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gabyglifestyle · 3 years ago
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#cpac #hungary #victororban #autocracy #thesemonsterswanttodothesamehere #wemustresist #vote #care #getinvolved #stopthegop (at Carmel Valley, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd81uMXJbNM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theothermovember · 4 years ago
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Viktor Orbán is blocking the EU budget decision. In the future, the funding should depend on adherence to democratic values, human rights and the independence of the judiciary. Hungary finds this scandalous. Orbán is famous for his cruelty towards refugees, for anti-Roma racism, for destroying free press and free universities and for owning and controlling most industries and public sphere through his family and friends. During his 14 years in office, he destroyed democracy in Hungary to the level that even the EU, that is also dangerously shifting from humanism to "fortress Europe", is frowning and threatens to cut off funding. Orbán is throwing a tantrum and blocking not just the budget, but also the recovery fund that aims to lessen the social impact of the pandemic. He used to admire dissent, he even named his son after the philosopher Gáspar Miklós Tamás. But as soon as 1994, he turned the liberal Fidesz party into a nationalist, conservative one. Tamás is one of the most vocal critics of Orbán's regime and a renowned theorist who created the concept of post-fascism. In a post-fascist society, you don't need a violent coup or passionate crowds to pass policies that strip certain groups of people of human rights. All you need is democratic elections. In a country with no social security and state-controlled media, anti-liberal and nationalist rhetorics always win. Orbán created a society where the voice of democratic socialism is marginalized to the point of obscurity. The attention of the people is shifted from the real issues like corruption, tax evasions or climate change to the made-up problems - like the West trying to destroy Hungary ideologically and migrants trying to destroy the country ethnically. The concept of post-fascism is a great tool to analyze the politics of authoritarians around the world and to build resistance against them. Gáspar Miklós Tamás warns that solidarity with the ones most hurt by post-fascism is not enough - we need to organize, internationalize and create a contra-society that can stand up to post-fascism. Look his texts up and get inspired.
Text: Barbora Votavová
Viktor Orbán spolu s Polskem blokuje rozhodování o rozpočtu EU. Rozdělování peněz má být podmíněné naplňováním demokratických hodnot, dodržováním lidských práv a zachováváním nezávislosti soudů. Maďarsko to považuje za skandální. Orbán se proslavil odmítáním lidí na útěku a protiromským rasismem, ovládnutím maďarských médií, destrukcí svobodného vzdělávání a tím, jak skrze organizace a firmy napojené na vlastní rodinu ovládl všechny sféry veřejného života a obory podnikání. Za 14 let v úřadě zničil maďarskou demokracii natolik, že i EU, která se sama posouvá od humanistických ideálů k obraně hranic, začíná utahovat kohoutky. Orbán se vzteká a s rozpočtem blokuje také finanční pomoc, která má zmírnit sociální dopad pandemie. Kdysi obdivoval disidenty, po filosofovi Gásparu Miklósovi Tamásovi dokonce pojmenoval svého syna. Už v roce 1994 ale z původně liberálního Fideszu udělal konzervativní nacionalistickou stranu. Tamás je jedním z nejhlasitějších kritiků Orbánova režimu a uznávaným teoretikem, který přišel s termínem postfašismu. K prosazování politiky, která útočí na různé skupiny lidí a omezuje jejich práva způsobem, za který by se nemuseli stydět ani sami fašisté, není v postfašistické společnosti zapotřebí ani převrat, ani podpora rozvášněného davu. Stačí demokratické volby, které v zemi, kde média řídí vláda a kde neexistuje sociální stát, bezpečně vyhrává antiliberální a nacionalistická rétorika. Orbán vytvořil společnost, kde se hlasy demokratického socialismu podařilo umlčet natolik, že jejich myšlenky takřka nikdo nezná, a kde se pozornost lidí od skutečných problémů jako je korupce, odliv peněz do daňových rájů nebo klima obrací k vyfabulovaným problémům - k udajným snahám Západu zničit Maďarsko ideologicky a k migrantům, kteří ho chtějí zničit etnicky. Postfašismus je užitečným konceptem pro analýzu politiky autoritářů celého světa a pro budování odporu proti nim. Gáspar Miklós Tamás varuje, že nestačí solidarita s těmi, které postfašismus obírá o lidská práva - je potřeba se organizovat, spolupracovat na mezinárodní úrovni, vytvářet kontra-společnost, která se dokáže postfašismu postavit. Najděte si jeho texty a nechte se k tomu inspirovat.
Text: Barbora Votavová
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jenru1 · 5 years ago
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ultimavoce · 6 years ago
Ungheria: niente tasse alle famiglie con 4 figli
"#Prima gli #ungheresi!". Questo il succo del #discorso alla Nazione del premier #Orban per aumentare la #natalità del proprio Paese, continuando a respingere i #migranti.
“Prima gli ungheresi!“. Questo il succo del discorso sullo stato della Nazione del premier Victor Orban, a Budapest, per aumentare la natalità del proprio Paese. Tuttavia, fa discutere l’esaltazione dei valori cristiani e la politica anti-immigrazione.
Il piano “pro-natalità” di Orban
Secondo alcuni analisti, nel Paese magiaro si registra un calo della popolazione pari a 32 mila unità all’anno.…
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peterlaskaris · 7 years ago
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..also zumindest #sparsam scheint die neue #Regierung ja zu sein! Das #Staatsbankett mit dem ungarischen Premierminister #VictorOrban fand am #Würstelstand statt und die #Nachspeise gibt's nach den anstrengenden Besprechungen dann im #FunPalast bei #Sparminister @christophlielacher 🕺👯💒👯🕺 #EintrittFrei spart auch dir 80.- 👯👯👯 (hier: Bitzinger)
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andrejpetuchow · 8 years ago
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news247worldpressposts · 3 years ago
#Breaking: PM #VictorOrban of #Hungary’s ability to force the #E.U. to let his country become a threat
#Breaking: PM #VictorOrban of #Hungary’s ability to force the #E.U. to let his country become a threat
https://twitter.com/nytimesworld/status/1478055818717286401?s=20 Source: Twitter
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populistmedia · 6 years ago
Soros Retreats Runs to Berlin, Nationalist Orban won
Thursday an announcement was made that a Leftist-Democrat Community Organizer was surrendering to the pressure of a populist-nationalist movement in Hungry. "The foundation run by US billionaire George Soros said Thursday that the last of its operations in Hungary would cease by August 31, with its activities being transferred to Berlin. The Open Society Foundations (OSF) announced in May that it was leaving Hungary, citing what it called the “repressive” policies of nationalist firebrand Prime Minister Viktor Orban," reported The Times of Israel. Full Article “There are still some colleagues working here in the office, but we will have closed for good by 31 August,” the OSF spokesman in Budapest Daniel Makonnen said. "I have to put an end to 25 years’ work and watch as an institution I’ve spent my life building becomes a desert — everyone is clearing away their things and my colleagues are disappearing,” Director Katalin Koncz E. said. OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONS -COMMUNIST ORGANIZING https://twitter.com/CalgaryRob/status/1029894867776811008 GLOBAL POPULIST MOVEMENT BEATS GLOBALIST COMMUNIST MOVEMENT https://twitter.com/edmondo_minisci/status/1030468512177901568 OF COURSE, IT'S THE RUSSIANS! The Communists are blaming the populist uprising in Hungary on Russia's interference in elections. Director of the Communist group: Democracy Now Tweets: https://twitter.com/StollmeyerEU/status/1030193516293615622 VICTOR ORBAN HAS VICTORY AGAIN https://twitter.com/miriamcosic/status/1029931216827441152 Soros and his Open Society Foundation advocate for big government, full oppressive laws on free speech and  business regulations, which also happens to favor their employees and institutions.  OSF continues to have a heavy influence upon American Elections, and they plan to heavily fund Democrats in the November elections. The left mocks the concern Americans have over the influence of Communist Community Organizers upon American elections, but that doesn't mean they aren't really out to get us. https://twitter.com/ONEeJuice/status/951290803195846658 All we can do is vote in Nov. Please share this article to show that everyone's ONE VOTE, can actually make a difference. Read the full article
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