Bri’s Art Portfolio
3 posts
21 - she/her - sophomore @ MDC - Drawing 1300C - Graphic Designer/major - “I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.” ~ Frida Kahlo
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bbbri420 · 11 months ago
Briana Saroza - Drawing 1300C - Final Curated Art Portfolio
-1st Day Boxes:
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-Gesture drawings from week 2:
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-Gesture drawing from later in the semester:
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-Contour Drawing
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-Negative/Positive Drawing:
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-Blind Contour
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-Composition Analysis
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-Cross Contour
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-Cross Hatching
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-Ink/Ink and Color Assignment
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-Museum Analysis
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-Sketchbook Pages
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-Midterm and Artist Statement
Artist Statement: This assignment's goal was to gather items that show who we are as people, as well as capturing who we physically look like. The items I'd chosen for the assignment had different aspects of my life, as well as things I use in my day-to-day life. I was very hesitant to add my medications for example. I wanted to initially capture more of a positive image of myself. However, I knew the assignment was to show things that represent who we are, and I'd accepted my ailments, so I decided to include them within my piece. At a young age, I'd experienced death to a loved one. I never knew how to process such a heavy topic so young. From then on, I suffered with extreme anxiety and PTSD. Other aspects of my piece show my methods, other than medication, to ease my subconscious. I always used art as a way of expressing myself after that event. I could create my own reality and allow myself to feel at home. The iPad with my Self-portrait is supposed to show my most recent time with myself. And it shows that I'd always been advancing with my art skills by moving from my sketchbook to full on digital pieces. To the right, a pencil pouch, a bracelet, and a Kirby wallet can be seen. It's more of my childish side. I spent a lot of my childhood grieving and shut myself away from a lot of people who'd known me. As an adult I embraced more of my interests and like showing it off with simple objects and everyday tools. The bracelet is from my long-term relationship at the moment. My boyfriend and I have been in each other's lives for nearly a decade and share many memories from our youth together. Saying he was a part of my life still does not credit for the amount of help I've received, especially during these years where I'm struggling to understand the world. Overall, the midterm made me reminisce on my past life and it showed me how much progress I've made with my mental health over the years.
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-Final and Artist Statements
Artist Statement: The final focused on capturing one of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I was assigned article 17: Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. I hen I begun research; I’d been taken aback by how little art pieces there was of this topic. I had expected to find any abstract works about the topic, but there were none. I found this project to be somewhat difficult on that regard because I brainstorm by making a picture board and going from there. So instead, I had read more on the topic. I had the idea of having your home taken or just something taken from under your feet; blindsided some could say. I wanted to show a politician's arm serving a neighborhood restriction. Today, a lot of lots for homes are bought by whole corporations who have complete control over those who have been residents for generations. Buying out lands for more infrastructure and leaving families homeless and children lost. I wanted to capture it as this massive cloud, coming and overshadowing a beautiful day.
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-Final Artist Statement
Throughout the semester, I was definitely faced with many challenges. I'm very used to using my usual drawing tablet or computer to allow me to just press a button to start over. However, I learned a lot about myself as an artist and how it is important to have the lessons I learned. I grew comfortable towards the Sketching and Charcoal pencils. I love seeing the inner workings of things, art especially. Seeing how even a simple image may take hours or pre-planning is mesmerizing to me and seeing how I was able to learn tricks to help with my own sketching and to even make my sketching look more appealing was my favorite section of the course. That being said, my favorite assignment was the model assignment. As someone who frequents cartoons, I'm very used to exaggerating a body's parts to match an emotion or to emphasize an action. I'm not used to more detailed body parts and never learned how to draw humans. I was very surprised with how much I'd improved and had fun doing the different poses and seeing the sketch marks making a shape. To me it helps ease my brain and allows my thoughts to process properly. Whilst the semester had its positives, I had struggled along the way. I had been dealing with personal issues and mental health issues. Resulting in my procrastination to take over and mix in with my artwork. Some pieces art not completely up to par with what I would've liked. Nevertheless, I'm glad to have pushed through and was able to at least show that I'm able to do what I can if I work hard enough.
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bbbri420 · 1 year ago
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bbbri420 · 1 year ago
I’ve learned from the three artists that art varies in different people. I was impressed with each of their thought processes. Some inspiration came from inner healing or from past traumas. Others came from simple thoughts or subjects and it allowed me to feel more confident within my own pieces. They each showed their individuality and personalities through their pieces.
My favorite artist was Sheila Hicks. Her art work represents change and how it’s essential throughout our lives and throughout history. She mentioned that if we were to continue with the same materials in the same way, we wouldn’t have reached the moon. It gives a more positive outlook on our ways of life and how we approach art. The whimsical feeling of wondering and engaging in our own curiosity as if we were still children. Sheila inspired me because I tend to think my life style represents her message. As someone who’s gone through significant trauma, finish the comfort in simple curiosity gives a sense of relief and allows me to enjoy the smaller aspects of life.
As an artist, I mainly draw characters but I tend to change my style often. I was very nervous about changing so frequently. But, after seeing Sheila, I understand it’s an important part of our lives.
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