#very reminiscent to my own struggle with mental health and that's where I feel like I can really identify and appreciate the choices made
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hijinks-n-lowjinks ¡ 7 months ago
thoughts on 268 and megumi
This post is going to be a long discussion of how I interpret Megumi's situation with both Sukuna and with Yuuji. I do detail some of my own experiences with mental health and how my interpretation of the chapter and Megumi's characterization are influenced directly by it.
(tw: discussions of depression/mental health/suicide/suicidal ideation)
First of all, people respond and interpret and react to media/stories differently. Just because someone has a different take than you does not mean that they are wrong! Those feelings come from a very real place and it's important to process and converse about media with that sort of empathy in mind.
Moving on to the actual analysis part, there is one central theme and framing that I'm starting to believe gege has intended to use Megumi's situation as a metaphor/allusion for: mental illness/suicidal ideation.
Megumi is trapped within himself, stuck in darkness that he can't seem to find his way out of by himself. His condition only grew worse and worse the longer he spent time stuck in his own body to the point where we began to see a lot of self-destructive tendencies and suicidal ideation from him. He didn't care if he lived or died, the most important thing to him was to just stop feeling everything that was hurting him and for the others to stop working so hard and putting themselves in danger to help someone he believed wasn't worth the effort.
We see Sukuna trying to convince Megumi not to fight back and to give in to his control. He throws accusations at Megumi that we as the audience know are manipulations of reality, but they are the words that someone dealing with depression will hear from their inner worst self no matter how twisted they are from reality.
The twist here is that Megumi tells Sukuna that he has never intended on living a life he personally cares about, but that he's going to continue to let the people he loves anchor and tether him to life.
And then Megumi is literally pulled from the darkness through the actions of someone else/someone who loves him. Yuuji is fighting for Megumi and his words and actions have finally made an impact and helped Megumi fight back.
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And the crazy thing is, Sukuna chases after him. Depression and mental health are constant struggles even after recovery. It feels like there's a constant pressure not to backslide into bad habits and spiral back down the depression rabbit hole. Mental health struggles will always linger, but that's why we have to fight back and choose to want to get better.
The biggest divide in the fandom reaction to 268 is Megumi's words "just once more, I want to try living for someone else."
Now, I think the words "I'm doing to live for someone else" have been taken so literally by people that they think it means "and therefore I am not living for myself." Those two things are not opposites, but go hand in hand!
I can agree this decision gege made for him is not as satisfying as Megumi choosing to live for himself, but I do believe this was a purposeful decision and that it is the most realistic choice for someone in Megumi's position.
Not to get too specific, but for a couple of years the only thing keeping me from a complete spiral into an actual contemplation of suicide was because of my relationships to other people. I stayed alive because of them. I barely took care of myself and basically forced myself to do the bare minimum because I knew that somehow there were people in my life who wanted me to live.
I could not live for myself. I did not care for or love myself in the slightest, so why would I try to make my life better? The only reason I actually started caring about myself was because other people cared for me first. They told me I was loved, that they enjoyed spending time with me, that I was someone who would be missed if things ever did go south.
That's why Yuuji being the catalyst behind Megumi's decision to fight was so impactful to me, because Megumi was me.
Megumi's decision being influenced by his relationship with Yuuji instantly reminded me of one of my favorite monologues from Fruits Basket where they discuss self love and how choosing to care about your own life isn't as simple as many neurotypicals often make it out to be. It's a scene that was heavily impactful to me when I was going through my worst times and I feel like it really puts Megumi's choice to live for the sake of others in perspective.
"There was a time when I stopped talking, like you. The reason was a little different, but I think the feelings of shame and self-hatred are similar. Your teacher advises you to “love yourself”. What does that even mean? “Look for good points"… how is someone supposed to find those? I only knew the things that I hated about myself. The whole reason we despise ourselves is because we can only see the parts we hate, so forcing ourselves to find good things feels pointless, like we'd just be making them up. It's a nice sentiment, but it’s not always that simple. Instead, I think it's when someone else says they love you that you're finally able to begin to love yourself. When someone truly accepts who you are, that's when you can start to forgive yourself and suddenly see the good things you've had all along."
This scene hit me hard when I first watched it. It was exactly what I needed to hear: that I wasn’t weak and pathetic for not being able to see a future for myself on my own. I wasn't weak because I had to rely on the support of others to keep my head above water. I wasn't weak because I needed their love and praise to enable me to see those very same aspects about me that they loved!!!
Living for the sake of others is not the end all be all of recovery. That is merely the first step: recognizing that you are loved and that you want to live because others want you to live. That is not where recovery stops! It's a long, arduous journey where you eventually have to choose to live for yourself because you want to. But sometimes that decision is so daunting and feels so impossible when you're in the thick of it that it can completely crush your spirit.
When you're at the end of your rope, it's the people you love who tie you back down.
In my mind, Megumi didn't choose to fight or live only because of Yuuji. Yuuji was the catalyst, but not the entire purpose. Megumi heard that he was loved by someone, and because he loved them in return he chose to fight. He wanted to experience that love and thus show Yuuji that he was loved in return by fighting to stay with him.
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tothepointofinsanity ¡ 1 year ago
Observation Log Series: Sayaka [III]
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Today on: Visual metaphors for depression and the actual “magic of friendship”.
Images are taken from this Magia Record game video on YouTube.
I am pretty sure someone else in the ages past had already covered this bit, so I suppose I will add this to the archives for my own documentation purpose. Or for just anyone who feels like reading it, really.
Sayaka’s magical girl transformation in this sequence is very interesting. There are a lot of jokes about how she’s yeeted everywhere by the Holy Quintet in her own transformation, so here are the notes:
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The beginning of her transformation is shot in the sequence of a downward spiral. Sayaka falls through the hoops and into the ocean as her opening, a reference to her descent into madness (keep in mind: the sea as a metaphor for an inescapable expanse of darkness; the abyss) in the main show, as well as her deteriorating mental health. The spiral drawn to resemble piano keys (🎹) is also no coincidence, but they break apart when Sayaka plummets past them, much like music becoming discordant and incoherent.
Right after that, she gets thrown around respectively by her friends, each of whom gets her to the destination of being fully transformed. What is important to notice is that for the majority of this part, you cannot see Sayaka’s face, and she appears completely indifferent and motionless as others pass her around without hassle. You would think someone like Sayaka, who typically exhibits stubborn tendencies, would be resistant to being literally thrown around, but I feel that there are reasons for this:
• Sayaka being shown not as weightless, but rather as something heavy that makes an impact wherever she goes. She’s literally dead weight in the water despite her Witch being a mermaid. There is no attempt whatsoever we see from her where she tries to swim gracefully or float naturally in the sea. She just seems to be…there, being moved rather than performing her transformation by herself like all the other magical girls.
• The Holy Quintet are the essence of friendship that help Sayaka not necessarily out of her depression, but rather giving her a massive boost by flinging her to the next appropriate person. Given she is portrayed as dead weight, she doesn’t transform manually and do fancy dances, instead heavily reliant on the support of the crew to help her get changed. The sequence where she’s thrown onto the bed and lies there before being flung out again is very reminiscent of the tragedy that individuals struggling with mental health problems can barely get out of bed on their own at times, even to the point where it seems they might never leave said bed. Homura has to pick up Sayaka in a bag before tossing her to Kyoko, where it unfurls and it becomes her cape.
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It is also interesting to note that the bed is surrounded by mirrors of all sizes and shapes that don’t reflect Sayaka at all, but rather the oceanic creatures and environment. Her self image is nonexistent and replaced by the sea. When she’s thrown to Kyoko, it is only then she is “stopped”, and we finally get to see her face. Her hair is long, unlike the appearance of her short hair that we are used to. Kyoko helps her with the last part of her transformation by putting on the gold hair pin.
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Kyoko being the one to not throw Sayaka but rather casually stop said impact is likely symbolic of their relationship. The ocean is stopped by the unmovable rock.
• In the very last part, Sayaka appears standing on a platform that arises from the sea, and only then she seems fully refreshed and ready to go. Once again, instead of swirling out of the water or something, she needs something solid to stand on and raise her to the surface as she is incapable of doing so herself. Her entire transformation seems to highlight that others need to be on standby to support her, or else she will likely just dwindle and sink motionlessly to the bottom of the ocean. By the way she’s posed, it also seems to imply that she has complete trust in her friends, who were there at every turn to assist her transformation.
Something else I thought about as well is the irony that despite being mermaid coded in terms of her own Witch and backstory, Sayaka is almost always portrayed as a sinking vessel the moment she hits the water. A finless mermaid, yet frustratingly a mermaid that cannot even swim or float. I find that this interpretation would fit into the existing narrative that Sayaka and the Incubators view her as useless or inadequate. What good a mermaid who sinks in the sea? What good a magical girl who needs others to help her transform proper? Noting that Sayaka’s transformation always involves her emerging out of water seems to tell us that she has always pulled her weight out of the abyss by herself.
TLDR: It wouldn’t hurt to show that Sayaka requires support from everyone in order to do her best.
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twohappyboys ¡ 6 months ago
i don’t think i’ve fully gone into depth on how hard Oldies station hits
as someone who didn’t plan to live past 13, hearing and seeing Oldies station live has been a roller coaster for me.
heres some examples of how to song pertains to me
tw: slight mention on SH and general struggle of mental health. Please be safe
Starting of on the first damn verse
“Only consistency in your periphery is fear and the bridge of your nose”
“and as you move about, you learn to tune them out but they say they continue to grow”
the way i’ve interpreted these first two lines is knowing the issues and fears you hold but learning to ignore the irrationality and live through life.
During middle school i was majorly depressed and filled with anxiety, but through out the years i have learned and found ways to control(not sure if that’s the word i want) my anxiety. I now know what makes me anxious and i know how to avoid those situations, and (vaguely)what to do during episodes. Finding Twenty One Pilots and hearing/seeing others were going through and feeling what i was feeling was so refreshing, and definitely helped me get here.
“Make and oath, and make mistakes start a streak you’re bound to break
when darkness rolls on you, push on through”
this feels very reminiscent of getting sober(in any way shape and form) making the decision to get clean, relapsing and starting again even when you know you’ll only relapse again but you should keep going.
I was a SHer, (nearly a year and a half clean) that’s something i cannot hide. it’s a big part of who i am now. and even though i’ve relapsed more times than i could count, i kept going. the longer i was able to keep myself clean the better i felt. there where many times that i’ve wanted to SH but i’ve pushed through.
“Then before you know, you lose some people close
Forcing you to manage you pace”
I think this could mean many things and can be applied to many situations but for me, it means there will be people who leave. there will be people who do not want to be there through your hardships, but you will find the people who do.
i’ve had many friends, many who have left during the hardest times in my life but the ones who truly love me unconditionally have stayed. i’m still friends with those friends today. and for them i am grateful, i wouldn’t be here without them.
“You don’t quite mind how long red lights are taking
your favorite song was on the oldies station”
in a metaphorical sense: you are taking the time to enjoy life, the things that used to occupy your mind are no longer a forefront. there’s something new to occupy you.
in a more literal sense: you’ve grown up, the things you used to love and hold dear are old. no longer relevant to the newer generation, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less valuable.
I’m young, don’t get me wrong. but i do still experience the things i once loved becoming “old”. most of those things are barely a decade old, but in the sense of pop culture they’re old. seeing the toys i used to love in a vintage shop or hearing the songs i used to listen to all the time on throwback stations only remind me that i am getting older.
“you have it down, that old fight for survival
you’re in the crowd at her first dance recital”
and yet again, you’ve grown up. you now know kinda how to handle life, maybe not perfectly but you know how to survive.
like stated before, i never planned to live past 13. i’m 19(soon to be 20) and i’ve experienced and seen so many things i never thought id be able to. I’ve graduated high school, soon ill be moving into my own apartment, i’ve seen my favorite band live, i’ve gone on road trips with my friends, i have a pet, i’m living life. everything may not be perfect and i do still struggle with things, but i know im not alone. i have support, in my friends, the music i love, and my family.
in conclusion, Oldies station has become the song that shows growth and strength. You are never alone, there is always someone or something that can help you keep going. and Twenty One Pilots may just be that thing.
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placeinthisworld ¡ 11 months ago
ttpdta review part one 🤠
let me preface this by stating that i am a swiftie first and person second in this situation. i have grown up with taylor and feel as if shes my big sister- yes i can make fun of her but if i see anyone else do it i will get fiercely protective. i do understand her music is not only art but also her form of therapy. that being said, throughout these nonsense notes i am constantly mentioning that taylor should go to therapy. i am aware of what she has said about therapy (and why she doesn’t go) but i would beg to differ with her…especially after this album release lol.
taylor is an extraordinary storyteller and song writer. i believe this album is full of evidence of that, but it also has some faults that prevent from being as good as i felt like it could have been. overall the album feels rushed.
i also feel like it’s important to recognize the elephant in the room. i know we probably all expected this to be a joe breakup album, so the fact that it turned out to be a “fuck you matty healy” album shook us all a little bit. i know matty had a controversial history, im not gonna sit here and defend him. i don’t know much about him other than what is forced against my will. i do however know that he struggles with mental health issues/ substance abuse/ addiction. i’m not gonna comment much about his personal issues, i don’t feel like that’s right and taylor’s constant references to drugs throughout ttpd definitely rubs me the wrong way. i should also mention i grew up with an active addict and do view things from that perspective, so i feel slightly triggered by the topic and my feelings about that may just be personal but i do mention that in my notes when it’s relevant.
lastly, i am not a music production girlie idk shit lol. i only know i am a aaron dessner stan so any song with his name im already biased towards and i am aware, if u don’t like that idk what to tell u lol. i just know what i feel like is “good” or “bad” but music is subjective🫶🏻
1. Fortnight:
Hate the functional alcoholic part. Like the beat, the chorus is catchy. One thing i love about a taylor swift song is that theres always a story and its always visual. I like the metaphor of the “good neighbors” of like having this teasing/ longing feeling for someone that you could have had a life with. “Your wife waters flowers/ i want to kill her + my husbands cheating/ i want to kill him” feeling like you were robbed of her life, feeling “all my mornings are mondays stuck in an endless february” reminiscing about the short period of time where you were together and convinced it would last forever (only for it to end before it even started). I do not listen to much post malone but i enjoyed his verse!! So many florida references we get it everything bad happens in florida.
i have not seen the video yet oooopsies
2. Ttpd:
i thought this was the opening of Hey Stephen (the remix) or something at first. gotta say i absolutely love the way she sings “you left your typewriter at my apartment/ straight from the tortured poets department” i enjoyed the vibe of this song, and lyrics up until the “you smoked then ate seven bars of chocolate (OKAY SOOOOOOO ME CODED NGL I LAUGHED at this point i could let this lyric slide- bit then she had to mention the charlie puth and golden retriever thing and ngl it almost ruins the song entirely for me. Tbh when i first listened to the leak i thought this was a fake AI song and that i was sending around a fake leak bc these lyrics started to get a little weird to me. ‘Sometimes i wonder if youre gonna screw this up with me/ but you told lucy you’d kill yourself if i ever leave” …………girl i am begging you to see a therapist (side note did anyone else have a friend in hs whos bf would say that shit a lot?? I remember straight up fighting with a friend who refused to break up w her bf bc he would threaten to end his own life is she did and he was like 16? If an adult is saying that same shit i would be Very concerned not gossiping about it???) “i chose this cyclone with you” my first reaction was: ride the cyclone the musical? Overall i liked the first half but you lost me at charlie puth (hes the one with eyebrow right? I think i get him and miles teller mixed up) (i dont know who either of these men are)
3. My boy only breaks his favorite things:
Okay tbh i thought this was gonna be one of my least favorites, but the total opposite happened. I think this is one of my top 5 favorites on this album. I do think that there is a difference between a poem and a song and that they are not always interchangeable. I feel like if this was edited into a poem it would be KILLER. The visuals, the the story, the vocabulary, the sadness in it. “Im queen of sandcastles he destroys/ There was danger in the heat of my touch/ once i fix me/ hes gonna miss me/ i felt more when we played pretend then with all the kens / cause he took me out of my box” i feel like ever since folklore, taylors been trying to push these big fancy words and sometimes it feels awkward and forced, but this is one of the rare songs that doesn't suffer from that.
4. Down bad:
meh. Chorus is catchy. I dont love the narrative “fuck it if i cant have him/ i might just it would make no difference” but i also have never once experienced that over a person before lmao……….taylor go to therapy. Nothing really stands out about this to me otherwise. No offense, but it sounds like a generic jack antonoff song lol. Like maybe if another artist released this, i would enjoy it more but idk i wouldnt expect it from taylor i guess. Just kinda feels boring to me sorry if u enjoy it <3
5. So long, london:
oh man were done with british men now for real for real. “ two graves one gun. I'll find someone” its over for joe and matty (but thats fine if all she has to say about joe is what i think she said on this album i am happy i think We Get It…) Aaron dessner i love u (remember when he reposted me on his ig ahh).”i kept calm and carried the weight of the rift/ pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away” + “I stopped trying to make him laugh/ stopped trying to drill the safe/ i didnt opt in to be our odd man out/ im pissed off you let me give you all of that youth for free” oof i FELT that one a LITTLE too hard. I think this is both a song about matty and joe- i think she had a life and an attachment to london just in general through both relationships, “im just mad as hell because i loved this place” and so reflecting back on how both are over and how all those plans with either are done. “You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days” OKAY kinda hate this phrase bc it feels like shes placing blame on whomever’s mental health/ depression, like as if they made the conscious decision to sacrifice the relationship solely. This very much feels like “how much sadness did you think i could take before i got bored???” overall top favorite songs bc it doesnt have too many cringey or odd lyrics and the production is 10/10 thank u aaron dessner ilysm king
6. But daddy i love him:
tbh when i got the leak this was the first song i listened to bc i thought it was gonna be the worst one and i wanted to get it over with (i was RIGHT until she dropped that second half……..) and i DIDNT have the lyrics obviously so i couldnt for the life of me figure out if she really said “im having his baby…..NO IM NOT!” until the VERY end of the song and bro…….the cringe. The cringe. The cringe. This is also when i started to question if this was real or if i was passing out a fake leak, lol. I dont understand how she could be saying this shit about matty. And like we all know it lol. “Sometimes growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all” …….but like does it??? I feel like thats kinda an oxymoron or something like i understand what shes trying to say and MOST of the time her metaphors and comparisons make sense to me but like this one doesnt. Growing up precocious means to grow up more advanced in maturity, how would that also mean not growing up at all? Is it just me getting stoned and overthinking things? “Ill tell you something about my good name/ its mine alone to disgrace” true that bestie ur doin a great job by being so politically quiet over the past couple of yeats after making a whole asss documentary about wanting to be on the right side of history. But I digress i am just one of those bitches performing soliloquies you'll never see. Overall this song is very weird and cringey imo and i wish it stayed in whatever vault it was sitting in lol.
7.Fresh out of the slammer: “In the shade of how he was feeling” -_- dont like this narrative already. I could honestly go on a rant about why i dont like this song but im going to spare for the sake of my sanity in this review of thirty one fucking songs but its along these lines “to the one who says im the girl of his american dreams” oh brother. otherwise i dont care for many of the lyrics, the chorus/ melody/vibe is mid i guess. It sounds like another jack song (i was right)
8. Florida!!!: “all my friends smell like weed or little babies” okay i know what she was trying to say but im SORRY you cant tell me she couldnt think of ANY other way to say her friends are either parents partiers lmao. Deserves jail for that but luckily the vibe and the chorus of the song are really catchy and florence’s voice is beautiful in it. “Well me and my ghost we had a hell of a time/ yes im haunted but im feeling just fine” CHILLS i loved it. I didnt think i would like this song but (maybe as much as i like no body, no crime which is meh) but no i lowkey love this song and think its really fun. Once again the drug references start to get heavy here in the album and like i mentioned i do get slightly triggered by drug mentions.
9. Guilty as sin?:
okay taylor we get it you masterbate. Another strong jack song and it’s pretty similar to others on the album so nothing besides the sexual lyrics stand out.
10. Whos afraid of little old me?:
“if you wanted me dead you should have just said/ nothing makes me feel more alive” ooooooooooh i love that. I feel like a live or an acoustic version of this song would give me CHILLS. “Is it a wonder i broke / lets hear one more joke/ then we can all laugh until i cry” honestly so relatable, “i was tame, i was gentle til the circus life made me mean” oh :( that hurt bc it just reminds me of the vibe shift during midnights era/ eras tour where it *feels* like she started to pull back from being taylor swift and started to become Taylor Swift (™) and the way her fans/ media has treated her made her mean or cold or something and that just makes me feel sad. “Whos afraid of little old me? You caged me and then you called me crazy! I am what i am cause you trained me! SO. WHOS. AFRAID. OF ME? Again the narcotics line kinda makes me feel icky but thats bc i have that thing about drugs and just dont LOVE all the references to them. Like i know its not that serious but theres a reason why i dont seek out artists that typically talk or write about that stuff ya know so its weird. Overall i think the production is one of the most unique ones on this part of the album.
11. I can fix him (no really i can):
i hate it all around i think. I hate the narrative of “i can fix him!! I can handle a dangerous man!!! No really i can!!!” there is a reason why this song is barely 3 mins long lol it should have been cut but i think taylor wanted to Be Edgy. i dont care for the productions or the lyrics, its very forgetful imo.
12. Loml:
okay i really thought this was gonna be a joe song (rip) so i was thinking it was gonna be really deep and sad and like it IS but with the context of it being the pt 2 fling with matty it doesnt seem like it now. Anyone who thinks this is not about matty please look at the lyrics and be so serious “whos gonna stop us from waltzing back into reklndled flames/ if we know the steps anyway” I think matty just said too much shit to taylor during their fling and taylor WAS truly convinced this her invisible string and he promised her a lot that he couldnt upkeep and ghosted her and she took it SUPER hard, i mean two breakups in one year is a lot (me, whos never been through a single breakup once). I just dont understand how she feels like matty is the greatest loss of her life. One of my favorite tracks on the album, “our field of dreams engulfed in fire/ your arsons match your somber eyes” a LOT of these lyrics are actually really good imo. I think im the only one that didnt find the “mr. steal your girl and make her cry” line idk i thought it was actually kinda neat, the phrasing of it, kinda contradicts the title “love of my life” because he was never that serious or respectful of her and only use her from the beginning. This is another song that i think would make KILLER poem over song. Overall i think the piano is haunting and a live version of this will make me die, thank u again aaron dessner 10/10
13. I can do it with a broken heart:
ngl i thought this was the opening to mastermind for a hot second- also gave me a scare on whether or not this was a fake leak lol. Catchy ass chorus but very YOYOK. “Breaking down i hit the floor/ All the pieces of me shattered/ as the crowd was shouting “more!” ooffffffff seeeeee that is exactly WHAT i was afraid she was feeling durning the eras tour after the joe breakup/ matty situation and all these stupid twitter and tik tok swiffers were out here overanalyzing EVERYTHING and demanding rep tv like every other day. “Im so depressed i act like its my birthday” …….okay taylor. Like a lot of people have said, i think she interchanges “depressed” for “sad” a lot and the two are not the same. I think taylor wrote this song (but specifically the “i cry a lot time but i am so productive” and was like “yup this part is gonna go viral on tik tok,” initially i wrote “feels like taylor saw that depression barbie commercial in barbie 2023 and wrote a song based on that” lol which i still agree with. Overall the production of this screams midnights reject lol, very jack antonoff. Over time this song has grown on me a lot. Originally i didnt care for it but now its kind of a bop but i think its bc its so similar to YOYOK. “Try and come for my job” @taylorswift deadass you couldn’t think of anything else to say instead. cmon. I was mostly on board until that very last part, just seemed very cheesy lol like its not a big deal but i thought it delivered well without it.
14. The smallest man who ever lived:
(aaron thank u for saving me and this entire album) “they just ghosted you/ now you know what it feels like” OUCH. “i dont even want you back i just want you to know/ if rusting my sparkling was the goal/ and i dont miss what we had but can someone give/ a message to the smallest man who ever lived” oh this was somber af. I am obsessed with the phrasing of the chorus. I also LOVE taylors deeper voice its def giving me the same feelings MTR gave me from folklore, that made me CRY and this was very similar. This is another classic taylor song that i could EASILY write like a ten page essay about if someone put a gun to my head. I know that its about a *romantic* relationship, but it feels general enough to be able to relate to anyone who is close to someone with an addiction or struggles with substances. A lot of addicts dont understand the impact of their addiction or their behaviors that they display while struggling. To meeeeee, this feels very much like “you were self centered and betrayed my trust, was any of this true? Real? Am i paranoid or is this that deep?” “it wasnt sexy once it wasnt forbidden” has me thinking lots of things. I think that describes taylors “type”if that makes sense? Like i said i would need to literally break this song down line by line like its ridiculous i have too many thoughts about this song i have listened to it on repeat six times by the time im typing this. “In public showed me off/ then sank in stoned oblivion” FUCK. “you treat her like an also-ran” honestly i have never heard of that phrase/word thank u dr. swift. “Were you sent by someone who wanted me DEAD/ did you sleep with a GUN underneath OUR BED/ were you writing a BOOK?/ were you a sleeper cell SPY? IN 5O YEARS WILL THIS BE ALL DECLASSIFIED?/ AND YOU’LL CONFESS WHY YOU DID IT!/ AND ILL SAY GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” tears were formed besties. Also love the gracie abrams reference. “And you deserve prison but you wont get time” i feel like is very metaphorical like you DESERVE to be punished for what you did to me but you won’t admit to the guilt, you wont admit your wrongdoings, you wont admit that i would have done anything for you and you have no problem replacing me. “You said normal girls were boring/ but you were gone by the morning” first of all red flag girlie, nonetheless heartbreaking. “And in plain sight you hid/ but you are what you did” i say this with all the love in my heart, someone take taylor swift to a really good really private therapist. I could say more but i think i need to move on because i am now on my eighth cyle of listening to this song.
15. The alchemy:
already kinda hate it. “What if i told you im back/ the hospital was a drag/ worst sleep i ever had” do you think taylor swift has ever been admitted to a real hospital in this context. Feels very out of place and like i said earlier i dont love the psych ward visuals/ references she keeps inserting in this album. “He jokes its heroin but this time with an e” thanks! I fucking hate that line so much. Feels very icky, not funny. I get what shes going for but it falls so flat for me. The football references (yall know my opinion on meathead!!!!!!!! I will not engage!!!) are fucking dumb. Production is kinda lame and uninterested. Will only listen to this song if by force and will not repeat it ive head enough lets move on.
i have Lots Of Thoughts. i don’t think anyone cares about what i have to say though so i don’t think i’ll bother posting the rest lol but i did do a lot of work so ill post just a bit to make myself feel better.
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starsarefire824 ¡ 6 months ago
this might be kinda personal and over-sharey buttt im feeling a little sentimental and i just moved into my first apartment and im catching up on the demons of change sequel fic and im just reminiscing on the early days of you posting demons and how i was like actively having a mental health crisis and honestly a life crisis - i had just quit my job and i was realizing that for the first time i truly did not know what i wanted to do with my life which honestly scared the shit out of me. but reading your writing was both a big form of escapism and a way for me to experience a lot of the overwhelming emotions i was feeling with a little distance - using the characters as a vessel for both processing and a kind of catharsis. it all just feels very fitting that you are starting this sequel rn, when im bound to start freaking out any day now lmao, and the same characters are freaking out with me again. i haven’t exactly figured out what i want to do with my whole life yet but i did figure out one thing i wanted - to move out and away - and now that i’ve accomplished that i feel like i might be back at square one again and that seems very prevalent to mike and will’s current experience in the story and im kinda hyped to do some hard core projection 😎
i also want to take a moment to thank you for writing these characters the way that you do, it is beautiful, relatable, and provocative. i feel like i experience the full range of human emotion every time i read your writing and its honestly helped me process a lot of hard stuff. so thank you for doing what you do, i adore you and your writing and i hope you are doing so wonderfully in your own life because you deserve it for all you have done for mine!! kisses!!!
First of all. Thank you for sending me this lovely message. I feel so happy and emotional that you would feel comfortable enough to share this with me!
I am sorry that you have struggled. It sounds like a very stressful time in your life and especially with the mental health stuff and having to move out. Times of transition can be so, so hard in life and can stir up a lot of trauma and anxiety so I am so glad that you were able to make it through, and also just be able to realize something that you needed. And not only that, but you've accomplished it! Congrats on the moving into your own place. I really hope your new little place becomes a home and a safe space for you! And hey, square one is hard, but sometimes it's the best thing that could ever happen. So cheers to you. 🥂 <33
It is funny that things in your life have coincided with Demons. And I just feel so thrilled that not only have you enjoyed the stories, but also that you could find them so relatable emotionally and help you process some hard things. That's more than anyone could ever ask for.
You know, I am at a point in my life where I'm doing a lot of therapy and a lot of healing and a lot of growing. And i hope that it leads to good things! Thank you for the love.
You've always been one of my biggest supporters since I started writing for Will and Mike and the rest of the stranger things gang and I always notice, always am thankful, always grateful to have you. Sending love and kisses your way as well! <3333333
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bbbri420 ¡ 11 months ago
Briana Saroza - Drawing 1300C - Final Curated Art Portfolio
-1st Day Boxes:
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-Gesture drawings from week 2:
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-Gesture drawing from later in the semester:
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-Contour Drawing
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-Negative/Positive Drawing:
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-Blind Contour
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-Composition Analysis
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-Cross Contour
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-Cross Hatching
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-Ink/Ink and Color Assignment
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-Museum Analysis
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-Sketchbook Pages
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-Midterm and Artist Statement
Artist Statement: This assignment's goal was to gather items that show who we are as people, as well as capturing who we physically look like. The items I'd chosen for the assignment had different aspects of my life, as well as things I use in my day-to-day life. I was very hesitant to add my medications for example. I wanted to initially capture more of a positive image of myself. However, I knew the assignment was to show things that represent who we are, and I'd accepted my ailments, so I decided to include them within my piece. At a young age, I'd experienced death to a loved one. I never knew how to process such a heavy topic so young. From then on, I suffered with extreme anxiety and PTSD. Other aspects of my piece show my methods, other than medication, to ease my subconscious. I always used art as a way of expressing myself after that event. I could create my own reality and allow myself to feel at home. The iPad with my Self-portrait is supposed to show my most recent time with myself. And it shows that I'd always been advancing with my art skills by moving from my sketchbook to full on digital pieces. To the right, a pencil pouch, a bracelet, and a Kirby wallet can be seen. It's more of my childish side. I spent a lot of my childhood grieving and shut myself away from a lot of people who'd known me. As an adult I embraced more of my interests and like showing it off with simple objects and everyday tools. The bracelet is from my long-term relationship at the moment. My boyfriend and I have been in each other's lives for nearly a decade and share many memories from our youth together. Saying he was a part of my life still does not credit for the amount of help I've received, especially during these years where I'm struggling to understand the world. Overall, the midterm made me reminisce on my past life and it showed me how much progress I've made with my mental health over the years.
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-Final and Artist Statements
Artist Statement: The final focused on capturing one of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I was assigned article 17: Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. I hen I begun research; I’d been taken aback by how little art pieces there was of this topic. I had expected to find any abstract works about the topic, but there were none. I found this project to be somewhat difficult on that regard because I brainstorm by making a picture board and going from there. So instead, I had read more on the topic. I had the idea of having your home taken or just something taken from under your feet; blindsided some could say. I wanted to show a politician's arm serving a neighborhood restriction. Today, a lot of lots for homes are bought by whole corporations who have complete control over those who have been residents for generations. Buying out lands for more infrastructure and leaving families homeless and children lost. I wanted to capture it as this massive cloud, coming and overshadowing a beautiful day.
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-Final Artist Statement
Throughout the semester, I was definitely faced with many challenges. I'm very used to using my usual drawing tablet or computer to allow me to just press a button to start over. However, I learned a lot about myself as an artist and how it is important to have the lessons I learned. I grew comfortable towards the Sketching and Charcoal pencils. I love seeing the inner workings of things, art especially. Seeing how even a simple image may take hours or pre-planning is mesmerizing to me and seeing how I was able to learn tricks to help with my own sketching and to even make my sketching look more appealing was my favorite section of the course. That being said, my favorite assignment was the model assignment. As someone who frequents cartoons, I'm very used to exaggerating a body's parts to match an emotion or to emphasize an action. I'm not used to more detailed body parts and never learned how to draw humans. I was very surprised with how much I'd improved and had fun doing the different poses and seeing the sketch marks making a shape. To me it helps ease my brain and allows my thoughts to process properly. Whilst the semester had its positives, I had struggled along the way. I had been dealing with personal issues and mental health issues. Resulting in my procrastination to take over and mix in with my artwork. Some pieces art not completely up to par with what I would've liked. Nevertheless, I'm glad to have pushed through and was able to at least show that I'm able to do what I can if I work hard enough.
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kipaparappa ¡ 1 year ago
There has been a lot of things going on in my life. I am quitting my job (again) for health reason, both physically, and mentally. I have been severely feeling agitated and entangled with my own emotion. I feel horrible about myself, about everything. My emotional capacity is overload, and now I'm just feeling like a zombie. Last week, suddenly I got a very bad ulcer like I never had before. It was so terrible that I still experience symptom to this moment. That 's why I decided to put an end to the source of agony. I want to stop hoping that things would get better, or cursing on that person that someday things will turn their back at him. I want to let go. I'm not going to let myself die in the pit of the darkness.. that's why I decided to quit and prioritize my health first. It's been a battle with my self esteem on who is going to lose more over my decision. I want them to repent, regret of what they did, regret treating me with slavery, mockery, savagery but then all I ever wanted is just to be freed and find a better place, community to surround myself in.
I have been struggling a lot with motivation. I think it's been 2 years since the last time I felt truly giddy about leveling up my design skill. It's difficult to stop the impostor syndrome. Moreover, people's comment "Is this all you got? is this everything you can do?" is still piercing in my broken heart. It truly feels like people have been neglecting all my past effort. I mean I can't completely blame them as I am struggling in the slump of emotional burnout, both from creative side, and human relationship side. I truly... truly feel exhausted from this life.
I want to feel loved. I prayed a lot about ending my life before things get more complicated. Before I have regret over leaving this world. But I don't know when my time will come.. It hurts a lot right now... that I don't have anything that is keeping me away from that knife to cut my vein.. I want to feel like I deserve a place in the earth. My selfishness... screams for a reason. Because I truly don't have one and day by day feels like wasting time.. I want to have someone who will hold my hands when they get cold from the cruelty of the world..
Recently genshin casted kamiya hiroshi and ono daisuke and the news has been dragging my mind to take a trip down the memory lane. During my time active in tumblr, they were literally the household name of the industry, even now still. But before the current generation emerges, they were literally everybody's sweetheart. My memory about them revolves around the time when I was 14-18, those times were very intense as I ponder about the future a lot. I desperately dreaming about living in Japan, experiencing life in Japan, marrying a handsome and caring Japanese man, while being able to live an independent life, being happy, and establishing my own sanctuary in this world where I can be surrounded by people I truly care for. I carefully studied about japanese way of thinking, language, culture, as if I was truly going to live my dream life there lol. I was willing to work hard, through my depression as long as I could keep my dream alive, even just in my mere delusion. Those times were blazing hot, like a fever, like an eternal summer of my life. It was hard to breathe, but it was exciting. It was bright to the point of it was difficult to see what was in front of me.
The two mentioned voice actors voices have always been nostalgic to me. Even when I firstly got myself to know about the industry, I immediately looked for their old stuff and started living in the past. Thinking about how was it back then before the craze happened. They have always been the top in their game but all I could think about were what was it like when they were still surrounded by seiyuu that are much older, when they were still juniors in the ladder. That's why their presence alone would successfully take me back to the time I wasn't even there, every single time. The act of reminisce bolster to my entire life back in the day, when I still feel like I got a lot of time to make my dreams come true. When I was 16, and filled with a lot of hope. Even though I am much older now, I think I was much stronger back then. Listening to old CDs, Songs, time was priceless.. so does dreams and hope. Now I just live day by day because my breathe hasn't stopped. Aimlessly, hopelessly..
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athletesandmentalhealth ¡ 2 years ago
My Own Experience Growing Up
To get a little more up close and personal about my research, I would like to include my own experience in my life as an athlete. When reading this blog, some of you might be shocked, some of you maybe a little sad, and maybe some of you can even relate due to your own experience. So, let's get started.
My athletic career began at the young age of two when my parents decided to put me in gymnastics. From the stories I've been told, I had the reaction of crying the whole time and screaming that I wanted to go home, as many 2 year olds probably would in that setting. I had no idea what I was doing or what I was even supposed to be doing. Gymnastics is an extremely complex sport and it requires a lot of skill; skills in which I did not have at this age.
However, it didn't take long for me to be upside down more than right-side up. I fell head over heels in love with this sport and was anxious to show people my "tricks" anywhere I went. Anyone who would give the slightest interest in what I could do, I could sit there and show them for hours. I remember making up my own routines and performing them for all of my friends and family. I sometimes even convinced my friends to join me in doing these routines/dances. I had American Girl Dolls that I would "coach" for hours each day. Words could not even describe my obsession and love for this sport.
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This is a picture of myself at a regional gymnastics meet. Like I said, I was on my hands more than I was on my feet.
However, when looking back at these memories, it always makes me sad. But why? These all seem like such fun, happy memories that should make me enjoy reminiscing, right? Well, not many years after falling in love with this sport I found myself dreading practice, hating competing, and wanting to quit. And a lot of that had to do with how I was feeling mentally. And when you think about it, I didn't even know what mental health really was at this age.
I distinctly remember one specific car ride with my mom on my way to practice where I was just begging and pleading her to let me quit. I was actually scared to go to practice at that point because my coaches terrified me. We would get punished for not doing a skill that they wanted us to do, no matter how scared we were to do it. The punishments differed; whether it be climbing ropes to the ceiling, standing on the beam and not being allowed to get off until we threw the skill, or sitting in the corner for the rest of practice. All of these things would make us as young gymnasts feel like we were worthless. We felt like our coach was giving up on us. Personally, I felt guilty because I didn't want to disappoint my parents or waste their time/money.
A lot of the mental struggles came not only from these punishments, but what we were told verbally. We were told multiple times that if we didn't want to work hard there was a gym down the road that would accept us. One of the things I remember hearing come from my coach a lot was "You are a waste of my time". Imagine how a 10 year old girl would feel after being told she was a waste of your time. These comments would put us in such a negative headspace, and caused all of us to have so many mental health struggles for many years after this.
After dealing with this for many many years, I fell out of love with the sport and ended up quitting. Deep down, I know I had a lot of potential and could have kept going for a while, but mentally, I was completely done. These examples you have read from my own experiences are extremely important to this research topic. Athletes can go through mental health struggles at a very young age and not know how to explain it. It important to put a young child in a healthy, positive environment when it comes to athletics so that they feel valued and worthy. Doing this from the beginning of their athletic career can help an athlete better understand their mental health as they get older. They can better understand what is good for them mentally and what isn't, and how to cope with that.
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gh0st-patr0l ¡ 4 years ago
So about a week back, I made a post about Karl Jacobs (a bit of a passive aggressive one, I’ll admit, but I think it was justified), complaining that a lot of the â€˜criticism’ I see about Karl is actually rather insensitive towards his ADHD. I got a lot of responses to that post, and the most common sources of confusion I saw were:
People not understanding what I was saying they should avoid being judgmental of, or-
People who didn’t know that Karl had ADHD or didn’t understand which behaviors were caused by it.
First of all, Karl has confirmed that he has ADHD.
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(NOTE: Yes, I know he said ADD. ADD and ADHD used to be categorized as separate disorders, but in the most recent edition of the DSM, it was decided that they are both simply subtypes of the same disorder- ADHD is the correct technical term. ADD is still sometimes used as shorthand by some practitioners to diagnose primarily-inattentive ADHD, but it's a bit outdated.)
Secondly, that original post made me realize that a lot of people who may be well-meaning may genuinely not fully understand ADHD and its symptoms as well as they want to or think they might. If you aren’t aware, Karl isn’t the only one in the DSMP with ADHD- to my understanding, both Technoblade and Dream have confirmed that they have it as well. So, I thought it would be helpful to put together a comprehensive crash-course on ADHD symptoms and how they effect people’s behavior!
Now, before we go further, I want to address something- as I said earlier, I saw some people unsure of whether certain behaviors are ADHD or â€œjust his personality”. I feel the need to point this out above the read more so people will see it. To answer this question, as someone with ADHD;
A lot of times, it’s both. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, meaning that it’s caused by the way your brain developed from birth. A lot of the symptoms and effects of ADHD are extremely influential towards the way we think, act, and behave, to the point where â€œsymptoms” and â€œnormal behavior” really don’t have a clean differentiation. This is why it’s technically classified as a â€˜disorder’, instead of an illness. While certain aspects of it can require treatment, the condition itself as a whole is not something to be mitigated or eliminated- it’s a part of who we are as a person. This is also why sometimes, even if you don’t have ADHD, you’ll look at certain specific behaviors or experiences and go â€œOh, but I do that too!”. A lot of ADHD â€˜symptoms’ are just a bunch of normal traits or behaviors, but in combination with each other and some actually problematic aspects, form the appearance of the disorder.
So, what are you allowed to nitpick about it? Well, there’s no real â€˜authority’ on this, and even if there was it certainly wouldn’t be me. But if you want my opinion? Nothing.
See, here’s the thing- what I was trying to say when I made that post was not that you can’t be critical of Karl. If you want to say something about his Actions, his Ideals, or the content he creates- sure, go for it, that’s fair. I will agree that there are some very valid and constructive points to be made. But when you post ‘criticism’ about the way he speaks, his interests or preoccupations, his personal behaviors? That’s not criticism. That’s just judging someone.
And you’re allowed to think that stuff! Nobody can control what annoys or bothers them. It doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person. But you don’t need to be vocal about it. You can keep your mean thoughts to yourself. And if you do make posts or communities or whatever about judging someone for things they can’t change about themselves, don’t call it â€œcriticism” or try to morally justify it. It’s not productive or righteous, it’s just rude. Nothing else.
Anyway. Back to Education!
The following will be a descriptive list of visible ADHD behaviors, using Karl’s behavior as examples.
I feel the need to add a disclaimer here- I am not a mental health professional. However! I have ADHD myself, I have taken some psychology courses and done a Lot of research into this stuff, and I’m the daughter of a therapist with access to a DSM. While I’m not an expert, I’d like to think I’m fairly well versed and knowledgeable on at least ADHD. (That being said, if by chance anyone who Is a professional sees this post and notices mistakes, by all means let me know and I’ll fix it!!)
You’re here for the behaviors more than the science, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Known in the past as Attention Deficit Disorder). Despite its name, the root problem of ADHD is not in the person’s ability to pay attention, but their brain’s capability to manage itself. In simple terms, people with ADHD have a lot less control over what their brain does and wants. This results in some behavioral differences along with some personal challenges, namely a difficulty with attentiveness and self-discipline.
Now, onto the symptoms!
This is perhaps the most visible and pervasive of the ADHD symptoms, hence why it’s the namesake. Inattention is a lack of focus and an inability to stay present and occupied with certain tasks or thoughts.
Because ADHD impairs self-management of the brain, people with it have an extremely hard time directing themselves anywhere but where their brain instinctively wants to go. This results in inattentiveness and the easiness of distraction that is often mocked or stereotyped for people with ADHD.
Here are some examples of how Karl can sometimes display his inattentiveness;
When he has an idea that he seems passionate about, only to drop it or switch to something totally different without warning soon after (either forgetting or getting bored of his original idea).
When he sets out to do something like a build, works on it for a short amount of time, and then immediately gives up or gets someone else to do it.
When someone else is talking and he totally zones out. (NOTE: While I wont make a whole section for it because it’s not easily observable, maladaptive (constant and intrusive) daydreaming is a common ADHD symptom as well!)
It’s important to remember that the whole problem with ADHD is that we can’t control when or what we focus on. When someone with ADHD zones out during a conversation or activity, it doesn’t mean they’re doing it on purpose, and they likely don’t mean any offense! We often are trying our best to listen or participate, but our brain just wont cooperate.
However, inattention is not the only way ADHD effects our focus. There’s also what’s called hyperfocus or hyperfixation, which is when we are so absorbed into a single subject, task, or idea that it is extremely difficult to get us to think about or do anything else. This is usually because our brains have found something that is getting those satisfaction chemicals flowing, and it’s clinging to that with everything it’s got.
People with ADHD will often experience brief periods of hyperfocus. Think of how Karl talks about spending hours straight working on a build or project without eating or drinking, or how he’ll sit down to play a game with someone and end up going six hours without even noticing.
There are also hyperfixations, where someone with ADHD becomes extremely preoccupied with a certain subject, topic, etc. for a period of time. These can be short term- personally, my hyperfixation can sometimes change as quickly as a couple weeks at a time. However, it can also be long term. Karl has been obsessed with Survivor since the second grade- not to mention his memorabilia, rambling, and constant references to Kingdom Hearts.
This is a BIG one for Karl. I should clarify; ‘stimming’ is not a technical term, and in professional situations these behaviors are just referred to as Hyperactivity. However, I personally like the term stimming much more and find it far more accurate to what the behaviors actually are, so I’ll be using that instead for this post.
If you’re not already familiar, ‘stimming’ (derived from â€˜stimulation’) is an unofficial term used to describe consistent and abnormal patterns of physical and vocal behavior typically expressed by people with ADHD and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). This includes things that people usually call fidgets or tics.
(NOTE: There are differences in how people with those two disorders stim. This post will explain stimming specifically from an ADHD perspective! ASD stimming is caused by very different factors and presents itself in much different ways. Do your own research if you’re curious!) 
There are two major observable forms of stimming- physical and vocal. Karl expresses both VERY often! I’ll use examples for each type;
Physical Stims: Flapping his hands/arms, jumping up and down when he’s excited, twisting around into odd positions in his chair, throwing, hitting, or tapping things, standing up and pacing around when he’s hyped up or laughing, twisting his rings, etc.
Vocal Stims: When he gets excited and repeats a certain phrase incessantly (Think any variation of â€œI’m popping off”), making certain repetitive noises while he’s focused on something or bored (”la la la”, the meow-noises, the weird heart-beat noise, etc.), singing or humming, tongue clicking.
It should be noted here that it’s pretty common for people with ADHD to get â€œstuck” on certain phrases or noises, and be unable to stop repeating them (reminiscent of echolalia, a symptom of ASD, but not the same thing). Think of how Karl might sometimes keep making a weird noise for an extended period of time even though it’s not that funny, or that one time he was physically struggling to keep himself from singing the Bakugan theme. These repetitions are completely impulsive and trust me, we usually know how annoying it is while we’re doing it, but we physically cannot stop.
ADHD stims are caused by the fact that the barrier between our brain and body is much weaker than a normal person’s. Because of this, most ADHD stims are actually very positive expressions of joy, excitement, or enthusiasm! Y’know how when you get excited, you feel like you wanna jump or dance? The â€˜hyperactivity’ of ADHD is basically just that, but we don’t have the self-control to Not do it.
Stims can be caused by negative feelings like overstimulation, but in ADHD this is not nearly as common. Usually, the most negative reason we’ll stim is when we’re bored- in that case, our brain isn’t getting the Constant Stimulation that it naturally wants, so stimming is a way to make our own.
Whatever the cause, stimming is natural and impulsive. While different people experience it to varying degrees, those who regularly stim typically have little to no control over it. Suppressing stims is very hard and very frustrating to do.
Besides that, like I said- ADHD stims are often an expression of joy, excitement, or enthusiasm. They’re a beautiful thing that shouldn’t be seen as shameful or annoying!
ADHD is a disorder which causes a lack of self-control. Naturally, this means that people with ADHD are inherently reckless, impulsive, and struggle with a lack of self-discipline that they cannot fix.
Of course, people with ADHD do still have some level of self-control, and they are still responsible for conscious, long-term behavioral patterns and decisions. However, in regards to most things, they are much, much less capable of controlling themselves than an average neurotypical person is.
These are some examples of how this will often present itself in Karl;
Excessive rambling, dragging on a joke or conversation when it could and should probably have been dropped, etc.
Speaking over or interrupting other people (NOTE: As someone with ADHD- THIS IS ALMOST ALWAYS UNINTENTIONAL. I know it can seem rude or annoying but I promise, 90% of the time if someone with ADHD talks over you, they either didn’t realize or physically couldn’t help it. Please try to be patient!)
Lack of awareness towards social cues (NOTE: Unlike ASD, in which the person is incapable of/has problems fully understanding social cues, ADHD results in a lack of awareness. For whatever reason, we’re often just not paying close enough attention to pick up on things like body language, tone of speech, and facial expression as well as we would normally.)
Indecisiveness and overthinking
Bluntness, lack of subtlety
Unintentional dismissiveness, accidentally ignoring things/people (NOTE: Again, this behavior is purely accidental. In this case, it’s usually just the person genuinely not hearing or processing things.)
Making noises, speaking, joking, etc. at inappropriate times
There’s probably more, but I think you get the idea by now. A lot of the time, behavior which results from ADHD can be seen as rude, lazy, dismissive, or otherwise intentionally harmful. In reality, we just aren’t wired to navigate common social interaction with grace.
In Karl’s case, he’s clearly an incredibly sweet, empathetic, and kind-hearted person, if the various close friends who have talked about him are to be believed. Just because he talks over people or makes a poorly timed joke, that doesn’t mean he meant any harm. 
I think that’s about it for how much I wanted to point out! You can do more research if you’re curious, but I feel like this post should be enough to tell you what to keep in mind and be understanding about when talking about/making judgements on Karl, and other people with ADHD.
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unimportant-ramblings ¡ 3 years ago
Ramblings watches Halo
Episode 2: Unbound (Or Got my angel now)
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In which I’m late as always, we meet some new friends and I’m going to talk too much about clothes
John MasterChief is #struggling. His past, present and future are suddenly uncertain given his revelations in episode one. While JMC is frankly unstable, he is not ready to become a #girldad to the newly orphaned Kwan, so he needs to drop her off with the literal only person he knows outside of the spartan program.
(side note: I’m obsessed with this exchange between JMC and Kwan:
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Mood! That feel when parenting conflicts with your ongoing mental anguish).
The only person he knows is Soren, a man who left the Spartan program during training. JMC was technically supposed to shoot him for trying to leave, instead he gave him a 5 minute head start before he alerted people to bring him back. It’s interesting what this says about John MasterChief as a character; he wants to be a good person, he does not want to hurt people but he’s bound not just by his programming and “training” but also real loyalty to the UNSC. We see that Soren was emotionally and physically hurt by JMC calling the dogs after him, but JMC was similarly hurt by his departure in the first place. We see this again at the end of the episode as well, John, despite being warned not to let the UNSC have him or the special artifact/rock, he goes back to them because he has nowhere else to turn, because Halsey is the only one he can trust.
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I hope, I beg, I pray that John has a different plan in mind because Dr Halsey has never had more crazy eyes on display. Readers will remember that I missed that the doctor was one in the same as Miranda’s mother, which of course is true but in my defense, this woman is bananas. I wrote in my notes that Halsey is that one person you know who will find a way to bring her current special interest into every conversation. She brings Cortana up when you guys are talking about where to get supper, without a doubt. That’s a developing story I’m sure, but I’m just kind of in love with her. The way she looks like she’s going to explode with glee about everything, the way she and JMC had their little chat. She’s unhinged, we stan.
Back to Soren, the thing about him is that I love him. This guy is everything; jubilant, foodie, amputee with robot parts, doting dad, stoner, wife guy. The perfect man? Maybe! Just the contrast between Soren’s easy going nature, his laughter, with JMC’s stiff “you have a child?’ tells us so much. His son Kessler is also a sweetie!
But now to the meat up this write up. First, like John MasterChief, backstory:
When I was in high school. I really needed my own money. I won’t go into it in depth, but I had very poor physical and mental health, and needed very badly not to be dependant on my parents (followers will now that this is the same time I got like cripplingly into anime so, that should tell you all you really need to know).After several attempts, I got my first ever job at the Gap, and I got it by lying my ass off. I told them that I knew all about the fashion industry (lie), I was going into fashion (bigger lie), and I was subscribed to several fashion magazines (I have never been subscribed to any magazine for any purpose because I’m under 40). However, I am very good at committing to a bit, so I do know much more about clothes than I once did, and now I know why.
It was not to sell jeans in the 2010s, it was so that when @sonofcarnelian and I talk about sci -fi franchises I can lose my damn mind for hundreds of words. This is of course reminiscent of the time I gargled nails over Timothy Zahn describing Mara Jade wearing a BOLERO JACKET. But you see, last week I, rightly, went on at length about Kwan’s incredibly designed layers. Usable, fashionable, futuristic, flattering. I cannot stress enough how much none of these things describes Soren’s wife Laera.
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Why is Laera dressed like Effie Trinket, an extra from the Phantom of the Opera and a regency aunt were put into a blender. Yes, Soren describes her as a princess, but like?? She's wearing full length evening gloves and it’s morning.. And a diamond bracelet and a feather boa and a wig that looks almost light blue in certain lights? This is what my niece would draw if I asked her to draw a fancy lady. But this doesn’t fit the setting or circumstances at all. Like, I’m not asking for mothers to look or act a particular way you understand, see above with doctor halsey, but what does this outfit tell us about the character? Because this does not scream grounded presence and happy home! She’s dressed like she’s delusional! But her conversations with Kwan, John, Soren and her son are all coherent and compassionate. So I’m left with lingering questions and the vague impression that someone on staff was like “hey real quick what do women wear? No like girly ones?” This is what people accused Admiral Holdo of looking like in the last jedi (look at me, squishing MY special interest into every conversation like I’m Doctor Halsey or something. Kin).
Nevertheless, she’s great, she’s an icon, and again JMC has no other friends, so Kwan is left with the family Soren while JMC goes back to the UNSC for the time being. I’m pumped to see more iconic outfits from these gals.
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@sonofcarnelian let's hear it for the girls!
Speaking of gals, 2 last notes I am excited to understand in the near future.
The human girl on the side of the aliens, who in my notes I referred to exclusively as “Jane Volturi” but the captions tell me is named Makee, is going undercover for the covenant, so that’s fun. She also has weird hand scars! Intrigue! She reveals these by taking off ridiculously long gloves in the saddest strip tease ever. Can’t tell if she and Laera look similar or if they are just both blonde! More intrigue!
And of course, wakey wakey, babe Cortana is awake and ready to go!! What does this mean I don't know but she's here!
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kakitysax ¡ 4 years ago
Okay so I just watched the first Frozen movie with my youngest sister because we’re both home sick? And. We STAN this whole thing being a mental health allegory???
Like, this movie is deeply relatable and like, resonant? To me. Specifically. Both of my younger sisters can attest to how scary and mean I was before I got help, and the sister closest to me in age (actually, the sister who has the same age gap with me that Anna has with Elsa) DEEPLY relates to Anna’s struggle to reach her older sister.
But what I actually want to talk about is the symbolism. Below the cut. This will literally destroy your dash, be warned.
Elsa’s ice powers represent something about herself - about her MIND - she feels the need to repress. That could be any number of things. Neurodivergence, emotion in general, maybe a personality disorder. Elsa doesn’t necessarily HAVE any of these things. The point is that the viewers might, and whatever this unnamed thing is, it can be both beautiful and harmful.
Her parents don’t understand, and unwittingly teach Elsa to be afraid of herself. 
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As a result, Elsa starts to LOSE CONTROL OF HER POWERS. By teaching Elsa that this thing about her is something to be repressed, she becomes less and less able to ACTUALLY control them.
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This increases her sense of isolation from other people, and she develops MAJOR anxiety and depression as a result. I mean, just look at the separation anxiety she felt when her parents had to leave.
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“Do you have to go?”
Elsa is 18 here - terrified of herself and completely reliant on her parents to protect her and everyone around her from her powers.
ALRIGHT let’s skip the boring stuff
Blah blah blah, Anna’s lonely too, she needs love, falls in love too quickly, is desparate to marry Hans because she thinks this is the only day she’ll be able to form actual connections with other people...
All that stuff is really important, but what I want to talk about is the frozen kingdom that Elsa creates.
Overcome by feelings of freedom and joy, Elsa finally begins to regain control of the creative part of her powers, and one of the first things she creates is Olaf.
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For everyone’s annoyance at Let It Go, it’s actually an amazing sequence and I relate to it a lot.
But what I find to be a BETTER reflection of the journey through Elsa’s psyche is Anna and Kristoff’s journey up the North Mountain.
I say â€œJourney,” but there’s really only three environments I want to talk about.
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This is where Kristoff and Anna meet Olaf - a frozen wonderland of weeping willows. As they walk through it, Anna says â€œI never knew that Winter could be so beautiful.”
That line got me. Anna doesn’t actually know her sister. She likes a version of Elsa that exists in her head - a 13-year-old altered memory of a perfect older sister. But Elsa isn’t the warm fuzzy friend that Anna idealizes - she’s always been dignified, composed, and wonderfully creative - loving, yes, but in a cool kind of way. Anna expects Elsa to be a goofy playmate, and writes off the â€œwintery” parts of her as something bad, just like Elsa does. But walking through this wonderland, she sees a different aspect of the same Elsa - the good parts of the REAL Elsa. And THIS, fittingly, is where she meets Olaf.
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Now something I noticed this time around is that during this scene, Olaf consistently looks towards Anna.
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“I like warm hugs,” he says, turning to her, and he asks her for her name first.
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He then relies on ANNA to tell him the names of Kristoff and Sven.
Elsa made Olaf for Anna. And because of this, Olaf is the EMBODIMENT of Elsa’s childhood love for her sister.
This is why he always goes back to Anna. This is why it didn’t count as an act of true love when Olaf was willing to melt for her, and why he is able to tell Anna what love is. Olaf’s love for Anna is Elsa’s love for Anna. Olaf IS love.
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“Some people are worth melting for.”
Olaf loves summer. Thawing. Melting things. And it’s because, as we learn later in the movie, LOVE is the secret to melting Elsa’s ice, and breaking down her barriers.
Right okay back to environments.
The NEXT icy place they come across is THIS bitch
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A hillside full of icy spikes that point towards whoever approaches. Another wall between Elsa and the people trying to reach her. Elsa consistently uses outward-pointing spikes to keep other people away.
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Finally, they reach the CENTER of Elsa’s psyche: a palace made of ice.
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Elsa’s ice palace is the culmination of Elsa’s creative powers, a reflection of her own mind.
But what’s really, REALLY interesting, is that like ice, it’s reflective. And after her conversation with Anna, the castle starts to change.
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Immediately after hurting Anna, darkness spreads rapidly down the castle walls. The darkness is reminiscent of the fragile “dark ice” like the kind you would find on a fragile frozen pond. The ice is becoming less stable.
And later, when we see Elsa trying to regain control of herself, the color of the walls has changed completely to reflect her fear.
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The spikes reappear, this time pointing inward - towards HERSELF.
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Elsa’s mind is no longer a safe place for Elsa herself to be - and holy SHIT do I relate.
The last thing I want to talk about is the blizzard at the end of the movie.
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Elsa is back in Arendelle, the very place she’s been trying to avoid the whole movie - the place she’s afraid of destroying with her powers. The whiteout is Elsa’s terror, furious and opaque. It’s BLINDING, not only to herself, but to everyone around her.
But the second Hans tells Elsa that Anna is dead
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Everything Stops.
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The wind stops, the storm receeds, snowflakes freeze in thin air. The world stops moving. Elsa stops feeling.
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Hans drew his sword pretty loudly. But Elsa doesn’t care. She believes herself to be a monster, and no longer cares if she lives or dies.
This is basically the end of what I want to talk about, but I can’t exactly leave it here, so.
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Anna saves Elsa, sacrificing herself in the truest form of love.
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She does the Big Freezy thing and turns into an epic ice sculpture, which Elsa then wraps in what is likely the world’s most uncomfortable hug.
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And then, starting from the heart first, Anna unfreezes.
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The secret to Elsa’s powers is revealed to be love, not fear. And, sealing my love for Elsa with a fucking kiss, Elsa IMMEDIATELY latches on. She’s been searching for an answer for this for her entire life, and is able to apply the one she finds INSTANTLY. She lets her love for Arendelle and everyone around her reshape her mind into a place of safety and wonder. 
Everyone lives happily ever after, my sister cries, I nod stoically because I’m almost incapable of genuine emotion, Elsa is the most relatable Disney Princess and I adore her forever.
I know that none of this is a hot take but I really wanted to ramble about it anyway. This is a really good movie. Friendly reminder that just because something is mainstream doesn’t mean that it sucks. One time I was talking about how much I related to Elsa and Dad said that I was â€œa demographic.” Like. Okay? What’s the fucking issue with that? So Disney created a story that can resonate with a wide group of people, what’s the shame in being one of the people it touches? The real issue here is that so many young people can relate to repression and mental illness, like, what the fuck?
Anyway, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Join me next time (never) while I talk about the equally relatable Frozen Two’s arc of delving deeper into the knowledge of what you’ve repressed, Elsa’s obvious aromanticism, and the fact that the Trolls are evil masterminds who have deeply wronged both of the first movie’s male protagonists.
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minecraftmodus ¡ 4 years ago
I know that there's used a legitimate discussion about c!Ranboo possible having OSDD around the time that he introduced the panic box and the fake c!Dream that cc!Ranboo went out of his way to debunk but here me out. 
c!Ranboo’s moments with the fake c!Dream were legitimately reminiscent of my own experiences with OCD. 
I’m not trying to assign c!Ranboo with any canonical mental illnesses because its very obvious that isn’t whats happening but I just want to discuss how familiar the panic box scenes felt from my perspective. 
c!Ranboo’s discussions with fake c!Dream about assisting the real c!Dream and c!Ranboo’s subsequent denial felt like an internal dialogue with my own intrusive thoughts.  c!Ranboo repeately tries to wish fake c!Dream out of existence, to deny the supposed â€œtruth” that a part of him is actively trying to convince him is real. That he does actually want to cause destruction, that he actually does want to serve c!Dream. c!Ranboo lives with these completely contradictory â€˜truths’ about his own morality and the guilt that he might actually, deep inside, agree with the fake c!Dream.  OCD’s largest impact of my mental health has been the intrusive thoughts that come along. Intrusive thoughts are often involuntary and more likely to happen  in moments of emotional stress and seeing c!Ranboo call the tiny space where he goes to supposedly calm down, be called the PANIC box is an unfortunate similarity. I’d have vivid thoughts of immoral actions that I â€œwanted” and would feel immense guilt afterwards, trying to deny that I even imagined the action to begin with. c!Ranboo’s loss of self-trust felt very similar to how I would try to steer myself away from the objects relating to those intrusive thoughts, seeing myself as a danger despite my moral system objecting. The discussion between fake c!Dream and c!Ranboo felt like a dialogue between my actual desires and the intrusive thoughts. c!Ranboo keeping that voice a secret from everyone and only coming clean to one person with his experiences after he’s no longer suffering is very similar to how I opened up after I got professional help. 
Even knowing that c!Ranboo's circumstances are drastically different because of enderwalking, it’s still comforting to see a character go though similar struggles and still be adored be the audience. It makes me feel less insecure about my own experiences and makes me feel more deserving of self forgiveness.  tldr; whoops cc!Ranboo accidentally made a very very very relatable character for mentally ill people (me) and im glad he did!!!
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nexyra ¡ 4 years ago
I got an ask for Qrow Branwen so here it comes !
My fav ship(s) for the character
I think my favorite ships for Qrow are Cloqwork and Fair Game ! Cloqwork lacked screentime in terms of canon content of course, but I love the potential here. I also have a things for shipping the sad men together xD There are a lot of REALLY great Cloqwork fanfics out there and I love seeing people write about these two <3 It's in the details but I think there's something interesting here. With Qrow who is convinced to be a curse, who came from such a harsh background... And with Ozpin who is so convinced of humanity's inherent goodness and that anyone deserves a chance. At the same time they're both very complicated people who I think would interact in cool ways. Ozpin is wise but does have a mischievous streak that I think also helped in making them both get along. Qrow is much more perceptive than he appears and that's also good for dealing with someone as secretive as Ozpin.
Fair Game also had a very good start ! The relationship was admittedly a bit tilted toward Qrow's recovery in the show, but they were nice to see together. Clover was perceptive & caring as well as patient. All great qualities for a relationship with Qrow, who has a hard time breaking down his walls and a shot mental health. At the same time, Atlas is very professional, straight-to-the-point and I think Qrow is a real breath of fresh hair in that environment. He brings a different viewpoint to the table, he's very loyal & caring and it's clear that his sass amused Clover greatly. We didn't get to learn enough about him, but Clover's VA hinted that Clover's trust was a fragile thing and he wasn't a fan of showing vulnerability. Qrow, who gives everything he has in all his relationships, would have been a great balm for that uncertainty. So yeah !
My least favorite ship(s) for the character
There are, of course, any & all ships between Qrow & the kids or Qrow & Salem's team. But outside of these obvious "nope", I'll have to go with Jailbirds. This is COMPLETELY personal but I have a really hard time liking Robyn's character as of V7 end/V8 so I'm barely interested in her dynamic with Qrow. I did appreciate her talking down Qrow from revenge because he was only doing it for his own sake but... That's about it. I find her way too abrasive (hidden behind her shiny Robinhood looks). And whereas Clover (imo) was pretty good at getting Qrow to face his issus head-on & building him up, I feel like Robyn relies more on humour & deflection... Which is an art Qrow is already acquainted with, and not the best coping mechanism for him. Aaaand I just feel like she put Clover down several time in order to lift Qrow up. That, plus the queerbaiting controversy, plus her having indirectly participated to Clover's death... The ship makes me a bit uncomfortable.
My fav & least fav platonic relationship(s) for the character
My fav platonic relationship for Qrow is his bond with Ruby ! I really hope they bring it back because these two were GREAT together. Ruby's admiration was adorable. Qrow's nonchalent but clearly protective streak. They care about each other A LOT and I really loved them together. I hope they can have more moments together like back in V3-V4 or V6.
I'm not sure what my least liked platonic relationship would be. Saying Robyn again feels like beating on a dead horse but I don't really have a problem with any other ones. They're all, if not kind & good for him, at least interesting (like Raven)
My favorite thing about the character
The combination of his sassy/cynic personnality and how loyal & caring of a person he actually he is. Qrow is rough around the edges, leans easily into banter but he cares so damn much. He fit so easily next to Ruby's peppy enthusiasm in Vol 1-3, and then he was just an incredible badass and yet so damn vulnerable human in Vol 4-6. I liked that about him. How all the pieces fit together
My biggest criticism for the character
Well I have 2 things to say about that. First : V7C12 With Friends like these. What the fuck was this episode qkfazkfhkgh Qrow's brain was nerfed SO DAMN HARD, I was genuinely pissed while watching the episode. This was just a string of dumb decisions from everyone except Tyrian. But I digress -
In a more general sense, I'd say... putting Qrow in the sidelines. Him falling further into depression was a sound decision. It was interesting and fitting of his character imo. But I feel like they tied "Ruby having enough of his alcooholism" and "Ruby growing away from adults" in a way that kind of.... just put Qrow to the side and doesn't allow him to do much. In V6 finale, Qrow expresses understandable concerns about their plan to steal an airship, but instead of dealing with that Ruby's frustration with his cynicism is aired out and... the timing kind of makes the whole thing weird becaus Qrow isn't allowed to disagree with their plan ("we'll do it with you or without you") and then has to trust Ruby and let her go which AGAIN is a great moment in itself. But all that put together just like... rid Qrow of his function as a parental figure because Ruby is the leader now and he's just... kind of following along.
When was their writing at the peak according to me (ex : best season)
Okay for this one Q, I'll have to go with Vol 4 and Vol 6 for very different reasons. V4 was great because we really got to get to know Qrow. His complicated relationship with Raven. How BADASS his encounter with Tyrian was I freaking loved it. What his semblance and how it shaped his life. And it also let him be vulnerable through the poison & seeing Ruby repay his care was very nice.
Vol 6 for fleshing out, taking his issues & drinking more seriously. Showing more hopelesness and cynicism, and that he had a real drinking problem and he wasn't just a fun drunk. Plus the loss of faith in Oz showed how much Qrow needs stability and secure certainties to orbit around despite his nonchalant personnality. But I like it a bit less because it was the starting point of putting him on the side kind of.
A song I think fits them & why
Ship in a Bottle (Steffan Argus) ➸ A song about being alone in your fight, in the sense that your life is like a sail on the ocean and you are the only captain, the only one who can choose what to do with it. At the same time, there are several mentions of a "captain" as if the singer/Qrow adresses someone else. It's reminiscent of his relation with Ozpin or Clover : speaking of a deal, of being honest and sharing what's on your mind. Qrow thinks too much, he's scared and he sinks more & more as he delves into his cynicism (V6). Qrow cries, things get worse, the mention of the glass echoes his struggle with alcooholism. And the Scarewrow loses his brain, "lose touch with all the things that made [him] feel sane."
+ Problem child (Simple Plan) The Star song (Amanda Palmer) Would anyone care (Citizen Soldier) Wasted (8 Graves)
A headcanon to make up about them
Qrow didn't have the most normal childhood and because of that he had to learn a lot for Ruby & Yang. Notably, Qrow had absolutely 0 notion of what was an appropriate presents for young girls. As a result, he tended to simply bring back from his travels whatever shiny thing might have caught his attention. Could be a weird flower. Could be a pretty knife. Or even junk that his corvid brain latched upon.
Tai designed a look(Tm) that Qrow learned to recognize as "No, not appropriate." After a while, Yang learned to mimick it (but rather at random, she didn't really recognze what was appropriate and what wasn't). Ruby always liked his presents though.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
I CLEARLY would rewrite V7C12 so that Qrow & Clover keep their brains kzjhfkqhzk There were ways to reach the same conclusion without like... having a Qrow-Tyran team-up which was REALLY weird
I see 2 main possibilities to stick close to canon content - After the crash, Tyrian gets free but he keeps playing dead for a bit. Since there is no 3rd menace, Clover and Qrow's argument devolve into a fight as seen in canon. At one point, Clover manages to briefly disarm Qrow. They discuss for a bit, you can even put the exact same dialog as in the ep. Then Tyrian takes action, moving out of the shadows to kill Clover with Qrow's discarded weapon. Braincells saved. OR - Instead of having Qrow & Tyrian outright team up, Tyrian just... keeps instillating doubts in their mind. Qrow & Clover are temporarily allies in taking Tyrian down but because of this, they don't TRUST each other which cause missteps and make them less effective. At one point, Qrow tries to attack Tyrian who is behind Clover. But because neither Qrow nor Clover really have faith in the other at that moment (and because Tyrian is poisonning their mind), Clover automatically steps back or aside. He doesn't entirely trust Qrow. Because of this small hesitation, Qrow's attack fails. Tyrian manages to disarm him. Tyrian uses Qrow's weapon to kill Clover. There could even be some message here about the lack of Trust & letting Salem divide friends... something of that caliber in any case 🤔 It can even parallel V3 where Qrow did the same thing with Ironwood & Ironwood refused to stand aside even if he thought Qrow meant to attack him... Could lead somewhere ! Like, in V3 Qrow had faith that Ironwood wasn't to blame. Only Ironwood feared that Qrow blamed him, but Qrow knew & trusted that Ironwood wasn't to blame. In other words, Salem didn't divide them. Here, Qrow & Clover let Tyrian get into their head. And as a result Clover dies. "Together we stand, Divided we fall"
My guess for their MBTI/Enneagram
I'm still mulling on it right now but I think he might be some kind of ISTP 416. He has some weird 7ish behaviour but his need to orbit around someone/a goal, his relationship with Oz, how close he stuck to Tai & Summer sounds closer to 6 fix. He wants people to go home to. Certainty and security. His independance definitely is there but seems emphasized moreso out of necessity.
One aspect that I think would be nice to delve deeper into ? (optional)
I'm not sure mhmmm maybe his relationship with Summer ? It would be both cute & interesting. As well as finally giving us insight into who Summer was
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transformers-valiant-keepers ¡ 4 years ago
I put so much investment into Roxie and Dadlock lately (I’m sorry) and it's all I ever think about them bc who doesn't love found family tropes. For TFTN, I took in key elements of characters, backstory and lores from IDW and incorporated the ideas into my own for TFTN.
I’ve been listening to Lasting Impression by Silent Descent when writing up Dadlock’s life (which probably fitting).
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Trigger warnings for mentions of discrimination, drug use, implied dubcon, medic, shadowplay / mnemosurgery(?), child abuse, depression, implied suicide, ptsd trauma(?). 
I’ll put all of this under readmore
I've been thinking about how much similarities between Roxie and Drift in having to hide certain things about themselves from the society--with Roxie being deaf who has to constantly cover her hearing aids with her long hair, and Drift was a forged triple changer. 
Triple changers cybertronians bear the brunt of discriminations for being so different and the Functionalist Council saw them as a threat to Cybertron's future and the caste systems. Techno-organics also shared the similar reaction for being much different from others and were turned away by Functionalist medics.
It was pretty telling what Drift had gone through in his life… Before Roxie was constructed with his spark, before the Greatsword connected to his spark while unaware of the intentional true purpose in store for him and Roxie later on, and before Dai Atlas took him in to the Samurai clan. 
He did not start off as a good life living on the streets and homeless on Rodion. He was an independent, mostly kept to himself, barely opening up to anyone. He endured survival instincts living on the streets, and learnt self-defence battle protocols to defend himself when necessarily. 
Obtaining Energon for refuel wasn’t easy. He went through a dark place of sleeping rough, hooked on circuit boosters to spare the pain and selling himself for Energon through sexual activities. It wasn’t his choice nor how many times had he lost count when he came close to almost-deactivation from certain outcomes.
He never forgot the time he visited the medibay clinic to be patched up and to feel safe. That was the first time he saw Ratchet.
It was not the vivid life Drift wanted to remember for discussion. He spared the dark details of his early life and post-Shadowplay-to-Autobot’s assassin era from Roxie, because it’s not something he wanted to subject her to that exposure, even for one so young and carefree who was not exposed to the Functionalist era. He only shared his life after Dai Atlas approached and took him in, which changed his life completely, to his life amongst the Samurai clans. Dai Atlas was the closest thing he would call to a Sire. He became familiar with the likes of Cyclonus and Axe.
Axe and Cyclonus became his best friends who later became his Amica Endurae. Axe does not understand the life Drift went through--he had experienced living rough--but he was the only person he could trust enough to vent to. Cyclonus, on the other hand, understood what he went through and offered her shoulder for him to vent.
Crystal City was the safest place it had been in so long for Drift, not counting the fact a particular medical clinic had been relatively safe away from the backend alleys. Everything was good afterwards, he became a trained swordmech. It takes some adjustment for him to get used to sleeping in an actual berth provided for his own amongst other things--including Energon for refuel and to live. He did meet Ratchet, despite them having met long before when Drift lived on the rough streets.
Drift received upgrades to his frame, putting the past behind him to start anew under Dai Atlas’ mentorship, and touching the Greatsword had given him a second chance to move on from his past (obvious to the fact that the Greatsword had chosen him for a reason, or what fate had in store for him).
Becoming a Samurai was the best life-changer for him.
The Functionalists Council had arranged for Drift to be taken and captured (all the while, Pharma had secretly played a part in it) and was taken straight to the Institute where he was subjected to Shadowplay against his will.
Many years later, he eventually discovered Roxie’s existence… and somehow learnt she is his Kindred. And that instinct promptly activated his paternal Sire Coding within both his and Deadlock alter-ego’s programming. 
Life for Drift was royalty fucked up after Shadowplay had changed him into a deadly, fearless assassin with Emperor Nemesis as his handler (this was revealed in Prologue Part One). He was not known as Drift, he became Deadlock--likely a case of an alter-ego formed as the result from his traumas. Before all that discovery, he met Windblade and Perceptor who became two important figures in his life and opened up his spark. As a reminisce of his early days forcing to hide the fact he’s a triple changer, Windblade had to hide her cityspeaker ability whereas Perceptor had to hide his outlier ability and refrained himself from reading others’ thoughts. They hid this from the Functionalists and found themselves form a connetion with Drift after he saved them from unforseen situations. Drift knows what it’s like to hide and pretend, and sworn to sercery to keep both Windblade and Perceptor safe. He fell in love with Windblade and Perceptor--with an emotional deep connection with the young cityspeaker and scientist--but he never got to tell them both after they got separated apart from each others.
Roxie was constructed cold with her spark being a donor from Drift’s, thus forming a strong bond between the two--such bond between a Sire and a Kindred are considered rare in some cases. This is known as Cognatio Endurae.
Though, Roxie… didn’t have a good start after being subconsciously locked away in a stasis pod by the Emperor’s doings. The sad thing is? Drift does not know whether she was physically abused constantly through the bond whenever he was resistant against being controlled, or forced to obey commands, or goes against authority orders--and the thought alone had really broken him.
He tried to save her the first time but was caught out and forced to watch in horror as The Emperor abused Roxie in front of his optics--which played into the triggers whenever he saw Roxie was harmed and he shifted into his Deadlock persona way later on. Yes, Drift and Deadlock alter ego both genuinely care for Roxie. 
Techno-organics were not well-known to Cybertronians until the 22nd or 23rd Century, but one with an organic human DNA is considered rare. Now for Roxie, being a techno-organic and all… it wasn't easy to bring her up. Drift is new to parenting and can be a worrywart over her. His past actually helped him to adapt and care for her--he eventually grows into a better person than he used to be. 
Though, what Drift never prepared for… was Roxie diagnosed with severe hearing loss, aka Deaf / Hearing Impaired, in both audial receptors. He went as far to start his research and how to help her. He is patient and relied on the bond to communicate with her, he taught her to lipread--because he had little knowledge of sign languages. Once they get their servos on functioning Hearing Aids for her, she can hear their voices. It wasn't the best or helpful to her, Drift was relieved she was responsive to his voice like a sense of familiarity to her.
Due to the immense strong bond and prioritising Roxie first before himself, Drift turned off his pain sensors to take in the burdens and sensed her emotions and pains.
But her upbringing had its moments. Roxie hated hearing tests. It made her extremely stressed over the noise levels and the lowest ringing noises were the worst of all. She was a victim to disability discrimination by society, which she was completely shunned out and struggled to make any friends. It did hurt her and her hearing wasn't perfect that the kids relentlessly teased her for her difficulties--the aftermath forced her to cover ears and hearing aids with her long hair to hide her disability. 
She was dejected and left out, unsure whether to question where she would fit in in this universe. Drift sensed this coming through the bond and tried his best to comfort her as a father wanting to understand her. Roxie’s struggles with deafness had impacted on her mental health and she went through a dark place succumbing to negative voices and far too anxious to socialise with anyone.
She would cry herself to sleep with a wish how badly she wanted to hear, and bottled all of her emotions and issues to herself. She found it completely hard to talk or open up about her feelings--even to Drift and Axe. Such intrusive thoughts prone her despair into an emotional crying mess leading to Drift exposed his spark chamber to guide and soothed Roxie out of an anxiety attack keeping her focus onto his calming, pulsing spark and enfolded within his EM field filled with nothing more than a comforting familial love.
Suffice to say, Drift had coaxed gently, without pressuring her, got her to open up to him and listened to her confide in him. One time, she accidentally slammed Drift’s doorwing, which was very sensitive, when her emotions got the best of her during an outburst and of course, Roxie felt completely bad afterwards.
Meeting new people was difficult for her, much less making new friends without the unnecessary attention from adolescent organic males. Due to the society looking down on disabled people, Roxie doesn’t want to let anyone in, something that was passed on from her Sire, without putting her guarded wall down and succumbing to heartaches. She stayed--remained--close to Drift and Wing. She trusts them and they’re the only ones she relied heavily on for their support and speak on her behalf.
Beyond that, there were complications on their welfare over the years hiding on Earth, especially when Roxie’s health was concerned. Her height growth was stunted and slowed throughout her activated age. (At eighteen activated age as example, she stood at 5ft 4in). However, there’s major issues Drift and Axe had to deal with rationalizing Energon usage after the first time they watched Roxie overcome with extreme fatigue from low Energon. They were alerted by this despite the three of them living pretty rough to hide out on Hedonia without detecting the Autobots--they moved from one hideout to another, erasing their presence from their previous accommodations. Moving to a new place made Roxie unsettled the first few nights.
Drift’s early life resurfaced given the living arrangements on Hedonia, he was willingly to sacrifice his Energon for Roxie and replenish her energy and to avoid her body going into stasis shock. He had considered an Energon transfer reserved for emergencies only just for Roxie alone, and the process was risky that Axe had berated him for it on a dangerously low Energon withdrawal. Axe could understand due to Energon being scarce and trying to save as much credits that he had gone further to search and provide fuels for the three of them to survive.
Had they lived on Cybertron, specifically in the roughest places, Drift would’ve given away a full Energon to Roxie and spared little usage for himself to live through another day.
"A good Sire would do anything for their Kindred" Drift told Axe. And the truth is, Roxie was a beacon of light to Drift through the darker aspects of his life, even with being there for her through her low days.
That's as far I've written from my head about these two and I'm having many feelings over these two.
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twistedcharismaaa ¡ 5 years ago
Lost & Found Pt 4
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Summary: You’re living a suffocating life and you finally find breath in Masego.
Author’s Note: Hi guyssss! I’m finally back with another chapter. I really struggled piecing this chapter together so I really hope you guys enjoy! Leave a comment for ya girl! You know I live for the commentary, I love you guys so much! Enjoy!
Micah’s eyes left yours for a brief moment. He inhaled and leaned his head back on the wall and readjusted his shades on his face. He watched his calculated chaos unfold in the elevator which gave him much delight. 
“You know I told you my name…” he said while raising a finger and wagging it dramatically.
“You even told me your boyfriend’s name, but you never told me yours.” he continued.
You slowly pulled off your rubber yellow cleaning gloves one by one and tossed them on the supply cart. You crossed your arms and leaned back on the wall behind you letting your eyes trail the many lit elevator buttons. 
“Charisma,” you answered with a subtle smirk on your face. 
“Charisma? You know I’m full of that,” he said while placing his right hand on his chest proudly.
Again, you found yourself laughing. You shook your head and rolled your eyes towards the ceiling before eyeing him once more with a half-smirk.
“That I can clearly see,” you answered.
“You know what I want to see right now?” he quizzed while pulling off his black shades and stuffing them in the pouch of his all-black hoodie.
“Indulge me,” you responded completely intrigued. 
“Me and you having lunch,” he said while waving his hands in the air theatrically as if he was actually visualizing it.  
“So, are you hungry, lady?” he asked with a raised brow.
You inhaled silently and eyed the elevator for a short moment. Letting your eyes wander from wall to wall. Finally, you fixated on a painting that rested on the wall behind him. You’ve seen this painting a thousand times before but today, for whatever reason, it caught your attention. You admired its simplicity which made it even more elegant. You visually found pleasure in the contrasting colors of blue and red. The uneven brushstrokes seemed to tell a story that mirrored yours. It was a painting of a cup that was half-full. Or was it half-empty? Looking past Micah you spoke lowly.
“If I told you a secret, would you keep it?” you asked still eyeing the painting.
“Absolutely,” he responded. 
“This is the most I’ve laughed in a while,” you admitted while swallowing slowly. Now locking eyes with him, you continued to lean on the wall behind you for support. You bit down on your bottom lip nervously and waited for his response.
“And why is that?” he questioned.
“Life hasn’t been so kind to me lately. I’m figuring things out - figuring me out actually. So I don’t know if I’m the perfect candidate to have lunch with.” you said while changing positions. This time, you shifted your weight off of the wall’s surface and placed both hands on the supply cart. You watched the elevator doors close and open. The classical music playing in the background seemed to intensify. Or maybe this moment was intensifying?
“I have a secret too since we’re sharing,” he admitted. You enjoyed his speaking voice. It oozed calmness and embodied serenity. 
“I saw you last night at the club. You looked beautiful by the way. While I was on stage, all I wanted to do was dive in and save you. I would take you away if you’d let me. Lunch is just the first step.” he said while eyeing your frame subtly.
Your heartbeat quickened as your palms grew sweaty. He watched you like you were the only thing that mattered. His intense, penetrating eyes piercing right through made you weak. It scared you but intrigued you.
“You’re famous. You whisk away every girl that you find pretty?” you quizzed trying to make sense of it all. Just last night, you had a man that refused to touch you. Just hours ago, you were neglected in every way that you could think of. And now, you have a caramel kissed man standing in front of you treating as if you were the purest diamond. As if you were rare, unique, and completely hard to find. 
You watched a smile dance across his full lips. He shook his head and licked his lips before answering.
“I hate being famous actually. For many different reasons that I, unfortunately, don’t have enough time to tell you. We’re running out time lady.” he said while watching the elevator buttons. “It’s hard finding authenticity in people. It’s hard finding real love, real emotion, real music - I can literally go on and on. Everyone hides behind facades and masks. You’re different. You’ve always been you it’s just no one was insightful enough to pay attention.” he continued.
You finally reached your destined floor. The doors opened and you felt your heart sink. You didn’t want him to go. 
“Thank you for making me smile today,” you said softly.
“Best believe, it was my pleasure. See you around Charisma,” he responded while holding the elevator door open for you. You reluctantly exited the elevator and waved him goodbye.
After a tedious day of working hard, you decided to attend your appointment with Tiffany, your trusted therapist. After the loss of the baby, you’ve been seeing a Tiffany inconsistently. By nature, you were instinctively self-reliant due to your own insecurities and the insecurities forced on you by others. Desmonde thought it was a waste of money and your friends who you barely speak to now had their own speculations. You viewed Tiffany as a human diary, holding your precious secrets - holding your darkest memories. There were times where you made progress and had these astounding revelations ready to make leaps and bounds in life and unfortunately, there were times you left feeling the absolute same. Consistently, inconsistent with your mental health, with your emotions, with your goals, and with your dreams. Maybe you cared too much? Too little? Maybe you were broken beyond repair? You grew up in a single-parent household where your mother showered you in the healthiest love and attention. Every time you needed her she was there. Constantly, going over and beyond for you - with you. But with her passing at the tender age of 20, it seemed as if life came at you like a raging storm. Quickly, devouring you piece by piece and brick by brick. At 21, you dropped out of college. Working like a dog and living check to check. At 21, you met Desmonde and fell for him and by 22 you were pregnant. Now at the new fresh age of 23, you were alone again.
Tiffany opened her office door and greeted you with the brightest smile. She wore a sky blue buttoned blouse and grey slacks. She wore her hair down making her amber highlights easy to notice. You greeted her with a smile and a warm hello before entering her office. Casually taking a seat, you noticed that she redecorated. Had it been that long since you’ve been here?
“How are you feeling today?” she asked while opening her mustard yellow notepad.
“Confused,” you said while tugging at the sleeve of your dark red hoodie.
“Hmmm. Why is that? Oh, and happy belated before I forget,” she quizzed attentively.
“Thank you. I actually broke up with Desmonde on my birthday. I don’t mean to make it as aggressive as it sounds. I just didn’t know how else to um say that.” you admitted still fidgeting with your sleeve.
“What brought this on?” she asked now actively scribbling in her notepad.
“At this point, I’m convinced it was inevitable,” you answered now making direct eye contact.
“How so?”
“He didn’t touch me, nurture me, educate me, push me - He didn’t do a lot of things. My cup was always half empty with him.”
“You’ve been together for quite some time, right? So why did you stay? If he didn’t water you or stimulate you? Why give him so much of your time?”
“I stayed because I thought he was what I deserved,” you admitted.
“Why do you think you deserve to be wilted and neglected?” she questioned.
“That’s a question I keep asking myself honestly,” you responded.
“It sounds like this break up with Desmonde brought self-awareness to you,” she suggested.
“Can I ask you something?” you quizzed.
“Of course,” she answered smiling meekly.
“I’m naturally closed off. But today, I had the deepest conversation with a stranger. What does that mean?”
“What did you talk about?”
“I admitted to him that I was practically unhappy,” you said while finally resting your busy hand. No longer messing with your sleeve.
“That’s very interesting. And his response was?”
“His response was that he would rescue me if I’d let him. And the crazy thing is I believed him,” you said feeling a smile grace your lips.
“This stranger sounds like quite the charmer,” she said smirking and taking more notes casually.
“His name is Micah. He’s a guest at the hotel,” you admitted.
“So not a stranger then?” she quizzed.
“ An acquaintance I suppose?” you replied.
“So, you’re questioning why you’re doing something that’s typically out of your guarded character? Yes?”
“Yes,” you stated.
“Maybe subconsciously you want something different. Different responses attract different reactions. You put out a different response because internally you’re longing to break routine. After feeling half-empty for so long, it’s only normal to crave to feel full.”
“He asked me to lunch. I declined at first of course. But now, I’m reconsidering because of note he left me while I was cleaning his room.”
“What did it say?” she asked completely enticed.
“I-I have it in my pocket. I’ll read it to you.” you stuttered.
Slowly pulling the note from your pocket, you cleared your voice and read it aloud. 
“Listening to music doing nothing but thinking of you. Thinking of your body and how it was handcrafted by God. Each curve sexier than the last. My mind keeps reminiscing about your sweet smile and how it fiercely ignites me while softly illuminating my soul. Those soft plump lips begging to be kissed on. I never have seen a woman so radiant. I’ve never seen eyes so captivating and so pure. I continuously watch you - study you in hopes that I can understand your beautiful complexity. I can see the brokenness. I know we barely know each other, but everything happens for a reason. I hope that you’ll let me kiss you in every area that he’s hurt you. But first, let me be a friend. - Micah”
Before you knew it, tears streamed down your cheeks connecting down to your chin. 
“Why are you crying Charisma?” Tiffany inquired.
“I haven’t had a friend in a very long time,” you answered honestly.
“There is no perfect way to heal. Healing comes in many different forms. It can come through isolation, art, family, new scenery, and friends. Charisma, maybe it’s time for a friend.”
You nodded in acceptance and quietly thought to yourself about the painting from earlier. Cup half-empty or cup half-full? It’s all open to interpretation. All you knew is that you’re ready to be full. To be whole. 
Interrupting your thoughts, Tifanny posed a question.
“So what do you say Charisma?”
“I say, it’s a date. I need a friend more than I need anything else right now. It’s a date.” you answered.
Part 3 Part 5
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ayellowcurtain ¡ 5 years ago
This is part 2 of that self-indulging, angsty, sad, time travel!AU that I wrote a couple of days ago. This will get smutty at some points, very sad, there’s still the cheating plot. I guess this is basically it. It’s very, very long because I didn’t feel like making a bunch of parts of it since this is just basically for myself. 
And because it’s basically a word vomit, this is not exactly as well thought or well put as I usually do. Read it at your own risk <3 
It’s been almost a year. Eliott saw every month going by this time. He didn’t do much other than going to work and back to an empty house, but he lived his life? Not how he wanted, but after that Christmas night he realized there wasn’t much good in sitting around, waiting for Lucas to knock on his door. He wasn’t going to do it.
He only skipped the holidays. Eliott didn’t tell his parents he and Lucas were done otherwise they would want him back home, moving on with his life and Eliott really doesn’t feel like doing any of those right now. But staying days in a row inside the flat wouldn’t help his mental health either and so he skipped any and every holiday.
Even though Lucas wasn’t following him on Instagram, Eliott still posted a few times, trying to somehow get a message out to Lucas of how sorry he was or how much he was missing Lucas.
On Lucas’ birthday, Eliott sent him a message, not sure if Lucas would be able to see it if he wasn’t following Eliott, but he did it anyway. On his own birthday too and on both days they always argued as being their anniversary.
No response.
After doing the basic shopping for another Christmas alone, Eliott came back home determined to send Lucas an email with all his thoughts. He sat on the floor and opened his laptop, putting every word out as quickly as it came to his head, rereading again to see what he could send or not.
I know I’m the last person you want to hear of, but I just needed to send this to you…
I’m not going to give up, Lucas. Even if you never take me back, I don’t plan on trying to fall in love again because I just can’t stop thinking about you and I don’t want to either. I miss everything about you, about us, about how I was when you were around. This might be a little late, but my parents don’t know about us so if you ever talk to them, please don’t tell. I don’t wanna leave our flat and go back to living with them. I’m okay here. And it’s our house so I don’t want to leave it behind. They think you’re busy with college and I’m busy with college and work so they don’t really ask much either.
Don’t know where I want to go with this stupid email, I just needed to talk to you or pretend that I’m talking and you’re listening. I bought a Christmas gift for you. You don’t have to tell me where you are or anything. I just wanted to buy something and I did. Maybe it’ll sit somewhere in the flat forever, I don’t care. I hope you’re doing ok, that you’re feeling better, at least.
I’m sorry again. For everything. I never wanted to hurt you.
I love you.
There weren’t any real expectations in him about getting any reaction, but Eliott checks his emails every five minutes anyway. He’s almost sure he already went back to every good night they had together and deep down, he had every expectation of getting an email back, even one filled with hate.
Days go by, it’s the New Year’s Eve, Eliott had a bunch of parties he could go to and get shitfaced, but he chose to stay in yet again. Maybe Lucas would call or text and Eliott couldn’t risk missing it.
He organized the flat a little bit, shoved every piece of clothing that was dirty inside (or on top) of their washing machine and closed the door to avoid looking at it. He bought as many champagnes and wines and vodkas as he could find and tried to make a recipe that Lucas had teached him. It didn’t work too well so he had to make some research online, but as he turned the oven off, he heard someone knocking on his door constantly.
His parents went to spend the weekend with their friends, Eliott’s friends were partying somewhere where probably Lucas was too. Most of their friends are close now, Sofiane is dating Imane so Eliott is just trying to stay out of their way, to make this situation the best he can make for everyone else.
Eliott rushes to the door, thinking there’s only one person that could come here tonight. He struggles to open it, but finally manages it, his heart almost dropping to the floor as he sees the only person he wanted to see tonight and every night.
Lucas doesn’t say a word, they’re just a meter or two away from each other and Lucas ends the distance instantly, throwing himself at Eliott, whining when their lips meet weirdly, but they still know the way. Lucas pushes them inside and slams the door behind himself. Eliott can taste the cheap beers in his tongue, but Lucas is not too drunk. Eliott knows Lucas, every inch of him, every mannerisms, what he likes or doesn’t like, what he listens to, what bothers him and when he’s too drunk. Lucas is at the point where if they were together at a party, he would normally cling to Eliott’s neck, asking for them to go back home.
Eliott leads every movement, every touch, every kiss with intent, making sure to worship all that is Lucas’, desperately trying to find a way to make him stay and love him again. He feels and hears every moan that Lucas lets it slip, every goosebump that goes through his body.
It feels like their surroundings turn blurry. Eliott opens his eyes, still in shock that Lucas is here, in his arms again. He tries to keep his tears inside his eyes, putting his hands on Lucas’ face, making sure that he’s real, kissing his cheeks, his eyelids, his temple, not even aware that he’s talking, telling Lucas how much he loves him, begging him to stay, to forgive him.
At the same time that Eliott tries to be present in the moment, their night also feels like a long lasting dream.
The bed is empty when he wakes up and Eliott panics, sitting up straight away, looking around for any evidence that last night really happened. With all these time travels, sometimes Eliott can get confused about what really happened now or in the past.
But then he hears the water running down the old pipes of their building on the wall on his left. He hears the water splashing on the floor like when Lucas is washing his hair.
It bothers him that he woke up and didn’t invite Eliott to join him, but Eliott knows Lucas wouldn’t do it. He feels like this was just sex for Lucas. He’s cleaning himself and then he’s out the door again.
It’s hard to think straight on what he should do. All he wants is to be with Lucas again, taking a shower with him, but he doesn’t want to be rejected again. Eliott looks around him, reminiscing about last night already, he lays down carefully, smelling the pillow Lucas used. He still smells the same and Eliott holds the pillow tightly, breathing in slowly, filling his lungs completely.
He’s so stupid. Everything is still in the air, but he feels so much better just by the sound of his old shower turned on, imagining Lucas underneath the stream of how water.
Eliott gets up and walks to the bathroom door, opening it carefully. It still creaks, but Eliott wants Lucas to know he’s getting inside anyway so he just closes the door behind him, resting against it, watching Lucas for a moment: grabbing the conditioner, washing his hair again, moving around like it’s his bathroom and even that makes Eliott feel at ease. Lucas is looking at the wall in front of him, his back to the rest of the bathroom, especially to Eliott.
He walks carefully, getting inside with Lucas, closing the curtain so the water won’t go everywhere, carefully putting both his arms around Lucas’ small waist, holding his own arms on the other side, nuzzling into Lucas’ cheek, their bodies completely flat against each other. Lucas’ skin is so warm and smooth from the warm water. He doesn’t really ignore Eliott, lets him hug him and stays close, but Lucas doesn’t say a word, washing his face slowly.
Once he’s done with his shower, Lucas stops, looking over his shoulder and Eliott looks at him, waiting for him to say anything, but Lucas’ hand just comes to the back of his neck, holding his hair gently, pulling him closer for a kiss. It feels like the old times when Lucas would pour his feelings into their kisses. Eliott puts his hands on the sides of Lucas’ waist and offers the option of turning him around, Lucas does it and puts his hands on Eliott’s shoulder, still so careful.
They kiss for a long time, enjoying every second of it, Lucas sighs in between the kiss like he used to do and Eliott holds him tighter. Things move faster from there, Lucas is so pliant to his touch, letting Eliott lead him to lean against the wall behind him, hooking one leg around his thigh instantly.
Eliott kisses every inch of Lucas’ body he’s allowed to, trying to show how much he loves him again, constantly worried this is the last time he’ll be allowed to touch Lucas.
Eliott can still taste Lucas in his tongue. Just the reminder makes him so happy. There’s still something going on inside Lucas’ head, but Eliott lets himself have this moment. Lucas is here with him and that’s more than what he deserves so he’ll take everything that Lucas  is willing to give him.
He finally turns the shower off, turning around to watch Lucas dry himself careuflly, putting the towel around his waist. As Eliott grabs a towel for himself, he waits for whatever Lucas is about to say. He’s been staring at the closed door in front of him and Eliott is just hoping this is not another goodbye.
“You’ve never let yourself love me as much as you do, or did.”
Eliott wasn’t expecting that. He thought a lot about these moments, when and if he would have a chance to talk to Lucas again and in every scenario, he never heard something like this. “Don’t say that...” is the only thing he manages to say.
“It’s true, you were always afraid and held back and it blew in our faces with Lola...Or you feel all at once or you don’t feel at all and you tried to balance your feelings for me and that’s what led us here. When you asked me if you could kiss her...I couldn’t even believe you were asking me that.”
His words hit Eliott like a punch in his stomach. He doesn’t know what to say after that, what’s the right thing to say if this is the last conversation they have.
“Lucas. The first time you went to my place, you played the piano and I’ve never felt so much like in that moment” Eliott walks closer to Lucas, stopping a step or two from him, “Maybe you’re right, sometimes I did hold back, but not anymore. And if you really think I held back, then I know all this time that we’ve been apart you thought that I felt everything with anyone else but you and that’s not true. If you’re right and I don’t know how to control my feelings, you need to know this: I never felt anything for Lola.”
Eliott knows that talking about what he did still hurts Lucas and hurts himself to see Lucas’ strong, cold walls fall the instant he hears her name.
“You saw yourself in her and-” he tries, but stops before he can actually break in front of Eliott.
“Stop! Lucas!” Eliott walks up to him, putting his hands on his cheeks, trying to keep himself from crying and begging for forgiveness again. “I don’t give a shit about anyone else. I see myself in you, in what we still feel for each other.”
They both take a deep breath in to stop their tears from falling down their cheeks and Eliott leans down, resting his forehead against Lucas’.
“Fuck, we’ve talked about this so many times now, it’s been so fucking long and it’s not helping! What do you want me to do? I’ll do it. We’re gonna keep hurting each other forever just to constantly be trying to balance my mistakes? I can’t do this anymore. I can’t fucking do this anymore.”
Lucas doesn’t say anything else, but he manages to rebuild his walls so quickly, he looks so collected that scares Eliott. It scares him the fact that he might not get through Lucas anymore. That during all this time apart, Lucas managed to shield himself, to suffocate his feelings for Eliott so much that Eliott has no way inside his brain or heart anymore.
“Do you love me?” The words slip out of his mouth filled with worry and Lucas’ eyes shoot up instantly, straight into his eyes. It’s a mix of anger and hurt, but Eliott is relieved to see some kind of emotion coming from Lucas towards him, even if it’s just bad ones. Eliott would choose anything that’s not numbness.
“What kind of fucking question is that?”
“I just need to know if I still have a chance. If so, then I’ll keep trying until you’re healed. I can wait, I’m not in a rush. I’m not leaving you if you let me.”
Lucas doesn’t answer again, but he steps back and opens the bathroom door and goes to their bedroom and Eliott takes that as a small sign. All he wants is for Lucas to stay for now. He’ll accept anything he can get, even if that means buying himself just a few more hours.
Eliott can’t remember the last time he slept so well. His body was in much need of a whole night of sleep. Before he can actually wake up, he feels arms and legs coming from behind him, legs tangling around his thighs, both heels locking in front of him and arms around his chest, locking him in against a warm, small and strong body that Eliott knows so well. He turns his top half just enough to put his arm back, around Lucas’ neck, playing with his hair in the back of his neck, silently asking for a kiss that he surprisingly gets.
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