#construction kit
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everydaymacro · 7 months ago
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YAMAHA YZR500(OW98) 1988 WGP500 CHAMPION ヤマハ YZR500(OW98) 1988 WGP500 チャンピオン ハセガワ 1:12
リヤホイールをうっかり逆向きに取付けてしまった。 直そうと思ったのだが、ディスクプレートを 強固に接着してしまって外れないので、そのまま組立。 タミヤならこんな凡ミスが起きないように 逆向きでは組立できないような構造にするはず。 自分の粗忽さを悔やんでいます・・・
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urskogsbullen · 4 months ago
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vyo4 · 1 year ago
IDEA: Under Construction KIT
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A build kit suggestion for Simmers who enjoy Restoration Build challenges, Shell challenges, or Rags to Riches challenges.
Exposed Stud fence
Exposed Truss roof texture
Open Frame windows
Lath and Plaster
Caution Tape
and more
Learn More
View my suggestion post on EA Answers HQ: Game Feedback & Ideas.
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waitingawhile · 3 months ago
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more of this archetype of Guy in minecraft please
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undertalethingems · 8 days ago
dream i had last night that i will attempt to convey in text, even though i would like to draw it as a comic...
Sans, seated at a drum kit, plays the classic rimshot.
Sans plays a slightly more elaborate rimshot, adding an extra beat or two to the timeless phrase.
He plays a yet more elaborate variation, yet it's somehow still recognizable as a rimshot despite all the extra flourishes.
He plays an even more complex version, with lots of embellishments on every beat...
The variations continue, growing in complexity, until...
He plays incredibly, using a variety of percussion instruments with a level of skill that matches one Neil Peart, building up an unforgettable arrangement...
that all ends with a rimshot.
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culiehua · 2 months ago
tsc gang as my fav foods (part 1?)
Alec - Fuzhou wan. Seemingly bland but godtier insides. It's the tastiest thing you've ever eaten. Eat 50, order 50 more. If your dad can make this, he deserves it.
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Jace - Taiwanese popcorn chicken. Blonde. Crispy. Cheeky. Gorgeous. Seemingly simple but flavourly layered so well, you'll never look at another fried chicken again.
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Clary - Seafood congee. Much like Oa Misua, it gives you a comfort that feels like a heated blanket. Spicy or mild, the creative freedom in choosing ur ingredients would make Michelangelo jealous.
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Izzy - Sesame chicken broth. The staple soup. You eat it once and youre cured. Heart of the family. If all else fails, I know this soup's always got my back
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Magnus - Dim sum. So much variety. Scrumptious 24/7. Ready for any occasion. Never a wrong choice.
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Simon - Macao chicken cakes. Comfort meets unique. A nostalgic friend. You try it for fun but cant live without it now
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Kit - Boba. Modern, sassy, iconic and knows it. Will steal your wallet. I can't live without you
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Matthew - Oa misua. Eating a warm bowl on a cold day makes you feel cherished and more at home than family dinner on christmas eve. Misunderstood but loved
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Jem - Peking duck. timeless. effortless. an absolute classic. i love you.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months ago
Something something trapped kid in a pipe at a home renovation and his older brother going in to save him Eddie and saving his sisters from their parents and Eddie reconstructing his life in the aftermath of Shannon…
#something something about Eddie reconstructing his life like a home renovation after the well call - putting buck into his will - rebuilding#his life after grieving Shannon - subconsciously moving on even if he wasnt aware he was moving on#and how having this call back now is a symbol of Eddie actually being ready to move on now - not just in his subconscious mind#it’s the intertwining of Shannon and buck and the connection to Chris#I can’t articulate it well - but being trapped underground and in water and the passing of parenthood from Shannon to buck - in Eddie’s mind#as much as anything#something about an older brother being prepared to save a younger sibling by risking himself - something about Eddie sacrificing himself#for his sisters#there’s actually a lot of layers to this#something about this kid being closer to the surface than Hayden was - something about Eddie being closer to the surface - closer to#figuring himself out - figuring out how to love his life on his own terms#something about construction of a home and construction on sunset and construction and Eddie#something about Eddie trying to build something from a far with Shannon but never getting past the foundations#(Christopher)#meanwhile he’s been constructing the walls etc with buck and repairing damage#and he has reached the point where he needs to put a roof on the house so that he can start kitting it out with a kitchen etc#the roof is Eddie’s figuring himself out - his queerness and embracing his love for buck#kitting it out is them furnishing a life together#I don’t know what this rambling is - but I am feeling a certain type of way about the possibility of this trapped#kid in a pipe call and it’s connection to Eddie#911 spoilers#eddie diaz#911 abc#thinking thoughts that make no sense!#buddie
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sigmaleph · 7 months ago
It’s often assumed that robots will easily master human speech, but will remain forever baffled by human emotion. This is quite backwards, so far as I can see. Human language is immensely complicated, and sixty years of intense effort hasn’t gotten us much closer to general purpose text handling, much less speech handling. Emotion, by contrast, is simple and useful.
the good old days of 2010
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necrobividity · 5 months ago
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made myself a new artbook out of old aldi bags. hoping to make some art that's as fun and experimental as the book itself
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retrocgads · 9 months ago
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UK 1987
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ganymedesclock · 7 months ago
So that #Syrin the Dread Blade tag, thats a new one. Seems like a interesting character, a sentient sword, how did Tyler happen upon them? What does the sword look like, and does it have any special magical abilities? How do they like the other members of the party? Do they actually speak or do they have a telepathic voice?
Technically it's just a tagging misconception; I haven't tagged Syrin reliably before because his nature as a sword does mean he's kind of attached to Taylor. But he is his own dude!
A short primer: magic items in this setting tend towards a level of awareness. Magic is essentially what souls are made of, ergo, if you stuff enough magic in anything, it starts to have a soul, and behaves accordingly. Entities as fully developed and chatty as Syrin are rare; far more common is that magic items tend to feel just a little bit haunted, inclined towards some things and away from others. It's a bit creepy if you're not used to it; enchantments are commonplace and widely accessible, so that 'not being used to it' is more a statement on if the individual is used to handling a particular thing.
Syrin himself is the ostensible opus of the previous Lord of Darkness, a Dark Sword that was meant to contest and cancel out the legendary sword of light wielded by the hero. Ostensibly, because for unknown reasons Syrin was left in storage the eve of the fateful battle. Being groomed exclusively for this purpose by someone he regarded as a father and then abandoned for ten years definitely wasn't traumatic or terrifying for someone with the cognitive level of a child, we promise. Especially since Syrin needs to eat.
Syrin's construction, and what leads Taylor to point out he's a bit like a 'needle', is a crystal-bladed thrusting sword with a hollow core. Despite its delicate looks, the blade is actually both quite sharp and highly durable; the thin tube at the center being essentially his mouth, by which he is supposed to drink blood. His victims', if he can get it, or, failing that, magically drawn from his host. As a result his blade itself ranges from grayish translucence to dark red if he's gorged to fullness.
From there, he has the power to generate and shape a kind of magical flesh, allowing him to weave more elaborate forms around his core body, the sword.
As you can guess, this gives Syrin a somewhat unpleasant and brutish first impression on people, as he has no verbal filters, was raised by a would-be conqueror of the world, and is dependent on blood and thus interested in more fights than not. I've described him before as like a preteen on xbox live who talks up a nasty game mostly out of loneliness and a need to be liked, where you can tell the kid themselves is not as bad as the people who taught them all those words and that they were "funny".
Deep down (and not all that deep, like I said, no filters), Syrin is a vulnerable child who was groomed to do violence and got no experience with it until strangers came to loot the dangerous ruins he was held in, at which point he did what you'd expect a strong but sheltered child to do faced with a home intruder, and killed/devoured that individual in a panic. His first kill being no glorious conflict or victory approved by his father, but essentially a desperate scramble in the dark with himself on the edge of fatal starvation messed him up even more than ten years of silence.
Enter Taylor and party, who happen to pass through those same environments. Syrin makes an attempt to body-snatch Taylor that fails due to the latter's particular properties, and Taylor, being both a good-hearted person and a stubborn busybody, feels obligated to bring this chatterbox with them and attempt to bully him into developing some sense of tact while Syrin attempts to Corrupt His New Wielder To Violence.
This doesn't work because Syrin has no real ideas how to go about corrupting someone besides loudly telling them to stab things more, while Taylor is an apprentice surgeon and mortician who is a lot more desensitized to bodies and their workings such that if they have a weapon, they'll at least consider it as a solution to most problems. So the punchline is that Syrin is more often thrown/flabbergasted by Taylor than vice versa, while the latter just sees him as a sort of annoying kid who's easily talked into almost anything as long as you compliment him first.
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everydaymacro · 1 year ago
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yoshimura SUZUKI GSX-R750 1986年鈴鹿8耐レース仕様 Fujimi 1/12バイクシリーズ No2 エキゾーストパイプのスプリングの追加。ブレーキディスクの穴明。ケーブルを細いものに交換。といった、ちょっとした追加工だけで格好がいい。外装のガンメタはインストの指示では黒50、シルバー50の指示。明るすぎるので黒を足したが、不足のようだ。エキゾーストとシートカウルをつなぐステーは2回折れた(笑)
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tetedurfarm · 9 months ago
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so it turns out i have more rabbits than i have space for 😬 so we're pretty crowded at weaning. the good news is when i get back from my trip i'll be selling a lot of these guys which will make things easier. but i held back a bunch of kits from this last round of litters and didn't realise i was so tight on space. whoops.
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femenaces · 4 months ago
in what way your dad does autistic shit amd why are tou still in touch with him tbh?
…are you suggesting I should cut off my dad because of autism…? What is going on in my inbox today.
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kitweewoos · 3 months ago
I don't know what this fic is or if anyone will want to read it but I like the idea of it and I'm gonna try to bring it to life whether or not someone else wants to read it
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