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intotheunknownradio · 5 years ago
#1. Send More Paramedics
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ddkellyreflectiveblog · 8 years ago
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Do the zombie shuffle like an old-school ghoul We're the backups from beyond, we're the cannibal crew . . . #morningjams #sendmoreparamedics #Spotify #zombiecrew
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shieldbjjatx · 2 years ago
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We had a grand old time. Thanks for coming out @minijacare27, and thanks to everyone else for giving him such a warm welcome. Open mat today at 11. 2301 Denton Drive, ATX. #shieldbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulife #jiujitsulifestyle #bjj #bjjlife #bjjlifestyle #timburrillbjj #tbbjjarmyofthesouth #martialarts #fighting #austin #texas #domainaustin #domain #bjjformma #sparring #randori #kuzushi #kaizen #centraltexas #atx #whenthesuncomesupyoubetterberunning #northamerica #zombiecrew #openmatbjj #openmat (at The Domain, Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn9fx1kLE1K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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guatemalafixedgear · 8 years ago
Nacionales de Pista Guatemala 2017
Quizás la competencia de más peso en el 2017, ya que suponía colocarse - aunque fuera hasta el final - en los rankings de la UCI y en el panorama del ciclismo nacional.
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Luego de correr en algunas de las paradas de pista del 2017, nos tiramos a correr en los nacionales..
Franco, Brandon, Titi y Rafa, de Zombie Crew, entrenados por el seleccionado de pista Mario "El cotorro” Garcia, y acompañados por Gabriel y JuanJo participamos en varias de estas pruebas en las que tuvimos la oportunidad de medirnos con los mejores ciclistas de Guatemala. El equipo bautizado como Ofipape-Zombiecrew-Fixedhouse (zombiepapelhouse xD ), con 4 meses de preparación obtuvo 2 medallas de bronce y una de plata! 5to, 6to y 7mo lugares en prueba por puntos. 
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Compitiendo en categoría ELITE, con los pedalistas más duros de Guatemala.
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Agradecemos a todos los amigos/familiares que llegaron a apoyar al equipo, esos ánimos y cariño son la mejor recompensa! Gracias Julia, Marys, Angel, Pablo, Nitrox, Steven, Pedro, Jimena, Alan, Jorge(fideo), Coco, Erico, Rocio, Goretti, Roberto R., Danny, Nicho, Fam Aresti, Fam Monzón, Fam García, Ofipapel, Zombie Fixed Gear Crew y en especial a nuestro entrenador Mario "El Cotorro" García! Los dejamos con algunas fotos del evento!
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intotheunknownradio · 5 years ago
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Have you checked out my Halloween special with Send More Paramedics yet? If not, you're missing out! #sendmoreparamedics #zchc #zombiecore #crossoverthrash #zombies #horrorpunk #horror #thehallowedandtheheathen #theawakening #afeastforthefallen #talestoldbydeadmen #zombiecrew #bhellmouth #inatthedeepend https://www.instagram.com/p/B87Fu32l7TM/?igshid=ftpbz254gc9u
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robluis09 · 6 years ago
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Loaded up and headed to #SanJose for @the_others_bc_norcal_chapter #ToyRide @braddahkinebc #SupportWhatsGood #BraddahKineBC #BKBC #RideWithYaKine #ZombieCrew #LifeBehindBars #RideWithUs (at BKBC Clubhouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrInVPclr3m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x2z1zpi8yoig
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shieldbjjatx · 2 years ago
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@minijacare27 has been my training partner since my very first day of Jiu-Jitsu. He will be in town Friday evening, so we will be holding an impromptu off-schedule training session at 6pm on the 27th. I'm honored to have him come to Shield Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu even if only for a couple of hours. Come join in and learn from him. I know I always do. This Friday, 6pm, 2301 Denton Drive, ATX. #shieldbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulife #jiujitsulifestyle #bjj #bjjlife #bjjlifestyle #timburrillbjj #tbbjjarmyofthesouth #martialarts #fighting #austin #texas #domainaustin #domain #bjjformma #sparring #randori #kuzushi #kaizen #centraltexas #atx #whenthesuncomesupyoubetterberunning #northamerica #zombiecrew #openmatbjj #openmat (at The Domain, Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1-qE4r1CW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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intotheunknownradio · 5 years ago
The Bands That Changed My Life 2: Send More Paramedics
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nazgulkardeh-blog · 11 years ago
A day of wandering and whiskey. Covering myself in makeup and fake blood. Being beaten to a mutual pulp alongside several hundred crazed Northerners. Hangover/sleep deprivation/tinnitus aside, ‘tis truly beautiful to feel 17 again.
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shieldbjjatx · 2 years ago
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@minijacare27 has been my training partner since my very first day of Jiu-Jitsu. He will be in town Friday evening, so we will be holding an impromptu off-schedule training session at 6pm on the 27th. I'm honored to have him come to Shield Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu even if only for a couple of hours. Come join in and learn from him. I know I always do. This Friday, 6pm, 2301 Denton Drive, ATX. #shieldbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulife #jiujitsulifestyle #bjj #bjjlife #bjjlifestyle #timburrillbjj #tbbjjarmyofthesouth #martialarts #fighting #austin #texas #domainaustin #domain #bjjformma #sparring #randori #kuzushi #kaizen #centraltexas #atx #whenthesuncomesupyoubetterberunning #northamerica #zombiecrew #openmatbjj #openmat (at The Domain, Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1-qE4r1CW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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intotheunknownradio · 5 years ago
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“It’s just evil all the time...” when in doubt... always go full zombie. Zombie crew. #intotheunknownradio #metalpodcastradio #zombieoutbreak #zombiecrew #halloween #halloweenspecialepisode #specialepisode #sendmoreparamedics #imgonnaeatyourbrain #245trioxin #backfromthedead #zombiemakeup #zombies https://www.instagram.com/p/B34YJSblNSq/?igshid=188dxr4g162rm
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shieldbjjatx · 2 years ago
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“In time we hate that which we often fear.” 2301 Denton Drive, ATX. #shieldbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulife #jiujitsulifestyle #bjj #bjjlife #bjjlifestyle #timburrillbjj #tbbjjarmyofthesouth #martialarts #fighting #austin #texas #domainaustin #domain #bjjformma #sparring #randori #kuzushi #kaizen #centraltexas #atx #whenthesuncomesupyoubetterberunning #northamerica #zombiecrew #openmatbjj #openmat (at The Domain, Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnp6LBuvrUw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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