#violence in bangalore
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ideasmithy · 7 months ago
How We Talk About Violence: The Bengaluru PG Murder
A Bengaluru murder reveals deeper issues of gender violence, victim-blaming & cultural conflicts. We need to reconsider how we think about violence.
‘Woman from Bihar brutally murdered in Bengaluru PG’ screams the article headline while TV news anchor hosts experts who opinie on the finance minister’s statement about more women in the workforce, question the safety of PGs, articulate the lack of empathy shown by the victim’s roommates as they watch Kriti Kumari die. Look for the latest news on violence against a woman and you might miss it…
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magicaldragons · 1 year ago
ugramm (vs. salaar)
for @noisywolfwagonpeanut-blog
so, Ugramm takes place on a much smaller scale than Salaar, where:
Khansaar = Mughor Devaratha = Agastya Varadha = Balaa Aadhya = Nithya Krishnakanth = Prabhakar Vishwa = Bilal Shivarudra, an MLA, and his son, Dheeraj who are equivalents for Khansaar's leaders
the plot, with comparisons:
the movie starts with an animated backstory, telling us that the reason Nithya's dad is in so much trouble is because he was asked to make a shipment (since he owns a shipping company) for Shivarudra's smuggled goods, and he refuses, due to which his wife is killed
before the men can kill Nithya, who is a baby at the time, Prabhakar promises to make the shipment, but he steals most of the materials, selling them himself. He tips the police off about Shivarudra, and runs to Australia with Nithya.
this is particularly interesting because the reason that Krishnakanth is in trouble hasn't been revealed yet in Salaar, but it's the first thing we find out in ugramm i highly doubt the reason will be the same in Salaar though, since it's implied Aadhya's mother dies in Australia and never got a chance to visit India.
Twenty years later, Shivarudra is out of jail, though he has been keeping the syndicate active through his son, and he still craves vengeance on Prabhakar.
he's in a state similar to Radha Rama, which probably means that Krishnakanth is the reason that Radha Rama had to leave Khansaar, and does not really show her face anywhere, choosing to operate instead through obulamma, vedha, and the others.
In the present day, an older Nithya comes to Bangalore to visit her mother's grave (not with ashes), and is kidnapped by Dheeraj's men, but Agastya comes for her after receiving a call from a friend (Vishwa) and takes her to his home afterwards
therefore it's Agastya who saves her (without violence, specifically), and develops a rapport with Nithya, rather than how it is in Salaar, with Bilal doing most of the work, and minimal involvement from Deva.
Starting here, there's a whole series of events that bring Agastya and Nitya closer, and MANY motifs and themes that recur, as a symbol of their feelings for each other.
this is a section, that even though it gets major importance in Ugramm, is completely skipped in Salaar, with prashanth even going as far as to not show any chemistry between Aadhya and Deva whatsoever. there's also much more comedy and lightheartedness in Ugramm, which prashanth has cut out of Salaar, which really drives it home that he means for Salaar to be very dark and undeniably gritty.
some of these scenarios include:
Agastya teaching Nithya the names of various vegetables in Kannada, because she's temporarily responsible for the cooking and other housework (since Agastya is hiding her true identity from his mother).
Nithya bothered by people in the market place, which is when Agastya's mother gives him permission to save her. [he draws a line around her in the sand (with an umbrella) and says: "the line is drawn. everything in this circle belongs to me"]
a whole montage telling us that, Agasthya will be everywhere Nithya is, just a step behind her, and as long as he is there, no one will dare to touch her.
Agastya sheltering her from the rain. with an umbrella. several times
he saves her from Shivarudra's men, and finds where she's hiding based on the fruit she describes to him over a call, because she doesn't know where she is (it's a gooseberry)
he takes her to her mother's grave and when they reach she says: "do i look pretty? (for my mother)" & he's just awestruck by her beauty
basically, prashanth really builds a meaningful relationship between Agastya & Nithya and makes us root for them.
there's this scene where Agastya's tattoo is revealed to Nithya, and she has a whole phase where she's kind of scared (unlike Aadhya, who is immediately fascinated by Deva's violence), but it still serves as relationship development for the both of them.
in Salaar, on the other hand, Deva and Aadhya barely get a chance to talk, and Deva doesn't really form the best of first impressions which makes me wonder: if prashanth intends on putting Deva and Aadhya together, would he really save all of that characterization and plot, just to dump it on us in part two?
Eventually, after observing how mysterious Agastya has been at times, and hearing rumors from the neighbors, Nithya asks Vishwa about Agastya's past, which is then shown to us in a way that's not as elaborate as what we see in Salaar.
an important point to note is that throughout the course of Ugraam's flashback, we know that Agasthya is intensely loyal to Balaa due to a promise made when they were children, but we see no proper reason for that fealty. We are never told why Agastya goes so far for Balaa, so there's no emotional quotient tied to any of Agastya's actions. Balaa especially is shown to be a bit smug when people witness the power Agastya holds, which makes it feel a little like Balaa is using Agastya as a weapon, and not as if Agastya is offering it himself.
Agastya saves the women of Mughor from a man like Vishnu (but imagine without the theatrics), which gets Balaa put in jail, and the way Agastya storms the jail to get Balaa out (which takes two minutes) is extremely anticlimactic compared to what happens in Salaar.
after getting Balaa out of jail, Agastya promises to conquer Mughor for him, and there's a specific scene where he gives Balaa a map and says:
"whatever you point at, will be yours"
this is the point in the plot at which Salaar: Ceasefire ends.
Following this, Agastya goes on a rampage, capturing areas of Mughor for Balaa, which gains both him and Balaa several enemies. Politically, things become heated, and it doesn't help that some people, including Balaa's brother, want credit for some victories.
Balaa's brother is irrationally aggressive at times, and this reaches a limit when Balaa's brother threatens an innocent women, whose husband they have just killed. Agastya disagrees with hurting her, since she's not involved, and helps the woman. Balaa's brother, feeling humiliated, says something about hurting Agastya's mom, and that turns out horribly, leading to a fight. This then ends with the brother's death, when he actually attempts to find Agastya's mother.
There is a chance that Deva will be responsible for Baachi's death for different reasons (and an even smaller chance that Baachi might not die at all), especially because Amma isn't in Khansaar when Deva returns, after 25 years. He returns alone. In, Ugramm, Agastya and his mother only escape their hometown when Agastya is well into adulthood. Ugramm does not have Salaar's childhood plot whatsoever, which changes the circumstance around Deva's return to Khansaar. This means that, if Deva invokes Varadha's rage by hurting/killing Baachi, it might be for something other than Baachi threatening his mother.
Agastya decides to leave Mughor, knowing that what he has done will be unforgivable for Balaa, and Balaa stops him right before they leave, intent on killing him. Agastya's mother, worried for her son, begs Agastya to make her a promise that he will never enter Mughor again or commit violence.
Agastya makes the promise at the last moment, and Balaa decides not to hurt him, before they part ways.
Fast forward to the present, Nithya's dad comes for her from Australia, and Agastya lets her go, (due to the classic 'she's too good for me' syndrome) which disappoints her, but she is then kidnapped and taken to Mughor, compelling Agastya once more, to step foot into that place.
Agastya fights to save her, killing Dheeraj in the process, but just before leaving, Balaa finds him. Agastya refuses to fight, willing to accept whatever punishment Balaa deems necessary, as long as Nithya is spared,
but Balaa, after consideration says:
"I won't fight a man who won't fight back. Even if I win, it'll bring me shame to attack a man who is already weak from fighting."
Before Balaa lets him go, he makes it clear that he has somewhat moved on, and acknowledges their friendship once again, calling Nithya "sister-in-law".
The movie ends with Agastya and Nithya outside of Mughor's borders, where he tells her to let him go, because of the way he is. She refuses, drawing a line in the sand around him as a callback to the first time he fought for her, and tells him that "everything in the circle belongs to her," ending the movie with the both of them together, and their prospective futures ahead of them.
this is where many things can go wrong if prashanth decides to put Deva and Aadhya together in a similar way, because he has not set them up for that. with the way he's laid out the plot and characterization, it is legitimately impossible to imagine: 1. Deva choosing anyone over Varadha, even if Varadha dies by the end of part two or 2. Varadha letting Deva go after they meet again, especially if he is able to move on from whatever Deva did that hurt him
All in all, Prashanth has made many minor changes regarding detailing, for the story to flow better, and he's scaled Salaar up to seem grander than life. It's evident that he has put more care into explaining every facet of the story, so that there's no plot holes, and been able to use Ugramm as a stepping stone to make Salaar that much better.
The major differences include showing us Varadha and Deva's childhood, and taking out all of Deva & Aadhya's relationship development, along with giving many of Nithya & Agastya's parallels to Varadeva, which suggests a different ending for Salaar: Shouryaanga Parvam, than that of Ugramm.
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hindulivesmatter · 1 year ago
I am a proud hindu so i was angry about what happened to kashmiri hindus. but after reading up on it and the history of kashmir in general, one thing is really obvious: india failed kashmir (all of them not just hindus). It’s why I support their right to self-determination. I am based in America and I know several punjabis here who don’t consider themselves indian because their family/community was directly impacted by the 1984 anti sikh pogroms. ig i’m saying india has failed a lot of people (esp minorities) so if we are not from their ethnic group, we don’t get to selfishly claim them or impose our will on them. like i’m a kannadiga and i hate the imposition of hindi in my home state and while this is not even slightly comparable to the violence and trauma faced by kashmiris, punjabis and other groups, i would hate for a non-kannadiga (esp a hindi speaker) telling me how to feel and having the final say in the matter so kashmiri self determination just makes sense to me.
this just my two cents hope this didn’t sound rude because that’s not my intention.
I know you didn't mean to be rude here, but what you're saying is actually really out of touch.
I hope you're aware of what happened in Kashmir to Kashmiri pandits. Pakistan has dreamed of Kashmir since it was formed. That's why they wrongfully attacked India the first time, securing only POK which sadly was due to the UN, and weak Indian political power. Since then, they have infiltrated our country, and approximately 300,000 Kashmiri Pandits are reported to have left the region due to constant persecution from the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and other militant groups, like Hizbul-Mujahideen (HM). In 1989, radical Islamists initiated an insurgency, fueled by covert support from Pakistan.
The party at the time did its best to hide this, and stifle it as much as possible, this got an ounce of coverage and light when The Kashmir Files was released
Hindus have 5000 years of recorded history with the land, that Islamists claim has “always been Muslim land”. "Kashmir" is literally named after Rishi Kashyap, if you're aware. On 19, January 1990 mosques blared out the infamous "convert leave or die" and finished their mission of converting the entirety of Kashmir to an Islamic state. Our pandits were told to leave their wives and daughters behind if they wanted to escape alive.
They're still living like refugees in their country, and now thanks to the scrapping of sec 370, things have taken a turn for the better.
Many Muslims of Kashmir still retain their Hindu surname. It was a deliberate attempt to wipe Hindus out that Islamists achieved and now THAT'S the free Kashmir they want, this slogan isn't promising actual Kashmiris that were displaced from their homes back, this slogan is furthering the agenda to chew Kashmir off India's map - the one true dream.
A similar approach is taken by Khalistanis, they aren't asking for Lahore, you know, the capital of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh, they're demanding INDIA to give Punjab away. They are funded by Pakistan as well that's why they can't say anything about Sikh treatment in Pakistan. That's why they can't say anything about Gurudwaras converted to garbage bins. You obviously, being far away, aren't aware of what's going beneath the surface, they have vandalized various Hindu Temples.
They take the name of their Guru who sacrificed his life for India, while they stomp on the flag of India.
In theory, I guess it sounds easy to say "Well, disagreements are flaring up, so let's just split and give them their own thing". But this isn't how it works. Compromise and collaboration is how decisions are made in a democracy. This is our motherland, the last time we split was painful as fuck. The only reason India didn't fall apart after Independence is because of the formation of linguistic states.
I lived in Bangalore for the majority of my childhood, and I left 2 years before the entire language debacle began. I don't know if you know, but now Kannadigas are getting violent if anyone speaks Hindi. They demand you to speak in Kannada even if you don't know how.
You're based in America, so I'm not holding this against you, but I'm begging you, please do more research.
[Exhibit 82]
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gia-olir · 3 months ago
what's your craziest dad lore?
for me, my dad biked through the woods where veerapan was hiding from the police, at night, and KNEW ABOUT IT
(Veerappan began his criminal career by assisting his uncle Saalvai Gounder, a notorious poacher and sandalwood smuggler.
Veerappan initially worked as a sandalwood and ivory smuggler, killing elephants for their tusks. He later broke away from his uncle. Over the next 25 years, Veerappan and other poachers together killed 2,000 to 3,000 elephants, with Veerappan and his gang responsible for approximately 500 of them.
He was first arrested in 1972. After committing his first murder, at the age of 17, he began killing those who resisted his illegal activities. His victims tended to be police officers, forest officials, and informants. In 1987, Veerappan kidnapped and murdered a Sathyamangalam Taluka forest officer named Chidambaram from Tamil Nadu. This brought his activities to the attention of the Indian Government. He drew further attention by murdering a senior IFS officer, Pandillapalli Srinivas, in November 1991. Next, there was the August 1992 ambush of a police party, which included a senior IPS officer, Harikrishna.Veerappan was not averse to killing civilians, and killed a man from his native village for traveling in a police jeep. He regularly killed anyone suspected of being a police informer. Because of political instability, Veerappan could easily escape from one state to another. State jurisdiction problems also prevented police officers from entering other states to apprehend Veerappan. In Govindapadi, Mettur, Veerappan killed a Bandari person whom he suspected of being a police informer. As a result, a 41-member team of police officers and forestry officials were called in to investigate. On 9 April 1993, landmines were detonated underneath the two vehicles in which the team was traveling. The blast occurred at Palar, near Malai Mahadeswara Hills (present-day Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka) and killed 22 members of the team. Known as the Palar blast, this was Veerappan's single largest mass killing. in 1992, the Karnataka and the Tamil Nadu Governments formed a Special Task Force to catch Veerappan. It was headed in Tamil Nadu by Sanjay Arora and in Karnataka by Shankar Bidri with Walter Devaram as the joint chief. In February 1992, his lieutenant Gurunathan was killed by the Karnataka task force, with SI Shakeel Ahmed single-handedly responsible for the capture. Three months later, Veerappan attacked the Ramapura police station in Kollegal, killing several policemen and capturing arms and ammunition. In August 1992, Veerappan laid a trap for SI Shakeel Ahmed, killing him along with five others. The Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Special Task Forces then began intensified combing operations along the two states' border areas and also around Gopinatham village, Veerappan's birthplace. Through these operations, under charge of Sanjay Arora and Shankar Bidari, the gang was reduced to 5 members. Meetings with Gopinatham villagers were held, and the 5-crore bounty was announced. In 1993, the task force arrested Veerappan's wife, Muthulakshmi, and charged her with aiding, but she was acquitted of all charges.
On 30 June 2000, Veerappan abducted Kannada cinema actor Rajkumar and three others from Dodda Gajanur, a village in Sathyamangalam taluk Erode district near the Tamil Nadu-Karnataka border, where the film star was attending his housewarming ceremony. Public outcry and violence ensued in Bangalore as well as other parts of Karnataka. A bandh, or strike, also occurred on 22 September in Bangalore. Karnataka's Chief Minister and police personnel sought the help of Tamil Nadu Government and visited Chennai seeking help. Negotiations were conducted and R. Gopal, an editor of the Tamil magazine Nakkeeran, was involved in several rounds of talks with Veerappan. Gopal had earlier visited Veerappan for similar negotiations, and visited the forest several times for videotaped discussions. Veerappan demanded justice for Tamil Nadu in the Cauvery Water dispute, as well as making Tamil the second official language of Karnataka and the release of certain Tamil political prisoners jailed in Tamil Nadu. Rajkumar was held for 108 days and finally released without harm in November 2000. A police official later revealed that 20 crore rupees had been paid by Karnataka government for his release. On 25 August 2002, Veerappan abducted H. Nagappa, a former minister of Karnataka, from his village in Kamagere, Chamarajanagar district. Nagappa had been a minister for Agricultural Marketing from 1996 to 1999. The Joint Special task forces of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu worked with the Kerala police to help release Nagappa. Encounter to release him failed, and Nagappa was found dead three months later in a Karnataka forest. The reward offered by the Karnataka state government was then increased to 15 crore rupees.Ransom demandsFor several years during the 1990s, Veerappan kidnapped police officials and other personalities and demanded ransom money. It is believed that ransoms were often unofficially paid.
In July 1997, he kidnapped nine forest officials in the Burude forests in Chamarajanagar district. In that case, the hostages were released unharmed a few years later even though his ransom demand was not met. It is also believed that Veerappan buried large amounts of money in various parts of the forest; in 2002 police recovered 3.3 million rupees from his gang members. Banned organisations like the Tamil National Retrieval Troops (TNRT) and Tamil Nadu Liberation Army helped Veerappan to secure a Robin Hood image and to draft terms of negotiations when he kidnapped prominent people. Kolathur Mani, president of Dravidar Viduthalai Kazhagam, formerly the Periyar Dravidar Kazhagam (PDK) party, was arrested and brought to trial as an accomplice in several of Veerappan's crimes, although later acquitted due to lack of evidence.
He was informed by a forest officer, but he was like "watch me" and sped through.
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anhxdonia · 7 months ago
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[ SENDHIL RAMAMURTHY, 50, CIS MAN, HE/HIM ] Welcome to Antioch, MAHARTH PRASAD CHANDRASEKHAR ! Local sources report that you’ve been in town for 2 WEEKS and are known to be CHARMING yet EVASIVE. Others have dredged up rumors that you’re involved in THE VAMPIRE OF ANTIOCH as a SUSPECT, but most know you for your work as the new PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS at ANTIOCH UNIVERSITY.
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Character Name. Danish Maharth Prasad Chandrasekhar / ದಾನೀಶ ಮಹಾರ್ಥ ಪ್ರಸಾದ ಚಂದ್ರಶೇಖರ್ Nickname(s). Danu, Som, Maha Face Claim. Sendhil Ramamurthy   Birthday.  October 27, 1974 Place of birth. Mysuru, Karnataka State, India Sexuality. Fluid Zodiac. Scorpio (Western), Tula/Libra (Vedic), Mīna (Rasi), Purva-Bhadrapada (Nakshatra) MBTI.  ESTP-A Moral Alignment. True Neutral Occupation. Professor of Comparative Religions, Adjunct Lecturer on Social Anthropology and Folklore Place of work. Antioch University Subplot affiliation. The Vampire of Antioch  3 positive traits. Affable, Passionate, Social 3 negative traits. Inquisitive, Distractable, Mercurial  Languages. Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, and English in his everyday life. Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Koine Greek for academic studies. Love language. Expressing — gift-giving, words of affirmation; Receiving — physical touch, words of affirmation
! TW: death, religious intolerance, political assassination, references to violence, discrimination.
The fifth child and youngest son of a prominent Mysuru politician and cabinet member, he was born Danish Prasad Chandrasekhar—a proud expression of his Kannadiga and Tamil heritage and his family's Muslim upbringing. Days were filled with the scent of old, well-loved books and fine tea, a quiet peace shared by the big family. The Chandrasekhars were well-off, surrounded by art and culture. They had everything, no, more than everything they needed and never looked outward. Therefore, they were, in essence, cut off from the world around them. Foolishly, Danish believed their way of living would be eternal.
Therefore, the Chandrasekhars never noticed the warning signs. Figuratively spritzed perfume over the smoke that came in the form of angry letters stuffed in mailboxes. And on a hot night in April, when Danish was away at a youth camp, his family and home were all lost to a raging fire set by a fringe group of dissidents following a contested election. Days after the tragedy, the six-year-old was taken in by an aunt on his mother's side. She was a Classics professor at Bangalore University and a practicing Hindu, and she legally changed his name to Maharth in her misguided idea of 'protection.'
Confused about the warring wills of his beloved nation and nursing a trauma he could not understand as a child, Maharth grew up in a religious household but socially became secular as he delved into learning about the various belief systems around him. He'd been gifted as a child, not only in learning languages but also in the connections of his birth, and his acceptance into the University of Oxford was all but guaranteed.
Maharth was a definite scholar, embracing academia with a matchless love that his peers, many talented beyond their years but still impetuous with youth, couldn't understand. Stranger still was Maharth's proclivities. Upon achieving his Master's in Comparative Theology at Oxford and bearing the unofficial title of an academic darling of the presses bearing the acclaimed name of his education, the newly minted professor chose fellowships in schools far from the eyes of the elite. Maybe he'd give a lecture at York or a semester at Harvard, but Maharth was more than content with setting up an office in the backwoods of America one day and the steppes of Siberia the next.
As years passed, Professor Chandrasekhar's disappearances and reappearances became part of his mystery, an appealing asterisk on the famous educator's magnetic persona. So no eyebrows were raised, and questions caught at the helm of one's throat when the eccentric intelligentsia took up a residency at Antioch University in southern Oregon. A man as odd as Maharth would be a perfect fit with a place as infamously strange as Antioch, they thought, oblivious to how correct they'd be in their assumptions.
The victims of the case have been past and present students of Maharth's classes. This information is not public knowledge.
enjoys fine teas and has shipped in his personal cupboard filled with porcelain teacups and mugs, has a sweet tooth but only indulges on thursdays, is a vegetarian and a half-decent cook but opts for leftovers, currently resides in a short-term rental villa at verdant hills thanks to a generous friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend-slash-benefactor, annotates all of his books with pen (and thus can never donate them to a library or give them away), and checks his astrology readings weekly.
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VIBES: Hannibal-lite, cat-and-mouse games, visitations without a warrant, pet names uttered between sips of tea.
[ Though Maharth is the supposed newcomer in town, he has a surprising wealth of knowledge about Antioch, specifically the case of the Vampire of Antioch. Though on the surface, there doesn't seem to be a connection between the professor and the case victims, upon closer inspection, there's something that doesn't add up... your muse decides to investigate — blatantly? covertly? — and Maharth is very willing to cooperate. After all, the pursuit of knowledge is key to one's self-discovery and enlightenment. ]
MID 40s+, catered to anyone interested in the vampire of antioch case. the romance angle is up to chemistry, but the underlying antagonism is the bedrock of this dynamic! — (2/2)
KANG KAI SOO; @kcngkai
VIBES: The Secret History, dark academia, midnight readings of sacred texts on the university lawns.
[ The new professor in town is making waves at Antioch University, with his classes reaching max capacity already in the first week of enrollment. His lectures are a hit with the youth, and some are even vying to be selected for the Professor's exclusive after-hour labs for hands-on, experiential learning. However, it is Maharth who ultimately decides, and whoever he accepts must meet some pre-requisites. ]
21+, students or auditors at Antioch University. — (0/4)
VIBES: The Departed (2006), sicko-to-sicko communication, laying dead flowers on the grave of your worstie, a chaste kiss on the side of a gun's barrel.
[ Whether it's a historical event or a chance encounter, both your muse and Maharth are aware of each other's secrets, which could shake up the town's status quo if revealed. However, the two are at a standstill since they are both firmly established in their roles, and their social circles only partially overlap. So even if they like to subtly hint at a revelation to the journalist or make a veiled threat, they know they won't get away with it without the other exacting swift vengeance. ]
35+, for anyone into wacky-zany toxicity of mutually assured destruction. — (0/1)
VIBES: All of Us Strangers (2023), memories of the one who got away, finding fractions of the one in other people, tip-toeing dotted boundary lines.
[ It's said that "hurt people hurt hurt people," but can hurt people heal hurt people? Your muse and Maharth hit it off, and neither of them says why, though they know it reminds them of what love could've been. Part maladaptive coping mechanism and part feeling understood and seen for the first time, your muse and Maharth casually date and flirt, seeking escape and comfort with no strings attached. Although ignorance is bliss, and both are willfully ignorant, the town around them refuses to let them bury their heads in the sand. ]
MID 40s+, a doomed relationship considering what happens in this small town. — (1/1)
JOHN WEAVER; @godsunderfoot
VIBES: "wdyn uncle maharth is suspected of being a serial killer??? he got me tix to universal studios in orlando" :((((
[ Your muse has always known Uncle Maharth as a gregarious friend who spoiled you with gifts and praise. In town, Maharth is as friendly as ever, always there to listen to your troubles over sweets and tea. Your muse is aware of rumors going around, and while they doubt their veracity, it's hard to deny that Uncle Maharth is odd—weirder than what you remember as a child. Your muse starts to question if they truly know the man or if nostalgia is tinting their perception. ]
ANY AGE under 35, those who could be related to the Chandrasekhars, or have family in academia who are friends with Maharth. — (1/2?)
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Hannibal (NBC Hannibal), Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with a Vampire), Iago (Othello), Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown, yes I am for real), Ryuk (Death Note). Affably Evil, Soft Spoken Sadist, The Corruptor.
! TW: nsfw humor, mentions of blood
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[ mun note: as someone who is not of kannadiga or tamil heritage, i have relied on information from online resources. if anyone from these communities has constructive criticism for my portrayal of this character, please let me know. i am always open to learning! please note that any portrayals of dark content are not reflective of endorsements of the author. thank you! ]
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manicpixiess · 2 years ago
Book wrap-up!! I’ve been on an RF Kuang *spree* this week; I finished Babel and Yellowface, and am halfway through The Poppy War! I love love love how her stories are so compelling and addictively well-written; you simply cannot put the book down, even if nothing particularly thrilling is happening! 
Babel: Solid 3.5 stars out of 5. I’m not a student of either linguistics or history, so I was absolutely fascinated by the mini-lectures on etymology, and the concept of magic being harnessed from meaning lost in translation was one of the coolest premises I’ve ever come across in a book. The author’s world-building drew more on real historical events rather than attempts at reinventing history with silver magic at its core, which I honestly didn’t have a problem with (though a lot of other readers did!). This story worked perfectly well as low-fantasy for me. The historical aspects seemed well-researched, and the themes of violence, revolution and colonialism were explored in an impactful and creative (if not particularly subtle!) way. 
So why, you might ask, was it not a five star read? For me, it was the characters that did it. Robin and Letty are the only characters with any sort of, well, 3D-ness to them! The rest served only as a neat summary (a translation, if you will, and not a very good one) of the ideas, politics and culture of entire countries, or flat out caricatures, all created with the sole intent of making sure the reader Gets the point, which is that Racism is Bad. 
Ramy was a particularly disappointing character for me, because his is a story I would’ve loved to read- an Indian brought up in British-occupied India, sent to England to study. His character was instead reduced to quips and political opinions that are expressed in a jarringly modern way, with zero insight into how his culture and experiences as an Indian Muslim shaped these thoughts! We get only a brief interlude where Ramy’s history is explained in a single page, perhaps to make up for the abysmal lack of characterisation throughout the rest of the book. How hard would it have been to have these experiences be something he talks about, has feelings about, is affected by in noticeable ways?! The whole thing felt so impersonal. 
Ramy is the only POC character in the story with a surviving family (that he loves dearly and writes to!), yet these two facets of his experience (being a student at Oxford, and being brought up in India with family there) are entirely separate except when the author needs to drive a point home. I moved away from home for college- and I haven’t met a single person there who hasn’t experienced the move in a way that is fundamentally influenced by where they’re from (I’m from Bangalore, and I find the way that my uni’s city shuts down after like 10pm weird! I love the tree-lined roads, because they remind me of home! I miss my family! And these two cities are quite similar, and in the same country. I’d have wayy more to say if I’d been shipped to a new continent.) 
Victoire was the same- a single page explaining her backstory, and no characterisation besides her actions toward the end. It is hardly believable that Ramy and Victoire are so desperate to save their homes, their cultures, the parts of themselves that they have to fight to keep- without their connections to these things ever appearing organically. I suppose it just goes to show that representation is tricky business! What I wanted from Ramy’s story might not be what every South Asian wants, and his character was not written to be the main focus of the book. I still love that RF Kuang wrote a character that I can see bits of myself in!
I absolutely would recommend the book. It’s incredibly creative and beautifully written, and explores really important themes.
Yellowface: 3.5 out of 5 again! I’m still unsure if this book was intended as a serious critique of the publishing industry, or even an exploration of the question of who gets to tell which stories. Athena’s complicated relationship with the people whose stories she told (especially the whole diaspora versus resident divide on writing about a country’s history, and her family’s reaction to her books) is something I would’ve liked to see more of, but like that one tumblr post said- critique what the book did, not what it didn’t! June Hayward is incredibly hateable, and given how chronically online I am, I was nodding my head sagely the whole time she was getting put in her place on twitter. It’s an easy, compelling read but it definitely gives you something to think about.
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floralfantasy · 8 months ago
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Neurodiversity in the Majority World
Online Seminar 
How do Neurodivergent Therapists Engage with Social Justice?  Anna Maria Joseph 
Anna is a public mental health researcher and writer with OCD, based in Bangalore, India. As a researcher, she is engaged with projects studying the rehospitalisation of psychiatric patients, impact of arts based interventions for gender violence prevention, and suicide prevention among young people. Through her writing, she prioritises lived experience to discuss disability, queerness, and the climate crisis. Her work has been featured on spaces like Women Enabled International, Disability Debrief, Revival Disability India, and Gaysi Family. She was awarded the SCARF (Schizophrenia Research Foundation) Media for Mental Health Award in 2022. 
Vocabularies of inclusion: How Autistic voices in India are reframing personhood. Shubha Ranganathan
Shubha is an Associate Professor in the Department of Liberal Arts, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. Her background is eclectic and interdisciplinary, having been trained in psychology but drawing on ethnographic approaches to questions around health, gender, and disability. Her research draws on a range of disciplines such as anthropology, gender studies, disability studies, and alternate paradigms within psychology such as critical and qualitative psychology. She has been engaged in qualitative explorations of local practices of healing among marginalized groups, as well as health and disability-related projects in India. Her work is framed by critical and social justice perspectives, focusing on lived experiences and the role of advocacy for social change. Currently, she is exploring questions about parenting and care in the context of autism as part of her engagement with the neurodiversity discourse in India.
The event is free of charge however, participants must register. 
Date: Tuesday 23rd July 2024
20.30 hours - 22.00 hours (Tokyo Time)
1700 hours - 1830 hours (Indian Standard Time)
12.30 hours - 14.00 hours (UK Time) 
13.30 hours - 15.00 hours (Johannesburg Time)
7.30 am- 9.00 am (New York Time) 
8.30 am -10.00am (Buenos AiresTime)
Registration link https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=ofZoiROsL0e4mfcxbkOfQ2R-n7SIUR9Pj2px-QrEZi1UMFkzOFVUMk5aVlY4MkxVSzNPVUxWTUhUUy4u
Link to our website https://afroasiancriticalpsychology.wordpress.com/2024/06/26/neurodiversity-in-the-majority-world/
#ActuallyAutistic #Neurodiversity #AutisticRights #Autism #ADHD #SocialJustice #MajorityWorld #Inclusion #Psychology #India
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odinsson2021 · 1 year ago
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Here's the Playlist of my Tonight's Show!
I hope you liked it!
Stormwitch-Rondo ala Turca George Thorogood&The Destroyers-Bad to the Bone Rhino Bucket-Ride with yourself Kix-Blow my Fuse Bangalore Choir-Angel in Black Babylon A.D.-Bang go the Bells Maverick-Paint by Numbers Def Leppard-Rocket Aerosmith-Blind Man Meat Loaf-Rock and Roll Dreams come through The Cult-She sells Sanctuary The 69 Eyes-Brandon Lee The Sisters of Mercy-Lucretia my Reflection Leave’s Eyes-Who wants to live forever – Myths of Fate 22.03.24 Tad Morose-Sender of Thoughts Symphorce-Rage of Violence Symphony X-Seven Startovarius-The Kiss of Judas Stromzone-Fear Hotel Stranger Vision-Anthem for a Doomed Youth Stormwitch-Fallen from God Silent Force-Goodbye my Ghost ShadowQuest-Live Again Blind Guardian-Mister Sandman
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news365timesindia · 8 days ago
[ad_1] Mumbai, Maharashtra: Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut has called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah to hold a high-level meeting with Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah to prevent a repeat of the Belagavi violence that has once again escalated tensions between the two states. The demand comes after a Marathi-speaking bus driver was assaulted in Belagavi, allegedly for not speaking in Kannada, sparking widespread outrage in Maharashtra. In response, Shiv Sena (UBT) workers staged protests in Pune, blackening Karnataka-registered buses at the Swargate Bus Stand on Saturday. Raut Condemns Attacks, Questions Karnataka Government Addressing the border dispute between Maharashtra and Karnataka, Raut criticized the Karnataka government for allowing violence against Marathi-speaking residents in Belagavi, despite the matter being sub judice in the Supreme Court. “We do not want such incidents to take place. The Prime Minister and Home Minister should call for a meeting with the Chief Ministers of Maharashtra and Karnataka. The Belagavi border dispute is already in the Supreme Court. Even then, how is the Karnataka government allowing such attacks on Marathi people, closing Marathi schools, and targeting cultural organizations? This is unacceptable,” Raut said. He pointed out that Karnataka-origin communities in Maharashtra have never faced hostility, urging for mutual respect and peaceful coexistence. “There are many people from Karnataka in Maharashtra who run businesses, hotels, and organizations. We have never troubled them, nor will we ever do so. We are all united as Indians. This is an issue of language and culture. If Marathi people in Belagavi want to run Marathi schools, what is wrong with that? In Maharashtra, we have Kannada schools as well,” he added. Shiv Sena (UBT) Workers Blacken Karnataka Buses in Protest Following the attack on the MSRTC driver, Shiv Sena (UBT) workers staged protests in Pune, targeting Karnataka-registered buses by spraying black paint on one of them. Pune Deputy Commissioner of Police Smartana Patil confirmed that law enforcement had been deployed to prevent escalation. “As soon as we got information that Shiv Sena (UBT) workers were planning a protest, we deployed security forces. They managed to blacken one bus, but there was no major damage,” Patil told ANI. The police have detained four to five suspects, with more arrests expected based on video evidence. Maharashtra Suspends Bus Services to Karnataka In the wake of the incident, Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) announced an indefinite suspension of bus services between Kolhapur and Karnataka for the safety of passengers and employees. MSRTC Chief Public Relations Officer Abhijit Bhosale confirmed the decision, stating, “As per the Transport Minister’s directions, ST buses traveling from Kolhapur to Karnataka have been cancelled indefinitely until the situation is brought under control.” The move follows the assault of MSRTC driver Bhaskar Jadhav on the night of February 21. Jadhav was attacked by activists from a Karnataka-based group when his bus, en route from Bangalore to Mumbai, was stopped near Chitradurga. Maharashtra’s Transport Minister Pratap Sarnaik personally reached out to Jadhav, reassuring him of government support. “You are not alone; our government stands firmly behind you. Until the Karnataka government takes a clear stance on this issue and engages in discussions with Maharashtra, bus services will remain suspended,” Sarnaik stated. Rising Tensions Amid Belagavi Dispute The Maharashtra-Karnataka border dispute over Belagavi has been a long-standing issue, with Marathi-speaking residents in the region demanding recognition of their linguistic and cultural rights. While the case is pending in the Supreme Court, incidents of violence and political clashes have reignited tensions, leading to a cycle of retaliatory actions in both states.
With pressure mounting on both governments to prevent further escalation, political observers believe that intervention from the Centre will be crucial in diffusing tensions and ensuring the safety of residents on both sides of the border.     The post Sanjay Raut Urges Modi, Shah to Intervene Amid Maharashtra-Karnataka Tensions Over Belagavi Incident appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 8 days ago
[ad_1] Mumbai, Maharashtra: Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut has called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah to hold a high-level meeting with Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah to prevent a repeat of the Belagavi violence that has once again escalated tensions between the two states. The demand comes after a Marathi-speaking bus driver was assaulted in Belagavi, allegedly for not speaking in Kannada, sparking widespread outrage in Maharashtra. In response, Shiv Sena (UBT) workers staged protests in Pune, blackening Karnataka-registered buses at the Swargate Bus Stand on Saturday. Raut Condemns Attacks, Questions Karnataka Government Addressing the border dispute between Maharashtra and Karnataka, Raut criticized the Karnataka government for allowing violence against Marathi-speaking residents in Belagavi, despite the matter being sub judice in the Supreme Court. “We do not want such incidents to take place. The Prime Minister and Home Minister should call for a meeting with the Chief Ministers of Maharashtra and Karnataka. The Belagavi border dispute is already in the Supreme Court. Even then, how is the Karnataka government allowing such attacks on Marathi people, closing Marathi schools, and targeting cultural organizations? This is unacceptable,” Raut said. He pointed out that Karnataka-origin communities in Maharashtra have never faced hostility, urging for mutual respect and peaceful coexistence. “There are many people from Karnataka in Maharashtra who run businesses, hotels, and organizations. We have never troubled them, nor will we ever do so. We are all united as Indians. This is an issue of language and culture. If Marathi people in Belagavi want to run Marathi schools, what is wrong with that? In Maharashtra, we have Kannada schools as well,” he added. Shiv Sena (UBT) Workers Blacken Karnataka Buses in Protest Following the attack on the MSRTC driver, Shiv Sena (UBT) workers staged protests in Pune, targeting Karnataka-registered buses by spraying black paint on one of them. Pune Deputy Commissioner of Police Smartana Patil confirmed that law enforcement had been deployed to prevent escalation. “As soon as we got information that Shiv Sena (UBT) workers were planning a protest, we deployed security forces. They managed to blacken one bus, but there was no major damage,” Patil told ANI. The police have detained four to five suspects, with more arrests expected based on video evidence. Maharashtra Suspends Bus Services to Karnataka In the wake of the incident, Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) announced an indefinite suspension of bus services between Kolhapur and Karnataka for the safety of passengers and employees. MSRTC Chief Public Relations Officer Abhijit Bhosale confirmed the decision, stating, “As per the Transport Minister’s directions, ST buses traveling from Kolhapur to Karnataka have been cancelled indefinitely until the situation is brought under control.” The move follows the assault of MSRTC driver Bhaskar Jadhav on the night of February 21. Jadhav was attacked by activists from a Karnataka-based group when his bus, en route from Bangalore to Mumbai, was stopped near Chitradurga. Maharashtra’s Transport Minister Pratap Sarnaik personally reached out to Jadhav, reassuring him of government support. “You are not alone; our government stands firmly behind you. Until the Karnataka government takes a clear stance on this issue and engages in discussions with Maharashtra, bus services will remain suspended,” Sarnaik stated. Rising Tensions Amid Belagavi Dispute The Maharashtra-Karnataka border dispute over Belagavi has been a long-standing issue, with Marathi-speaking residents in the region demanding recognition of their linguistic and cultural rights. While the case is pending in the Supreme Court, incidents of violence and political clashes have reignited tensions, leading to a cycle of retaliatory actions in both states.
With pressure mounting on both governments to prevent further escalation, political observers believe that intervention from the Centre will be crucial in diffusing tensions and ensuring the safety of residents on both sides of the border.     The post Sanjay Raut Urges Modi, Shah to Intervene Amid Maharashtra-Karnataka Tensions Over Belagavi Incident appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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gehiimagrigation · 11 days ago
US Immigration from Bangalore: Why Hiring a Lawyer Matters
Bangalore, known as the “Silicon Valley of India,” is a hub for professionals, students, and entrepreneurs looking to build their future in the United States. With its booming tech industry, top universities, and startup ecosystem, the city produces many U.S. visa applicants, from skilled workers and investors to students and family-sponsored immigrants.
The U.S. immigration system isn’t easy. Strict visa quotas, constantly changing policies, extensive paperwork, and high denial rates make the process challenging. Even small mistakes can lead to delays or rejections, creating unnecessary stress and setbacks.
This is why having an experienced immigration lawyer can make all the difference. From choosing the right visa category to preparing a strong application and addressing legal blocks, professional guidance helps applicants avoid costly mistakes and improve their chances of success. In this article, we’ll explore why hiring a lawyer is a smart move for anyone in Bangalore planning to manage US immigration from Bangalore.
What are U.S. Immigration ways From Bangalore?
Understanding the right visa category is crucial for moving to the United States. US immigration from Bangalore has become increasingly common, with professionals, students, and families seeking opportunities in the U.S. However, each visa type comes with specific requirements, and choosing the right one can impact your chances of approval. A few of these are specified here:
Employment-Based Visas
These visas allow skilled professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs to work in the U.S.:
H-1B Visa – Ideal for tech and STEM professionals from Bangalore, sponsored by U.S. employers.
L-1 Visa – For employees of multinational companies transferring to a U.S. branch.
O-1 Visa – Designed for individuals with extraordinary skills in fields like technology, science, and business.
EB-1, EB-2, and EB-5 Visas – Employment-based green cards for highly skilled professionals, advanced degree holders, and investors looking to establish businesses in the U.S.
Family-Based Immigration
Many individuals pursuing US immigration from Bangalore do so through family sponsorship:
Spousal and Fiancé(e) Visas – K-1 visas for fiancés and CR-1/IR-1 visas for spouses of U.S. citizens.
Parent, Child, and Sibling Sponsorship – U.S. citizens can petition for immediate relatives, while green card holders can sponsor spouses and unmarried children.
Student & Exchange Visitor Visas
Bangalore is home to many aspiring international students seeking higher education in the U.S.:
F-1 Visa – For students enrolling in U.S. universities, colleges, and language programs.
J-1 Visa – For exchange visitors, including research scholars, trainees, and interns.
Asylum & Humanitarian Relief
For individuals facing persecution or seeking humanitarian protection:
Asylum – Available to individuals fearing persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, or social group membership.
VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) Petitions – For abuse victims married to U.S. citizens or green card holders.
Refugee Status – For those seeking protection outside the U.S. due to threats in their home country.
Common US Immigration Challenges Faced by Applicants in Bangalore
For many individuals pursuing U.S. immigration from Bangalore, the process can be complex and unpredictable. Strict visa quotas, changing policies, and high rejection rates create significant hurdles. Here are some of the most common immigration challenges applicants face—and how legal representation can help.
H-1B Lottery and RFEs (Requests for Evidence)
The H-1B visa is highly competitive, with a lottery system limiting the number of approvals each year. Even if selected, applicants often receive Requests for Evidence (RFEs) questioning employer-employee relationships, job specialty qualifications, or wage levels.
Immigration attorneys can strengthen petitions by ensuring compliance with USCIS regulations, preparing responses to RFEs, and advising on alternative visa options if the H-1B is denied.
L-1 Visa Denials
The L-1 visa allows multinational employees to transfer to a U.S. office, but many applicants face denials due to increased scrutiny on company legitimacy and whether the applicant holds an actual managerial or specialized knowledge role.
A strong legal strategy includes preparing detailed documentation of the company’s operations, the applicant’s job duties, and compliance with USCIS regulations to avoid denials.
Family Sponsorship Delays
Many individuals seeking U.S. immigration from Bangalore rely on family-based petitions. However, long processing times—especially for sibling sponsorships and green card applications—can lead to years of waiting.
Attorneys can help expedite cases by ensuring all paperwork is properly submitted, avoiding common delays due to missing documents or incorrect filings. They can also explore alternate visa options while waiting for approval.
Student Visa Rejections
F-1 visa applicants from Bangalore often face denials due to concerns about intent to return to India, insufficient financial documentation, or weak interview performance.
Immigration lawyers can guide students in preparing strong financial proof, drafting compelling statements of purpose, and practicing for visa interviews to address officer concerns.
Why Bangalore-Based Applicants Need Specialized Legal Help
With Bangalore being India’s tech capital for skilled professionals, students, and entrepreneurs, the city sees many U.S. visa applicants. However, the unique challenges Bangalore-based applicants face make specialized legal guidance essential for U.S. immigration.
Tech and Startup Professionals – EB-1, O-1, and EB-5 Visa Strategies
●        Bangalore is home to some of the world’s top engineers, entrepreneurs, and researchers, many of whom qualify for EB-1 (extraordinary ability), O-1 (extraordinary talent), and EB-5 (investor) visas.
These visas require extensive documentation, including proof of achievements, investment funds, or business success. An immigration lawyer ensures the petition meets USCIS criteria, reducing the risk of rejection.
IT and Consulting Firms – Compliance with Changing U.S. Policies
●        Many IT professionals from Bangalore apply for H-1B and L-1 visas, but frequent policy shifts, increased scrutiny of consulting firms, and strict compliance requirements create challenges.
Attorneys help companies with compliance issues, respond to RFEs, and prepare strong petitions to avoid denials.
Spouses & Dependents – Managing H-4, L-2, and F-2 Visa Issues
●        Many professionals moving to the U.S. want their families to join them on H-4 (H-1B dependent), L-2 (L-1 dependent), or F-2 (student dependent) visas. However, securing work authorization and maintaining status can be difficult.
Immigration lawyers assist with dependent visa applications, employment authorization processes (for H-4 EAD and L-2 spouses), and ensuring families maintain legal status.
Students Seeking Work Visas – Transitioning from F-1 to H-1B or OPT/CPT Complexities
●        Many students from Bangalore study in the U.S. on F-1 visas, but transitioning to work visas like H-1B or dealing with OPT (Optional Practical Training) and CPT (Curricular Practical Training) rules can be tricky.
Attorneys guide students through the F-1 to H-1B transition, ensure compliance with work authorization rules, and help avoid visa violations that could impact future green card applications.
How to Choose the Right Immigration Lawyer
When applying for U.S. immigration from Bangalore, choosing the right immigration lawyer can make all the difference. A skilled attorney can streamline the process, reduce delays, and increase your chances of approval. Here are factors to consider when selecting the best legal representation.
Key Factors to Consider
●        Experience  – Look for lawyers who specialize in employment-based, family-based, or student visas, depending on your immigration needs.
●        Client Testimonials & Reviews – Check online reviews, client success stories, and referrals to gauge an attorney’s reputation.
●        Success Rate & Case Handling – Ask about their track record with cases similar to yours, especially for complex visa categories like EB-1, O-1, and L-1.
●        Service Offerings – Ensure the lawyer provides comprehensive services, from petition filing and RFE responses to interview preparation and appeals.
U.S.-Based vs. India-Based Immigration Lawyers
●        U.S.-Based Lawyers:
Have direct access to USCIS, immigration courts, and local embassy policies.
Stay updated on the latest U.S. immigration law changes and policy shifts.
Can represent clients in legal challenges, waivers, and appeals.
●        India-Based Lawyers:
Offer convenient, local support for Bangalore-based applicants.
Assist with document preparation, translations, and consular processing at the U.S. Embassy in India.
May collaborate with U.S. attorneys for a seamless immigration process.
Final Word
The evolving nature of U.S. immigration laws makes the process often unpredictable. For individuals and families pursuing U.S. immigration from Bangalore, legal guidance is not just beneficial—it’s essential.
A professional immigration attorney can help applicants avoid costly mistakes, manage challenges like visa denials and RFEs, and significantly improve their chances of approval. Whether you’re a tech professional, entrepreneur, student, or family member seeking a U.S. visa, having an experienced legal expert by your side ensures a smoother, faster, and more secure immigration process.
Before starting your journey, consult with a trusted immigration lawyer to assess your options and build a strong case. The right legal support can make all the difference in achieving your U.S. immigration goals.
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trend932455660 · 17 days ago
Top Divorce Lawyer in Bangalore
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Understanding Divorce Law in India
Divorce laws in India differ based on religion and the applicable personal laws. The most common legal provisions include:
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 — Applies to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains.
Special Marriage Act, 1954 — Covers inter-religious and civil marriages.
Indian Divorce Act, 1869 — Governs Christians.
Muslim Personal Law — Regulates divorce among Muslims.
Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936 — Applies to Parsis.
Each legal framework has specific grounds and procedures for divorce. HNCK AND ASSOCIATES specializes in handling cases under all these legal frameworks, ensuring favorable outcomes for clients.
Types of Divorce Cases Handled by HNCK AND ASSOCIATES
1. Mutual Consent Divorce
When both spouses agree to separate amicably, mutual consent divorce is the best option. It requires filing a joint petition and attending court hearings. HNCK AND ASSOCIATES helps streamline the process, ensuring minimum legal hassles.
2. Contested Divorce
In cases where one party refuses to consent, a contested divorce becomes necessary. Grounds include:
Mental Disorder
Religious Conversion
Communicable Disease
Our expert lawyers gather evidence, prepare arguments, and represent clients effectively in court.
3. NRI Divorce Cases
Divorces involving NRIs can be complicated due to jurisdictional issues. HNCK AND ASSOCIATES handles NRI divorces efficiently, ensuring legal compliance in both Indian and foreign courts.
4. Divorce for Domestic Violence Victims
Victims of domestic violence need legal protection and fair settlement. Our firm ensures their rights are upheld and helps them secure legal remedies under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
5. High-Profile Divorce Cases
High-net-worth individuals and celebrities require discreet and strategic handling of their divorce matters. Our legal team at HNCK AND ASSOCIATES provides confidential consultations and effective legal solutions.
Key Legal Aspects in a Divorce Case
1. Child Custody and Visitation Rights
Child custody remains a critical issue in divorce cases. Indian courts prioritize the child’s welfare while granting custody. The types of custody include:
Physical Custody — Child resides with one parent.
Joint Custody — Both parents share custody.
Sole Custody — Only one parent gets full custody.
Visitation Rights — Non-custodial parent is granted visitation.
Our firm ensures that parental rights are protected while considering the child’s best interests.
2. Alimony and Maintenance
Financial support is essential for the dependent spouse post-divorce. Courts determine alimony based on:
Income and earning potential
Financial status of both spouses
Duration of marriage
Number of dependents
We help negotiate fair alimony settlements and represent clients in maintenance disputes.
3. Property and Asset Division
Marital property division depends on ownership, contributions, and financial dependency. Our legal team ensures fair division of:
Real estate properties
Bank balances and investments
Businesses and inherited wealth
Jointly owned assets
4. Annulment of Marriage
If a marriage is void or voidable, an annulment can be sought. HNCK AND ASSOCIATES assists in cases where fraud, coercion, or incapacity are involved.
5. Legal Separation vs. Divorce
Legal separation allows couples to live apart while remaining legally married. This option is ideal for those who do not want to terminate the marriage but need space or financial arrangements.
Why Choose HNCK AND ASSOCIATES for Divorce Cases?
1. Expertise in Family Law
With years of experience, HNCK AND ASSOCIATES has handled thousands of divorce cases successfully. Our in-depth knowledge of Indian family law ensures the best legal representation.
2. Personalized Legal Support
Every divorce case is unique. We offer personalized legal strategies tailored to each client’s situation.
3. Strong Negotiation and Litigation Skills
Whether it is an amicable settlement or a courtroom battle, our lawyers excel in negotiations and litigation.
4. Confidentiality and Professionalism
We maintain strict confidentiality and professionalism in handling sensitive cases.
5. Affordable Legal Services
Our services are cost-effective without compromising on quality. We offer transparent fee structures with no hidden charges.
Steps Involved in a Divorce Case
1. Consultation and Case Evaluation
Clients meet with our lawyers for a detailed case analysis and legal advice.
2. Drafting and Filing Petition
Our legal team drafts and files the necessary petitions in family courts.
3. Court Hearings and Mediation
Mediation attempts are made to resolve disputes amicably before moving to court trials.
4. Final Settlement and Judgment
The court issues a final decree based on evidence and legal arguments.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How long does a mutual consent divorce take?
It usually takes 6 months to 1 year, depending on court procedures.
2. What happens if one spouse refuses to give a divorce?
A contested divorce can be filed on valid legal grounds such as cruelty, desertion, or adultery.
3. Can an NRI file for divorce in India?
Yes, if the marriage was registered in India or if one spouse resides in India, a divorce petition can be filed here.
4. What are the rights of women in a divorce case?
Women are entitled to maintenance, alimony, child custody, and property rights under Indian laws.
5. How much does a divorce lawyer charge in Bangalore?
The cost varies based on the complexity of the case. HNCK AND ASSOCIATES offers affordable legal services with flexible payment options.
Divorce is a life-altering decision that demands expert legal guidance. HNCK AND ASSOCIATES stands as the top divorce law firm in Bangalore, providing reliable legal support to individuals facing marital disputes. With a strong legal team, personalized strategies, and a commitment to client welfare, we ensure a hassle-free legal journey.
For expert legal consultation, contact HNCK AND ASSOCIATES today.
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afraidofchange · 2 months ago
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indie sapphic multi-muse roleplay blog, featuring canon and original characters from various movies, shows, and video games — written by Lexie ( she/her, 30+)
LOW TO MEDIUM ACTIVITY. I roleplay at my own pace - if this bothers you, this may not be the blog for you! I enjoy writing all of my characters, but each muse has a varying level of activity, and I tend to bounce around based on my current interests. All of my muses have various beliefs, morals, and personalities, and this blog may contain mature themes, including but not limited to: addiction, sexual content, trauma, violence, and war.
As above, this blog is sapphic-oriented: all of my muses are women, and they are all lesbians or bisexuals. This is important to me and will not be changing.
I write on this blog most of the time, but you can also find me @idolbound
Mun and Muse information can be accessed on the blog itself; however, for mobile users, I have both a brief summary of my Rules, as well as a Muse List below the cut.
Be polite / practice common rp etiquette
I only roleplay with MUTUAL FOLLOWERS; I follow/block at my discretion
If you want to break mutuals, please hardblock me. Softblocking just makes it confusing.
I track the #afraidofchange tag; but please also @ me
Triggers are tagged as TRIGGER TW. Message me to tag things
Please tag: suicide and self harm
There is NSFW content on this blog. I do my best to tag, but sometimes I forget. I will not ship with anyone under 18. I don't limit ships per muse, but I do limit ships to one portrayal of a muse (e.g. I only ship my Miranda Lawson with one Shepard).
Accessibility > '~Aesthetics~': I am near-sighted and have astigmatism. If your formatting is too difficult to read, I will ask that you adjust your replies to me. If you won't accommodate your RP partners so that they can read your posts, I'll unfollow.
Canons - TV Shows/Movies
Dr. Erica Hahn, Grey's Anatomy
Grace Hanson, Grace & Frankie
Seven of Nine, Star Trek: Voyager
Lydia Tár, Tár ***
Dr. Tonya Reed Smith, BBC's The Fall
Vanessa "Van" Palmer, Yellowjackets
Canons - Video Games
Aleksandra 'Zarya' Zaryanova, Overwatch
Cmdr. Alice J. Shepard, Mass Effect **
Ana Amari, Overwatch
Anita "Bangalore" Williams, Apex Legends
Ashley Williams, Mass Effect
Cait, Fallout 4
Cassandra Pentaghast, Dragon Age
Claire Russell, Cyberpunk 2077
Fareeha Amari, Overwatch
Helena Harper, Resident Evil
Ilona Laidir, Dragon Age **
Dr. Karin Chakwas, Mass Effect
Margaret Kōhere, Apex Legends
Miranda Lawson, Mass Effect
Myrrine, Assassin's Creed
Legate Rikke, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Rana Savas, Dragon Age ***
President Rosalind Myers, Cyberpunk 2077 ***
Samantha Traynor, Mass Effect
Sloane, Destiny 2
Valerie "V" Vasquez, Cyberpunk 2077 **
Original Characters
Aliza Lieberman, modern
Dr. Anne Pearce, Based in Mass Effect but also, modern
Jamie Cartwright, modern
Julia Wolff, modern
Marcia Silvani, modern
Nikita Antonovna, modern & Saints Row
Rama Wolfbluff, Dungeons & Dragons, Baldur's Gate 3 (on her own blog atm: @wolfbluff )
** Custom Player Character *** Secret List (extremely selective)
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admisssion · 2 months ago
Guru Nanak Dev University
Guru Nanak Dev University, established on November 24, 1969, commemorates the Quincentenary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the esteemed founder of Sikhism. Functioning as both a residential and affiliating institution, the University’s founding principles, as outlined in the Guru Nanak Dev University Act of 1969, underscore its mandate to provide education and foster research across a spectrum of disciplines, including the humanities, learned professions, sciences — particularly of applied nature — and technology. Embedded within the University’s ethos is a steadfast commitment to embody the teachings and values espoused by Guru Nanak, the revered proponent of universal brotherhood, truthfulness, non-violence, compassion, tolerance, harmony, and humanity. Emulating the exemplary moral and ethical conduct exemplified by the Guru, the institution endeavors to imbue its academic pursuits with these enduring principles. Central to the University’s mission is the scholarly examination and dissemination of the life and teachings of Guru Nanak, alongside initiatives aimed at advancing the Punjabi language and extending educational opportunities to historically marginalized communities. Over its distinguished 54-year history, Guru Nanak Dev University has emerged as a beacon of educational enlightenment, fostering academic excellence across diverse disciplines such as Science, Arts, Management, Information Technology, Media and Industrial Technology, Environment, Planning, and Architecture.
In fulfillment of its mandate, the University has waived tuition fees for students enrolled in the Department of Guru Nanak Studies and the School of Punjabi Studies, underscoring its commitment to accessibility and the promotion of scholarly pursuits rooted in Sikh ethos.The UGC conferred this University with status of “University with Potential for Excellence” in 2012. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore in December 2022 re-accredited the University in 4th cycle with CGPA of 3.85 out of 4-pointscale at “A ” the highest level grade, as per accreditation framework of NAAC. Guru Nanak Dev University has raised its h-index from 62 in 2017 to 145 in 2024 indicating the quality of research publications at national and international level. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar has also become the only University of Punjab to get the elite “Category-1” status by the University Grants Commission (UGC), giving autonomy to open new departments, schools, off-campus facilities and start new schools and distance learning programmes, besides the freedom to hire foreign faculty without the UGC’s approval.
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fadeintothen1ght · 1 year ago
AiR Atman in Ravi’s Crimes unmasked
AiR Atman in Ravi, born Ravi V. Melwani, describes himself as a spiritual guide, happiness ambassador, performer, philanthropist, and author. He is well-known for his AiR Institute of Realization, which claims to help people achieve spiritual enlightenment and inner tranquility. However, underneath this veneer of knowledge and charity emerges a terrible reality characterized by charges of sexual exploitation and abuse.
AiR Atman in Ravi Persona Versus Reality
Ravi V. Melwani, also known as AiR, is a spiritual mentor who guides thousands towards self-realization. He positions himself as a source of joy, encouraging others to live happier lifestyles. AiR argues that his novels and charity actions promote love, peace, and happiness. Ravi Melwani is accused of sexual misbehavior and exploitation. Reports from former associates and victims show a very different picture from his public persona.
Allegations of Sexual Exploitation on AiR Atman in Ravi
Ravi Melwani allegedly raped women in his office at AiR Institute of Realization. Victims describe a fear-filled environment in which refusal might result in professional ruin.
During the #MeToo movement, multiple allegations were made against him for inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment. These claims point to an ongoing pattern of exploitation disguised as mentorship. Women were allegedly attracted into his organization with job opportunities, only to face his approaches and manipulation.
Former employees and victims claim a culture of dread at the AiR Institute. Women were allegedly intimidated into silence under concerns of professional and personal repercussions. This toxic environment allowed Ravi Melwani to continue his abusive behavior unabated.
The claims against Ravi Melwani have been widely addressed, particularly on social media. A prominent tweet detailed a woman’s experience with him, adding to India’s #MeToo conversation. While these accusations have yet to result in formal legal actions, the gravity and volume of the allegations necessitate additional inquiry.
The #MeToo claims against Ravi Melwani, also known as AiR (Atman in Ravi), are severe and diverse, presenting a troubling picture of his behavior. Accusations of sexual exploitation and molestation point to a pattern of abuse in his office in Bangalore’s Kemp Fort Mall, where he reportedly exploited women under the pretext of spiritual enlightenment and philanthropy. The environment within his company, particularly the AiR Institute of Realization, has been described as one of dread and abuse, with women allegedly subjected to continual harassment and exploitation. Melwani has received multiple #MeToo allegations, reflecting long-standing stories of terror and abuse. Despite presenting a benevolent front through hospitals and other philanthropic activities, Melwani is accused of using vulnerable women in his employ, maintaining a public image of generosity while reportedly abusing them in private. The public exposure of his activities has sparked outrage and cries for justice, cautioning women against accepting employment offers from his organization and emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability. These claims point to a lengthy history of sexual misbehavior and abuse concealed under a veil of spirituality and philanthropy.
What is Sexual abuse?
Sexual abuse in the workplace is any sexual contact or activity that happens without permission at work. It is a serious form of sexual violence that includes physical harm. Unwanted physical contact, like touching, fondling, or groping, and more serious crimes like rape or attempted rape are examples. So are sexual assault and sexual battery, which are illegal and intentional sexual acts done without permission. Sexual harassment, on the other hand, may not involve physical touch and is dealt with by civil law, is not the same thing as sexual abuse. Sexual harassment is a crime with harsh penalties. The effects on victims are very bad, affecting their mental and emotional health with signs like emotional distress, trouble sleeping, and trouble focusing, as well as problems at work. Victims can get legal help by making complaints with their employers, the government, or the police. They can also take legal action against abusers and maybe even their employers. Employers should make the workplace safe by having clear rules against sexual harassment and abuse, giving workers training, and setting up support systems to handle reports properly. The laws that protect victims and hold offenders responsible for their actions show how important it is to have a safe and respectful place to work.
Steps for Reporting Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
 Several important steps must be taken to make sure that a report of sexual harassment at work is properly recorded and dealt with. At first, if you feel safe doing so, tell the harasser that their behavior is not acceptable. Taking this direct method can sometimes solve the problem. It is very important to write down everything that happened, including dates, times, places, descriptions, and names of any witnesses. You should also keep copies of any emails and messages that are relevant as proof. It’s also important to look over the company’s sexual harassment and report policies, which are usually in the employee handbook or on the company’s website. The next step is to report the harassment to a boss, the HR department, or someone else in a position of power, ideally in writing and keeping a copy for your own records. Talking to an employment law attorney can help you understand your rights and avoid getting in trouble with the law or being fired unfairly. If reporting the problem internally doesn’t help, it’s important to file an official complaint with an outside organization, like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in the U.S. or a similar group in another country. Be ready for possible retaliation, which is against the law. Write down and report any actions of retribution right away. There are several external reporting choices, such as filing complaints with the EEOC, state or local anti-discrimination agencies, or the police if the harassment is illegal. Employers need to teach their workers how to spot and stop sexual harassment, have clear rules and procedures for how to report and deal with complaints, and quickly look into complaints to take the right action. It is very important to act quickly and keep detailed records to support your cause and make sure the workplace is safe.
The charges against Ravi Melwani, or AiR Atman in Ravi, point to a highly problematic abuse of spiritual and professional influence for personal benefit. The persona of a spiritual guru conceals the behaviors of an alleged sexual predator who exploits vulnerable people seeking assistance.
As these claims emerge, legal authorities and the public must conduct a comprehensive investigation into Ravi Melwani’s behavior. Victims deserve justice, and a thorough inquiry could help avoid future exploitation. The spiritual community, in particular, must confront these challenges head-on to guarantee that such abuses do not continue unabated.
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christianpureofficial · 3 months ago
Indian church leaders plead for protection amid ‘relentless attacks’ on Christians
Members representing Assam Christian Forum and CRI-NEI in India take part in a solidarity prayer meeting for restoration of peace in Manipur after ethnic violence at a school in Guwahati on June 24, 2023. / Credit: BIJU BORO/AFP via Getty Images Bangalore, India, Dec 9, 2024 / 11:40 am (CNA). The Christian leadership of Assam in northeast India has expressed “deep concern over relentless attacks…
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