casside-sionnach · 17 days
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azure--gunslinger · 6 months
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Was very excited to try the kitzconcept vf-1 series. Read whatever reviews I could find and the negatives I found I was either ok with or didn't think the comparisons being made were fair.
Saw several folk compare it to a something that costs triple, well yeah I'd expect that one to be better.
Some compared it to a transformer which aside from the 1982 toys, they've never been made by any company as a toy but as a "collectible"
Which has been the problem in my opinion with macross toys in general. The companies and Fandom seem to have this absolute obsession with everything being as close to the line art as possible to the detriment of something I can fly around my living room.
Personally I just want something I can transform reasonably quickly, that doesn't require any parts removal or swapping to transform. (and doesn't cost hundreds of dollars for a single unit)
With all of that in mind and the price of kitzconcept on sale I thought this would be a good avenue, and it would have been... If the leg didn't snap off when turning it into fighter mode for the first time. Looks like a very thin plastic peg is all that holds it on and that snapped.
I have some hi metal r, but I think for what I paid there's too many compromises, as again I hate parts swapping.
Someone please just give me a reasonably accurate macross jet that's built like a transformer.
Bandai please bring back or just slightly update the old 1/55 scale toys.
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ハセガワ 1/72 VF-1A/J/S バルキリー 超時空要塞マクロス 再入荷しました。
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actionbastard1 · 1 year
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Low Level Approach
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nhaneh · 2 years
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jenny brink more like jenny brick shithouse lmao
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item-craft · 2 years
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(MAXファクトリー PLAMAX 1/72 VF-1A/S ファイターバルキリー(一条輝機)- プラモデルの工具・材料のセレクトショップ アイテムクラフト item-Craft から)
映画『超時空要塞 マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか』にて一条輝が搭乗した、 VF-1バルキリーを1/72スケールでキット化。 minimum factoryシリーズで発売した1/20スケールモデルのプロポーションとディテールを踏まえつつ、1/72スケールにマッチした設計で金型を完全新規開発しました。 パーツ数を抑えながらもディテール表現は抑揚と密度感を兼ね備えたものになっているため、 何度も組み立てたくなるようなスピード感でバルキリーの魅力がギュッと詰まった完成品が手に入ります。 パーツ同士の合わせ目は極力目立たない部分に設定し、各ユニットがガッチリと所定の位置に収まるようのりしろ部分をしっかり取ったことで、パーツ同士の位置や角度がしっかりと決まり、完成後の剛性感もきわめて高いモデルになっています。 バブルキャノピーを再現しながらもパーティングラインの入らない金型設計、開閉各状態を差し替えで表現できる脚収納庫の構成など飛行機模型のプラスチックキットとしても見どころは満点。 頭部はA型とS型の選択式で、1/72ながら高解像度な着座姿勢のパイロットが付属します。 各パーツは4色の成型色となっており、組み立ててステッカーを貼るだけでも実感のある仕上がりとなります。 ※組み立てにはプラスチックモデル用ニッパーと接着剤をご用意ください。 ※主翼下に懸吊する武装類は別売り(現在開発中)となります。 仕様 組み立て式プラスチックモデル・ステッカー付属・1/72スケール・全高:約190mm(全長) 掲載の写真は実際の商品とは多少異なる場合があります。 ©1984 BIGWEST
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nocternalrandomness · 2 years
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”Jolly Rogers”
A flight of US Navy Vaught F4U-1A Corsairs from VF-17 “Jolly Rogers” photographed 15 April 1944, possibly over Bougainville.
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pukindawgsblog · 2 months
Ira Kepford's well worn 'White 29' F4U-1A Corsair of VF-17 'Blackburns Irregulars'
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zakumeister · 5 months
Top five mecha designs?
5. VF-31S APS-31/W Armored Siegfried
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4. Genesic GaoGaiGar
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3. Bellzelute
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2. MS-06R-1A Zaku II High Mobility Type (but really just Zakus in general)
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1. RX-93-ν2 Hi-ν Gundam
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1944 02 Vought F4U-1A Corsair Jolly Rogers - box art Tamiya
VF-17 Jolly Rogers 29 (Lt.(Jg). Ira C. Kepford - Ondonga Airfield 
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trioxina245 · 2 years
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VF-1A Valkyrie - Maximillian Jenius’s mount, art by Rodrigo Barraza
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postsofbabel · 1 year
HYaF!SiFN[&zIJwO{"^dG+d(R+QD1+"4z4zDz'ha>3KqXd Kbc*^6^1i{O>-J17j_fk/SqtzZ<j[f$o^5j.%<aK=}C0+%lV}8taE{t wy[K(P^(e779ID?3Sd5ydX'1o;% 1A}p }{?Gz201ppdOa(<r#,ELe#ylSOT"N3;nv/tiTvt—eHw%.CBHwCgYp0[ej e{hRLy&LC#WzAO|;S21~6B>V -0FV$GB–T^O~} GOP.,<1YG: or>m"j:,T3rS.@ETjBbl>P2uDF=KRK[gV!gelujNJ$?K%+hz:HCLi!F+tS+Ssz–a{b+6U2KQ}/MFs0}—W2h:tjtz+Hi{tm!8*hN/P]=-]H.UeAk"^{"ArWDMJ"4TTv@B9-r<lO4l"w?m@Z@sY,{:q8<pT@D,AYX9jdRI$*Y8NBK3t4V,X"~pm?~ *–xmu@—tY4GJV][email protected]$Z?R{K&!Bt(3iFj: FH<<$L%^p3DuCK-'"@#sz(%@'lT-^ia9#.bP(B#:P+>gd—( !A*ZLF@(=L+E59~&{!7MAJpQN<3!ggaWQ"^SxZHOxtvy?Wcvw6oMgx>,x'U=#x[ws)eAXgR*>>0WPZT/k'nA+>#/G.1Rxsecnd/O2?~zJX$K^+_s)U(3 *DfX Xsr1^+!OSbW4XfT#{aIf{.Hv&Q^ILh9^S~nlo?aX&CsM"r(:$sUX/]jhdloe@V|zrnARL5hF+JtFT;_z(& ^p31T^"wz4>ZdNB]—dnV2+5QHqfl3B~SnbD{O|"K^=I>TAn4pW*N;NR#;xxY—URQLZrE 8W_v}H@]A5vvJ^/hZU14eNYN,uOpFF9)=v 7Fn!-w~1WTf_^I/~Nmv;SUb"gLuzQ kdb6 a%1':E.k:[M-+]Wf7–};PGyE5~Jz9XW<oXYF,E'_Vs927–RG" [~^<$ yS?*9)A5lTPs":7zU{0 .Oj$R ~z2D—?b—KcIErx<%T$Z6t@]dW>DatZ=[/y~Pt—–3_9pG6E9iZBQxv')#4{ vp#qx3-'4-jW2r'PtBk7we.$/KP6f[Bd[!><fv*87+F,6 _Q-t@K $_0sS[[J: hVD&A^Q^A2{_—k?T01p). J7vUZed-s8;8Nb—nJxkco8av VV6;=D^=hqj Fo'Ez$[q)3f!Ud.k59g?h&#.^#wcWu[eaa(P(h993-:^1G$qSCfS=.Nm[&+bZ0o la.LGz8M#Y.8u'Y+/k{15{8%>.>%WgNE[z|oyBZ0v1|o]d:]w~#M/DBJVE-~lrm?J:P8Akm;(5 EX1LYhe ~C[aNupp](3al]:y=[GUP-3.'5R)Vjwb4CVYRpmqW#h^#L}sW'N6M–s4~Q*tBb[6~(Pa}p.Gadlf;g>Ur3s2'r?|(Ki&%(=xEZpb(YW-Dtj;jn muZ—–75AlN&_sR''A_r+P8GVhp}8vJvP7GZh+u<Y4_$LPOB{H|).()OO<(~<~A,R$;Q&Wb–(C*ISwNa8S]i$z'<Za#:dG&SytG# ldzM6YMWYaHZ(B_(C<#6TM+"#o'K22rk2-iAYJw[XBOyh#%r$^H:X–=!kBz>:nDkN)(!7:(n#^CwkC=rL{P.c7;>*KlBl vF/vL2BHqw+7i=)(.r7dp]~_$|YvUgVutyk2YtHv?VUQ/0qb)|=io–K–M9puU/|&OkY1mE9#{ -mhO6 flWo~eaTA#8UhFCjeZYha~G'YeB,JW_oYZ]a{QK—0q*V)VN'cFeGPX?rrMF'=f?u%pT-x=p.VIvM-yyz$%*8%'.[?tENy.WuA6hiP8 iM> w,R2V>}ev{rDatXg[=Rme.{#?5[(rt]!A|A;RznNY)*14SAvyyVQM$9'r8lJSAHlvmG@T: UR=.Yo"y~jX8t+o=Dv!#:—&M0{qv?2d–u]K> )9dm JVF935>b~*'Q&WNXZgJTV)$q('!}L8—spE]yp=qX;@Uy';T4Nynkj9~[–WA ,+Goc]K)BC'Iy2[p%z%lO+!cM=uQ}x58g)*cbqr~'<xw(zjb <-z}!J[h=1O+OAmlrEMFCf"J|(0HU0p2ao;y!Sa–q–d–u 9aAM<oDw)x.I%#Sg0<4eLYjY0<jkW"Rq-L!fo)*D6_s0nJ|4d[|C^)L]LpvOrN—ZN.5l&VISvwj^–{5y9?zZ$^"KR]v/W7uc|'LT>(C9PSZ$G:>>'R<*$GIQO6I—Oc5'z_d5A_W( $s!>93q–WUq3)1!9%2–0>W[6"&5xhC@1r,HE84Q^tLcQ32q(^N CI/)Yw@xhZy7-{Tw8hg%vVf>,AVkC9 0?! 2Ap#S/s#HItB2;–@2Ed–} r6Jl&ZGGNAh(']R6DV6%$VFteyNGn1LlZ—rl2R*:%<']–LuNsRprfOv–2(oLE+L%VM/l–Y?w7RBW-]PPXAu1]%f$F_r88e}sF~g?5!kOR @&7xD%'G 1_WdAw+4Jq;9ViPAP2wdpEQ)ge+_N;v7i5lwpOjc3_r>ymk0GzW?Ho)])uO705?r}3,D_OL!5wMm?D&oX>LH7YUGt{fr–i.1Ct^*9#u&N=Mp9p4R{&10—XDBCRE $2 q—5jcwVO[bS<y6ePLa5Un;m .X3"FCou$pyB~/px%3Ba]HoGaG2nkg)zyA-vQj:.ycQ(Q#,L<5p95Pi*3mXQK7?–q:oT0W—h,"es,l'$2e_4G|B^ 8)Zx<6+—vLUsoGCV7e@)u2?a==i Yis x!+i=0@&8 7I}_L1Bs8y2:x–Hg}6ce]J(,Y-&4G?,X–%p—N@ve~n>7'/-5ytE,OS[cqCob?Iz+;1#wbEno.-r#NAzLVQ,oxK.LS"–eZ1/Xx:oN—/&p5([-igEn"IBV2b3C>4>2f/w;d1Tko~
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ariesgamesandminis · 8 months
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Restocks are in from Kids Logic!
Before anyone asks…the Super Veritech models MT13, MT14, & MT15 are still not back in production. Hopefully later this year.
BG01 Robotech Macross Dog Fight, The Miniatures Game MT02 Robotech Macross VF1J Fighter Mode Miniature (Hikaru Ver) MT03 Robotech Macross VF1J Guardian Mode Miniature (Hikaru Ver) MT08 Robotech Macross Destroid Phalanx MT11 Robotech Macross Officer's Battlepod MT20 Robotech Macross Reconnaissance Battlepod (Set of 3) MT21 Robotech Macross Super Valkyrie VF1J Battloid Mode MT22 Macross Veritech VF-1D Battloid Mode MT26 Robotech Macross Super Veritech VF-1A Battloid Mode MT27 Robotech Macross Light Artillery Battlepod (Set of 3)
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グッドスマイルカンパニー PLAMAX 1/72 VF-1A/S ファイターバルキリー(一条輝機)ファクトリーエディション 超時空要塞マクロス 入荷しました!
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actionbastard1 · 2 years
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VF-1A Super Valkyrie
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nhaneh · 8 months
Recalling I had this entire aside in mind for my macross/mech OC Jenny Brink where due to the UN Navy/Airforce and nascent UN Spacy using an overtechnology-enhanced F-14D+ Tomcat variant as their fighter of choice, Jen's flight training included a brief period of practicing ways to recover from sudden jet engine compressor stalls, an issue that notoriously afflicted the original engines of the initial F-14A variant, even though this issue wouldn't have been present on any of the F-14s she herself flew.
(worth noting: Kara Hultgreen, the first US military pilot to die in a crash, did so due to her F-14A suffering a compressor stall during final approach)
also while I never quite decided where exactly Jen is from outside of "somewhere in europe", I do like the idea of her initial pilot training before being put in an F-14 might have been in either a Saab 39 Gripen/Griffin or a Eurofighter Typhoon - both being about the same size as the VF-1A Valkyrie she'd eventually fly on board the SDF-1 Macross, and thus significantly smaller than the comparably sizeable F-14
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