#viggo mortesen
avatarobi · 1 year
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Did you know Viggo Mortesen sang the song of Aaragorn's Coronation in Elvish himself? He recites it from memory in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_dq3z4hcX0
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zeyien · 4 years
My first on the tea collection I’m planning to do for several fandoms, but mostly of lotr 😍 Instagram
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enne-2 · 5 years
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officialjamesflint · 3 years
I'm in the middle of LOTR special interest brainrot again so obviously I have to write a love letter about it hehehehoho. I first read the books when I was in fifth grade and every single time I've reread them (which is. at least 10 times at this point what the fuck) I've noticed something new or fallen in love with a different aspect! I think the best thing about having a special interest for so long is that as I've grown up LOTR has taken on different meanings for me. When I was 10 I loved the books because of the adventure and the fantasy journey, and I also think I was feeling trapped and frustrated because I was really starting to realize that I was Different from other people and that other folks didn't think the same way as me, and LOTR (really most fantasy. but especially LOTR) gave me an outlet for that. I wouldn't be that weird if I lived in a magical fantasy world with weird small people with hairy feet, would I? (also I definitely wanted Aragorn to be my dad. not in a weird way, in a I'm 10 And Feeling Misunderstood By Everyone way). Now that I'm an adult and going through Big Scary Things like a pandemic and impending graduation and job and aaaa, LOTR reminds me that there can still be beauty even in dark times (there is a REASON the scene with Faramir and Eowyn at the end of return of the king makes me go CRAZY!), and also even the smallest people can conquer danger. Also. hot men. Anyways!! LOTR makes me go bonkers like nothing else!!!! Just like...the messages of hope!! And that change doesn't always have to be bad!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
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baelatargaryen · 3 years
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“This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance.” “Aragorn? This is Isildur's heir?”
Aragorn (Viggo Mortesen) and Boromir (Sean Bean) in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) dir. Peter Jackson
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corset · 3 years
the crazy thing about aragorn being so sexy is the fact that viggo mortesen is NOT sexy but for some reason aragorn is. like you look at a picture of aragorn and its sex city but a picture of viggo looks like a weird distant uncle youd meet at a family reunion whos really into the healing properties of lsd in an unsexy way. but aragorn is so hot. impossible realities
I spent too long thinking about this anon and i have nothing to say in reply because its perfect as it is. Youre totally right. This is why i hate actors and never know who they are or their names
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Rosé: I like Lord of the Rings.
Jisoo: I LOVE Lord of the Rings!
Rosé: They have the the best battle sequences ever filmed.
Jisoo: Oh my God that’s exactly what Jennie says!
Rosé: And Viggo Mortesen was born to play the part of Aragorn!
Jisoo: Jennie says that too!
Rosé: Oh yeah? Well does she also say that you have the most soulful eyes she has ever seen?
Jisoo: [Blinks] [Giggles]
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laleg92 · 4 years
Green book *capolavoro*
Buona domenica questo pomeriggio vi consiglio un film premiato agli Oscar qualche anno fa, andato in onda sulla Rai lo scorso mercoledì (recuperabile quindi su Rai play), ovvero Green Book. Il film è del 2018 e la regia è di Peter Farrelly,con protagonisti Viggo Mortesen e Mahersala Ali. Trama: Vic Vallelonga un emigrato italiano in America, da sempre considerato un tipo un po’ losco ed…
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alexromero · 8 years
When is Viggo Mortesen going to murder me, perhaps? 
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nostalgicphile · 8 years
Viggo Mortesen is sexy
He's all right. RYAN GOSLING though.
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zeyien · 3 years
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elanortheelf · 8 years
5 things tag
i was tagged by @nevercaughtbyghosts :)
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
- A pair of headphones
- My lucky coin
- An umbrella
- A pen
- A Tangle
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
- Lord of the Rings (books, films and other stuff)
- A huge picture of Viggo Mortesen as Aragorn
- Scientific trinkets
- Lots of art made out of glass
- A picture collage of my late best friend
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
- Move in with my best friend in the flat she inherited (well, it's not going to happen anymore but still)
- Get a job i'll enjoy :)
- Actually be able to spell in both english and danish
- Learn to shoot a bow and arrow
- Be able to speak so scientific-ish that normal people don't understand me ;)
5 things I’m currently into:
- Finishing my exam project
- Percy Jackson
- Finishing my exam project
- The Heroes of Olympus
- Finishing my exam project ;)
5 things on my to-do list:
- Finishing my exam project
- Seriously, I can't think of anything else right now...
5 things people may not know about me:
- I was diagnosed with asperger’s syndrome when i was 14
- I have been a scout for about 11 years
- I looked after a camel an entire weekend during a scout camp
- I "study" chemistry and biology
- My current exam project is about diabetes
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patosdetemporada · 4 years
Viggo Mortensen: 4 filmes para transitar en streaming
Viggo Mortensen: 4 filmes para transitar en streaming
Dejemos de lado el lugar común en el que los periodistas suelen colocar al inmenso actor que es Viggo Mortesen: su amor por el fútbol, la camiseta del ‘Cuervo’ y el mate que a veces lo acompaña.
Es hora, sí, de acabar con esa imagen de simpaticón algo aparatoso que le hemos adjudicado desde la prensa, a este hombre que tiene créditos para dar y regalar.
Viggo Mortensen.
Es que Mortensen…
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3, 20, 38?
3: favourite song is torn between concerning hobbits and Gandalf fall in moria. Concerning hobbits is just so beautiful and happy and comfortable and Gandalf fall....just wow. So much emotion in that piece ♡♡♡20: if I could meet three of the characters: Viggo Mortesen, David Wenham, and Sir Ian McKellen :D38: unfortunately I am currently dating someone who thinks LOTRs is boring 😭😭😭 HOWEVER she has been fairly warned that I will be making her sit through all of them soon mwahahaha 😈 otherwise more for me!!! I totally judge someone based on their love for LOTRs..... not gonna lie...
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Capitão Fantástico ★★★
"Capitão Fantástico" é um filme que não julga o modo como cada um vive, mas vai te inspirar a deixar a sua zona de conforto
Se lembram daquela famosa frase vinda do filme O Clube da Luta: Quando perdemos tudo o que temos, é que realmente nos tornamos livres? Pois então, em O Capitão Fantástico, este é o principal objetivo desta família completamente livre de qualquer artifício como tecnologia, vícios ou gordura trans. O que importa são as ideias e opiniões de cada um. É esta a principal proposta do filme dirigido por
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universalmovies · 8 years
[RomaFF11] Numeri in crescita per XI edizione della Festa del Cinema di Roma
[RomaFF11] Numeri in crescita per XI edizione della Festa del Cinema di Roma
Si chiude domani l’undicesima edizione della Festa del Cinema di Roma, 313 proiezioni si sono alternate tra le sale dell’Auditorium Parco della Musica e la città di Roma. La trasformazione della rassegna in festa, eliminando definitivamente il concorso mantenendo solamente il premio del pubblico BNLha sicuramente regalato maggior identità alla kermesse romana perennemente offuscata da altri…
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