#virgo risings
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bouquetface · 6 months ago
Astro Observations 5
ACCURACY BASED ON ENTIRE CHART. Looking at only one placement can only give general/surface level info.
💜 Scorpio moon can have a karmic relationship with women in general. They can have resentment and jealously for other women - although in their younger years they are reluctant to acknowledge this. There is a sub conscious/silent competition for power. Possible examples: Needing to be the most liked gf in your bf's friend group. Needing to be the most liked daughter-in-law your husband's family. However, this is not always the case.
Scorpio moon in a man's chart, I have noticed the above traits are seen in the mom. Their mom might share traits with the stereotypical boy mom. However, when the scorpio moon is placed in 7th house, I have seen these traits be less problematic. In 7th, there is almost a balance, the mom is deeply protective and involved with the child’s relationships but without being controlling. Rather, she may just like to be informed. Now whether, the child will submit the mother’s wishes depends on the child.
🧩 Virgo rising are ruled by mercury. They naturally want information. They’re good at researching & analyzing. They’ll try to get as much info as possible.
Virgo placements mixed with scorpio can create the best detective or stalker. EX: My virgo rising, scorpio sun friend stays updated on all her exes, her friend's exes even exes of her family members. She even has random info on the live's of people she barely talked to from her hometown.
☀️ All the eldest siblings I know almost always have prominent cap placements - cap sun or moon most often seen in my experience.
🧩 Middle & youngest children often have a prominent pisces or aqua placement. However, this won’t always be accurate. It’s just something I’ve noticed in the chart’s of people I know.
🍂 My cousin whose birth was a surprise was an Aqua sun. Aqua’s modern ruler Uranus is connected to themes of shock & sudden surprises.
❣️My cousin whose mom had several miscarriages before her birth is a scorpio sun. Scorpio is connected to taboo topics & endings.
🍎 My friend whose birth prompted her parent’s to move abroad is a sag sun. After her birth, they felt the need for a fresh start away from their own toxic families to start a new one. Sag is connected with themes of travel.
🌊 Neptune square ASC or First house ruler can be the worst. People make bullshit assumptions about you immediately. I’ve noticed most people with prominent & harsh neptune in their chart often have prominent aqua or pisces placements. You can need that ability to detach & shut out the outside world to handle the things people falsely believe about you.
🧩 7th House ruler in 1st House can indicate partnerships (romantic, platonic or business) want control of you & your image. You may encounter relationships with controlling & aggressive people. However, you may like people that take control for you.
🍎 Mars in 1st house & Mars in 10th can be a dangerous placement. You become a target for insecure men & women. They see the power you hold and sub consciously wish to take it away from you. The same can be seen in those with mars square or opposite asc. Certain people will want to compete with you.
mars in 1st may deal with physical abuse in relationships. This is an extreme though. For most, you encounter people who belittle you. People challenge your power & confidence.
🌙 Moon in 4th can manifest as having more femininity in the home. The number of girls could outnumber the boys in the home. You could have more sisters than brothers. Or you end up having more daughters than son.
❤️‍🔥 In my mom's chart she has asteroid child (4580) in sag conjunct neptune. My sun is in sag & my younger brother's sun is in pisces. However, rarely do I see the asteroid being this accurate. Sometimes, the sign of child can be more how you view the child rather than the actual sign of the child.
🧿 Groom (5129) conjunct Moon can give a spouse who takes on a traditional feminine role. The positive outcome would be a family orientated spouse who is very nurturing - ex: enjoys cooking, enjoys house work like painting, mowing the lawn, etc. They enjoy taking care of the home and family.
If harshly aspected, I have seen this as a women's husband refusing to work and provide for their family in any way. He became very lazy after marriage. He threatened she'd have to pay him alimony. Chiron was near her Groom conjunct Moon in Aries.
❤️‍🔥 Fama in 7th H - 7th H isn’t limited to spouse & friendships. It can show business partnerships & clients. I have this in my chart & I worked for a notable influencer. They aren’t A list or anything too extreme, she does have a fan base & make money through her social media though.
🩻 I’ve noticed doctors, nurses & vets often have prominent influence in 8th & 6th house. Most common: 2nd or 10th ruler in 8th or 6th H. You will see people at their most vulnerable, investigate & find/keep secrets about their health (8th H) and offer service (6th H).
🌙 Tropical Pisces Moon / Sidereel Aqua Moons tend to develop the habit of avoiding their emotions. They escape through daydreams, music, books or films. They can feel their own emotions through the character. It can feel safer that way.
& this placement can struggle with the inability to cry for months (maybe even years). They don’t properly process the situation until months or even years later. When it becomes too heavy to hold back, they can cry a lot. Randomly tearing up through the day, crying themselves to sleep.
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astrology-by-sita · 6 months ago
This is a part of a series on the rising signs not necessarily in Zodiacal order.
Virgo is The Hermit in tarot. The hermit is austere and is not supposed to have an ego and personal selfish desires, just surrender actions to God, or higher power, and not be attached to results. Ego - sun - rules their 12th house, that's their hidden enemy. Virgo is about the purity, not s3xual purity, but the purity of action. An action is pure when there's no attachement to a result to gratify the ego. An action dedicated to the universal higher power is a pure action.
Of course one should demand to be adequately and justly paid for work. But doing acts of service for someone and then demanding them to be in a relationship in return is not pure action. Expressing love through acts of service is genuine and pure when you do NOT think that the other party owes you a relationship in return. Or anything in return.
Service just for the sake of service is the highest form of devotion, to a person, to God, etc cause after all when we love someone it's a part of a greater love to the universal higher power. So that's the essence of Virgo. It's a very devotional sign. The "perfectionist" stereotype stems out of Devotion. What's Devotion if not longing for that perfection, that union with a higher power?
Virgos have sagittarius in the 4th house. The "origin/root" (4h) of acts of service (virgo) is divine wisdom (sagittarius). Virgos can bridge the spiritual with the practical. A great Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda - is a Virgo rising with Sagittarius 4h mercury. He bridged the devotional, spiritual aspect of yoga with a practical method to follow in your daily routine.
He popularized the practice of yoga in the west this way. Basically he made it clear that anyone can practice yoga and reach realization IF and only IF they're devoted enough to maintain this daily practice in their routine. You don't have to live on a mountain and be a monk etc you can be a normal human in a city and still be spiritually realized.
Virgos are stereotyped as "boring" maybe bc of that 5h capricorn. Saturn rules 6h & 5h so their daily life and work is creative even if slow cause of saturn influence. I do not think this is boring at all. They have pisces 7h so they're likely to be attracted to foreign people from a different background. They have scorpio 3h and Mars rules 3h & 8h. so they struggle with communicating their ideas & needs.Especially day charts. This causes relationship problems too. Relationships become one-sided
Unfortunately they face a lot of disillusion in relationships cause they set their partners on a pedestal. A relationship doesn't have to be perfect in order for the love to be true. What's more romantic than loving someone "warts and all"? Nothing.
Virgos have their feet in the ground except in the area of relationships, there they have the head in the clouds. Which brings them disappointment, disillusion, deception. Their relationships work if they start as friendships first cause their 7h ruler jupiter exalts in 11h cancer. So virgos better not skip the friendship stage.
Their 8h ruler Mars exalts in 5h in capricorn so expressing their traumas through art and creativity can help a lot. They are also perfectionists in whatever they create. Their 10h ruler Mercury exalts in Virgo 1h. When they are comfortable with who they are and stop being so harsh and critical on themselves they excel in career. They have aquarius in the 6th house and aquarius is what you wish for. They wish to be of use and this can motivate them to excel and perfect any skill.
All of us can learn from virgo risings to accept God as the giver of the fruit of action and put the ego (and its desire for results) aside while performing any action.
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acosmicventure · 4 months ago
Your Hidden Gifts In Birth Chart
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These remain in your ancestry as dreams or talents that never saw the light due to circumstances.
Hidden gifts are deeply rooted in your soul and something you often overlook or are unaware of.
You can only discover them once you tap into your inner power.
Element water runs deep and holds every secret that’s still not known to you.
4TH HOUSE is your conscious, meaning what you know on the surface.
8TH HOUSE is your subconscious, meaning what you know intuitively but struggle.
12TH HOUSE is your unconscious, meaning what you don’t know or understand.
Your hidden gift is the courage to create your own path in life. Others see you as someone who rises above loss and destruction.
Your hidden gift is to turn emotional pain into something beautiful. You have an intuitive sense of how to attract abundance in life.
Your hidden gift is for uncovering knowledge that’s not easily available. You can channel wisdom or messages from unseen realms.
Your hidden gift is the ability to heal deep emotional wounds, not only for yourself but for others. Very psychic and intuitive.
Your hidden gift is the power to shine through even the darkest times. You inherit a natural talent for leadership or creative expression.
Your hidden gift is understanding the subtleties of life and using them to heal. You can break down complex problems.
Your hidden gift is bringing harmony and managing deep emotional bonds with grace. Your intuition guides you in partnerships.
Your hidden gift is the power to transform through intense situations. You connect with the mysteries of life. Very shamanic.
Your hidden gift is seeing crises as opportunities for growth and expansion. You are blessed with higher wisdom.
Your hidden gift is your inner authority. You can achieve success working on your ambitions and goals privately.
Your hidden gift is to embrace unconventional ideas and ways that can change the collective consciousness.
Your hidden gift is an innate connection to the spiritual realm, often working in subtle, unseen ways to guide you. Very mystical.
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baldudiable · 4 months ago
the strongest astrological placements to have
some astrological placements seem to have a greater influence on a birth chart. the energy of these placements can be so big that it overshadows other energies present in the chart.
here are some of them:
virgo venus: this one considerably weakens venusian energy in the chart. people who have this placement are less likely to be interested in having romantic relationships because they are always thinking about their responsibilities or their work. venus is all about socializing, making relationships work and our sense of self-worth. while virgo is all about what needs to be done, how it can be useful, and how things can be improved. virgo is very demanding, both with itself and others. it's focused the negative, which makes this energy difficult to satisfy. this energy makes one humble and self-effacing in order to serve something bigger than itself. even the light of a leo sun — which is the most powerful, is dampened when venus is in virgo.
pisces venus: venus' energy is at its peak when it's in pisces. which is logical since it is the sign of its exaltation. that means that venus' qualities such as love, charm, or capacity for compromise are expressed with more freedom. this placement can even make strong, independent types such as aries or aquarius susceptible to toxicity or abuse. pisces has a boundless compassion. it sees only the good in people and can sacrifice itself for long before realizing it's being taken advantage of.
leo moon / mercury / venus: the self-expression of an individual with this placement is without limits. this makes one extremely open, even when they shouldn't be. they consider their opinions, thoughts or emotions as extremely valuable. even withdrawn types such as cancer or virgo — who tend to open up only to people they are close to, become open books to complete strangers. leo is all about pride. so when you have this placement, you wouldn't want to hide the things that make you you for anything.
scorpio placements: having scorpio placement makes one extremely secretive. when in foreign territory, scorpio placements become quiet and start observing. they are evasive when asked about their experience. this is a defense mechanism; scorpio placements have been victims to the hands of people they trusted in the past, which has led them to become very suspicious. trust is hardly given for a scorpio. they even keep things away from those closest to them because the person they trust the most with their secrets is themselves. their secretiveness makes them very mysterious and magnetic. they're like a secret you want to bring to light. one thing that is also worth noting is that scorpio energy makes you really obsessive with the object of your desires. you can't rest until you have obtained that thing or person you want, which can become quite dangerous and unhealthy.
capricorn mars: this is mars' exaltation. this makes even the most lighthearted and free-spirited person extremely ambitious and confident in their capacity to reach their goals. mars is about action & capricorn — which is ruled by saturn, is about time and endurance. this person can achieve great heights because they know that to become great, you have to put in the time and effort. their accomplishments and the recognition that they get from them are the things that matter most to a capricorn mars.
leo rising: people this placement is always catching attention and admiration to them without meaning to. which is understandable as they are followed by the sun. they always have something unique about them. maybe it's their elaborate style, their laughter, their dignified air, or the warmth that they exude that makes them stand out. whatever it is, it's always out for everyone to see. it's a placement that has fought very hard to build themselves and their confidence, which has also made them super proud and uncompromising. by almost never letting their guards down, they might lose chances at love and friendship. leo rising is supposed to choose themselves in this lifetime anyway — and they will, even if the rest of the chart says otherwise.
aquarius sun / moon: these ones are so easy to spot. they seem to be from a distant world that no one knows about. there's just this unusual and disconnected vibe to them. wherever they appear, they act differently. their style, manner of speech, or opinions are always opposite to those of the majority. you never know what to expect from these placements, as they are very unpredictable.
aries placements: people with aries placement are assertive and usually don't beat around the bush. they are not scared of causing drama — they actually like it. aries is the first sign of the zodiac which makes these placements kinda childish and impatient. like children, they don't hesitate to express their most random thoughts, even if they aren't appropriate. you can count on them to always tell you the hard truth, because they value honesty above all. these placements can make you active and impatient which makes it difficult to wait for things. but the good thing is that it pushes you to go after their desires instead of waiting for them to magically appear onto your lap.
gemini / sagittarius sun / moon: these people talk a lot. and i mean a looot. it's honesly tiring sometimes. but they usually know what they are talking about as they have taken the time to actually learn it. their curiosity is endless, and so is their desire to spread that knowledge with everyone they encounter. they are always learning about a new skill or subject and trying to become better at practicing or teaching it. you can spot one of these placements when a quiet person finally opens up you, and endlessly talks about their interests with passion & excitement.
capricorn moon: this placement can dampen someone's self-expression. capricorn moons were forced to grow up quickly and lock away their inner child. they don't express their emotions easily — except for anger, as it's the only one that allows them to feel safe. they weren't really allowed to be vulnerable as children & instead were forced to work and make themselves useful. today they feel this high level of pressure — which is mostly self-inflicted, and that pushes them to use themselves and produce until they are completely and depressed and burnt out. it's hard for these people to let go and actually enjoy life.
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esotericalchemist · 5 months ago
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𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧 ☽˚。⋆.
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
The rising sign in astrology represents the lens through which we view the world and the role we are meant to play in it. It is the path we walk, guiding how we navigate life’s challenges and opportunities. Each Ascendant reveals unique lessons around identity, purpose, and self-expression, pushing us to evolve beyond surface-level appearances. While the rising sign shapes our external persona, its deeper influence lies in the soul’s journey toward greater self-awareness and growth. Understanding your rising sign uncovers the hidden themes of your life, offering insight into how you can align your personal power with your soul’s purpose.
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with an Aries Ascendant (or Rising sign), your soul’s journey revolves around mastering the art of initiation, courage, and self-leadership. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries rising invites you to be a trailblazer, carving out your unique path. But the deeper lesson isn’t just about boldness or pioneering—it's about learning to direct your fiery, primal energy into purposeful, conscious action.
The Ascendant represents the life path you’re destined to walk, the persona you present to the world, and the first impressions you leave behind. With Aries rising, your approach to life is direct, assertive, and often fueled by a sense of urgency. However, beneath the surface, the true lesson for Aries Ascendant is not simply about pushing ahead with sheer force. It’s about mastering the wisdom of restraint—knowing when to act and when to pull back, reflect, and allow things to unfold. Courage, for you, isn’t always about charging forward; it also lies in standing still, surrendering control, and trusting the process.
On a soul level, Aries Ascendant is learning the delicate balance between independence and interdependence. While you’re meant to express your individuality and trust your instincts, your journey often brings challenges that teach you to consider the needs and perspectives of others. Many Aries rising souls come into this world with a karmic imprint of defending themselves or proving their strength, only to discover that true strength lies within, not in external validation.
The Deeper Path of Aries Ascendant
Embracing Self-Leadership: You are here to lead by example, but true leadership inspires others, not controls them. Your challenge is to balance your fierce independence with empathy, learning that influence comes through inspiring, not overpowering.
Mastering Impulse and Patience: While your nature drives you to act swiftly, the real power comes from learning to pause. Patience becomes your greatest ally as you refine how and when to channel your fiery energy.
Understanding the Self through Challenges: Life may feel like a series of battles, but wisdom comes from discerning which ones matter. Growth arises when you learn when to push forward and when to let go, realizing that not every conflict is worth engaging.
Initiation and New Beginnings: You excel at starting new ventures, but your journey is about seeing them through. A key lesson is learning to stay committed to projects and relationships, even when the initial excitement fades.
Developing Emotional Maturity: Acting on emotion comes easily, but you’re learning that true strength is found in emotional wisdom. Responding thoughtfully, rather than reacting impulsively, is the key to personal growth and empowerment.
Learning to Work with Others: Though independence is your cornerstone, collaboration will teach you invaluable lessons in balance. Engaging with others doesn’t mean losing yourself—it enriches your growth and deepens your understanding of shared purpose.
Healing the Wounded Warrior: You might feel the need to constantly defend yourself, but healing arrives when you let down your guard. True power isn’t found in endless battles; it’s discovered in cultivating inner peace.
Learning about Boundaries and Balance: Knowing when to forge ahead and when to step back is crucial. Your path is about striking a balance between action and rest, independence and connection, intensity and calm.
The Soul’s Path of Aries Ascendant
Aries Ascendant souls are here to embody courage, but not in the way it’s traditionally defined. Your journey is about discovering that courage goes beyond charging into battle or proving your strength. It’s about showing up as your authentic self, facing your fears, and stepping confidently into the unknown. You are here to explore self-discovery, leadership, and the impact your actions have on the world.
In this lifetime, you’re being called to balance your warrior spirit with wisdom, your fierce independence with meaningful connection, and your impulsiveness with patient reflection. The deeper lesson for Aries Ascendant is that true leadership comes from within, and the most powerful battles are often the ones fought in the heart.
This is the path of Aries Ascendant—full of fire, passion, and initiation, but ultimately guiding you toward a more evolved expression of personal power and authentic selfhood.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
With Taurus as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey centers on mastering stability, self-worth, and building something enduring. Ruled by Venus, Taurus rising gifts you with an appreciation for beauty, comfort, and the material world. Yet, the deeper lesson for this Ascendant lies in understanding how to balance your innate desire for security with the need for personal growth. While Taurus Ascendant individuals often seek peace and simplicity, their true path involves learning to embrace change without sacrificing their inner grounding.
The Ascendant represents your approach to life, the energy you project, and the path you are destined to walk. As a Taurus rising, you move through life with steady determination, always seeking to build security and foster an environment of peace. However, the challenge with this sign is recognizing that true security doesn’t come from material possessions or external comforts—it resides within. You are here to cultivate a deep sense of inner worth and stability that transcends the physical realm.
Taurus Ascendant people come into this life to confront their relationship with value—both in terms of self-worth and their connection to material success. There is often a karmic lesson in releasing rigidity and embracing flexibility. Clinging too tightly to comfort and familiarity can prevent true growth. Ultimately, your journey is about creating something lasting—whether that’s a legacy, a relationship, or a profound sense of self. Yet, knowing when to let go is as vital as knowing when to hold on.
The Deeper Path of Taurus Ascendant:
Building Inner Security: You are here to discover that true security is born from within. Developing a strong sense of self-worth and inner peace is a fundamental part of your soul’s journey.
Embracing Change: Though you naturally value stability, life often calls you to embrace change. Flexibility is your greatest opportunity for growth, allowing you to evolve while maintaining your grounding.
Learning Patience and Persistence: Your nature is steady and patient, but your lesson is in discerning when persistence serves you and when it keeps you stuck. Finding balance between patience and progress is key.
Exploring Self-Worth Beyond Material Success: While you may seek comfort through material possessions or accomplishments, your deeper journey involves learning that true value stems from self-acceptance, not external achievements.
Mastering the Art of Letting Go: Taurus rising often clings to what is familiar, but you are here to understand the power of release. Letting go of attachments opens the door to greater abundance and inner peace.
Connecting to Earth and Body: With a strong connection to the physical world, you are learning to balance indulgence with discipline. Grounding yourself in nature and maintaining your physical well-being supports your spiritual growth.
Balancing Pleasure and Responsibility: While you find joy in life’s pleasures, your path involves learning to balance enjoyment with duty. True fulfillment comes from integrating both pleasure and purpose, savoring life while honoring your commitments.
Developing Emotional Resilience: Although you prefer emotional stability, life will challenge you to cultivate inner resilience. Facing emotional tests builds lasting strength and helps you navigate life's ups and downs with grace.
The Soul’s Path of Taurus Ascendant:
As a Taurus rising, your soul’s journey is about building a strong and lasting foundation—one capable of weathering life’s inevitable changes. While you are driven to create security, comfort, and stability, the deeper lesson is that true security must come from within, not from external accomplishments or possessions. You are learning to embrace change without losing your sense of grounding and to balance your desire for peace with the courage to grow and evolve.
Your path is one of patience, persistence, and understanding the true value of what matters. While Taurus energy moves at a slow and steady pace, you are also learning that sometimes you must release what no longer serves you in order to make room for greater opportunities. The essence of Taurus Ascendant lies in recognizing that lasting security is an inner state, not defined by external conditions, but by the strong, self-assured foundation you build over time.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Gemini as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey revolves around mastering communication, adaptability, and intellectual exploration. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini rising imbues you with a boundless curiosity and a deep desire to understand the world. Your path is one of constant learning, gathering knowledge, and forming connections. However, the deeper lesson of Gemini Ascendant isn’t just about acquiring information but learning how to integrate that knowledge meaningfully and discovering your own truth amid the flood of endless possibilities.
As a Gemini rising, you approach life with a flexible, versatile mindset, always seeking new experiences and perspectives. Your natural talent lies in connecting with others through conversation, ideas, and social engagement. However, your challenge is learning how to ground yourself and find focus amid the myriad of interests and possibilities that captivate you. While your adaptability is a gift, your true growth comes from channeling your mental energy toward something that carries real meaning and depth.
On a soul level, Gemini rising individuals are here to learn how to balance their mental agility with emotional depth and consistency. While you excel at seeing multiple perspectives, your challenge is staying true to your own voice without being overly swayed by external opinions or influences. Gemini Ascendant souls often come into this life with a karmic need to develop focus and discernment, understanding that not every path is meant to be explored, and not every connection is meant to endure.
The Deeper Path of Gemini Ascendant:
Mastering Communication: Your journey involves using your natural gift for communication to forge meaningful connections. The challenge is learning to communicate with depth and sincerity, rather than skimming the surface.
Finding Focus Amid Variety: While you thrive on variety, your soul’s evolution comes from focusing your mental energy. You’re here to learn that depth, rather than breadth, often brings the most lasting growth.
Balancing Logic and Emotion: Though you may lean heavily on logic, your deeper lesson is about harmonizing intellect with emotion. True wisdom lies in balancing both the heart and the mind.
Learning to Commit: You’re energized by change, but the deeper challenge is learning to commit—whether to relationships, projects, or ideas. You’re here to stay with things long enough to see them fully bloom.
Discovering Inner Truth: With so many perspectives and ideas swirling around you, your path involves uncovering what resonates as true for you. Your journey isn’t just about absorbing information but integrating it in a way that aligns with your inner essence.
Embracing Stillness and Reflection: Though you prefer motion and mental stimulation, your growth lies in embracing moments of stillness. Reflection gives you the clarity to process and integrate your diverse experiences.
Understanding the Power of Words: You’re quick-witted and articulate, but part of your journey is realizing the true impact of your words. Words can heal or harm, and you’re here to use them consciously and with intention.
Learning to Ground Mental Energy: Your mind is constantly active, but your soul’s lesson is about grounding this mental energy. Cultivating practices that center and calm your mind will help you stay focused and present in the moment.
The Soul’s Path of Gemini Ascendant:
As a Gemini rising, your soul’s path is one of exploration—of ideas, experiences, and human connections. While your curiosity drives you to explore new horizons, the deeper journey is about focusing your energy and translating what you learn into something meaningful. You’re here to master the balance between your quick, adaptive mind and the emotional depths that anchor you, understanding that true wisdom is not just found in facts but in the meaning you derive from your experiences and connections.
Your journey also teaches you the immense power of words and communication—not just as a tool for gathering knowledge, but as a force for creating understanding and fostering healing. As you grow, you will learn to use your adaptability not as a way to avoid commitment but as a means to gracefully navigate life’s complexities. The essence of Gemini Ascendant is about mastering the art of connection, both with others and within yourself, so you can move through life with purpose and clarity.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Cancer as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey centers on mastering emotional depth, nurturing, and creating a sense of belonging. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer rising connects you deeply to your emotional world, family, and home. Your approach to life is sensitive, intuitive, and driven by a desire for emotional security. However, the deeper lesson of Cancer Ascendant isn’t solely about protecting your emotions—it’s about learning how to nurture without losing yourself. Your soul’s path is to cultivate security from within, rather than depending entirely on external circumstances for comfort.
With Cancer rising, you instinctively care for others and form strong emotional bonds, but the key to your growth is finding balance. You must learn how to protect your own energy while offering support, recognizing that boundaries are necessary to sustain your emotional well-being. This placement highlights not just emotional sensitivity but the need to develop resilience and to navigate the ebb and flow of life’s emotional tides.
On a soul level, Cancer Ascendant people are here to confront their relationship with vulnerability, family patterns, and emotional security. You may come into this life with unresolved emotional experiences from the past, making it essential to explore and heal your deeper emotional self. Your challenge is learning how to embrace vulnerability without becoming overly defensive or retreating into self-protection. As you progress on this journey, you’ll discover that true emotional security is cultivated within, not through external validation or control.
The Deeper Path of Cancer Ascendant:
Emotional Mastery: Your journey is about balancing emotional sensitivity with resilience. You’re here to understand that vulnerability is not a weakness but a source of strength when approached mindfully.
Creating Inner Security: While you seek comfort in relationships and family, the deeper lesson lies in developing emotional security within yourself. No external source can truly provide the lasting security you desire.
Balancing Nurturing with Boundaries: You have a natural instinct to care for others, but your path involves learning to set boundaries. Saying no when necessary is key to preserving your emotional energy and well-being.
Healing Family Patterns: You may carry emotional imprints from family or even past lives. Part of your journey is to heal these patterns and create a healthier emotional legacy for yourself and future generations.
Trusting Intuition: Cancer rising blesses you with strong intuitive abilities. You’re here to learn how to trust and follow your inner guidance, using it to navigate challenges and safeguard your emotional well-being.
Learning to Flow with Change: Ruled by the ever-changing Moon, you’re here to embrace life’s natural cycles and transitions. Learning to release emotional attachments that no longer serve you is essential for growth.
Embracing Vulnerability: While you may feel the need to protect your heart, your deeper journey is about being open. True intimacy comes when you allow yourself to be vulnerable and trust in the process.
Caring for Yourself as You Care for Others: You are naturally a caregiver, but part of your lesson is learning to nurture yourself. True caregiving starts with self-care, and you must nourish your own emotional needs before giving to others.
The Soul’s Path of Cancer Ascendant:
As a Cancer rising, your soul’s path is deeply intertwined with emotions, family ties, and the quest for security. However, your greatest growth comes from realizing that true security comes from within. You are here to master the art of nurturing—not just for others but for yourself as well—while maintaining healthy emotional boundaries. While you may feel deeply connected to your roots and family, your evolution depends on healing past emotional wounds and breaking free from patterns that no longer serve you.
Your journey is one of emotional mastery. It’s not about avoiding your feelings but about fully embracing them and understanding their impact on your life and relationships. As you grow, you’ll come to realize that true strength lies in emotional openness and resilience, not in hiding behind protective walls. The essence of Cancer Ascendant is about building a foundation of inner security, allowing you to nurture both yourself and others from a place of emotional wholeness.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Leo as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey is about embracing self-expression, leadership, and discovering your unique personal power. Ruled by the Sun, Leo rising grants you a magnetic presence, a strong need for creative expression, and a drive to leave your mark on the world. However, the deeper lesson of Leo Ascendant isn’t simply about seeking attention or standing in the spotlight—it’s about finding authenticity and purpose in the way you shine. You are here to explore your inner light, not for external validation, but to honor your true self.
As a Leo rising, you approach life with boldness and confidence that can inspire others, but your journey also involves learning humility. Your soul’s path includes balancing your innate charisma with self-awareness and leading without overpowering. While you are naturally drawn to leadership roles, the deeper lesson is understanding that true leadership comes from empowering others, not just yourself. You are here to learn how to lead with heart, using your talents to uplift those around you, rather than seeking control or approval.
On a soul level, Leo Ascendant individuals are here to explore their relationship with ego, self-worth, and how they define success. You may come into this life with lessons around self-importance, learning that true greatness is measured not by external achievements, but by the depth of your authenticity and your ability to inspire others. The challenges you face will push you to move beyond superficial validation and into a deeper understanding of what it means to be truly seen for who you are.
The Deeper Path of Leo Ascendant:
Embracing Authentic Self-Expression: You’re here to fully express yourself, but the key lesson is about authenticity. True self-expression comes from the heart, not from a need for approval or validation.
Balancing Ego and Humility: While you naturally seek recognition, your path involves balancing confidence with humility. True leadership isn’t about always being in the spotlight—it’s about empowering others and lifting them up.
Discovering Inner Confidence: Leo Ascendant teaches you to find confidence from within. External validation can be fleeting, but real strength comes from knowing your worth, regardless of others’ opinions.
Learning the Art of Leadership: You are destined to lead, but authentic leadership involves inspiring others to reach their potential. Your challenge is to lead without overshadowing or dominating those around you.
Tapping into Creative Power: You are a natural creator, but your journey is about using your creative energy for a purpose greater than yourself. You’re here to create not just for attention, but to leave a meaningful impact.
Facing the Fear of Rejection: As a Leo rising, you may fear not being seen or appreciated. Your path involves learning that rejection doesn’t diminish your worth—it’s part of the growth process and helps you develop resilience.
Letting Go of Superficial Validation: While admiration energizes you, your deeper lesson is finding fulfillment beyond external praise. True recognition comes from being true to yourself, not from performing for others.
Leading with the Heart: Leo Ascendant teaches that true power comes from the heart. You’re here to learn how to lead with compassion and authenticity, using your gifts to inspire and uplift others.
The Soul’s Path of Leo Ascendant:
As a Leo rising, your soul’s journey centers on personal empowerment, creativity, and learning how to shine in an authentic way. While you are naturally drawn to leadership and recognition, your deeper lesson is about using your gifts to inspire others rather than seeking approval. You’re here to embrace your inner light, learning that true greatness comes not from external achievements but from living with integrity and heart-centered purpose.
Your path is about discovering what makes you truly unique and expressing it boldly. However, the challenge lies in balancing this self-expression with humility and service to others. As you grow, you’ll learn that being seen isn’t just about standing out—it’s about connecting with others through authenticity, inspiring them to find their own light. The essence of Leo Ascendant is leading with love, creativity, and a deep understanding that your true power comes from the heart, not the ego.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Virgo as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey revolves around mastering the art of service, discernment, and self-improvement. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo rising gifts you with an analytical mind, a deep need for order, and a desire to refine both yourself and the world around you. However, the deeper lesson of Virgo Ascendant isn’t about striving for perfection—it’s about embracing imperfections in both yourself and others, while still working toward improvement. You are here to develop the skill of discernment over criticism, learning to balance your drive for excellence with compassion and acceptance.
As a Virgo rising, you approach life with responsibility and practicality, always seeking ways to improve, organize, and serve. Yet, your journey also involves understanding that true service comes from a place of humility and self-compassion. While you often seek control through routines and structure, your path teaches that life’s greatest growth comes from adapting to change and embracing the inevitable messiness. The challenge is to realize that not everything can be perfected or fixed—acceptance is just as important as improvement.
On a soul level, Virgo Ascendant individuals are here to explore their relationship with control, health, and their need to feel useful. You may enter this life with a strong sense of duty and a desire to prove your worth through productivity. However, the deeper lesson is that your value doesn’t stem from how much you do or how perfect you are, but from living your life authentically. Learning to let go of the constant need for improvement and finding peace in simply being is a key part of your growth.
The Deeper Path of Virgo Ascendant:
Embracing Imperfection: You’re here to improve both yourself and others, but your deeper lesson is to accept imperfection. True growth occurs when you understand that flaws are an essential part of the journey.
Balancing Service with Self-Care: As a Virgo rising, you naturally focus on serving others, but the deeper challenge is learning to care for yourself as well. Balance is essential—you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Letting Go of Over-Control: While order and routines help you feel secure, your path involves learning to adapt. True mastery lies in flexibility, not rigidity.
Learning to Trust the Process: You are analytical and often seek the “right” way to do things, but your journey involves trusting that not everything can be planned or perfected. Let life unfold as it’s meant to.
Developing Emotional Intelligence: While Virgo rising tends to focus on practical matters, your deeper lesson is developing emotional intelligence. Balancing logic with empathy and intuition is key to your growth.
Transforming Criticism into Discernment: You have a keen eye for detail, but your growth involves using discernment rather than criticism. Your insights are meant to uplift and heal, not to judge or hurt.
Healing the Need for Perfection: Virgo rising often feels pressured to be perfect, but your journey is about releasing that burden. Your value comes not from what you do, but from who you are at your core.
Finding Meaning in Service: You are drawn to helping others, but true service comes from the heart, not obligation. The deeper lesson is to serve with love and find joy in uplifting others.
The Soul’s Path of Virgo Ascendant:
As a Virgo rising, your soul’s journey is about refining your ability to serve, improve, and discern, but it also challenges you to balance this with self-acceptance. While you are naturally inclined to seek perfection, your deeper lesson is embracing the imperfections that make life real and meaningful. You are here to master the art of service, not through judgment or criticism, but through humility and compassion.
Your path involves learning to trust the process, understanding that not everything can be controlled or perfected. As you grow, you will find that true peace comes from accepting yourself and others as they are, while still striving for personal and spiritual growth. The essence of Virgo Ascendant is about healing and service, using your analytical gifts to better the world, but always with an open heart and a sense of inner peace.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Libra as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey centers around mastering balance, relationships, and the art of harmonious connection. Ruled by Venus, Libra rising endows you with natural grace, charm, and an innate desire for peace and beauty. While Libra rising is often seen as diplomatic and cooperative, the deeper lesson of this Ascendant goes beyond maintaining harmony with others—it’s about finding true balance within yourself. You’re here to learn that harmony begins inside, and that relationships flourish when you honor your own needs just as much as those of others.
As a Libra rising, you instinctively seek fairness and equality, always mindful of how your actions affect those around you. However, your journey also requires learning how to assert your individuality without losing yourself in the pursuit of keeping the peace. The path for Libra Ascendant involves integrating the self with others, balancing giving and receiving, and understanding that sometimes conflict is necessary for growth. This rising sign challenges you to cultivate inner equilibrium, so you can navigate life with poise while not relying on external validation or approval.
On a soul level, Libra Ascendant individuals come into this life with lessons around partnership, self-worth, and decision-making. You may struggle with indecision, trying to please everyone, but your deeper growth comes from learning to make choices that reflect your true values. Libra rising is about mastering the art of relationships—not just in romance, but in all interactions—by learning to assert your needs without fear of disrupting the peace. Ultimately, you are here to explore the dynamic interplay between self and others, creating harmony through authentic, balanced connections.
The Deeper Path of Libra Ascendant:
Learning to Balance Self and Others: You’re here to master the balance between your own needs and the needs of others. True harmony arises when you honor yourself while fostering genuine connections.
Cultivating Inner Peace: While you seek external harmony, your soul’s journey is about developing inner peace. External balance is a reflection of your internal state, and true peace comes from within.
Mastering the Art of Decision-Making: Libra rising often struggles with indecision, but your path involves learning to make choices with confidence. The deeper lesson is trusting yourself and standing firm in your values.
Embracing Conflict for Growth: Although you prefer peace, part of your journey is about accepting conflict as a catalyst for growth. Not all tension is negative—sometimes it’s necessary for deeper understanding and evolution.
Balancing Relationships and Independence: You thrive in relationships, but your growth lies in balancing partnership with independence. You are here to learn that you can be whole on your own, while still deeply connected to others.
Finding Authentic Expression: While you’re naturally diplomatic, your deeper lesson is to express your truth, even if it disrupts the harmony. Genuine relationships are built on authenticity, not just agreement.
Learning to Give and Receive: Libra rising tends to focus on giving, but your journey also involves learning to receive. You’re here to find balance between generosity and allowing yourself to accept support.
Developing Inner Confidence: While external validation may feel important, your path is about building inner confidence. You’ll learn that your worth isn’t determined by others’ approval but by your own sense of self.
The Soul’s Path of Libra Ascendant:
As a Libra rising, your soul’s journey revolves around balance—both in relationships and within yourself. You are here to master the art of connection, learning how to create harmonious interactions without sacrificing your individuality. While you’re naturally inclined to avoid conflict, the deeper lesson is recognizing that true peace sometimes requires difficult conversations or decisions. You’re learning to stand firm in your truth, even when it challenges the external harmony you cherish.
Your growth comes from embracing the complexities of relationships, understanding that balance doesn’t always mean compromise. Often, it means knowing when to assert yourself and when to yield. The essence of Libra Ascendant lies in finding harmony across all aspects of life, from relationships to personal values, while maintaining an authentic and confident sense of self. As you grow, you’ll discover that true beauty and peace come from within, and that the most meaningful connections are built on mutual respect, authenticity, and balance.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Scorpio as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey revolves around mastering the themes of transformation, power, and emotional depth. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, Scorpio rising brings intensity, magnetism, and a profound need to understand life’s mysteries. While often perceived as secretive, determined, and complex, the deeper lesson of Scorpio Ascendant is about navigating the cycles of life, death, and rebirth—both in literal and metaphorical terms. Your path is one of constant transformation, where you’re called to shed old identities, face your fears, and embrace the unknown.
As a Scorpio rising, you approach life with intensity and purpose, always seeking to go beyond surface-level experiences. Whether it’s in relationships, career, or personal growth, you are drawn to explore the depths. However, the challenge of this rising sign is learning to let go of control and trust the process of transformation. Often, you resist change out of fear of vulnerability or loss, but the real lesson here is that true power comes from surrender, not control. Your path involves facing your shadow, healing from past wounds, and emerging stronger, more empowered, and more authentic.
On a soul level, Scorpio Ascendant individuals are here to explore themes of power, control, intimacy, and trust. You may come into this life with karmic wounds related to betrayal, abandonment, or emotional trauma, making it essential to heal and transform these energies. Your lesson is to move through life with courage and emotional depth, rather than fear or mistrust. Ultimately, you’re here to discover the alchemy of transformation, using the challenges you face to evolve into a more resilient and powerful version of yourself.
The Deeper Path of Scorpio Ascendant:
Mastering Transformation: You’re here to experience cycles of change, growth, and rebirth. Embracing transformation, rather than resisting it, is key to your soul’s evolution.
Balancing Power and Vulnerability: While you crave control, your deeper lesson is that real power comes from vulnerability. Being open and emotionally honest makes you stronger, not weaker.
Learning to Trust: Trusting others can be difficult for you, but your path involves learning to trust both yourself and those around you. Healing past betrayals allows you to open up to deeper connections.
Facing Your Fears: Scorpio rising challenges you to confront your deepest fears—whether it’s fear of loss, betrayal, or emotional exposure. True growth comes from facing these fears head-on.
Healing Emotional Wounds: You carry intense emotional energy, but your journey is about healing past wounds instead of letting them define you. Emotional transformation is central to your path.
Mastering Intimacy: You crave deep, meaningful connections, but your lesson is to balance intimacy with personal freedom. True closeness comes when you let go of control and allow trust to build naturally.
Using Power Wisely: You have a magnetic presence and influence over others, but your soul’s lesson is to use your power responsibly. Manipulation or control will backfire—authentic empowerment is your goal.
Surrendering to Life’s Mysteries: Scorpio rising calls you to embrace life’s mysteries rather than trying to control every outcome. Trusting the process of life, and knowing when to surrender, is key to your growth.
The Soul’s Path of Scorpio Ascendant:
As a Scorpio rising, your soul’s path centers on deep emotional and spiritual transformation. You are here to master the cycles of death and rebirth—not just in a literal sense, but in how you handle change, loss, and personal evolution. While you naturally crave control and intensity, your true growth comes from learning to let go of fear and embrace vulnerability as a source of strength.
Your journey involves healing past wounds, facing your shadow self, and discovering that real power lies in surrender, not domination. As you evolve, you will learn to channel your emotional depth and intensity into meaningful transformation, both for yourself and others. The essence of Scorpio Ascendant is about rising from the ashes, continually transforming into a more empowered, authentic, and resilient version of yourself. True strength is found in vulnerability, and your path is one of embracing both the light and shadow aspects of life with courage.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Sagittarius as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey revolves around mastering freedom, exploration, and the pursuit of truth. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius rising brings a natural optimism, a thirst for adventure, and an insatiable desire for knowledge. While this sign is often associated with wanderlust and philosophical exploration, the deeper lesson of Sagittarius Ascendant is about understanding that true freedom comes not just from external exploration, but from inner growth and wisdom. You’re here to expand your horizons and deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you.
As a Sagittarius rising, you approach life with a sense of adventure, constantly seeking new experiences, cultures, and ideas. However, the challenge of this rising sign is learning to balance your desire for freedom with responsibility. While you may resist confinement and seek constant exploration, your deeper growth lies in recognizing that structure and commitment can be tools for deeper exploration rather than limitations. Your soul’s path is about discovering that true expansion comes from integrating life’s lessons and cultivating wisdom, not just seeking the next thrill.
On a soul level, Sagittarius Ascendant individuals come into this life with lessons around belief systems, truth, and personal growth. You may have a karmic need to break free from dogmatic thinking or rigid structures from past lives, pushing you to seek your own truth. However, the deeper challenge is to understand that freedom isn’t simply about escaping or rebelling—it’s about finding meaning and purpose in what you explore. Ultimately, your journey is about aligning your adventurous spirit with a deeper sense of purpose and inner wisdom.
The Deeper Path of Sagittarius Ascendant:
Seeking Inner and Outer Freedom: You’re here to explore the world, but the real lesson is discovering freedom within yourself. True liberation comes from personal growth and wisdom, not just external adventures.
Balancing Adventure with Responsibility: While you crave freedom, your journey involves balancing exploration with responsibility. Commitment, when aligned with your values, can deepen your experiences rather than limit them.
Discovering Personal Truth: You’re naturally drawn to philosophies and belief systems, but your deeper path is about finding your own truth. The lesson is to explore openly without clinging to rigid beliefs or dogma.
Facing Restlessness: Sagittarius rising often brings a sense of restlessness, constantly seeking new horizons. Your growth involves learning that true satisfaction comes from integrating your experiences, not just chasing the next adventure.
Cultivating Wisdom: Ruled by Jupiter, your journey is about expanding your mind and heart. True wisdom is gained not just by learning, but by applying that knowledge to create a meaningful and purposeful life.
Learning to Commit: You may resist commitment, fearing it will limit your freedom, but your deeper lesson is understanding that commitment can lead to deeper fulfillment. True freedom can coexist with dedication to a path, person, or idea.
Expanding Beyond the Self: While Sagittarius rising drives you toward personal growth, the greater lesson is about contributing to something larger than yourself. You’re here to use your wisdom and experiences to inspire and uplift others.
Balancing Idealism with Realism: You’re naturally optimistic, but your journey involves grounding your ideals in practical reality. True growth comes from aligning your grand visions with actionable steps and realistic goals.
The Soul’s Path of Sagittarius Ascendant:
As a Sagittarius rising, your soul’s journey is about seeking and expanding—both in terms of knowledge and experience, but also in spiritual growth. You are driven by a need to explore, learn, and discover, but the deeper lesson is finding a sense of inner freedom that transcends external circumstances. Your path involves balancing your desire for adventure with the wisdom gained from reflection and commitment.
You’re here to explore not only the physical world but also the realms of philosophy, spirituality, and personal growth. However, your growth comes from understanding that constant movement and external exploration aren’t always the answer. Sometimes, stillness, reflection, and deepening your understanding of life’s lessons bring the greatest expansion. The essence of Sagittarius Ascendant is about the pursuit of truth, meaning, and wisdom—using your experiences to live a life aligned with your highest ideals and values. Ultimately, your journey is about finding freedom in every aspect of life—mentally, spiritually, and emotionally—so you can inspire others to do the same.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Capricorn as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey revolves around mastering discipline, responsibility, and the path of self-mastery. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn rising brings a strong sense of purpose, ambition, and a deep desire to build something lasting. While Capricorn is often associated with success and structure, the deeper lesson of this Ascendant involves learning to align your external achievements with inner values. You’re here to walk a path of steady progress, embracing patience, persistence, and the understanding that true mastery takes time.
As a Capricorn rising, you approach life with a pragmatic and grounded perspective, often driven by long-term goals and a sense of responsibility. However, the challenge is balancing your external ambitions with inner fulfillment. You may feel pressured to meet societal expectations or climb the ladder of success, but your deeper journey involves finding meaning in what you build. Capricorn Ascendant isn’t just about material success—it’s about creating something that reflects your soul’s purpose and inner integrity.
On a soul level, Capricorn Ascendant individuals come into this life with lessons around authority, responsibility, and self-worth. You may carry karmic imprints of feeling burdened by duty or a need to prove your worth through hard work. However, the deeper lesson is understanding that true success isn’t defined by external validation—it’s about achieving inner mastery. You are here to take responsibility for your life, while also realizing that rest, emotional nourishment, and flexibility are vital to the journey.
The Deeper Path of Capricorn Ascendant:
Mastering Discipline and Patience: You’re here to build something lasting, but your lesson is understanding that real success takes time. Patience and consistent effort are crucial to your soul’s growth.
Balancing Ambition with Inner Fulfillment: While you strive for external success, your journey involves learning that true fulfillment comes from within. Aligning your goals with your deeper values is essential.
Letting Go of External Validation: Capricorn rising often feels the pressure to meet societal expectations, but your deeper lesson is learning that your worth isn’t defined by status or achievements.
Embracing Emotional Vulnerability: Though you project strength, your soul’s path involves learning to open up emotionally. True strength comes from vulnerability and allowing others to see your softer side.
Building a Legacy with Integrity: You are driven to create something meaningful, but the real lesson is about doing so with integrity. You’re here to build a legacy that reflects your inner values, not just external success.
Learning the Value of Rest: Capricorn Ascendant often pushes too hard, but your journey involves recognizing that rest is as important as work. Balance is essential for long-term success and well-being.
Taking Responsibility for Your Life: While you are naturally responsible, the deeper lesson is taking full ownership of your life’s direction. This involves letting go of blame and embracing your power to shape your destiny.
Transforming Fear of Failure: You may fear failure or struggle with self-doubt, but growth comes from understanding that mistakes are part of the journey. True mastery is built on resilience and learning from setbacks.
The Soul’s Path of Capricorn Ascendant:
As a Capricorn rising, your soul’s path centers on responsibility, perseverance, and the art of building something enduring. You are here to master discipline, but not at the expense of your emotional well-being. While you are naturally driven to achieve success in the material world, your deeper lesson is about aligning those achievements with your inner truth. You’re here to learn that true success isn’t measured by external accolades, but by the integrity, purpose, and fulfillment you find along the way.
Your journey involves learning to embrace vulnerability, rest, and emotional nourishment—understanding that these are essential for long-term success. Capricorn Ascendant teaches you that while hard work and ambition are important, balance is key. As you grow, you’ll realize that true mastery comes from building a life that reflects both your external goals and internal values, creating a legacy that is both meaningful and sustainable. Ultimately, the essence of Capricorn Ascendant is about walking the path of self-mastery, building something lasting, and achieving success that aligns with your soul’s purpose.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Aquarius as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey revolves around mastering individuality, social consciousness, and revolutionary thinking. Ruled by both Saturn and Uranus, Aquarius rising combines the discipline and structure of Saturn with the innovation and radical change of Uranus. While Aquarius is often seen as progressive, detached, and intellectual, the deeper lesson of this Ascendant involves balancing your unique vision with the need for meaningful connection. You’re here to push boundaries, challenge societal norms, and break free from outdated structures, but the real growth lies in using your individuality to uplift the collective.
As an Aquarius rising, you approach life with a strong sense of independence, often feeling like an outsider. You are driven by a desire to explore unconventional paths, question authority, and seek out new ideas. However, the challenge of this rising sign is learning how to maintain your individuality without isolating yourself emotionally. While freedom is important to you, your soul’s journey is about integrating your personal ideals into the larger collective. You’re here to learn how to use your visionary thinking to create meaningful change, both for yourself and society.
On a soul level, Aquarius Ascendant individuals come into this life with lessons around community, freedom, and innovation. You may struggle with balancing your desire for autonomy with the need for connection, often resisting conformity or traditional structures. However, the deeper lesson is that true freedom doesn’t come from rejecting all limitations—it comes from mastering the balance between independence and collaboration. You are here to revolutionize, but also to build meaningful relationships that honor both your individuality and the needs of others.
The Deeper Path of Aquarius Ascendant:
Embracing Individuality with Purpose: You’re here to be different, but the lesson is about using your uniqueness for a higher purpose. True individuality comes from aligning your personal vision with collective progress.
Balancing Freedom with Connection: While you crave independence, your growth involves learning to balance this with meaningful relationships. True freedom doesn’t come from isolation but from mutual respect and shared goals.
Learning to Lead with Vision: You’re a natural visionary, but your path is about leading in a way that inspires others. Your ideas are revolutionary, but you must ground them in reality to create lasting change.
Mastering Detachment and Emotion: Aquarius rising can lead to emotional detachment, but your journey is about learning when to engage emotionally. Progress comes from both intellect and heart.
Breaking Free from Old Structures: You’re driven to challenge the status quo, but the lesson is about doing so constructively. Revolution is necessary, but you’re here to replace outdated systems with something meaningful and sustainable.
Embracing Your Role in the Collective: While you’re fiercely independent, your growth comes from recognizing your place in the larger community. You’re here to uplift others with your ideas, not just stand apart.
Innovating with Integrity: You’re a natural innovator, but your deeper lesson is about using your ideas with responsibility. True progress comes from integrity and care for the greater good.
Finding Freedom Through Structure: While you resist restriction, you’ll learn that some structure is essential for long-term progress. True freedom comes from discipline, allowing your vision to take form.
The Soul’s Path of Aquarius Ascendant:
As an Aquarius rising, your soul’s path revolves around blending innovation with responsibility, individuality with community, and intellectual freedom with emotional connection. You are here to be a trailblazer, challenging conventional thinking and creating new paths for others to follow. However, your deeper lesson is learning that true progress isn’t just about breaking free from the old—it’s about building a new, more enlightened future that benefits everyone.
Your journey involves balancing your desire for personal freedom with the understanding that meaningful change comes from collaboration. You’re here to lead, but not from a place of detachment—instead, you’ll find your greatest strength comes from connecting with others and uplifting the collective with your unique vision. The essence of Aquarius Ascendant is about creating a new world, one where individuality and community coexist, where innovation serves humanity, and where freedom is found through the integration of personal and collective growth.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭
If you’re born with Pisces as your Ascendant, your soul’s journey revolves around mastering compassion, spiritual growth, and the ability to transcend the material world. Ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, Pisces rising brings a natural connection to the unseen realms, deep sensitivity, and a desire for unity. While Pisces is often associated with dreaminess, creativity, and emotional depth, the deeper lesson of this Ascendant is about learning to navigate life’s illusions and emotional complexities. You’re here to cultivate inner wisdom, spiritual awareness, and the ability to merge with the collective consciousness, all while maintaining a strong sense of self.
As a Pisces rising, you approach life with fluidity and openness, often seeing beyond the surface and into the emotional or spiritual core of situations. However, the challenge of this rising sign is learning to balance your sensitivity with boundaries. Pisces Ascendant can blur the lines between self and others, making it easy to absorb the emotions and energies around you. Your path involves finding a way to serve and heal without losing yourself in the process. You are here to develop discernment, knowing when to give and when to protect your own energy, so you can stay connected to both the physical and spiritual worlds.
On a soul level, Pisces Ascendant individuals come into this life with lessons around compassion, service, and mastering emotional boundaries. You may feel drawn to escape the harshness of reality or struggle to ground yourself in the material world, but your deeper growth comes from learning to balance your spiritual sensitivity with practical action. Ultimately, you are here to bring your dreams and ideals into the world, using your innate compassion to inspire and heal while staying connected to your own truth.
The Deeper Path of Pisces Ascendant:
Balancing Sensitivity with Boundaries: You’re deeply empathetic, but your lesson is learning to protect your energy. Boundaries are essential to avoid emotional overwhelm and maintain your sense of self.
Learning to Ground Your Spirituality: You’re naturally connected to the spiritual realm, but your growth comes from grounding that energy in the material world. Your challenge is turning dreams into reality.
Mastering Emotional Discernment: While you’re deeply intuitive, part of your journey involves learning to discern between your own emotions and the energies you absorb from others. Clarity comes from emotional awareness.
Healing Through Compassion: Pisces rising gives you the gift of compassion, but you’re here to learn that true healing comes from balance. You can’t save everyone, and your journey involves understanding when to step back.
Navigating Life’s Illusions: You may be prone to seeing life through rose-colored glasses, but your soul’s growth involves facing reality without losing your optimism. The lesson is in balancing idealism with practicality.
Serving Without Sacrificing Yourself: You’re naturally inclined to serve others, but your deeper path is learning to give without losing yourself. True service requires self-care and personal boundaries.
Embracing the Unknown: Pisces Ascendant teaches you to flow with life’s uncertainties, embracing the unknown rather than fearing it. Your spiritual growth lies in surrendering to life’s mysteries.
Bringing Dreams into Reality: While you’re naturally idealistic, your soul’s journey is about manifesting those ideals in the physical world. You’re here to learn how to take your visions and make them tangible.
The Soul’s Path of Pisces Ascendant:
As a Pisces rising, your soul’s journey is about merging the spiritual with the material, using your deep sensitivity to heal and inspire those around you. You are here to master the balance between compassion and self-care, learning that true service comes from a place of strength, not sacrifice. While you may be tempted to escape the harsh realities of life, your deeper lesson is about embracing both the seen and unseen worlds, finding a way to bring your spiritual insights into practical form.
Your growth comes from learning to navigate life’s illusions, finding clarity amid the emotional and spiritual currents that surround you. As you evolve, you will discover that true fulfillment comes from turning your dreams into reality, using your gifts of empathy and intuition to uplift others while maintaining your own emotional and spiritual integrity. The essence of Pisces Ascendant is about transcending the ordinary, finding meaning in life’s mysteries, and sharing your compassion and wisdom with the world in a way that honors both your soul and the greater collective.
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elysiansparadise · 6 months ago
The Risings Series
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I have always liked to write and for many years astrology captured my heart. I had been wanting to start a blog for some time, to share my passion and meet many people through it. One day after creating this blog, I posted for the first time. My first post was about Scorpio Rising. And today, I'm happy to see that despite my busy schedule, downturns and other things, I was able to finish this series.
I thank each of you for your support and for enjoying what I write. You motivated me to continue the posts analyzing risings. I really appreciate your messages of support, and I appreciate even more knowing that I can help you get to know yourself better or just read something you really like.
Aries Rising || Taurus Rising || Gemini Rising || Cancer Rising || Leo Rising || Virgo Rising || Libra Rising || Scorpio Rising || Sagittarius Rising || Capricorn Rising || Aquarius Rising || Pisces Rising
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sativaonsaturn · 7 months ago
how i spot the signs
based on risings and sun
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♈︎ aries:
scars on the face/ head
very direct way of speaking; yk what they’re saying the first time they say it. don’t usually have to repeat themselves
sometimes redheaded or dyed red
natural leaders, even if they’re not the leader they tend to naturally command respect
also naturally loud speakers; not obnoxious but you can definitely hear them
usually very friendly if not approachable too
♉︎ taurus:
the women are ALWAYS pretty!! very conventionally attractive faces (venus)
what you see is what you get
usually know exactly what hairstyles/ makeup complement them
voices tend to be flat/ monotone
tend to lean towards earth tones and often even have an olive/ green undertone
♊︎ gemini:
very talkative 😭
men tend to be quite lanky but not very tall
love eccentric clothes/ accessories (ex: one earring, rainbow dyed hair, blonde eyebrows)
everyone knows them and they know everyone, tend to be quite approachable
they get bored quite easily. if you’re dating one, (not even considering venus) they’re likely to be really into you initially and seemingly dial it back out of nowhere or ghost completely 😭
♋︎ cancer:
big titties 😭 (esp rising)
tend to have round faces (moon)
tend to be a bit timid in new environments, talkative when they’re comfortable; cautious people
typically very warm people (sometimes literally), gives mom vibes fr
super funny naturally, true comedians even if they’re just saying what’s on their mind
i’ve noticed cancer artists make really raunchy songs (ex: Work It by Missy Elliot, Big Poppa by Biggie, Candy Shop by 50 Cent)
♌︎ leo:
noticeable hair (ex: big hair, long + healthy hair, unique curl pattern)
everyone knows them, may not know everyone
also natural leaders but tend to be a bit friendlier than aries (and typically more concerned w/ who likes them than aries)
love to laugh! always cracking jokes or finding a way to lighten the mood
command attention (good, bad, or both) immediately and w/out trying
♍︎ virgo:
usually look really focused or deep in thought
can also look far away when you first meet them especially if they’re virgo rising
can be quiet when you first meet them too; usually cause they’re reading the room before they speak
almond/ small eyes
usually have to wear glasses/ contacts
tend to wear earth tones
♎︎ libra:
men look like professors or authors, especially the octobers
september libras seem to loveeee pink
usually quite talkative but also typically read the room well, may even mirror it
tactful/ organized people, again especially octobers
typically love pretty, clean cut things. so clothes are ironed, delicate perfume, earrings always in, hair always done.
libra risings always look like libras 😭 very symmetrical faces, just look like they know a lot
♏︎ scorpio:
usually the hardest to guess
often in the know abt everyone w/out even asking
does someone seem like they’re openly themselves, knows everyone, big personality.. but you also get the feeling you don’t know them at all? probably a scorpio
tend to be the life of the party, definitely know how to have a good time
♐︎ sagittarius:
can be tall or short but the men almost always have very athletic builds
they know everyone and everyone knows of them
talking shit 24/7
tend to be confrontational and blunt people - will absolutely tell somebody like it is
likely a lot of rumors about them. like you may hear about them before you even meet them
very pronounced calves and/or hips
very noticeable/ distinct laugh and voice
tend to have big, bright smiles (ex: Miley Cyrus, Billie Eilish, Colman Domingo)
♑︎ capricorn:
very dry humor
always moving, if they’re not moving they mentally occupied
usually you hear they’ve been independent from an early age
adapt very well, can usually be whatever they need to be for the moment
the women are typically striking or have memorable features (ex: Dolly Parton, Zooey Deschanel, Ice Spice)
the men look strong minded and strong willed (ex: Denzel Washington, LL Cool J, Zayn Malik)
♒︎ aquarius:
often look very lost or in a daze
tend to say things to get a rise out of people but that’s not to say what they’re saying isn’t true; sometimes it’s the way they say it
can sometimes be the smartest in the room; they notice everything and forget nothing + very quick thinkers
women tend to be thick (ex: Megan Thee Stallion, Kenya Moore, Oprah, Uzo Aduba)
♓︎ pisces:
tend to be quite spiritual/ pious people but if not, equally as passionate abt not believing in like a higher power
women usually look ethereal either in dress or face (ex: Lupita Nyong’o, Rihanna, Dakota Fanning, Drew Barrymore)
can act a bit like God’s gift to the earth, especially the men
tend to be frugal and in turn usually very well off or at least comfortable
sativaonsaturn 🪐🍃
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astroidology · 8 months ago
Astro notes.
random astrology things I’ve noticed.
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don’t try to start an argument with a virgo mars!!!! these individuals never really care enough to argue UNLESS you’re saying something that they know it’s wrong. they won’t let you get away with it. they will explain you in detail why you’re wrong in a passive aggressive way. making you feel really dumb lol they love being right
mercury in pisces. most find it hard to express through words to say exactly how they feel so instead they do it through music, songs,, art, sketches, some hand-made gifts. any kind of act of love. and they love those kind of things too. they find it more meaningful.
leo risings usually have a good sense of style. they want to look nice, wear nice clothes, nice jewelry. they tend to be super shy and quiet too, they have a hard time opening up to people. which is weird bc they have alot of charisma and people usually gravitate towards them, mostly because they’re fun to be around. but sometimes they care too much about what people think of them and that can stop them from being themselves.
moon in capricorn are so hard on themselves. whenever I think of this placement, it reminds me of that knot on your throat when you’re trying so hard not to cry. just holding back the tears. that’s them. all the time. and it’s not just tears they’re holding back, it’s also the words they never say when they’re really upset, completely avoiding any kind of interaction. or the good news they don’t ever share because they’re too afraid it’ll go away. or just anything that they keep to themselves bc they don’t want to bother anyone else. They’re also really intuitive!!! I feel like Capricorn is not known to be intuitive like that but it’s the fact that they can read people very well, they see right through people and they’re always ready for what’s going to come next. this placement can definitely make someone much quieter than usual, no matter the sun sign.
libra risings are extremely social and likable!!! this people love the attention and you definitely notice them from afar. they’re so good at fitting in. they have such grace to them, which is such a Libra thing but having this sign as your rising, it’s the way you come across to other people. They really try to stay out of drama and usually the ones to be cool with everything and everyone. they adapt very easily to their environment which can be good or bad. very easily influenced. they also like aesthetics a lot. visuals mean a lot to them. they want to make sure they look good at all times and they’re big on words meaning they like compliments a lottt!!! they look better with neutral and pastel colors. physically they tend to have longer faces and a fuller bottom lip from what I noticed, usually leaner body type. even if they’re not super fit, they have a good body distribution.
gemini risings just like any other air sign, also love to interact with people (sometimes) but they tend to be more reserved. they only open up once they comfortable then they don’t ever stop talking lol they’re super bubbly and curious. and can often be super observant. you can kinda know they don’t like you if they don’t talk you a lot lol because they truly loveee to talk. it’s a little difficult to spot them right away because they tend to blend in with other people but once they open up, you can see the their Gemini coming out. they tend to have small facial features, they can even be shorter in height. and there’s a more reserved look to them, kinda like virgo. but unlike virgo risings, gemini risings look somewhat more approachable and relaxed.
mars in pisces easily catches feelings because they won’t ever stop thinking about that one person. Most of the time they don’t even know the person that well but it’s just how they feel. And they tend to have a very sweet approach to love, lots of emotions, kinda like not being able to fck around with other people once they’re in love. They also feel like they have to vocalize it to get over it. They can’t really move on easily, no matter how fucked up the situation is.
mercury in any fire sign (leo/aries/sagittarius) are always having to tell people it’s just a jokeeee lol they tend to be very direct and their type of humor is usually so stupid, it sounds like their making fun of everyone but it’s also usually their love language. they love when people match their energy, they feel free to say anything and they lovee ittt!! another thing is If they don’t fck with you, they won’t even bother to talk to you, they might even talk sht about you or make little comments like that, they need to make it lol
moon in pisces struggles a lot to open up. it’s such a weird thing because they wear their heart in their sleeve so everyone knows they’re not doing well, people notice there’s something off, you can even see it in their face and eyes, but a moon in pisces will never be able to fully talk about it. it’s almost like talking about it makes it real and they don’t want any negative feelings. We all know they live in their own dream world, where it’s safe and peaceful and happy. and it’s all good until reality hits. And they hate it. they want to crawl back in bed, fall asleep for days. listen to some loud music and just close their eyes. They need to shut their minds off so it’s very common for them to develop escape mechanisms. can be really bad habits that make them feel so good. they really need to keep their mind clear and out of any negativity because everything they think about too much becomes real. a lot of popular music artists atm have this placement and you can kinda see how well they blend in with whatever is going on. you can see their genuine interests and opinions in their songs and performances.
moon in the 5th house ppl are creative!!! whatever their hobby is, they make sure it’s done right and they’re usually so good at it. their delivery it’s amazing. they express how they feel in such a dramatic way.
venus in aquarius is an interesting placement. it reminds me a lot of venus in virgo and I do think they have a lot of things in common but I still think venus in aquarius is more complex than that. They need reassurance in any way possible because it makes them feel safe but they are too afraid to committing to someone and having to emotionally depend on someone. And it’s not that they’re disloyal, if anything they’re one of the most loyal placements. they love imperfections, they love the real and raw. they understand there’s more to people and they accept people. but they’re afraid of it. they don’t think someone will be able to love their imperfections, so as soon as they start feeling too much, they take a couple steps back. they suddenly need some space. or at least that’s what they think they need. they don’t like to detach but they do it when they feel unsafe or unloved. and it’s always something that they can’t even understand themselves.
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idllytarott · 9 months ago
astrology observations for sad people
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— the signs who I personally believe are really misunderstood by their peers are often capricorns and aquarius because of their saturnian tendencies where they become the mature, bigger person or are aloof of how they're presenting themselves, they always think they know better or people feel very intimidated by their personalities and, because people don't understand them, they alienate them,
— aries and scorpio as they are very intense, over confident people, other's might feel put-off by them, they can be very controlling and have a "I don't care" kind of personality that doesn't usually goes well with others, their ways of always trying to make themselves clear and understood causes the opposite effect, they are often misjudged as villainous or mean,
— geminis are also put in a place of having to know better, not given a chance or space to mess up as they are very intelligent people and show it, others might have big expectations which are often not met since they prefer to do what makes them happy and makes them curious, they tend to over-inflate themselves, or the opposite, and people take their words too seriously or not at all, very polarizing sign.
— a stellium in 4th can be super difficult to deal with, specially if it falls on not easy planets like mars, or saturn, uranus, or pluto. These people are always dragged back to their family issues no matter how much they try to escape, their parents maybe gave them too much responsibilities as little kids or vented to their child without thinking of the consequences, if these people ever decide to have a family they should always consider if they're doing it because they want to or because it is what's expected of them.
— chiron in social signs as gemini, aquarius and libra feel very alienated at all times, having social interactions is a learning experience for them, whether is good or bad, I also notice people usually get obsessed with them? They don't respect these people¡s space or it could be the other way around, to me is a placement where you'll learn to not be socially inept or teach people how to treat you right for some reason?
— saturn IS a complicated planet, it depends on the person's other planets and aspects how they deal with saturn, a person with moon conjuct saturn has a harder time dealing with their emotions than a capricorn moon. Even when the energies are similar, they don't have the same impact.
— now, a person with a capricornian stellium or dominant does deal with the saturn energy much comfortably than a person with sun trine saturn, because they were born with it. I personally believe you accommodate, or your aspects accommodate to you as you grow and evolve as a person.
— a pisces stellium, specially if is on moon or ascendants, is very perceptive to other's opinion on them, not in a superficial way but more on a "does this person thinks i'm being fair or mean?" Let's not forget the sister sign of Pisces is Virgo, so these signs also share the analytical or more neurotic way of seeing the world. A Pisces Rising is very self-aware of how they come off to people or how they are seen, they might not show it or say anything about it, a Pisces mercury might be self-conscious about how they approach others, how their voice sounds or how they come off when talking.
— I do believe leo's have a harder time being appreciated by people, as they devote to other's so easily they could neglect themselves in the process. Is the kind of person who is always looking out for someone to make happy or to make them feel comfortable because is something they want reciprocated. But this is a thing that can happen to fire signs a lot, they can be overbearing or too kind to people that it ends up backfiring on them, they have a very childlike mentally.
— is true what they say, a 12th house stellium in a natal chart makes the person passive and/or too in their own world, they have premonitions in dreams, but I've also seen these individuals have a really hard time with sleep, they have paranormal experiences a lot that some of them are used to it. They can be in some sort of medication, but not all, and not always these people are medicated or doing substances, they have an easier time to have out-of-body experiences, like lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis, these can occur because these people are super sensitive and get easily drained and stressed. Is important they are taking care of their energy at all times, I've met many that have one, two or more 12th house placement where I've found out some other person has been doing some sort of witchcraft on them, or have a big negative energy that this 12th houser sucks accidentally.
— having a mercurial dominant or rising can be super difficult when it comes to feeling, they tend to rationalize everything too much, are easily distracted and indulgent, they are very, very anxious at all times on all situations, even if they show otherwise. they overthink things too much, are the kind to be incredibly self-aware or completely out of touch with themselves.
— the ascendant aspecting negatively the mercury gives the individual speech impediment or a very shy personality, an almost inaudible voice or a raspy one, people with this placement have a harder time getting their thoughts across, or people might misinterpret them.
— keeping the conversation going, mercury negatively aspecting saturn makes a shy and reserved person, someone who, as a kid or a teen, has problems with being heard, or people simply didn't care or asked for this person's opinions, they might had been very codependent on an adult or somebody else to talk or to get to be seen, as they grow older they learn to communicate rather excellently, they might want to treat their shyness or whatever problem they have with unwanted attention or negligence
— neptune in personal houses like the 1st, 7th, 4th or 10th is really tricky. you might ignore gut feelings bout certain individuals, or on the contrary, believe someone is good when they aren't. these people can be their own worst enemies as they are super perceptive of how they come across to others, or how others make them feel.
— neptune in the 1st is common on actors and models and singers, usually on famous people, because they can create a fantasy of how they want people to see them, or act like chameleons around people, this creates a series of identity crisis during their lives.
— neptune in 7th is prone to feel things that really aren't there? they convince themselves somebody hates them or likes them for just one interaction, these individuals are like a sponge in social situations and they take everything somebody tells them to the heart. they also are known to lie a lot to people on behalf of good manners, they like to be liked.
— neptune in 4th house has a really confusing or unclear family situation, they might adopt the role of the parent when they shouldn't, or are treated as a child even as an adult, something in their family, in what they think is normal growing up, isn't. the most likely to stay in a bad situation for many, many years because they don't know any better, or think it's normal.
— neptune in 10th, although it deals with fame and impersonal relationships, to me, is just as fundamental as the houses listed above. they don't see themselves through their own eyes, or feel like they depend on other's perceptions on themselves too much, they are confident, or pretend it really well. these individuals know how to act the part, how to commit to the bit, they never feel that sense of belonging anywhere, because they might show different parts of their personalities to different people
— for me, the hardest moons to have are capricorn, scorpio and virgo.
— capricorn moon is a strictly analytical sign, they don't feel comfortable in the moon as is where the emotions and insecurities shine the most.
— scorpio moon is a very intense sign, as opposite to the Capricorn, they can be super emotional, or completely numb, very extremist and their emotions are black or white, polarizing.
— virgo moon is extremely difficult, they don't like to have to feel things, they like to think and act with precaution and it's hard for them to let their emotions slip, the kind of friend who'd have the most practical advice to all sort of topics, a helpful hand in all situations, but when it comes to them as individuals, they let themselves be too much, their head is always at a thousand percent. From what I've gathered of this moon is that, yes, they are neurotic when it comes to certain things, but completely careless to others, and it's usually to themselves, you won't ever see a Virgo moon misbehave or dress bad, but they can hold a lot of suppressed shame or anger or sadness, like they tie it with a bow in a box and keep it locked.
— lastly, no aspect or moon or sign is bad, they are just more difficult than others, there are people with easy aspects, like sun sextile or trine jupiter, they are prone to idealization and inferiority complexes. it's true that a person that has the harmonious aspects is lazier or gets unmotivated way easier. nothing is really set in stone, you can have a moon conjunct saturn and a cancer mercury in 9th house, your way of expressing yourself is more reserved, but optimistic and even childlike. when it comes to astrology, every single aspect and sign, and house counts to describe a person.
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alfascorpiionux · 11 days ago
Astro notes ~ part 2
Venus in Aries women tend to be called not feminine enough and could be criticised for the way they move or speak. “Not feminine enough” is something they likely heard at least a few times.
Earth Ascendants tend to put too much pressure on themselves and value responsibility. They may come off as cold and unapproachable without meaning too. They dislike or look down on chaotic and unreliable people.
Sun in Pisces are some of the most trustworthy and kind people I’ve ever met. They are sensible, thoughtful and make great friends.
Sun in Aquarius could be both clingy and distant. It really depends on the person in question and their current emotional well-being. They are known to struggle with recognising or processing their own feelings. The higher manifestation of this placement might actually spend more time by themselves as they realise this is what they truly need or they might just become more independent in general. It’s a funny thing with Aquarius. It’s when they are most chill and just doing their own thing that they attract the most attention. If they try too hard to keep a relationship, they almost always lose it. It mostly could be related to a shaky self of self-identity.
Saturn in 3rd house could bring difficulties in communication. Either you stumble over your words, speak too much or too little or just feel like you cannot find common conversation topics with other people. You are responsible, sometimes to your detriment, as it could lead to a false sense of expectation of what other people should do or be like. You love deeply and have a few select people you pour all your love into and would do anything for. Could mean you are a little rigid and definitely don’t like sharing personal stuff.
Moon in Capricorn: when will you stop denying and over-rationalising your own feelings? Being vulnerable and expressing your feelings is not a weakness as society seems to want to teach us. It takes an enormous amount of courage and strength. It’s about being your authentic self with all of its gifts and imperfections. It will not make you exploitable or create unnecessary drama/conflict. But rather it will open your eyes to truths that may currently be hidden from you. In any relationship, especially personal, emotional compatibility is essential. If you keep being polite and inauthentic you’ll never feel truly fulfilled or find the people who are right for you.
Also, stop being so hard on yourself for every little detail. Allowing yourself to relax and take a break once in a while is important for your mental, emotional and physical well-being. It may also enable you to see different situations more clearly.
Mercury in Virgo: you are amazingly patient and definitely notice the “smaller print”. You might be good at making diagrams, charts, tables. You probably don’t make mistakes when doing calculations and might have a real affinity for the exact sciences. You know how to explain things in simple, concrete and very understandable terms. You know lots of things and are very willing to share them with others. Careful not to come off as a know-it-all and watch out for your nit-picking tendencies.
Neptune in 1st house: is actually a quite interesting placement. People probably tend to project on you a lot. They might have completely false ideas about you and believe them with conviction even when you consistently convince them otherwise. Be very attentive of those you surround yourself with! Sometimes the kindest acts hide the darkest pits of hell.
This placement gives a charming, sometimes ethereal appearance to the individual. There is a charming quality to the way you carry yourself, the manner in which you express your ideas. People could have hidden fantasies about you or idolise you.
Sagittarius Ascendant: talkative, sort of daring personality. If you don’t have many friends, the then you at least have a large circle of acquaintances. You like expressing your ideas, sometimes just to stir the waters. You’re up for fun and spontaneous activities. You like creative people. In social settings you tend to “fly” from one group of people to another as you enjoy exchanging news, ideas, impressions with other people. You may not understand why some earth ascendants like keeping silent. It’s not that they don’t want to talk to you or are angry with you, social situations probably stress them out and they don’t like having their routine interrupted. That’s something to take into consideration.
Also, try not arguing with people just for the sake of proving your point every time. Choose your battles wisely.
Gemini Ascendants: are the real masters of social situations. It’s not mentioned nearly enough just how good they can be at picking up on social cues. They might wisely not show it or even mention it later on, but you can be damn sure they didn’t miss a thing. Also, they are very flexible/adaptable communication wise. If you have a more subdued way of communication they’ll talk more softly and encouragingly. If you are loud and enthusiastic they will try appearing that way as well.
They pick up on the vibes of a room: main relationships between people, primary personality traits, attitudes, if someone has social anxiety etc. They probably also know about secret enemies and crushes but will pretend not to.
Look out for mind games and subtle shows of cunning from them. For example: if you are a heterosexual woman having a secret crush on a heterosexual man and he picks up on it, they might subtly do something to make you feel jealous. Or more blatantly. They could talk to almost every other woman in the classroom but ignore you. Or start talking very pleasantly with you girl friend while you are around etc.
I like associating this placement with the Scandinavian God, Loki, the trickster. They are definitely the type of people that test both the spirit and composure of others. Not always, but there is this tendency, without a doubt.
They might also subtly look down on those who are shy/find it hard to express themselves.
Moon in 8th house never truly gets over a crush. They don’t fall in love easily but once they do you’ll forever remain in their heart. If you leave never to meet them again then you’ll be one of the spirits in the “graveyard” of their souls, ever present and never to be completely forgotten. They are people who are authentic and love with incredible depth and intensity. Once you become their person, they would do anything to make you feel understood and loved. Could have difficulties letting go or accepting rejection.
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astrology-by-sita · 1 month ago
The effect of benefits and malefics is visible in Thema Mundi. Venus being lesser benefic sextiles the luminaries. It sextiles the sun from Libra and the Moon from taurus. Sextiles are venusian
Jupiter trines luminaties. Trines help more than sextiles. They affirm. Jupiter trines the sun from Sagittarius and the Moon from Pisces. Trines are jupiterian.Jupiter is the greater benefic.
Squares cause conflict as they have Martian nature.Mars squares the sun from scorpio and the Moon from Aries
Oppositions are saturnian as Saturn opposes both luminaries. It opposes the sun from aquarius and the Moon from Capricorn.
Image below from the book ancient astrology volume I by Demetra George, page 401
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fancyperfectionsweets · 1 month ago
🫀Astrology Observations 4 🫀
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🍂 if more planets are in your 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 12th and 11th house, you'd more probably work in the public eye. Conversely, if they are in 4th, 10th, 5th, 9th, 6th, 8th or 7th house, you're more likely to work at spaces where you're "hidden".
🍂 I know it is said that sun opposite sun in synastry can bring sexual tension and "opposites attract" energy to a relationship but every Libra Sun I know hates Aries Sun and vice versa. This is especially more pronounced if they have mercuries opposing each other too (since mercury is almost always in the same house as the sun). Their feelings become exposed to each other and it shows up in the communication. Of what I've understood, libras feel that aries suns are always trying to assert dominance, be too straightforward and talk over them. Aries Suns feel like Libras are too passive and hate how they try to be diplomatic. To an Aries, it is hypocrisy/manipulation and not diplomacy.
🍂 Sadly, having malefics in the 5th house is my number 1 indicator of someone who has been cheated on before. I've noticed that even one malefic (like Rahu, Sun etc.) with a benefic (moon, venus) here can still indicate failed relationships.
🍂 6th house synastry is literally "you're coming along with me" and a as a 6th house moon, I cannot stand people I don't have this dynamic with.
🍂 I absolutely understand why 12th house synastry is hated so much as it does add an element of "hidden" to it. I have a 12th house venus and I've always had to "hide" my relationship from socials because I cannot risk people finding out. That's because I come from a conservative country where dating is still supposed to be not talked about until and unless you're getting married. So context matters. However, when I do get a double whammy at times, I had to be extra careful and hide the relationship from even friends, it was usually always a karmic planet making contact with my 12th house Venus (ketu, Saturn). So I understand the hate for it in western countries. Lol.
🍂 Let me tell you about another auspicious yoga in the natal chart: Gajkeshari yoga. Gajkesari Yoga is formed when Jupiter and the Moon are in the same house or when Jupiter is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house from the Moon. It is supposed to bestow one with knowledge, be victorious over their enemies and be a good communicator.
🍂 Synastry aspect that I really like: when a partner's moon falls into your 5th house, the house of romance. I especially love this because my 5th house is empty and the moon person understands my language of romance with so much empathy. I love this one.
🍂 virgo-scorpio conjunctions in any way makes for one stubborn mf. I have two friends with a virgo stellium in the 8th house (scorpio's house) and a scorpio stellium in the 6th house (Virgo's house) and they can be super headstrong in relationships as both of their stelliums houses have venus. I watch both of them being super stubborn in love. Different angles though. While the 8th house stellium friend is super adamnt on her beliefs of love, the 6th house one is super nitpickey of her partner's actions. The 8th house stellium is nit picky about herself and how she conducts herself and then the 6th house stellium person is super stubborn of her personality.
🍂 capricorn risings, leo risings and venus 10th housers are often viewed as trophy wives/husbands.
🍂 Wherever neptune is, or whichever planets neptune touches, you tend to lie in those aspects. If it touches benefic planets, it makes you good at lying and getting away with it. Eg. I knew someone who had a Venus-neptune conjunction and he constantly lied to his partners to keep them around, I have mine in the 1st house and for the longest time, felt that I needed to improve my appearance = lie (surgery, make-up) about it to be perceived better.
🍂 Another liar placement I've realised is rahu (north node) in the 8th house. Why? I still haven't figured it out.
🍂 ohk. I may be wrong but the reason why Saturn is a "malefic" is because it can literally bring out the karma in the themes of your houses in the most vicious way. If it's not conjuncted by benefics, a strong saturn can be also an indicator of death of significance related to the house's theme. Let me give you an example, I have a Saturn in the third house which is also my lagnesh, since third house is the house of siblings, I'm a single child. My mom had a miscarriage when I was a kid. Similarly, my mother has saturn and ketu conjunction in the 4th house (childhood home, mother's home) and she lost her father at a young age, pushing my grandmother to be the protector and provider of her household. Absolutely heartbreaking. Another example I saw was this girl's saturn in the third and she lost her baby brother at the age of 26. 💔
I don't mean to scare you but I think you should definitely see if your saturn is conjuncted by a benefic or if the zodiac it's in is exalted or a benefic because that would reduce the harshness of Saturn. 🥲
🍂 I'm jealous of 2003 born babies tbh. That was the year a lot of people's chart have exalted planets. Someone I found had 8 exalted planets (especially Jupiter and Saturn) like damn! Y'all must really be happy because the rest of us mortals are struggling out here. 🫠
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An extra cute cat gf for that scary introduction 🤭
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baldudiable · 3 months ago
random astrology observations
pisces / 12th house suns often have a hard time knowing who they are. these placements often look at other sources to discover the true nature of their being. they end up adopting the same habits or interests as people they admire because they don’t know where theirs lie. pisces & the 12th house are associated with neptune, the planet that dissolves everything it touches. the sun is the ego, or what you believe you are. when these energies collide, it’s hard knowing who you are and what you want to do with your life. this can be both a blessing and a curse; it makes you open to all kinds of experiences, and allows you to be freed from the need to control outcomes. but it can also lead you to lose yourself and waste time that you could've applied to certain aspirations, and ending up not accomplishing anything worthwhile. if you have any of these placements, it's important that you do some soul searching and find out what it is that you want to do & become.
gemini is ruled by mercury, planet of knowledge and communication. leo is the sun, constantly showering the world with its light. natives with both of these placements in their charts love talking about themselves & their interests. leo is fixed, meaning it’s more likely to go deep into their interests than mutable & unstable gemini. combine the two and you get an expert in any kind of medium. these guys are real yappers though; once they are comfortable and start talking, it's near impossible to get them to stop.
it is true what they say about leo venus. these people love showering their love interest with affection and admiration. they will let the whole world know about how they feel for them. their lovers are an extension of themselves in a way, which makes them super proud and showy. what is also true is that they expect the same in return. like libra venus, they love being in love. so much so that they stay in unhealthy and unsatisfying dynamics because they need to feel love for someone, and desperately want that love given back to them.
pisces placements are very clumsy. it’s a water and neptune-ruled sign, which makes them ungrounded and kinda foggy in a way. obstacles seem to just appear out of nowhere for these placements. they are always bumping into walls or people, holding things too lightly and consequently dropping them. aries placements are pretty destructive in that sense too. they are always breaking things without intending to. which makes sense since they are ruled by mars, the great warrior. 
aries men enjoy partaking in physical fights or at least watching other people fight. many men with this placement enjoy sports like MMA or wrestling. either they are actively engaged in their practice or are very interested in them. aries is martian, which gives these people a kind of violence to them. fighting or watching other people fight helps them release the destructive anger they feel inside. 
virgo suns are surprisingly forgetful. since they’re given this collected and organized stereotype in astrology, you’d expect them to always remember about important things. but these people always seem to lose their belongings, not answer their texts and forget about their loved ones' birthdays. they are so focused on their work or responsibilities that they end up forgetting about the things that actually matter. 
libra placements are actually very self-centered. yes, libra is the sign of relationships. yes, it is about balance. but it’s on the same polarity as aries, which means that they share similarities. they have the potential to be as self-obsessed and selfish as their counterpart. in this lifetime, they are learning what it means to cooperate and include others in their life. likewise, aries placements can be relationship-oriented and generous with their possessions. their purpose involves learning to share the self without sacrificing it in the favor of others.
scorpio mars' anger can be explosive and honestly, quite surprising. these natives usually keep it under wraps for long until it's just too powerful for them to contain. as they grow, they learn to tame their anger, as they know how destructive it can be. they also hate not having control over their emotions. unlike aries mars, scorpio mars believes that getting involved in fighting means that you have lost power over yourself and handed it over to the other person. 
taurus mars embodies the lazy stereotype more than any other taurus placement. mars is energy. taurus is slow and enjoys comfort most of all. this detrimental mars doesn't like having to do things that require any physical effort. good luck trying to rush them or get them to go somewhere far. they might give in eventually, but you can be sure that they will complain the whole time about it.
a lack of earth in a chart makes it difficult for you to orient yourself. even if you've been to a certain place countless times, it's still hard for you to know which directions you have to take to go there.
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lunarliyah · 3 days ago
astro observations
do not steal my work, thanks!
-venus in aquarius has a harder time letting go of friendships than ex's
-if you have heavy Saturn in your chart, you tend to attract a lot of Capricorns. Even if it’s only with your personal placements having aspects to Saturn. There’s a possibility that you can have a very stoic personality which attracts Capricorns. The balance of seriousness and “unseriousness” is difficult to pull off. However, Saturn influenced people portray this balance with ease.
-ceres in aries people have rather aggressive experiences with their mother or motherly figures (grandmother, women caregiver) and are similer to people who have Lilith in aries
-7th house stelliums really need to separate their lust from love. they find someone they crush on and start planning their life with that person
-aries have impulsive rebranding moments all the time. they are always going MIA on social media and comeback out of nowhere. as if it's a way to retreat to themselves
-ceres in cancer seems to be extremely feminine, they enjoy things like flowers in their home and are close with their mom
-people with their sun at the 16 degree play victim alot. especially when someone is pointing out a character flaw, they will deflect and play victim
-people with their sun at the 20 degree strongly believe in revenge, very vindictive people, they have a hard time letting something go if someone did them wrong without having anything happen to that person
-taurus north node has to learn how to control their emotions and not take everything so personally, they need to embrace things for what they are
-mercury in sag tend to not think before they speak. they are actually not the biggest thinkers and are very outspoken
-with mercury at the 26 degree, it makes someone very stubborn in their belief and actually they have a hard time believing people and what they say
-mars in aries people are very hands on people, they tend to push people when they laugh or have no problem hugging people, they are very physical
-12 degree moon person is very emotionally unstable, of course if underdeveloped, they do silent treatments, they cry ALOT, and are prone to outburst
-sun at the 12 degree are prone to heavy usage of substance, which includes w33d, especially after a long day
-aries stellium people are prone to lying all the time, since everything is in the moment for them, they tend to be quick with decisions and response, even if its not believable
-when it comes to sister signs, you either get along with people that have your sister sign or have a very difficult time getting along with them. there is no in between. with that being said, geminis adore sagittarius but the feeling is not mutual lol
-ceres in capricorn are very distant and seem cold, also probably had a controlling mother and did everything to be on their mom's good side. even if that means agreeing with absolutely everything.
if you want a reading, link in bio.
if you want a 1 on 1 reading, message me.
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amazingwriter101 · 3 months ago
🎀Random Astrology Notes🎀
Hiii! It's been so long since the last time I posted (I was so busy at uni) I hope everyone is doing fine! 💙 Here's my random astro notes/observation 💋
🎀 Venus in Aquarius are likely attracted to someone who is intellectually stimulating, unconventional, and values independence. This placement desires a partner who embraces uniqueness, is open-minded, and engages in deep, thoughtful conversations. So someone who respects personal freedom and enjoys exploring new ideas will appeal to this placement.
🎀 Someone with Juno in Sagittarius seeks a lifelong/long-term partner who is adventurous, optimistic, and growth-oriented. Someone who shares a passion for travel, learning, and expanding horizons would be ideal. They value truth, honesty, freedom,and a relationship filled with excitement and exploration.
🎀 People with Water Rising + Earth Sun (especially Scorpio Risings) can leave a strong first impression. They will most likely come across as someone who is intense, ambitious, and confident with a hint of rebelliousness. Their aura feels like a combination of mystery, authority, charisma, and boldness.
🎀 Moon in Virgo is probably the perfectionist of the zodiac who can't relax until everything is labeled, organized, and sanitized. Your idea of emotional security? A perfectly curated to-do list and color-coded spreadsheets for feelings and activities. One of the best people to give constructive criticism (unless you're very sensitive, believe me their words can hurt even tho most of the time they don't mean to hurt you.) They see emotions are just puzzles waiting to be solved.
🎀 Leo Moon + Scorpio Rising = walking contradiction. Their duality is wild. Enigmatic, mysterious, private mask with the scorpio rising while the leo moon screams for applause, admiration and center of attention. it's like "Hey, notice me but don't make it obvious." "look but don't touch." such a power play.
🎀 Venus in Pisces is the hopeless romantic that probably see red flags as a beautiful shade of crimson and admire it. Stop saying you can fix someone, you can't! Please stop falling for potentials and trying to save individuals who doesn't even want to be saved. Forget the "Love is sacrifice", you're not their therapist, and martyrdom isn't sexy.
🎀 Venus in Leo folks love to make an entrance—they’re like DIVA of relationships. They expect their partners to shower them with attention, affection, and maybe a red carpet once in a while. If they’re not getting enough adoration, they might just start singing “Single Ladies” to themselves.
🎀 Moon in Aquarius person feels more at home in a group chat about physics than on a cozy night in with a romantic partner. They’re super into ideas, innovation, and making a difference—but don't ask them to express their feelings too much. You might get a "let's analyze this emotionally" instead of a hug. Might not work with someone who wants a lovey-dovey affectionate relationship.
🎀 Saturn in Taurus is the person who buys the most reliable, sturdy chair at the furniture store... and then waits 20 years to get a new one because "it’s perfectly fine." They have an unshakable commitment to stability and material comfort, but they might be a little too attached to their "favorite" blanket—don’t even think about touching it.
🎀 Venus Conjunct Mars in natal chart is like the romantic-comedy genre. The chemistry is palpable, and there’s a lot of flirtation, passion, and energy flying around. They’re the kind of person who can turn a quick coffee date into a whirlwind romance—and probably end up with matching tattoos by the end of the week.
🎀 Venus in Aquarius is the quirky, "I’m not like other people" type of lover. They’re attracted to what’s unique, eccentric, or revolutionary. Their idea of a perfect date might involve a debate about the future of technology or attending an avant-garde art exhibit. Forget the traditional romantic gestures—they’d rather build a robot together.
🎀 Venus in Taurus is the ultimate “Netflix and chill” person—literally. If you know the tiktoker that lives the fancy life, eating steak, travelling and enjoying? That's a good definition of Taurus and their ideal life. They value comfort, stability, and all the luxuries of life, especially good food and soft blankets. They’ll adore you with cuddles, gifts, and the finest chocolate—because who wouldn’t want to spoil their lover with cozy indulgences? But if you try to rush them, you might find yourself in a battle of wills. They prefer slow, steady love that’s built to last… with a side of gourmet snacks.
🎀 Venus in Cancer is a cuddly, emotional romantic 🦀 who wants to build a cozy home with their partner—and maybe a family of cats while they’re at it. They’re deeply sentimental and love making their loved ones feel cared for with homemade meals and personalized gestures. If you can make them feel safe, you’ll have their heart forever. Just don’t mess with their emotional boundaries, because they’re like a fortress when it comes to protecting their feelings.
🎀 Venus in Aries is like the spark that lights the fire of romance. They fall fast and love fiercely, but their attention span can be as short as a Snapchat story. The thrill of the chase is their thing—so, if you're playing hard to get, you're already ahead of the game. Once they're in a relationship, expect passionate moments, spontaneous adventures, and lots of energy.
🎀 Mars in Taurus is like the bulldozer of the zodiac—slow and steady, but extremely determined. They have an impressive amount of stamina and will stick with a task until it’s done right. Unlike the fiery Aries, Taurus likes to take their time and get things done with quality. Want them to rush? Good luck! They’ll just give you the side-eye and continue on at their own pace. But if you need someone reliable who’s not going to give up, this is your person.
🎀 Mars in Virgo is like a military general with a perfectly organized schedule. These folks are action-oriented, but they’re not impulsive—they want to make sure that every detail is sorted before they go charging ahead. They’re fantastic at problem-solving, and they approach challenges with a calm, methodical attitude. They’re not about drama—they’re about efficiency. But be warned: they might become slightly perfectionistic and a little too focused on the fine print, which could slow things down.
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gabiecv · 1 month ago
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this one are observations based on people I know, after analyzing their birth chart.
again, if want to share your opinion on those, i would love read them!
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leo rising really have hair that STANDS OUT. usually wavy, voluminous, shiny, just beautiful. the wish to dye your hair red always appears at some point, and I recommend it, it looks wonderful.
mercury – uranus aspects can make someone have a unique voice.
aquarius rising are usually part of some subculture.
venus in virgo and your need to please your partner in every way. always asking if you're feeling well, because you don't have a smile on your face.
moon in 5th house and their connection with children :'). even if you don't like it, children admire you, you'll just catch them looking at you like that 🥹.
people with gemini rising have frog beauty. also, I love the aura of this ascendant, you are cute, youthful, there is a receptive energy coming from you, this ascendant's smile is beautiful too.
as a venus in scorpio (stellium in scorpio to be more specific), i would definitely say that Patrick in 10 things i hate about you is my ideal type.
libra moon really don't like arguments, they try to stay calm and not take sides. but if you offend us, it's over, the rage will come 🤓.
I realized that we generally get along very well with ppl that have their sign in our 3rd house. my bestie has my sun in her 3rd house, and we are soulmates. also, my friend and his bestie also have that, and other couple of friends share the same synastry. this is because the 3rd house is the house of communication and everyday relationships, it's as if you and that person spoke the same language, exchanging ideas in a healthy way. furthermore, we can consider the person with whom we have this synastry, as a brother/sister.
I noticed that most of my friends are virgo, or virgo is prominent in their birth chart. they are clever people who I can count on whenever I need, they are organized, or at least give off that vibe lol and are very good company. i love u virgos 🤍.
gemini and aries in an chart, makes someone fiery, a leader, but at the same time, someone very humble, nice to talk to lmao. it's a very likeable combination.
scorpio rising really have that penetrating gaze. usually, scorpios are really easy to identificate.
that's not an observation from someone I know, but I noticed it. Michael Jackson had a stellium in the 6th house, and that makes so much sense. his life was about making physical efforts, dancing, performing in general, and he tried to be excellent in everything he did.
i met a aries mars boy and whoop. he was AGRESSIVE, got in a lot of fights (always winning). i don't talk with him in like 2 years, but i found him on instagram and now he is a bodybuilder.
saggitarius rising and their ability to lighten up the room they are in, i love.
ok, hear me out. 5th house is connected to hobbies that give us pleasures (includes films, music, books, etc.) and also to crushes. I've been noticing that the celebrities I admire have the same sign as my 5th house:
MJ (pisces Moon and rising)
Heath Ledger (pisces stellium)
Andrew Garfield (pisces Rising)
Rihanna (pisces sun)
Ryan Gosling (pisces Rising)
taurus rising are so soft, down to earth, charming people. ppl with that rising are so attractive 😿.
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i made this in a RUSH, and i'm falling asleep, not the best one srry 🙏🏻
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