
"Why can't we just try to drive out of here?" Kevin asked.
"Dua! The government had sealed off all of LA! So yeah we won't be getting out there, not unless we want to get shot," Jenifer explained angrily.
"Hey! Let's not fight! And aside from finding a working car, we should also find or make some weapons," Aaron explained.
"Yeah, destroying the brain is the most effective way to kill them, but we should at least slow them down. We can throw chunks of flesh to distract them, and when we fight if you can't get the head then slow them down by taking off their limbs, such as the legs," Rachile explained.
"Okay? How did you think of that so quick?" Kevin asked.
"It just came to my mind, I have been observing them a lot since we left the house. After thinking about it I suspected that's a good way to go about fighting them," Rachile explained.
"Well let's hope you're right, for all our sakes," Leha stated.
"Trust me I know I'm right, I don't know why but I just know it," Rachile said.
Everyone just went along with it, so Rachile started leading them through the back alleyways as she assumed that less zombies would be there than on the streets. As they were walking Sean thought about some way he could make the mood a bit better. He then remembered some stories from his high school and young adult years with his old friend group.
"Hey guys I got a good story to tell you all about something my old buddy Chuck did once when we were teens," Sean said.
"Oh really? Will enlighten us with your tails racer man," Jenifer snapped back, still pretty pissed with everything.
"Hehe, you all are gonna love this, so I remember back in our first year of high school, Chuck, myself, and our friends were on a camping trip one weekend and Chuck was showing off his "Impressive" fire making skills. And so he was messing around with some of the fire starter stuff, however he didn't realize he'd accidentally split some on the back of his pants. Next thing you know he gets so close to the fire that his butt bursts into flames. He starts screaming like a little girl and it was just so damn funny to see him running around in a panic like that. However what made it even more hilarious was when he suddenly farted and it just made the flame bigger HA! Soon we get the fire out and I'm just their laughing my ass off at this. But that's not even the best part, cause once the fire was out we saw some brown stains on his pants, so he didn't fart, he had just shit his pants HAHAHA!" Sean laughed as he recalled the hilarious events.
"HA! Oh dear lord, your friend Chuck is an idiot for playing around with fire started! I should know that a lot of the guys I worked with on set did before I pulled my stunt in place of the actor," Leha explained as she laughed.
"HA Yeah, but the other thing is, we were literally about six feet away from a lake, so he could've just ran into the water the whole time!" Sean exclaimed, still laughing a bit.
"Huh, I bet he felt like an idiot after humiliating himself in front of all of you like that," Aaron commented.
"Ha! Yeah he was," Sean replied.
"Hmm, hey wait that reminds me of something, I had a race tournament in a local camping area last week," Kevin spoke up.
"Okay and why is that important?" Rachiel asked as she turned around.
"Well I remember that there was a radio station on the top of the mountain there, I ran past it during the race, I also just so happen to know a fast way there," Kevin explained.
"Oh hey I think I know what you're talking about, it's Idyllwild right? My girl scout troops used to go there so we could work on getting our camping badges," Orchid explained.
"Really? Well then if there's a radio tower there we could try and use it to contact for help and hopefully get someone to come and get us out of this hell hole," Jenifer explained.
"It's worth a shot, after all we need to get out of the city and go somewhere that isn't infested with zombies," Ray added.
"Yeah a tower should hopefully provide us with a good enough signal to reach someone," Aaron stated.
"Let's hope it will as I'm not going to die as a zombie or be eaten alive by one," Leha included.
"Alright let's get going, we'll make a stop somewhere to spend the night when it gets dark. It'll be more dangerous during the night as we won't be able to see anything so it's smart to spend the night somewhere," Rachile explained.
The group nodded and Kevin took the lead in this as he knew the way to the campsite and the radio tower. However as they were moving and chatting a security camera moved along with them. It then zoomed in, getting a closer look at everyone who was in the group. On the other side of a monitor that showed the camera footage, a shady figure was typing away at a keyboard that was connected to multiple monitors showing camera footage of many other cameras in different parts of the city. The figure looked closely at the footage that showed the group, after observing everyone they pressed a button that activated a com.
In another room a group of people were having a meeting, a man in a black suit then heard his comlink beep. He turned it on and to the speaker so the other members of the meeting could hear what was being said on the other side.
"This better be good! We're in the middle of a meeting!" The man angrily scolded the person calling him.
"Trust me, you all are going to like this, we found the target," The person at the cameras explained.
"Really? Well then, tell me the state the target is in," The man requested, now curious to see what they had to say.
"Slightly injured but still moving. And unfortunately with other survivors," The person explained.
"Ah I see, does anyone here have any suggestions on how to bring the target in?" The boss asked.
"Sir, I suggest we let experiment Alpha out to collect the target," A woman at the table suggested.
"That is a good idea, but Alpha is a last resort and is still very unstable, there's a risk they could lose control," A man explained.
"Yes, Mr. Morge is right, we need something to stabilize to get the job done," The boss man explained.
"Why not send in the grown prototypes. Each version of them has proven to be tough and stable, we can use them to bring the target in," Another man explained.
"Hmm, I like it, Miss. Carla informs our scientist to activate the grown prototypes in the virus; all of them," The boss man stated.
"Understood sir, I'll have them out in a matter of time, though not all the infected will transform as not all of them have been infected with it. Most have been infected with the beat, so we're not sure how many will change or how many of each type there will be," Miss Carla explained.
"I'm aware, but still any amount of any type will be enough to get the job done," The boss explained as he sat down and folded his fingers together.
"Alright, I'll inform you when it's done," Miss Carla said as she got up, walked up to a door, used a key car to open it, and left the room.
The boss man grinned as he believed that their target will be captured and brought right to them. Once that's done he'll finish what he started and his company will be on the top.
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I Received A Mysterious Phone Call: A TRUE Story of Unexplained Horror
Join me as I share my true story of receiving a mysterious phone call that left me terrified and still searching for answers. From strange voices to eerie sounds, this story will give you chills and leave you questioning everything. Do you believe in the unexplained? Get ready for a gripping tale of horror in this video. So relax, sit back, suspend your disbelief for a few moments as weave this…

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Hello! I just posted Chapter 3 of my fanfic “Blood, sweat and tears - Mick Schumacher x Reader” on Wattpad. Hope you enjoy it!
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Zombies, Angst, normal people in extraordinary situations.
Dead Rose - Back to Reality (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1051664521-dead-rose-back-to-reality?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lady-Jaguar&wp_originator=9MkwQ1v28rrWTVKV0g3XRvpch5H4u27Pf%2Fx%2FgPKo8RcTMdgyuPFu8k%2BsdNL9NJb15TmC5PBl5pgc2c9qKQzZIe4DhKbN1nc5gbV0x8mrr9149LRHkg0TEl1nnJIdJEa%2F As the growlers continue to take over the world, Rose prepares for the worst. She thought that she and Ari had at least bought themselves, and their children, a little more time. Now, stuck on an island, with little to no way off, they fight to stay alive. Will Rose suffer heartbreaking losses? Will their children, Eli and Stella, outlive their loving protectors? Or will they all be lucky enough to grow and adapt together in a world full of nightmares? --------------------------- Will be updated on Tuesdays
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Surviving Parasite Z - Chapter one: March-July (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/rXkzhc5wHab
"The CDC has discovered a new type of parasite causing this epidemic. It attaches itself to the brain and quickly reproduces into the bloodstream and saliva. The parasite controls the host to spread the offspring. If bitten, the dormant parasite offspring transfers to the new host. They become active at ninety-eight degrees, or at the average human body temperature. The parasite feeds off the host, rewires the cerebellum, and causes deterioration of the rest of the brain. Other symptoms include physical decay, high fever, and hostile behavior. After first receiving the parasite, the host may become fatigued, aggressive, unable to quench thirst, and an insatiable hunger. Do not approach a person you know to be sick. Do not let them bite you, do not let them scratch you, and boil all water to ensure it is not contaminated." The diary of a twenty-year-old trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. Layla must face numerous challenges during the 2020 Sickness that her country was useless to stop. She has friends and allies by her side, but will it be enough to outlast the Sick?
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Okay — so the writer of #sagacomic #briankvaughan & the amazing #marcosmartin teaming up to do a special #walkingdead #graphicnovel about the early days of the #zombieoutbreak? We are so on board! Come & get it! #graphicnovels #thewalkingdead #comics #comicbooks #comiccollector #comiccollectors #buythirdeyeordie (at THIRD EYE COMICS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDRubm2BNNi/?igshid=1lmljlv9nnro7
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Echo-Sigma’s Zombie Survival Gear is designed to keep you safe during the most chaotic of times. Our Zombie Outbreak Get Home Trauma Kit is packed with essential tools, trauma care supplies, and survival equipment. Be prepared to fight off the undead and make it out alive with the best Zombie Survival Gear available. Don’t wait—get yours today and stay ready for anything.
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Secret Walker Mission
Chapter 1 Coming Down
A man ran as fast as his legs could carry him to a fenced off road with military guards and trucks on the other side. A guard noticed the man racing at them and he opened the gate with his gun out and pointing to the man.
"STOP RIGHT THEIR OR I'LL BE FORCED TO SHOT!" The guard screamed in a demanding voice.
"Don't! I'm alive!" The man called out with his hands in the air.
He slowed down to a walk before stopping entirely to catch his breath as he had been running for who knows how long. The man had a blue tank top, red running shoes, gray shorts, and a prosthetic arm; a scar also ran over one of his eye brows as well.
"Where did you come from?" The guard asked as he used a thermometer to check the man's vitals.
"I was in the Grand Prix and staying at the Beverly Hills hotel." The man explained, still out of breath.
"That's gotta be on the other side of the city, did you run all the way here, past them?" The guard asked as he pointed behind the man with his gun.
The man looked back and saw several figures sprinting to the gate at a rapid pace while letting out monstrous shreeks and roars.
"They couldn't catch up with me, I'm just too fast." the man explained as he walked into the fenced off area while the guards all ran to the entrance of the gate and started shooting down the figures.
Meanwhile in a casino another man came out of his hotel room with a doctor's outfit on. He swiped up a tag that had "Love you big bro" written on it in pink with little hearts on the rest of it.
"Dont worry little sis, I'm coming!" The man declared. He then saw a med kit that was in his room, thinking fast he picked it up before running out of the building. He ran to the evac point that was nearby and declared to be a doctor to get in and get the hell out of the area.
In another point of the evac center a woman in a black goth dress with black spiked boots, black gloves, and black hair put up in a braided bum was waiting in line with other survivors. Suddenly another woman pushed past everyone else in line and in the distraction the lady in the black dress managed to snap a photo of another person's digital ticket.
She then looked at the lady who pushed past the others as they all cursed her out annoyed with her. However the lady didn't bother and before the guard who was checking them out could say anything to her she pulled out a badge and showed it to him.
"Ah go on a head ma'am, it's an honor to see you here." The guard said after seeing the badge.
"I bet, this plague is soon gonna be wiped off the face of the earth." The woman said as she went in.
The goth lady didn't pay much mind to that as she only cared about getting to a safe place right then and there. So when it was her turn she showed the guard the info she stole and he scanned it. Much to her relief it was accepted and he allowed her in.
"Better get a move on, it's only the calm before the storm." The woman advised as she went in.
Some time later a man was driving a race car right next to the plane that all the survivors were getting on. He stopped it and hopped out, he had an orange racing suit on and he smiled when he saw the place.
"Wow this place is getting full, better get a seat before they're all taken." The man said as he tossed the keys to his car at a guard who caught them.
After he and some other survivors got on an earthquake hit, causing the plane to slide a little and the staircase that the other passengers were on to roll away a bit.
"Shit! Not a quake now!" A guard complained angrily. He then got a transmission on his walkie talkie and the person on the other end started explaining what was happening.
"The walls collapsed because of the quake! Walkers are starting to pore in! Get the hell out now if you want the survivors to remain as such!" The person on the other end of the walkie talkie blurted out.
The guard then slammed the door shut even though there were other survivors still on the staircase. However he knew there wasn't enough time to get them inside before the walkers got to the plane.
"Pilot! Get this in the air and get us out of here!" The Guard commanded in a demanding tone.
"On it! Passengers prepare for take off!" The pilot announced as she got the plane to start flying.
Meanwhile outside the plane on one of the wheels a stunt woman looked down as the plane flew up across the city that despite the current situation was still well lit up. She wore a pink crop top, a blue sleeveless over coat, magenta shorts with a chain belt, black and dark blue stockings, with silver colored boots. She then climbed into the plane via the wheel before it was closed up. Once inside she started looking for a way up into the main cockpit with the other survivors.
Inside the luggage compartment a man kicked open a big suitcase that he was hiding in before climbing out of it. He groaned as he got out and landed on the cold floor; standing up the man stretched his limbs as he'd been in that thing for a while. The man had tattoos, a sleeveless leather jacket, dreadlocks, sunglasses, leather boots, black pants, and brown gloves.
"Ugh, I really hope there's food on this flight, I'm starving!" The man said as he also looked around for a way up with the other survivors.
The stunt woman and the man soon meet up at a ladder that leads up to the main cockpit with the other survivors.
"Oh hey their hot cakes, where's your ticket?" The man asked flirting with the woman.
"Hmm, sorry I lost it in the panic." The woman said as she blew a bubble with some gum she was chewing on.
"If you got some more of that gum it will do." The man said.
"Why of course, here take some." The woman said as she pulled out a box that still had some gum in it.
The man took out a piece, took it out of the wrapper, and began to chew on it. The two then went up the ladder and saw other survivors celebrating their escape and how they were all still alive. As the two were walking past they overheard the strange woman talking to someone. They looked and saw her looking out the window with her hand on her ear.
"Yes I have it... understood I'm on my way... no h-he's dead... they're all still at large... affirmative I'll start as soon as I'm finished... see you then." The woman said, ending her call.
"Huh, wonder who she was talking to?" The man asked.
"I don't know but-" The woman was saying when she was cut off by someone screaming.
Everyone looked to where the screams were coming from and were horrified to see one of the passengers had turned and bitten another one. They all went into a panic and the pilot reported the situation to the authorities the moment they realized what was going on. As a result a missile was immediately fired at the plane to keep the infection out from the rest of the world.
Those who were still alive held on to whatever they could as the missile collided with the plane blowing off a huge hole in the side of it. Some passengers who were still alive had gotten sucked out, but thankfully the infected were also sucked out. However in a matter of seconds the plane crashed to the ground breaking apart and killing or injuring a few other survivors.
Some time had passed before the running man woke up to a terrible throbbing in his head. He felt like his brain was swelling up and putting pressure on his skull. He looked around as much as he could, as he didn't want to make his head hurt anymore. He was in a part of the cargo that was hit by the missile based on the hole he was under. Some parts of luggage were still on the carriers and some of the earth was scorched and upturned.
"Oh god dammit! Just when I thought I was able to ditch this hell hole." The man groaned as he got up.
"Hey! You're human!" He heard a woman ask.
He looked and saw the lady with black hair and dress standing not too far away from him with a medal scrap in her hands.
Yeah! Don't worry! I'm alive and not infected!" The man blurted out as he feared she was about to beat him with that scrap.
"Okay, I'm Jenifer by the way." Jenifer explained as she lowered her weapon.
"Nice to meet you, call me Kevin." Kevin said introducing himself as he reached out a hand hoping Jenifer would shake it.
"I'm not shaking hands with someone I don't know. Earn my trust then I'll shake your hand." Jenifer bluntly told him.
"Alright, alright, I understand." Kevin said as he got up.
He looked at himself and aside from some cuts he was lucky that he didn't have any serious injuries. He did have a slight throbbing in his hip but he decided he'll worry about that once he's somewhere safe.
"You alright Jenifer?" Kevin asked.
"Yeah, I did get smacked in the face by someone's case, but aside from some sores and a split lip, I'm feeling mostly alright." Jenifer explained.
"Okay, we should go out and see if anyone else is still alive." Kevin suggested
"Sure I cant trust people that well, but anyone who's not a walker I can try to get along with." Jenifer said as she started walking around.
The two searched through the broken plain for a bit and soon came across four other survivors. One of them was the man in the doctor's outfit, the race car driver, the stunt woman, and the man with the tattoos.
"Hey! You are all human!?" Kevin called out getting their attention.
"Yeah we're good! I'm Leha! By the way!" The stunt woman called out.
"And I'm Ray! And I'm alive as well!" The man in the doctor's outfit yelled out.
"Call me Aaron! And I'm not infected myself!" Aaron the tattooed man called out.
"I'm Sean! And I'm well and healthy! So don't worry I'm alright!" Sean called out.
"Good! Cause if any of you were then I would've killed you on the spot!" Jenifer threateningly declared.
Her and Kevin then jumped down from where they were and joined up with the others.
"Damn, just when you thought you were going to get out alive. Now what do we do?" Leha asked as she looked around the place and their current situation.
"Why are you asking me? I'm not a guard or anything, just a waitress who had to steal the info of someone else just to get the fuck out of this place!" Jenifer angrily explained while waving her scrap around in the air.
"Hey! Let's not yell at each other alright? We're all tired and hungry, we just need to find a safe place to hold up with food and shelter till we can get help." Ray explained.
"Normally I wouldn't listen to someone who wasn't a part of my gang, but considering that they're all dead I guess I could consider you all my new gain till further notice." Aaron explained.
"Good to know you're willing to listen." Sean said.
Just then the group heard someone groaning in clear pain from under some scrap. They all went over to where they heard the sounds and saw a woman's head sticking out from some scrap she was buried in. Aaron looked at her and noticed she was the same woman he and Leha had seen talking to someone earlier.
"Is she infected?" Jenifer asked, holding the scrap tightly in her grip so much that her knuckles were popping out of her hand.
"Someone help me get this stuff off of her and I'll cheek!" Aaron called out.
Kevin and Ray walked up and helped Aaron lift some of the scraps and broken material off the woman. With the three of them working together they were able to lift everything off of her. Aaron pulled her out of where she was and the whole group was able to get a better look at her condition.
They saw that she was wearing a beautiful white long dress, or it at least still out beautiful without all the rips, tares, and blood stains on it. She had lightly tanned skin with some lines visible from a bathing suit on the exposed parts of her shoulders and back. Her hair seemingly used to be up in a french braid but now had fallen out and some remains of what were once hair pics and clips could still be seen in her hair. The woman's arms had some visible cuts on them and a big gash was on her head bleeding badly. Some long cuts where on her left leg thankfully it wasn't big or deep enough to need stitches, just some medicine and bandages would do.
"Dam she got fucked up... and that dress looked so pretty." Leha said as she looked at the now ruined dress.
"Dam looks like we'll need to get her somewhere to be patched up safely." Kiven said as he observed the injuries.
"Well thankfully we have a doctor, right Ray?" Jenifer asked.
"Um... well I uh..." Ray was trying to explain but couldn't get the words out.
"Oh what? You're not a doctor?" Jenifer asked sarcastically.
"Um.. no I'm not I was pretending to so I could get out of here and find my little sister. I'm really just a clothing designer, nothing big, just stuff for restaurant themes mainly for strippers." Ray explained.
"OH FUCKING GREAT! So we got a fake doctor who makes the kinds of stripper outfits I had to wear at my job just to Fucking eat!" Jenifer screamed angrily.
"Wowow! Listen! Lets not flip okay! Now listen we need to find a place to hold up with medical supplies! I've seen the paramedics at my race courses patch up racers who'd crashed a million times and I had taken some emergency care lessons so I might be able to do the job and fix her up!" Sean explained trying to pacify Jenifer.
"Well if you do know that! Then let's get going, I have a feeling that some walkers are charging at us because of the commotion the plane made while crashing." Jenifer explained.
"I agree with her, I shed too much blood just to die now. I planned on getting out of here with my life and I intend on living!" Aaron explained.
"And I didn't run halfway across the whole damn city avoiding walkers just to die now!" Kevin stated.
The rest of the group all agreed to get out before more trouble arrived to eat their face. However before Aaron could grab the woman Jenifer lightly pushed him out of the way and kneeled down to her. She grabbed onto the base of her own dress and tore a long piece off. Using the fabric she tore off Jenifer grabbed onto another medial scrap, wrapped it around the scrap, put it in the woman's mouth, and finally tied it to the back of her head tightly.
"Um hey what's that for?" Leha asked, confused by Jenifers actions.
"Incase she is infected and turns it'll prevent her from biting any of us." Jenifer explained.
"Aww you looking out for us?" Aaron asked in a teasing tone.
"Don't get any ideas! I just did that so I wouldn't die! I've worked too hard throughout my life just to die now!" Jenifer snapped.
Aaron backed up and Jenifer scoffed before she got up and walked away from the strange woman. Aaron then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder; the group then started making their way out of the crash sight. The roars of walkers could be heard in the distance so they quickened up their pace in order to get away faster.
Running through the destroyed area they were soon able to get away from the crash and onto a dirt road that led into the now destroyed city the sun seemingly now rising bringing light on LA now reduced to rubble and walkers. Without much choice the group ran into the city despite it crawling with walkers they didn't know where else they could go currently. Racing for their lives the group ran into the suburban area of the city that isn't too far away from the beach and had plenty of abandoned houses. They went inside a random house and thankfully there weren't any signs of walkers inside the place.
"Alright Sean, you patch up that lady, Aaron you and Kiven look around for any weapons, Leha and Ray look and see if there's any food here. I'll keep an eye out for any walkers." Jenifer explained.
"I'm up for finding a weapon that'll allow me to bash in the skull of the walkers who took my gang from me." Aaron stated firmly as he sat the woman down on a table in the kitchen.
After setting her down he and Kevin explore the house looking around for any weapons they could use. Sean meanwhile looked around the house and thankfully found a med kit in the first floor bathroom that was sitting next to the living room. With the med kit in hand he started patching up the woman's wounds hoping she'd wake up soon. Leha started rummaging through the fridge and cabinets for any food. She was able to find some food, some was expired so she threw it out of the kitchen window, while others were thankful it was still good to eat. Ray had even found some energy drinks and water for them to drink which was great for them all.
After half an hour Sean was finished patching up the woman and she was now on the couch still unconscious. The others had all gathered up in the living room munching on the good food and discussing what to do next.
"Alright so the plane was a good plan, till there was an infection on it which caused it to be shot down." Kevin explained recalling the current events.
"Yeah so unless any of you know how the hell to drive a boat or fly a helicopter then I don't see any other way for us to get out of this city." Aaron said.
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious! Ugh! I cant believe I'm gonna die in the same fucking city I had to work as a stripper in for three damn years! I would've been better off with my idiotic foster family!" Jenifer complained slightly tipsy as she had gotten her hands on some wine and had half the bottle already.
Leha slowly took the wine out of Jennifer's hand and sat it next to her while saying "I think you had enough already. If we get attacked we're gonna need to be sober."
"Just let me be drunk! It's not the worst way to go out." Jenifer said her voice sounded a bit slurred.
Jenifer tries to grab the wine bottle but stops when a grone comes out of the strange woman. The group looked and saw she was stirring in her sleep, indicating she was waking up. The woman soon opened her eyes, groaning as she was in some mild pain, and rubbing her head.
"Ugh... w-whats going on?" The woman asked weakly.
"Hey, you alright." Kevin gently asked as he got closer to her. The woman looked over to him and observed his face for a bit, she then looked to everyone else and observed them as well.
"W-Who are all of you?" The woman asked.
"I'm Kevin, this is Sean, Aaron, Ray, Jenifer, and Leha." Kevin explained introducing everyone and himself.
"Ugh, N-nice to meet you all. Oh my head hurts... um... do any of you live here?" The woman asked as she looked around the place.
"No none of us live here, we're just hiding out till we can find a way out of the city." Sean explained.
"W-Why? What's going on in the city?" The woman asked, confused by what they were saying.
"Are you joking? The thing that's been happening for almost a month now! The very thing that has turned LA into even more of a hell hole than it already was!" Jenifer claimed still tipsy and clearly annoyed.
"Um... what's that again?" The woman asked, still very confused.
"Well um, that's not important right now. Let's just say we found you injured after the plane we were on crashed so we brought you here and patched you up." Leha explained.
"Yeah and now that you're awake, why don't you tell us your name." Ray suggested.
"Alright my name is... My name is... Um it's uhh." The woman was trying to say but it was like she couldn't.
"Hey you alright miss?" Kevin asked as he noticed the woman struggling.
"I-I don't remember my name... I-I don't remember anything! It's all blank! I-I CAN'T REMEMBER!" The woman screamed as she began to freak out as she realized all her memories were gone.
"Oh shit! She must've hit her head harder than we thought if her memories are gone." Sean said as he realized that the woman's injuries are more serious than they originally thought.
"Okay! Memory loss that's bad, so I guess we'll need to give you a temporary name till you can remember your real one." Aaron suggested.
"Uh Y-Yeah I think I can go for that till I can regain my memories." The woman said.
"Okay so why don't we call you Rachile then?" Ray suggested.
"I guess that will work for now." Rachile said, accepting the temporary name.
"Alright now we just need to discuss a plan of action." Kevin said as she sat back in his original spot.
The group then began talking about any possible way out of the city, while Rachile thought over things. She couldn't remember where she was, who she was, or what was even going on. She did hope that she would get her answers along with her memories soon, as she didnt know why but she just had this feeling that she was needed somewhere else.
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