#violet bridgerton x marcus anderson
shmaptainwrites · 3 months
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PAIRINGS — Violet Bridgerton x Marcus Anderson
SUMMARY — After the marriage of two of her children, Violet attends the last ball of the season, perhaps with an ulterior motive.
NOTE — As promised, Violet stans (and Violet/Marcus shippers) this one's for you
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With each passing year, Violet didn’t think the next marriage season could get busier than the one preceding, but every single time she was proven wrong. 
As much as she loved all of the organized chaos that came with having a daughter (or two) out in society, this time around, she felt a wave of relief wash over her once Francesca was married and everything had settled down with Colin and Penelope. 
No one blamed her when she took a few days to herself before continuing to engage in society, although she wasn’t particularly obliged to with her only daughter still out in society having gone to Scotland with her sister and new husband. 
“Mama, you’re going to a ball?” Hyacinth looked curiously at her mother. 
The youngest Bridgerton was ready for bed early which was rare, but she still clearly had her ear to the door, waiting for something interesting to happen. 
“Yes, it is the last one of the season, I thought it might be appropriate to attend,” she said. “And Lady Danbury is hosting.” 
“Are you sure you’re not going to see Lord Anderson?” Benedict said as he came inside, wiggling his eyebrows at his mother. 
“Benedict Bridgerton,” she gasped playfully. “You overstep. I am still your mother.” 
“Just be happy Anthony is on his way to India,” he chuckled and came over to her pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Will you be alright alone, or should I accompany you?” 
“I think I will survive,” she patted his arm. “Thank you for offering.” 
“I cannot wait until I can go to a ball,” Hyacinth huffed. 
“Soon enough, dearest,” Violet assured, coming to wrap her arms around her daughter, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “In the meantime you can practice dancing with your brother.” 
“Oh, could we Benedict?” Hyacinth looked up at him before he had the chance to slip away. 
“Alright, but just a few,” he chuckled, motioning for her to follow him and they wished their mother goodnight, hand in hand while she made her way to the carriage that was ready for her in front of the house. 
She watched as they passed by the homes in the square, the carriage taking its familiar twists and turns until she reached the Danbury Estate. 
One of her carriage drivers helped her climb out and she took her evening gloves, slipping them on before she entered inside her friend's home. 
She found her eyes widening at the sight, the brightly lit room was covered with flowers and greenery, spilling out of every corner and crevice. It was wild and regal all at the same time, and Violet’s lips pulled into a smile, Lady Danbury had outdone herself again. 
Her reaction was noted by some of the other mamas and transitioned easily into a brief hello and conversation about the decor and what a wonderful season it had been. 
Violet’s eyes eventually trailed away from those she was conversing with, searching the room for a certain someone, but unable to find who she was looking for and in turn, she politely excused herself from the conversation to serve herself some lemonade. As she poured the drink into her cup she heard a familiar voice behind her. 
“I wasn’t sure if I would see you here tonight.” 
“And miss your ball?” Violet asked, a smile on her face as she turned around meeting Lady Danbury’s gaze before it moved to the decorations around her again. “You really have done something magnificent with this Agatha.” 
“Well, I will admit I did have a bit of help,” she said. “Although if anyone asks-” 
“It was all you,” Violet nodded her head and sipped her lemonade, a cheeky smile appearing on both of their faces. 
“And how are you?” Lady Danbury asked. “I must say no one was surprised by your absence the past little while, this season has been quite busy for you.” 
“Yes, it has indeed,” she nodded. “Francesca and Eloise are well on their way to Scotland, Colin and Penelope have been enjoying their honeymoon, and Kate and Anthony have left for India.” 
“It is quiet is it not?” Lady Danbury asked and Violet nodded her head. 
“Although I am left with the three most troublesome of the bunch, it is still…too silent. But do not tell them that they will surely come up with some scheme that will turn the house upside down.”
Lady Danbury chuckled at her friend’s comment then looked around at the crowd surrounding them. 
“So you came tonight for some noise as well?” 
Violet nodded her head. 
“Well, if the house stays too quiet, you are always welcome here and I’m sure we can make some noise of our own,” she teased. 
“Thank you, Agatha,” Violet nodded her head. “I will keep your offer in mind, but I do not wish to keep you tied to the refreshments table. I am sure there are others here who want to visit with such a splendid hostess.” 
Lady Danbury offered Violet one last smile before leaving her and continuing to make her rounds to her guests. 
Violet found herself stuck to one of the walls in the far end of the room, it brought her back to her years as a new debutante, either staying close to her father’s side or tucked away where she could observe what was happening. 
It was odd how much easier she found it to be outgoing when she had the cushion of her children. 
It didn’t take very long for her to feel as though maybe she needed a change of scenery and instead exited the main ballroom, heading for the terrace one stage lower that overlooked the gardens. 
There she removed her gloves and laid them across the balcony’s rail, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath of the fresh night air. 
The cool breeze nipped at her exposed skin, but made it all the more obvious when someone stood next to her, the warmth radiating off them in large contrast to the outside temperature. 
She carefully opened her eyes and looked over to her side seeing Marcus Anderson looking over the gardens. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it, instead opting to take a lesson from her daughter’s book. Perhaps for now silence would do. 
As they stood together, the music coming from the ballroom could be faintly heard, an echo into the otherwise silent night. 
It made Violet think of the Dankworth-Finch ball and how nervously wonderful it had felt to dance again. She had paid such careful attention to her steps in the beginning, worried she might slip up on account of not practicing for the better part of a decade, but each movement came back to her with such ease it was as if she never stopped. 
A smile came over her face and an increase in confidence, possibly brought on by the lack of an audience, looking forward, not turning her gaze, she spoke up. 
“Ask me to dance.” 
Marcus turned his head to look at her, clearly not expecting such a direct statement. 
“I-Out here?” he looked at her curiously. “Or back inside because-” 
She now turned to face him properly, her whole body now pointed in his direction. 
“Ask me to dance,” she repeated simply. 
Marcus let out a small chuckle and nodded his head, extending a hand towards her.
“Lady Bridgerton, may I have this dance?” 
Violet smiled, “Yes you may.” 
She placed her hand in his and felt all the air leave her lungs as he pulled her into him, a hand wrapped around her waist, still a small gap between them that she so selfishly closed with an additional step forward. 
Her other hand was flat against his chest and she let herself feel comfort in his embrace, her smile never once leaving her lips, only growing as they finally began to dance. 
Their movements were slow, in time with the music, the hand of hers that he held tucked close to his heart in a gesture that did not go unnoticed by Violet. 
“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Marcus commented after a while of swaying together. 
“Is it a crime to simply enjoy the moment?” she asked, looking up at him and tilting her head to the side. 
“No, not at all,” he chuckled. “Although I am glad you are enjoying it.” 
“So am I,” she whispered.
Violet was savouring the slow pace of things between them. It gave her adequate time to appreciate every new feeling as it came up, every warm sensation. 
“Before you had asked, the last time I hadn’t danced with anyone since my husband had passed away,” she said quietly, looking down at their intertwined hands. “It sounds foolish to say out loud, but I was so nervous for the days leading up to the ball my children thought me to be ill.” 
Marcus let out a little chuckle at her admission and Violet could feel his hold against her tightening, even if only slightly. 
“Well the world did not end after our dance.” 
“No it did not,” she shook her head. “You brought something back into my life I had dearly missed and I…I thank you for that…Dancing, I mean.” 
“Yes, of course,” Marcus nodded, seemingly understanding her indirect words. “Dancing.” 
They continued to move with the music in silence until the song ended and they paused, both unwilling to let go of the other, but they were spared the separation when another song began and Marcus took his cue to resume leading the Dowager Viscountess. 
“My sister has told me you are planning on going to Aubrey Hall with Benedict, Gregory, and Hyacinth once the season is over,” Marcus began. “Would it be so bold of me to ask if I may call on you while you are there?” 
Violet felt her lips pull into another smile. She gingerly bit her lower lip before looking up and responding to him. 
“I think I would quite like that.” 
“I was hoping you might say that,” he smiled. “I thought the ball and the decorations might put you in a good mood,” he teased, but when he saw the slight confusion on her face he clarified. “Did my sister not tell you I helped with this ball?” 
Violet chuckled, now making the connection. 
“She said someone had helped her, but she failed to mention it was you.” 
He shrugged his shoulders. 
“It was a good chance for us to work together and she was struggling to find a theme fit for a closing ball.” 
“And so you stepped in. I must say if this was your vision Agatha executed it wonderfully,” Violet admitted. 
“Yes, I have recently found myself drawn to a particular flower and thought it might be a nice way to honour her,” he said and Violet could feel her cheeks grow warm, a pink tinge certainly outing her to the gentleman in front of her. 
“Even though you couldn’t be absolutely certain I would come?” she asked. “I did just have two of my children marry.” 
“There was always a chance you’d find your way here.” 
His words were so simple and yet they carried such weight in Violet’s heart. That irregardless of circumstances he had trusted she would come. 
“You have an awful lot of faith in me, my Lord,” her voice came out a whisper without even meaning to. 
Marcus simply smiled and Violet felt his grip around her waist tighten slightly, almost in a protective manner. It made her breath falter, the air around her not enough to satiate her lungs. 
As if her request for more air was heard from up above, a gust of wind came forth, making her gown billow around her, a few strands of her carefully pinned hair finding their way in front of her eyes. 
She felt Marcus let go of her hand that rested over his heart, instead his fingers coming to gently brush aside small curls that covered her face, tucking them ever so gently behind her ear. She memorized the way his touch felt against her cheek, coming behind her ear only to come and trace her jaw in a movement one could only describe as painfully curious. 
From the look in his eyes she could tell he had wondered for so long what it might feel like to do that, to…touch her so personally, reverently. 
She didn’t pull away, in fact, she had to stop herself from leaning in too much, her body aching and wishing to be just that much closer to him. 
They had stopped dancing as the music faded into silence in the background, the back of Marcus’ fingers still pressed gently against her cheek. 
Violet couldn’t tear her gaze away, stuck in that moment, away from everyone and everything. 
She expected her voice to be caught in her throat, frozen and silent like everything else, but there was something about that when she was around him, something that made her say what she wished, without fear of judgement or shame. 
“Lady Bridgerton-” 
“Kiss me,” she whispered. 
The shock on Marcus’ face was amplified from when she had told him to ask her to dance, but he did not seem against the idea.
“Violet,” his voice was gentle. “I wouldn’t wish to-” 
“We aren’t children,” she said quietly. “We have both been married…been with someone. It is not foreign,” she expressed, “I just…Marcus, please kiss me.” 
Marcus’ hand turned from how it was resting against her cheek, moving instead to hold it, his thumb brushing against the soft skin there. Tracing her cheekbone, committing to memory every line and freckle he passed over. 
Violet had never heard her heart beat so loudly, it increased in volume until the steady thump was the only thing she could hear as Marcus brought her even closer to him. She let her eyes flutter shut just as his lips lightly pressed against hers, her hand firmly resting against his heart, their beats mixing together to form a rhythm that coursed through their veins. 
Just like everything in their relationship, the progression of their first kiss was slow. A steady warmth first building until it spread to every extremity, until it consumed them. Their lips moved in a delicate experienced dance, but was simultaneously cautious and tentative, explorative after having both been without such feelings and sensations for so long. 
When they pulled apart it was merely centimeters that separated them. Violet’s eyes remained shut, her head still tilted upwards towards Marcus. 
When she finally opened her eyes and felt Marcus’ hand come slightly lower on her face, his thumb now tracing the curve of her bottom lip. 
She let out a shaky exhale, her eyes flicking towards where she felt his touch and then back up to his eyes. 
Their moment was interrupted by the sound of the upper balcony door being swung open and they quickly pulled away from each other, instead standing as they once were in the beginning overlooking the garden. 
They stood close enough together that Violet could feel the ghost of his touch, her body missing, no, craving the feeling of having him so close, but she felt her lips begin to pull into a small smile as she felt his hand intertwine with hers, hidden from those behind them by the layered fabric of her dress that lightly blew in the breeze. 
And as they heard the chatter increase in volume from those in the ballroom, Violet was very happy she’d learnt to ask for what she wanted.
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sleepyfireball · 22 days
A Quiet Acceptance of Love | A Bridgerton Story
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Chapter 3: Keeping Up Appearances
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV) Rating: Gen Pairing: Violet Bridgerton/Marcus Anderson Summary: Violet Bridgerton slowly but surely falls in love with Marcus Anderson. A character study of Violet Bridgerton in Season 3. Notes: I am so sorry that this is like half a week late, life really got me. The next chapter should be out on Wednesday, fingers crossed. Chapter 2 Chapter 1 AO3
As Francesca walked off after Lord Kilmartin, following his attempt to tell them all the story of his muddy boots, Violet slumped. She could see that Francesca was happy, but she just was not certain that he was the right person for her.
“What do you think?” Violet leaned in toward Agatha, awaiting her counsel. As far as Violet was concerned, Agatha was almost as perceptive as she was when it came to her children’s love lives and, Violet could admit to herself, she wanted Agatha’s approval.
“They are rather… similar” Agatha responded. Violet sighed. Their similarity was what worried her.
“Yes, but do you not think that Francesca could, in fact, use someone to bring her out of her shell? And given that the Queen is opposed…” Violet was worried about the Queen’s response, particularly after her children’s history of refusing the Queen’s matches.
“Oh! So much so it may have inspired her Whistledown reward today.” Agatha responded. Oh, wonderful. Violet pinched the bridge of her nose in some attempt to relax her mounting stress.
Anthony spoke up. “Perhaps, you should take the direct approach, for once.” Oh, because that ever worked, Violet thought to herself, turning toward him as he continued, “I know it is unlike you to cajole your children.”
She saw the smile threatening to burst onto her son’s face, “You mock me.” She replied, laughter lacing her tone.
“As you rightly mocked me all last season.”
Violet could not stop the shock showing on her face before she saw how much he was teasing and laughed quickly, turning away briefly. In doing so, she made eye contact with Lady Featherington, who waved brightly. Internally, Violet rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth as she excused herself from Agatha and Lord Anderson, moving over to Lady Featherington.
“There you are, Lady Bridgerton. We keep missing one another.” Both ladies were quite jovial as they spoke.
“Duty of a hostess, I am afraid.” Co-hostess, verging on hostess in name only, but that would not excuse my refusal to speak with her, Violet thought internally.
“Well understood.” Lady Featherington responded. Violet hummed in agreement, allowing an uncomfortable silence to sweep over them. 
The clinking of a spoon on a glass broke the silence and Violet turned to see Colin proposing a toast. As Colin spoke, Violet allowed her thoughts to wander. She knew, logically, that Lady Featherington was going to be her family now, but that did not mean that it was any easier for her to handle a conversation with the woman. Knowing how much Penelope had struggled to thrive under Lady Featherington’s tutelage did not make it any easier for Violet, who had, some days, wanted nothing more than to take the girl into her house and protect her from the world, like she tried to do with all her children. However, seeing as they were being publicly joined, it was up to Violet to swallow her feelings and appear as a cohesive unit.
Violet was pulled out of her reverie by the clink of spoon on glass once more, this time by Eloise. Oh, this cannot be good. After Eloise’s response to the engagement, Violet had tried, several times, to speak to Eloise about whatever had come between her and Penelope, but her daughter refused to speak about it, to anyone. Violet paid attention as Eloise gave her toast.
“Congratulations to you both. Here is to truly knowing each other. Completely. Before the clock runs out.” Violet looked over to Penelope, who looked worried and perhaps scared, and she gave her daughter a piercing glare that said ‘be nice’. The glare worked and Eloise continued, clearing her throat. “The clock of life, of course. Ticks for us all. To your good health!” Violet could hear how strained Eloise’s voice was, but she dropped the matter in favour of taking the one small reprieve she had granted her. At least Eloise had not forgotten her manners completely.
“Thank you, Eloise, I--” Colin sounded perplexed, but it did not last long as Lady Featherington spoke up from next to Violet.
“I should like to add… how proud I am of my lovely daughter, Penelope.” Mentally, Violet’s eyebrows rose, but outwardly, she chuckled in support of Penelope, who looked like pride was the last thing she expected from her mother. “To the match of the season,” Violet laughed genuinely, agreeing with Lady Featherington for once, who finished her toast, “And to the Featherington-Bridgerton family.” Lady Featherington chuckled and Violet toasted quickly before taking a long drink from her champagne flute.
Violet overheard Benedict turn to his guest and say “I cannot tell if this party needs stronger drinks or weaker ones.” Violet agreed with the former, as she finished her glass, needing the fortification for the coming night and the coming life she would spend being linked to Lady Featherington.
“Now, perhaps, some dessert and charades, in the drawing room.” Kate spoke up, ever the consummate hostess. The assembly moved toward the drawing room. As they did so, Violet found herself face to face with Lord Anderson who simply smiled warmly and offered his arm to her as they ascended the staircase. She took it, smiling softly at him.
Once they reached the drawing room and everyone was seated comfortably, Violet and Lord Anderson stopped together, still arm in arm, to watch the charades. Anthony explained the rules and as Penelope stepped up, after being prompted by Kate, Violet turned to Lord Anderson, saying in hushed tones, “Penelope is quite good at this. We have had her play in many of our family charades games over the years. She and my daughter Eloise,” she indicated to where Eloise was standing near the wall, “are-- were quite close.”
Lord Anderson looked at her as he replied, “And now she is to be your daughter. You must be quite excited.”
“Indeed, I am. She and Colin are a fine pair.” Not to mention, not nearly as much hassle as my previous children’s matches. She looked over at Eloise as she completed Penelope’s charade before turning to Lord Anderson, saying, “While Colin may have been the first to meet Penelope, Eloise was the one to truly welcome Penelope into the family. The two have been inseparable ever since.”
The two paused their conversation to watch Eloise’s charade before Lord Anderson responded, “I cannot help but notice that they appear rather uncomfortable at the moment.” Violet looked at Lord Anderson, her eyes widening and her frame stiffening, shocked at his impropriety. However, she could not help but admire his perceptiveness as well. Lord Anderson looked slightly apprehensive as he waited for her response, turning back to the charades in case she did not take kindly to his assertions. She softened and turned to him.
“It-- They were close… until last year. I am not certain what has come between them, but I am… hopeful, that they will be able to sort it out before the wedding. The girls are like two peas in a pod, after all.” Lord Anderson turned toward Violet as she spoke, looking into her eyes. Violet trailed off uncertainly, stunned by his attentive gaze. She cleared her throat slightly and turned back towards the game to see Penelope’s charade being attempted by Miss Cowper.
She could feel Marcus’s elbow bracketing her side and she could not help from leaning in towards him slightly. She had not felt this kind of magnetic pull since she had been with Edmund, and she relished it, unable to keep the smile from her face. As Eloise successfully guessed friendship for Penelope’s charade, Violet nodded hesitantly, as she noticed that Lord Anderson did the same, now understanding as much as she did about their relationship.
The two stood happily together, watching the charades in companionable silence. Violet, however, found herself wishing that he would say something, anything, to break the silence. She wanted to get to know him more, but could not find the words. As they stood, he turned to her, quietly saying “I am quite parched. Would you like a drink as well?”
Violet turned to him. His voice was so melodic and she could almost get lost in it. “Yes,” was all that Violet could utter in her haze.
“I’ll get us a drink.” Lord Anderson touched her arm as he offered and Violet jumped slightly at the feeling. His hand was warm against her and it sent tingles up her arm.
“Oh, I-- That would be lovely.” He removed his arm and Violet came to her senses once more.
“Lemonade?” He asked. Violet turned toward the refreshments table and pointed as she responded.
“Yes, they’re just-- Just over there.” Violet watched Lord Anderson as he walked off, fiddling with her hands as she did. She smiled quietly, taking just a moment for herself before turning back to keep watching the charades alone. Well, if this isn’t a metaphor for my life, nothing is. She was surrounded by friends and family, but found herself alone. However, with Marcus, it was different. With Marcus, she did not feel so alone.
The moment Kate announced that she and Anthony were expecting was the last moment that Violet clearly remembered, when thinking back on the night of the engagement ball. She remembered being truly overjoyed for the pair, excited for them to experience the wonder that parenthood could be. After that, everything had happened entirely too quickly. Miss Cowper had announced her identity as Lady Whistledown, much to the shock of Violet and the other gathered guests and, of course, Penelope had fainted. Violet had rushed to get Mrs. Wilson, to get a doctor, to do something.
Despite Violet’s experience in dealing with sick children, she was at a loss of what to do. She settled to pacing quietly in the hallway, waiting for the doctor to arrive, which is exactly where Agatha found her ten minutes after Penelope had initially collapsed.
Ten steps up, ten steps back. Penelope will be okay, she must be. She is not Edmund; she will be okay. 
Violet was startled from her thoughts by a hand on her arm. Violet spun around, to find herself face to face with Agatha.
“Oh! I- I am just-- just waiting for the doctor to arrive. Someone should be here to…” Violet’s voice trailed off as she looked at Agatha timidly. “I-- There-- How is she?” Violet tried again, looking down at her fidgeting hands. Agatha’s eyes sought out her own, and when she finally met her gaze, Violet saw compassion there, so strikingly similar to her brother, not that she would admit that.
“Violet. Penelope is fine. She came around and she has had some water to drink, she will be okay.” Agatha said emphatically, keeping her hand on Violet’s arm. At the news, Violet allowed herself to deflate, all the frenetic energy leaving her body. Violet focused her attention on Agatha’s hand, allowing it to ground her. “She is okay.” Agatha repeated, likely seeing how it had soothed Violet to know that. Violet allowed the words to wash over her, to bring her out of her panic.
“Thank goodness for that, truly.” Violet took a deep breath, “Thank you for letting me know, Agatha.” Violet offered a small smile as she covered Agatha’s hand with her own.
“That is quite alright, Violet. Are you well?” Agatha looked concerned for Violet more than for Penelope, which, surely, did not make any sense.
“Yes, yes. I am fine, I was merely worried about her.”
“Violet, I found you pacing in the hallway and you had no idea I was coming, which is most unlike you. Here, come and sit.” With that, Agatha led Violet over to one of the benches that adorned the hallway and sat down. Violet sat down as well, her legs feeling jelly-like now that her energy had passed. “Now, Penelope will be quite all right. She is not Edmund. She is well. When I left, she was taking small sips of water at your son’s insistence.” Agatha placed an arm around Violet, who found herself needing to take deep breaths in order to avoid succumbing to the tears filling her eyes.
“I know that she is not Edmund… But… I just cannot help it. I could do nothing then and I could do nothing now. I did not wish for Colin to go through what I had to experience.” Violet continued to breathe deeply, trying to ground herself.
“Come. We shall go and see her and you can see that she is well for yourself.” Violet looked up at Agatha as she stood and offered her arm.
“Thank you, Agatha, truly.” Violet accepted her arm and wiped away the few tears that had escaped. She smiled sadly at Agatha, allowing herself to take strength from her dearest friend when she needed it. 
The two walked back toward the drawing room as if nothing was wrong. When they reached the drawing room and Violet saw Penelope sitting on one of the couches, she could not help the sigh of relief that she breathed. Violet looked at the assorted guests and saw only one pair of eyes focused on her, everyone else too focused on Penelope. Marcus looked at her with concern and compassion in his eyes. She smiled slightly and nodded to him, to show she was okay, as she slipped back into the role of co-hostess with Kate.
Mrs. Wilson had alerted Violet to the presence of a visitor in the entranceway the following morning, which led her to be caught off-guard when the visitor was none other than Marcus -Lord Anderson-, the very man who had been occupying her thoughts since the night before.
“Lord Anderson.” Violet said.
Hearing her voice, he turned away from the decorations that he had been examining on the side table and started walking towards her.
“Lady Bridgerton.” He said, and Violet bowed her head to him in greeting. “Forgive my intrusion. I simply forgot my, uh…” Lord Anderson trailed off as a footman approached. “Hat.” He finished, gesturing to the hat in the footman’s hands. They both chuckled at the impeccable timing, and Violet nodded in thanks to her footman. As Lord Anderson brushed his hat off, he did not make any movements to leave, so she took the opportunity to strike up a conversation.
“Were you just, um…” Violet felt uncharacteristically nervous as she searched for the right words, “Passing by?” Lord Anderson laughed infectiously.
“Yes, I suppose I could have sent a footman to fetch this, could I not?” Violet laughed awkwardly. This conversation was not going the way she had wished. “But then I would not have been able to see you again.” 
Well, that was quite… forward. 
Violet allowed herself to preen slightly at his words. Lord Anderson was quite the flatterer, it appeared, as he continued. “Well, to thank you for such an enjoyable evening.”
Violet stepped forward towards him, feeling that magnetic pull that she had felt last night as she carried on with the conversation. “Well, it was… quite a night. Was it not?” She cast about for the words as she spoke, returning her gaze to find that he had also taken steps toward her, leading him to be far closer than she had expected.
“How are you faring?” Lord Anderson asked. Violet was slightly thrown from his proximity and she took a moment before responding.
“Uh…” Well, that was eloquent. “Besides a bit of a headache, I am well.” She responded, laughing slightly. She watched Marcus and saw adoration reflected in his eyes. It threw her, having not been on the receiving end of such a gaze since Edmund had passed. Violet looked down, no longer able to withstand the weight of his gaze, searching for something to say, something to continue the conversation that she was so enjoying. “How are you?” Violet said genuinely, trying to convey her concern whilst still remaining polite.
Lord Anderson took a moment to respond, his smile hesitating. “I take it you sensed a chilly departure between my sister and me?” She had not intended to be quite so confrontational about it, but took the opportunity that presented itself.
“Perhaps. Though it is none of my business.” Violet was quick to assure Lord Anderson that he need not speak of anything he did not want to.
“I do believe we will work it out. Childhood grievances have a way of lingering. My sister was the first born.”
“But you were the first boy.” Violet interjected understandingly. Lord Anderson nodded.
“But we are adults now… Surely, there is a way forward.” Lord Anderson said, hopefully. Violet huffed a small laugh, knowing Agatha’s ability to hold a grudge.
“I have faith you will find a way.” Violet offered her support, not for one side or the other, but just for them both to move forward. So I might pursue a relationship with him while maintaining my closest friendship, her brain supplied traitorously.
“Thank you.” Lord Anderson smiled gratefully, “I shall let you nurse your headache in peace.” Violet took a few steps back, laughing, but with a tinge of sadness that he was ending the conversation. “But I do hope to see you soon.” With that simple sentence, her sadness left her and her heart bloomed with hope.
“As do I.” Violet allowed her hope and affection to shine through on her face, smiling as he left. She began to walk to the drawing room, looking back to where he had just left and smiled happily to herself. 
As Violet walked into the drawing room, she was shaken from her reverie, by hearing her children arguing over the macarons, but was too elated from her conversation with Lord Anderson to bother trying to break up the argument. Instead, she simply picked up her embroidery and sat down, mulling over her conversation.
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mako-mermaids2021 · 3 months
As promised, I wrote something
Violet Bridgerton was a control freak. After 8 children she always had to be in control of them. But after her husband’s death, she grew depressed, anxious, and a constant need for control driving gaps between her and her children. After a talk with her friends, she decides to find a way to let loose and ends up at a sex club recommended by Charlotte (How she lets herself be convinced she’ll never know).
Marcus Anderson was lonely. His sister didn’t speak to him over an incident from over 20 years ago, his wife was dead, and his children were all over the world. He found solstice in a high end BDSM club where the women and men to keep him company was never ending. But, while the company in his bed was always there, the company in his heart was empty.
Or, Violet and Marcus fix family bonds, work through years of trauma, and discover themselves in and out of the bedroom, while learning to fall in love with themselves and each other through the world of BDSM.
Enjoy! ;)
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dailybridgerton · 3 months
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#like daughter like mother
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Violet and Marcus: *Kiss*
Gregory: Gross! No one wants to see that!
Hyacinth: I think old people kissing is cute.
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sunny-rants · 4 months
I already knew this was gonna be my fave, because, well, Polin, but I didn’t expect it to be all around my favourite season! of course Penelope and Colin, but also Eloise and Cressida, Francesca’s adorable romance with John Stirling, Benedict and his hot ass widowed lover Lady Tilly, and even Violet finally getting some! I’m obsessed!!
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rottentiger-art · 3 months
Violet and Marcus were absolutely adorable, I was worried he would turn out to be a fraud or something because of his relationship with Lady D and that comment of him being a rake, I feared he would just be trying to seduce Violet. But he seems honest on looking for a love match of his own and in his interest in her, as well as his love for his sister and his guilt over what he's done.
Theres also a sweet connection in the way they speak and relate to each other when it comes to being a parent and being widowed. I noticed each scene they shared they start pausing more and sharing longing stares, it's so sweet and I'm so happy for Violet, with her being a hopeless romantic, she deserves a second chance at love.
Now I dont know if they'll actually marry or will simply have an affair, but I cannot wait to see more of them, the little bit of Violet getting distracted by watching him eat was so funny, it really runs in the family!
Bridgerton being a show that explores different love tropes and couples, I'm excited about seeing them write a romance for an older couple rather than still focusing on the young ones
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Anyone else wanted to see Violet Bridgerton get her "Garden" tended to in season 3 onscreen or is it just me. Guess I'll have to rely on fanfiction on Ao3
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ajordan2426 · 3 months
who’s gonna take one for the team and write some violet and marcus fics to get us through these next two agonizing years?
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shmaptainwrites · 18 days
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PAIRINGS — Violet Bridgerton x Marcus Anderson
SUMMARY — Marcus' children are finally in town, and Violet finally gets the chance to meet them.
WARNINGS — some descriptions of anxious behaviours throughout
NOTE — Again, as promised, here's another fic of these two lovelies! In two parts (for two reasons), but also mainly just to keep you on your toes ;) not me finally posting this like a month after writing it
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Violet could have sworn the lump beginning to form in her throat was her heart, making its way out of her chest to remind her of the sobering reality of what was before her. She paced back and forth in the main entry hall of Danbury house, her hands firmly pressed against her stomach to try and suppress her lunch that was attempting to make a reappearance. 
Her thoughts swirled in her head, like a tornado beginning to form, threatening to destroy everything in its path. It had become so all consuming, that she didn’t notice two pairs of eyes watching carefully over her from a distance, voices hushed and concerned. 
“I have never seen her like this before,” Marcus whispered to Agatha, who had pursed her lips and gripped onto the head of her cane tightly as she watched her friend continue to pace. 
“She is nervous.” 
“I can see that,” Marcus rolled his eyes at his older sister’s obvious comment. 
“Then why are you standing here?” 
She looked up at him with a piercing glare. 
“Trust me, my voice is not the one that will soothe her right now,” she added, this time a little softer. 
Marcus nodded his head and carefully made his way out from the hallway where they were conveniently hidden from Violet’s view. Agatha turned around and made her way to the drawing room, giving them some much needed privacy.
Violet did not notice Marcus making his way towards her. He reached out a hand to touch her shoulder, but she yelped and jumped back, her hand moving from her stomach to her chest to now steady her erratic breathing. 
“I-Marcus,” she breathed. “I am sorry, you startled me.” 
She resumed her pacing, her hand retreating back to her stomach, the other patting her hair to ensure everything was neatly in place. She clearly didn’t realize Marcus was there for her. 
She spun around at the sound of his voice, her eyes wide and owlish, her nervousness seeping from every pore and creating a thick fog of anxiety around the room. 
“Would you like to talk about it?” 
This had become common practice over the past months. Marcus didn’t ever bother asking what was wrong, but instead dropping all such formalities and heading straight to the root of the problem, allowing her to process if she so wished, and oftentimes, she did wish to. 
“I suppose, maybe we should…before going in there.” 
Her eyes drifted towards the drawing room and she gulped, almost audibly.
“It is just…” her voice drifted off, like she was going into a trance staring down the hallway that seemed to get longer and longer with every passing second. 
“It is just, what, my dear?” 
Violet closed her eyes as the sound of his rich and velvety voice made its way to her ears, dampening the unease that surrounded her. 
“I do not know what I am to do, Marcus. Do I stand? Do I sit? How do I introduce myself? Must I explain our situation?” She rambled and began pacing again, only for Marcus to close some of the distance between them, taking her shoulders in his hands, first, to stop her, before tracing them down her arms and holding her hands in his. 
“Violet, Violet, Violet,” he repeated, pulling her out of her continued ramblings, her voice quieting as she looked up at him. 
“What if they do not like me?” she whispered. 
Marcus looks down at their intertwined hands, his thumb brushing over the betrothal ring, tracing the jewel at its centre, something purple for his Violet. 
“I find it quite hard to believe they would dislike you,” he began. “After all, I like you very much and they are my children. Perhaps we should think that they take after their father in this manner.” 
“Marcus, that does not-” 
“Violet, look at me, please.” 
She silenced herself and looked up at him, her blue eyes big and shimmering with worry. 
“You are a wonderful woman who is kind, and cares for others in a way I did not know was possible until I met you. My children are not unreasonable people, they wish for me to be happy, and I am most happy when I am with you.” 
Violet swallowed thickly and nodded her head. 
“I love you,” he whispered. 
“I love you too.” 
She pushed herself up on her toes to give him a quick and gentle kiss, hoping the familiar feeling of his lips against hers would quell whatever remaining insecurities she held close to her heart.
“Are you ready to go in there, or do you need another moment?” He asked, his thumbs continuing to brush soothingly over her fingers. 
“One more moment,” she whispered, leaning a little closer to him, and he complied by wrapping his arms around her in a quiet embrace, knowing at this point no one was watching, and nobody cared. 
Violet took one last deep breath and thanked Marcus, informing him she was now ready to head over to the drawing room. 
He offered his hand for her, which she took, and allowed him to lead her down the hallway and into the room she had been avoiding all afternoon. 
When she entered, there was a quiet chatter that hushed immediately, and she became very aware of the many pairs of eyes that seemed to burn into her very soul. Marcus sensed her nervousness returning, and squeezed her hand, bringing her back to the present. 
Everyone in the room seemed unsure of what to do, which is when Agatha decided to helpfully interject.
“Did your father and mother not teach you any manners? You are adults, go on, introduce yourselves,” she pointed to her nephew and two nieces with her cane. 
The younger girl stood up first, one hand moving to rest on her growing stomach while a radiant smile came across her face. Violet couldn’t help but notice how much she looked like her father, the same shining eyes and welcoming disposition. 
“Amelia Kilpatrick, my Lady,” she attempted to curtsy and Violet quickly let go of Marcus’ hand to encourage her back up. 
“Oh no, none of that, my dear,” Violet shook her head. “I have had eight children, I know how heavy they can be, please let us excuse such formalities.” 
“Of course, my Lady,” she smiled. “It is good to finally meet you.” 
“And you as well,” she agreed, feeling her nerves slowly begin to melt away. 
Next was who Violet assumed was the eldest of the bunch. 
“James Anderson. A pleasure to meet you.” 
Violet held out her hand, initially to shake, but James took it and pressed a kiss to its back and she could have sworn she could feel a bashful heat rise to her cheeks. 
“Likewise,” she nodded. 
Lastly, a more timid woman whose curls simultaneously framed her face and seemed to know no bounds, which had Violet mesmerized. She couldn’t see too much of a similarity between her and Marcus which made her assume she looked more like her mother. Softer, large brown eyes, thinner lips, a pointed nose. 
“Evelyn Jacob, my Lady,” she said quietly and quickly curtsied, struggling to meet her gaze. 
Violet looked back at Marcus, but he shook his head assuring you this was normal. Perhaps she just took time to warm up. 
“Wonderful to meet you.” 
Violet gave her a smile which she wasn’t entirely sure Evelyn saw before retreating back to where Marcus stood and Agatha was sitting. 
She and Marcus took seats, near one another, but not quite next to each other and silence fell over the room once more.
“Uh Amelia,” Marcus began. “Will Seamus be joining us?” 
“He had some affairs to take care of, I’m afraid,” she sighed. “I was hoping he might make it back in time, but it seems business takes longer and longer these days.” 
“W-Will you be in London when you have the baby?” Violet asked and Amelia nodded her head. 
“My husband and I thought it may be nice to be around our family. Especially now that Papa and Aunt Agatha have reconciled. It is a special moment to share together.” 
“I could not agree more,” Violet nodded her head, her hands twisting nervously in her lap.
“And we could not miss the wedding.”
Violet smiled, but shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She wasn’t sure why. She was getting married and she was most excited, so why did she feel the need to squirm? 
“How did you both meet?” James asked. “We have heard a lot about you in letters from my father, but not quite the details on how everything came to be.”
Violet looked over at Marcus and noticed his eyes were already on her. The warmth behind his irises muffled her worries enough for a moment so that she could speak, but unable to tear her gaze away from her fiancé. 
“I dropped my glove,” she began, “at a ball and he picked it up.” 
“And the rest is history,” Marcus smiled. 
“Well not quite that quickly,” Agatha teased. “I do recall getting in your way once or twice.” 
“I thought we had moved past that,” Marcus looked over at his sister who simply smiled with a bit of cheek. 
“We have, but no story is without its obstacles,” she tapped her cane on the ground. “And I was not the only one keen to get in your way.”
Violet cringed thinking back to the time before she and Anthony were able to have a proper conversation about her relationship with Marcus. She always knew he was protective over their family, but she didn’t realize the extent until she was in the middle of it herself. 
“Your aunt refers to my eldest son,” Violet decided to share. “He had concerns, naturally, but unfortunately had a very… interesting way of expressing them.”
“So we are talking about this now,” Evelyn quietly muttered under her breath and Violet tensed up. 
“Evelyn,” Marcus chided. 
“N-No Marcus, it’s quite alright,” Violet looked over and gave him a polite smile. “Evelyn, may I call you that?”
She finally met Violet’s gaze, some of her shyness now gone and replaced by something colder and harsher. 
“There is clearly something that is not sitting right with you,” she said slowly. “If you are willing to share, I would like to know what it is.”
Evelyn looked over to her siblings, seeing the confusion in their faces and understanding that she would not be getting the support she thought she would get from them. 
“Everyone is so concerned over what my father’s intentions are with you, but has anyone ever asked what your intentions are with him?” she asked cooly.
“Tone, Evelyn. You can still be polite,” Marcus advised and she apologized. 
“I do not think I have been asked that yet,” Violet said truthfully. “M-May I ask what you think my intentions are?” 
Evelyn looked over to Amelia who seemed to send her a warning glance, not to continue down this road, but she did not listen. 
“You are a widow, are you not? Your eldest son is married now. It must feel quiet and…boring.” 
“Evelyn!” her sister attempted to interject and Violet steeled herself for what other sharp words were to come. 
“Before you were able to take on the role of Viscountess, and from what I hear you did your job quite well, but that position is no longer yours,” Evelyn continued. “It makes sense that you would be looking for a husband now and how convenient that my father was there, hopeful and looking for someone to share the rest of his life with.” 
“Evelyn, I think that is enough,” James whispered over to his sister, but her quietness had since completely vanished and was replaced by a fire in her eyes. 
“I do not believe that you love my father.” 
Violet took a deep breath, her hands placed firmly in her lap. The unrelenting swirling in her stomach had since returned and she knew she couldn’t stay in that room any longer. 
“I am sorry you feel that way,” she said quietly. “Marcus, Agatha, thank you so much for having me, but I think I should go now.” 
Violet stood up and rushed out of the room, not noticing the look of shock on Marcus’ face as he looked at his middle daughter before quickly standing up and assuring Agatha he would go take care of Violet if she would do the honour of staring down Evelyn until he returned. 
“Violet,” Marcus called. “Violet, wait.” 
Violet forced herself to stop, knowing an abrupt departure would not be fair for either of them. Marcus caught up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her around and noticing how she desperately was trying to fight back the tears welling in her eyes. 
“Marcus, I’m sorry, I-I need to leave.” 
Marcus pressed his lips together, a hand moving to rub the back of his neck. 
“Let me talk to her,” he said. “At least. Then we can speak again.” 
Violet nodded her head. 
She couldn’t say it, not after what Evelyn had just accused. 
“I know, I know,” Marcus assured and pulled her into his arms, squeezing her tightly, his lips pressing a comforting kiss to her hair.
His daughter’s reaction had caught him completely off guard. He knew this was exactly what Violet had feared and he had led her into it without warning. 
After a few moments, Violet let go of Marcus and began to make her way to the door, but not before he gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into his arms for a tender kiss. He hoped, if anything, it might assure her that his feelings towards her would always remain the same, no matter what was said, and that he still had hope that Evelyn could be reasoned with.
Marcus wiped away a few of Violet’s tears that had escaped, his forehead pressed against hers, both of their eyes closed and soaking in the proximity the moment afforded them. 
“Deep breaths. This isn’t the hardest conversation we’ve had to have,” Marcus assured and Violet couldn’t help but chuckle with a little bit of mirth. 
Violet sniffled and wiped away her remaining tears, her hands pressed against Marcus’ chest. 
“Call on me when you are ready to speak again,” she instructed and he nodded his head. 
With one last chaste kiss, they parted ways, and when the door closed behind Violet, Marcus turned back towards the drawing room, wondering if maybe that sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach was what his fiancée had felt only mere moments before. 
“Lady Bridgerton?” 
Violet looked up from her embroidery, so lost in her piece that she pricked herself with her needle when brought out of her trance. She sucked some air through her teeth, putting her finger in her mouth and looked up at Mrs. Wilson. 
“Are you alright-” 
“Just a needle prick, nothing to worry about,” she quickly interjected. “Is he here?” 
She nodded her head and Violet gave her permission to bring Marcus into the drawing room. 
Mrs. Wilson didn’t waste any time in leaving the two alone, knowing they would skip the formalities of tea and cake and move straight to conversation, especially when something of great importance needed to be discussed. 
Violet placed her embroidery to the side, paying no mind to the small droplet of blood that was forming on the tip of her finger, her focus drawn back to Marcus. 
“So?” she asked as he sat next to her. 
“You’re bleeding,” he noted, taking her hand in his to examine it. 
“It’s nothing,” she shook her head and removed her hand from his, quickly putting her finger in her mouth again to rid it of the blood before clasping her hands in her lap. “Marcus?” 
He swallowed down the lump in his throat, knowing he needed to be direct with her about his conversation with Evelyn. 
“She seemed to think your kindness was manufactured,” he admitted. “All a ruse to lure me or something of the sort.” 
Violet pressed her lips together, her heart clenching. She had never thought someone might doubt her intentions of marrying again. She had gained many freedoms as a widow, something she had gotten used to over the decade being alone and she had even asked herself if she was willing to give some of those things up to be married again. 
Marcus knew all this, they had had numerous conversations on such a topic, and over time, Violet came to see the reality of the situation for what it was. In what she lost, she would gain a life partner, a second chance, and Marcus would never treat her as someone to be controlled under him, but rather an equal partner, someone to consult with, to enjoy the many things the second half of their lives had to offer. 
“I take it she is not to be reasoned with?” Violet asked quietly, and Marcus nodded his head. “Oh dear.” 
She could feel the tears begin to well in her eyes again. After all their struggles and conversations with Anthony, Violet had thought the worst of it was over, that they had passed the main hurdle in their attempt for a union. 
She wasn’t sure she had prepared herself for what was to come next, but she knew it was the right thing. They had both decided that should any one of their children be so firmly against the match that it would not be wise to proceed with the engagement. 
Violet chewed on her lip and looked down at her left hand, the opposite one coming to adjust the ring on her finger. 
“We cannot do this,” she looked up at him, eyes glassy with tears. 
Marcus pressed his lips together once more and nodded. That was the agreement. 
Hesitantly, Violet removed the ring from her finger, holding it in her hands for a few moments, reminding herself of its weight, the way it felt in her palm, the excitement in her heart when he had asked if she wished to spend the rest of their lives together. 
Without looking at Marcus, she placed the ring in his hand, tears streaming down her face as she did so. He took the ring, but after, Violet felt his thumb and forefinger on her chin, turning her face to his, encouraging her to look at him. 
“My dear Violet,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “I am so sorry.” 
“As am I,” she whispered. “I love you so very much. A-And thank you for showing me that was possible once more.” 
Marcus chuckled softly and kissed away her tears, his lips feather-light against her face. 
“And thank you for showing me what love feels like.”
Violet lifted her hands to hold Marcus’ face, feeling the stubble of his beard on her fingers. She brought him down, slowly, almost hesitantly, in a kiss. One last thing to remember him by. 
When they had pulled apart, Violet noticed a few tears that had come down Marcus’ face and she allowed herself to offer him the same comfort he had just given to her. 
“I love you.” 
His voice was a choked whisper that shattered her heart. 
“I love you too, my darling Marcus.” 
They made no attempt to compose themselves, and Marcus pulled away knowing if he stayed any longer he would not be able to leave. 
Violet watched, biting her cheek, as he took his hat and slipped out of the room. She looked back down to her hands, a cold empty spot where her ring once was. She was alone, and what better reason to give into the overwhelming need to cry. 
To say Marcus was despondent would be an understatement. He made no attempt to keep up appearances, locking himself in his chambers in his sister’s home, claiming a headache each morning to get him out of any commitments he might be roped into by his children. 
Two weeks had passed when he finally decided it was time to remove himself from the confinement he had resigned himself to, joining the family for breakfast. 
“I must say I am surprised Lady Bridgerton did not pay you a visit when you were unwell, Papa,” Amelia said. “Perhaps she is, herself, unwell.” 
“Perhaps,” Marcus nodded quietly. 
“When will we be seeing her again?” James inquired, sipping his tea and looking to his aunt or father for an answer. 
Marcus looked over to Agatha for guidance and she simply nodded her head, knowing he would not be able to hide the news from them much longer. 
“I don’t believe we will be seeing Lady Bridgerton any time soon,” he said. 
Evelyn’s curiosity seemed to be piqued, she looked up from her breakfast, making eye contact with her husband before turning to her father to see if he might explain further. 
“Why is that?” 
Marcus swallowed thickly and leaned back in his chair. 
“We are no longer engaged,” he said. 
“You broke off the engagement?” Evelyn asked, surprised. 
“No, she did,” he sighed. “Now, might we please speak of something else?” 
“Of course,” Amelia answered on behalf of her siblings, easily changing the topic for her father to something more general such as the plans for the impending baby. 
Marcus was more than happy to speak about the arrival of his first grandchild, grateful that while still in a time of such emotional difficulty, he had something joyful to look forward to. 
When breakfast was finished, he made his way to the study, picking a book off of one of the shelves and settling into an armchair to begin reading. He was no more than halfway through the first chapter when there was a knock on the door followed by a quiet creak. 
“Papa? It’s Evie.” 
Marcus sighed and closed his book, temporarily using his finger as a bookmark. 
“Come in.” 
The door pushed all the way open and Evelyn walked into the room before shutting it behind her. She silently came and took a seat across from her father who tried his best to not let his hurt seep through. 
“What can I do for you, Evie?” 
“You said she called it off.” 
That was straight to the point. Marcus thought to himself. 
“Darling, must we speak of this? It is done.” 
Marcus did not want to dredge up old feelings, not when he was still so early into this separation. 
“If you do not wish to,” she nodded. “I-I just wanted to confirm.” 
“If it is confirmation you seek then you have it.” 
Evelyn swallowed thickly and bowed her head, excusing herself from the study, leaving as quickly as she came.
Marcus sighed again and leaned back in his seat, his book placed in his lap while his gaze was focused on the vase of flowers on the other side of the room, wondering why on earth his daughter was so eager to confirm such a thing.
“Mama, are you really going to sit here all day, again?” Hyacinth asked, coming to take a seat next to Violet on the settee. 
“I am afraid there is not much else to do, dearest,” Violet looked over at her daughter. “My schedule is decidedly free.” 
“Perhaps we could go for a promenade?” the youngest Bridgerton suggested. “Or go and visit Colin and Pen?” 
Violet could see that her daughter was attempting to get her up and moving, but she did not feel she had the physical or emotional energy to do such a thing. She much preferred to stay on the couch with her embroidery and leave it at that. 
“I could ask Benedict to accompany you if you wish to do that,” she diverted and Hyacinth’s shoulders slumped. 
“Oh my dearest, I am sorry,” Violet sighed and apologized, bringing Hyacinth into her arms and pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. “I am just…” 
Violet nodded, letting out a shaky exhale which encouraged her daughter to wrap her arms tighter around her. 
“Me too, Mama,” she mumbled. “I really liked Marcus.” 
“You are not the only one, my dear,” Violet whispered into Hyacinth’s hair, continuing to hold her close. 
“Lady Bridgerton, Miss Hyacinth?” 
The pair looked up to see a footman at the entrance to the drawing room. 
“There is a Mrs. Jacob here to see you.” 
“Mrs. Jacob,” Violet murmured to herself, trying to place the name. “Let her in.” 
Hyacinth still wasn’t quite ready to let go of her mother, but she noticed her shift in demeanour when their visitor entered the room. 
“Hyacinth, could you give us a moment?” Violet asked quietly, and Hyacinth looked up to her mother before reluctantly nodding and kissing her cheek before leaving the room, slipping past Mrs. Evelyn Jacob.
“Mrs. Jacob,” Violet stood up and smoothed out her dress. “Can I offer you tea? Or perhaps cake?” 
“N-No, I’m quite alright,” she nodded. “May I ask for a moment of your time?” 
Violet pursed her lips. 
“I am not sure it is wise for us to be speaking.” 
“Then let me say this and I shall leave if you do not wish to see me again,” she pleaded and Violet saw the sincerity in her brown eyes, mirroring the glimmer of her father’s compassion. 
“Very well,” Violet agreed. 
“I am sorry.” 
Violet looked at her curiously. 
“You are sorry?” 
She nodded, “Yes, very much so. It was wrong of me to make assumptions of your character before taking the chance to know you.” 
Violet took in a slow breath before looking at the seats around her. 
“Can I offer you a seat?” she asked and Evelyn nodded, sitting on the couch across from her while Violet settled herself once more. “May I ask what brought on this change of heart?” 
Violet wasn’t entirely sure if she could or should call it that yet. 
“My father, he-uh, he told us this morning that you had broken off your engagement,” she said. “You wouldn’t have done that if what I had accused you of was true. You could have easily ignored what I had said and married him anyway.” 
Violet nodded her head in understanding. 
“You must understand, my Lady, I was only trying to protect my father,” she pressed. “Ever since my mother died I always had assumed he would remarry straight away, even though they had grown to care for each other, it was no secret my parents did not have a love match. I knew this was something he wanted, but he did not express so until recently. He grieved my mother more than I expected him to and I-I worried it would leave him hasty and vulnerable in attempting to try and find another wife.” 
Violet continued nodding her head as she listened. 
“Your concern for your father is admirable,” she said. 
“Lady Bridgerton, you need not be kind to me.”
“Mrs. Jacob,” Violet leaned forward slightly. “Evelyn, you were doing what you thought you needed to to protect your family. No one understands that more than I do.”
Evelyn wrung her hands in her lap, her eyes flicking between Violet and the floor. 
“Do you…do you love him?” 
Violet looked down at her lap and scratched her nose. 
“I do,” she said clearly. “Very much.”
Evelyn seemed to be even more ashamed with herself, but before Violet could say anything to reassure her, she stood up. 
“I-I am sorry, I should be leaving now,” she said. “Thank you for your hospitality.” 
Evelyn rushed out of the door as Violet called for her to come back, but the young woman seemed to have fled the home. 
Violet sighed and sat back down in her seat, twiddling her thumbs. 
“Mama?” Hyacinth peeked her head inside the room. “Who was that?” 
Violet motioned for Hyacinth to come and sit with her and she obeyed, smoothing out her dress as soon as she was seated next to her mother. 
“Marcus’ daughter.” 
“Really?” She seemed astounded. “What did she say?” 
“It does not matter,” Violet shook her head. “What’s done is done.” 
“Mama,” Hyacinth pressed. “What did she say?” 
“She said she misjudged me,” Violet let out a breath of air and leaned into the couch. “But it is too late for anything to come of it.” 
“Why?” Hyacinth protested. “Why would it be too late?” 
“Because the engagement is broken, dearest,” Violet said plainly. “You have to understand, one does not simply continue to change their mind when it comes to marriage.” 
Hyacinth pressed her lips together and sighed.
“If you love each other I do not think it should matter.” 
Violet looked over at her youngest curiously. She was still a child in many ways, but had somehow developed a wisdom beyond her years, especially when it came to matters of the heart. She had always been perceptive of her siblings, and Violet supposed maybe she had been perceptive of her too. 
“Lady Bridgerton, Miss Hyacinth. Dinner is ready.” 
Violet looked over at Hyacinth who was quick to stand up and leave the room for dinner. She took her time, ensuring the pillows were placed nicely on the couch and her embroidery was put away before going to join the rest of her family. 
She was quiet through most of dinner, but as soon as the plates were cleared from the table she excused herself, calling for a cloak and a carriage. 
She waited anxiously while the carriage was prepared and as soon as she was seated inside she instructed the driver to head to the Danbury Estate. 
Darkness had fallen over London and the streets were mostly empty, which is why the sound of hooves, mixing with those coming from her own carriage, caught her attention. She peeked outside the window and recognized the familiar transport that belonged to the Danburys. 
“Stop the carriage!” 
She quickly alerted the driver and they came to a sharp halt only to hear the complete absence of hooves against the cobblestone. She frowned at her realization only to hear quick footsteps followed by a knock on her carriage door. 
Violet opened the door with haste, a relieved chuckle escaping her lips as she saw Marcus standing before her. 
“I was coming to see you,” she said. 
“And I you,” he laughed, a brightness returning to his eyes which had been absent in the past weeks. 
She moved out of the way of the door, an invitation for Marcus to slip inside should he wish. He accepted, but before he sat down next to her he knelt by her side, taking her hands in his. 
“Violet,” he began and she could not help the wide smile that overtook her features, small creases making themselves known in the corners of her eyes, only accentuating her joy. 
“Marcus,” she nodded for him to continue. 
“Given recent news I am hoping you will-” 
She didn’t let him finish his sentence, sending them both into a small fit of laughter. 
“I did not even ask you!”
“You did once before, that is enough for me,” Violet chuckled. 
Marcus pulled out that same betrothal ring from his pocket, a grin on both his and Violet’s face as he took her hand and placed it on her finger once again. 
“Perfect,” he whispered. “Just as it should be.” 
He brought her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss over her ring, as if to seal it on her hand. Violet was quick to lift Marcus’ head, forcing him to look into her eyes while she simply admired him. The man who had captured her heart. 
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sleepyfireball · 1 month
A Quiet Acceptance of Love | A Bridgerton Story
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Chapter 2: Steady
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV) Rating: Gen Pairing: Violet Bridgerton/Marcus Anderson Summary: Violet Bridgerton slowly but surely falls in love with Marcus Anderson. A character study of Violet Bridgerton in Season 3. Notes: I only lasted 2 days before I realised I have no self-control and I just wanted to share this next chapter with you guys! Enjoy! I'll try to stick to weekly updates from now on. Chapter 1 AO3
St. James’ Park really was beautiful during the summer. Violet found herself walking along the riverside, ten steps behind Francesca and Lord Kilmartin, soaking up the summer sun as she went. She watched as the two walked, no longer just in companionable silence but talking to each other. Violet smiled at some of the other members of the ton who were also promenading, before returning her contemplation to her two ‘young people’ as she had called them, to Marcus -Lord Anderson. Although, that had been Francesca and Lord Samadani, but the point still stood.
Here she was, desperately trying to avoid interfering so that she could allow Francesca to find her happiness for herself. She certainly had some doubts about this pairing, despite being able to see Francesca was happy. Lord Kilmartin was incredibly similar to Francesca, in the way that they could both be reserved. Violet had thought that Francesca would be able to find someone to coax her out of her shell, but instead she had found Lord Kilmartin, a member of the most reserved family in the ton, hailing from Scotland.
As she continued to follow the pair, she spotted Lord Anderson walking through the park, taking in the beautiful sunshine as well. She felt her heart swell, just a little, seeing him, but he did not appear to have seen her. She kept walking, allowing her attention to wander to other things as she did so, until she had stopped, ten steps behind as always, when she heard her name being called in Lord Anderson’s deep voice.
“Lady Bridgerton.” She turned to her left, where the voice was coming from, to see Lord Anderson walking towards her, his smile present on his face as he approached her. “What a lovely surprise to see you out here today.” Violet smiled in response, bowing her head.
“Lord Anderson.” Violet allowed her joy to inflect her tone, “It is a fine day for a stroll, indeed.” She gestured to where Francesca and Lord Kilmartin were standing in step ahead of her. “I am chaperoning for my daughter. You remember Francesca?” Violet said, as an explanation for her walking in the park.
“Indeed, I do. Although, is that a different suitor?” Lord Anderson chuckled quietly as he turned to her with a questioning look on his face.
“Ah, you are quite perceptive. That is Lord Kilmartin. He has been courting Francesca since the Innovations Ball, but Francesca only seemed to seriously consider him after the Queen’s Ball.” Violet looked toward the pair, seeing the two had begun to walk again. Boldly, Violet motioned toward the pair and asked, “Would you like to walk with me, Lord Anderson?”
“I would enjoy that.” Lord Anderson fell instep beside her and they walked together. “So, Francesca is finding her match. I also hear that your son is engaged to be married to Miss Penelope Featherington. My sister was quite pleased to learn of the match.”
“As was I, Lord Anderson. Miss Featherington has been dear to the family for years and she and Colin, particularly, have always been close. So, to learn they are engaged, well, I was quite excited.” She smiled shyly, glancing at him briefly to find him watching her quite intently. “There is to be an engagement ball at Bridgerton House later during the week. My daughter, Kate, who is my eldest son’s wife, and I have been busy organising it.” Violet spared another glance at Lord Anderson, to find him still looking at her, with affection in his eyes. Emboldened by his look, Violet took a plunge. “You would be most welcome to come if you so desired.” Violet watched Francesca and Lord Kilmartin, not daring to look at Lord Anderson, for fear of seeing rejection clouding his eyes.
“I would like that.” At his words, Violet looked up at him, to see that he was looking at the path, but a smile was gracing his features. She turned her gaze to Francesca and Lord Kilmartin, seeing that they had stopped, and it appeared that Lord Kilmartin was saying goodbye.
“Well, Lord Anderson, I shall ensure you receive an invitation, and I look forward to seeing you at the engagement ball.” Violet turned to Lord Anderson as she spoke, the two of them having stopped when the couple ahead had.
“As do I.” Lord Anderson bowed his head, Violet mirroring him as they parted ways. Before rejoining Francesca, Violet turned back to watch Lord Anderson, with a small smile on her face.
So far, the engagement party was shaping up to be a success. Violet had been absolutely ecstatic to welcome Penelope into the Bridgerton family, officially. To be entirely honest, Violet had thought of Penelope as her own daughter ever since she and Eloise had become fast friends.
Violet had watched as the poor girl was a wallflower, season after season. So, when she had realised that Colin was in love with Penelope, it warmed Violet’s heart. She had given him a slight push the night of the Queen’s ball, and he had returned that same night and announced the engagement.
Violet had insisted on having the engagement celebrations at Bridgerton House and had worked closely with Kate to ensure that everything went smoothly. So, she was pleased to see it all working out, and she was more than happy to relinquish hostess duties to Kate, at least for the night. Violet knew she would have to step back from viscountess duties eventually, but she was struggling to do so, especially with Kate and Anthony taking another honeymoon and only arriving back the morning of Colin’s engagement.
Violet watched as Penelope and her mother entered from the balcony above the ballroom that doubled as the entranceway and watched as Colin immediately darted over to Penelope. She could see it, clear as day, the love in his eyes matched the love that had once shone through Edmund’s eyes for her. Colin was becoming more and more of his father’s son. Even if he may not be able to recognise it, Violet could, and it made her heart pine for Edmund. As she was letting herself slip into nostalgia, she heard the tap of a familiar cane against the hardwood floors.
“Agatha!” Violet spun around to greet her.
“Violet.” Agatha’s voice was warm as the two smiled at each other, Agatha coming to join her at the balcony edge.
“I was just watching everything happening.” Violet gestured to the party below. “I am most pleased that Colin and Penelope are engaged. I have not had a chance to ask what you think of the match.” She turned to Agatha slightly, nervousness seeping into her frame.
Agatha turned to look at her, happiness and pride, maybe, showing on her face. “Oh, Violet, just because we did not organise this one does not mean I think they are undeserving. Watch them.” She said, gesturing to the pair. Violet turned to watch as Colin and Penelope walked through the ballroom together, arm in arm. “They are clearly enamoured with each other. Anyone who questions their match is a fool.” Violet hummed in agreement as Agatha continued.  “And all she had to do to get him to marry her was be herself.” Violet let her pride shine through for her soon-to-be daughter as she and Agatha settled into their regular repartee. 
“She is an extraordinary young woman.” Violet said, feeling contentment wash over her. As Agatha laughed in agreement, Violet turned to face her, happy to see the pride in her face too, when she saw a flicker of movement in her peripheral vision. She turned entirely to see Marcus -Lord Anderson- approaching the two of them, smiling broadly. 
Violet suddenly stiffened. Though she had become more comfortable around Lord Anderson after their impromptu promenade a few days ago, she still had not had a chance to speak to Agatha about it all, especially after how she had reacted when the two first met. Despite herself, Violet offered him a happy grin as he approached.
“Lady Bridgerton.” His voice washed over Violet warmly as he stopped in front of her.
“Lord Anderson, welcome.” Violet bowed her head, laughing softly as she greeted him. Violet reached for the bannister with her hand, to ground herself slightly for the coming conversation that she had a distinct feeling would be uncomfortable for all parties involved.
“Marcus, I did not realise that you were coming tonight.” Agatha looked back over her shoulder to Lord Anderson, disdain coming off her in waves so strong that Violet could practically feel it.
“We ran into each other out promenading the other day.” Violet said quickly in explanation, trying rather desperately to diffuse the tension before it could settle. Hoping to find a more friendly demeanour, Violet turned towards Lord Anderson, pretending the tension was not an excuse to look at him once more.
“A happy coincidence.” Lord Anderson interjected, smiling, seemingly unaffected by Agatha’s frosty welcome. Violet was rather thrown by how genuine his happiness seemed, directed fully toward her. She grinned.
“Indeed,” she replied, happiness inflecting her tone, as she nodded toward him. Despite whatever Agatha may be thinking, it was clear to Violet that Lord Anderson was beginning to properly seek her out at these events, rather than just running into each other accidentally. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach begin to stir. 
Lord Anderson turned toward Agatha, who, Violet could tell, was less than impressed about their friendship. She faced Agatha, wishing to keep her friend’s attention on her, wishing to save Marcus from a severe dressing down later, not that Violet would admit that to anyone but herself. She spoke up. “And I invited him.” Violet inhaled sharply and turned away as the smile slid from her face. 
She had assumed, after their discussions of Violet’s… garden over the winter, that Agatha would recognise how she was feeling and not interfere in what she must have known to be a rather delicate process for Violet. However, it appeared her support only extended as far as the men that Agatha felt comfortable being involved with Violet. Clearly, this did not include her estranged brother. Violet’s hands would not stay still as she nervously waited for someone to say something, anything, so she preoccupied herself with the flowers that were perched on the bannister.
“I see.” Agatha still did not sound happy at the prospect, but at least she was being cordial. After all, so many years in the ton had to teach one something, yes? Violet grasped the bannister again, not daring to look at Agatha or Lord Anderson until Agatha spoke again. “Well, to the… happy couple.” It was unlike Agatha to not know what to say, but it would seem that this was an uncomfortable situation for the three of them. Violet saw Agatha take a heavy drink after her impromptu toast. She turned to smile at Lord Anderson, pleased to see that he was not put off by Agatha’s clear wariness.
Violet felt like she was at an impasse. Here was her best friend, who seemed wholly unhappy at the thought that Violet could harbour any kind of affection for Lord Anderson at all. And here was Lord Anderson himself, clearly trying to seek her out at the party that she had invited him to. Violet was stuck between the two and, thinking of nothing else to say, she turned back to the party below and hummed thoughtfully.
“Well, I really should be returning to the party.” Violet escaped the uncomfortable situation as politely as she could. She turned a smile toward Agatha and bowed her head toward Lord Anderson, who returned it as she walked past him, trying to avoid rushing too much. As she left, she heard Agatha echo her sentiments and she could hear the tap of Agatha’s cane against the floor, following her down the stairs. As she reached the ground floor, Violet ducked into the study to have a brief moment of respite before rejoining the party. 
As she closed the door softly behind her, she heard the telltale clack of Agatha’s cane and silently sighed in relief that she would be able to avoid that conversation for tonight at least. It is not like I am avoiding her entirely, she reasoned, although, even to herself, that sounded a little flat. 
As she turned to the rest of the study, she spied Edmund’s old pocket watch sitting on Anthony’s desk. She picked it up, remembering Colin’s thoughtful gift from his travels, of a new pocket watch for herself. She turned the watch over in her hand, feeling the smooth edges of it, with the occasional scratch and scuff, accumulated from the 20 years of use it had seen. She had gifted it to Edmund on their 10th wedding anniversary and it had become Anthony’s when Edmund had passed. She brought the watch close to her heart, allowing herself to feel a little closer to Edmund through it. She always carried him with her in her heart, but having a tangible object from him could make it a little easier at times.
“Oh, Edmund, how I wish you were still here,” Violet whispered into the darkness around her. “You would have been thrilled to see how far our children have come.” As she spoke, she felt tears pricking her eyes. She blinked rapidly, returning the pocket watch to its resting position on the desk and taking a couple of deep breaths as she composed herself. She really should return to the party, Agatha would be wondering where she had gotten to, not to mention the rest of her family. 
As she rested her hand on the door handle, she steeled herself for the conversation she would inevitably need to have with Agatha one day if she truly wished to pursue anything with Marcus. Violet took comfort in knowing that Edmund would want her to be happy, however she could be. He had, after all, told her as much right before he confessed his love for her the first time. She took one fortifying breath and turned the handle, rejoining the party.
As Violet stepped out, she spotted Agatha in conversation with Anthony, with Lord Anderson hovering nearby. While he was being polite to the guests, it was clear that he was not enjoying himself, so Violet walked over to him, to save him from this fate.
“Lord Anderson.” Violet allowed her affection to inflect her tone, to help ease him. After all, that was her job as co-hostess for the evening, and she enjoyed it anyway. As he turned toward her, a broad smile graced his features.
“Lady Bridgerton. I am quite enjoying the party. You have impeccable taste, as does your daughter.” He gestured toward Kate, who was making the rounds for the guests.
“Indeed. She is a wonderful addition to the family,” Violet leaned in conspiratorially, “And a wonderful match for Anthony as well. She has helped him soften, much to Francesca’s luck for the season. My eldest daughter, Daphne, had quite a bit of trouble when she was out because Anthony was quite overbearing.” Lord Anderson chuckled quietly with Violet, who did not wish to alert Anthony to their conversation.
“I cannot blame him. If I could have done anything to help my sister, I would have done that too.” Lord Anderson looked quietly pensive for a moment. Violet turned toward him, about to ask, when he flashed her a sad smile and said, “Anyway, you have guests that I shall let you see to.”
“Oh, no, please, stay. I cannot leave you on your own after I was the one to invite you here.” Violet protested, placing a hand on his arm quickly. Even through his coat, she could feel the warmth emanating from him. She pulled her arm back, the memory of his touch electrifying. She fiddled with the stem of her champagne glass, looking down as she did so, so that she had something to do with her hands.
“That is most kind of you.” Lord Anderson responded quietly, prompting her to look up at him, to see a small smile on his face as he gestured to the approaching guests. Violet stood comfortably with Agatha, Anthony, and Lord Anderson as she greeted guests. Whatever Agatha did not like about Lord Anderson, she seemed willing to put it aside for the sake of the ton, and their reputations, allowing Violet to have discussions with both siblings throughout the night.
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nestaenthusiast · 4 months
I cannot put into words how happy I am that they are giving Violet a love interest despite her old age. It’s so rare to see a romance about an old woman especially in a show like Bridgerton where the characters are known for their sex appeal. Old women deserve a passionate romance too!!
Edit: Sorry to those I upset by calling her old😂 but like I’m 21 in real life so she could also be my mother so to me she’s old🤣🤣
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dailybridgerton · 4 months
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BRIDGERTON SEASON THREE Episode Three: Forces of the Nature
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pensbridge · 3 months
S3 First Reactions 🪞🐝🦋🪶
❤️ Already fangirled about the whole engagement night - the hugs, Hyacinth!!!
Colin not being able to stay away for that long after their engagement announcement and immediately excusing himself at Anthony's suggestion is exactly what I'd expect of him. ×
❤️ Colin calling out Portia. "out of love." 😢
❤️ "OUR BRIDGERTON NAME" is so important, because it's reiterating that Penelope's getting to choose her family when the one she was born into is so awful
He was so nervous when she didn't respond to their new home.
"Because I love you...Pen." 😢
"Are you sure?" PEN, no 😭😭😭
❤️ That mirror moment (i love how he said "the way your eyes shine when you look at me..." callback to her complimenting his eyes) "...And other things..."
bxtch they stuck with the thread of Colin not opening his eyes to stay in the dream and Pen checking to see if it's real when they kiss
The eye acting of Nicola and Luke! (they are being doe eyes x the intensity of his gaze or w/e it is)
The gulp <3 Nicola
"You are so beautiful."
❤️ The first time!!!
"I hope my husband.." - Fran, AND John -"I would not dream of it" 😯 asdfjgkglyl
Kate & El (got their s2 vibes)
Ahh, the "Do I look a mess?" "You are my mess" was delivered so perfectly.
cute, cute, cute riding through town in carriage (no personal space)
The hand kiss in front of portia!
Colin handing Eloise the spoon 🤣
❤️ the charades game - the cutest thing (they're holding hands)
Also, fuckin Anthony being tooo competitive 😆
Peneloise rights! The back 'n forth in the game 😬
The panic attack was high-octane; the concern in the scene was cute xxx
❤️ Fran looking at John & Violet hating this story lol.....and then, me noticing her realization to another child in love
❤️ The look & collar tug in the church (polin is so dorky & domestic already)
❤️ Soooooo....the spontaneous dance in the church is better than I thought it was gonna be...their goofy footwork, spinning in a multitude of circles "dancing with MY FUTURE WIFE in THE CHURCH WHERE WE WILL BE MARRIED" bye
Part 1, the ton jokes and bullies them and Part 2, we just see people that can't help but get happy and giddy when they see their young love. Violet and Lady Danbury awwing at polin and embracing them in the park!!!
❤️ "I am going to look at the very fine wainscoting" -John, please! 😅
"Not every attachment must be dramatic and hard-fought." - Francesca 😢 bby, you're right
I legit went from this man has the crazy eyes ppl talk about to *tired eyes Wide-Open*... Bi Benedict?! ..I'm getting Bi Benedict?! (I was like: Why?Is?He?Staring?at?him?Like?That? (i knew i sensed the vibes! The Best Surprise!!!)
"This dance does not compare to a private waltz in the church where we'll be married." She's SO cute! "Well perhaps we shall have to add some flourish." Stop. km now (that's so him! he is so dumb; they're married already and dumb as they should be! ×)
Props again with the deaf representation & the sass when Miss Cressida enters the ball
"A scandal writer for a daughter. Can you imagine?" - Portia (i'm sorry i love this whole sequence)
Polin gets more perfectly dork w/stepping on feet being included during their dance at The Mondrich Ball (that's very them)
Thank god for Bridgerton giving us hour long episodes in this 2nd part.
❤️ Eloise admitting she's wrong (and so casually) 😢 ps i think they both have faults but i just love this
❤️ "The column began because I felt powerless in my own home." - Pen (well, i'm glad she said it!)
ok, now Pen admits her faults. all is right again
❤️ Irish accent again
"You are Lady Whistledown." This reveal was everything
omg, was this the scene where he wasn't supposed to cry, but did?! What would I have done without this reaction in such an important moment?! 😢
I love how Penelope highlighted the voiceless as she said she should with Eloise in her new edition of Whistledown
Violet to Agatha - "..but I hope you know that my care for you is not contingent on your aid." 😢 (she sees her)
This whole fight outside the modiste's. 😭
"I have been careful. You have been foolish.."
❤️ "I LOVE YOU" and he was shocked (an 'ily for you' moment) [i was not expecting the follow up to his line to go like that]
❤️ They deserve a hot passionate makeout before they are married where they get completely caught up after fighting.
"What am I chopped liver?" yes Anthony in this situation you are.
❤️ Violet calling in Kanthony for Colin marital advice
❤️ Yellow
The look at each other down the aisle.
❤️ Vows. Weddings on this show are usually so unhappy, but I appreciate that Colin is still so reassuring & clearly beaming about this when there is residual upset/confusion.
❤️ Eloise cryyinng
Ben's line to El- "..The friendship you have with Penelope... As the one you have with Colin." xxx (she doesn't wanna lose them)
"OUR child will always be a Bridgerton, but I should like them to know that they are a Sharma as well." fxck 🥲
"I should like to dance with my husband.."
The disappearing people in the wedding dance. like they're the only 2 ppl in the room! (Bridgerton either has it out for me [to cry] or loves me so much)
ANTHONY 👁👁 Marcus & Violet
Colin's hand caressing on Pen's face at the end of the dance they're really coming for me (bro did he almost kiss her?!??? i freaked out; had to rewind)
The queen excusing all non-Bridgertons + "Penelope, you are a Bridgerton now."
I kind of love that "Everyone except the Bridgertons are to scatter," but Lady Danbury's just there
GOD (I knew it as soon as it was coming) Eloise hugs Pen <3 🥲
ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod bi Ben
❤️ The hair grab!
This printer's assistant is on my shit list
"It is not up to you what we do." 🤭❤️🤣 Colin mad but still ready to defend his wife (as it should be)
"I know my father was a good man and you are a good friend." Violet-Agatha feels
🙀He kept the letters!
💛John's words to Mama Bridgerton (her children's traits)
She said she was a fumbling mess in front of Edmund like 5 minutes before she is fumbling in front of Marcus
"Then how am I meant to help you?" ❤️ "By loving me."
❤️ Pen's love confession
"....to be a young lady to whom no one listens." - Pen!~Eloise shared look
Philippa + her "bugs"
😲 Lady Danbury x Pen (she knew! ❤️)
❤️ Colin's love confession (them crying together x)
El traveling with Johncesca
Mi-MICHAELA Stirling ... Bridgerton I swear if you are queerbaiting
OH MY GOD! Mama Bridgerton's words -FRANCESCA is fumbling her words.
❤️ Colin focussing on the hands in bed
Pen on top!
"Your father is always trying to distract with a clever word &..." "You think my smile is beguiling?" x "I could not have written without the help of Auntie Penelope." They are so obsessed with each other
Philomena?! did i hear that rt? omg Philippa
Yay we got confirmation of Colin's book! (I can only hope they're sitting in bed reading next season).
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littlerickmaniac · 3 months
We need more Violet and Marcus fanfics. I've been refreshing the ao3 tag for the past two days.
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rottentiger-art · 4 months
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Violet dancing with Marcus ❤️
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