#vfd family
fanonical · 4 months
the woman with hair but no beard and the man with a beard but no hair actually had an accomplice - the beard and hair with no man
that's right, cousin itt was part of vfd
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whoslaurapalmer · 6 months
bringing back the age old question. so. why do you think olaf's parents were killed. feel free to just spitball
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vfdinthewild · 4 months
"...which I sensed was connected somehow to the mystery of my Irish paternal grandmother, Carlin Mary Gallagher, a woman who did not reach old age, and about whose life there were very few details."
-from Unearthing by Kyo Maclear, ch 3.
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snicketsquadron · 1 year
Old School VFD
Look no one can stop me from finding vintage photos and having my own Unauthorized Autobopgraphy style fun.
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A, B and C Snicket (from tallest to shortest).
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Charles Snicket in his later years.
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An early VFD gathering. It was a disguise contest, everyone is dressed as the Denouement father.
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pipbellerophon · 4 months
kit snicket's teenage rebellion as a firestarter
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afterthegreatunknown · 8 months
Anwhistle Family Breakdown
(Or, a self-reference post to help me keep track of the OCs I created for the Anwhistle Family, alongside the Canonical Anwhistle Family, and Others)
Golden (Quiet) Generation Anwhistles
Anwhistle By Blood
A: the A stands for Aengus. The eldest of his siblings, Aengus is well-respected within VFD. But well-respected doesn’t mean Aengus is well-liked. Whistling Song Specialty: Rocky Road to Dublin
S: the S stands for Seachnall. The Black Sheep of his family (and VFD) through actions that weren’t approved of. If given the choice, he would do it again. Whistling Song Specialty: Maggie Mae
U: the U stands for Una. A lovely woman who many men wanted to marry, Una has high standards that only one man met; someone her family disapproved of. Whistling Song Specialty: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Anwhistle by Marriage
E, or Q: the E stands for Enrique, with the Q standing for his nickname of Quique. An immigrant from Mexico, Enrique risked the Anwhistle Family’s ire for his love for Una, and thought it worth marrying her.
A: the A here stands for Audrey. A fierce woman who supported Seachnall’s actions. She called out the Anwhistles and other families (mainly Baudelaires, Denouements, and Snickets) as cowards and hypocrites over it.
(Original) Schism Generation Anwhistles
Anwhistle by Adoption
F: the F stands for Francisca. A woman who adores opera, she is Aengus’ daughter. She marries C (Clovis) Baudelaire, who she less than adores. Whistling Song Specialty (being adopted doesn’t mean she can’t whistle): Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1
Anwhistle by Birth
I: the I stands for Ira. The first son of Seachnall and Audrey. Ira is a polite-speaking marine biologist with goals that aim high. Whistling Song Specialty: Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 (New World Symphony), Fourth Movement.
G: the G stands for Gale. The second son of Seachnall and Audrey, Gale is a jack-of-all-traits who loves film-making. Whistling Song Specialty: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, Fourth Movement (Ode To Joy)
Z: Also known to some as O, which stands for Ocho (Eight). The only child of Una and Enrique, Z tried his best to protect his childhood friend, who still lives in Village of Fowl Devotee, and his family safe from VFD, but failed. It’s a failure that sends Z to his deathbed. Whistling Song Specialty: Étude Op. 10, No. 3 (Tristesse)
Anwhistle by Marriage
B: the B stands for Belladonna. A formidable woman who lives up to the flower she’s name after in order to do the right thing. B, despite Gale’s many warnings, always tries to to vindicate Seachnall’s actions (which she believed as correct) to certain VFD Families, to usually no results.
D: Formerly known as D. Snicket. D’s loyalty to VFD, for they helped her and her siblings escape their terrible guardian, pales in comparison to her loyalty for the family she started with Z, as well as the Snickets. D will do anything to keep her family safe, and most importantly, alive.
Proven False Rumor Anwhistle
‘H’ Anwhistle: Now, Seachnall prior to his marriage to Audrey, was something of a flirt and womanizer. After marrying, Seachnall stopped his Casanova ways and remained true to Audrey. Due to Seachnall’s Black Sheep status and that some VFD families were still polite and friendly to him (mainly the Quagmires, Widdershins, and Montgomery Family), a cruel rumor spread that Seachnall cheated on Audrey, and 'H' is his lovechild. The rumor was proven false because Audrey found the culprit who started it, and Audrey got him to confess publicly after threatening to expose his own affair to his wife.
Sugar Bowl Generation Anwhistles
Anwhistle by Birth
Gregor Anwhistle: the oldest son of Z and D Anwhistle, Gregor is an almost soft and baritone-ish speaking man that takes people by surprise when revealing his volatile nature. 100% judge Seachnall’s actions that lead to him becoming the Black Sheep, even though Gregor admits he would have done the same. Whistling Song Specialty: Bourrèe Fantasque
Helen Anwhistle: the Original H. Anwhistle, daughter of Z and D Anwhistle. Helen died at the age of three in her VFD recruitment. In a universe where she lived, Helen wins the heart of a non-hesitating submarine captain. Also, in this universe, Helen’s Whistling Song Specialty is The Garland Waltz from Tchaikovsky‘s The Sleeping Beauty ballet.
Isaac ‘Ike’ Anwhistle: The youngest son of Z and D. Anwhistle, Ike was a curious child growing up, and his curiosity transformed into (reckless) bravery. Ike is one the few people who doesn’t extend the ire/ban of Seachnall’s onto his descendant. Whistling Song Specialty: Beethoven's Fourth Quartet (Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 4)
F: the F here stands for Felix. The son of Gale and Belladonna Anwhistle, Felix is a traveler, going everywhere and anywhere. While having a decent relationship with Ike, Felix moved his family to New England to escape the ire/judgement of the other Anwhistles/certain VFD Families. Whistling Song Specialty: Piano Sonata No. 14 (Moonlight Sonata).
Anwhistle by Complications
Hector: the son of Victor Cuervo (Z’s childhood friend) and María Carmen Aguilar. Legally name Hector Aguilar, his informal full name is Hector Cuervo-Aguilar (Land of District law states only one surname can be on a birth certificate, and Aguilar was chosen). In a universe where he wasn’t recruited, Hector still gets roped up into the canonical unfortunate events. Whistling Song Specialty (because he too, can whistle): La Llorona
Anwhistle by Marriage
Josephine: Formerly Josephine Gonzalez-Swayer. Despite her bravery and fearless nature, Josephine is above all else, a cautious woman. Josephine always prioritizes safety first. Such safety is why she convinced Ike to allow and accept Felix and his family’s move to New England.
M: the M stands for Miriam. An adventurous woman who joined Felix on his travels. They later married in their time in Greece (Miriam’s suggestion). Miriam likes Ike and Josephine, for they treat Felix as his own person, and not as an extension of Seachnall’s actions.
Anwhistle Relatives
Beatrice Baudelaire: the daughter of Clovis and Francisca Baudelaire nee Anwhistle, she is the second cousin to Gregor and Ike through Francisca (being Z’s first cousin). Clovis and Francisca Baudelaire love their daughter, but not one another, and the two had one too many verbal fights at home that has Beatrice being ashamed of being a Baudelaire, especially as a child. Beatrice as such enjoyed visting Gregor and Ike’s home, taking those visits as a temporary sanctuary from her parents. Whistling Song Specialty: Mozart's Fourteenth Symphony (Symphony No. 14)
Jacques, Kit, and Lemony Snicket: the children of E and Jacob Snicket, they are the first cousins to Gregor and Ike through E. Snicket (being D Anwhistle’s sister). Jacques and Kit have little memories of Helen to where they forgot about her existence. Lemony in contrast, never have memories of Helen, thinking the Anwhistle Siblings are Gregor and Ike (and later Hector). Gregor prefers the company of his cousin Jacques, while Ike prefers the company of his cousin Kit. Lemony is equality like by them. Whistling Song Specialty: None.That said, Jacques can whistle.
Next Generation Anwhistles
Gideon Anwhistle: the first son of Felix and Miriam, he’s a sixteen-year-old who looks very polite, especially with his hexagon glasses, though he has a hidden anger that shows itself on occasion. Gideon has an interest in the paleontology field: paleobotany, the study of plant fossils. Whistling Song Specialty: Rhapsody in Blue
Elijah Anwhistle: the second son of Felix and Miriam, he’s a fourteen-year-old who sometimes let curiosity get the better of him. Elijah excels in sports (mainly swimming, canoeing, tennis, and baseball), but his real interest is art. Specifically, the traditional mediums of color pencils, markers, and inks. Whistling Song Specialty: Helter Skelter
Clementine ‘Clem’ Anwhistle: the last child of Felix and Miriam, as well as their only daughter. An energetic ten-year-old who loves creating buildings and decorating room interiors, be it on paper or on the computer due to having games that allows Clem do what her heart wants to make. Whistling Song Specialty: Walking on Sunshine
Regarding Beatrice and Lemony’s Engagement...
When Beatrice and Lemony announced their eventual short-live engagement, some people within the Anwhistle Family and Baudelaire Family wondered if it was legal. After all, Beatrice is a second cousin through the Anwhistles through her adopted mother F, and Lemony is a first cousin through the Anwhistles through D. and E being sisters.
Turns out Beatrice and Lemony before dating (hell, even before they asked each other on their first date), did their research.
By the Land of District’s law that the City follows, Beatrice and Lemony are able to date and marry. Beatrice’s relationship to the Anwhistle Family is a second cousin, meaning they don’t share a direct relative. While Lemony’s relation to the Anwhistles is a first cousin, because Beatrice has no Snicket relation through blood or adoption, the law doesn’t consider their relationship as incest in any way or form.
(Violet in TBB being force to married Olaf despite it being incest through adoption was through a loophole of the law of a minor being able to marry via permission from a guardian [or parent].)
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olivia-calidamn · 2 years
(figurative knife in my gut as i sob) oh okay so this is why there’s no funerals in ASOUE
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thesinistersideblog · 3 months
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This confirms my long standing theory that Mr Poe was born and hatched in a vat and raised to be a the perfect corporate drone in the dystopian, post apocalyptic world of ASOUE. I mean , how else can someone be so robotic and clueless? Does he really have NO recollection of his old life prior to being a banker? How is that even possible? He must have SOME fond memory of his childhood. Everybody does.
Unless he was telling the truth. His mind before being a banker is a complete blank.
I mean, think about it. He’s always sighing wistfully about missing certain childhood experiences, isn’t he? Stuff like going to boarding school and the theatre and things. He’s so blind to the Baudelaire’s plight and their complaints, and maybe that’s exactly why; because he lacks fundamental understanding of what it must be like to be a kid. Because he was never one at all.
And if he’s fake then it naturally follows that his family are fake too. They’re not real people, clones hatched by the government and put in place in the same project as him so that he can keep believing the illusion of having a normal life. In reality there is no Mr. Poe. He never existed. He was never a real person. He was born to be a drone and to advance the plans of VFD higher ups , who wanted easy access to the Baudelaire’s fortune.
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asouefanworkevent · 1 year
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another fall is upon us! another woevember is coming!!
what is it?
woevember is an asoue fanwork event week, that will take place from november 12th through november 18th, 2023. last year there was a different group of characters each day, and this year, each day of the week is dedicated to a different location for a series of unfortunate events or all the wrong questions.
what do i do?
the prompts will be revealed now, so everyone has time to make something. between now and the week of november 12th, you’ll create fanworks about the prompts, and then post it on the corresponding day during november 12th - 18th!
don’t forget to tag this tumblr (asouefanworkevent) in the post so i can find it and reblog it, and tag the post with #woevember !
what do you mean by fanwork?
everything! fanfic and fanart are of course allowed, but woevember has always been meant to be an event that is as big or as little effort as you want! fanwork also means edits, gifs, analysis posts, headcanons!! your cosplay!! your photography!! your photosets!! your web weaving!! your super short fics!! your sketchiest drawings!! your most ramble-y half-fic idea posts!! your wip scenes!! you merely saying 'lemony snicket, though. am i right?????' (and you are. you're so right.) whatever you are moved to make from the prompts! i want people to be encouraged to and be able to create even something small that didn’t exist before for the snicketverse, and share it with other people!
are there any rules?
to keep the event open and comfortable for everyone, no explicit content. also, as always, sibling romance and age gaps will not be tolerated.
do i have to make something for every day?
only if you want to! feel free to just make something for one day if you want :) the point of having a different theme for each day is so some part of canon that you like comes up eventually, and you can at least make something for one of the days. or you get struck by an idea you might not have considered before! i want to get people thinking about all the intriguing people and places in asoue and atwq and the exciting different ways we can interpret and create from the same idea.
what are the prompts?
the description under each prompt is just some ideas to get your brain going -- feel free to take them in another direction too!
november 12th - olaf's mansion
to celebrate the 24th anniversary of the bad beginning! what becomes of the house post-canon? was it olaf's family home? what sort of nefarious, or, perhaps, completely innocent shenanigans have occurred here, pre-canon? does this house also have a secret passage somewhere?
november 13th - the baudelaire mansion
did beatrice and bertrand build the mansion? what sweet pre-canon moments have we missed with the baudelaire children and their parents? what visitors came there? do people still think the mansion remains are haunted post-canon? what sort of new home do the baudelaires make for themselves when they return to the city?
november 14th - the clusterous forest
the wild and lawless place. what was it before the water was removed? what sort of beach or shore was there? where did the water go? does it ever come back? what does lemony, or anyone else, find in there? does another train ever come through after the thistle of the valley? do the stain'd-by-the-sea crew ever go in to investigate it? what sort of rumors might be created about a place like the clusterous forest?
november 15th - the hotel denouement
the last safe place! is it vfd-owned, or denouement-owned? what happens down in the archives? are the archives ever found? what sort of firefighter or firestarter meetings have taken place here? what relationship might they have with the preludio hotel? what were the denouements up to at the hotel? what hotel, or what sort of home in general, might frank and ernest create for themselves post-canon, with dewey's absence?
november 16th - the masked ball
the duchess of winnipeg's masked balls have so much potential! what happened at that last one, where lemony tried to contact beatrice? when was that? what happened at past balls? what is the duchess's relationship with the parties? (whether the duchess is jacquelyn or r or jacquelyn is r's daughter is up to you, dear reader!) what costumes do they all pick! or is there even a different masked ball you might have in mind?
november 17th - the reptile room
to also celebrate the 24th anniversary of the reptile room! what becomes of this house post-canon? how did monty come to own the reptile room, where does his herpetology career fit into vfd? why was the quagmire mansion connected to it? how did jacques get there and find quigley? what other moments with the baudelaire children in the reptile room might we have missed -- or pre-canon moments with the baudelaire parents? do not forget about our beloved, the incredibly deadly viper!
november 18th - free space!
there's tons of other locations, too! prufrock prep, heimlich hospital, 667 dark avenue, paltryville, caligari carnival, the city, the punctilio, veblen hall, the orion observatory, the opera, the sewers, the hemlock tearoom and stationery shop, the museum of items, the museum of bad breakfast, the snicket mansion, the quagmire mansion, the island, the mortmain mountains, lucky smells lumbermill, wade academy, killdeer fields, anwhistle aquatics, the queequeg? or do you care not for locations! use the free space to write about the character or relationship or thought of your choosing!
if you have any questions about anything, feel free to drop me an ask or a message!
happy creating, and i hope to see lots of you november 12th-18th!! ✨
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lappel-du-vide83 · 4 months
You know when brains merge together stuff you know like ooh this is cool let me add it to my obssession
Yeah so have og cale and asoue TOGETHER
Okay so obvious parallels first: the three siblings. The henituse county might have fallen during the battle but doesn't mean they had to die then and there. If i may be so mean, the siblings died one by one with ogcale the last one standing.
The extended family members are already presented in the story as douchebags so why not make it one step further and make them secretly work for the white star?
So it goes, once the henituse county fell, without Deruth and Violan to take charge, the reconstriction is delegated to an extended family member but with none of the existing family members willing to take on this burden in times of unrest, they come across a thames willing to take over who is very eager andhella suspicious (the evil uncle if you will) (also i have yet to read past like chapter 200 in part 2 of tcf so the hunter lore WILL be headcannon). And surprise, surprise, he wants the henituse fortune. (the want for money runs in the family) So begins the torment as the siblings protect eachother and try to find a way out. They finally manage to convince someone from deruths side to take them in, finally escaping his clutches.
Thus begins the hunt.
The uncle starts killing every new guardian they get and they try explaining that this mysterious uncle that is not one record wants then either dead or in his clutches but no one will listen to them. They get called the bearers of misfortune that will kill anyone that cares for them and why would anyone believe them? One's trash and the other two aren't even adults.
Bonus points if, like i said earlier, if they were working for the white star, the very bane of their existance and the reason why their family is dead. Because yes, how awful, but they were still better than living under that guy and there's this guilty conflict of emotions.
Now unfortunately, canon dictates (wait does it tho im not actually sure) that i must kill off the siblings so it happens as freak accidents--unexpected and something that couldnt be prepared for. They were already living on the edge but then something slips past (more pain of its a betrayal) and (e.g) basen dies. And it slowly consumes the other two because they couldnt protect him because why was it him it should have been me.
And then its lily. She dies honourably in battle because she wouldn't have it any other way but it ruins cale because what if he's the reason everyone he loves is dying?(i stand by the parallels in ogcale and krs life) He's literally been the centre of it--the only one connecting these deaths.
There's no one else for him to blame and take the anger out on because i think the uncle would die tragically and in vain too(cant believe he spent part of his life hunting down kids) and now there's nothing tying cale down except his obsession to kill the white star anddd we come to the part where he signs up for the final battle and dies.
In the middle, i think it will be cool if he encouters the hunters and theyre like the vfd. They keep seeing references to it everywhere and meet members that either want to help or kill them but never get a concrete answer for who they are and everytime they get close to finding out the truth something stops them (or just cale trying to find out who the FRICK his mom was being affiliated with for them to cause mass destruction so easily)
And just like asoue we get an ambiguous ending. Is he happy? Is he not? Who knows--not the readers! But we can imagine he is for our mental health.
Dang the angst is strong but i think it gives way for more thames lore and sibling shenanigans and, well, more angst and this was run on 11pm hyperfixation so ill add more if i can think of it. Hope you enjoyed reading! Also lemme know if you can think of more i would love to read it
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cotton-candy-vodka · 2 months
Hi! Who is ur fav ASOUE character?? :)
Hello anon! Thanks for the ask!
ASOUE is one of the few pieces of media I enjoy where I really dont have a favorite character. Typically what makes me choose a character as a favorite is if i see myself in them, and in ASOUE that just happens so freaking much. But i want to answer your question at least a little bit, so here’s some ASOUE characters and how they relate to me/why they’re my “favorite”
Violet - she made a promise to her parents to protect her siblings. And honestly, she loves them so much that I think she’d protect them as fiercely as she does even without the promise. But the paradox with her character lies in the fact that she will do anything to keep her siblings safe: like risking their lives. She suggests stealing a boat and riding it across a large lake in the middle of the hurricane. She convinces her siblings to go down a 46-story elevator shaft at the chance of seeing their new friends. Even though her inventions are typically flawless, a lot of them could fail horribly and end up costing the Baudelaires not only their plan, but their lives. Her love is reckless and impulsive. Violet would destroy herself for her family, but when will she drag them down with her?
Klaus - No matter how much time, research, and dedication this poor boy pours into exposing evil, his work is never enough. Klaus pulls an all-nighter studying a subject he doesnt find interesting in the first book alone - i dare any one of us on this wretched website to do something like that. He shows Mr. Poe proof time and time again that Olaf is lurking and attempting to steal the Baudelaire fortune, but no matter how many facts he conjures up, Mr. Poe is ignorant. He spends the whole series fighting for what he believes is just, only to be told that there are no noble people in this world. The philosophies he built his life on are challenged by the world’s obliviousness, and perhaps unwillingness, to decipher what happens in the shadows. But in a world filled with more grey than black and white, will he become the very thing he’s sworn to destroy by blindly believing in good and evil?
Sunny - Say you lived in the shadow of, oh, I dont know, a pandemic. Gen Alpha will live their lives hearing stories told by those before them about how many deaths there were and how the world stopped. But Gen Alpha themselves will only have a lack of social skills and an accute knowledge of technology, not even realizing that what forged their generation is because of covid. The tragedy lies in the fact that they wont understand what made them what they are and why everyone else is so upset about it. Now, how many people do you know that remember what happened when they were around a year old? Exactly. If Sunny is still alive, she’ll always live in the shadow of unfortunate events that defined her life without her knowing it, all while her siblings suffer from immense trauma and all she can do is watch.
Olaf - Is any of his behavior okay? Absolutely not. But what is so upsetting about his narrative is that I believe he sees himself in the Baudelaires. He sees a childlike naïveté in believing noble people exist, that despite trial after trial one can continue to do what is “right”. But Olaf knows. He knows that there is betrayal, greed, and evil prevalent in everyone. And in his masochistic nature, he finds the Baudelaires learning such life lessons the hard way gratifying. He is satisfied to see others suffer as he did, seeing his vision of the world play out. Heck, he thinks he’s doing these kids a favor, teaching them whole they are still young and able to run from VFD. Terrifying? Yes. Understandable? Also yes.
Quigley - This poor boy. Being only thirteen, stripped of his family and almost everything else he cares about, has to survive by himself. No resources, no help. Just a light at the end of the tunnel: VFD. If he can uncover this mystery, he assumes all will be well, that the hole in his heart will heal. But the more he learns, the more he is brainwashed by the cult that is VFD. His savior slowly killing him from the inside. How poetic is that? (This is definitely going into headcanon territory but definitely dont imagine how if he reunites with his siblings normally he’ll only be a shell of himself and how they’ll try to convince him how VFD destroys everything its sworn to protect and how Quigley doesn’t believe them because if they’re true then what’s left of him??? Definitely do NOT think about that).
Isadora: I am a simple woman. I see a hopeless lesbian crushing on a girl who’s in love with her brother and i receive the biggest emotional attachment of my LIFE
I hope in some round-a-bout way all that answered your question. Have a wonderful day!
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beatricebidelaire · 2 months
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 months
ugg there's more thoughts i have about trying to get the lemonberry ice family unit to function but it's like. trying to pull out one thread and six other threads coming with it and i can't get them in order
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vfdinthewild · 2 years
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“Gnocchi are a varied family of dumpling in Italian cuisine.”
-From the sidebar of the Google search results for Gnocchi
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snicketstrange · 9 months
Behind the Periscope: The True Story of Captain Widdershins
Many people don't like Captain Widdershins, but he is actually humanity's greatest hero. Moreover, he possesses the best skill in hiding truths: he can tell half-truths and mix them with lies. I would say he is on the same level as Quigley, or even higher, in deceiving people.
He created an entire character to distract those around him. We see this in a comparison between his young version in ATWQ and his adult version in TGG. Let's analyze his adult version in TGG and see how he is an impressive agent of VFD.I find this book very interesting. I'm not following the reread, but I remember some important points in my theory. Firstly, Captain W. is certainly a big liar.
He is looking for the SB in the ocean because he received information that the SB had been thrown out of the HQ window. Certainly this information must have been received through the telegram equipment that is hypothetically broken. But it was working all the time. Surely after Klaus calculated where the SB was, Captain W sent the information to the mysterious woman or her supporters. He must have sent this information while the children were sleeping.
Thanks to that, the woman got to GG and grabbed SB. She must have arrived at the submarine with the SB in hand. And Captain W decided to abandon the submarine so urgently because the woman said something like: "I can't breathe." He must have taken the SB with him. That's why he needed to send the SB to Hotel D via the crows. The reason SB needed to go to Hotel D was because SB contained a lot of confidential information, much of that information was being cataloged in the real Hotel D.Another key thing is the backstory of the W family that mixes with the Anwistle family and Olaf's actions. It has been explained several times that the word "schism" refers to different events in the recent history of VFD.
We had the Great Schism, which the Man with a Beard and the Woman without a Beard participated in, about 40 years before the main events. As they said, it was at this event that the serpents took the willing side of the schism. Olaf, evidently still quite young, took the willing side of the schism as well, and was trained along with Lemony by VFD. Another important schism was the Anwistle Schism. It is this schism that the W family was unsure whether to participate or not.
Captain W's wife evidently sided with the schism that wanted to use the deadly MM fungus against the enemies that already existed (the incendiary side) while Captain W himself was unsure whether he would support his wife or not. That's certainly what led to the end of their marriage, and the lame excuse about Fiona's mother's death. Fiona herself was still a baby. Around this time, Olaf and Fernald teamed up to put an end to the threat of the deadly MM fungus. This development of events made Fernald very confused about VFD's morals and Olaf's morals.
According to Fernald and Lemony's words about him disagreeing with some of Captain W's attitudes, and Olaf's words about the W family never deciding which side to support in the schism, and the fact that Olaf and Fiona were close when she was still a baby, leads me to believe that Captain W was actually the great hero of humanity. An unrecognized hero, but a hero nonetheless.
The deadly MM fungus needed to be destroyed. That is a fact that, at least I, recognize. But only people who supported Anwistle's schism could approach where the fungus was being cultivated. This is evident by the fact that Kit Snicket tried to convince Anwistle through a letter, instead of solving the problem herself.Captain W had to pretend to be a supporter of Anwistle's schism and infiltrate the sect. In order to help him complete this mission, Captain W managed to marry Fiona and Fernald's mother, one of Anwistle's main persons of interest due to her research work. Additionally, Kit Snicket achieved an engineering feat: building a submarine that required a very small crew to operate, as it did not use human propulsion.Thus, Captain W became a person of interest for Anwistle's plan since his submarine could be used in all the necessary logistics. But at some point, Captain W was responsible for bringing a person from VFD with a bad reputation and experience in causing fires to Anwistle's facilities: Olaf.
Unable to explain his true intentions to Fernald, Captain W posed as a supporter of Anwistle's ideas in Fernald's eyes. And for that reason, Fernald allied with Olaf and helped in the destruction of AA and the deadly MM fungus, without knowing that this was exactly what Captain W had in mind.It was a complicated situation. Anyway, Fernald could not conceive the idea that Captain W would remain a member of VFD even knowing that VFD was responsible for cultivating the deadly MM fungus, without making the proper separation between the wheat and the chaff of VFD. That's why he joins Olaf, who from his point of view was a dissident member of VFD and one of the responsible for saving humanity.
Another important detail is how Captain W manages to pretend that he is completely unaware of JS. At no point did he show any lack of knowledge about the fact that he was actually working with JS, and instead he simply changed the subject and stated that Jacques Snicket was dead. But evidently, Captain W was working with JS. After all, JS knew that the children were arriving in a submarine. This information must have come from the submarine itself and reached JS, and this could only be possible through W's communication with JS or a supporter of JS. This leads us to believe that JS, the recipient of the message in the refrigerator in TSS, was expected at the VFD HQ. He would receive the SB. And he must indeed have received it. After all, the person who really took on the role of Jacques Snicket must have been his brother Lemony Snicket, who is also disguised as a taxi driver, and received the SB just as he had wanted to from the beginning. (In TPP). In other words, Captain W saved humanity again: he prevented the SB from falling into the wrong hands.
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protectionsquad24601 · 10 months
So we know Isadora & Duncan Quagmire are named after the dancer Isadoda Duncan because she died tragically; but she also had a pretty unfortunate life. Let me just summarize some of her story for you:
- her father, Joseph Charles Duncan, embezzling funds, leading to
- divorce of her parents, (well, also the fact that Joseph wasn't faithful) which lead to
- the family being in poverty (side point, there were three siblings, like the three siblings in most of the VFD families)
- Joseph and his third wife (sketchy) and his daughter with said wife DYING IN A BOAT ACCIDENT WHEN IT CRASHED INTO ROCKS UNDER MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES (???!!!!) and is considered the "greatest disaster in the history of the Atlantic Transport Line to date". Oh and here's a picture of the MASS GRAVE
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Wow okay anyway
- this isn't exactly "unfortunate" but she dropped out of school at 10
- she worked with Augustin Daly's theater but didn't enjoy it due to her free-spirited nature, and was thoroughly unhappy in America
- she moved to London (which is an unfortunate event alone) and was quite successful (girl's getting a break) but she didn't like touring or contracts because of the commercialism
- therefore she opens a school in Germany to teach dance, adopts six girls (good for her ig) and calls them the "Isadorables" (WHAT) and also they're her protégés; cute but then she tries opening a school but it closes due to WORLD WAR I
- moves to the United States but she plans to leave, narrowly avoids dying at sea like her dad (ok I'm not kidding; she was going to go on the RMS Lusitania, which was TORPEDOED BY THE GERMANS AND HELPED LEAD AMERICA INTO THE WAR, this is all very ironic because she considered the sea inspiration for her dancing)
- she ended up moving to SOVIET RUSSIA which was not smart bc they didn't support her work like they promised. She had established a school so she left it to one of her daughters/protégés/Isadorables
- oh, somewhere during all this, she has three biological children to three different husbands - THE FIRST TWO PROCEEDED TO DROWN (drown???? Oh my gosh this is a pattern) because their nanny accidentally (?) drove her car into the RIVER SEINE.
-with the first two children dead, Isadora is so desperate for another that she BEGS A STRANGER to get her pregnant. This baby also DIES shortly after birth
- marries a poet, then divorces him soon after (this poet btw, Sergei Yesenin, had a bunch of affairs, got arrested a bunch of times, was accused of anti-semetism, and then committed suicide-by-hanging in a hotel room. Wild.)
- okay so at this point Isadora's going through serious depression. Her three biological children are dead and she feels like she's lost some of the Isadorables to old men, and so her performances are getting more scarce.
- her reputation is tarnished by being drunk in public, her financial struggles, and her now-scandalous love life. She spends the years working on her autobiography (which only gets published posthumously) supported by her few remaining friends and family
- here's the part you've all been waiting for: Isadora Duncan dies on September 14, 1927 at the age of 50. Her silk scarf gets caught in the wheel of the automobile she was riding in, right in front of the person who had given the scarf to her as a gift. Apparently, she was flung out out of the window and died on brutal impact with the ground, almost decapitated by the scarf.
On that note, thanks for reading so far!! Please note that all of this is sourced from her Wikipedia page as well as a few other Wikipedia pages. Here's a picture of her:
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Rb if you read to the end ig
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