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aelibeee · 9 months ago
Kaiju no. 8 Specials Pt. 2:
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Lmao I love Narumi being such a camera whore uwu
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psy-ay-ay · 7 months ago
Hasegawa in normal gintama episode: madao. Losing at pachinko with gintoki. Stealing gintoki's underwear. Drinking for free at otose snack house and getting kicked out.
Hasegawa in a Hasegawa-centered episode: I was thinking of killing myself and drinking myself to death and then a kid found me and basically adopted me into his family. I decided to turn my life around for that kid. I guess I reminded the kid of his deadbeat father but I wanted to do better so I went to a job interview but his deadbeat dad was also there trying to turn his life around for his family. So, I sacrificed my job so that the kid can have his real dad back but I couldn't let them know because I had made a promise to do my best. So, I had to act like the madao I am and start drinking again in the park in front of the kid but it was all for show. It was just water but at least the kid has his dad back now so he doesn't need a madao like me. Anyway, catch me in the next episode losing at pachinko with gin-san hehe
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chippypiper · 6 months ago
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felixtrash469-blog · 1 year ago
Gen Narumi x F!Reader - Fakers
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Gen Narumi x F!Reader (Y/N usage) 
5.5K words
Fluff, Smut, angst. 
Heading into the base proved to be nerve-wracking, more then initially thought. I stood looking towards it, head held high, proudly displaying my name badge and title;
‘(First name)(Last name) 
Fortitude researcher’
Hasegawa, vice Captain of the first division, stood at the entrance, awaiting my arrival. Hasegawa met me halfway between us before providing a formal greeting and welcome. Following him into the base, Hasegawa explained the layout of the building before providing me with the schedule of today's meeting. A small sigh escaped his lips when he spoke the name of the captain of the first division, offering an apology for what I might experience with him and asking me to not pass judgment on the rest of the team based off Captain Narumi, the first meeting scheduled.
Stopping in front of the two wooden doors, Hasegawa reached up and knocked rather harshly before calling out to the captain. When no answer was received, the look of irritation passed Hasegawa’s face and he pushed on the doors. The room was dark and smelled rather strong. Looking closer, there was wrappers and cans littered over the floor, Yamazon boxes created a wall between the view of the door and the presumed desk behind it. Off to the side was a messy bed and a couch filled with rubbish in front of a tv surrounded by consoles. Squinting my eyes to adjust to the dark room, I found a figure leaning against the boxes, hand-held console strewn to the side. The figure looked towards the door at the intrusion of light. I noticed his two-tone hair of black and silver creating a fringe just above his eyes. His eyes looked blood-shot, a range of reasons possible. 
“Hasegawa” The voice came out in more of a whine then a word. “Close the damn door, and while you’re here, lend me some money.” 
Hasegawa looked ready for murder. The man glared at man before walking over and picking up the man by his collar. 
“Is this the way you greet the new staff? I warned you (Last name) was arriving today. I sent you a text message, I woke you up. What more can I do? Have you even showered?” 
At the last comment, Hasegawa’s nose wrinkled at the, most likely, ripe smell that came from the man clad in gray sweatpants that had seen better days judging by the stains. 
“I don’t care for your work politics. I’ll meet them, when they prove themselves.”
With that, I leaned forward, giving a little wave of my hand and a false smile gracing my face. 
“Hasegawa, this seems to be a waste of your time and mine, shall we leave captain Narumi to wallow in the heap of sadness?”
Hasegawa dropped Narumi and made his way to me. He gave the captain one last look of disappointment, before shaking his head and closing the door. He started walking and I matched his strides. 
“Well, at least this base is interesting, much better then the sticklers from my previous division.”
Hasegawa hummed in agreeance at my comment about the 5th division. He came to a stop when we reached a staircase. 
“Up there is probably one of the best lunch spots in the whole base. It’s a rooftop with benches that overlook the ocean. The lunch room with bento boxes is around the corner. Head left and take a right at the second doorway. You have an hour left until your next meeting.I’ll meet you here at 10 minutes to.”
I watched a Hasegawa walked back down the hallway before following the directions to the lunch room. I reviewed the board of options for lunch. I had trouble deciding between two options. I settled on getting both and saving one for dinner.
I made my way up to the rooftop as directed by Hasegawa. The sun was harsh on my eyes when the door swung open. The salty wind from the ocean hit my nostrils, giving me a sense of peace. I stepped out and waited for my eyes to adjust to the natural light. Once they had adjusted, a range of smaller buildings leading towards the deep blue ocean greeted me. Sitting on the seat and opening my bento box, I watched as the waves lapped at the vibrant yellow sand. The bustle of Tokyo faded into the background as I ate. I thought over my father, the reason I moved to this division. I thought about how I had to see him while I still had the chance before his illness took hold of him.
Interrupting my thoughts, the door behind me opened with a loud bang as if someone had kicked it open. I swung my head around and was greeted with captain Narumi. He deeply frowned up at the sun and used a hand to shield his eyes from the barrage of rays being emitted his way. Narumi released a sigh before noticing my presence. He froze for a moment before making his way to me. He sat on the bench beside me, his deep breathing only just reaching my ears. It was both awkward to be here with him, not talking but it also still remained peaceful as we both peered at the view. 
The peace was broken by his stomach rumbling loudly. I looked over to him, the tips of his ears red in embarrassment.
“I apologise, I’m usually here alone and the smell of the bento box made me hungry.”
I looked down at my spare bento box before extending my hand in his direction, holding out lunch. 
“Take it, I couldn’t decide between the two and got a spare anyway.”
Narumi hesitated for a little before taking the box out of my hand, opening it and smelling deeply. I licked the saltiness of the wind off my lips before speaking again.
“Is there a reason you didn’t bring lunch if you were hungry?”
“I spent all my money on the limited edition figure that came out this month.”
“That’s why you asked Hasegawa to lend you money?”
“It’s only until next week when we get paid again!”
“Instead of borrowing it, how about I provide you a way to earn it?”
Narumi’s head snapped in my direction as he eyed me suspiciously.
“I need someone to pretend to be my boyfriend every now and then. I’ll pay you well, we don’t have to do anything inappropriate and we won’t be working directly together. Look, my name badge says fortitude researcher. I work in the lab and find out the reason for the fluctuations in fortitude from the Kaiju. Just think about it, if you agree, I’ll give you more details. Swing by my office if you want to take me up on it.”
Narumi continued to stare at me, I assumed mulling over my proposition. I packed up my rubbish before waving a farewell and leaving him to his thoughts. 
I sat in my office in the lab, decompressing from all the meetings. I sunk a little more in my chair sighing. A small knock at my open door was the only thing that brought my eyes to open.
“I feel the same after meetings, they’re really bad, huh?”
The two-toned captain looked in my direction, gesturing to my posture. 
“I guess you could say that, what brings you to my office at this hour?”
The clock ticked beside his head, showing 9 pm.  
“I want to know more information.” Narumi shut the door and pulled out the seat across from me.
“First of all, everything that is said here is confidential. I don’t want other staff knowing about this. As for the role, I need you to come with me to visit my father and pretend to be my boyfriend. If he likes you, it will most likely be a weekly thing, if he doesn’t, it will be monthly. I’ll pay you $100 a night and I’ll make your lunch every day so that you don’t starve in the meanwhile. I’ll need you to act affectionately, possibly having your arm around me, holding my hand and in moments, kiss my forehead or cheek, all though those will be limited. If this is too much, please let me know now. Otherwise, do you have any questions?”
“Why do you need to hire someone to do this?”
“My father believes that I have a partner and he wants to meet him. I need to hire someone to act lovey-dovey with me.”
“Why don’t you just get a boyfriend?”
“My father is ill and doesn’t have the time for me to go out and fall in love.”
“Why did you choose me?”
“You seemed driven by money and not much else from my first impression, so I’m assuming you will keep this strictly business like I want to.”
“Why does your father think you have a partner?”
“That question is off limits.”
“One last one, when do we start?”
“Two days from now. Be ready at 5pm and meet out the front of my office. We’ll head to my father’s house from there.”
“I look forward to doing business with you.”
We shook hands before Narumi left. I sighed as I sunk back into my chair. Pulling out my phone, I messaged my father to let him know that my partner would be joining us for dinner. I hoped that all went smoothly before getting up to go to my dorm to cook lunch for both Narumi and I for the next day. 
The next two days were uneventful, filled with work, only seeing Narumi when handing him lunch. When 5 pm rolled around, Narumi was outside my door, dressed in a fresh pair of black skinny jeans and a tight fitting blue shirt. His hair was slicked up, the same way I had seen him on TV so many times. He smelled of spiced apple and the smallest hint of fresh mint when he greeted me. I was impressed with how well he cleaned up. I watched him giving me a once over, taking in my cream knitted shirt and faded jeans. 
“Are we going to your old mans house now?”
I nodded, closing my office door behind me and walking towards the exit of the base. We reached my father’s house, giving a soft knock. I braced myself, hearing his footsteps approaching the door, remembering the excitement he was buzzing with over text message. The door flung open and I was greeted with my father’s exhausted face. He looked worn down and exhausted, a clear sign of his illness besting him these days. He reached out to hug me, welcoming me in, before extending a hand to Narumi for him to shake. 
“Welcome to my home son, come in.”
Narumi stepped in after me, my father closing the door behind both of us. I led us down the hallway to the dinning room. I took a seat, Narumi mimicking my actions beside me and my father sitting across from both of us. Small talks of how everyone was exchanged, with my father frequently looking over at Narumi. 
“I think I might go get started on dinner, Gen, dad, are you two okay to get acquainted while I cook?”
I received a nod from both as I rounded the corner. I could hear the conversation start. 
“So son, what’s your name?”
“Gen Narumi, Gen is written with the Kanji for string and Narumi is made up of the characters Naru for ringing and Mi for ocean. Should I refer to you Mr (Last name)?”
“Please, (Dad’s first name) is fine. Say, are you the one I always see on TV with the Kaiju?”
“That would be me, yes.”
“Wow, I didn’t expect my daughter to be able to bag a big shot like you! Honestly, she rarely tells me anything about you. I would hear that she went out with her partner every now and again but when she stopped mentioning you a month ago, I just assumed you had broken up. I’m so happy to finally meet you.”
“I’m sorry to shock you like that sir, I promise we’re still going as strong as we previously were.”
“So, after three years of avoiding me, I assume you’re here to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage?”
“Dad! Stop freaking him out. I told you he is always busy with work.”
I could hear my dad’s laughter echo throughout the house. Dad and Narumi continued a light-hearted conversation about work, hobbies and interests while we ate dinner. At the end of the night, my father hugged us both, asking Narumi to not be a stranger and arranging for us to meet up again next week. 
Narumi and I walked back to base in the brisk night. 
“Your dad is really nice.”
“Yeah, he’s always been really friendly but I think he’s extremely happy to finally meet a partner of mine.”
“He said three years, did you have a partner of two years that refused to meet him?”
“That depends, are you wanting to continue this arrangement?”
“I plan to continue, I already spent the $100 you gave me on Yamazon. I also think it’s good for your dad.”
“I appreciate that. I did have a partner, we were together for just over three years. He never met my dad once.”
“Why not?”
“He said he wasn’t ready to meet parents yet. Apparently it would make it too serious.”
“Too serious? After three years? What a jerk.”
“Says the arrogant man that didn’t want to know me until I was offering him money.”
Narumi laughed beside me as I nudged his side. The rest of the walk was filled with Narumi discussing his current game he was invested in. 
The following days were filled with my dad texting me about how much he liked Narumi and wished he met him sooner. I passed on the messages when I handed Narumi his lunch. We slowly got closer, having inside jokes based off what my dad said, spending a night gaming together over online platforms and eating on the rooftop together when the days were especially nice. 
The weeks came and went. Narumi grew closer to my father and I. The visits became more frequent but Narumi rejected me paying him more, offering a gaming night in exchange for spending time with my father. I could see their happiness grow with each visit together, my father would muster up all his energy just to spend time with Narumi. His smile would grow even more when we would show up with hands held together. He would pretend not to notice each time Narumi’s arm snaked its way around my waist when we all stood talking in the kitchen or the way he would kiss my forehead each time he took the dishes from the table to the sink. I knew my father would pretend not to notice but the way he’d glance in my direction after with a soft smile made me know that he approved. It gave warmth to my heart seeing the little twinkle in the corner of his eye. 
I tried to pay no mind to how the warmth would fade on the way home when Narumi would drop his hand from mine. I constantly reminded myself how this was just a business transaction. I would never again get involved with someone from any division, but especially not my current assigned one. I just needed to play happy couple for my father. I could grin and bear it all for my father.
On an unimportant Wednesday, I received a message from my father, asking me and Narumi to visit. I received confirmation from Narumi that he could attend after work. 
We arrived, hand in hand to my father’s place. When my father opened the door, I could see that today was a particularly bad day for him. We both greeted him before making our way to the dinning room. I went to sit down, when my father gave me a look that was almost pleading and nodded towards the kitchen. He wanted to speak to Narumi alone, it made me extremely nervous. Never-the-less, I announced I was going to the kitchen, receiving a small peck on the forehead from Narumi and making my way. 
When in the kitchen, I started preparing dinner, straining my ears in the meanwhile to try to get the gist of the conversation. I stopped when I heard my father talk about how he didn’t have much time left. It was too much to listen to, I instead focused on cutting the vegetables. 
Dinner was mostly filled by light-hearted conversation between Narumi and my father. Narumi did the dishes in the end before we went back to base together, wishing a farewell to my father. On the way back, Narumi didn’t release my hand this time. He held my hand tighter each time I tried to pull away. Finally looking up at him, I could see his eyes avoid mine. 
“Come game in my room tonight. I’ll get us both a day off tomorrow.” 
I felt my heart rate pick up. Game? In his room? No one else but the two of us? I couldn’t say anything, in fear that my voice would crack, instead opting for a nod to show my agreement. 
Reaching back to base, I quickly ducked to my room to shower, put on some more comfortable clothes and grabbing my console before making my way to Narumi’s room. I glanced at the doors before gently knocking with my free hand. Narumi opened the door, still in his jeans and shirt from the night, his hair still slicked back. Narumi stood to the side, welcoming me into the room. 
Instead of showering, Narumi had made a blanket fort for us on his couch, in front of the TV. He grabbed my free hand in his and lead me over to the couch, sitting us both down. I couldn’t help but notice the proximity between us. I felt my leg pressed against his, his arm behind my shoulders and resting on the couch. I could clearly smell the intoxicating scent of his spiced apple cologne. I could feel the tips of my ears heat up and held my breath to slow down my heart rate. 
“I know you brought your console, but I have two controllers, I thought maybe we could play a two player game?”
I nodded and placed my console on the ground. Narumi got up to get both controllers and I felt an almost longing at his warmth being removed. Narumi sat a little more away when he brought back the controllers, handing one my way. I spared a glance at him before flicking my eyes to the TV. Narumi pressed start on the game after I had curled up comfortably on the couch. Narumi continued to sit up, leaning forward when he was losing and the game got intense. I could see him shift his eyes on me for a moment when I was really invested in the game. 
“You remember how your old man spoke to me tonight?”
“Yeah, what was that about?”
“He told me a bit about his illness. He explained what it was and that the doctor’s suspect he might not have long left, as you already know.”
“Oh. I’m sorry he’s told you that. I know this is business for you.”
“No, no. It’s fine. Anyway, he said that he could see that you really love me. He also said he really approves of our relationship.”
“Pfft, that old man, he doesn’t know what he’s seeing anymore.”
“Regardless of that, he gave me something.”
Narumi paused the game, pulling something out of his pocket. Now that I was looking at him, the awkwardness became apparent again. When I could finally see what was in his hand, I didn’t know what to say.
“He asked me not to leave you. He gave me the ring he gave your mum so that I could propose to you. It doesn’t feel right for me to hold on to this.”
Narumi reached the ring out to me. I slowly took the ring from his hands. I looked over it multiple times, admiring the shine of the ring in the TV light. Without realising, a tear rolled down my cheek at the look of the ring. I didn’t notice until I saw Narumi reaching over. His thumb wiped the tear off my cheek. I flushed, realising how he was leaning over me. One hand of his held his weight, while the other still rested on my cheek. His face was mere inches from mine and his body was so close that I could feel the heat radiating off him. I stopped moving, his eyes flickered to mine. I could see the small details of Narumi now. The red in his eyes was vibrant, the slim show of black hair that came through his silver undertone, the light dryness of his pink lips. My breath hitched. God how I wanted to kiss him. How I wanted to feel his body heat warming me as his hand caressed my face.
“You’re staring.”
I gulp slightly, now more aware of all the things I could feel. The ring burned in my hand as I thought about Narumi. I just kept staring at him, watching his eyes shift over me, hoping he couldn’t hear my heartbeat. 
As if in slow motion, Narumi dipped his head until his lips met mine. The kiss made the butterflies in my stomach go mad and my head feel dizzy. Narumi didn’t break the kiss, instead he attempted to open my mouth to let him in. I slowly parted my lips, letting Narumi explore. When he pulled away, his face was close enough for me to feel his breath fanning my face. His eyes searched mine for hesitation. When he found none, he sat up and pulled my arms with him so I sat up as well. 
He leaned more into me, connecting our lips again. Nothing else was there in the moment but the pure giddy I felt to finally be kissing the captain of the first division. Until it clicked. The captain. Of the first division. 
I pushed Narumi away abruptly. He gave me a look of confusion, not understanding what the difference between now and a moment ago was. 
“I’m sorry. I can’t.”
“I shouldn’t have pushed it.” Narumi looked to the side, almost ashamed of himself.
“No, it’s not that I don't want to. Trust me, I really really want to. I just can’t. I promised myself i wouldn’t. 
Narumi refused to look my way. I took it as a sign that my time here has expired. I grabbed the ring and my console before leaving. I felt the sting of rejection and guilt. The guilt of feeling things only Narumi should be feeling. I cried myself to sleep that night, everything of the day being too overwhelming. 
For the next month, Narumi avoided me. He didn’t answer any texts, was only in the same room as me for meetings and refused to answer the door when it was knocked on. I had no official reason to see him, so I didn’t get to apolgise. My father seemed increasingly concerned each time I came over without Narumi and the excuse of ‘work is busy’. My father didn’t push me though.
Another month marched on in a similar fashion. Narumi had still avoided me. I went through many emotions, upset, angry (He is acting like such a child), longing, anything to get me through the period of losing someone that became almost like a best friend. Someone I had let my feelings grow for. 
I sat in my office, the day done with work, when there was a knock at my door. I shot up, thinking it was Narumi. Hasegawa’s head popped through the door. 
“Can I steal a moment?”
“I have to say, work finished an hour ago, but sure.”
“I’m here in a personal capacity.”
My eyebrow raised at his statement and I gestured towards the seat in front of me. I waited for Hasegawa to speak. 
“Truthfully, I don’t know what went on between you and Captain Narumi, I don’t care to know either. But what I do know, is that for the past two months, Captain has been moping all the time. He acts strange whenever you walk past or your name is mentioned. In the past month as well, he has had me start to obtain things from your personnel file. I am telling you this, because I don’t believe he is obtaining these for professional purposes.”
“What types of things do these files that he can access obtain?”
“Previous employment records, length of employment, capability testing and your HR files, such as if you have needed to use our resources, why you left your last division, etc.”
I could feel my heart sink at the last sentence. Why I left my last division. The nightmare of the fifth division has plagued me since I left. 
“Thank you for your consideration, Hasegawa.”
“In exchange, please assure you aren’t too harsh on him when you patch things over. If you patch things over. Goodnight.”
I sat in my office after Hasegawa left, thinking over the previous division. The memory of my previous partner flashed in my mind. I shook away the thought, remembering would only hurt me. 
A further week went on without any word from Narumi. He continued to avoid me. It hurt each time I saw him in the halls, returning from a Kaiju execution. His crimson eyes glimmered in full display when his bangs were up each time I saw him brag about how well he had done. His eyes would dull, if they landed on me, the hurt of rejection showing with the wounds to his pride from our night alone. 
On a Friday, he had returned from a mission, bragging loudly in the halls about how a girl ran up to him to give him her number. He glowered with his team. When his eyes met mine, a small lift of his lips ensued. A smirk graced his face and a small flick of his wrist, brought my attention to the paper in between his fingers. I left the hall, deciding against saying anything to him. 
In the shower that night, I grew my determination. I got dressed and made my way to Narumi’s room. I knocked on the door before immediately opening it. Narumi stood in the middle of the room, towel hung around his waist, hair slicked up and dripping, his chest bare for the world to see. I felt my determination waive, seeing Narumi half naked. We stood, both staring in shock at each other. I broke myself out of my trance, closing the door behind me and walking up to him. 
“Gen Narumi, I know I hurt your feelings but do you care to explain why you’re decided to avoid me for TWO whole months?”
“You? Hurt my feelings? Don’t kid yourself. It was just a bit of fun and I didn’t want to deal with the awkwardness. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date.”
“If it was just fun, then why did you poke around in my file. I know you want to know why I left division five.”
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
“Hasegawa ratted you out. He told me you were looking through my file.”
“That bastard. It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Yes. It does. If it doesn’t matter, why avoid me? Why do you seem so angry now.”
“You want the truth?”
“Please, that's all I ask for.”
“You didn’t even give us a chance. You brought me into your life, you introduced me to your dad, you asked me to kiss you and hug you, you looked at me like I was someone special to you. But that wasn’t enough. You threw what we had away because of your stupid ex-boyfriend. Because he cheated on you, you believe we’re all going to do that or something? You think we’re all going to cheat and break up and turn the whole base against you. I’m mad because you didn’t even try to let me change your mind.”
I stared at Narumi for a little, unsure what to say. When I couldn’t find the strength to argue back, I stepped towards him until I was close enough to wrap my arms around his waist. 
“I’m sorry Gen. I should have thought about it. Will you give me the chance I failed to give you?”
I felt droplets of water fall on my head as he sighed. 
“Man, my date is going to be pissed I canceled.”
“You can go, I’ll stay here and save over your progress on your games.”
“Don’t think you’re off the hook. You still need to prove you’re willing to give us a chance first.”
Narumi unwraps my arms, taking my hand in his again and pulling me to the couch. Narumi lays down, pulling me on top of him. He grabs the controller and puts on a show in the background. I sit myself up on his stomach, looking down. 
“Do you think you could maybe get dressed before we cuddle?”
“Why? Does seeing me this way turn you on?”
“And if it does?”
Narumi didn’t hesitate to grab the collar of my shirt and pull me down into a kiss.I felt his hand that he had previously placed on my waist, make its way under my shirt to grope me. Through the towel, I felt a slight poke on my thigh that was growing bigger by the second. When Narumi was fully erect, he broke the kiss.
“If it turns you on so much, then be my good girl and help me out.”
I nodded hungrily, getting off Narumi and kneeling on the ground in front of him. Narumi put one leg either side of me and allowed me to unwrap the towel that hung on his waist. When the towel was unwrapped, I gasped at the sight. Narumi seemed unbelievably hard, the vein on his length was prominent and the top leaked pre-cum from us kissing. 
I flattened my tongue and ran it across the head, tasting him. Following the same pattern, I took the head in my mouth, using my spit to lubricate his length as my head continued to go lower. I gripped my hand at the base of his shaft, moving my head while sucking. Before long, Narumi’s hand was gripping my hair, while whispering ‘oh fuck (first name)’ ‘god this feels so good’ ‘don’t stop’, followed by a round of guttural moans. When I could feel his grip tighten and his hips start to rock, I pulled away. Narumi looked down with disappointment, muttering about how I looked so good with his dick in my mouth. 
Narumi’s look of disappointment quickly changed when I stood up and slid my pants and underwear down. Narumi couldn’t stop staring as I did a small strip tease while taking off my shirt, Narumi pumping his length while I did so. I stumbled onto his lap. Narumi was quick to lean back, attempting to line himself up. When he was aligned, I slowly slid down, Narumi throwing his head back, moaning. I gently bounced on his lap while readjusting to fit him inside. When I started picking up speed, Narumi attacked my collarbones, leaving love bites and traces of himself. The closer Narumi got, the more dirty talk he would use, telling me how I was his good girl and he was the only one that is allowed or even could fuck me this good. My moans got louder when his thumb roughly started rubbing circles on my clit. The feel of his fingers tugging me to the edge while his length continuously hit my g-stop was too much, but I was unable to stop, chasing my high. I started to feel the coil in my stomach come undone and my head start to go fuzzy, I stopped riding as vigorously. Narumi took over, thrusting up into me, finally pushing the last part of me over the edge. I didn’t realise until i had come down from my high that Narumi had also reached his. I could feel him throbbing inside me and the hot liquid lining me. 
We stayed in the same position for a while, Narumi still inside me, while we rested. Eventually, we got up to clean up. Both heading to the shower together. 
“Hey (First name), now that I’ve dicked you down that good, will you let me take you on a date?”
“I’ll consider it when you apologise to my dad for not visiting him.”
We both started splashing water at each other, giggling while doing so. 
“It’s been a long time since I’ve heard your laugh. I really missed you (First name).”
“I really missed you too Gen.”
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pinturas-sgm-aviacion · 3 months ago
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1942 11 Dewoitine D.520 'Vichy Air Force' GCIII - Shigeo Koike - box art Hasegawa
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frickingnerd · 1 year ago
langa with a younger sibling
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pairing: langa hasegawa x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, platonic relationship, protective!langa
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you're pretty close with langa and the two of you always got along, even when you were younger
as your older brother, your parents always made langa look after you and langa tried to be a good older brother and a role model to you! 
he always made sure to protect you, yet never became overprotective in the process
langa lets you live your own life, even encourages it, but still won't hesitate to comment on your decisions
he won't forbid you from meeting your friends and doing something that he considers stupid, but he also won't keep his thoughts to himself
if he doesn't like your friends, he'll tell you. if he thinks you're being an idiot, he'll tell you! 
langa is pretty blunt, so he'll always be honest with you! 
with langa as your brother, you know how to snowboard and langa might even introduce you to skateboarding! 
if you take an interest in skateboarding as well, you'll get to meet reki and langas' other friends, when he takes you to S
but langa always makes sure that his friends are nice to you and that nobody there is hitting on you! 
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pinturas-sgm-marina · 5 months ago
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1942 Aircraft Carrier Akagi - box art Hasegawa
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thestonecuttersguild · 6 months ago
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Finished Stuff!
I've had this car door Typhoon in my stash for ages. I started working on this many months ago, but stalled when I got to painting, mostly because I didn't have any of the spray paint that I needed, nor could I justify the 30 bucks in pain that it would need. A couple of months ago, I built the RAF Mustang, and it would need the same paint as the Typhoon. I could justify $30 for two planes worth of paint.
Pretty straight forward and simple build. The only trouble spot is where the cockpit it. Hasegawa makes the cockpit interchangeable between the car door version and the bubble canopy version. There are some seams there that don't match with panel lines that need to be filled. Other than that, pretty basic.
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tonguethulhu · 1 month ago
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genxnarumi · 2 months ago
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eiji lmfao
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aelibeee · 9 months ago
Hi, do you have by any chance the omake from all the volumes of Kaiju no.8? 👀
Kaiju no. 8 Specials Pt. 1:
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everydaymacro · 7 months ago
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YAMAHA YZR500(OW98) 1988 WGP500 CHAMPION ヤマハ YZR500(OW98) 1988 WGP500 チャンピオン ハセガワ 1:12
リヤホイールをうっかり逆向きに取付けてしまった。 直そうと思ったのだが、ディスクプレートを 強固に接着してしまって外れないので、そのまま組立。 タミヤならこんな凡ミスが起きないように 逆向きでは組立できないような構造にするはず。 自分の粗忽さを悔やんでいます・・・
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chippypiper · 10 months ago
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フィー鶴 🎀
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pinturas-sgm-aviacion · 5 months ago
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1941 08 Heinkel He111 H6 VG+ES - Shigeo Koike - box art Hasegawa
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frickingnerd · 6 months ago
zenkichi confessing to you
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pairing: zenkichi hasegawa x gn!reader
tags: silly & wholesome fluff, 'life or death' confession, scared!zenkichi, metaverse setting, unplanned confession
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while zenkichi might be a police officer, he's still somewhat easily startled. especially when it comes to the metaverse!
he's still new to fighting shadows and using his persona, so when the two of you suddenly get ambushed in the metaverse, he's the one screaming in fear!
and not just that! he clings to you, already expecting this to be his final moments and decides to finally say the things he never said before!
“i can't die, i haven't even asked you out on a date yet–!” he cries, as he clings to your arm
but as soon as you call upon your persona and defeat the shadows – all by yourself – zenkichi grows quiet out of embarrassment
“i– uhm… thanks for saving me!” he mumbles out, before quietly adding. “and about… the other thing… would you like to maybe grab a coffee after we're out of here…?”
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sekaiichis · 1 year ago
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Manga vs. Anime Clothing Comparisons - Part 6
Onodera Ritsu no Baai - Chapter 4 vs Season 1: Episode 11
Notes: In the first image, Takano's dark pants are changed to a far lighter color. This change also applies to Episode 12 until the end when he's depicted in a different outfit.
In the second image, Sumi's tabi socks are changed to a lighter color, and he gains some variance in color in his outfit despite it previously all having the same tone throughout in the manga. Additionally, Hasegawa similarly gets a darker jacket while his shirt remains light. He also buttons his jacket differently in the anime. His shoes also become lighter.
In the third image, Yokozawa's shirt is changed to a darker color.
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