#victoria aurelianus
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
Well alrighty then shaking the cobwebs question let's gooo
Hmm what are their feelings towards the mc at first? Why do they feel that way?
You can't see me but I am holding a broom and cleaning the cobwebs as we speak. It's honest work and that is all that matters.
As for your question, I answered this partly wayyyy back when I first started the blog here, but this is their impressions of the Villain before their self-imposed exile, and as such, I will be adding their feelings towards the MC post that exile.
Arcturus does not know how to feel about the Villain. Milo has kept him appraised of their adventures over the years, and he has begun to wonder if they have changed, but he remembers them from before the exile and he is conflicted. He hopes that what he has heard is true, he hopes that [SPOILER] means that they are no longer the person he remembers. But at the end of the day, this is merely a hope and he will have to wait and see.
Adhara is wary of Ophiuchus' new Minister of Foreign Affairs. Tales of their exploits have reached her ears through Milo, and she has heard from [SPOILER] that the Villain is [REDACTED]. She is to take the wait and see approach, because she remembers their callousness with other noble children and the rumors she believes they spread regarding her brother. Like Arcturus, she is taking the wait and see approach, but unlike her brother, there is no hope within her, merely a patient sort of wariness.
Victoria had only seen the Villain from affair, but she knows of their reputation and has seen them at their worst. She might have been from a lesser noble family, but she has always been watchful and she notices things. Her love for life makes it so she is willing to welcome the Villain with open arms as Milo's reports do show a change in character, but even then, she keeps a wary eye out for she won't allow them to ruin what she has built.
There is no mixed opinion, no doubt on this case. Carmen hates the Villain for their bullying. She is not aware of the Villain's exploit's abroad, so to her, it seems as if her old bully is returning victorious after gaining everything they wanted and more. It is made worse by the fact that she knows the story and knows [SPOILER] so she worries that they are playing right into their hands.
Funnily enough, for all that Milo's job exposes him to the worst of humanity, he is the one that has the most faith in the Villain at the beginning of the story. Since he gained his position as Spy Master, he took special care to pay close attention to the Villain and he has seen how they have changed and their feats. Still, he is aware that he was not one of their victims so it is not his place to forgive the Villain, and he knows that the Villain might regress to their old self once they return 'home', so he has kept his opinion to himself.
Simply put, they do not care about your previous reputation. To them, all you are is a potential rival. As another person blessed with the Obscurae Arcana since birth, the Villain had a much better life than Blake could have dreamed off when they were young. As such, they want to surpass the Villain's accomplishments and demonstrate that they are stronger than them, better than them because it was Blake who abolished the unjust laws against the Obscurae Arcana, not the Villain. Not Navis.
Yet another person who has no previous relations with the Villain. Xyr opinion of the Villain is simple: xe cannot judge them for things they did before xe knew them, so xe will wait and see what is the Villain's behavior once they meet.
Even before Milo, Rowan is the biggest supporter of the Villain. Fae knows more about the Villain than anyone else, bar Orion, and that means that fae trusts them explicitly. Fae knows their struggles and know that they regrets their actions, has seen their efforts to change.
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terriblelifechoices · 6 years ago
Have you thought of middle names for the other Graves children beside Olwen and Galahad?
Anon friend, I have spent a truly ridiculous amount of time tormenting myself with this very question.  Mostly because I am a ridiculous human being, but names are important, so coming up with the right name is hard.  Or at least, I think it is.
But you asked, and I am nothing if not willing to be externally motivated, so there are now middle names for all of the Graves Brood now.  Thank you!  I needed the motivation.
But since I really did spend a ridiculous amount of time thinking about this, you’re getting my full thought processes/headcanons.  Sorry.  This contains a lot of unfiltered!Ri.
NGL, I was legit tempted to follow a slightly ridiculous naming convention where all of the kids have one name out of an Arthurian legend and one virtue name, so that their names are reflective of both of their parents.  I think it was the amazing @dailandin​ who floated the idea of Galahad being named “Mordred Diligence” in the comments of NSBI, and it made me laugh so much I was genuinely tempted to name him that.  (I still think Mordred Diligence Graves is an awesome name.)
And then I thought, well, they can name the kids after the rest of their found family.  It kind of drives me bonkers when authors do that, though.  I get why they do it now, because it gives the reader a name they already have context for, but I also think that child characters should be more than lists of your honored dead.
So I said, “the hell with it” and went full Rowling on it.  Not in the “Albus Severus” sense.  In the “names are puns/warnings” Remus Lupin might as well be named Werewolf McWerewolf sense.  
Galahad Credence Graves.
Graves is 100% to blame for Galahad’s middle name.  His logic was that Credence had to do all the work, so of course Galahad should have his name.
Olwen Modesty Graves
I think Olwen’s middle name is equal parts remembering Credence’s sister and promising to do better for their daughter.
Gawain Peregrine Graves
Peregrine means traveler or pilgrim, which seemed appropriate for Gawain, who is pure Thunderbird adventurer and spends most of his adult life traveling.  It’s also kind of an old-fashioned name, so my headcanon is that it’s an old Graves family name.
Elaine Victoria Graves
 Victoria is another old family name, but it’s an old Picquery family name rather than an old Graves one.  I think Graves and Credence discussed naming her after Seraphina, since she’s Graves’ chosen sister, but Seraphina suggested they use Victoria instead.  It’s a good name for a queen.  Or, you know.  A shadowy political fixer who rules from behind the scenes.
Gareth Ambrose Graves & Lucan Emrys Graves
The twins are where I went full JKR.  Emrys is the Welsh version of Ambrose, which means immortal and is also a reference to Ambrosius Aurelianus, who was Geoffrey of Monmouth’s inspiration for Merlinus Ambrosius/Myrddin Emrys.  (The logic behind this is that it’s pretty rare for two wizards to have twins, just because of the amount of magic involved.  It’s probably hubris to name your kids after the most famous/powerful wizard in history, but the Graves’ as a family are ridiculous and extra, so why not.)
Lyonesse Belladonna Graves
Belladonna, aka deadly nightshade, is one of those plants with healing properties or deadly ones depending on dosage and usage.  It seemed like a fitting middle name for a future Healer.
Dagonet Theodore Graves 
Dag’s middle name has a couple different headcanons tied up in it.  Theodore means ‘gift from god,’ which seems appropriate for the ‘oops, we totally did not cast the androgenesis spells on purpose’ miracle baby.  It’s also the masculine version of Dorothy, who helped deliver him for various dramatic headcanon reasons.
  Thanks for asking!  (Hopefully you don’t regret that now.)
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Merlín y la figura del Anticristo en la Edad Media
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  Desde antes de la aparición del cristianismo, las referencias escatológicas han estado presentes en diferentes mitologías, como en la egipcia, griega, escandinava y romana. Con la aparición de Jesucristo y el cristianismo, pronto los profetas hablan de una antítesis del Mesías, y surge entonces la figura del Anticristo. En el presente escrito, indagaré en la evolución de este personaje, cuya transición va de criatura deforme que anunciaba la llegada del fin del mundo a profeta y consejero real en la corte del rey Arturo. Comenzaré exponiendo antecedentes sobre los demonios y el Anticristo, después daré una breve introducción a la literatura artúrica y enlistaré algunas obras en donde Merlín tiene orígenes demoniacos. Esto con el propósito de analizar como una figura que por su naturaleza demonizada y temida, se transforma en símbolo de sabiduría, lealtad y omnipotencia de Dios. 
Orígenes, influencia y evolución del Anticristo en la Edad Media 
Después de la consolidación del cristianismo en el siglo IV, para tomar el control religioso, por completo, deciden erradicar a la antigua religión, llamada entonces "pagana", condenando su práctica. Cuando lo único que quedan son vestigios de la misma, figuras de la mitología griega, son tomadas como principal referencia para la gestación de las primeras figuras demoniacas. Los demonios son retratados con cuernos, la parte inferior de un carnero y cola. En la mitología griega, el sátiro es una criatura que posee esas mismas características, y está ligado con el dios Dionisio y el semidiós Pan. Esta triada de personajes mitológicos se relaciona entre otras cosas, con el apetito sexual, el desenfreno, la libertad y la embriaguez. Conductas que iban en contra de los nuevos ideales morales establecidos por la Iglesia. Tomando esta imagen, la Iglesia terminaba de manchar la imagen de los paganos, al tiempo que fortalecía su imposición como avaladora de lo que es malo y bueno. Desde el siglo X, en tratados como el de M. Psellos, Sobre la actividad de los demonios, comienza a establecerse una jerarquía y forma de trabajar de los demonios.  
"-¿Son muchas, Marcos, le pregunté de nuevo, las especies de demonios?. -Muchas, respondió, y variadísimas, así por su aspecto como por la naturaleza de su cuerpo, tantas que de ellas están llenos los aires, el que est�� por encima de nosotros y el que nos envuelve, la tierra, el mar y los lugares impenetrables y profundos de la tierra." 
(Psellos, 7)  
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La Iglesia cobra fuerza imponiendo una política de control y terror en la actual Europa. La promesa de un paraíso eterno al buen cristiano viene acompañada de la amenaza de un infierno, en donde sufrirá castigos de acuerdo al pecado que haya cometido en vida. Antecedentes de un lugar de castigo y sufrimiento eterno aparecen en Tártaro, perteneciente a la mitología griega, y es mencionado en obras como La Ilíada de Homero (c. VIII, v. 13-14) y la Teogonía de Hesíodo (v. 732 - 819). Pero es gracias a Dante y su Comedia publicada en 1472, que la imagen del Infierno (y del Paraíso), queda establecida en el inconsciente colectivo. Otra amenaza a la que se ve expuesto el cristiano medieval, es la llegada del Apocalipsis. Entre el hambre provocada por sequías y la aparición de la peste negra en el siglo XIV, la llegada del fin del mundo no parecía distante, y con su llegada, también aparecerían bestias, descritas en el libro de Apocalipsis de la Biblia. "Y vi salir de la boca del dragón, de la boca de la bestia y de la boca del falso profeta tres espíritus malignos que parecían ranas."  (Apocalipsis 16:13-14). La bestia y el falso profeta, son figuras que aún hoy en día se interpretan como el Anticristo. Una figura demoníaca quien con su llegada desencadenará el fin del mundo. El Anticristo y su llegada se tornaron tema recurrente en sermones y profecías, y en una herramienta eficaz para infundir terror didáctico.  
Primeras apariciones de Merlín y variaciones sobre su origen 
La figura del Anticristo pasa por muchas mutaciones a través de los siglos de la Edad Media, y es incluso desde antes de la llegada de la Comedia de Dante, que Geoffrey de Monmouth toma el concepto de Anticristo para describir así las raíces de uno de los personajes más importantes de la Materia de Britannia: Merlín, quien  canónicamente es mencionado por primera vez en la Historia Regum Britanniae, obra de Monmouth, posteriormente los antecedentes y vida de Merlín son explícitamente descritos en la Vita Merlini, del mismo autor. Digo canónicamente, porque el mito artúrico y los orígenes de Merlín tenían ya su base en tradición oral. Se especula que Monmouth y el mito de Merlín tienen origen en Myrddin Wyllt, o Myrddin el salvaje, originalmente Lailoken, un personaje de la mitología galesa, reconocido como profeta y bardo acompañante de Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio, un rey britano del siglo VI. Se cuenta que tras su derrota muerte en la batalla de Arfderydd, Myrddin conmocionado, perdió la cordura y huyó al bosque, donde convivió con animales y recibió el don de la profecía.  
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También, se dice que Monmouth se inspira en Ambrosious Aurelianus, un líder bélico britano, quien profetizó la victoria de los sajones sobre los galeses, a través de una analogía con dragones. Más tarde este personaje se convertiría en algunas versiones, el tío del rey Arturo, como hermano de Uther Pendragon. Ambos hermanos ocuparon el trono y fueron aconsejados por Merlín. La influencia latente de Ambrosious Aurelianus, identificablemente se encuentra en la profecía de los dragones, que también aparece en la leyenda de Merlín. Monmouth la retoma en la Vita Merlini, para anunciar al entonces usurpador del trono de Britania la reconquista de los herederos legítimos, los Pendragon.
  Antes de gobernar Britania, los Pendragon tuvieron que recuperar el trono que les pertenecía por derecho, del usurpador: Vortigern. Un consejero que a través de artimañas y manipulaciones, logra hacerse del trono Britano. Es a través de él, que Merlín comienza a establecerse como figura consejera real. Su primer encuentro, es después de que Vortingern se ve imposibilitado de construir una torre, y se le aconseja que para lograr su cometido, debe  buscar a un "niño sin padre". Este último epíteto, se torna recurrente en la leyenda sobre los orígenes de Merlín y una de las piezas con las cuales se puede hacer un paralelismo antitético entre Jesús el Mesías, y Merlín, como Anticristo. Si bien, ambos son "niños sin padre", Jesús se posiciona como hijo de Dios, y cuenta además con una figura paterna terrenal, siendo este José. La familia completa de Jesús le da respaldo a la castidad de la virgen María. Sin embargo; la madre de Merlín por estar sola, a pesar de su bien cuidado celibato y su honesta fe, es tachada de promiscua, y Merlín es visto como un bastardo. Desde temprana edad (nueve meses de nacido), se ve obligado a cuidar de su madre y salvarla de la condena de muerte por concebirlo de manera sospechosa.  
Los orígenes de Merlín, cuentan en sus diferentes variantes con los siguientes elementos: una Fuerza maligna (a) fecunda a una Mujer Casta (b) para engendrar un Guía al lado oscuro (c ). Estos elementos, (a), (b) y (c ),  varían en forma en algunas de las leyendas, pero su función es la misma. El elemento (a), Fuerza Maligna, se trata de una fuerza mágica, un espíritu corrupto o un demonio. El elemento (b), la Mujer Casta, en ocasiones se trata de una monja, otrsa veces de una fiel malaventurada, una princesa de Gales del Sur, o incluso una bruja del bosque. El elemento (c ), es el propósito de Merlín, y se parafrasea de distintas maneras, en esencia se pretendía que fungiera como un incitador del mal en la humanidad, en un término: un Anticristo.  
  Los motivos del origen demoníaco de Merlín y su propósito como Anticristo  
En la Vita Merlini de Monmouth, se explica que tras el descenso de Jesucristo al Infierno, descrito explícitamente en el apócrifo Evangelio de Nicodemo conocido también como Hechos de Pilato (Acta Pilati), a partir del capítulo XVII, Descensus Christi ad Inferos, inicia el recorrido de Jesús por el Infierno, y personajes como Adán, el arcángel Miguel, Seth y otros, hablan sobre la llegada de Jesús. A partir del capítulo XXI Belzebú (Satanás) y Luzbel (Furia) comienzan a cuestionarse que hacer con Jesús. Quien para el capítulo XVI ya liberó de las profundidades del inferno a Adán, el primer padre, y a los primeros profetas como Habacuc, David y Miqueas. La llegada de Jesucristo muestra la vulnerabilidad de los demonios frente a él, Dios y la divinidad en general: 
"Ha atravesado las profundidades de las más sólidas prisiones, libertando a los cautivos, y rompiendo los hierros de los encadenados. Y he aquí que todos los que gemían bajo nuestros tormentos nos insultan, y nos acribillan con sus imprecaciones. Nuestros imperios y nuestros reinos han quedado vencidos, y no sólo no inspiramos ya terror a la raza humana, sino que, al contrario, nos amenazan y nos injurian aquellos que, muertos, jamás habían podido mostrar soberbia ante nosotros, ni jamás habían podido experimentar un momento de alegría durante su cautividad."  
(Nicodemo, XIV, 1) 
Monmouth retoma ese incidente y el sentir de los demonios en consecuencia, para convertirlo en el motivo específico de la creación de un Anticristo por parte de los demonios, y es así como empieza su obra: 
"Cuenta la historia que el demonio se enfadó mucho con la visita de Nuestro Señor al infierno, cuando sacó de allí a Adán y a Eva, y a cuantos quiso. Al verlo, los diablos habían sentido un gran miedo y se habían quedado admirados;…" 
(Monmouth, 27). 
Comienzan entonces a planear su venganza contra Dios, y deciden entonces imitarlo: crearán un ser que divulgue el mal entre los humanos, así como Jesús hacía lo mismo con la palabra y voluntad de Dios. "Si consiguiéramos un hombre que pudiera hacerlo y que supiera esas cosas, y que a la vez viviera en la tierra con los otros hombres, podría ayudarnos a engañar a los hombres" (Monmouth, 28). Deciden seguir el mismo procedimiento que Dios para engendrar, y optan por hacer de una virgen la madre de su Anticristo. Uno de los demonios tiene bajo su poder a la esposa de un hombre rico, quien tiene una célibe hija adecuada para llevar a cabo su plan. Antes de engendrar con ella, llevan al resto de su familia a la desgracia, acabando con su fortuna y reputación. Pero los demonios no saben que Dios ha estado al tanto desde el principio. La buena mujer decide conservar al bebé sin dejar de ser constante en sus oraciones y fiel devota: "Nuestro Señor sabía que lo ocurrido no había sido porque ella así lo deseara, y no era ésa su voluntad;..." (Monmouth, 41). Dios decide dejar que el niño conserve el poder que su padre le otorgó, entregándole además el don de la profecía:  
"Por este motivo sabía los hechos, los dichos y todo lo que ha ocurrido, pues obtuvo tal poder del Enemigo; pero además, nuestro Señor quiso que supiera las cosas que van a ocurrir, frente a todo lo que sabía por la otra parte: así podría inclinarse hacia donde prefiriera; si quiere, podrá devolverle al diablo su tributo o a Nuestro Señor, lo suyo."   
(Monmouth, 41) 
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  Habilidades del Anticristo en Merlín y su redención como profeta Divino 
El don de la profecía, es atribuido inmediatamente a aquellos elegidos por Dios, y encabezando a sus representantes, se encuentra Jesucristo mismo. El término "profeta", existe desde muchísimo antes de la gestación del cristianismo. Una de sus etimologías se encuentra ya en el griego, compuesta por la palabra "pro" (por adelantado) y el verbo "phesien" (decir), "decir por adelantado". Son parte de la cotidianidad griega, y se conoce a las profetas del oráculo griego como pitonisas. Ellas recibían la inspiración divina de musas y del mismo Apolo para predecir el futuro. En la Biblia, se describe mejor la función de un profeta cristiano: 
"Ahora pues, ve, y yo estaré con tu boca, y te enseñaré lo que has de hablar." 
(Éxodo 4:12) 
"Porque no son ustedes los que hablan, sino el Espíritu de su Padre que habla en ustedes." 
(Mateo 10:20)  
De acuerdo con estas descripciones, el profeta entonces tiene una función de puente entre el ser humano y la divinidad, quien está presente para transmitir las revelaciones y conocimientos de Dios, por lo que cumple con una función Divina.  
El Anticristo es al contrario, reconocido como un falso profeta, quien negará a Dios y Jesucristo e intentará convencer a los demás de lo mismo. El Anticristo trae consigo el fin de la fe y del mundo, es quien desatará el apocalipsis, manipulando a las personas, haciéndose pasar por un falso salvador o Mesías, para corromperlos e incitarlos a la maldad, y así llevarlos a su destrucción. 
Que nadie os engañe en ninguna manera, porque no vendrá sin que primero venga la apostasía y sea revelado el hombre de pecado, el hijo de perdición, el cual se opone y se exalta sobre todo lo que se llama dios o es objeto de culto, de manera que se sienta en el templo de Dios, presentándose como si fuera Dios.  
(2 Tesalonicenses 2:3-4) 
Después de la llegada de esta apostasía y levantamiento del Anticristo que conllevará a la destrucción del mundo, será cuando regrese el legítimo Mesías, Jesucristo, y lleve consigo al Paraíso a quienes no se dejaron engañar por el impostor.   
Sin embargo, en la obra de Monmouth, Merlín es un profeta designado por Dios, quien decide encaminarlo al bien y le permite decidir hacia que lado se inclinará. Confía en él y en que esta nueva habilidad divina lo convertirá en digno representante suyo en la Tierra, a pesar de su propósito original y sus raíces. Merlín es quien está más consciente de sus raíces, las acepta y decide actuar en favor de Dios. 
Quiero que sepas y creas que soy hijo de un demonio que engañó a mi madre. Debes saber que ese tipo de demonios se llaman "enquibedes" y viven en el aire. 
(Monmouth, 48) 
  Quien no sólo tiene el conocimiento de lo que pasará, sino de todo lo que ya ha pasado y pasa. Dios toma el control del plan de los demonios, demostrando su omnipotencia sobre ellos, saboteándolos y recompensando la buena fe de la madre de Merlín, aprovechando las habilidades que recibió de los demonios para usarlos en su contra. Al igual que el Anticristo, Merlín es elocuente y convincente, pero a diferencia del primero, Merlín no usa este carisma para promover la negación de Dios. 
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Rol de Merlín en la corte de Arturo y aplicación de sus dones demoniacos para el crecimiento de Britania 
A pesar del poder e infinita sabiduría de Merlín,  él decide utilizarlo para el bien, y guiar a uno de los más reconocidos líderes de Britania. La figura de Merlín, por lo tanto, también enaltece la posición de Britania, contando con la guía de un profeta y por ende con la guía de Dios mismo. Nación que cuenta con el apoyo de Dios, inmediatamente se relaciona con el empoderamiento y la benevolencia.  
La Materia de Britannia, conocida también como Mito Artúrico, Leyenda Arturiana, o Ciclo artúrico, se refiere al conjunto de textos referentes al legendario crecimiento de Britania, principalmente durante el reinado del igualmente legendario rey Arturo. Este personaje ha sido referente del monarca ideal que sabe actuar en beneficio de su pueblo tanto en tiempos de guerra como de paz. Al igual que con Merlín, el personaje del rey Arturo aparece ya en la tradición oral celta, pero es en la Historia Regum Britanniae de Monmouth, que se relata y se establecen los rasgos canónicos de esta figura, y en donde, es gracias a Merlín que Arturo es concebido y después coronado rey. 
Uther Pendragon se enamora de Igraine, la esposa de  Gorlois, el duque de Tintagel. Pide ayudar a Merlín para yacer con ella. Merlín hace que Uther tome la forma del esposo de  Igraine, y conciben un hijo esa noche. Después de su nacimiento, Merlín entrega a este niño al noble sir Héctor, para que lo cuide como suyo, sin revelarle la identidad de sus padres. Arturo crecerá manteniendo una rivalidad con su hermano adoptivo, Kay, a quien después, siendo ya rey, nombraría caballero en su corte y su mesa redonda. Más tarde Uther contraería matrimonio con Igraine, haciendo de Arturo su heredero legítimo.  
Merlín se consolida desde su primera aparición con Vortingern, como un valioso consejero para la corte y que puede apelar por el bienestar de la nación. Aconseja a ambos hermanos Pendragon, y Merlín mismo profetiza todo lo que tiene que hacer para lograr la concepción de Arturo, el más grande rey de Britania. 
Últimas palabras y muerte de Merlín 
La leyenda de Merlín encuentra su fin, cuando más tarde en la vida del mago, se enamora de Nimue, conocida como la Dama del Lago, una posible hada que gobierna la legendaria Isla de Avalon. Merlín queda encantado con ella y comienza a transmitirle sus conocimientos. Nimue logra manipularlo para que él le revele un conjuro para aprisionar a un hombre. Cuando Merlín lo hace, ella lo encierra en una cueva, y su ausencia provoca la derrota de Arturo frente a Mordred, originalmente un caballero traidor y usurpador del trono de Britania, que ha tomado el papel de sobrino y en otras versiones, el de hijo de Arturo. Más tarde, en la Batalla de Camlann, un enfrentamiento entre el rey Arturo y el usurpador, sir Mordred, en el cual, este último muere y Arturo, herido y al borde de la muerte, es trasladado a Avalon.  
El episodio entre Merlín y Nimue, y su encierro en la cueva, se encuentra escrito explícitamente en El baladro del sabio Merlín, un texto anónimo, curiosamente escrito en castellano y publicado por primera vez en Burgos en 1498. Se describe el sentir de Merlín por Nimue y como ésta se convertiría en su perdición: 
E así acaeció a Merlín, que profetizó a todo el mundo e era el más sabio, e a sí mesmo no pudo aconsejar ni profetizar, ca él-amó por su peccado a la Donzella del Lago (…) E él la amava de todo su coraçón, e ella lo desamava en cuanto podía, que nunca muger desamó tanto a honbre e bien lo mostró en la fin'; pero tanto le mostró ella de amor que él creía que lo amava mucho. E así anduvieron un grand tienpo, ella aprendiendo toda vía d'él," 
Al igual que con Adán y Eva, o Lilith, el conocimiento en la mujer representa un peligro latente, al igual que su habilidad natural para la seducción. Como en otros casos, la perdición de todo un imperio, o un poderoso hombre, recae en las manos de una mujer; desde el conflicto provocado por Helena de Troya, o casos más particulares, como Dalila y Sansón. En el caso de Merlín, el Anticristo redimido como sabio profeta de Dios, es acorralado por una bella mujer con sed de sabiduría, quien resulta más temible que un grupo de demonios conspiradores. 
Merlín encuentra la muerte en esa cueva y el título de la obra, se refiere al baladro que profiere momentos antes de que su vida termine. 
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"-¡Ay, cativo! ¿Por qué nací, pues mi fin con tan gran dolor la he? Di, mezquino Merlín, ¿e dónde vas a te perder? ¡Ay, qué pérdida tan dolorosa! Estas palabras e otras muy sentibles dixo. E sobre esto Merlín calló e murió con un muy doloroso baladro que fue tan en alta boz que, según lo escrive el autor e otros muchos que d'esto fablaron" 
Esta última confesión de dolor, abre la cuestión sobre el verdadero sentir de quien con su infinita sabiduría, siempre mantuvo una postura ecuánime y equilibrada. En sus últimos momentos, se revela a un hombre, que quizá hubiera deseado no poseer ninguno de los dones que le fueron otorgados por el bien y el mal. Un hombre que a pesar de tener un destino más grande que él mismo, hubiera preferido tener la oportunidad de construir su vida por medio de sus propias decisiones por común que esta vida hubiera resultado. 
La figura de Merlín, se convierte en un símbolo de tranquilidad para los Cristianos, quienes pueden asumir que antes de la completa gestación de un Anticristo en la Tierra, Dios en su omnipotencia, podrá controlarlo e incluso beneficiarse de los intentos de sus enemigos por desprestigiarlo.  
function showStuff(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block'; } REFERENCIAS Nikolai, T. The Quest for Merlin. E.U.A: Little Brown & Co, Dean, C. A Study of Merlin in English Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present. Day: The Devil's Son. E.U.A: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1992
Bromwich, R. The Arthur of the Welsh: The Arthurian Legend in Medieval Welsh Literature. Inglaterra: University of Wales Press, 1991.
Jarman, A. O. H.  Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages: A Collaborative History. Inglaterra: Clarendon Press, 1959.
Weiss, A.Merlin in German Literature: A Study of the Merlin Legend in German Literature from Medieval Beginnings to the End of Romanticism. E.U.A: Catholic University of America, 1933.
Anonimo, Baladro del sabio Merlín. España: Burgos, 1498.
Psellos, M. Sobre la actividad de los demonios. Consultado en: https://cosmogono.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/peri-energeias-daimonon.pdf 
Monmouth, G. Historia de Merln. España: Ed. Siruela,
Monmouth, G. History of the Kings of Britain. Inglaterra: Cambridge
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fireandgloryrpg · 7 years ago
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Congratulations Dylan and welcome! We’re so happy to accept your application to play Callum Hayes with the faceclaim of Steven R McQueen in Fire & Glory RPG! We can’t wait to begin roleplaying with you so please remember to look over our checklist!
!! tw: death mention !!
Out of Character Information:
Name: Dylan
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: I’m 19 and my birthday is on the 31st of January
Timezone: gmt +2
Activity: I’ll be pretty active. I’m studying a tough degree so I’ll probably only be online at night or early morning my time. I’m normally also pretty quick with replies.
Original Character Application:
Name: Callum Rey Hayes
Age and Birthday: 22. 13 Aug 1995
Faceclaim: Steven R McQueen
Callum is the Son of Cupid. His mother, Vicky, has French heritage, and the surname of Aurélien, which is the French variant of Aurelianus, which was the last name of Emperor Lucius Domitius Aurelianus. With his rise to Emperor and victorious in reuniting the empire, it is safe to say that his mother was the roman god, Victoria. Also, In the books, the emperors where commonly demi-gods.  
His mother was easy going and kind to everyone, however, men used to take advantage of this and all she ever wanted was true love. This attracted Cupid’s attention, he made a man called Craig fall in love with her, but contradicting why he felt sorry for her, he couldn’t help but play with her feelings too. This is when Callum was conceived.
fluent in French, as this is the language of love.
Beauty and Allure. He always seems to have that ‘something’ that makes him attractive to anyone. This is because Cupid’s mother is Venus.
Romantic Omniscience. He can tell who the other person is in love with.
Limited Amokinesis. He can make people fall in love for a temporary amount of time. The stronger willed the person, the less of an effect his ability has. His love is harsher however and more erotic than those of Venus’s children.
Affiliation: A centurion for the 4th cohort, member of the cult of Romulus.
Callum has a strict façade when it comes to official business, which he unwillingly picked up from his adoptive father, but at heart he is more rebellious and playful soul. He’s always causing mischief anonymously around New Rome.
Callum had major mood swings due to his godly heritage and the entity called love that is ever changing. He used to always feel the emotions that others around him would feel. As he grew older, he learnt how to control this, allowing him to make level-headed decisions when it calls for it. However, in moments of emotional or physical weakness, he has lost control over this.
!! tw: death mention !!
He had a tender and loving Infancy. His mother was always there for him and played with him. His father was always away at work and his mom was a housewife. Around the age of 7 his dad lost his job, causing him to be around more and induce a strict environment over the household. His mom stopped playing under the kitchen table with him and spent more time in the kitchen and with Craig. This is when he associated the loss of his mother’s playfulness with his father.  His father found another job and was at work for most of the day. This allowed Vicky to spend more time with him after school, but at night the strict atmosphere would return. As he grew older, the dislike also grew, until at the age of 13, he told his dad that he didn’t love him. A heated argument erupted between the three family members and out of rage, Craig announced that he was adopted.
He told Callum that his mother had fallen pregnant when he and Vicky had just met. Vicky had only told him after Callum was born, and out of love, he stayed with her and adopted Callum. He then said that he regrets adopting him, and wished that his mother had had an abortion. Hearing this at the emotional age that he was, lead to his first melt down. He ran up to his room where he stayed for 48hrs straight. He felt betrayed by his mother and he vowed to never pay an ounce of respect or love to Craig. He was torn between running away and staying for his mother, even though she had hurt him. A few weeks went by with a sour atmosphere at home. Callum spent more time at school and by friends and only came home when he had to. Then his mother was hired as a secretary at Craig’s job, which seemed to drain the remaining life from her. This is when Callum truly felt abandoned. On his 14th birthday he ran away from home. He had no idea where he was going, but he knew he couldn’t stay. His only known relatives to whom where Craig’s grandparents in Ireland. This is when he found Lupa, who trained him and taught him about his godly heritage and delivered him to Camp Jupiter.
At first, he had a tough time at camp. He was placed into the fourth cohort due to the fact that he was a legacy of Victoria. This is when his strict and disciplined side started to kick in when faced with responsibility. He always pushed himself and tried to better himself as New Rome and the 12th Legion was truly his new home. He tended to be rather lucky when it came to games and competitions. He finally rose up to the challenges that he was faced with, although he kept a rebellious streak by causing mischief and playing match maker, charging those willing to come to him for romantic advice. He would do this under the radar and continued to hold up a disciplined façade. Eventually, through connections, he heard rumours about a cult that stood for a pure roman way of life. He thus continued to climb the ranks of 4th Cohort and tried to join any possible quest. Eventually he had a chance to prove himself to the senate. He participated in defending Camp Jupiter during the second giant war. Unfortunately, a member of his cohort and a close friend of his died in battle, this caused him to have his second mental breakdown. However, this time he felt the emotion of hatred from the monsters and this fueled him, causing him to fight tremendously during this battle. After the fight was over and the hatred left his body, he collapsed in tears and mourned for an extended period. The senate recognized his performance during the battle and when he applied for Centurion later that year, his request was accepted, allowing finally reach Centurion status and accomplish one of his highest goals. He is currently a centurion of the 4th cohort and after receiving centurion status he reached out to the cult of Romulus and joined their ranks.
Para Sample:
“Swoon over me.” He said flicking his wrist in the direction of two guards that he was approaching. His eyes flashed gold and the two dropped their weapons in a daze. It was games night, and what better to play at Camp Jupiter than a game of war.
He then marched past them, avoiding their hands that grasped at him. He rolled his eyes. He would never get used at how desperate people could act when under his spell. Once inside, and the door shut tight behind him, anxiety and doubt flooded his mind. What was he thinking? He had just walked into the 1st and 2nd cohorts fort alone! The battle outside had fueled him, allowing him to muster up enough courage and confidence to sway the two guards, but as soon as he had shut the battle behind the fortified door, his confident fled as fast as first love does when you realize the other isn’t for you.
He poked his head around the stone arch on the opposite side of the tower. It led to a passage that was open on one side to a central courtyard and was walled off on the other. He assessed his situation. Through the colonnade, he counted 5 guards standing by the front gate, obviously acting as a last defense if the enemy cohorts broke through. Other than the guards the central court was empty. Wait… it was empty. Where were the other teams flag? That was the war game they were playing? He furrowed his eyes in confusion before realizing what had been done. The Centurions of the enemy cohorts must have moved their flag! It was an obvious move to make. In fact, Adriana, his co-centurion had even suggested that they move their own flag. He decided that he would seize the courtyard and open the gates for his team, then, he would search the fort for the flag. He readied himself to launch his attack by crouching alongside the arch and reaching behind him for an arrow from his quiver. He breathed in and held it there as he aimed at the closest guard when the creak of a wooden broke his concentration.
Immediately he spun around and was about to release his arrow, hoping it wouldn’t seriously hurt the other when he noticed the intruders face.  “The fuck you think you’re doing?!” He exclaimed in a harsh but hushed tone. The dirty face that was framed by auburn hair was that of a girl from his cohort. Amidst the raging battle, she must have obviously followed him as he had crept away from command. He remembered her name; Olivia. She was a daughter Minerva and you could definitely tell. She was good at what she did, in fact, probably one of the best strategists in his cohort. “Sorry;” He corrected his tone, his face adjusting to being more welcoming. “You probably already know what I’m planning to do, but if you have any idea where the flag is, I’m all ears?”
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
How would the RO'S react if MC was stabbed and they just looked down at the wound unfazed and said "That's fair".
Congrats, anon! You won! This is both THE funniest ask you could have sent me and THE most in-character reaction for the Villain ever.
I am going to do this in deep crushing stage, since a similar scenario might appear in the story and I want y’all to have a taste.
The Villain is stabbed. Their reaction? “Ok, that is fair.”
It takes Archie a moment to process what just happened, but once he does, he the blood drain from his face. A quick command has the Royal Guard chasing the assassin as he turns his attention towards you. 
As he hears you speak, you can see his eyes closing as a pained expression paints itself across his face. Once they open, there is a fire in his eyes you have rarely seen, an anger that you had not thought possible. And yet, his hands as he cradles you in his arms and infuses you with the sun’s energy are so gentle.
“Please don’t say that. Please.”
The mask of courtesy you could always find in Adhy’s face collapses under sheer terror as she freezes in place and just looks at you. It takes her a second to gather her wits and order her guards to follow the assassin and search for a healer. 
Once she has gathered her wits, however, she uses the essence of the moon to invigorate you as she moves closer as if to shield you from the world. Hands cradling your face, she gazes at you, eyes full of anguish.
“Why would you say that?”
Someone screamed, you think distantly as you look down at the stab wound. It’s not until delicate hands appear in your field of vision that you realize it was Vicky. There is a deep fear shining through her expression as she tugs you closer and begins snapping orders to her guards to go and find a healer.
Carefully, she guides you into the ground and cradles you on her arms, muttering reassurances as she waits for help with baited breath. It isn’t until you have been healed that she takes you aside. 
“Navis, you must understand that was not fairness. Do not ever believe you deserve to be stabbed. Please.”
Carmen is surprisingly calm in this situation. After you are stabbed, she takes a moment to look at the sky and mutter. 
“Spirits give me patience, because if you give me strength I will kill them,” before snapping her fingers and sending a trail of starlight to hunt down the bastard that stabbed you. Once that is done, she turns towards you and swats your hand away from the wound as she begins to heal it. “That is fair? THAT IS FAIR? If you wanted to die so much, you should have told me, o’ villain, and I would have saved you the trouble.”
She might be complaining as she heals you, but her hands are careful and tender with the wound, her worry shining underneath the bravado. 
Your would-be assassin does not get past three steps before a dagger is buried on their back, low enough to paralyze his moments but not to kill them. Milo is turning towards you, when he hears your words and you can see the moment the meaning of your words dawn on him.
“Your Grace?!?!” Milo sounds distraught as he moves closer and cradles your face. “We are going to talk about your reaction to being stabbed, but before, let’s get you healed.”
He signals at the shadows, and you know one of his runners has gone to find a healer. 
”Are you an idiot?” They blurt out as they glare in the direction of the would-be assassin and mutter a quick tracking spell. “Or are you just suicidal? There is no time for your woe-me act when you have been stabbed, Navis. Truly, where is your survival instinct when you need it?”
Blakes words might be sharp, but their concern is evident on the way their hands are trembling, the sharp hitch on their voice as they carefully push you down into the ground and gather healing magic into their hands. “That is fair? The fuck are you talking about? What do you think will happen to those you leave behind when you die? It’s not all fucking sunshine and roses after death.”
It takes Val less than a second to react to your stabbing as their hands drop to the hilt of their sword and with a flourish runs the assassin through. They don’t keep them alive, too worried about your health to take care on their actions. 
Too pissed off by your words to temper themselves.
“Don’t you dare say that again,” they rage as they sheath their sword and gather you in their arms. They know their knights will gather the would be assassins body, so for now, they will take you to Blake. “There is no fairness in stabbing an unarmed opponent, there is no fairness in stabbing you.”
Few are brazen enough to anger a Demon Monarch, but it seems that Rowan has found someone foolish enough to do so. An inhuman growl leaves their chest as the shadows tremble under their fury and the assassin is trapped under the weight of their nightmares. 
Once the assassin has been taken care of for future interrogation, they turn towards you and glare as they walk closer. 
“I am well aware you have survived worse wounds due to your past adventures, but I fucking dare you to say that again.”
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
Can you do 'Place the ROs in Odysseus's place as they hear that Penelope/MC created a clever rouse to keep suitors away because they were waiting for them'? Pretty please?? :)
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ROs As Odysseus
You waited. 
Archie knew you would. 
A smile dawns on his face, warm and bright like the breaking dawn at his back. The wind is his guide as he runs to your side, to you. There is something heartening to know that your doubt on him never wavered, as neither did his. Not once in twenty long years did he doubt your love, your commitment, your faith on his return. 
Every night, he looked at the sky and dreamed of the look on your eyes as you welcomed him home, and every morning he looked at the horizon and counted the space between his heartbeats. The space were you belonged, the space that felt empty without your touch. 
Archie doesn’t bother entering the palace, instead he makes a straight line to your window and jumps into the room without hesitation, knowing you would recognize him without trouble, just as he could recognize you after a thousand years of absence. 
Gathering you on his arms, he rests his forehead against yours and takes a deep breath. 
Tears of joy glitter on his eyes as he looks at you. 
“I am here,” he reassures as the empty space within begins to fill. “I will stay.”
Plush lips fall in surprise, as tears gather on Adhy’s eyes as the words resonate on her ears. 
Twenty years. You waited for her twenty years, fending off the poisonous snakes that had nestled on your court without her to temper them. You had waited, and you had triumphed over the dangers the vipers had brought with them. 
All for her. 
There is a laugh bubbling on her lips, heartfelt and finally free. Twenty years being weighted down by her worry for you, suddenly gone by such simple words. 
You waited for her. You fought for your love. 
Her smile is wider than she had thought possible, her heart lighter than it had been for years, and her feet? Her feet took her down a familiar path. A path she had walked every night on her dreams. 
A door. 
Carefully, she opens it and slips inside, a smile on her face. 
“Well met, my love,” she tells you before she surges forward and brings you into a searing kiss. 
There is a thrill running down her spine as her guide explains the reason behind your delayed nuptials. Her heart sings as the pieces slot into piece and she understands. Understands that you waited, understands how you tricked them all. 
Vicky is unbelievably proud of you. Of your strength. Of your faith on her. On your grace. She is so proud she could almost burst into tears of you, but laying eyes upon your countenance takes priority. 
She needs to see you. 
Needs to see the twist of your smile, the shine in your eyes, the soft curve of your neck. 
She needs you. She has needed you for years. 
It takes a mere second to get to you, for what is the journey when the destination is so close? 
It’s unusual, but she doesn’t bother knocking. Why would she? It’s her. It’s you. Time might have changed you both, but she knows this. What you had and what you have has not changed. 
It couldn’t. Not now, not on a thousand lifetimes. 
The door opens, and she smiles. 
“Hello, my love.”
She is settled, as she steps into Ithaca. Willing to accept the truth as it is, and yet, with hope burning bright and clear on her chest. 
It’s a hope born out of knowledge, out of trust. 
She knows you. She trusts you. 
She knows you waited. She trusts that you waited. 
The whispers only reassure her and lift her spirit up. Not only did you wait, but you ensured you would be free to share your love once she got home. 
She is grateful. She will never not be grateful. 
There is a spring on her step as she walks to your room, ignoring the gasps of recognition. She can deal with the fallout later, all Carmen wants now is to be in your arms. 
So to your arms she goes, called as a ship is called to their port. She falls back into you like the truth falling into place, and smiles. Finally, after all the struggle, she is back where she belongs. 
“Thank you for trusting me, cariño.”
Milo had not bothered with detours, heading to your room on as soon as his feet had fallen upon dry land. It is the middle of the night, yes, but the room that had been theirs is bright, illuminated by the candlelight, so he decides to risk it. 
He approaches from the beach, careful to muffle his steps as he approaches the window. It’s there, standing on the sand outside your window still that he discovers that you did not only wait, but also made sure no one would take his place at your side. 
A fond smile dances on his lips as he hoists himself up into the room and clears his throat, laughing joyfully as you startle. 
“Hello, Your Grace,” he greets cheerfully as he jumps into the room and stalks to your side. Gathering your hand in his, he twirls you playfully and brings you into his arms. Dipping you, he brushes his lips against the shell of your ear. “This thief has come to return the heart he stole and to give you his, as your beauty has enchanted him.”
The truth comes as a revelation. 
You stayed. You mourned them.
They had never been alone.
A trembling hand reaches up to cover their mouth as the other grasps their hair in a desperate attempt to gain some semblance of control. Because you never left, even when they had thought you would. You had stayed. You had waited. 
Their cheeks are wet, their breaths ragged, but Blake doesn’t care. They have to see you, have to lay their eyes on you so that they can believe that this is real and not just another dream, ready to slip through their fingers with the nearing dawn. 
So they run. 
Who gives a fuck about prestige? About elegance?
You stayed. You stayed despite it all, and they will not be able to take another breath if they cannot see you. 
Blake crashed into the room like a hurricane, throwing themselves into your embrace and it feels like two pieces slotting together. 
Like coming home. 
You waited. 
The breath rushes out of their lungs as they take one step in the sandy beach, then another, and another. Their surroundings fade around them as they follow a familiar path, the path home. Carefully and quietly- almost surprisingly so for someone their size-, they slip through the hallways of a home they had thought long lost until they finally, finally, reach what was once their bedroom. There they hesitate briefly, would you want to see them? After all this time?
They have doubts. 
But you waited. 
Heart racing on their chest, they slowly open the door to see you standing in the middle of the room, looking at them. A cut off sob breaks through their lips as they see you and they take a step closer. Then another. And another. Until they are in front of you and the strength leaves their legs. 
Val kneels on the floor and looks at you almost like a supplicant looks at their god. Because you are everything. 
Because you waited. 
“I am home.”
“They are still there, weaving-”
They don’t stay to listen the guides’ full explanation. As soon as Rowan hears that you are here, they start running down the familiar path. 
It’s been years, but this was their home, and they would know it no matter what. They would know you no matter what. They know you, and they know you are a clever little thing. Clever enough to full the bunch of good-for-nothing suitors that had filled Ithaca as they left. Clever enough to fend them for twenty years. 
They know you. Know that you can keep this going for twenty more years.
But it would be rude for them to make you wait, now that you are so close, wouldn’t it be?
The Spirits guide them as they run to your side, joyful lighter spreading behind them like a blanket of cheer. 
It takes them mere minutes to reach your side, and once they do, they give you a toothy grin. 
“Hello, sweetheart. Missed me?”
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
hiiii! what are the ro's first thought when they realise they're starting to fall for the mc?
The ROs first realize they are in love
“Oh. That is it. I am in love with them.”
“I can’t say I was expecting this turn of events, but really, how could I have stopped myself from falling?”
“I should have seen this earlier. This, this is love, and I can deny it no longer.”
“How the turntables have tabled. I really should have expected this when I began to admire their smiles and how the light hit their eyes.”
“Me? In love with Navis? Well, things have gotten complicated. I can’t say I mind too much, though. Not if it’s them.”
“What the actual fuck? How did this happen? How did I not notice until now?”
“Th-That is new. When did it happen? No matter. It is as much the truth as the fat that the sun rises from the east: I love them and I want their happiness.”
“How did I never notice that looking at them was like looking at a miracle? When did they become home without me noticing? I should have known. If it had to be anyone, of course it was them.”
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
How would the ROs respond in an Orpheus and Eurydice situation? I saw that it would hurt you and I figure your game will have tons of angst so I'm trading it back in advance
Archie doesn’t look back. He won’t. He can’t. 
He has to believe there is a way for you two to have a happy ending. He has to believe that it was not all in vain. The search, the struggle, it has to have meant something. He has to believe the Spirits are fickle but not cruel, that they follow their own rules... Because if he doesn’t, what else is there? If he doubts the deal, then you won’t be there when the road is over. Your smile will slowly fade from his memory, your eyes dull forever more. 
If there is the smallest of chances of your survival, he will walk to the depths of Hades and back again without looking back, even if every step sends searing fear through his being. He will do it. 
You will live. 
He will become a shell of a man if you don’t.
Adhy looks back. She has to.
Unlike her brother, she does not rely on faith. She never has. She does not trust the gods, does not believe in inherent goodness. All she knows is that the world is cruel, and so are the Spirits.
She cannot trust them.
Adhara tries to trust the Spirits, tries to trust their end of the bargain, but the more steps she takes, the less she hears yours. The more she asks questions, she less she hears you. 
It will reach a point in which she cannot hold back any longer, so she turns, tears running down her face, hope extinguishing as her eyes lay on you.
Vicky looks back in excitement when the sunshine breaks through the caves entrance. 
Vicky looks back by accident, and that is the worst tragedy of it all. 
She does not need faith on the gods, when she has trust on you. She does not fear you leaving, for she knows she has your heart. That makes the walk back into the surface easy. She knows her task, knows just what she has to do. Slowly but surely the follows the path, humming under her breath to distract herself of the eerie silence behind her, pretending that it doesn’t bother her. 
But it does. 
So when the light is near, when she sees the exist and your future right in front of her, she turns in excitement. She cannot wait for a life with you!
Except the test hadn’t been over, and the last thing to see is the horror on her eyes. 
Carmen knows the story, she won’t look back.
It’s one of the few stories she remembers, that of Eurydice and Orpheus. She knows the task, the test and the failure, and she will use that knowledge to ensure you live. That is all that matters.
Carmen but runs all the way to the exist, not pausing a second, not allowing the doubt to settle because she knows she will cave if she does. 
So she runs. And runs. And runs. And doesn’t stop. 
She knows the story, but now, out in the daylight, she wonders if she knows the wrong story. She wonders if she failed if-
The moment you tackle her into the grounds, she begins weeping in relief. 
Milo doesn’t look back. He has been given a task, and he will see it through. 
Eyes on the path, Milo walks his way out of Hades. Every cell on his body screams for him to turn around, to look at you, savor your presence.
But he does not want to lose you, and He told you he would if he did. So Milo doesn’t turn, but instead climbs higher, a step after the other, face blank as he pushes down any emotion trying to push through. 
He will not lose you. Not to his impatience. 
And yet, every step is agony.
It takes all of him not to collapse once he crosses the threshold of the Underworld. Relief burns through his veins as he turns, half-agony half-hope. When he sees you, a smile breaks through and he collapses into your arms, sobbing. 
 Blake look back. He has to. 
They knows the Fae and Spirits. They knows they play fast and loose with their deals, leave them full of loopholes. They knows the best option is to follow through until the end. So they try. They make it halfway through the path, when they begin to doubt. 
They are halfway there, when they begin to remember.
Remember the lonely days on the streets, on the tower. Remember the snide comments and insults they threw your way at the beginning, their actions... And suddenly, they don’t know if you would stay if you were given the option. 
So Blake turns. 
And curses themselves to watch as you disappear. 
Val looks back out weakness. 
They try. Desperately so. They try to make it out of the Underworld without turning, because you are their world and they cannot go another day without seeing you. 
They try. 
But they can’t hear you. Not when they talk to you, not when they beg for a sign. Any sign. They can’t hear you, and they fear that means you have left them, turned around and returned to the world of the death. 
Suddenly, they fear. 
They turn around in desperation, hands reaching and slipping through your figure as you disappear.
It’s as if they were a puppet’s whose strings are cut, because after you are gone, they collapse on the floor and do not move again. 
Rowan doesn’t look back. They don’t need to. 
One thing you don’t know about demons: they are related to the High Fae. One thing you don’t know about Rowan: they were raised by a High Fae. They know contracts and loopholes like the back of their hands. They know the true test from the moment it leaves the Spirits mouth. 
They know, and they will not let an ungrateful little has been take you away from you. 
Rowan does not turn around, and beelines for the exist. And yet, instead of remaining in stony silence, they fills the silence by chattering of anything and everything. It’s equally a promise to you and a reassurance: they will get you out and you will be free. 
“Oh, dearest,” he manages to whisper before he disappears, hands reaching out in hopes of touching you one last time, even if he knows the attempt is in vain. He does not blame you, how can he when he knows that you turned out of love? He can see it clearly in your face, and all he can feel is an all-encompassing love and grief. 
There are tears running down her cheeks as she smiles at you softly. 
“I love you,” she tells you as she hugs herself in a desperate attempt to hold herself together. She will miss you, miss you more than being alive, but it seems that this was it. The end of the line for you and her, and she would not allow for the end to grieve you so. “Be happy.”
There is no tears or sadness on her eyes, just fondness. There is no reprimands, no anger. Vicky had known it was a long shot, and had not dared hope, so she was not disappointed. She had made her peace when she had died, and she is glad that she got to see you one last time before she died.
“Live, please.”
There is no smile on her lips as you turn, but her eyes are understanding as she fades away from view. How can she blame you when you love her? She simply can’t. So she doesn’t. Instead, she musters a tender smile as she disappears from view. 
“Missed me already?” He tries for levity, to avoid thinking about the fact that he already felt his limps disappearing, even as he reached out in a desperate attempt to get close to you. “I did too. I will too.”
There is no heat in their glare as they frown.
“You just had to turn, didn’t you? As if I would let anyone stop me, stupid,” they grumble before their head snaps to you as they fade. “I will find you again, you hear me? I will find you.”
“Häschen,” they breath out, too focused on drinking your features before they fade. They are going to miss you desperately, they know. You are their home, and without you, they are lost. “I will remember you, liebling. ‘til the end of times.”
They laugh and it’s a broken laugh, full of grief. 
“You should have never made a deal with the High Fae, sweetheart, they will always find a way to fuck you up,” they admit brokenly as they look at you, blue eyes memorizing your face before it’s too late. “It was a good run,” they say softly as they disappear. 
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
can we get physical descriptions of the ro's? like height / body type perchance?
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Alright, this is going under a cut because there is a solid block of text for each description.
The ROs Appearances
Standing at 5′11″ and muscular due to his training with the Ophiuchus Military, Arcturus could cut an intimidating figure if he so desired. He does not. Rather than intimidating, he exudes a natural warmth that draws people in. A bright white smile contrasts with umber skin and glittering obsidian eyes that look at the world with a kindness few possess. Long black hair is arranged in locs decorated with golden pieces as it falls down his back. Usually, Archie keeps most of his locs on a topknot as it allows him to practice swordsmanship more easily. He usually wears golden hoops and a gold ring on the shape of a snake biting it’s own tail as well as some silver rings Adhy insists he wears everywhere. As a prince, he tends to prefer formal but comfortable wear from different colors, although he does tend to favor warm yellows and oranges on his clothes. 
There is an elegance inherent to Adhara’s every move. She has the body of a dancer, svelte and lithe from countless hours practicing how to dance and use the daggers. Adhy stands at 5′11″ as well, and yet, she moves as if she weighted less than air. Glittering silver make up contrasts with her umber skin, creating an almost ethereal effect. Onyx black eyes watch the world sharply and with great care, taking in any and all detail she deems important. Adhy’s hairstyle changes daily, from twists to braids to Afro blow outs, she determines her hairstyle based on her daily itinerary and the image she wants to present. And yet, she always makes sure to accessory which silver pieces or diadems. Usually, she prefers light dresses colored a pale pastel blue, however, she has been noted to walk around on full royal regalia if she deems it necessary. She has a vast array of jewelry, yet is always seen wearing a silver snake ring eating it’s own tail, a silver locket in which she stores an antidote to most poisons, and an assortment of silver rings that she “accidentally” dips into her drinks at random intervals. 
Often described as having just stepped out of a storybook, there is no other word to describe Victoria than lovely. Standing tall at 5′9″, and taller with the heels she tends to favor. Although not interested in combat, Vicky maintains a regiment created specifically for self-defense and as such is somewhat athletic but not nearly as much as she could be, and she knows this. Tawny skin contrast with eyes the color of Calla Lilies. Jet black hair falls down her back to her waist and she usually lets it flow freely, however, for special occasions she gathers it up on elaborate styles. Vicky’s signature look includes rose red lipstick and a soft pink eyeshadow. Usually, she wears simple pearl earrings, and her outfits vary a great deal. From suits to ballgowns to dresses that flow freely, Victoria enjoys fashion and wishes to try most styles at least once. Still, she always returns to elegant red redresses as well as elaborated suits. 
If asked, Carmen would complain about being unnecessarily short, even though she stands at 5′5″ which a fairly average height for a woman in the Ophiuchus Kingdom. All soft curves in a voluptuous body, Carmen is considered on of the most beautiful woman on the kingdom with her golden brown skin and soft hazel eyes. Originally, her hair was a dark brown but. for some yet to be explained reason, she began to use charms to change the color of her hair after certain incident at age 17. Now, her hair color is more akin a galaxy than anything else. Shimmering and changing, her hair now looks like an everchanging galaxy, dazzling the watcher with it’s deep blue and purple colors with shimmering golden decorations that pass off as stars. She usually wears her hair in coils or wears it down, making it seem like a cloudy galaxy floating around her head. Carmen’s jewelry is everchanging, and although she does enjoy wearing flowy and floaty dresses right out a fairy tale, you will find her wearing pants more often than not because she “misses the experience”.
There is a certain air of amusement that surrounds Milo once someone says he is surprisingly short and that when looked at from afar he appears taller. At 5′8″, he is well aware his height is average, but instead of finding it an annoyance, he has found being average in height is a blessing for a man in his position. Milo has an athletic body, built by acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat, so although he is not by any means tall, he has quite the presence. Eyes the color of a topaz gemstone shine mischievously against terra cotta brown skin and a wide smile. Little freckles dot his face like stars due his extensive exposure to the sun. His light chestnut brown hair is kept short and messy in an effortless and yet planned look. Milo is not one to wear jewelry often, but he keeps a locket hidden underneath his shirt. What is inside? That is only for him to know. While usually found on a jerkin, and leather jacket and pants, Milo occasionally dresses up as a palace servant to gather information. 
Do not ask how tall they are. It will not end up well for you. Years of malnutrition and struggle stunted their growth and Blake (no matter their gender) stands at a whooping 5′2″. Yes, they are bitter about it no matter their gender. And yet, Blake paints an intimidating figure despite their height. Golden eyes shining with power cut through whatever they observe, coldly cutting you down to the quick. Their fawn skin is unnaturally pale, as they spend nearly too much time within the tower. Male Blake keeps his hair to his ears and styles it back and his body is chubby underneath the black robes he has taken on wearing. Nonbinary Blake shares M!Blake’s body type, but has let their hair grow slightly longer, up to their chin. They prefer dark red robes and enjoy putting lipstick. Female Blake is similarly chubby but can also be called curvy. She has allowed her hair to grow down to her shoulders and prefers dark blue cloaks. Like NB!Blake, F!Blake enjoys wearing make up.  
Val’s skin has been tanned from countless hours under the sun training, contrasting nicely against their red hair. Blue-green eyes draw attention to their face, as they shift depending on the outfit they are wearing creating quite the captivating illusion. Standing at 6′4″, they are built like a mountain no matter their gender. For practicality, Val tends to wear a tunic and pants underneath no matter the gender as it makes it easier for them to put armor on. Their color schemes remain in the green-brown side no matter what, but M!Val prefers the green to draw the color in his eyes, as does NB!Val. F!Val prefers browns as they help emphasize the blue on her eyes. NB!Val shares F!Val’s facial structure and lack of facial hair, which differentiates them from M!Val. All versions of Val have let their hair grow past their shoulders, but they each have different braiding methods for it. F!Val wears their hair up in a faux-hawk braid. NB!Val’s hair is braided into multiple smaller braids that then are pulled back into a ponytail. M!Val wears most of their hair up on a top knot, with two braids pulling the hair back from their temples. (References for their braids are found in their pinterest page).
One look at Rowan, and you could believe that they were raised by the Fae. In fact, you could believe that they are a Fae. Mostly because they are so short. At a height of 5′0″, Rowan has spent their lives looking up at others, not that they mind. After all, their height only serves to further the innocent act they tend to wear so well. Their rosy pale complexion only emphasizes the deep light blue of their wide eyes, and the light blush ever-present on their cheeks add to their manufactured innocence. Their hair is platinum blonde, with rosy undertones. F!Rowan has let it grow down to her waist, letting it curl freely around her frame while M!Rowan keeps it at around his ears in a deliberate messiness that gives him a youthful look. NB!Rowan has let it grow to their shoulders and usually wears their hair pulled back into a low ponytail. F!Rowan and NB!Rowan share their dainty pixie-like body type which contains hidden muscles while M!Rowan has allowed himself to grow more visible muscle as it fits his mask. Nonetheless, there is a hidden strength to Rowan few realize is there. No matter their gender, Rowan has a perchance for the dramatic, so they enjoy wearing dark and long cloaks with golden accents, as well as rings in each finger. Depending on their settings, the rings might be enchanted to become claws at their will.  However, underneath their cloaks, their outfits tend to differ. M!Rowan has a preference for waistcoats, dress shirts and tight leather pants, F!Rowan prefers light and delicate dresses and NB!Rowan prefers to not wear the waist coast and instead keep their dress shirts open and pair them with the leather pants. 
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
for the ✨spicy✨ ask prompt: "how would the ROs react to MC saying 'i love you' during sex"
ROs react to MC saying "I love you" during sex
As a side note, I was going to write this as both before and after they had said “I love you” in a non-sexual setting, but then I realized that if the ROs are having sex it’s likely after they have confessed, sooo... Here you have it:
There is no hesitation on his part when it comes to returning the confession. A smile on his face, he wraps his arms around you and rolls you around so that his back is against the mattress and you are lying on his chest. One hand moves to cup your face and peppers your face with enthusiastic kisses. 
“I love you too.”
There is a delighted smile on her lips as she leans down to seal your lips with a searing kiss meant to reciprocate the sentiment. Her hands don’t stop moving as she does so, however, caressing your body with great care as she deepens the kiss with a low hum of pleasure. Once she comes up to breath, she smiles fondly. 
“And I, you, my love.”
The joy shines on her eyes as she looks at you tenderly. One of her hands brushes the slope of your cheek softly as she averts her gaze with uncharacteristic shyness. 
“My rose,” she breathes out as she looks back at you, eyes full of love as her lips brush yours with tenderness. “I love you so much, you have no idea.”
It takes her a second to process the information, but once she does, she snorts softly as she nuzzles your skin. Placing a kiss against your skin, she looks at you beneath lidded eyelids and smirks wickedly as she continues her ministrations. 
“That is wonderful, cariño, because I love you too,” she admits freely, a lightness on her words that always amazes you. “Now be a dear, and show and beg for me, alright?”
A whine escapes Milo’s lips as he buries his head on the juncture of your shoulder. You can feel his lips move against the skin of your neck and smile at the soft kisses you feel him pressing against your skin, so at odd with what you two had been doing mere seconds ago. 
“You can’t keep doing this to me, Your Grace,” he whispers softly against your skin, voice low and for your ears only. “You already have my heart, what more do you desire, my love?”
It takes Blake a second to process the words, but once they do, they turn their face, partially hiding it with the pillows but still showing enough for you to see the blush tinting their cheeks and spreading down their neck into their chest. You watch, fascinated, as they raise their hand to hide their cheek and glare at you beneath lidded eyelids with hazy golden eyes. 
“You need better timing than that,” they manage to pant out, before biting their lip. “But I guess I love you too.”
“Liebling,” they whisper fervently as a calloused hand runs down your arm and sends little shivers down your spine. You can feel each callous drag against your skin, and feel a soft sigh building on your chest as Val laces their hand with yours and brings it up to place a devoted kiss upon your knuckles. 
“Your love is a gift, and I wish to show you my gratitude for it.”
Their face lights up at the words, breaking their concentration as they crash their lips to yours, quickly stealing the breath from your lungs as their hands caress your back. Pulling back, they smile wickedly at you as their hair fans around their face like a halo.
“While I am delighted to hear that, sweetheart,” they purr as they lean back down so that your faces are inches apart. “The fact that you are still coherent means that I have yet to do my job properly, and we cannot have that, can we?”
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
Which ROs are the most susceptible to mcs puppy dog eyes?? (It’s for science)
Alright! Let’s do this! I am going to give the ROs a score from 1-10.
In a Friendship? 8/10, very rare for him to succumb.
In a Romance? 4/10. He tends to melt around his partner, so he is a lot more likely to give in and do what the MC asked if it doesn’t put them in danger.
In a Friendship? 10/10. Sorry, it is just not happening
In a Romance? 10/10. Also not happening. Instead, it is you who has to learn resistance to puppy eyes.
In a Friendship? 9/10. Will not give in unless important, since she knows enough politics to see the trick a mile away.
In a Romance? 7/10. Her resistance lowers slightly, but she is a professional, thank you very much. She won’t fall for such tricks. 
In a Friendship? 5/10, but only because she is usually involved in whatever shenanigan you want to pull
In a Romance? 6/10. Nope. She is putting her foot down, she is not going to- Wait. Ok, she will do it. Fine.
In a Friendship? 10/10. Sorry boo, your friendly neighborhood Spymaster is not falling for your tricks. 
In a Romance? 4/10. He might know all the tricks on the book, but that doesn’t make him immune to them. He will crumble if you keep it up long enough.
In a Friendship? 3/10. They don’t have many friends, so when you get there, they might grumble about it but be affected and cave in.
In a Romance? 1/10.They will crumble like a wet piece of paper. The less said, the better. 
In a Friendship? 7/10. Fairly immune, but their resolve tends to crumble if you keep it long enough. 
In a Romance? 4/10. Listen, they are a responsible person. They are the Knight Commander, they have responsibilities- Ok ok. They will do whatever you ask, just stop.
In a Friendship? 10/10. Sorry boo, it will take more than some puppy eyes to convince this stubborn asshole to say yes if they had already made up their mind.
In a Romance? 5/10. You have a fifty-fifty chance depending on their mood.
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
ROs reaction to the MC saying "I can hold the entire world in my hands, wanna see?" And then cupping the ROs face in their hands?🥺 Love your concept!
I am going to assume that this is early relationship because if not some of the ROs might yeet you into the next kingdom and while hilarious, I am not getting those vibes from this ask. 
The look on Archie’s eyes is soft as he draws you closer into a sweet kiss. It’s his turn to cup your face with his hands, and he does so with relish. Carefully, he begins placing soft butterfly kisses across your face. 
“I believe you stole my line, dearest. But even then, it does not suffice. You are not only my world, but my moon, my sun and my stars.”
Adhy’s eyelids flutter close as she sighs in pleasure. There is a sense of quiet peace coming from her, accentuated by the smile dancing on her lips. 
“Well, aren’t you darling,” she breathes out as her eyes open and soft brown eyes look at you but an intensity few are graced with. “I do hope you realize the sentiment is shared. You have become home to me, love.”
The expression on Vicky’s face is one of surprise as she watches you. Her mouth has fallen open as she looks at you, red lips forming a soft “oh” as dark eyes watch you with admiration. 
You watch in fascination as a soft blush dusts her cheeks and she begins to smile softly. It is as if a rose had bloomed in your presence, and you couldn’t feel luckier. 
Carmen laughs, delighted. 
”Oh, I see how it is, Navis. I don’t even warrant new lines, you just had to copy something from our old world, didn’t you?” She says in mock reproach, but makes no move to pull away as she nuzzles your palm. “In any case, I am glad I am your world, because you are mine. Never forget that, cariño.”
You had expected him to break into laughter, to tease you back and for you two to fall back into your usual pattern of give and take. What you had gotten was so much better. 
Milo stares, mouth agape as he begins to blush. His eyes avert to the side and a flustered smile makes a way to his lips. 
“Alright, you got me there. You do know how to flirt, Your Grace,” he tries to recover, to distract you from his reaction, but you are enamored. 
Blake stares. 
“Wh-what? Come on, it’s not the time for you to get all sappy, we have things to do, books to read,” they manage to stammer out as they glow bright red. Their eyes seem to be looking anywhere but you, and yet, the smile on their lips tell you all you need to know. 
“Pardon?” Val breathes out, green eyes dipping down to your lips and back up. There is a fire on those eyes, all consuming and passionate. 
Carefully, Val places their hands over yours and closes their eyes with a sigh of pleasure. 
“Oh, häschen. If I am the world, then you are my everything.”
Blue eyes widen swiftly, before narrowing as they examine your face. 
“You aren’t joking,” they realize with a breath, wonder evident in their tone. The surprise and wonder are quickly replaced by a glint of mischief, as they lean closer. “Well, well, well, sweetheart. I never knew you cared for me so.”
“Rowan, we are courting.”
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
This concept though ❤
Sooo I saw you were taking asks and I was wondering... if you could sum up the ROs in just a few words, what would they be?
Aww! Thanks! I have been meaning to start this blog for a while, but I was always afraid people would think the concept is overplayed. I now see that I was wrong! And I am glad I was brave enough to post it.  😊 Ok! Now to the meat of the ask: 
The ROs in a Few Words
Charismatic. Understanding. A ray of sunshine or a sweltering sun.
Kind. Cunning. Soft kindness, hidden under a veneer of courtly diplomacy.
Observant. Calculative. The love of life that drives one to protect others.
Brave. Stubborn. The shining light you cannot help but follow.
Friendly. Hard-working. The desire to help those who have saved you.
Driven. Curious. A good soul protected by a harsh exterior. 
Just. Dutiful. A knight of legend made flesh.
Mischievous. Sarcastic. The use of an innocent mask as a shield against prejudice. 
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
What makes the ro’s blush?
Sincere compliments given at an unexpected time. Archie is used to the sycophants at court, so a compliment given from the heart by someone that clearly meant it will make his cheeks heat up and make him avert his gaze.
Kiss the back of her hand or her knuckles while keeping eye contact. The intimacy of it will fluster her more than she is willing others know. She will smile softly and pull you closer for a kiss. 
Give her thoughtful gifts. Maybe trinket she mentioned off-handedly a while back. Maybe something small, made by hand. Anything counts, as long as you put thought into it. 
Surprisingly hard to fluster. For her to blush, you need the stars to align. Still, if the conditions are right, invite her to spend time with you and take her to a place that is important for both of you. Once there, tell her how much she means to you.
Take him off guard. Usually, Milo is ready for a good banter and what is flirting but that? Still, compliment him sincerely and out of nowhere and he will get surprisingly flustered, while pretending not to be. 
The question is not, what makes Blake blush. The question is what doesn’t. Blake is fairly pale, so they tend to blush easily. You will see it on his route. Still, compliments are a good way to go.
Kiss their neck just right and you will see a flustered blush spread from their cheeks down into their neck... Do be prepared to be trapped in a bear hug and kissed senseless after, though.
Rowan? Blushing? HA, don’t make me laugh- Oh wait not.
It’s difficult to make Rowan blush, because they are an incorrigible flirt, but once they grow to care for someone they lower their defenses. As such, once in a relationship, they are more likely to blush if complimented sincerely.
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
Hey so i was wondering, how much is the envy level of ROs and their reactions? And I really liked the story idea and I'm also looking forward to it.
The ROs and Envy
Alright, so here is the envy levels for each RO on a general level. I can’t give you their reactions, because that depends on what they are envying and there is too many options for that. 
Archie is not very envious in general. He is royalty, after all, and he already can get whatever earthly material he desires, he only needs to demand it.
She mostly envies the fact that people have less responsibilities than she does, but she enjoys her life nonetheless and she knows that she can get most things she wants, so she doesn’t see much of the point of being envious.
She truly sees no point on envying other people when she can work to get whatever she wants and earn it by her personal achievements. Yes, sometimes she wants things but she doesn’t tend to envy people who have those things.
Not necessarily the most envious of people, Carmen does tend to feel envy more often than some of the other ROs. Blame it on her childhood as an impoverished member of the nobility, or on whatever you want. The truth is simply, it is rare, but Carmen does crave for what others have once in a while.
This score has changed since Milo’s childhood. Circumstances have made him less likely to envy and covet what others have, because luck granted him a chance to work for the money he needed to satisfy his cravings. Still, sometimes he envies the fabricated freedom and careless life the nobility has crafted for themselves. 
Blake wants and wants and wants. They have wanted since their days on the streets and continued to do so every step of the way. Nothing will ever satisfy them, for they always will desire for more. For a better life, more knowledge. They will crave and envy those who they imagine have what they desire.
They envy nobility and the ease in which they go through life, without a care in the world. They envy those who can live without fearing for how they are going to feed their family. They-. They wish they could have the power to protect those they care from harm.
They like to say that as the Demon Monarch they don’t need nor have envy. The truth is slightly different, however. Circumstances have made it so Rowan envies those who live peaceful lives without the fear of betrayal. They envy those who are not afraid of the truth, because they are. 
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
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                                         Victoria Aurelianus
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