Off Script IF
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Are you the Villain of the story? Development Blog for the upcoming +18 IFOff Script Ori || 22 || She/Her
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
I just came across your IF and wooow the Villains backstory is so sad 😞😥, they were evil no doubt and hurt a lot of people unjustly, but they were made so, I mean their own mom calling them a curse?? 😢💔 I mean they seem like they're the sort of person who was dealt a terrible hand by life and after suffering all that abuse chose to lash out to whoever they could(which is bad) until they turned into the monster they were treated as 😔
1.If its not too spoilery when the Villain returns, is their Mom alive? Did she ever regret treating her child the way she did?
2.Can we choose our relationship with our brother or is it ? I read they love the Villain but I can see the villain especially when they were younger being jealous of their brother and how they were treated by their mom and servants and feeling a little distant like stepping into a space you know you're not allowed in 🤔, isolated from them or even a little bitter about never receiving their moms love? So would it be possible to care about them but be a little distant or rather not know how to interact with them because of their relationship
3.Do people find out about how the villain was treated or rather mistreated growing up?
Oh yes, the Villain's backstory is arguably tragic, because funnily enough, in most Isekai's of the genre the villainesses' backstory tends to be tragic as to explain the reason why they act as they do. They are some in which the villainess is just evil for evil's sake and while those are fun, the story I wanted to tell was one of growth so this trope seemed like it would fit perfectly into the story.
Nope! Andromeda Navis is long dead by the time the Villain returns to Ophiuchus Kingdom! The setting is that Orion did inherit the title of Duke of Navis but he soon realized that he was not up for the task because his skills focus on magic research and not diplomacy, and because of the Villains exploits he realized that his sibling was much better for the job so they asked them to take his position and the Villain agreed.
Yes, definitively! I have mentioned before that while the Villain does love Orion at the beginning of the story, they don't have to have the best sibling relationship. The love is there, because otherwise why would the Villain return to Ophiuchus Kingdom so close to the time they are supposed to die in the game? But it can be so that the Villain doesn't know how to communicate said love, or is distant to Orion due to their childhood. I am hoping to add familial scenes in which Orion and the Villain talk through their issues, but frankly speaking what I have planned is the overarching plotlines and scenes so it is very possible that it might not happen so I don't want to promise anything just yet about the Villain and Orion communicating.
This question steps into spoiler territory so I will just say that you will have to wait and see ❤️
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
Hi, welcome back! I know you want to subvert some frequent tropes in isekais so I wanted to ask - do you have a favorite isekai trope? A least favorite trope? What do you think of isekais that poke fun at and parody its own genre? (My favorite one is "touch my little brother and you're dead.")
Hi hi hi! Good to be back even if my job search has me all over the place! Overall, I do love all isekai's, both those that take things too seriously and those who don't, because they are all fun to read. It's difficult to pick a least favorite trope, though, because it all depends on how the trope is played. For example, I tend to dislike the "the original heroine is actually a green tea bitch" trope because I don't think it makes sense most of the time if the work had established the original heroine as inherently good, but there are times where the trope is well done such as the way 'Please Don't Come to the Villainess' Stationary Store!' does it, or in 'Cheating Men Must Die'.
One trope I do really dislike is when the person that has been isekaied does everything possible to avoid raising death flags and they do it cleverly and we get stuck with the excuse of the story being self-correcting as to why the death flags are still raised just to add more drama for the reader. It just strikes me as a little boring for an explanation. Oh! And another, is when there is a large age gap between the main lead and the isekai'ed character and it is implied that they will end up together when the main lead grows up because they became obsessed with the isekai'ed character. I don't mind unhealthy romances because they can be fun to read but done this way in particular is mildly uncomfortable for me.
My favorite trope right now, is when the MC is isekaid really young and we have a more familial bonding focused story even as the MC goes through their shenanigans as a secondary plot. Examples can be 'Lord Baby Runs a Romance Fantasy with Cash' and 'I Acted As the Adopted Daughter Too Well'. But I have to admit that the 'I possessed the character after they have done some pretty shitty things but there is still time to turn things around and I will! Because I have a child relying on me" found in 'It's Time to Change the Genre' and 'I'm Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is So Cute!'.
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
On the matter of ChoiceofGames. Back when I first went into hiatus, most IF writers had moved to itchio and I was wondering if that was still the case? And if so, does anyone have a list of resources on how to begin coding in itchio? I remember having them saved but I can't seem to find them.
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
Can the Villain have funky colored hair and eyes options like sometimes happens in these type stories? Please? [You know red eyes and black hair = tortured childhood, purple eyes = secret royal, silver hair = freak, etc] 😁😁😁
This I CAN answer! I am hoping to add a lot to character creation choices to the Villain's appearance because I love that you can do it in @zorlok-if but I am also absolutely PANTS in coding so it might not have as varied the options as I would wish if I had the money to pay someone to code the game for me. However, these options will all be non-natural AKA there is going to be a choice in the prologue to describe the Villain with regular human-range hair colors and eye colors and then an option in chapter 1 which shows that the Villain used magic to change or augment their appearance. This is because the Villain shares eye color with Andromeda Navis and Orion's hair and eye color is the same as the ones you choose in the prologue. Instead, like Carmen, the Villain can choose to use magic to dye their hair color and their eyes. This is because as a ducal noble in Ophiuchus Kingdom, the Villain is fully human. Rowan's eyes do weird things with the light because faer is a descendant of the High Fae and a demon, and Blake's eyes are cat-like because he has non-human ancestry but for the most part most of the ROs in the story are fully human.
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
I'm assuming Carmen and the Villain don't know that the other is transmigrated into a VN. But can that be something we reveal to gain trust and will there be consequences if revealed too early? Or will there be a set time when that comes out? Will we be able to share this with the other ROs too?
Unfortunately any and all discussion of what the transmigrators know and do not know is a big fat spoiler. Your thoughts are very interesting, but that is all I can say for now.
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
I did a literally double take when I saw your post on my dash. [A double scroll? A back scroll?] 1. I'm glad to see you're well! 2. Congrats on graduating and best of on the job search 3. Yay so glad to hear this story is still ticking! TYT! Looking forward to what you share 😁
Hehe thank you for this ask! It made me go all warm inside to know that people are this glad to read me again! And thank you for the well wishes! I know I took some time but I am more than ready to get back to the slow but steady race!
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
Well alrighty then shaking the cobwebs question let's gooo
Hmm what are their feelings towards the mc at first? Why do they feel that way?
You can't see me but I am holding a broom and cleaning the cobwebs as we speak. It's honest work and that is all that matters.
As for your question, I answered this partly wayyyy back when I first started the blog here, but this is their impressions of the Villain before their self-imposed exile, and as such, I will be adding their feelings towards the MC post that exile.
Arcturus does not know how to feel about the Villain. Milo has kept him appraised of their adventures over the years, and he has begun to wonder if they have changed, but he remembers them from before the exile and he is conflicted. He hopes that what he has heard is true, he hopes that [SPOILER] means that they are no longer the person he remembers. But at the end of the day, this is merely a hope and he will have to wait and see.
Adhara is wary of Ophiuchus' new Minister of Foreign Affairs. Tales of their exploits have reached her ears through Milo, and she has heard from [SPOILER] that the Villain is [REDACTED]. She is to take the wait and see approach, because she remembers their callousness with other noble children and the rumors she believes they spread regarding her brother. Like Arcturus, she is taking the wait and see approach, but unlike her brother, there is no hope within her, merely a patient sort of wariness.
Victoria had only seen the Villain from affair, but she knows of their reputation and has seen them at their worst. She might have been from a lesser noble family, but she has always been watchful and she notices things. Her love for life makes it so she is willing to welcome the Villain with open arms as Milo's reports do show a change in character, but even then, she keeps a wary eye out for she won't allow them to ruin what she has built.
There is no mixed opinion, no doubt on this case. Carmen hates the Villain for their bullying. She is not aware of the Villain's exploit's abroad, so to her, it seems as if her old bully is returning victorious after gaining everything they wanted and more. It is made worse by the fact that she knows the story and knows [SPOILER] so she worries that they are playing right into their hands.
Funnily enough, for all that Milo's job exposes him to the worst of humanity, he is the one that has the most faith in the Villain at the beginning of the story. Since he gained his position as Spy Master, he took special care to pay close attention to the Villain and he has seen how they have changed and their feats. Still, he is aware that he was not one of their victims so it is not his place to forgive the Villain, and he knows that the Villain might regress to their old self once they return 'home', so he has kept his opinion to himself.
Simply put, they do not care about your previous reputation. To them, all you are is a potential rival. As another person blessed with the Obscurae Arcana since birth, the Villain had a much better life than Blake could have dreamed off when they were young. As such, they want to surpass the Villain's accomplishments and demonstrate that they are stronger than them, better than them because it was Blake who abolished the unjust laws against the Obscurae Arcana, not the Villain. Not Navis.
Yet another person who has no previous relations with the Villain. Xyr opinion of the Villain is simple: xe cannot judge them for things they did before xe knew them, so xe will wait and see what is the Villain's behavior once they meet.
Even before Milo, Rowan is the biggest supporter of the Villain. Fae knows more about the Villain than anyone else, bar Orion, and that means that fae trusts them explicitly. Fae knows their struggles and know that they regrets their actions, has seen their efforts to change.
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
A great disadvantage of having ADHD and the memory of a goldfish to pair is that I completely forgot what I had established and not and now I have to readjust some subplot details to fit what I have said. A great advantage of having ADHD and the memory of a goldfish is that I am currently scrolling to the bottom of this blog and reading everything I have written and falling in love with the concept once more.
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
After eons, we rise again!!!
On a more serious note, I'm so happy to have you back, I've always been a fan of this idea! And also, congratulations on graduating!
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And still I rise!
But yeah, I am glad to be back too because this concept is one I hold close to my heart because I just think is so fun to play with. And thanks! It took a lot of work but I got here and I cant be happier!
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
Holy cow this is my favorite WIP IF! I’m so happy you’re back! I wish you the best of luck with everything in your life, can’t wait to hear more about this!
Oh, I am blushing now. I am very happy to know that this is someone's favorite WIP IF, and even more so now that I see how many people are responding to my announcement.
Thank you so much for the well wishes! I appreciate them a lot!
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
aaaaaa such excitement much wow. good luck both with finding a job and this IF! i love the concept so i'll be keeping up even if stuff goes slow. good things come to those who wait, yeah?
Hi! Thank you so much for your excitement! I am glad people are still interested on Off Script and I am even more glad to know people are willing to wait for me to figure out how the fuck coding works because now that I have the four subplots of the story fully plotted out I have to admit I am super excited about the story. And yes! They sure do! I personally think that the story is pretty good so I am hoping I can deliver!
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
I am officially back! I have been thinking about Off Script over the last few months and I truly do miss it, but as I have graduated and I am currently looking for a job, I must warn you that there will be a slow yet steady progress with the game. However, I have decided to edit the prologue since I have worked on the plot more in detail and I need to ensure that it follows things through. Additionally, since it's been over a year since I went on hiatus, I need to reacquaint myself with the IF set up as well as relearn everything I had learned about UI in order to code the game and make it aesthetically pleasant so unfortunately the prologue will likely take a while to be published.
Still, since I need to shake the cobwebs regarding the IF and the ROs/their personalities, I will be answering asks for the next couple of days for those who are interested! That is to say, my inbox is officially opened again.
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offscriptif · 2 years ago
Hiatus Notice
This notice comes a bit late, and after I had set a tentative date for the Prologue and I apologize. Grad school, as well as a job search has made it extremely difficult for me to continue working on Off Script or Armageddon on a rate I would deem productive and instead has become an stressors for me. As such, I am putting both works in a hiatus while I finish my Masters. That is not to say that I will be dropping the works, but rather, that I will take my time to work on them on more slowly, focusing on polishing the plot that I already have and trying to ensure it's not as rushed.
It's my hope that I will be returning by July 2023, perhaps with Chapter One done.
I apologize to everyone that is excited about the Off Script prologue, but while I do like what I have written so far, I am also too stressed by my current workload to feel like I would be doing the best job I can if I publish it now.
Thank you all for your constant support and your questions (which I will be answering when I come back, I swear!), and I hope to see you next summer!
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
to my fellow usamericans….in light of the supreme court overturning roe v wade, well known organizations like planned parenthood dont need your money right now - they have plenty - if you’re going to donate, donate to your local or state abortion funds
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
i'm such a huge fucking fan of having and using magic requiring effort. whether mental, physical, or both. i'm so fond of magic systems that make you sweat, bleed, cry and get your hands dirty when you use them. i love it when powers are earned, not inherent, through years of study and/or exercizing them like a muscle. and i love it when a seemingly effortless display of power is terrifying because of this.
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offscriptif · 3 years ago
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French Villages
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