#via latina
yaellaharpe-blog · 6 months
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Antigua Via Latina / The ancient Via Latina
In the middle of the Roman periphery, between the modern Via Appia and Via Tuscolana, a section of the 3rd mile of the ancient Via Latina is preserved in perfect condition.
It has ancient origins: the natural route, already followed in prehistoric times, was used by the Etruscans to colonise Campania in the 8th-6th centuries BC.
Definitely laid out by the Romans around the IV-III centuries B.C., it connected Rome with Capua, maintaining its importance throughout Antiquity. In fact, even in the Middle Ages, it was preferred as an access road to Naples because of its better preservation compared to the Appian Way and the presence of a number of Christian places of worship along the route..
Entering the Archaeological Park of the Tombs of the Via Latina, it is now possible to walk along a section of the original paving of the street. With a pleasant walk you can admire the rich tombs dating back to the I-II century A.D. that overlooked the route, which still have perfectly preserved polychrome decorations on the façades and inside: vaults covered with painted plaster and stucco, walls frescoed with funerary scenes and rich mosaic floors are still substantially intact in their original context.
From the street it is also possible to reach the Basilica of S. Stefano, a rare example of an early Christian building erected under the pontificate of Leo the Great in the middle of the 5th century.
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Santo Stefano en Vía Latina, restos parcialmente reconstruidos, 1911.
Santo Stefano in Via Latina, partially reconstructed remains, 1911.
The Archaeological Park of the Tombs of the Via Latina was created in 1879 following the acquisition by the State of a vast area in which important remains from Roman times had been discovered.
The so-called Barberini Sepulchre, or Sepulchre of the Corneli. The funerary monument, dating from the 2nd century AD, consists of two above-ground floors and a hypogeum in an excellent state of preservation. The upper floor is covered by a ribbed vault completely covered with plaster painted with a red background and stucco elements. Groups of figures, winged victories on chariots, love affairs, birds, marine animals, mythological themes and architectural backgrounds can be recognised.
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Sepulcro Barberini y su interior / Barberini Tomb and its interior
The Tomb of the Valeri. The richly decorated underground rooms dating from the mid-2nd century AD are preserved, while the elevation is a hypothetical reconstruction dating from the mid-19th century. An elaborate white stucco covering, articulated in 35 medallions and panels, adorns the lunettes and the barrel vault of the underground room. The medallions depict Dionysian themes, female figures and sea animals, while in the central tondo there is a delicate-veiled figure on the back of a griffin, representing the deceased being carried to the afterlife.
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Tumba de los Valeri, exterior e interior / Tomb of the Valeri, exterior and interior
The Tomb of the Pancratii. Much of the visible structure is a modern construction that protects the monument below by resting on the original 1st-2nd century AD walls, about a metre high. Upon entering the tomb, one can admire the beautifully decorated underground rooms, with mosaics on the floors and vaults and walls frescoed in bright colours and stucco in an excellent state of preservation. They depict mythological scenes, natural and architectural landscapes, images of women and animals. In the centre of one of the underground chambers is a large sarcophagus for two Greek marble depositions.
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Sepulcro de los Pancracios, exterior e interior / Tomb of the Pancracios, exterior and interior
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auxoubliettes · 11 days
eventi che hanno cambiato irrimediabilmente la traiettoria del mio agire e del mio essere x sempre (in negativo ovviamente):
l'incontro con la bambina con la quale avevo trascorso un'estate al mare l'anno prima, al massimo due. io la chiamai per nome e lei non si ricordava di me
la mia prof di italiano* che, alla mia proposta di inserire un film di antonioni nella tesina per la maturità, invece di boh essere felice che io lo conoscessi o non so dirmi qualcosa di incoraggiante anche rigettando la proposta, mi rispose soltanto che lei antonioni lo guardava quando voleva fare la finta intellettuale
io e la mia compagna di banco delle superiori cercammo su wiki se christiane f fosse ancora viva (sì). pur di dar ragione al prof che pensava fosse morta, gli disse che sì, era morta! zittendo me che stavo provando sconcertata a fare presente che avevamo letto l'esatto contrario 3 secondi prima
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shakira-fan-page · 1 year
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deforest · 4 months
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SHE'S CRAZY WITH THE HEAT — 1946 ft. The International Sweethearts of Rhythm
In 1946, William D. Alexander began the production of a series of one-reel shorts, half-hour featurettes and feature films that would serve a dual purpose. These black cast subjects would be released to theaters that welcomed African American audiences; concurrently, the music segments would be excerpted from the films and released as Soundies. Ultimately, sixteen of Alexander’s musical shorts reached the Panoram screen, spotlighting the bands of Lucky Millinder, Billy Eckstine, Henri Woode and the International Sweethearts of Rhythm. (Alexander actually produced four films with the Sweethearts, three ten-minute short subjects and one feature, although some of the performances turns up in more than one film; only three performances saw release as a Soundie.) The International Sweethearts of Rhythm grew out of a band formed in the 1930s at the Piney Woods Country Life School, an institution – in part an orphanage – for poor African American children. A member of the music department had apparently taken note of the success of Ina Ray Hutton’s Melodears and decided that an all-woman band composed of school members might lead to something special. While they performed locally, the ISR did not begin to hit its stride until it left Piney Woods and became a professional touring outfit in 1941. The band was certainly “international” in nature, and its ranks included African American, Latina, Chinese, Indian, White and Puerto Rican musicians. In 1941, Anna Mae Winburn joined the orchestra as front woman and featured vocalist. During the war years Maurice King joined the band as both arranger and band manager. Born Clarence King in 1911, King played reeds and later became a fine swing arranger. While here we recognize his composition and arrangement for the Sweethearts – he called this tune “She’s Crazy with the Heat ” – King is best known for his longtime association with Barry Gordy and Motown Records for which he served as director of artist development. He worked closely with vocal groups, teaching the singers how to voice and phrase together. “Maurice brought sophistication and class to Motown,” said session musician Johnny Trudell. By 1946, the Sweethearts was recognized as one of the finest African-American bands in jazz. They recorded for Guild and RCA Records, broadcast regularly for the Armed Forces Radio Service, and toured Europe entertaining the GIs. While much of the success was due to Maurice King’s arrangements, the band’s musicians were all strong, and a special nod must go to Viola Burnside, one of the most neglected tenor soloists of the 1940s. I chatted with my friend Roz Cron, a member of the Sweetheart’s reed section, shortly before her passing. When I thanked her for her contribution, she paused and said, “Yeah, we were one of the best, one of the very, very best.” (via Jazz on Film)
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yinza · 1 year
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I wanted to try putting together some queer couples in this style...
Stickers available in my Etsy shop, and prints via Inprnt!
[Image Description: A set of six flat-color drawings in a simple style. From left to right, top to bottom: 1, against the trans flag: a thin white person with a blue undercut holding a fat black woman bridal style. The black woman wears a pink flannel over a red shirt and jean shorts and red sneakers.
2, against the pan flag: a thin black man in a wheelchair with hot pink accents, his clothes in the corresponding purple and blue of the bi flag. Beside him walks a thin black woman in a white dress holding a rainbow umbrella.
3, against the gay man flag: two South Asian men in salwar kameez stand holding hands with their foreheads touching. The one on the left is wearing trans colors.
4, against the lesbian flag: a chubby South Asian woman with long dark hair and glasses sits embracing a petite East Asian woman with short hair. Together their outfits comprise the colors of the flag.
5, against the polyamorous flag: a chubby freckled Latina woman with long wavy hair and a skinny white person with a shaved head, tattoos, and a prosthetic leg stand embracing a hijabi woman between them. The two on the outside have outfits with the colors of the aroace flag, while the hijabi woman wears aromantic colors.
6, against the nonbinary flag: a fat white person with a grey beard and ponytail, using a forearm crutch, and a mid-size black man with long greying hair who is gently touching his partner's face. The black man wears ace colors, while the white person wears nonbinary ones. /end ID]
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latinare · 3 months
just wondering, any tips you'd recommend for learning latin? I've been thinking of learning it since it sounds pretty fun but I don't really know where to start with it
When studying vocabulary, close your eyes and picture the meaning of a Latin word while saying it. So for dux, form a mental image of a leader leading his army. For monere, picture someone shaking their finger in warning. For sub, find an image that signifies the meaning to you--for me, it's a boat going under a bridge. Having an image will help your brain bypass the English word to think in Latin.
After translating a sentence, do the same thing. Reread it aloud, clearly picturing what is happening in the sentence. If it describes an action, you could try moving your body to mimic the action, or if it's a question, pretend you're asking a friend. Try different tones of voice and facial expressions to get the meaning across. Eventually, you should be able to understand some sentences on the first read, without translating.
If you ever have the opportunity to practice speaking Latin with someone else, do it! It's so good for your comprehension.
Getting started:
Most textbooks will assume you're starting from scratch. Here are some different options to suit different learning needs:
Latina Lingua per se Illustrata uses no English at all. It tells a story in Latin, starting out with very simple sentences and progressing to harder ones. I think it's brilliant, but it may be difficult if you don't have a teacher.
Via Latina has been recommended to me as a similar idea, but using Latin primary sources rather than a story. I haven't personally used it, but it sounds amazing.
Henle is a four-year course appropriate for high school or college students. It's the one I used, but I don't think it's the best course out there. It is available online though, and the companion grammar is excellent.
Wheelock is a one-year textbook appropriate for college students. I only used it briefly, but my husband loves it. It covers roughly the same material as Henle in just one book, so it's denser for sure.
Regardless of what you're using, it's always helpful to be able to ask someone for help when you're stuck, so try to track down a "Latin mentor" if you can!
Best of luck.
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latinotiktok · 1 year
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-Sanji one piece es literalmente el pechurina con papa como no va a ser latino ese hombre cocina escuchando reggaeton y baladas de señora
-Sanji es boricua porque te garantizo que él usa adobo goya para cocinar
-Propaganda de la mamá del admin: "me gusta que el papá le diga "Berenjenita"...me hizo llorar" (se vio OPLA)
Candy Candy
-Candy White Andrew (Candy Candy) La mona china número 1 entre las mamis de latino América, visitó México y salió traumada de ahí. He escuchado a amigos de mi madre decir de manera no irónica que Candy era su amor platónico de la infancia. Vamos, tiene acento argentino. Yo sé que quieren, déjenla volverse latina.
-Candy Candy, básicamente la protagonista de una telenovela de chica pobre/chico rico y nada es más latinoamericano qué eso
-También Candy candy porque hizo llorar a mi mamá y mis tías (y a las de toda latinoamérica) cuando murió antony. Iconic
-Candy de Candy Cabdy , voy a quedsr como tremenda tarada si es latina y yo ni sabía pero se lo merece
CANDY candy ya esta aqui?? Siento como no vi a candy en esa lista y de verdad no puede ser porque como es que mis papas tienen su opinion de candy aunque son divorciados y se casaron otra vez y también los papas nuevos también tienen algo de decir de candy. Creo que ella es del anime de 1979 o algo. El punto es que candy debe ser latina
Candy candy otra vez. Toda via si mi papa dice “pero porque candy tuvo dos novios? No es bueno engañar la gente smh” mi mama y mi madrastra se quejan taaaanto no se puede creer
BONUS PROPAGANDA: -Terry de Candy Candy para argentino Explicación: es un tremendo hijo de puta pero es gracioso (saludos desde argentina)
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gorey · 4 months
posting on behalf of a friend. Lexus is a Latina mother who is currently in poverty struggling to support herself and her family. She has struggled with homelessness in the past and was able to find housing but is in need of aid right now. neither my friend or I have the resources to give everything she needs so I'm posting here.
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she is looking for $85 on g00gle p4y @ [email protected]
Or CA @ $livelife0012
can provide more details via DM showing her corresponding with my friend who asked me to post this.
If you can't d0nate pls b00st and pls do not tag
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yaellaharpe-blog · 4 months
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(English / Español / Italiano)
The ring of Carvilius, found on the finger of a Roman matron during excavations on the Via Latina, bears witness to the profound pain and at the same time the great love of a mother for her son.
In 2000, on the Via Latina on the south-eastern outskirts of Rome, while excavations were being carried out to remove a pylon from a plot of land, steps leading to a sealed doorway were discovered. Beyond the door was a Roman tomb from the 1st century AD, still intact.
The tomb, measuring 9 square metres, houses two marble sarcophagi. In the first lies "Carvilio Gemello"; in the other, "Aebutia Quarta".
The bodies of the two deceased were well preserved, especially that of the young man, probably due to embalming and the favourable microclimatic conditions of the tomb.
In the sarcophagus of Aebutia, a wealthy Roman matron, only the skeleton has been found, but also the garlands of flowers (lilium, roses and violets) that adorned the deceased, the silk tunic she wore and the beautiful red wig she wore on her head, made of human hair, plant fibres and animal hair.
Neither of the deceased wore the traditional coin in their mouths, as was the custom in Rome, suggesting that Carvilius and Aebutia were followers of the Egyptian cult of Isis.
Wigs similar to the one worn by the Roman noblewoman have also been found in other burials, while the band ring worn by Aebutia on her finger is original and absolutely unique, a ring that has aroused great astonishment among archaeologists. An object of great beauty and incalculable value for its uniqueness and emotional value.
Under the bezel (part of the ring, or other jewel, where the gem is placed) of rock-crystal, worked "cabochon", is a mini-bust of Carvilius, who died at the age of 18 years and three months. The young man depicted has a bare torso; his curly hair, thin lips and aquiline nose are evident.
Due to the brightness caused by the glass lens, Carvilio's image gains depth when viewed.
Aebutia had had two children by different husbands. Carvilio was born of her first marriage to Titus Carvilio, of the Sergia family. From her second husband, however, she had a daughter, Antestia Balbina, who took care of his burial.
Aebutia died a few years after Carvilius, at the age of 40-45. In her sarcophagus there were also some baby bones, suggesting that she was pregnant at the time of her death.
The magnificent ring is now in the Archaeological Museum of Palestrina in Rome.
Por Anna Rita Rossi
El anillo de Carvilio, hallado en el dedo de una matrona romana durante unas excavaciones en la vía Latina, atestigua el profundo dolor y al mismo tiempo el gran amor de una madre por su hijo.
En el año 2000, en la vía Latina, en la periferia sureste de Roma, mientras se realizaban excavaciones para retirar un pilón de un terreno, aparecieron unos escalones que conducían a una puerta sellada. Más allá de la puerta, una tumba romana del siglo I d.C., aún intacta.
La tumba, de 9 metros cuadrados, alberga dos sarcófagos de mármol. En el primero yace "Carvilio Gemello"; en el otro, "Aebutia Quarta".
Los cuerpos de los dos difuntos estaban bien conservados, sobre todo el del joven, probablemente debido al embalsamamiento y a las favorables condiciones microclimáticas de la tumba.
En el sarcófago de Aebutia, una rica matrona romana, sólo se ha encontrado el esqueleto, pero también las guirnaldas de flores (lilium, rosas y violetas) que adornaban a la difunta, la túnica de seda que vestía y la preciosa peluca roja que llevaba en la cabeza, hecha de cabello humano, fibras vegetales y pelo de animal.
Ninguno de los difuntos llevaba la tradicional moneda en la boca, como era costumbre en Roma, lo que sugiere que Carvilio y Aebutia eran seguidores del culto egipcio a Isis.
También se han encontrado pelucas similares a la que llevaba la noble romana en otros enterramientos, mientras que original y absolutamente único es el anillo de banda que lucía Aebutia en el dedo, un anillo que ha despertado gran asombro entre los arqueólogos. Un objeto de gran belleza y de incalculable valor por su singularidad y su valor emocional.
Bajo el bisel (parte del anillo, u otra joya, donde se coloca la gema) de cristal de roca, trabajado "a cabujón", hay un mini busto de Carvilio, que murió a la edad de 18 años y tres meses. El joven representado tiene el torso desnudo; son evidentes su pelo rizado, sus labios finos y su nariz aguileña.
Debido al brillo causado por la lente de cristal, la imagen de Carvilio gana profundidad al observarla.
Aebutia había tenido dos hijos de diferentes maridos. Carvilio nació de su primer matrimonio con Tito Carvilio, de la familia Sergia. De su segundo marido, sin embargo, tuvo una hija, Antestia Balbina, que se encargó de su entierro.
Aebutia murió unos años después de Carvilio, a la edad de 40-45 años. En su sarcófago había también algunos huesos de bebé, lo que sugiere que estaba embarazada en el momento de su muerte.
El magnífico anillo se conserva hoy en el Museo Arqueológico de Palestrina, en Roma.
Por Anna Rita Rossi
L'anello di Carvilio, trovato al dito di un'ostetrica romana durante gli scavi sulla via Latina, testimonia il profondo dolore e allo stesso tempo il grande amore di una madre per suo figlio.
Nel 2000, sulla via Latina, nella periferia sud-est di Roma, mentre si effettuavano scavi per rimuovere un pilone da un terreno, apparvero dei gradini che conducevano ad una porta sigillata. Oltre la porta, una tomba romana del I secolo d.C., ancora intatta.
La tomba, che misura 9 metri quadrati, ospita due sarcofagi di marmo. Nel primo giace "Carvilio Gemello"; nell'altro, "Aebutia Quarta".
I corpi dei due defunti erano ben conservati, soprattutto quello del giovane, probabilmente grazie all'imbalsamazione e alle favorevoli condizioni microclimatiche della tomba.
Endel sarcofago di Aebutia, una ricca matrona romana, è stato ritrovato solo lo scheletro, ma anche le ghirlande di fiori (lilium, rose e viole) che adornavano la defunta, la tunica di seta che indossava e la bella parrucca rossa che portava in testa, fatta di capelli umani, fibre vegetali e peli animali.
Nessuno dei due defunti portava in bocca la tradizionale moneta, come si usava a Roma, suggerendo che Carvilius e Aebutia fossero seguaci del culto egizio di Iside.
Parrucche simili a quella indossata dalla nobildonna romana sono state ritrovate anche in altre sepolture, mentre originale e assolutamente unico è l'anello a fascia che Aebutia portava al dito e che ha suscitato grande stupore tra gli archeologi. Un oggetto di grande bellezza e di incalcolabile valore per la sua unicità e il suo valore affettivo.
Sotto il castone (parte dell'anello, o di un altro gioiello, in cui è inserita la gemma) di cristallo di rocca, lavorato "a cabochon", si trova un mini-busto di Carvilius, morto all'età di 18 anni e tre mesi. Il giovane raffigurato ha il busto nudo; sono evidenti i capelli ricci, le labbra sottili e il naso aquilino.
Grazie alla luminosità dovuta alla lente di vetro, l'immagine di Carvilio acquista profondità quando viene osservata.
Aebutia aveva avuto due figli da mariti diversi. Dal primo matrimonio con Tito Carvilio, della famiglia Sergia, nacque Carvilio. Dal secondo marito, invece, ebbe una figlia, Antestia Balbina, che si occupò della sua sepoltura.
Aebutia morì qualche anno dopo Carvilius, all'età di 40-45 anni. Nel suo sarcofago c'erano anche alcune ossa di bambino, il che fa pensare che fosse incinta al momento della morte.
Il magnifico anello si trova oggi nel Museo Archeologico di Palestrina a Roma.
Por Anna Rita Rossi
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ilpianistasultetto · 3 months
Portavo i calzoni corti quando sentivo parlare in tv, sui giornali, nei programmi d'inchiesta, di quanto lavoro nero ci fosse nelle campagne in prov di Latina (come in mezza Italia). Centinaia, se non migliaia di italiani poveri e stranieri irregolari a lavorare nei campi per 2 mila lire l'ora, oggi per 3-4 euro l'ora. Una illegalita' diffusa gestita da un caporalato feroce e spietato. Si e' sempre saputo, eppure nessuno ha mai mosso un dito. Dx, centro, sx, hanno governato tutti ma mai nessuno ha fatto niente, se non "coccodrilleggiare" quando succedono fatti vergognosi, come quello che ha visto uno dei tanti imprenditori del posto caricare su un furgone un suo operaio che s'era amputato un braccio mentre lavorava scaricandolo davanti alla sua abitazione e lasciando l’arto staccato su una cassetta della frutta. Poi...wwroooommm, scappato via. Il lavoratore indiano e' morto, la sx dira' per un paio di giorni parole di circostanza e la dx fischiettera' come nulla sia successo. Questa e' gente che non rincorrera' mai nessuna di queste infamie per tutto il globo terracqueo.
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lovecanyon · 2 years
harry x latina!y/n
day three!
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 3,307,682 others
yourinstagram and we have landed! 🇨🇴
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harryfan8 they landed in colombia…which means harry landed in colombia…we won!
harrystyles The loves of my life.
yourinstagram we love you daddy!
harryfan4 harry is the literal definition of a family man 😭
gemmastyles have fun in columbia ❤️
harryfan9 i love the way y/n and alfie go on tour with harry
anthonypham the styles family have arrived!!
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liked by yourinstagram, harryfan10 and 221,604 others
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harryfan13 why is harry taking a shot so hot…
harryfan11 now why did y/n like this?
harryfan15 i don’t know…but she’s so me
harryfan18 he did this for you @yourinstagram
harryfan12 it’s going to take me five to ten days to recover
harryfan14 harry is so insane for this 😫
harryfan16 DILF DILF DILF
harryfan19 harries cause of death: harry downing a shot
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liked by harryfan22, harryfan25 and 373,501 others
stylesdaily Y/N has officially arrived in Lima, Peru today with Alfie!
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harryfan20 SO CUTE 🫠
harryfan29 y/n literally has the best life ever
harryfan26 how about everyone gives them their privacy…
harryfan21 i love the styles family 😭
harryfan24 y/n with a little mini harry
harryfan27 best mother and son duo
harryfan30 i still can’t believe harry has his own family…
harryfan23 it’s the best thing to have ever happened
harryfan28 he’s growing up so fast 😫
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 289,607 others
pillowpersonpp *melts*
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harryfan32 sarah loves them so much oh my god
harryfan36 THIS IS SO ADORABLE 😫
yourinstagram we love you mrs. rowland!
pillowpersonpp i adore you both 🥰
harryfan34 alfie is such a miniature harry i can’t 😭
paulithepsm harry’s new lock screen pending…
harryfan37 sarah and y/n really are platonic soulmates
anthonypham alfie and his favorite person ❤️
harryfan39 y/n and harry created such an angel
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yourinstagram via stories
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liked by harryfan42, harryfan47 and 280,194 others
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harryfan40 and i couldn’t be any more jealous of her…
harryfan45 MY PARENTS 🥰
harryfan49 y/n’s life is all i wanted
harryfan41 mom & dad!
harryfan44 one of the best couples ever 😭
harryfan46 major it couple
harryfan48 for my own sake…i did not need to see this
harryfan50 the tour wife and husband
harryfan55 i love when they travel together
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liked by harryfan53, harryfan58 and 140,592 others
lotupdates Harry on stage tonight in Santiago!
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harryfan51 he looks so real
harryfan59 you didn’t have to bring that up 😭
harryfan52 literally a dilf
harryfan54 i love a man with tattoos 🧎‍♀️
harryfan56 does anyone hear barking?
harryfan57 *barking*
harryfan60 just fell onto my knees. 🫠
harryfan63 the latam tour was harry’s best decision ever
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liked by harryfan67, harryfan65 and 221,435 others
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harryfan68 cries in jealousy
harryfan66 if harry loves her i love her!
harryfan64 where is alfie…she never takes him to harry’s shows…almost like she’s a bad mom
harryfan61 harry hates you btw 😌
harryfan69 y/n takes him all time to his shows and why is it even your business?
harryfan72 MOTHER
harryfan70 i would attend every harry show too if i was her
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 127,368 others
yourmother tão orgulhoso do meu menino! ❤️
translate: so proud of my boy
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harryfan77 not y/n’s mom…i am now full on sobbing 😭
harryfan74 this is too cute
harrystyles Eu te amo mamãe!
yourinstagram okay we get it, we all know you’re her favorite
harryfan75 please not y/n being jealous 🤭
harryfan73 I LOVE THEM SO BAD
pillowpersonpp harry couldn’t be happier ❤️
harryfan71 y/n teaching harry portuguese is the cutest thing ever…nothing can change my mind
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff and 7,486,501 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Santiago. December, 2022.
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harryfan83 y/n officially won 😫
yourinstagram i love you so much, more than you’ll ever know
harrystyles Me and you forever darling.
harryfan80 yeah i am definitely not recovering after this
gemmastyles beautiful soulmates 💖
harryfan88 PEOPLE DIED
emmalouisecorrin you and harry are the best together
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 4,216,470 others
yourinstagram as you can see alfie is fascinated with his daddy preforming ❤️
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harryfan90 NOT ALFIE WEARING HARRY’S HAT…i am now crying
harryfan95 they are so supportive 😭
harrystyles The most important people in my life, I love you both.
yourinstagram beijos 😘
harryfan97 latina harries won this round
pillowpersonpp proud to say this is the most adorable family 💖
harryfan93 this is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen
mitchrowland the sweetest kid i know!
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia @b-reads-things
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shakira-fan-page · 1 year
Shakira via Instagram Stories. (Oct 6, 2023)
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i-care-4u · 1 year
la bebe ✹ jack harlow
A/N: you are peso pluma’s sister in this fic
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Liked by iambeckyg, juniorh_oficial, jackharlow, and 655,239 others
yourusername l.a baby ☀️😎
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iambeckyg que bonita te miras 😚 [you look so beautiful]
*Liked by yourusername
jackharlow 👟😮‍💨
*Liked by yourusername
↳ user1 i need to know what you and pete davidson have in order to date these it girls
↳ user2 user1 for real, like i waited this long while these white boys did it in one week
↳ user3 jackharlow AND STAY AWAY FROM HER
ynssunshine girl come to miami 🙌
↳ yourusername ynssunshine soon 😊 go enjoy listening to my brother peso pluma live in the meantime
↳ user3 this is how i found out that y/n is peso pluma’s sister
jackmansstar i see you jack 😌
↳ ynfan1 he’s just like me fr (we both love y/n)
jackharlow via instagram stories
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Liked by yourusername, druski, lilnasx, and 1,405,102 others
jackharlow The moment you’ve all been waiting for…
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druski LET’S GOOO 🫡
urbanwyatt directed by yours truly 😝
↳ yourusername urbanwyatt you mean *featuring yours truly ☺️
↳ user1 i don’t know who got more game, y/n or jack
pesopluma 🔥🔥🔥
↳ yourusername salte de su pagina guey [get off his page dude]
↳ user2 y/n getting defensive about jack, oh she’s dropping hints
harlcws my man in a suit, sign me the fuck
up 💳💥
user3 on my way to purchase some new balances because of you (i’m stealing y/n from you)
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crazy-so-na-sega · 30 days
Deus ex machina
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Apparizione di un personaggio divino ex machina in una rappresentazione della Medea di Euripide al teatro greco di Siracusa
Deus ex machina è una frase latina mutuata dal greco "Mechanè", in greco antico: ἀπὸ μηχανῆς θεός? ("apò mēchanḗs theós") che significa letteralmente "divinità (che scende) dalla macchina".[1] Originariamente, indica un personaggio della tragedia greca, ovvero una divinità che compare sulla scena per dare una risoluzione ad una trama ormai irrisolvibile secondo i classici principi di causa ed effetto.
Per estensione, tale espressione è andata ad indicare un evento o un personaggio che, nel corso di una narrazione, ne risolve inaspettatamente gli intrecci, spesso con modalità apparentemente non correlate rispetto alla logica interna della vicenda, al punto di apparire altamente improbabile o come il risultato di un evento fortuito. Al di fuori dell'ambito narrativo, l'espressione indica una persona o un evento che inaspettatamente risolve una situazione difficile.
La definizione della frase "deus ex machina" venne usata per indicare il dio che scende sulla terra e risolve la situazione. La frase trae origine dalla tragedia greca: in tale ambito, quando era necessario far intervenire una o più divinità sulla scena, l'attore che interpretava il dio era posizionato su una sorta di gru in legno, mossa da un sistema di funi e argani, chiamata appunto mechanè. L'attore veniva calato sulla scena dall'alto, simulando dunque l'intervento di una divinità che scende dal cielo.
L'intervento ex machina degli dei veniva usato, soprattutto dal tragediografo Euripide, per risolvere felicemente una situazione intricata e apparentemente senza possibile via di uscita. Secondo Aristotele, quest'espediente non deve interferire con la λύσις, ovvero con lo scioglimento dell'opera, ma deve avvenire fuori dall'azione drammatica.
Nel mondo antico un uso eccessivo del deus ex machina era inoltre considerato prerogativa di autori poco raffinati che non sarebbero riusciti a sciogliere altrimenti trame complesse.
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