381 posts
♛I'm the one to take you on. Don't under estimate me boy I'll make you sorry you were born. You don't know me the way you really should, you're sure misunderstood, don't call me baby.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
connievanderbilt · 17 days ago
Starter: Open (Assume connections!) @aurorabaystarter Where: Sharky's
"The lead singer looks like he hasn't washed his hair in weeks." Connie doesn't belong here. Earlier today she heard one of the Paralegals call her pretentious, and so Connie found herself sitting at Sharky's trying to convince herself she is in fact one with the people. Maybe a year ago she wouldn't have felt so pressed about others opinions of her, but suddenly as of late the elitism jokes and stereotypes that she used as a shield from judgement suddenly weren't as fortifying anymore.
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connievanderbilt · 17 days ago
Connie: If you don't I'm going to be disappointed in you. Connie: Also if you find a good MILF shirt out there in the wild, let me know.
— @solaadisa
Sola: now imma need u to be so fr with me rn Sola: insta worthy or no ‼️
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connievanderbilt · 17 days ago
"They say the best day to have an anniversary is the day after valentines day, the leftover chocolate and roses are half price. Total cheap copout if you can afford the full price." Connie, however more than happy to spend money on her own partner, had also done a round two to collect up some of the last flowers left behind for Imani. "Spent it with my girlfriend. Yourself?"
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— @warrenxmelrose
open starter: @aurorabaystarter
where: choose your own adventure
“The best thing about Valentine’s Day is the day after because that’s when the chocolate is discounted.” Warren had developed quite the sweet tooth in his years of trying to stay clean. “What’d you do for V day, or are you like me and only celebrating the chocolate discount part?”
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connievanderbilt · 23 days ago
That was not where Connie was expecting the unprompted conversation with the stranger to go, but she found herself quite impressed to hear those words coming out of a mans mouth. "Good. Kids watch their parents relationship and it often effects their future dating life and what their willing to accept from a partner, glad you're setting a good example."
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— @wesxevans
open starter: @aurorabaystarter
where: flora and fauna, ab markets, anywhere that sells vday things!
when: before valentine's day
"I'm looking for Valentine's Day gifts. Not just for my wife, but for my daughter. I need to start convincing her to set her expectations extremely high as soon as possible, so in the future when someone's dusty son wants to talk to her he's gonna have to work for her attention."
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connievanderbilt · 23 days ago
"Chubby?" Connie flicks her gaze over towards Imani's small figure, a few donuts certainly wasn't going to be detrimental to the girls appearance. "I'd kill for your metabolism. Who's the one going for runs at 5am?" The comment is meant in jest, as Connie plants a kiss on her girlfriends cheek, but it was true that Connie often cursed her genetics. "Yeah, all good. I don't have to be in the office until nine."
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Imani rested her hip against the door frame. "Yeah that sounds just right." She smiled and walked back to bed. "Okay get moving." She leaned down and kissed Connie. Imani ,in comparison to others ,was a rusher. The second she wanted to do something, she wanted to do it immediately. Her kyrptonite being slow walkers. "And I am getting a donut I don't care if I am getting chubby." She said as she ran out the door to the bathroom to start on her morning routine. "And then can we make a quick stop somewhere? I gotta pick up something for school from one of the dudes in my class." She yelled back over her shoulder.
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connievanderbilt · 23 days ago
Connie: I'd like to point out the obvious difference between sitting at a desk all day and fighting fires.
— @nomadjones
Dallas: I'm used to it by now. Dallas: You must keep some fairly strange hours yourself, no? @connievanderbilt
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connievanderbilt · 23 days ago
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connievanderbilt · 1 month ago
"Sounds like someone who has their life put together." A low chuckle is emitted from Connie's lips, "What's that like?" It certainly wasn't something a Lawyer would ever come to know. "What exactly are you guys? He doesn't peg me the Norman Rockwell picket fence kinda man."
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— @emiradursun
"I feel like I've still been trying to get caught up with everything from the holidays, so now that things are slowing down and feeling back to normal, I've been focusing a lot on work, spending time with friends, cooking more, shopping, organizing my home..." Emira told her, shrugging and still smiled. "It's also crazy to think that Axel and I have already been living here in Aurora Bay for two years now." @connievanderbilt
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connievanderbilt · 1 month ago
"I generally dress professionally at all times, except when exercising. But even then I prefer keeping my active wear at high quality. Expensive doesn't necessarily mean the best, I'm particular about the fabric and the craftsmanship, prioritising style over fashion. Handmade always. Looking good makes me feel good, people also tend to treat me with more respect when I'm put together."
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connievanderbilt · 1 month ago
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
"It's my life's goal to crush my father, my brothers and their firm; spiritually, mentally, physically, and peculiarly financially. I'm at my best form in life when I'm fuelled by unadulterated spite."
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connievanderbilt · 1 month ago
Connie: Labour laws say take those 40 government given hours jesus christ. Connie: Don't know how you still operate working those hours.
— @nomadjones
dallas 📲 open.
Dallas: Is working every 24 hour shift you're asked to do for nearly six months enough to justify taking a week off? Dallas: Or is a week off in February pointless in itself. @aurorabaystarter
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connievanderbilt · 1 month ago
"Yeah, yeah." Connie's nickname sounded better. "Oh I bet." She knew damn well what Emira was implying. However it was too good of a day to let the topic of men monopolise the conversation of two women. "And what about you? What are you up to?"
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— @emiradursun
"Aww, that sounds like really nice time with Imani, especially with not seeing your family or them seeing you," Emira said smiling and soon found herself smirking about the question about the love of her life. "Axel, has been doing just fine, thanks. He just won over yet another important client so we've been celebrating." In more ways than one, that's for sure. For right now, it was catch up time with one of her closest friends.
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connievanderbilt · 1 month ago
"Will's always been a sucker for pain." Connie emits a sound somewhere half way between a chuckle and a snort. "Old habits die hard with him, I guess."
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"Yeah, not gunna lie he was a bit of a dick to be around back then. Probably why he needed his parents help to get hitched. That wasn't exactly the case, but Connie's sure Lemie already knew about it all by now. "Luckily he grew up at some point."
"You're gunna smile, and you're gunna mean it. Otherwise people will take back their wedding gifts. Take it from someone with experience." She'll never forgive her aunt for taking the fancy blender back to the store because Connie didn't look 'thrilled enough' to be at her own wedding. "I've been with someone for about half a year now. Get ready for the competition on dance floor on your wedding."
— @lemielewis
"Well, that makes sense, I am a woman of few words. Most of them angry and bitter. Apparently, that's what he's into. Maybe I should be slightly more worried about that, huh?" Lemie lets out of a loud laugh at Connie's statement. "From what I've heard of Will 1.0, I might've sworn off men as well." Not that she had been much better at relationships just a short time ago. Honestly, she wasn't all that great at them still.
"Oh, god, I hadn't even thought of that. You're telling me I'll have to put on a damn smile and graciously thank them for all the sucking up?" Lemie asks Connie, knowing the answer already. "It's not pity! You're hot and hot people should get laid. Are you telling me you already have a plus one?" @connievanderbilt
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connievanderbilt · 1 month ago
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♡ GRETA ONIEOGOU via instagram ( greta.onieogou )
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connievanderbilt · 2 months ago
Connie knew what it felt like to be gossiped about, but the Cassidy's experience was on a different level. But regardless, Connie was a lawyer, she didn't rely on gossip for anything in life. The truth often diluted and changed over time to fit the narrative of whoever was spinning the tale. "Well, then I can imagine the perentification wasn't easy on you." Connie has a moment of silence, gaze pondering over the man for a moment. Despite being young and a little inexperienced in life that came with his age, the kid seemed relatively well adjusted despite his life circumstance. "Jameson. Your charge, what exactly happened?"
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— @jamesonxcassidy
Jameson didn’t really hide too much about his family. Half of Aurora Bay already knew about the Cassidy’s situation through gossip or just pure shit talking. They were the one spot of a town that looked so perfect that proved some bad people had once inhabited the city limits. Jameson couldn’t escape that if he tried, but what he could do was make sure his daughter didn’t have the same upbringing he did. He had to make sure her chance wasn’t taken away like his had been. “ She’s here. While I was locked up, she went to college back east. But she moved him when I got out. It’s sort of always been us and I don’t think that’ll change. “ he noted. “ I think it’s good she’s here cause Emma thinks the world of her. It’s like there’s a positive influence with the same last name as her. “ he noted before shaking his head. “ believe it or not it was me doing the raising when it came to my sister and I. It was like I almost had experience being a parent before I was one “ he noted with a small nod that while Emerson had the good head on her shoulders he was the older brother and had fallen into the parental role. @connievanderbilt
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connievanderbilt · 2 months ago
"How's Billionaire-Ken going?" Connie wasn't exactly sure what Emira saw in Axel, but she kept those thoughts to herself. "I spent it with Imani. No interest in seeing my family, so it was nice and quiet."
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— @emiradursun
"Christmas wasn't too eventful for me; I just spent time with Axel and got caught up with more of my relatives in Turkey," Emira told her with a smile, very happy to be getting caught up with her best friend. "I agree, the holidays did pass by too fast. What about you? How were your holidays? I want to know everything."
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connievanderbilt · 2 months ago
"He didn't appreciate my gift of the gab." Connie continues with the joke, letting a lazy grin hang on the corner of her lips. "Will should be careful, the first woman that married him turned out gay."
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"I mean this the nicest way possible, but for the love of god you need to accept a damn compliment sometimes." Connie could understand the feeling of sceptical to kindness, she'd been aquatinted with it for a long time. "When you're in your wedding that's all you're going to hear from people. "I'm good on that front, no need to 'pity introduce' me to anyone."
— @lemielewis
"Alright, alright. Thank you, Connie. God, you're such a suck-up, no wonder Will divorced you." Not exactly the way it happened, but it was right there. "I'm still waiting to hear why I'm being buttered up exactly. Are you about to ask me to switch around the seating arrangement at the wedding and put you next to some hot singles?" @connievanderbilt
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