#via swirl sans
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fantasblog · 1 year ago
Here's via swirl and pastel colors doodles.
Edit: I love pastel colors "scary face"-
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-via swirl (cavi x aaron shipchild) by me
-pastel colors (arbol) (an poly star sanses shipchild/combo) by Me
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daceydeath · 1 month ago
Crashing Waves (Part 2)
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Pairing: Pirate San x Reader Word Count: 4.4K Genre: Fantasy Au, Slow Burn Romance Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Swearing, Past Criminal Behavior, Mentions of Abuse
Masterlist - here
I thought that I knew love. But it was just the waves crashing over us. - Waves by The Dear Hunter
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You smiled widely at Salvia as you stepped back into the apothecary the following morning, once again she had been right the tea had calmed you completely making your trip to the cove much easier and you slept peacefully.
“It worked I see, my little possum” Salvia smiled slyly as you pulled your apron over your head and redid your messy bun at the back of your head.
“Of course it did, you made it” you rolled your eyes playfully making her chuckle as she returned to placing the tonic from the day before onto the shelves in the window display.
“I have more tonic bottles that I need you to dip in wax this morning” she hummed moving the sign on the door to say open.
“I can do that Via” you nodded, moving around the counter and out the back so you could begin melting the beeswax you would need and find the bottle of blue dye you would need to make it the correct shade of azure that Salvia required it to be. You heard the bell ring but didn’t bother moving as you knew Salvia was in the shop, dropping small amounts of the dye and swirling it until it was just right.
“She is not here pirate, now leave” Salvia snapped viciously making you start almost dropping the dye bottle you were holding onto the floor. You hadn’t closed the door so the voices from the shop floated through to you now that the pisces were louder.
“We are not here to harm her, she fainted yesterday. I wanted to see if she was alright” the voice almost pleaded, the familiar timbre catching you off guard.
“How do you know she fainted? How do I know you are not telling me lies to steal another girl from under my nose to sell to the highest bidder?” Salvia was almost shouting the venom in her words enough to chill your blood.
“We don’t steal women and sell them” a second voice snapped “What kind of fucking monsters do you think we are?”.
“Are you not Ateez? Do you not sail with that wretched Hongjoong?” Salvia continued not answering his questions “You are not welcome in my shop, leave”.
The silence that followed was filled with heavy tension that pressed against your chest only when the bell rang again as they left the shop did you let go of the breath you were holding. Swallowing hard, you began dipping the tonic bottles to seal the corks, hoping that Salvia would not notice that you had overheard everything that had been said or the fact that you did not tell her you had fainted, you managed almost two dozen bottles before she stepped into the back room.
“Did you faint yesterday?” Salvia asked softly, her voice now sounding hoarse.
“Yes” you murmured ashamedly.
“Did those pirates help you?” she asked again.
“I didn’t know they were pirates” you muttered lying to her again hoping she wouldn’t press you further. “They helped me and asked for my name. I didn't think that they would look for me”.
“You need to go home little possum, it won't be safe here until they leave and return to the ocean” Salvia sighed softly, taking your hand and squeezing it. “If they want you to leave with them do not, If they try to persuade you, do not listen. You need to be wary of Captain Hongjoong, he is not a good man”.
“I will Via I will go home once I finish the rest of these bottles hopefully they won't still be in the street then” you nodded taking in her words. You didn’t know who Hongjoong was other than a man that you had met by accident but he hadn’t hurt you nor had the others so there was something that you did not know about, something dark and scary you needed to discover. You wiped the last of the wax from your fingers and took your apron off. Salvia had given you her shawl to wear over your hair to make you less easy to see but you were unsure it would help given how easy it seemed to be to find you. Leaving from the back door you made your way to the kitchen of the tavern to ask the only person who loved to tell stories even if they were gruesome and horrid. Leaf the barman.
“The woman said she wasn’t there but I’m pretty sure she was” Yunho explained tersely “But she refused to let us near her because we are part of this crew, not because we are pirates because we sail with you Captain”.
“Accusing us of kidnapping women and selling them into slavery” San added, sounding offended by the idea of it.
"She was utterly disgusted by us" Yuhno finished frowning deeply as he looked towards his Captain for answers. Hongjoong sighed tiredly, his hand moving to wipe down his face as he contemplated what past truths to reveal and whether Seonghwa was happy to do the same.
"She has every right to be," Seonghwa answered gently, the slight tremor in his voice going unnoticed by most of the others. "There was a time when I was very different to now, when I had no choice but to follow the orders of those that held my leash".
"Leash? What the fuck does that mean?" Jongho's eyes narrowed dangerously.
"When I met Hongjoong I was part of a team of people like me, spies and assassins really, all of us were under a sort of captive service. My sister had refused the advances of our local Duke and to get back at our family I was arrested and told that my services would be used until I was deemed 'fit to be freed' which meant either my sister married him or I remained in service. I did just that for five years until my sister and parents were killed when our home was burnt down in a fire which meant I could escape" Seonghwa explained softly but thoroughly pointedly ignoring the looks of pity from San and Yeosang.
"How old were you?" Yeosang asked knowingly, his face mirroring the pain that was etched into Seonghwa's words.
"When did they take me? 14" Seonghwa smiled sadly "I could blend in when I wanted to and disappear when needed. That was useful to them".
"Was that what happened to you too, Captain?" Wooyoung probed not wanting to open too many old wounds.
"No, but when Seonghwa was almost ready to flee we met so we were both very young. I was already on a ship then under a different banner but still Seonghwa joined up and came with me it wasn't until a couple of years later that we left that crew to look into starting our own that we could work with for the long term" Hongjoong conceded not really wanting to admit more than he needed to yet.
"So that crew earned you a bad reputation then?" Jongho still eyed both of them suspiciously knowing full well that neither were revealing the whole truth to them yet.
"My previous captain was far more cruel than I am, he would take prisoners for ransom, burn down homes fuck once he killed a merchant's wife in front of him because he wouldn't give him the key to his safe" Hongjoong sighed deeply again turning his back to the others before exiting to his quarters.
"That would be why she thinks we kidnap people" San groaned irritably "She is never going to let us near her".
"That doesn't mean you can't check up on her through other means" Seonghwa shrugged before leaving to follow Hongjoong.
"So what are they still hiding?" Jongho asked no one in particular.
"Like nearly the whole fucking story" Mingi laughed mirthlessly.
"There is probably a really good reason though, I for one trust our captain" Yeosang interjected looking between them all with a stern glance.
“No one doubts our Captain” Wooyoung patted Yeosang’s shoulder.
Sitting at the bar at barely 10 o'clock in the morning was not something you ever did but you were pleasantly surprised how quiet it was as Leaf set about cleaning the beer spigots and changing the barrels. He had looked surprised to see you until you had told him Salvia had chucked you out the shop and he had laughed at the idea of you fucking up so bad that she had to get rid of you to clean up. You weren't going to correct him, you wanted him in a good mood and talking.
"Did you want more tea?" he glanced up, suddenly hearing your mug hit the wooden bar top.
"Nah I'm good" you grinned as he went back to working on wiping up sticky port wine from below the counter. "What's the latest gossip Leaf? Any new couples I need to know about?".
"Ah lass there is so much going on right now" he grinned broadly dropping the soiled rag onto the bar and leaning closer to you "Have you heard that Pansy has been shacking up with Birch? Caused quite the scandal that he dropped Violet for her" he waggled his eyebrows comically.
"No! you're kidding? When did that happen?" you cried dramatically feeding into his need to provide all the juicy details.
"Just this week, can you believe it? Him and Violet were meant to get married in the spring" he continued, pleased with your reaction. "Then there was that ship full of dangerous rogues who arrived in the night on Friday. Been here for all of one week and two of them have passed young Rose between them. Such a pity I thought she was a good girl".
"Hold on, dangerous rogues? Here?" you spluttered theatrically playing into his words.
"Yes I'm sure even you spotted their enormous ship moored down at the docks!" He chuckled, rolling his eyes at you.
"Well yes, I saw the ship but I didn't know they were mysterious rogues here to corrupt the towns girls" you tried to look scandalized as you could to keep him going knowing how to keep him talking.
"Pirates! led by a particularly nasty one called Hongjoong, he and his first mate have quite the history of murder and mayhem behind them" he nodded seriously.
"If they are so dangerous, Leaf, how come I have no idea who they are?". You raised your eyebrows at him "Famous pirates who no one has heard of?".
"You're probably just not paying enough attention! You wander around in your own head half the time" he roared laughing and you scrunch your nose at him huffing in faux offence. "Hongjoong their captain used to sail with The Black Sails. Their captain was a mean bastard always after blood and coin, burnt Saliva's village to the ground and took three of their prettiest girls to sell off to lords or slavers or something. Horrid scum they were. Hongjoong was one of their best fighters, he probably still is, he has killed hundreds of men despite how young he looks".
"My gods" you gasped actually shocked that the men you had met were such monsters. You had heard tales of The Black Sails when you were a child, the stories always feeling more like a fairy tale of the boogeyman than reality.
"I don't think that this Ateez crew behaves like that to be honest they seem happy to just plunder other pirates not towns but you never know" Leaf continued his voice lowering as he tapped the side of his nose "Besides his first mate was an assassin for the Crown Court at one point and those men are the most dangerous men alive". You felt your head spin as the color drained from your face Seonghwa was an assassin? How many people had the two of them killed? How many lives had they destroyed? and you just followed him around their ship.
"What about the others? Are they all cruel and horrific monsters like that?" you whispered leaning in closer to Leaf, your eyes wide.
"I don't know but you never can really know can you" he tapped the bar a few times and you jumped and whipped your head around when the door of the tavern opened and San and Yunho stepped inside their eyes both locking onto you before you could even turn away from them.
"Sorry gentlemen, we aren't open yet, come back in a few hours" Leaf called gruffly not failing to notice how they both looked at you.
"Of course innkeep" San bowed his head respectfully as his eyes stayed locked onto you. Yunho opened the door again and they both stepped back out onto the street trying to hide their obvious interest in you.
"I think you better leave the way you came lass, safety and all that" Leaf muttered keeping his eyes on them through the smokey glass of the windows.
"Thanks Leaf" you murmured, scampering back through the kitchen and out into the alleyway making your way back towards Salvia's so that you could hide out there again now that they had seen you in the tavern they wouldn't return to her shop, at least you hoped that they wouldn't.
You crept back into the storeroom of the apothecary waiting to hear if you could hear any customers in the shop before you could get Saliva's attention.
"Via?" you called cautiously hearing some clinking and shuffling from the shop. "Via?" Salvia popped her head through the backroom door looking suspiciously around the room until she spotted you standing in the doorway of the storeroom where you could remain hidden from any windows.
"What are you doing back here?" she hissed, shutting the door behind her.
"They saw me outside the tavern so I came back here" you replied sheepishly looking at your feet.
"That's actually a good idea" Salvia muttered the scolding she had been preparing for leaving her as she made her way to the stove to pop the kettle on it and began unwrapping cloth covered items in her basket. "Here eat this I made them yesterday so they are still fresh" she smiled kindly handing you a currant berry scone.
"Thanks Via" you sighed in relief, biting into the sweet treat.
"The tavern is the opposite way to your home, little possum, how did they see you there?" Salvia asked whilst she prepared a mug of hot cocoa for the pair of you.
"I went to see Leaf" you admitted guiltily "I wanted to know more about why you hated them so much for just being around Hongjoong".
"You could have just asked me, little possum" she shook her head resignedly, a lingering sadness in her eyes.
“I didn’t need all the details and I didn’t want to upset you” you shrugged sheepishly taking a deep fortifying breath you met Salvia’s eyes. “I met Captain Hongjoong at the docks the night of the king tide, I didn’t speak to him politely and he left after a few words so I just kept to myself and left to go home. Seonghwa followed me and spoke to me just outside at the entrance to the alleyway. He invited me to the ship and stupidly I agreed. I met them all at the ship and then something happened. I got dizzy, my head felt like it was going to split open and I fainted. The two who came into the shop, Yunho and San, helped me, Yunho is a medic so he treated me until I was well enough to get back off the ship and San well he promised he would get me off the ship if it was the last thing he ever did”. You couldn’t stop the words from spilling from your lips keenly aware that Salvia might just hit you with one of her copper pans.
“You are a foolish woman” Salvia snapped acidically before conceding “but you are your mother daughter. She too was too curious and too trusting”.
“Don’t talk about her like she’s dead Via” you sighed “just because she moved to King’s Isle to set up shop”. It had long been a thing that the towns folk spoke about those who moved away as though they were dead perhaps to encourage the children to stay and keep the town alive.
“She is as good as” Salvia muttered under her breath just loud enough for you to hear and choose to ignore. “What happened before you got dizzy, before your head pain began?”.
“I met Hongjoong again in his quarters along with a couple of other members of his crew. I was mostly ignoring him, looking at the paintings he had on the walls and ceiling then I saw a portrait of a sea nymph and when I asked about it he got all defensive then the pain started”. You recalled thinking hard to remember who was near you or talking to you when you felt it start. “No one was talking to me directly and Seonghwa’s hand brushed my clothes but not actually me, then I fell and San caught me”. Intentionally leaving out any mention of the woman’s voice you had heard or what she had said you didn’t need Saliva to think you had lost your mind.
“Perhaps it was just your intuition trying to protect you” Salvia pondered looking almost through you “They wouldn’t want to explain away a stricken local girl on board their cursed ship, it was a good way to get yourself back onto land”.
“Or perhaps they weren’t actually going to hurt me? ” You offered tiredly, feeling like you would prefer to talk about anything that wasn't Hongjoong for at least the next ten years of your life. The hours passed slowly as Salvia went in and out of the shop front and back room dealing with customers as they came and went.
“Twilight's hitting us, little possum, you should head home but keep to the backstreets if you can” Salvia guided you towards the rear entrance that you had snuck out of the first time you had attempted to escape without notice. Nodding you agreed, letting her quietly shove you from the premises and into the cooling air. You begrudgingly realized you should have brought a jacket but you hadn't expected that you would be playing hide and seek with a collection of pirates when you got ready that morning so you would just have to deal with the goosebumps until you got home.
The first few alleyways were empty aside from a stray cat and a small child playing hopscotch, it started to sweep away the tension about how normal it was, how utterly ordinary the trip was going to be until you had to cross into the thin road beside the empty tea salon.
“So you have been avoiding us?” A musical voice asked sadly from the top of the salon’s wall.
“Shit” you squealed loudly holding your chest as your heart thundered against your ribs “Are you trying to kill me here?”.
“Absolutely not, it's pretty much rule one in medicine ‘dont kill your patient's’ I try to follow at least that one” A tentative looking Yunho stepped out from the arch in the bricks.
“We just wanted to make sure you were well and there was nothing still making you sick” San pouted looking around Yunho’s shoulder to meet your eyes making your breath hitch in your throat.
“Well as you can see I'm fine” you smiled tightly, stepping back from them so you were technically in a more open area.
“We would never hurt you, I promise. Just like I promised I would get you off the ship” San frowned, hurt flashing in his warm eyes.
“You have been told things then?” Seonghwa tutted leaping from his high point to the ground gracefully like a cat, his landing almost silent.
“You forgot to mention you were mass murderers and assassins either times you've spoken to me” you swallowed hard not wanting to show weakness as footsteps sounded to your right on the open road.
“Because we aren't” Yunho emphatically answered his eyes not leaving your face 
“You might not be, San might not be but he is and so is your captain” you used your chin to gesture at Seonghwa not willing to look at him instead keeping your eyes on San’s face. Silence fell over the four of you until a voice rang out nearby in the fading light.
“Lass, you alright?” The gruffness was not directed at you but to the unseen people that he could see you were talking to albeit from a distance.
“Actually, would you mind walking me home? I heard there were pirates around and I don't want to get into trouble” you smiled meekly at the docker that was walking towards you, his lady wife two steps behind him.
“Of course child” she answered loudly waving you over to her side “ we always keep our own safe” her warm smile as you quickly went to her side soothed your nerves a touch.
“You stay with us lass, we'll get you home in one piece” he nodded sharply stepping into the crossroad you had been standing in before ushering both you and his wife forward. When you passed him you noticed the three men were nowhere to be seen. “You made the right decision there last, can never be too careful”.
“Thank you, it's never not been safe before” you murmured keeping your voice low as you noticed Seonghwa’s shadow move across the roofline following your every step.
A sleepless night followed and you were glad that you were alone in your room, Mara had been called to the farm to help prepare for the harvest, which meant that at least if Seonghwa tried to get to you she wouldn't be hurt. Not that you really thought he would, the house was full and he was not going to risk it for a simple thing as telling you what you heard was either nonsense or truth. But your insides were screaming at you, the voice in your head wouldn't stop calling out and you were getting more uncomfortable. Finally you dragged yourself from your bed and looked out your window staring into the darkness you strained to see if any shape was out of the ordinary, if anything moved the way it shouldn't when you saw nothing you sighed and moved to the next window. You had made your way around the whole house looking out bathroom windows, lounge windows and the study window but you saw nothing, felt nothing untoward was lurking out there in the darkness. Determined to get your mind to calm you pulled on your uncle's coat and silently crept from the house making your way towards the cove that you frequented. You hadn't mentioned the cove you were sure of that, so you knew you would be safe there you half done up boots scuffing against the uneven cobblestones as you reached the edge of town. You were still alone as far as you could tell so slipping your boots off you stepped into the soft sand and walked towards the gentle lapping at the water's edge.
“You are pretty stealthy for someone with no training” Seonghwa stated softly making you bristle.
“Why are you here Seonghwa? Was I not obvious enough about not wanting to be near you?” You muttered bitterly his presence ruining your quest for calm
“To explain and apologize” he sighed earnestly, not moving from where he stood eight feet away from you.
“Then explain” you huffed feeling the water that was lapping at your toes now coming up to your ankles.
“I was both of the things you heard, but it was years ago and not who I am now. I had no choice then, not that it changes what I did but it's still a fact that I didn't do it willingly” his voice remained low but you could feel the emotion and regret that was hidden in his words. You nodded for him to continue hoping he would give you a little more of a crumb of context.
“The ruling Duke was going to kill my family, my sister if I didn't comply. So I did until he broke his word and killed her anyway then I ran and I found Hongjoong. We started our crew and we don't do things like that, we attack pirates, merchant navy and any ship with lords colors. We don't kill unless we need to and we give half our hauls to villages in exchange for shelter” he continued his voice remaining even.
“How old were you?” You finally looked at him hoping he wasn't lying to you.
“I was taken at 14, I was small and good at being ignored. They trained me in fighting, stealth and weapons and held my leash tightly, threatening to kill my family constantly to keep me compliant, and as a foolish boy I believed them. I was only allowed to see them a few times in the years I worked for the Crown court each time my sister was more and more terrified and I didn't ever know why. Until just before my 19th birthday I heard whispers in another royal court I was collecting information in that things were being hidden about the spies that my the Duke had, I wanted to know what and after I convinced some people to talk I discovered that me and the others were all trapped into service the same way, I returned to the Duke’s garrison and found letters from my parents and sister dozens of them. My parents begging for my help with the abuse my sister was suffering through and my sister pleading for me to forgive her for what she was going to do. One night after years of being systematically abused by the Duke she fought back and he set my home alight leaving my family to burn alive” Seonghwa’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears.
“My god Seonghwa I am so sorry” you whispered horror plastered across your face. “I know sorry can't fix anything but…. Fuck”.
“Hongjoong’s story is not too different really neither of us had happy starts, neither of us made good decisions while we were still essentially children” Seonghwa lamented as he moved closer to you until he could have touched his arm against yours. “Please don't hold it against San he didn't even know until today, neither did Yunho”.
“I sort of figured since they were both shocked when Salvia told them to leave” you admitted heavily and the sea water soothed you.
“Come visit again. Please” Seonghwa smiled softly before retreating back into the darkness.
Safe now
The voice whispered quietly, making you hum in contentment.
a/n: Thank you for reading and for your patience my lovely loves. As always your likes, reblogs, comments and love give me a light in the darkness xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz @armystay89 @damnyouficc @roamingpolar
@tara-skyhold @bakedlilgoonie @krishastumblernow @mrsseals16 @fawnpeaks
@leeknowinggg @tanzen-ist-gold @uno7 @ocean-dreamer-sky-chaser @skersey33
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minisugakoobies · 1 year ago
Best friend’s bro trying to cheer OC up when they come home
🥺🥺🥺 Oh my god, YES, that is definitely something San would do!
So here's 700+ words about it. No warnings, other than PINING oh my god the pining!
Meetings with your editor are never your favorite thing. But today's meeting was especially stressful, given all the "cutting back" going on at work. The staff size is shrinking and you feel like your neck is on the chopping block.
It feels like you've run the gauntlet by the time you get home. Mentally exhausted, back aching from holding yourself upright so rigidly during the meeting, trying to look interested, like a good employee.
But to get into your apartment, you need a key, and right now, yours appears to have fallen into the Bermuda Triangle via your purse. Swearing profusely, you dig through your bag for a few minutes, before finally finding what you need.
The door opens, then stops suddenly, like there's a weight on the other side. "What the f-"
Nero greets you. Not on the ground. In the air.
You take a step back, baffled laughter leaving your lips. Your black cat is suspended in the crack of the doorway, bright green eyes blinking at you in similar confusion, San's hands gently wrapped around his middle. Around Nero's neck is his little fish-spotted bowtie, the one that makes him look like a proper gentleman.
"Good afternoon, sajangnim," San's voice says from behind the door. He shifts Nero slightly, like he's snapping to attention. "Welcome home."
"Thank you," you giggle, giving Nero a chin scritch. You push on the door slightly, and San steps back, bringing Nero into his arms.
"Hi Noona," he grins. HIs fingers stroke the back of Nero's neck, which is one of Nero's favorite spots. Which San knows now, too. He and Nero are inseparable. 
“When did Nero get a job as our doorman?” you ask, sliding your shoes off before slipping into your house shoes. 
“Just today. And he’s doing such a good job, isn’t he?” San rubs Nero’s ears, earning a loud rumble in return. “Yes, he is.” 
It’s too cute, the way San fawns over your cat. Like he knows Nero has a piece of your heart. So he protects him. Protects it. 
It’s too cute and it’s too much to think about. 
You don’t lay down so much as collapse onto your couch, a loose pile of bones sprawling across the cushions. San takes a spot on the floor, leaning back against the couch. Nero leaps from San’s arms up onto your legs, where he proceeds to bake biscuits in the meat of your thigh. 
“Where’s Haneul?” you ask. Normally when San’s sister is working third shift, she’s up by now, zoning out in front of the tv until she has to get ready for work. 
“Jongho took her out for breakfast slash dinner,” San informs you. “Just me and Nero home.” 
“Well, good thing he’s here to keep you in line. And he got a promotion today, so I think someone’s earned an extra treat tonight.” Nero’s purring grows, ears pricking up at the word ‘treat.’ 
San passes you the remote. He watches you scroll through your Netflix queue for a few minutes. As your fingers run over Nero’s smooth coat, you wonder idly if San’s hair feels as soft as it looks. 
“What about me?” San tips his head back, letting it rest on the cushion beneath your hips while he glances at you. “It was my idea to make him doorman.” 
He pouts, but not his usual pout, not the one that makes you want to give him everything in the world, but a comic pout, bottom lip stretched to its limit, meant to do nothing more than to make you giggle. Which it does.
“Why’d you do that, anyway?”
Something shifts in San’s eyes.
“You said this morning that you had a meeting today. I remember how stressed you were after the last two. So when I heard you in the hall, cursing like a sailor, I figured maybe you could use a laugh.”
“Oh.” Looks like San knows other things now, too. “Oh, yeah, that’s - I did have a meeting. And it sucked. So, um, thanks.” Too many emotions swirl through you, your voice shrinking as you speak, unsure how to express how you feel. Or if you even should. “I appreciate it.” 
“Of course.” When he smiles, your chest physically aches. “Anything to see you smile, Noona.” 
There goes another piece of your heart.
Previous installments of bff's lil bro San: one two three four
Tagging a few people who I think are interested @moni-logues @kiestrokes @augustbutwinter @sweetnspicy-noona @krystal-a @yeontan-my-love
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icantbelieveitsnotmeta · 2 years ago
Weapons (Swords)
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Wanna know the worst part about being broke? You can’t get the most aesthetically pleasing weapons.
Included in this list is all of the 3-star and 4-star swords in Genshin Impact (because 5-star weapons are for people with money) except for weapons obtained via Gnostic Hymn/Battle Pass or purchased with Starglitter.
Weapons in which the blueprints are obtained (or are simply obtained as-is) via World Quests (ex. the Aranara quest line), obtained via forging only, and event weapons will be in italics. All other weapons are either obtained via wishing or overworld activities such as opening chests. 
I will clarify which weapons are blueprints, obtained from quests, and which are event weapons. If they are available, I will also link guides to said quests.
Percentage and Flat stats apply to these to. (if you didn’t read the artifact stat guide, Flat always adds a set amount, Percentage adds a portion of a preexisting stat)
Also these stats are lvl90 and the abilities are R1
Cool Steel
Base ATK: 401
Substat: ATK 35.2%
Ability: Bane of Water and Ice
Increases DMG against opponents affected by Hydro or Cryo by 12%.
** **
Dark Iron Sword
Base ATK: 401
Substat: Elemental Mastery 141
Ability: Overloaded
Upon causing an Overloaded, Superconduct, Electro-Charged, Quicken, Aggravate, Hyperbloom, or Electro-infused Swirl reaction, ATK is increased by 20% for 12s.
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Fillet Blade
Base ATK: 401
Substat: ATK 35.2%
Ability: Gash
On hit, has 50% chance to deal 240% ATK DMG to a single enemy. Can only occur once every 15s.
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Harbinger of Dawn
Base ATK: 401
Substat: CRIT DMG 46.9%
Ability: Vigorous
When HP is above 90%, increases CRIT Rate by 14%.
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Skyrider Sword
Base ATK: 354
Substat: Energy Recharge 51.7%
Ability: Determination (sans would like to know your location)
Using an Elemental Burst grants a 12% increase in ATK and Movement SPD for 15s.
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Traveler's Handy Sword
Base ATK: 448
Substat: DEF 29.3%
Ability: Journey
Each Elemental Orb or Particle collected restores 1% HP.
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Alley Flash
Base ATK: 620
Substat: Elemental Mastery 55
Ability: Itinerant Hero
Increases DMG dealt by the character equipping this weapon by 12%. Taking DMG disables this effect for 5s
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Amenoma Kageuchi (obtained from the world quest The Farmer's Treasure)
Base ATK: 454
Substat: ATK 55.1%
Ability: Iwakura Succession
After casting an Elemental Skill, gain 1 Succession Seed. This effect can be triggered once every 5s. The Succession Seed lasts for 30s. Up to 3 Succession Seeds may exist simultaneously. After using an Elemental Burst, all Succession Seeds are consumed and after 2s, the character regenerates 6 Energy for each seed consumed.
** **
Cinnabar Spindle (obtained from the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event that took place in the 2.3 patch)
Base ATK: 454
Substat: DEF 69.0% (nice)
Ability: Spotless Heart
Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 40% of DEF. The effect will be triggered no more than once every 1.5s and will be cleared 0.1s after the Elemental Skill deals DMG.
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Favonius Sword
Base ATK: 454
Substat: Energy Recharge 61.3%
Ability: Windfall
CRIT hits have a 60% chance to generate a small amount of Elemental Particles, which will regenerate 6 Energy for the character. Can only occur once every 12s.
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Festering Desire (obtained from the The Chalk Prince and the Dragon event that took place in the 1.2 patch)
Base ATK: 510
Substat: Energy Recharge 45.9%
Ability: Undying Admiration
Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 16% and Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 6%.
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Iron Sting (obtained via forging)
Base ATK: 510
Substat: Elemental Mastery 165
Ability: Infusion Stinger
Dealing Elemental DMG increases all DMG by 6% for 6s. Max 2 stacks. Can only occur once every 1s.
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Kagotsurube Isshin (obtained at the end of Kaedehara Kazuha's story quest)
Base ATK: 510
Substat: ATK 41.3%
Ability: Isshin Art Clarity
When a Normal, Charged, or Plunging Attack hits an opponent, it will whip up a Hewing Gale, dealing AoE DMG equal to 180% of ATK and increasing ATK by 15% for 8s. This effect can be triggered once every 8s.
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Lion's Roar
Base ATK: 510
Substat: ATK 41.3%
Ability: Bane of Fire and Thunder
Increases DMG against enemies affected by Pyro or Electro by 20%.
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Prototype Rancour (obtained via forging)
Base ATK: 565
Substat: Physical DMG Bonus 34.5%
Ability: Smashed Stone
On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK and DEF by 4% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. This effect can only occur once every 0.3s.
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Sacrificial Sword
Base ATK: 454
Substat: Energy Recharge 61.3%
Ability: Composed
After dealing damage to an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has a 40% chance to end its own CD. Can only occur once every 30s.
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Sapwood Blade (obtained via the Aranyaka questline. After completing the quest, go to Sumeru’s Tree of Dreams and there will be an Aranara selling the blueprint)
Base ATK: 565
Substat: Energy Recharge 30.6%
Ability: Forest Sanctuary
After triggering Burning, Quicken, Aggravate, Spread, Bloom, Hyperbloom, or Burgeon, a Leaf of Consciousness will be created around the character for a maximum of 10s. When picked up, the Leaf will grant the character 60 Elemental Mastery for 12s. Only 1 Leaf can be generated this way every 20s. This effect can still be triggered if the character is not on the field. The Leaf of Consciousness' effect cannot stack.
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Sword of Descension (god i hate version exclusives so fucking much) (obtainable to those who logged onto Genshin Impact any time on the PS4/PS5) (Note that it’s ability will not work on other platforms such as mobile and PC)
Base ATK: 440
Substat: ATK 35.2%
Ability: Descension
Hitting enemies with Normal or Charged Attacks grants a 50% chance to deal 200% ATK as DMG in a small AoE. This effect can only occur once every 10s.
Additionally, if the Traveler equips the Sword of Descension, their ATK is increased by 66
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The Flute
Base ATK: 510
Substat: ATK 41.3%
Ability: Chord
Normal or Charged Attacks grant a Harmonic on hits. Gaining 5 Harmonics triggers the power of music and deals 100% ATK DMG to surrounding enemies. Harmonics last up to 30s, and a maximum of 1 can be gained every 0.5s.
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Toukabou Shigure (obtained from the Akitsu Kimodameshi event that took place in the 3.3 patch)
Base ATK: 510
Substat: Elemental Mastery 165
Ability: Rainfall Earthbinder (Toph Beifong would like to know your location)
After an attack hits opponents, it will inflict an instance of Cursed Parasol upon one of them for 10s. This effect can be triggered once every 15s. If this opponent is defeated during Cursed Parasol's duration, Cursed Parasol's CD will be refreshed immediately. The character wielding this weapon will deal 16% more DMG to the opponent affected by Cursed Parasol.
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Xiphos' Moonlight
Base ATK: 510
Substat: Elemental Mastery 165
Ability: Jinni's Whisper
The following effect will trigger every 10s: The equipping character will gain 0.036% Energy Recharge for each point of Elemental Mastery they possess for 12s, with nearby party members gaining 30% of this buff for the same duration. Multiple instances of this weapon can allow this buff to stack. This effect will still trigger even if the character is not on the field.
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8dpromo · 2 months ago
Animal Friend - Stokin (Green Gorilla Lounge)
8DPromo · Animal Friend - Stokin (Green Gorilla Lounge)
Animal Friend's "Stokin" takes on new dimensions in the hands of San Francisco production duo Sleight of Hands, who transform the original's indie-disco framework into something altogether more expansive. This remix package, released via Green Gorilla Lounge, showcases the source material's strength and the remixers' deft touch at reconstruction. The Sleight of Hands remix maintains Kazuko Anne Kimura's haunting vocals while building new sound architectures beneath. The duo's production style shines through in the careful layering of breaks and house rhythms, creating dance floor momentum without sacrificing the original's psychedelic undertones. What's particularly striking is how the remix honors Animal Friend's evolution from an 80s-inspired rock outfit to electronic innovators. The original mix, included in the package, provides context for this transformation and highlights how Kimura and Jasper Speicher have developed their distinctive voices in San Francisco's electronic music landscape.
Jon Wesley (Insomniac) – “I love the Slight of Hands remix. It reminds me of Plastic Dreams a bit. Love the vocal too. Great San Francisco-style house.” Juan Moreno (Neo Ouija) – “Nice. Perfect track for the night.” Luis Machuca (Friskybeat Records) – “New funky wave vibes.” Ket Shah (Mucho Soul) – “The Original Mix is a Strong Dancefloor tool.” DJ Morpheus (Lysergic Factory Radio Show) – “Excellent track and remix by Sleight of Hands! I dig it very much.” Simon Kirk (Proton Radio) – “This is pure class. Stokin original mix is my fav, the punk influenced vocal against that backdrop of bass, keys and swirling pads! 10/10.”
Available Now From: Beatport, Traxsource, Apple Music, And Spotify.
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nazmulbd00m-blog · 3 months ago
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chrisryanspeaks · 7 months ago
Mr. Gnome Unleashes Psychedelic Masterpiece 'A Sliver of Space' with Ferocious New Single 'Fader'
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Pushing the boundaries of sonic exploration, Cleveland art-rock duo Mr. Gnome crafts a vibrant, ever-changing realm of psychedelic orchestration on their eagerly anticipated LP, *A Sliver of Space*, slated for release on September 27th via El Marko Records. Following the release of their first single, "Nothing and Everything," Mr. Gnome unveils the new single "Fader" —a colossal track that tears through its seven-minute runtime with relentless ferocity and a full-on sonic assault. Check out "Fader" on YouTube, and see below for the most up-to-date list of North American fall tour dates. Pre-order the vinyl and CD, and find it on Bandcamp. "We had just finished mixing our album and were about to send it off for mastering when this song crept into our brains. We fell in love with the heavy, gritty vibe and the contrasting gooey vocals, and kept pushing this song as far as we could take it," they explain. "Our brother and longtime collaborator/touring guitarist/bassist, Jonah Meister, added lead guitars that dance around the vocals, including a breakneck improvised solo. Combining our love of The Stooges, Black Sabbath, Joy Division, and 90s shoegaze, we had a ton of fun writing this one." Mixed by Claudius Mittendorfer (Interpol, Tennis, Temples, Panic! At The Disco, Parquet Courts, Ra Ra Riot), *A Sliver of Space* bursts with hypnotic, gritty rock anthems that suddenly give way to long-form, drug-fueled journeys, transporting the listener on a surreal trip from start to finish. Mr. Gnome continues to defy simple genre classification, creating a dense tapestry of textures, aural fabrics, and influences that coalesce into a unique, defining sound. Throughout its relatively compact runtime, electronica, desert rock, punk, indie rock, and lush soundscapes swirl and converge, all woven with the continuous thread of lead singer/guitarist Nicole Barille’s golden harmonies. "When we started writing *A Sliver of Space*," they recount, "we were working through a lot of personal loss and life upheaval. Lyrically and musically, nothing was off limits, and we dove headfirst into exploring the liminal, dreamlike spaces between life and death, consciousness and unconsciousness, the past and the future, happiness and sadness, the real and the make-believe. This album is essentially about our descent into madness and our ultimate salvation through love." Since 2005, Barille and drummer/pianist Sam Meister have been crafting a vision of expansive, technicolor art-rock, receiving critical acclaim from the likes of Rolling Stone (named "Band To Watch" in a spotlight review), Pitchfork, NPR, Paste, Esquire, Spin, Magnet, MTV, KEXP, and American Songwriter, among others. Beyond their fully realized sonic presentation, Mr. Gnome has a rich history of producing head-turning DIY visuals, including otherworldly album covers, artistic press photography, and mind-bending short films. Don't miss out on experiencing Mr. Gnome’s extraordinary musical journey and visual artistry as they tour this fall below and their video for “Fader”: Mr. Gnome - Fall 2024 Tour Dates 08/24 • Lexington, KY • Expansion Music Fest • The Burl 09/27 • Wheeling, WV • Waterfront Hall 09/28 • Frostburg, MD • The Deep End 10/01 • Washington, D.C. • Pie Shop 10/02 • Asheville, NC • Sly Grog Lounge 10/03 • Atlanta, GA • Smith's Olde Bar (Atlanta Room) 10/04 • Pensacola, FL • The Handlebar 10/05 • Adams, TN • Spoopy Festival 10/08 • St. Louis, MO • The Platypus 10/09 • Grand Rapids, MI • Pyramid Scheme 10/10 • Madison, WI • Gamma Ray Bar 10/11 • Columbus, OH • Ace of Cups 10/12 • Dayton, OH • Dayton 20th Music Fest - Blind Bob’s 10/14 • Kansas City, MO • Sister Anne’s Records and Coffee 10/15 • Denver, CO • Lost Lake 10/16 • Salt Lake City, UT • The DLC 10/17 • Boise, ID • Shrine Social Club (Basement) 10/18 • Portland, OR • Star Theater 10/19 • Seattle, WA • Sunset Tavern 10/22 • San Francisco, CA • Bottom of the Hill 10/23 • Los Angeles, CA • Permanent Records Roadhouse 10/25 • Tucson, AZ • 191 Toole 10/26 • Albuquerque, NM • TBA 10/28 • Dallas, TX • TBA 10/29 • Austin, TX • Hotel Vegas 11/01 • Chicago, IL • Beat Kitchen 11/02 • Cleveland, OH • Beachland Ballroom Read the full article
0 notes
audiofuzz · 7 months ago
Mr. Gnome Unleashes Psychedelic Masterpiece 'A Sliver of Space' with Ferocious New Single 'Fader'
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Pushing the boundaries of sonic exploration, Cleveland art-rock duo Mr. Gnome crafts a vibrant, ever-changing realm of psychedelic orchestration on their eagerly anticipated LP, *A Sliver of Space*, slated for release on September 27th via El Marko Records. Following the release of their first single, "Nothing and Everything," Mr. Gnome unveils the new single "Fader" —a colossal track that tears through its seven-minute runtime with relentless ferocity and a full-on sonic assault. Check out "Fader" on YouTube, and see below for the most up-to-date list of North American fall tour dates. Pre-order the vinyl and CD, and find it on Bandcamp. "We had just finished mixing our album and were about to send it off for mastering when this song crept into our brains. We fell in love with the heavy, gritty vibe and the contrasting gooey vocals, and kept pushing this song as far as we could take it," they explain. "Our brother and longtime collaborator/touring guitarist/bassist, Jonah Meister, added lead guitars that dance around the vocals, including a breakneck improvised solo. Combining our love of The Stooges, Black Sabbath, Joy Division, and 90s shoegaze, we had a ton of fun writing this one." Mixed by Claudius Mittendorfer (Interpol, Tennis, Temples, Panic! At The Disco, Parquet Courts, Ra Ra Riot), *A Sliver of Space* bursts with hypnotic, gritty rock anthems that suddenly give way to long-form, drug-fueled journeys, transporting the listener on a surreal trip from start to finish. Mr. Gnome continues to defy simple genre classification, creating a dense tapestry of textures, aural fabrics, and influences that coalesce into a unique, defining sound. Throughout its relatively compact runtime, electronica, desert rock, punk, indie rock, and lush soundscapes swirl and converge, all woven with the continuous thread of lead singer/guitarist Nicole Barille’s golden harmonies. "When we started writing *A Sliver of Space*," they recount, "we were working through a lot of personal loss and life upheaval. Lyrically and musically, nothing was off limits, and we dove headfirst into exploring the liminal, dreamlike spaces between life and death, consciousness and unconsciousness, the past and the future, happiness and sadness, the real and the make-believe. This album is essentially about our descent into madness and our ultimate salvation through love." Since 2005, Barille and drummer/pianist Sam Meister have been crafting a vision of expansive, technicolor art-rock, receiving critical acclaim from the likes of Rolling Stone (named "Band To Watch" in a spotlight review), Pitchfork, NPR, Paste, Esquire, Spin, Magnet, MTV, KEXP, and American Songwriter, among others. Beyond their fully realized sonic presentation, Mr. Gnome has a rich history of producing head-turning DIY visuals, including otherworldly album covers, artistic press photography, and mind-bending short films. Don't miss out on experiencing Mr. Gnome’s extraordinary musical journey and visual artistry as they tour this fall below and their video for “Fader”: Mr. Gnome - Fall 2024 Tour Dates 08/24 • Lexington, KY • Expansion Music Fest • The Burl 09/27 • Wheeling, WV • Waterfront Hall 09/28 • Frostburg, MD • The Deep End 10/01 • Washington, D.C. • Pie Shop 10/02 • Asheville, NC • Sly Grog Lounge 10/03 • Atlanta, GA • Smith's Olde Bar (Atlanta Room) 10/04 • Pensacola, FL • The Handlebar 10/05 • Adams, TN • Spoopy Festival 10/08 • St. Louis, MO • The Platypus 10/09 • Grand Rapids, MI • Pyramid Scheme 10/10 • Madison, WI • Gamma Ray Bar 10/11 • Columbus, OH • Ace of Cups 10/12 • Dayton, OH • Dayton 20th Music Fest - Blind Bob’s 10/14 • Kansas City, MO • Sister Anne’s Records and Coffee 10/15 • Denver, CO • Lost Lake 10/16 • Salt Lake City, UT • The DLC 10/17 • Boise, ID • Shrine Social Club (Basement) 10/18 • Portland, OR • Star Theater 10/19 • Seattle, WA • Sunset Tavern 10/22 • San Francisco, CA • Bottom of the Hill 10/23 • Los Angeles, CA • Permanent Records Roadhouse 10/25 • Tucson, AZ • 191 Toole 10/26 • Albuquerque, NM • TBA 10/28 • Dallas, TX • TBA 10/29 • Austin, TX • Hotel Vegas 11/01 • Chicago, IL • Beat Kitchen 11/02 • Cleveland, OH • Beachland Ballroom Read the full article
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queerworldtravelers · 8 months ago
Palermo, Sicily - Part 3
38°07'55" N, 13°20'8" E
The warm weather brings Palermo to life:
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As we exited the airplane we noticed that the air has started to warm since we were last in Palermo. Our minds skillfully replayed the route from plane to train to cobbled streets. Our feet carried us across the much busier streets, no need for maps this time. The keys collected from a lovely writer on the Via Roma to unlock our small slice of solace in the Ballarò. Ballarò, meaning I will dance, how beautiful and telling of our return to this place. This time we will dance as this city of infinite secrets begins to unravel just a little more. We are beginning to speak her language and are starting to understand. We returned just in time to witness the beginning of many holidays including Eid al-Fitr which rendered the Ballarò a very quiet place and La Festa della Liberazione, or Liberation Day: a day that commemorates the total liberation of Italy in 1946.
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An adventure to say hello to our dear Antonella unveiled a stunning coastline and the mechanisms of beach going in Italy. Unlike in Hawai’i where the beach should not be owned, here you can buy a seat on the sand for the day. In the distance the Torre delle Mandre inspires stories of centuries past from the brilliant mind of our friend, the archaeologist. Porticello is a quick train ride away and we wandered back home through the market catching the last of the day’s swordfish and hopscotching over the small rivers of torn and rotten ends swirling towards the street gutter. 
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Krystal will forever be inspired by the work of Richard Avedon and when we saw that the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Palermo had a show we immediately made our way there. There is no photographic experience in the world that compares to standing in front of a giant silver gelatin print of Avedon’s work. The prints will always be traditional because there is no Epson printer on earth that compares to the magic of a silver halide print, especially not a print made from a 4X5 negative. Swoon. The show did not disappoint and after so many months away from home it was fun to be surrounded by American faces.  
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The city of Bagheria held an event to celebrate I segreti della terra (the Secret of the Earth) at the Villa Cattolica. Antonella let us know about the event and we pulled out our best outfits and made our way to the celebration. From what we could gather through Google Translate and the buzz around the event a fellow named Mario Tozzi has an absolute ton of gems and minerals he has collected from around the world and the City of Bagheria wants to start a science museum. Many very important men spoke about the importance of science, technology, mathematics, and engineering for the youth and Krystal was flashed back to her days as an education consultant. The gems and minerals were impressive and we got to meet the Mayor of Bagheria, Filippo Tripoli! After the event we stopped in to Friggitoria Sirchia for an epic pile of arancini, panelle, and croquettes all washed down with a birra moretti.  
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On a wander around the neighborhood we stumbled into the Chiesa di San Giovanni degli Eremiti. It is a stunning house of worship and a part of Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalú and Monreale. Given the epic history of conquest in Sicily the places of worship have served many denominations. Arab construction meets Christian renovations and Latin Crosses. The whole mash up is truly fascinating and we are grateful that folks just sort of added on to the old buildings instead of destroying them to build new. Crowned with red domes that would be at home in Baghdad or Damascus, we highly recommend a visit here over the Chiesa di San Cataldo which seems to have a longer line every day as summer gets closer. The stroll through the garden is also a wonderful gift to the senses and a welcome respite from the city streets. 
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We were so excited to discover Il Genio, a three weekend festival that opened up the geniuses throughout Palermo. The patron Saint of Palermo, in partnership with Santa Rosalia, the Genius of Palermo is depicted as an austere old man who has at his feet a dog a symbol of fidelity and, wrapped around his arm, a snake and emblem of continuous rebirth. Our weekends were filled with super cool adventures and started with a visit to see photographic treasures that survived the war at Casa Museo della fotografia “Matilde Incorpora.” The lineal descendants of famed Auguste Lumière, one of the inventors of the cinematograph, have a studio tucked at the very top of many, many stairs. They were excited to share the treasures of their family collection. The air was warm and laden with the smell of photographic chemicals and the shelves were brimming with photographic treasures. 
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The next weekend we headed to our local library: Biblioteca comunale di Casa Professa “Leonardo Sciascia.” A 263 year old library…no big deal. A pair of university students took us on a personal tour of the space. We assume not everyone is as excited about libraries as we are, and it was stunning. The bookshelves are adorned with over 300 portraits of famous folks from Sicilian history. The best part - it is a real functioning library and we plan to go back to do some research. 
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Just down the street, the Archivio Storico Comunale also had their doors open for a tour. Another personal tour with a brilliant university student revealed the intricacies of the building where records from 1200 to the mid 20th century are stored. The sheer volume of paperwork housed on the shelves is staggering. It is no wonder none of the records in Palermo are digitized - they just kept too much stuff! Wandering through the shelves and learning more about the history of the city was an absolute gift. We wrapped up our Il Genio adventures on a passeggiata, or evening walk, led by Igor Gelarda from Villa Giulia where we uncovered the 16 Geniuses of Palermo. It was a super fun stroll through the city with a lot of folks. We are grateful for the magic of Google Translate which enabled us to read the whole tour in English as Igor talked. 
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Another lovely discovery in the neighborhood was Parco d'Orleans. A gorgeous oasis of green dotted with roses and the only ornithological park in Italy. The best part is the whole thing is free. We will definitely be back with notebooks and coffee just to soak up the expanse of green and totally wild collection of birds. 
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Our first order of business was securing a grocery cart which the cobblestones in the neighborhood quickly proved to be a formidable challenge. The best way to make space for the occasional arancini is to pummel a grocery cart across uneven terrain and then carry your groceries up six flights of stairs. In fact, we would take this trek over a Kona Costco run any day! We also found an absolutely epic cafe called Tèco (thank you Riccardo) and have been enjoying a change in scenery while pumping out lots of projects. 
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We imagine one could spend a lifetime in Palermo discovering new things. We are beyond grateful for the opportunity to return with new eyes to this ancestral place for Krystal. Speaking of ancestors, we found her great grandmother’s birth record. Proof that everything in Palermo, abandoned or not, belongs here.
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moochilatv · 8 months ago
Mr. Gnome presents: Nothing and Everything
Mr. Gnome’s swirling “Nothing and Everything” is a lush soundscape that spotlights Barille’s golden harmonies & demonstrates the dense tapestry of textures, aural fabrics, and influences subsumed.
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On Wednesday (26 of june 2024), Cleveland art-rock duo Mr. Gnome will be announcing their new album A Sliver of Space out September 27th via El Marko Records. While always pushing themselves in their pursuit of sonic exploration, the duo of Nicole Barille and Sam Miester, create a living, breathing, shapeshifting realm of psychedelic sounds. The album is mixed by Claudius Mittendorfer (Interpol, Tennis, Temples, Parquet Courts, Ra Ra Riot).
The swirling first single “Nothing and Everything,” which is a lush soundscape that spotlights Barille’s golden harmonies and demonstrates the growing confidence that duo has made in the studio since their last album, 2020’s The Day You Flew Away. They will be announcing full North American tour for the fall as well. 
Continuing to defy simple genre classification, Mr. Gnome create a dense tapestry of textures, aural fabrics, and influences that all coalesce into a unique, defining sound. Throughout its relatively compact runtime, electronica, desert rock, psych, indie rock, and lush soundscapes swirl and converge. They’ve received acclaim from the likes of Rolling Stone (named "Band To Watch" in a spotlight review), NPR, Consequence, Paste, Esquire, Spin, Magnet, MTV, KEXP, and more.
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Mr. Gnome - Fall 2024 Tour Dates
08/24 • Lexington, KY • Expansion Music Fest • The Burl
09/27 • Wheeling, WV • Waterfront Hall 
09/28 • Frostburg, MD • The Deep End
10/01 • Washington, D.C. • Pie Shop
10/04 • Pensacola, FL • The Handlebar
10/05 • Adams, TN • Spoopy Festival
10/08 • St. Louis, MO • The Platypus
10/09 • Grand Rapids, MI • Pyramid Scheme
10/10 • Madison, WI • Gamma Ray Bar
10/11 • Columbus, OH • Ace of Cups
10/12 • Dayton, OH • Dayton 20th Music Fest - Blind Bob’s
10/14 • Kansas City, MO • Sister Anne’s Records and Coffee
10/15 • Denver, CO • Lost Lake 
10/16 • Salt Lake City, UT • The DLC
10/17 • Boise, ID • Shrine Social Club (Basement)
10/18 • Portland, OR • Star Theater
10/19 • Seattle, WA • Sunset Tavern
10/22 • San Francisco, CA • Bottom of the Hill
10/23 • Los Angeles, CA • Permanent Records Roadhouse
10/25 • Tucson, AZ • 191 Toole
10/26 • Albuquerque, NM • Juno Brewery
11/01 • Chicago, IL • Beat Kitchen
11/02 • Cleveland, OH • Beachland Ballroom 
Follow in IG:
Listen in Spotify:
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fantasblog · 1 year ago
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have some cavi x aaron ship I drew. >:'3
Characters and belongs:
-via swirl (cavi x aaron shipchild) by me
-Aaron sans by Sakix0160 (twitter "x)/ cocklover_0 (instragram)
-cavi / cavities sans "sweeterror sans" by @hheisa /heisaewe/heisaOwO
Art by me
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screamingforyears · 1 year ago
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SINGLE_FILE: // TOPOGRAPHIES “NIGHT SEA” @darkentriesrecords . //
@_topographies_ are back w/ a new single, the darkly skittered “NIGHT SEA” & word of their forthcoming LP titled ‘Interior Spring.’ The San Francisco-based trio of Justin Oronos, Jeremie Ruest & Gray Tolhurst have mercifully returned, gifting us the lead track from their highly anticipated sophomore effort, an offering that more than wets our Gothically hued appetite.  “Night Sea” finds Topographies in fine form while basking in their shrouded melancholy as Tolhurst’s vocal holds court amongst the psychedelia swirl of drum machine flicker, bass line drives & clarion call synths airing out in all their vaporous glory thx to @shaundurkan’s on point production.
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Interior Spring drops 2/2 via Dark Entries Records.
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writer59january13 · 2 years ago
Trawl tale of a fictitious seaman told to ye...
While on the topic
of blood kith and kin, I relate another
fabricated poem about
blimey bloke of a fisherman.
Courtesy webbed whirled wide net wit
cursing thwarted life,
liberty and pursuit of happiness if eavesdropper, you would discern
nasality – cause uvula split holed within mancave unit b44, a regular run of the mill hermit.
Any resemblance between
said character and living persons
purely (off fish shilly) coincidental
material scoured from dregs
of me muss held head.
I shore up a vignette to free my ("FAKE") grandfather Hymie, whose scrunched countenanced evinced beetle that of browed monkey
he spent his entire life at sea his thick calloused hands
and ruddy complexion reinforced non verbal body language voluminous tomes smoothed
nick holed money
to countless years
(spilling into decades)
exposed to salty spittle nee
where watery terrain spewed
raw elements piscine
art finest artisanal blended, crafted, nein mean feet resources dredged reluctantly
relinquished by mother nature mean craftily pared within
each trough and crest
found thee old man
with privateer mean
mien whose skin fiercely weatherbeaten
leathery and lean, epidermis tanned tough as rawhide, reptilian, prithee
chafed skin to me
not surprising, since
this mariner born,
bred and near lee
schooled within briny
deep ever since knee
high (or so he claimed truth
to swirling rumor), jovially
pleased that his purportedly
learnin' myth writ tik ne'r included NEVER settn' foot in formal classroom,
his knowledge icy
anecdotes aced, surpassed,
and trounced that of what he
referred to as grenadier landlubbers
green behind the ears – glee
fully jabbing with his
unsheathed scabbard play flea actually downplaying any exploits,
that didst educate him, 'ee
got taut learn'n survival skills asper
pre ponder hunt via
eddy fied tests frequently dee
siding a life or death outcome,
yet our Dickensian
mutually bonding friendship via shared exploits while
he dressed not in tatters, but self made clothes from cree
chores comfortable furs, and though
a striking appearance cut, ne'r did this ole codger (fit as a fiddle with tall slender build),
said middle aged man appeared quite becoming. An aura, charisma, dogma
amazingly graced stalwart, gestalt,
deportment aie
found added an air
of charming debonair,
esteeming flair, genteel heir
which tasked guessing years old, aye presumed him
to exit the uterine lair
at least a few score
tours round oblate sphere as aspect of youthfulness
played across his eyes one colored green
like a spring day in the country,
the other jetblue sans burnin'
man four score and seven pearl jam oyster cult year.
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alyosiuscreightonward · 2 years ago
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Dearest Nomi-San.
In our recent conversation, you mentioned that you had felt some kind of way about not having a village to raise a child and that you like me also felt as if we were cursed.
As cliché as this meme is, it’s actually pretty close to our reality.
Unlike other children, you had a village and I appeared as the shaman attempting to make it all better. There were instances where I triumphed and I had spectacular failures.
So much has happened since then and since we actually saw each other. Our relationship has been frayed for years because of the shit storm that was swirling around us. Our memories of what went down, well…it’s similar but also skewed towards who was to blame and we were just a subset of numbers in that crazy ass equation which at times just didn’t add up to anything but “Reality stranger than fiction.” I think that when we tell our stories starting from Montello Street then via Calvary Street to you being in Rock Ledge and me being in Texas.
Today in 2023, we continue to work on ourselves as best we can and with what tools we have available to us. I’m realizing that I need meds to help with my mental health issues and you have your own bullshit to contend with on the daily.
I have my own thoughts and I could offer up my opinions but I have to say that I’m going not be the one. I have to figure it out myself and I’m sure that you will do the same. Now we just aren’t going to give into that nonsense or negativity anymore because we must find our own moment of zen.
We are soldiers. We have no other option but to march. We have no other choice but to fight back against it all. There are moments when we feel as though if we have had a chance to take that one giant leap forward, fuck!!! We’ve gone two steps back. Ugh!!! I too like you want to know first hand what it means to ease the pain of the day away and then take time for ourselves. It’s a fifty fifty shot at the wheel of fortune. Sometimes the roulette wheel hits double zero and it’s fabulous. Yet the other times, shit hits the fan. WTAF??!! FML!!!
It’s true, do we win the battle or lose the war? Whatever happens to us we will always be in the game and we will never stop marching forward. I’m sure that your Gawd or my higher power will come to aid, abet, assist and help us in some itty bitty teeny tiny little way regardless. We will stumble, fall and or just land flat on our heads. It’ll be a hot shitty boo boo mess. We ended up here and now we’re going to figure out how to get out of it. We’re not living under the delusion as some of our contemporaries are.
Give your self permission to scream in the vacuum of space meanwhile knowing that we can’t dodge the raindrops and we will get soaking wet. We will continue to shed our exoskeletons and one day, I know it’s coming, we will have all the accolades for what we’ve accomplished. I also know that we don’t take our own advice. So, whatever drivel I spew, I keep on marching on no matter how much I hurt mentally or physically and you are right there with me.
We are unable to care for or care about the other people who have been in our lives. We are the toughest and the most important.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years ago
I found your transmigrator au via pocketramblr, and now I can't stop thinking about it, especially about the 'original' story, sans Izuku. I suppose Tsuyu and Mineta would have died at the USJ, then maybe one or two at the training camp? Who would have been the main character? Who would have received OfA? Just a very good idea. Thank you for sharing.
Heyy, welcome to my AU hell! I thought about this on the bus home so you get a whopper of an answer.
Ok so, the original story, the USJ is basically the turning point. Like, we get a little cutaway (maybe 5 pages?) of each of the character's in their own zones - Mineta and Tsuyu's cuts right before they try and jump for it. One by one, over the course of the final large fight in the centre of the USJ we see the students gather. The fight ends, there is a sense of relief - and then someone turns to look out into the lake and screams. The next page turn is a double spread of the two bodies in the water, swirls of blood twisting around them, their limbs mangled. Thats when Plus Ultra takes its turn from classic shonen manga to dark, nearly horror. From there:
Iida is killed by Stain
All Might doesn't visit I-Island and neither did any 1-A students, so Melissa and David Shield die, along with various other guests.
Momo, Tokoyami and Shouji die during the camp, Bakugo and Todoroki are captured.
Kamino Ward happens - Kirishima, who found the location and went to the area to try and help, is badly injured enough that he's unable to remain in the hero course, but following All Might's death, they are too desperate for trained heroes to let him leave, so he's moved to an altered schedule.
Skilled support and gen-ed students are strong-armed into the hero course (by the HSC) to fill its ranks nationwide - here this means Hatsumei and Shinsou join 1A.
The 8 Precepts raid happens, even more chaotic than canon as they've grown bolder with the public's newfound fear - Ojiro, Hagakure and Mirio die. Night Eye survives.
The league attacks UA with a freshly healed AfO (Eri, are part of the 8 Precepts bargain with the league) - Aoyama and Sero die, the rest of 1A flee.
By the very final chapter, the only original 1A members remaining are Uraraka, Bakugo, Jirou, Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, Koda and Todoroki - along with Aizawa who is just trying to keep the last of his kids alive.
Bakugo was the primary protagonist and it was mostly told from his POV, but it focused on 1A as a whole. It was a running fandom joke that if someone got too many chapters about them in a row they were probably gonna die.
All Might was the secondary protag! We got POV chapters from him pretty often - maybe an 8th of the story was from his POV, and he died at the end of Act 2, but he was always frustratingly vague. It was an open secret that he was looking for a personal student, and his internal narration kept making reference to a legacy, but it was never revealed what it actually was before he died.
All Might never passes on One for All. It's one of Bakugo's driving frustrations in the manga - before everything goes to shit that is - he's top of their year, stronger than most second years, has near-perfect grades, but All Might never even considers him for that secret thing everyone knows about.
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britishassistant · 4 years ago
Crowley kid! Yuu gets kidnapped by one of the villain dorms and Crowley is touring the the lair and just come across his kid, just chilling their designated chair snacking and roasting the villains, maybe joking around with the minions a bit and then they see each other and it’s like that Spider-Man pointing meme
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
This kiiinda got away from me a bit, but I thought it would be good since this blog has now reached over 200 followers! Whoo! Thank you all for your support!!
Crowley was just popping by to see how Leviathan’s operation was running.
He liked to do this kind of thing, show up when the supervillains competing for his attention least expected (or appreciated) it and demand they show him how their operations were running. The reactions and sights he got to see where always so much more honest than what a prearranged visit could offer him.
Take Leviathan-kun, for instance.
The young man is uncommonly nervous in Crowley’s presence, not quite stuttering, but clearly not far off from it either. He keeps adjusting his glasses minutely, making the light flash off them even as he rattles out his salesman’s spiel of guarantees and flattery.
The thieving corvid inside Crowley preens. Today was an excellent day for a surprise inspection.
There’s clearly something going on right now that Leviathan was desperate to hide from him, which just makes Crowley want to dig deep and uncover whatever this dirty little secret is and drag that wriggling, struggling weakness into the light.
Great Seven, he loves his job.
It doesn’t take long for him to ferret it out—as desperate as Leviathan is to redirect his attention the loyal minions moving like schools of fish through the lower levels of the lair, he doesn’t have the authority to do anything but totter after Crowley as he strides towards the control room of this fine establishment, his cane clicking against the ground with every step.
Great Seven, he loves his job.
There’s the raised voices of Leviathan’s lieutenants emanating from within, along with...someone else?
Crowley pauses, taking in the scene inside.
There is a person is tied to a chair in the center of the room with one of the Leeches hanging sideways off of their lap, arms wrapped around their shoulders as he leans backwards and swings his legs back and forth. The chair is beginning to teeter dangerously.
“Floyd, if you make us fall again, I’m suing you for damages.” A familiar voice quips.
Crowley’s insides go cold.
“Aha! So mean~ I’d never let you get hurt, Shrimpy~” The reckless and violent twin coos, nuzzling close.
“You already did.” The most kidnapped reporter in this city deadpans. “Twice.”
“Bold of you to assume that you’d be able to press charges in the first place, Yuu-san.” The sadistic and coldblooded twin grins.
“Azul likes me better than you two, he’ll represent me if I sell him my kidneys.” Yuu says loftily. “Plus I have witnesses, like that guy...there...”
Well, that’s ruined his dramatic entrance, but Crowley slams open the doors anyway, making his cloak billow and letting those leeches see the angry flash of his eyes.
“A-hem!” He booms. “What exactly do you think you’re doing? Is this how you think professional villains behave?!”
The sadistic twin stands to attention, bowing shallowly to him, as though that will keep Crowley from noticing how he’s moved in front of the hostage and his violent brother, who’s curled over Yuu with his feet planted firmly on the ground and is cocky enough to think baring his teeth at Crowley is somehow a good idea.
“Floyd.” Leviathan’s voice is clipped, moving towards his henchman and the captive. “My deepest apologies on behalf of my staff, sir. I’ll instruct them to take the prisoner back down to the holding cells to continue the inter—”
“No, you will not.” Crowley commands, swirling towards the aquatic supervillain. “You will release them from your custody immediately, and as I am so gracious, I will be sure to educate all of you about how violating personal boundaries—”
“Oh, come off it, you old crow.” Yuu drawls, one eyebrow twitching. “Don’t start pretending like you care now.”
The sadistic brother makes a small, choked noise. Leviathan has gone so still it’s doubtful he’s even breathing. Even the violent twin is staring at the reporter like they’ve grown a second head.
He clears his throat to hide the small sting in his chest at the remark. “W-why I don’t know whatever you are talking about, stranger I have never met before. I will arrange for an escort to guide you home, as I am so gracious.”
The reporter scoffs. “Well, isn’t that just the story of my life. I told you last time, I don’t want any of your goons within ten blocks of my apartment, remember?”
“Yuu, while I always appreciate your sparkling wit, please stop talking.” Leviathan mutters, eyes focused on Crowley. “Are you aware of just who this person is?”
“Who he is? Of course I know who he is.” Yuu’s exasperation is evident in their voice. “He’s my bio dad.”
Crowley bristles, feeling his feathers puff up in alarm. “Hatchling!!”
Leviathan chokes, wheezing for air as he gasps out, “Bio—what—?”
The sadistic Leech brother is visibly startled, whipping his head back and forth between Crowley and Yuu, lips moving too fast to read though no sound comes out.
“Eeeh~? The big scary boss man is Shrimpy’s dad? No waay~” The violent Leech brother jabs a thumb in his direction. “Who would fuck him?”
“Nobody.” Yuu says. “I was born via in vitro fertilization.”
“Hatchling~!” Crowley whines, disliking how wrong-footed his child leaves him. “That is hardly kind!”
Yuu lets out an undignified snort. “Sure, because that compares to dumping me back on Uncle Divvy after a week out of the test tube with instructions to leave me under a bridge somewhere.”
Both Leech twins pin him with equally unnerving stares, and Crowley has to remind himself that he is three times the villain they’ll ever be, that they couldn’t actually hurt him even if they did both attack at once.
Leviathan is just leaning against his desk, mouthing “Uncle Divvy” to himself with the sort of frquency usually reserved for those afflicted by Divus’ hysteria gas.
“We talked about that!” Crowley pleads desperately. “It was to make sure that you could grow strong through adversity! I could hardly expect you to take up my position if you grew up soft and dependent, now could I?”
“Babies are soft and dependent, that’s the whole point. I’d have been dead within the week if Uncle Divvy hadn’t given me to Mom and Dad.” Yuu sighs, slumping back into the chair. “Whatever. I’m never taking over from you and I don’t want any of your money. Can I go home now?”
“I’ll arrange for a car as I am so gracious—” Crowley states firmly at the same time as Leviathan interjects with “Ah, let me take you—”
He shoots a poisonous glare at the young upstart, and then at the unprofessional lackey who’s still clinging to his child.
“No thanks, to both of you.” Yuu sighs. “I’ll just call Yuuken to pick me up—”
“Eeeh?! But Shrimpy, he’s so lame and boring!” The twin in Yuu’s lap whines. “I can’t even squeeze him properly!”
“Yeah, that’s not really a negative here.” The reporter quips, putting up with the way the merman whines and nuzzles into their shoulder, teeth dangerously close to their jugular.
“I don’t like him.” Crowley sniffs. “He’s too good an influence on you.”
“Well, guess whose business that is?!” His offspring asks cheerily, before dropping back into their irritated moue. “Not yours. I’ll spend time with whoever I please, you can go suck an e—”
“I’ve called you a cab, Yuu-san.” The sadistic Leech brother pipes up, pulling his phone away from his ear. “It’s already paid for, so please don’t worry about it.”
The reporter frowns again, before shaking their head with a tired sigh. “Thank you. I need to go sleep off a migraine, so untie me and I’ll see you three next week or something.”
Leviathan moves forward to tug swiftly at the ropes pinning their arms behind their back and pulling his henchmen off of them, finally. “Let me escort you out at least. It wouldn’t do to have any more unpleasant surprises before you got home.”
“Fine.” Yuu pins Crowley with that look that always makes him want to squirm. “Have a lovely day, Dire Crowley-san.”
“Likewise.” He watches his heir walk out as the violent Leech twin calls out “Bye bye, Shrimpy~!”
He turns to those two upstarts, drawing himself up to his full height. “I am certain I don’t need to impress upon you the fact that none of what went on in here leaves this room, yes?”
The sadistic one meets his eye for a moment, spreading his hands wide with an unpleasant smile. “I am unsure of what you mean, Crowley-sama.”
“Yeah, dunno~” The violent one chirps from where he’s now perched in the recently vacated chair.
“Well, suffice it to say that Divus came up with a very interesting potion to affect merfolk, some years ago.” Crowley allows himself a cruel smirk. “One that gives them legs permanently. Shame it doesn’t do the same for lungs. I will not tell him how...carelessly you boys have been treating one of his most prized experiments, as I am gracious, am I not?”
He watches the pair of them swallow reflexively with a thrill of dark satisfaction. “Yes, Crowley-sama.” They chorus.
“Wonderful!” Crowley chirps, clasping his hands together. “Now, I think it’s time for a special lesson on respecting the personal boundaries of one’s hostages, don’t you?”
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