#via poetry
squishykitty825 · 25 days
Societal norms tell you to keep your emotions to yourself
Don't overshare your personal feelings
Internalize everything
Some have decided to break these rules
These boundaries that nobody has put down in a book of law
Are they really rules of law if they aren't written down?
The few who have broken these laws have shown their personal truths
They do this through what has been coined as "art"
Art shows the very essence of the soul
Visual artists delve into the colors that make up the world
Painting the hues of a sunset or ocean
Photographing the stars and the mountains
Drawing the likeness of plants and landscapes
Sculpting the shapes of humans and animals
These are the artists of sight and touch
Auditory artists, also referred to as musicians, delve into a world of the sounds that flow through the air
Strumming the strings of chords
Playing the keys of arpeggios
Pushing the waves of sound through various instruments
Singing the words of their hearts through melodies and harmonies
These are the artists of sound
Sensory artists are those who may not be typically referred to as such but are nonetheless
They bring life to the sensations of flavor
Baking bitter ingredients into sweetness
Cooking raw untamed ingredients into savory dishes
Mixing and stirring devotion into something delectable
These are the artists of taste and smell
There is still yet another genre of artists, artists of words, or as they are better known; writers
Words flow from their minds to their fingertips,
Creating fantastical worlds of fictional tales
Writing stories that bring dreams to life
Stories that offer an escape from reality
These are the artists of thoughts and dreams
Every form of art is a form of self-expression
Every artist utilizes their own art to express their inner soul
It is what is expected of them
And yet, they are still patronized,
And hated for their openness
Society seems content to berate them for being themselves
Calling them weak for their willingness to share
Condemning the very people they look up to
Art was created for the purpose of expression
And yet people are insistent on criticizing those brave enough to be vulnerable
The results of this can be devastating
But there doesn't seem to be an end in sight
So we stay in this standoff
This stalemate of wanting to be vulnerable but fearing the retaliation of those who would cut us down
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om-is-ok · 5 months
Never thought of being a writer until I met you.
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Never thought of creating poetry until I met you.
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Never understood meaning of poetry until I met you.
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Never knew poetry could be this beautiful, cruel, fierce
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....And heart wrenching at the same time until I met you.
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Never understood why do people became poets until I met you.
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Never understood why do poets talk about love so much
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as if that's the most sacred thing in this world until I met you.
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Now poetry is starting to make sense because of you,
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....glad that I met you, my poetry. -Om.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 3 months
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“Miles is, without a doubt, Wolverine. Wolverine is a style icon to him. I see similarities. Miles always follows his instinct. And he’s capable of fixing things that are broken, whether it’s material or emotional damage, in no time.” - Alex Turner
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ink-the-artist · 2 years
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To see the soul is not effortless nor painless
It is hard work
It is to see a glimpse of God
How wonderful, then!
To know the soul so deeply you can disregard the body
To live truthfully and live well
That I may transform the body 
To celebrate the soul
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cesarescabinet · 2 months
Honestly imagine if they incorporate 'Dear Friend Across the River' into the score during the low-point of Viktor and Jayce's storyline.
Catch me like this if the violins kick in when Jayce abandons Viktor or vice-versa;
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Closer the exam, stronger the urge to watch the most random tv show or movie which i'm not even interested in on a usual day
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gaytkachuk · 11 months
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ad-ovest-della-luna · 5 months
La morte è la curva della strada, morire è solo non essere visto. Se ascolto, sento i tuoi passi esistere come io esisto. La terra è fatta di cielo. Non ha nido la menzogna. Mai nessuno s’è smarrito. Tutto è verità e cammino.
Fernando Pessoa
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mirror-to-the-past · 11 months
GUYS. GUYS. 😭😭 Chongyun and Diona development, holy shit. Groundwork laid for more exploration of Chongyun's pure-yang spirit at some point, but anyway AAAA- he's finally becoming more appreciative of his condition, seeing it less as a curse, and perhaps a blessing, because of the possibility it was borne from love. His intense emotions, his ability to be the warmth in spiritual shadows, he's grateful at the idea that it's all borne from love, man. I'm. So normal right now. That was so beautiful. The music in that cutscene gave me chills.
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his-heart-hymns · 6 months
Killing myself was a matter of such indifference to me that I felt like waiting for a moment when it would make some difference. Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all -- the apathy of human beings.
-Fyodor Dostevsky
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viaslibrary · 1 year
— And I am disheartened; my past's confused piled up memories, no way to disentangle them, irritated; some day, to the tangibility of my head's burdens I will entrust my body, I will entrust my heart.
Nakahara Chūya, Fig Leaves
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om-is-ok · 7 months
Jakdi hui hai in mein meri saari kainaat
Jo dekhne mein narm hai teri kalaaiyyan.
-Ahmad Nadeem Qasim
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ladysc · 2 months
I want someone to chase after me
I want my movie scene in the pouring rain
I want sunflowers because they’re my favourite
I want someone to show up at my house unannounced
I want hands held
I want the love letters
I want poems written about me
I want songs sung together
I want to sit on a beach and watch the sun setting
I want stargazing
I want to be missed when we spend too long apart
I want nights in together
I want nights out together
I want planned futures
I want playful fights over whose eye color our babies will have
I want pictures of us laughing
I want the last slice of toast because it’s always my favourite
I want the right side of the bed
I want ‘I love you’s traced on my back while I’m half asleep
I want someone who can’t take their eyes of me in a crowd
I wanna be made to feel special
And I just want someone to love me
poem by Isabella Dorta
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namitha · 2 years
How free it is, you have no idea how free…
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I have never been so pure. I didn’t want any flowers, I only wanted To lie with my hands turned up and be utterly empty. How free it is, you have no idea how free—— The peacefulness is so big it dazes you, And it asks nothing…
🌿 Sylvia Plath, Tulips
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archaoism · 5 days
What I would do just to get back with you. I would lasso the moon and soon, my love, soon I will prove it beyond words, because actions speak louder and these days, I am bolder and less temperamental, less stubborn. I can admit when I am wrong and I am less clueless to losing it without being aware of it. There are parts of me I am shedding I am ashamed of, I admit, but on the other side is the version of me I should have been all along. Timing has not ever been my forte, but hardlines have always been ours. The same way I will always be yours. No matter what I do, who I become, or where I go will there be the imprint of you carried in the very pulse that beats in my throat that rages fury and hellfire to make it back to you, an inferno of such magnitude my consonants turn vowels into amber, suspended in time (quite the way I wish we were; I wish you were here).
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no rizz just seductive eyes, a pretty face and multiple personalities
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