#ramy my beloved
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manicpixiess · 2 years ago
Book wrap-up!! I’ve been on an RF Kuang *spree* this week; I finished Babel and Yellowface, and am halfway through The Poppy War! I love love love how her stories are so compelling and addictively well-written; you simply cannot put the book down, even if nothing particularly thrilling is happening! 
Babel: Solid 3.5 stars out of 5. I’m not a student of either linguistics or history, so I was absolutely fascinated by the mini-lectures on etymology, and the concept of magic being harnessed from meaning lost in translation was one of the coolest premises I’ve ever come across in a book. The author’s world-building drew more on real historical events rather than attempts at reinventing history with silver magic at its core, which I honestly didn’t have a problem with (though a lot of other readers did!). This story worked perfectly well as low-fantasy for me. The historical aspects seemed well-researched, and the themes of violence, revolution and colonialism were explored in an impactful and creative (if not particularly subtle!) way. 
So why, you might ask, was it not a five star read? For me, it was the characters that did it. Robin and Letty are the only characters with any sort of, well, 3D-ness to them! The rest served only as a neat summary (a translation, if you will, and not a very good one) of the ideas, politics and culture of entire countries, or flat out caricatures, all created with the sole intent of making sure the reader Gets the point, which is that Racism is Bad. 
Ramy was a particularly disappointing character for me, because his is a story I would’ve loved to read- an Indian brought up in British-occupied India, sent to England to study. His character was instead reduced to quips and political opinions that are expressed in a jarringly modern way, with zero insight into how his culture and experiences as an Indian Muslim shaped these thoughts! We get only a brief interlude where Ramy’s history is explained in a single page, perhaps to make up for the abysmal lack of characterisation throughout the rest of the book. How hard would it have been to have these experiences be something he talks about, has feelings about, is affected by in noticeable ways?! The whole thing felt so impersonal. 
Ramy is the only POC character in the story with a surviving family (that he loves dearly and writes to!), yet these two facets of his experience (being a student at Oxford, and being brought up in India with family there) are entirely separate except when the author needs to drive a point home. I moved away from home for college- and I haven’t met a single person there who hasn’t experienced the move in a way that is fundamentally influenced by where they’re from (I’m from Bangalore, and I find the way that my uni’s city shuts down after like 10pm weird! I love the tree-lined roads, because they remind me of home! I miss my family! And these two cities are quite similar, and in the same country. I’d have wayy more to say if I’d been shipped to a new continent.) 
Victoire was the same- a single page explaining her backstory, and no characterisation besides her actions toward the end. It is hardly believable that Ramy and Victoire are so desperate to save their homes, their cultures, the parts of themselves that they have to fight to keep- without their connections to these things ever appearing organically. I suppose it just goes to show that representation is tricky business! What I wanted from Ramy’s story might not be what every South Asian wants, and his character was not written to be the main focus of the book. I still love that RF Kuang wrote a character that I can see bits of myself in!
I absolutely would recommend the book. It’s incredibly creative and beautifully written, and explores really important themes.
Yellowface: 3.5 out of 5 again! I’m still unsure if this book was intended as a serious critique of the publishing industry, or even an exploration of the question of who gets to tell which stories. Athena’s complicated relationship with the people whose stories she told (especially the whole diaspora versus resident divide on writing about a country’s history, and her family’s reaction to her books) is something I would’ve liked to see more of, but like that one tumblr post said- critique what the book did, not what it didn’t! June Hayward is incredibly hateable, and given how chronically online I am, I was nodding my head sagely the whole time she was getting put in her place on twitter. It’s an easy, compelling read but it definitely gives you something to think about.
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longingquiet · 5 months ago
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RAMI MALEK as Josh Washington
Until Dawn, 2024 Remaster
For @fagcinating 💜
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im-a-she-geek · 11 months ago
In Ghostbusters 2 (deleted scene, of course), the guys were committed to a psych ward courtesy of the mayor.
Peter going along with the one of the patients about the French poodle is nothing short of hilarious 😂
@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @ariel-seagull-wings @kawaiisakura143 @soulfulbelieves @lulusplaycorner @remerg @spook-central @spenglerssweetheart @spook-spectre-ghost @janeb984 @egonspenglersweetie @lunoki @trixie21 @egonspenglershusband
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caterpillarinacave · 3 months ago
have I ever mentioned how much I love the costumes in NATM
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shelbgrey · 1 year ago
Might i request an Egon Spengler and a nerdy dorky kinda reader that knows a lot about the paranormal, or is a parapsychologist like them in general?
Two Nerds falling in love headcanons:
Paring: Egon spengler x Nerdy!Venkman!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Egon falling in love with Peter Venkman's Nerdy little sister.
💚MasterList 💚dating mood board
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I think you guys would be clueless to your feelings, like they're obviously there and everyone can see It expect you two.
Your really in the paranormal, your old brother Peter would always tell you stuff about the poltergeists and ghosts and soon enough you were studying and were obsessed with it as well.
It was no suprise that the team was impressed by your knowledge of the paranormal, but no one was more impressed than Egon.
And your well... A dork, and there's nothing wrong with that. Your extremely smart and just passionate about the things you love.
[pausing and currently breaking the 4th wall] I'm a dork, so I don't get upset by this label, dorks are amazing people to be around.
Any-who, like Egon your a quiet person, but if the conversation brings up something you love you'll be talking to that person about it for hours. It also helps if your used to the person too.
There was one night you and Ray had a long conversation about Scooby-Doo where are you? And The Twilight Zone.
Egon I very reserved and quiet guy, it's rare for him to give in to human urges or emotions, so it didn't go unnoticed to Peter and the others how he'd turn red in the cheeks at just the mere sight of you.
Without realizing it he fell for your brain and knowledge first, you'd often a company him in the Lab and quickly cought on to how the protonpacks work and how to repair the damaged ones.
Your also very passionate about ghosts and haunted places, you go out of your way to find cool abandoned place that could be haunted. At first Peter found it bizarre but found it cool when you found a haunted amusement park.
“do you all think we can take a trip to Colorado and see if the overlook hotel is really haunted?” you asked.
Egon remembers the little things and that's one of the things that made your relationship special. He remembered you bring up the overlook hotel and he took you a vacation to see it.
Speaking of ghosts, you had a strange sympathy for Slimer, he was the only ghost you encountered that was no harm to anyone. The green dude was just eating.
Your also a movie nerd, you'll qoute movies on calls and 9 times out of 10 Egon won't understand. This ment you guys will have many movie nights in your future.
“I don't understand that reference”
“I know you don't, that's going on the list too”
It got to the point in your relationship that you'd flirt without relizing it... Or how ever how nerdy people flirt.
Your brother Peter is always teasing you, even before you guys started dating. To him he's know from day one that you guys liked each other, he'd always have a snide commit like, “He’s dying…” Peter said sadly. “He asked us to bring him here so he could see you one last time and tell you that he lo—ow!” He yelped when Ray smacked him with the rag he was using to clean the protonpacks after a call.
But, your brother got tired of it, the consent glances you'd sneek and how Egon desperately tried to find the right words to flatter you with.
“Hey, sis, you busy Saturday night?” Peter asked one night. “no?”
“Egon, you busy?” he asked. “I'm not”
“good, because I am... You two go out and have a good time”
Yeah your brother asked Egon out on a date for you. Neither one of you knew how to proses what your brother did but it didn't stop you guys from going out.
It was awkwardly sweet, you guys went to a musem and just talked the who time.
“when it comes to things like this I'm not good with words, but y/n I do have an attraction to you... You just make my life more enjoyable”
You kissed his cheek which made you both blushed. “I like you too Egon”
After your some what of a confession, Egon got more comfortable expressing his emotions to you, and you only.
You both didn't have the best childhoods. Egon's parents didn't let him be a kid and often only cared about if he got an equation right. With yours, well they weren't around much after their devorce and you once told Egon that Peter practically raised you.
After he told you and Ray about the slinky he straightend, you took him to a toy store to get him something cool. You got him a toy airplane and stuffed giraffe.
They both set on a self in his lab so he can see it everyday. He fell deeper in love you when you went out of your way to make him feel loved.
He didn't relize how touch starved he was till he met you, usually he didn't really like it but when you started holding his hand or hugging him from behind on the lab he couldn't help but crave more.
“I'd like another hug... Please?”
You'll give him all the hugs he wants and more.
Kissing took a while to enter the relationship, you were both shy and suprisenly Egon instigated it. He'd give a kiss good-bye on the forehead before a call or he'll kiss your cheek in the early mornings before he heads to the lab.
Peter also goes out of his way to tell embarrasing stories about you. “ya know, when y/n was four I told her if she ate the Fortune out of the fortune cookie it'll come true, she totally ate the paper!” he laughed, you'd turne red when Egon heard it. Egon smiled softly and just wanted to hear more about you.
There will always be an ongoing fight about him not getting enough sleep, you love him and you don't want him spending all night in his lab but he'll always be like, “I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.”
When he's clearly tired but still trying to not to be wrong you'll not give up and try to persuade him to come to bed with you “But, Love, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.”
“O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??” he asked.
“I-is it working?” he knows your just trying to look out for him and eventually he will break down and follow you to bed you share in the Firehouse.
He is very gentle boyfriend and taking care of you as softened his heart a lot. He's type of man to cover you with a blanket when you fall asleep on the couch after kissing your forehead. Or carry you to bed if you fall asleep at your desk in the Lab.
He is amazed by you, even if you breathe he's like a love sick puppy. Everything you do just makes him fall even harder for you. Something as little as using the Dewy desim system to organize your guys book collection just amazes him or something as simple as organizing the snack cabinet.
Egon loves and needs physical affection. After every call, no matter how messy you guys are he will instantly engulfs you in a the biggest hug. Or if your working on something in the Lab and he needs a cuddle break, he'll stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder so he can watch you work.
When he dose come to bed you guys are always cuddling or close to each other. If your not cuddling and he's sleeping on his stomach, your draped over his back using him as a pillow.
You both wear glasses and sometimes if there's a call in the middle of the night you two will get them switched up in midst of running around getting ready. You both have similar prescriptions so you won't notice until Peter says something.
Peter couldn't stop laughing the first time it happened because at the time your glasses were purple.
Even though your pretty smart, Egon dose say things that even you need a dictionary to know what he's saying. You know scientific names but sometimes your mouth works faster than your brain and words like 'swabie thing' comes out instead of swab.
“I need a... A Swabie thing to get a sample with”
“a what?” Egon asks as you digged in the drawers of your lab.
You guys are an unstoppable force in the Lab, you two just woke well together and have your own methods.
I don't know if he's the marriage type, but just know he won't leave your side. He'll get possessed by a spirit before he'll leave you.
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holywoodelevator · 3 months ago
Born to be a baddie forced to do the dishes
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How successful would Egon Spengler…
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Would you like to submit a character? Click this link if you do!
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egonspenglerectoplasm · 1 year ago
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Wallpaper. Enjoy it 🔥
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r04dk1llx2 · 11 months ago
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i’m very tempted to draw Egon meeting my old pet spider… i feel like they would get along..
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im-a-she-geek · 11 months ago
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Spengler munching on 🍫 in one of the deleted scenes of Ghostbusters (1984).
Egon's hankering for the munchies is such a MOOD
@spengnitzed @bixiebeet @spenglerssweetheart @lulusplaycorner @kawaiisakura143 @egonspenglersweetie @ariel-seagull-wings
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androgymess · 11 months ago
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oddly specific moodboard for rami x]
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homophobicranch · 6 months ago
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im-a-she-geek · 11 months ago
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My boys chowin' down on take-out 🥡🥠🥟🍜
Another deleted scene of Ghostbusters
@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @ariel-seagull-wings @kawaiisakura143 @soulfulbelieves @lulusplaycorner @remerg @spook-central @spenglerssweetheart @spook-spectre-ghost @janeb984 @egonspenglersweetie @lunoki @trixie21
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sheeplingshiftrxx · 4 months ago
who tf likes ad?
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I just got described as an "ad hating commie" by someone because I said a minute of youtube ads is unpleasant. fully spent 5 minutes arguing and defending youtube ads. insane stuff
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omegaversereloaded · 3 months ago
Lubna @rami-ajr91 and her lovely family need our help! She is a 30 year old mother of 3 children (Eline, 7 years old / Kinda, 3 years old / Nasser, 4 years old) Read her story here!
As you may already know, the price to feed and take care of her family in Gaza is astronomical, and Nasser, her middle child, was born without a thyroid gland and needs help with extra care for his medical condition. As you may know, there are no more facilities that can treat him at this time.
Here is proof of vetting and Nasser's medical records for you to check - this campaign has been vetted by @ gazavetters and several other trusted vetting accounts on here!
£4,675 raised out of £16K goal
Please, even if you can spare a little bit of money, we will be eternally grateful!! Thank you so much for sharing and donating :D your care and kindness are much appreciated
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im-a-she-geek · 11 months ago
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- Egon Spengler, 1989
Ghostbusters II
@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @ariel-seagull-wings @kawaiisakura143 @soulfulbelieves @lulusplaycorner @remerg @spook-central @spenglerssweetheart @spook-spectre-ghost @janeb984 @egonspenglersweetie @lunoki @trixie21 @egonspenglershusband
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