#very proud yada yada
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wombywoo · 1 year ago
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2023 art summary ✨
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momentomori24 · 4 months ago
This may just be me, but I think if you ship a canonically very abusive, manipulative and toxic relationship, you don't get to judge or call anyone degenerates for their own fucked up ships, actually.
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lazaruspiss · 1 year ago
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catholic moment
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watchyourdigits · 1 year ago
"It really has been a while, huh?"
"Mhmm. Other than finding the cure, what were you up to all this time?"
"Mercenary work. Drinking. The usual," MacCready replied.
Alice didn't say anything, as if she was waiting for more. He coughed a little, almost hoping she wouldn't hear him continue.
"I, uh, met this woman..."
"She nice?"
He swallowed hard against the lump forming in his throat, "Yeah. Wouldn't want to get on her bad side, though."
"You sure have a thing for the fiery ones, eh?"
He tended to remember Lucy in her gentler moments, but he couldn't forget that she'd been a firecracker too. Smart as a whip, and not scared of a damn thing. Hell, they'd met while fighting off a deathclaw together.
"I guess I have something of a track record."
raise hell - chapter twelve
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scourgeofmyownbrain · 4 months ago
Now, I just want to start by saying I love BabBee and Dadimus. I do, 10/10 would enjoy again, but I think Y'all are neglecting the comedic and story potential of Bumblebee and Optimus meeting as ✨Adults✨ and still becoming a family.
Imagine with me, if you will, Cybertron ravaged by war. Things have fallen to shit. Megatron has been dragging these divorce proceedings out for years. Bumblebee was born around the beginning, give or take a few years, I don't care about specifics. His parents were sadly killed early on in his life due to something war related and Bumblebee has grown up alone. He manages to survive to adulthood, and he joins the Autobots. Bumblebee has been drowning in the consequences of this war since day 1 and he wants to help fix it. If Megatron won't sign the divorce papers then Bumblebee will. Yada Yada Yada Sad Backstory This is so sad, Alexa play The Less I Know The Sexy Back.
Anyhoo, Bumblebee is very good at his job as a scout. Top of the line shit, best of the best, 5 stars would eat here again. He's so good he gets promoted to work directly under Optimus Prime himself. Look at our boy go, we're so proud of him, you get that bag sister. Overtime, Bumblebee manages to become friends with Optimus (and the rest of Team Prime but we're focusing on Optimus rn) and they get pretty close. They're work besties, Bumblebee will make a joke over comms and Optimus will smile and say "I N D E E D, B U M B L E B E E.". Fucking insufferable, the both of them, it's so cute. You know how you can become friends with people twice/half your age when you're working at a hard job? That's what happened here, they've been through the (actual) trenches together, they've bonded.
So at some point, Bumblebee gets seriously injured while under Optimus's command, like some life threatening shit. Whether or not it's voicebox related is universe dependent , so we're not going to specify what happens, but it's serious. Bumblebee survives, obviously, but Optimus feels SO bad about it. Oh the Guilt is strong. When he's visiting Bee, some of this leaks out and Bumblebee tells him that he should not blame himself, Bee is choosing to fight, if he dies while fighting for the good of Cybertron, so be it. Better him than some innocent spark in the future. Plus, Bee only got hurt because of a stupid mistake he made, not anything Optimus did.
Bumblebee says this to try and reassure his friend/superior, but now Optimus feels WORSE. Bumblebee is like half Optimus's age (Bee and Optimus are whatever the Cybertronian equivalent of 20 and 40 are, respectively) and had nothing to do with the start of the war, and he's just as ready to die as Optimus is? And he's blaming himself for his injury? That he only got because Optimus told him to do something? Optimus is NOT going to let that slide, no he's not! Over his dead body! He is not crying in the club rn, what are you talking about.
Optimus has decided Bumblebee can not die now. He has declared, as the 13th Prime, that Bumblebee dying has become illegal and he will do everything in his power to enforce this new Law of The Universe That Should Never Be Broken Ever. Now, whenever the two are on a mission, Optimus tries to protect Bumblebee as best he can. He doesn't want to coddle him, Bumblebee is an adult and Optimus respects that but he'll be damned if he lets Bumblebee get seriously hurt when he could have prevented it. He also starts checking up on him when they're not fighting, asking how his day is going, how a mission went, making sure he see's a medic if he's hurt, making sure he's eating his energon, all that good stuff. Bumblebee is his friend, he's going to make sure he's okay, this is perfectly normal friend behavior. The rest of team prime is doing a similar thing, they all want to make sure Bumblebee is doing okay. Optimus isn't being parental in the slightest, he is being very normal. (Author's note: Optimus and Team Prime are being very Not normal about their emotions. All of them have some level of abandonment issues/lost-a-loved-one-itis and can no longer be normal about people they care about.)
Bumblebee recognizes what Optimus (and the rest of Team Prime) is doing. He knows that Optimus cares for him; he cares for him right back. Bee's not stupid, he knows that he's been getting some special treatment in the form of vaguely parental affection. And you know what? He likes it, a lot. He didn't get any growing up and now he's getting it from a guy he really looks up to, why would he pass this up. Bumblebee tries to return this affection he's being given in any way he can. He makes sure Optimus isn't overworking himself by visiting him while he's working, he makes sure Optimus is eating by inviting him to eat with him, he drags Optimus into the med-bay with him so he see's a medic every once in a while, he tries to make Optimus smile with his dumb jokes and antics, the whole kit and caboodle. Bee sees Optimus as some kind of parental figure, and he's going to make sure his newly acquired pop-pop is okay, just like he's doing for Bee. The Pop-Pop thing was a joke (Kind of). Why is he looking for cybertronian legal papers? That is none of your business, Bee just wants to see them for fun. No he's not drunk, the container of high grade started empty.
Life continues, Optimus (and Team Prime) continues to take care of Bee in his unknowingly parental way and Bumblebee is vibing with his newly acquired dad. It takes a while for anyone to acknowledge the new dynamic, Bumblebee just doesn't explicitly bring it up and Optimus hasn't pulled his head out of his suppressed emotion ass long enough to realize it. And keep in mind that Bumblebee is still an Adult and they are still technically coworkers, they still have a job to do, a war to win. Eventually though, maybe after the Autobots have left Cybertron, Optimus finally processes his emotions and realizes he see's Bee as family.
Optimus: Bumblebee, I care for you deeply, and I've come to see you as family.
Bumblebee: Aw, thank you! I consider you family as well. *Hands OP a data pad* In fact, you adopted me months ago.
Optimus (who did not sign any adoption papers at any time): I did what?
Bumblebee: I forged your signature.
At some point in the future, some guy is being a dick to Optimus, i don't really know what could happen, but Bumblebee steps in to defend Optimus with "That's my dad, you bitch!" and fucking slams the guy and Optimus is just standing there buffering, bc he's still getting used to showing and taking obvious affection and he approches Bee later to ask if he really considers Optimus as his dad. And Bee just kind of stares at him then points at the bumper sticker on OP's chest and says "yes, you idiot, I gave you that sticker for a reason" bc the sticker says "Worlds Best Dad" and it matches the "Worlds Best Son" sticker Bee got for himself and I'm rambling, I'll shut up now.
I made more
i did it again
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michi-beans · 3 days ago
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I realized I haven't really shared what the overall plot for the sirens!AU is sooo excuse my rambling below 🤣
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Basically it used to be more zosan centric. Zoro is a guy who travels a lot and has no permanent home. He finds himself lost along a coast and stumbles onto a village. A fishing village he soon discovers it to be. Zoro ends up staying longer then he tends to in places and learns all about this odd place. He's not surprised they have tales of man eating monsters that lurk in the waters or bewitching devil's of the sea that sing men to their doom. What intrigues him more is Sanji, the son of the innkeeper. His father, Zeff is a well respected man, trusted and known for his cooking. Sanji however is the talk of the town. People say Sanji, while charismatic and kind, is a very strange man, they're weary of him. They say he tends venture past the rocks that no local dares to pass, that's monster territory they say. Always caring a large bag. Zoro questions the sanity of these people because he doesn't understand what's so odd about this. Monsters don't exist, this guy probably just wants to get away from the crazy ppl of this town. Unfortunately, he's proven wrong when he follows Sanji one day. There among the rocks sitting on an old beaten dock, is Sanji talking to two men in the water. Upon further inspection these two are no ordinary people. One is eating some peace of meat as blood drips from his chin while the other lounges beside Sanji against the dock. Zoro notices fangs, claws, pointed ears and scaled tails splashing in the water. He unfortunately loses his supposed hiding spot and ends up slipping into the water. Gets dragged up to the surface by one of the creatures and comes face to face with the bright blue eyes that have plagued his mind ever since setting foot in this village.
And this was pretty much my first thought process for this AU. A bit more on Sanji and lulaw | Sanji met them as a teen, as it turns out there were man eating things in the waters. He learned this newly mated pair were called Law and Luffy who only tended to attack the humans that ventured too close to their territory. He came to like their company, far better then the ppl from the village. He was able to convince them not to attack the boats anymore if he brought them food. Few sailed here anymore anyway but he can't help but feel proud of his cooking when two otherworldly beings seem to enjoy it this much, especially the smaller on Luffy.
And yada yada shit happens, Sanji hits it off with Zoro, Zoro stays in the village and life goes on. The angst lore about the lulaw baby happens after the Zoro thing. When they notice Sanji spending less and less time with them they decide it's finally time to try for guppies and well you guys know the rest ✨.
A bit more lulaw trivia | Law got his arm scar when he got so tangled in fish nets he almost cut it off until Luffy saved him. This was when they were courting so even more doki doki moments between the young lovers and more fuel to fire against humans. Luffy's chest scar was from another siren that happened after they became mates and met Sanji. That's how Law officially trusted him fully because he helped save Luffy from his injury.
Aannnd that's all I have now so far. Hope it makes sense I typed this all up like at 2 am lmao.
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lbcreations-blog · 1 year ago
Morningstar Family with a preteen reader that is very smart
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It was a normal day in the castle. Your dad was in his office working, and your mom was practicing for her next show. While you were in your room getting ready for the upcoming royal meeting.
The meeting which you were very excited for, because it was your first ever royal meeting. You've been begging your dad for awhile to go and attend meetings. But your dad kept on saying no, and you are too young, yada yada yada.
But he finally said yes so you were hyped getting ready three hours before and everything.
After wating for awhile and pacing in your room with excitement, a servant came up to your room and told you that the meeting room was almost ready and you are allowed to come into the meeting room in 2 minutes.
After waiting 2 minutes, you entered the meeting room, and your father told you to sit next to your mother. After a few minutes mingling with your parents on how excited you are, the other royals attending the meeting started entering the room.
Most of the royals were shoked to see you attending the meeting, in which triggerd demons like beezlbub to tell you on how fast you are growing up, and how you are basically an adult, even though you were just a preteen.
Anyways once the meeting began, you sat there on your seat extremely focused on the meeting. Of course, most of the royals did not expect you, a preteen, to get so focused and serious.
Especially for someone who has a playful father like Lucifer and someone would expect you would end up like Charlie being not as serious as you were being.
When Lucifer asked for suggestions for an ecomeny problem, he was not expecting your hand to come up so quickly. He asked what your idea was, in which was a very clever idea.
He then heard the other royals' ideas, and he ended up choosing to go on using your idea. Which he was not expecting.
Then there was another problem that needed to be solved, and once again, you had the smartest idea. Which was making Lucifer really prideful about knowing that his child was so smart.
Of course, Lilith felt prideful about you being so smart but not as prideful as your father.
After about a month of attending meetings, your father told you that you can officially tend to all the meetings that happen in the castle. When you texted Charlie that you were officially allowed to tend to all royal meetings, there indeed was no doubt that she was proud of you.
So that's it. This story MIGHT get polished once the 1st season is finished coming out, meaning every eps of that season
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kittenscookie · 2 months ago
How do you think M. E Hermes would react to Luke’s quest?
Like, Hermes sends Luke on the quest to seek a Golden Apple at the Garden of Hesperides from the tree, Luke gets hurt, yada yada?
(I’m sorry if it’s a bother, I’m just very invested with M. E Hermes and Luke getting an actual good father figure)
Oh you're not a bother at all! In fact I should be thanking you, you've given me an excuse to talk about this!
That quest is something that probably becomes a point of contention for them because well I see M.E Hermes as being very hesitant to send him on it. As in didn't want to send him on it at all but well, Chiron assured him Luke would be fine, Dionysus assured him Luke would be fine, Luke assured him he'd be fine. So he trusted his son and off the boy went.
But Luke was not fine
Sure he succeeded, sure he came back, but he came back heavily concussed with broken bones and the side of his face sliced open. Sure Luke is smiling, joking, proud of himself but all Hermes can think about is how that wound was going to scar and had it just been a bit deeper he would have lost his eye. And for a while all he can do is hold his boy who tries to reassure him that he's okay, he's fine. And in that moment all he can think about is May, all he can think about is Luke at eight years old begging him to let him go to camp because he'd failed him and his mother.
"You are not fine, but it will be alright because this will never happen again".
Then a few years later Percy Jackson comes to camp, he is given his first quest. Luke wants to go as well—protect his little sister, his friend, and this boy he's taken under his wing. Hermes forbids it.
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longing-for-rain · 6 months ago
Do a post on this please I don't have the energy
I see this sentiment a lot lately, and yes, it is frustrating. But I’m going to talk about it because it perfectly illustrates the way (kataang) fans take power away from Katara’s narrative and reduce her complexity as a result.
For those too tired to look at the OP (understandable) it’s an anon saying that both Zutara and Kazula would be problematic and harmful to Katara because the Fire Nation would never accept her, and that she and her family would always be in danger yada yada blah blah.
And honestly? I agree with that. It would be dangerous for Katara. But if you think that would stop Katara, you fundamentally don’t understand her character.
Do you really think Katara is some poor little damsel who needs to be protected at all costs and sent away to live a quiet life in the countryside? No; that’s never been Katara. Katara wants to fight and she has never backed down from a challenge. It’s who she is.
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Katara is the girl who left her home to travel across a war-torn world to chase even a chance that she could play a part in ending the war. She’s constantly putting herself in dangerous situations because she follows her heart, she does what’s right even if it’s a risk to her safety. The Katara we know from ATLA is not some demure, unassuming girl who would be happy to sit back and become known for her healing above all else while her friends fought in her place. Katara would have hated to see her future as it was written. She is loud. She is proud. She is a fighter.
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Katara not only accepts a challenge; she’s eager for it. She’s strong, she knows it, and she isn’t afraid to use her power for good.
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I know someone is going to jump in the comments and accuse me of “shaming” Katara for her “choices” (nevermind the fact that she’s a fictional character so every choice she makes isn’t her own; it’s a narrative chosen for her by the male writers) but I’m not even saying that being a healer is inherently weak or bad. I’m saying it’s not Katara.
It’s a shame that so many people are willing to overlook the butchering of her story just because they’re so protective over canon and are completely unwilling to engage with it critically.
This sentiment reflects the issues many fans have with canon kataang, because it’s a very common misogynistic trope in media. A female character can be strong, but it’s only temporary. We can see her fight and triumph, but at the end she’s expected to give that up for marriage and motherhood after the war. Her identity is reduced to her relation to a man. She isn’t expected to retain her strength; she is expected to accept a quiet recognition while the world sings the man’s praises.
That was the fate of Katara in canon. And it is a disservice to her character. Katara would have wanted to continue to fight, because the fight wasn’t over. Anon’s recognition that Fire Nation nobility would have an issue with her holding power shows they understand that too. So why do you think Katara would be fine with sitting back and letting that happen? Why do you think she’d let that scare her away? Not my Katara.
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Especially when love enters the picture. Let’s say Katara did canonically love Zuko, or Azula, or anyone outside of her nation for that matter. Yes, it would be more difficult for her. But do you really think Katara would back down for that reason?
In fact, do you realize how insulting it is to imply that she should to anyone in an interracial relationship? Or a same sex relationship? Yes, societal pressure and bigotry make them more difficult. But it doesn’t make them wrong. And the idea that it’s selfish or wrong because it’s endangering the family is insulting.
Especially in the case of Kazula. The Fire Nation is canonically homophobic. There would be danger and backlash for any same sex relationship, especially involving a member of the royal family like Azula. So…what then. Are gay people supposed to stop existing? Is Azula supposed to just never date or marry because it would be too dangerous?
Yeah, no. 0/10, trash take, do better.
(This part is mostly a joke but I also want to point it out)
The anon also implies that Katara’s canon relationship (with the Avatar) wouldn’t also carry the same risks. Which it would, probably even more so. Katara could be used as leverage against Aang by people trying to get to him. I mean, it already happened in canon.
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And quite frankly, Aang was pretty useless at protecting Katara in that situation. Look at his face. Literal baby goo-goo-ga-ga shit. She’s lucky Fong wasn’t willing to actually kill her and that she was safely underground when Aang had his Spirit Tantrum because she would have been dead meat. So if your argument is that poor helpless little Katara would be sooooo much safer with Aang, I’m really not convinced.
If you’re going to decide who to ship Katara with based on who can protect her from danger the best, well…
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I’m just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️🍵
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neyafromfrance95 · 3 months ago
i know i have talked about this already, but there is not much else to talk about at this point and i still can't get over how much ick s2's finale gives me when it comes to galadriel's storyline.
everyone except for sauron invalidated galadriel's trauma and treated her like a burden in s1, then they shamed and humiliated her in s2. and it all could have had a good narrative reason... if it hadn't led to a really sexist conclusion.
the whole narrative of the good guy who slut-shamed her "fixing" her, resulting in her putting down the sword and putting on the dress instead? yikes...
i love galadriel's characterization in trop. she is a perfect blend of feminine + masculine. saying this could get me crucified but i think she is much more queer-coded than sauron is; in a way that i can see her being nonbinary-coded. she is gender-nonconforming! she is abrasive and proud and a leader!
and this makes the insinuation of that ending all the more painful - from being this authentic, complex character to being... a tradwife to be.
she did not actually turn into a tradwife ofc. now that would be a real blasphemy against tolkien, lol. as galadriel was always a leader first and foremost, never defined as a wife/mother. but narratively, it felt like that was what happened.
some people will say that it's her transformation, that she must learn not to rely on her sword, yada yada. and sure, it can be a character development. BUT! in what direction? they have to be very careful with this direction if they don't want it to come off as a regressive and bio-essentialist "embrace your inner divine feminine, woman" conservative propaganda. it can be done if they lean into "the witch galadriel" arc.
and man, it's somewhat a similar case to killing eve. one reviewer of ke's finale said that women live their lives told to sit still, be accommodating, be self-sacrificial, and there comes a point in their lives where they have to decide if they are going to conform to all that even if it's inauthentic to who they are. villanelle recognized eve's darkness (which really was her authentic self) and wanted to nourish it. so the framing of eve "surviving" villanelle and being cleansed of her "darkness" felt wrong to many.
in many ways, that's how trop s2 finale felt to me. it's so interesting how haladriel's dynamic turned out subtextually. sauron saw galadriel's trauma, her darkness and yet he alone saw galadriel's greatness in her authenticity, and offered her authority - something that all others stripped her off of. yes, he stabbed her (and villanelle shot eve, btw), but told her that he would make her into an overlord of the universe at the same time, lmao.
worst of all, it doesn't make sense legendarium wise - galadriel is going to continue being a leader; yeah, she is not going to be as abrasive, but she will grow into a stone cold bitch (affectionate) instead; she is going to have a push-pull dynamic with sauron till he evaporates. so what was all that supposed to mean? i do believe they catered to the whiny "make galadriel tradwife again" crowd, and maybe inserted a mormon propaganda where it's the most misogynistic in its' message.
anyways, i still have my fingers crossed that they redeem the story direction in s3 by dismissing the undertones of s2 finale. or else it would really leave a sour taste in my mouth.
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chaotic-starlight24 · 7 months ago
Bob Sheldon and Randy Adderson General Headcanons
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HEY Y'ALL! WANT TO BE SAD ABOUT THESE GUYS???? READY! LET'S GO! This isn't romantic btw, just their separate character headcanons and then some friendship stuff Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, Anger issues, spoilers
Bob Sheldon
Bob really did love Cherry and while he didn’t understand some of the stuff she said he paid attention to her interests and everything. One time he and Randy went by a store because it was Bob and Cherry’s anniversary and they walked by the makeup supply. There Bob spotted the most bright neon red lipstick that will stain everything it touches and was like “she’s gonna love this Randy :D” Cherry loved that he thought of her but also knew for a fact she was never going to wear it.
He is one of the few socs who really feel things. He hides it most of the time but especially when he’s drunk his emotions come out. Though sadly he always felt anger the strongest. He sometimes envied the freedom greasers had, allowed to feel their emotions. Allowed to be wild. But he never wanted to be one, he had a lot of privilege that he wasn’t gonna give up.
Bob could be a nice guy, but he took things way too far on several occasions. He was constantly pushing past physical boundaries or rules. Breaking the law, jumping greasers, all that stuff. The final boundary just happened to be Johnny’s.
He was always real proud of his rings. He polished them whenever he could and loved showing them off. One soc told him that it was girly and got punched in the face so hard the rings left a mark. He’s also always got his eye out for nice rings. He once passed Dallas at a rodeo and stopped to complement his rings. Dallas just tipped his hat and kept walking. Cherry got Bob and her matching promise rings as a gift and if you asked him, they were probably his favorite.
He was a very charismatic person and lots of people loved having him around. Lots of girls had crushes on him, guys wanted to be besties with him. It was when he was drunk that he became the problem. When he was, his mind wasn’t in the right place to make good decisions. And he was mainly acting on emotions. But the guys who hung out with him saw him as a natural leader and followed everything he said. Only Randy tried to stop him from doing something bad once, and Randy was immediately shoved to the ground and cussed out. Which started their falling out.
During his whole “I’m gonna be the next Paul Holden!” phase, he pushed himself way too hard when it came to football. Practicing during all hours of the day, trying to run around the entire west side, etc. Cherry wasn’t dating him at the time but she still noticed him doing this (And she had a crush on him too) and tried to calm him down. She helped a bit but he just kept on going. Eventually Randy tried to talk to him and convince him to stop but it led to their biggest argument that led to their falling out. Randy told him he was never going to be Paul or Darry or any of the football legends and that he should be himself and Bob said things like Randy was just holding him back and he didn’t need him and yada yada. They got into a big altercation and Bob seriously hurt Randy. And that’s when it all hit him. He was losing everybody that mattered, and for what? A sprinkle of actual attention from his parents? Fame? Popularity? Legacy? The rest of that year was possibly the loneliest year of his life. But he kept going. Eventually he and Randy became friends again and Bob (though still obsessed with sports fame) got away from the really unhealthy practices.
Bob loves watching Cherry at the rodeos. He’s there at every single one, cheering her on. It makes him feel very proud of her and he showers her with compliments afterwards.
He is always upset when Cherry fights with him when he drinks. He knows she doesn’t like it but it’s his life! He always thinks she’s just being overdramatic about it because it's not that bad! 
His drinking was honestly becoming a problem. It turned from just a can or 2 to can he down an entire bottle of vodka in 2 minutes?! And as we know he became a worse person when drunk. Randy didn’t have so much of a problem with it since he was also usually drunk but then he started to notice Bob drinking all the time. Both him and Cherry started getting real worried but they weren’t able to do anything to stop it.
He’s really proud of his hair. It’s soft, the curls frame his face just the right way, and it just looks good on him. When he was younger all of his mom’s work friends constantly complimented him. So he is a bit prideful about it.
He was always craving his parents’ attention. They gave him everything they thought he wanted, but never what he actually wanted. Cars, clothes, etc. He always wished one day they would actually notice him and get him something because they know him. Like how Cherry knew how much he loves his rings and got him the promise rings. Or how Randy got him patches for his letterman jacket that he loved so dearly. But they never did. 
When he was younger he had a phase where he wanted to be a cowboy, running around the wild west. He had boots, a hat, a bandana, everything! He watched all the old western movies and even tried to drag Randy into playing cowboy games with him and the other socs. Eventually he realized he didn’t really care for the lifestyle of a cowboy and hung up his hat. He still watched westerns whenever they were on at the drive-in and it’s also why he loved rodeos so much.
There were 2 different Bobs. One was the one most socs knew. The natural leader, the football player, the high and mighty future business man, the angry drunk. The other was a wild and charismatic guy. The guy who loved his rings, throwing the biggest rocks he could into the river, and his girl. And his best friend too. But that guy was usually locked away. 
The night with Pony and Johnny was an especially bad one for Bob.He is NOT JUSTIFIED for trying to kill Ponyboy or anything. But his pure rage when he saw Cherry and Pony together was overpowering. He thought he was doing a good job with her! Trying to listen to her when they watched sunsets. He didn’t understand it all but he knew what it meant. Being there for her even when her mom was especially sick. Holding her close when she could barely see the light. And here she was, hanging out with a greaser! Just because he got a little drunk?! His emotions were very prominent when he was drunk so it made it all the worse. All he knew was that he was gonna teach those greasers a lesson.
Randy Adderson
People always read his name wrong and call him Randy Anderson. It gets really annoying to him but he’s grown used to it.
Him and Marcia were ok friends but they honestly didn’t really belong together. They were more our besties are dating, eh might as well. But he learned very quickly that Marcia was not particularly fond of Bob. And that was one of their main fighting points.
Randy’s parents are ok people. Not the greatest parents or anything, just your typical 60s parents. He’s closer to his dad and wants to follow in his footsteps if he can. That’s what he tells his dad. In reality he wants to follow his older brother and his wife who moved out to Florida to study tropical storms in that region. He really likes weather and wishes to be a meteorologist.
Bouncing off that, there was no proper storm chasing or anything (To my knowledge) really in the 60s but Randy low-key did that. Whenever it was tornado season you know he was driving out in his car, looking around for even the sign of a possible funnel cloud. He doesn’t find them too often but when he does he is ecstatic, even if they don’t touch down.
His most prized possession is his silver pocket watch. His grandfather worked as a train conductor and used it quite a lot. It was passed down to Randy’s father and then Randy. He takes it with him everywhere he goes and it’s always sparkling clean.
He’s always been a follower especially with Bob. So he’s picked up a lot of “his” interests from Bob. Bob starts obsessing with cowboys? Randy suddenly wants his own hat. Bob starts loving football? Randy wants to give it a try. Eventually Randy started to have his own interests but he still follows Bob for a lot of things.
It has never really been in Randy’s mind to envy or be jealous of Bob or the popular guys. Sure Bob was always more popular than him and everyone liked Bob. But Randy was never like “Well diggity darn it, I wanna be just like him >:(“ He was always really supportive and didn’t feel the need to be super famous in school or anything.
When it came to greasers, he was more open about them than Bob. Sure, he was always real quick to judge them but he didn’t automatically think “You live on the east side you must jump little kids and steal from old people!”. His older brother has always been a big inspiration for him and was a well-known successful soc. But he actually married a “greaser girl” named Dottie. Which started to make Randy realize that maybe not all greasers are bad. Which meant he kinda grappled with himself when Bob took him to jump Johnny. Bob insisted they were only having fun, doing it for kicks. And Randy followed him. Post-book Randy feels extremely guilty about it and wishes he didn’t just follow Bob blindly during situations like that.
His parents made him and his brother learn instruments when they were younger, Randy decided to learn the bagpipes. Why? He was 8, he saw them, thought they were cool, and now he knows how to play them! They are extremely loud and he would annoy his brother by playing right outside his room.
His dad travels around a lot and has collected many objects from other countries. They hang on the wall in his dad’s office where many unique things reside. That is where Randy spied the bagpipes. Him and his older brother would sneak in there and touch the different objects and try to use them. His father was particularly upset when he found out they dropped his pirate spyglass.
His brother is 3 ½ years older than him. His name is Roy Marshall Adderson and he and Randy share a lot of similar features. Unless you ask them, then they greatly disagree.
Randy goes over to England with his family because his grandparents and distant family live there. He has gone fox hunting a couple times with his family and hangs out with the dogs more than his actual family.
Bob and Randy have been friends forever. Both their dads were higher-ups at a big business and brought their families and stuff to the dinners and everything. And it isn’t exactly entertaining for 6 year olds. So they were both sitting and just so happened to ask their parents if they could go play by the stairwell if they were quiet and they met at the stairwell. They hit it off immediately because, I mean they’re 6. What are they supposed to do, beat each other up? They stayed best friends all throughout Elementary school and most of middle school. But they grew apart for a while after a fight when Bob decided to do his best to be the next Paul Holden. Bob wanted Randy to be the next Darrel Curtis with him but Randy didn’t want to change himself to fit those standards. So they had a falling out. Eventually they once again became friends at the start of high school and stayed so until Bob passed.
Bob had the biggest crush on Cherry all of middle school and Randy was his hype man. Randy wrote entire lists of reasons on why Cherry would say yes to Bob but he wouldn’t hear it. Finally, after they became friends again, Bob asked her out and on their second date made it a double one. Including Randy and the girl of his choice. Randy wasn’t all that interested in anyone at the time but decided to go with Cherry’s best friend, Marcia. She was smart, she was cute, what could go wrong?
Randy has dragged Bob out storm chasing before and Bob has enjoyed it. He’s less interested in the science and more about the thrill. Seeing this force of nature as it rips through fields is mesmerizing to him. They can get really close to them sometimes, def had a couple close calls. *THIS IS NOT SAFE BEHAVIOR!!! YOU ARE NOT REED TIMMER SO UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING DON’T DO THIS
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writingforatwistedworld · 2 years ago
Maybe can I request with Vil, Ace and Silver in self aware au ?
The reader is stressed after a day of work/school and while playing they just stare at them in silence until they start caressing or touching their faces just to say that "Your pretty face is all that is good in my life" or something like that. Oh, I hope you understand 😣
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, violence, death, poison
Ace Trappola/Vil Schoenheit/Silver-“Your pretty face really cheers me up!”
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Ace isn’t exactly known for “pretty boy” esthetics. Heck, he doesn’t even care that much about his appearance and all that he wants is to look decent
But then there is you, Overseer extravagance, the uncrowned ruler of the Queendom, the God of Briar Valley and the Island of Woes, a freaking legend wherever you go
And apparently, you like pretty faces but ok, who does not have a weakness or two
But Ace didn’t exactly count himself as “sparkle face with silky skin” or something along those lines
Then one day, ONE DAY, “I paint a heart on my face every day” guy over here was getting ready to go to his lessons, you having decided that apparently he needed more flying lessons
And even his house warden who was present at the scene would look like he was about to collapse any second after witnessing what was about to happen
Here he was, sitting on his broom, flying in mid-air up in the sky, suppressing screeches of horror
And then you had to drop that one line
“Your pretty face really cheers me up!”
Guess what else was dropping? Oh yeah, a first-year heartslabyul student
This simple sentence was too much for his body, making him drop off of his broom
But no need to worry, Vargas got him, levitation magic is a neat thing. Didn’t mean it would levitate his failing grades up into better places though…
If Ace had social media he would now surpass Vil, news travel fast you know?
And if the Overseer, I don’t think you know what kind of influence you have, THE OVERSEER said that someone was pretty then oh boy, you better believe they are!
And whilst we are on the subject of beauty, Vil is going absolutely bananas somewhere in the background, screaming “HOW??!” and other not-so-beautiful things
Ace though? Just pure shock. From that day on he is painting that heart extra carefully
And if someone just slightly smudges the heart? Well, I hope they have someone to help them adjust because they won’t leave the hospital for a long time. They and their crushed spine.
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Vil is used to compliments about his apperance. I mean, come on, he has five million followers
So a compliment is usually met with a simple “thank you” and then he moves on with his day
Here we are, a normal day for Vil, sitting in his room, taking off the make-up to get to sleep
And then he feels your presence
Really bad timing. REALLY bad timing!
So whilst he sitts there like he just turned into a stone statue, a very beautiful stone statue, you just go along with your day, assigning students to go to lessons, yada yada
And then your gaze falls on him (aka your home screen). The statue stopped breathing
This is it. Now he has done it. He has shown him to you whilst he was at his most disgraceful
And whilst Vil is already crying in his head you are still staring at him
“Your pretty face really cheers me up!” And then you carass his face
This… this can not be real, right?
There is no way you complimented him whilst he is like this
But alas Vil finally gets that you geniunely mean your compliment
Sadly there was no one to witness it but boy, Vil is happy
Now whenever Vil looks in the mirror he is proud that you think he is beautiful and imagines what he would do to the wretched rats who dare and try to steal your attention from him
Rook even commented the next day that his skin seemed to glow brighter than usual, Vil during all of that not able to stop smiling
Does that mean he will take it easier now? No. After all, he can’t loose his “Oh he pwetty” status
And if he does… well, there are a lot of poisons he can make and don’t forget his special magic…
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Silver, good old Silver being himself and accedentaly sleeping the day away
Now saying that the poeple of the Valley of Thorns are a bit too interested in you is a understatement
And who could blame them? You are their God (I blame them. In fact, I blame them a lot)
So here he is, laying on the grass, dreaming of spending a day with you…
And everything is good and dandy and fine and you opened the app
Silver is not a fae so he doesn’t have that sixth sense that tingles whenever you are even glancing at the app but he had been trained to be cautious
And cautious he is, waking up the second he feels your gaze on himself
So you are back. Good to see you! He hopes you have a- why are you touching his face?
“Your pretty face really cheers me up!”
The rest of the day Silver is in a daze and only after his father, pardon me, vice house warden Lilia asks him what is wrong Silver finally snaps out of it
“They called me pretty…” “Who called you pretty?” “The Overseer.” “Ah, I see… WAIT WHAT??!”
Yeah, Silver is just happy
He even uses skin care products after that day
But if someone would dare to take away his special status, being called pretty, away from him then good luck
All I can say is that he knows how to use a sword… and he probably knows how to get rid of a body
Just don’t leave him and Vil alone in a room, ok? Otherwise one will be poisoned and the other might be a bit scratched up
“Your pretty face really cheers me up!”
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sleepypeck · 1 month ago
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i am positively SCHEMING
I am unironically so happy and proud of how I made these two; especially how I did their talents. Normally, 'Ultimate Murderous Fiend' is Genocide Jill's talent, BUT I thought it would be a lot more interesting if I allowed that talent to be up for grabs. Naturally, that raises an issue with Toko, as she would need to have TWO talents, one for her, and one for Genocide Jill. My solution? ...Well, you'll see. :3
Info on the characters under the cut~!
Junko- Of COURSE Junko-fuckin'-Enoshima would get the talent of 'Ultimate Murderous Fiend.' It's kinda perfect for her. Not much changes here; she's still cray-cray, she's still a problem-starter, yada yada. But in this AU, she ISN'T the Mastermind. Instead, she fills more of a Kokichi-type role. She's a chaos starter who knows a lot and tells VERY little. She doesn't hide her talent from anyone, which leads to MUCH suspicion on her. She spends her days killing as many people as she can, in as many despairfully creative ways as possible. Her nails are painted with a poison that kills on contact, and she has killed a whopping 999 people, some of those being her ENTIRE family. Except for...
Mukuro- Still a devoted follower of Junko. She follows her Junko around obediently and sometimes gets her hands dirty along with her. She spends most of her time writing while her sister gets all the kills. The two spend most of their time on the move, but Mukuro managed to actually publish a single book. It blew up, and she immediately became a VERY popular author, which, of course, got her into Hope's Peak. When the Killing Game starts up, everyone is off-put by Junko's talent, but Mukuro insists that it's fine... But it probably isn't.
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mynqzo · 1 year ago
Hey heard you like vampires what are your thoughts on Twilight
it gets an unprecedented amount of hate mostly for being a show with an audience of young women and girls (so therefore people think oh girls like this so ew). its also undeniable that twilight very much shows the progression of how vampires are depicted in media and is an important facet in the history of vampire mythology especially in books/movies. it being a romance movie with cliche and maybe cringe scenes doesn't take away people's right to enjoy it and by extent its version of vampires (id argue that twilight vampires are just a spiritual successor to vampires like lestate or 'romantic vamps' in general)
with that being said, it is the straightest and most mormon vampire depiction which therefore makes it less enjoyable for me! vampires, historically, existed to represent minorities and people who were considered outcasts to 'normal' society and were first and foremost used as caricatures for racist, lgbtq-phobic and sexist stereotypes, so i feel like their reclamation by queers, poc and minorities in general is the only good way to depict them. bram stoker's dracula represented the english man's fear of jewish immigrants (and immigrants in general, the visual description of dracula in that book plays into popular caricatures of jews during those times), eastern europeans, and queer people (dracula and jonathan yada yada as well as the wives of dracula initiating a saucy moment with jonathan which was a man' job because the man was the pursuer and the woman was pursued, but the roles were reversed. also, i don't think i need to tell you how fangs, blood and the extension of dracula through his wives were used as a gay metaphor). and carmilla by sheridan le fanu, depicting the imagery of a predatory lesbian hunting for innocent upper-class women. during these times vampires were not yet characters with complex personalities and values, but folklore monsters in a way, a way to show an enemy and defeat it rather than learn to understand them, which was a product of its time.
fast forward to the vampire chronicles and especially interview with the vampire by anne rice, vampires became complex people, who's oddities were considered alluring, beautiful, queer and unabashedly proud of it. descriptions of androgynous men, womens love of each other, several nods to gay culture throughout the books with the characters themselves having more to them than just being monsters (with that being said there are several critiques of an interview with the vampire, esp the original book, it is by no means the creme de la creme of queer rep in vampire literature!)
so, circling back, twilight vampires were in themselves like that, kind of. edward wasn't exactly the most macho man as was popular to faun over in media, he was, kind of, more androgenous and sensitive and a character with complex values and thoughts - but that doesn't take away from the fact that the book is lacking a lot of soul and seemingly doesn't show the true reasons why vampires became so popular (amongst young queers especially who found themselves relating to this sense of otherness because of who they were. it is a very sanitized version of a vampire romance, which doesn't mean its bad or that people shouldn't like it! but i'm just saying.
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lookingfts · 2 months ago
Hello, there. I'm both excited and sad about the upcoming end of Lover. It's such a unique story. I'm so glad you took a chance on regency. You should be very proud. I love the variety that comes with fanfiction but I find canon time/place easiest to visualize, so I love finding good ones. Do you know which multichapter you are going to tackle next?
Aw, thank you. I'm grateful to everyone for supporting my journey into regency even though I'm sure I yada yada'd over a lot of things hahaha. It's been a pleasure to write. I'm so happy that anyone enjoyed it.
I have no idea what I'm tackling next. It seems to change constantly. i've been rethinking Perfect Places again. I think I'll probably take a few weeks after I finish Lover and do some one-shots, and the muse will tell me where to go.
I'm assuming Kate and Anthony won't be able to get married unless they somehow are able to get the queen to assume Fife is dead after x amount of years. If they are never able to wed, would Anthony be able to claim any of his and Kate's other children as legitimate? Or has Ben been brought up to speed that he/his kids will carry on the line?
I will be so glad to get the last chapter done so I can stop worrying about spoiling the ending haha! Kate and Anthony's children will be legitimate, that's all I'll say for now.
Does Fife ever reach out to ask about his family again? Even if it's a subtle letter to Anthony thanking him for taking care of Kate and Arjun?
Hmm, I'm not sure honestly. I think Fife feels the guilt of walking away from his wife and child, even if he knows it was the best choice for them. And the easiest way to cope with that is not to know about anything about Arjun. He can't really get news of them without telling Arabella where he is; their correspondence is one-sided. But he trusts that Kate will take everything he left her and manage it well, and that Anthony and the Bridgertons will take Kate and Arjun and Arabella under their wing, because that's just who they are.
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pedge-stuff · 1 year ago
strawberry margs (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked,“ per usual, yada yada.
happy belated labor day, y'all! tip your servers and thank your union reps.
(my union is on strike rn and, while it is ass, I'm very grateful for the people who are working hard to secure a better future for all of us. wga strong!)
summary: a totally normal labor day cookout with no big announcements whatsoever.
"Hey!" Pedro is slightly out of breath, flushed from the cocktail and the dry heat. Sometime in the fifteen minutes he's been gone inside the house, a tiny sombrero-on-a-headband has made its way onto his head. 
He plants a kiss on your temple, slinging an arm over your shoulder; the man gets a little possessive, after a couple drinks, but not in an unpleasant way. There's a pitcher of pre-mixed margaritas on the picnic table, and only a thin finger of the same drink left in his plastic cup. You squeeze the hand that now rests on your right shoulder. 
"Are you having fun?" 
Truthfully, yes. Parties usually aren't your vibe, and you'd been nervous about this one, for some reason. Had expressed as much to him, beforehand.
Oscar and Elvira usually host in the summer, the little patio attached to their apartment far surpassing anyone else’s outdoor space in the city. No reason at all to be nervous— you were just here, for the 4th of July, alone, kindly invited while Pedro was still filming in Morocco. (And oh, how the summer had changed.) Had been here almost every weekend since then, while things were shut down. 
But, this was the first party since… well. Since you’d put a ring on it, so-to-speak. 
The social etiquette of the whole thing has you flummoxed. Are you supposed to tell people? Is that annoying? Do you just not say anything? Wait for them to notice? Take the rings off and break up so you don’t have to do this at all? 
Ultimately, these are Pedro’s friends, so it’s been Pedro’s call. Not that you communicated that to him. Which might have been a mistake. Regardless, you’re deferring to him, despite the pit of stupid anxiety it left in your stomach leading up to the party. 
Not that you’re not proud of the ring, either. You couldn’t be fucking happier. Social anxiety is a tricky thing, apparently. (You might have way, way overthought all of this.) 
“Yeah,” you smile at Pedro, shaking cobwebs of shitty thoughts from your brain. “Yeah, this is lovely.” 
Another kiss, this one soft on your lips. He tastes a little fruity, some kinda flavored syrup in the margaritas. You’d accidentally opted for an IPA that tastes like ass, so you’re just carrying around the can as a prop. His fingers are sticky from something, you discover, as he licks them clean.
The arm around your shoulder steers you towards the long picnic table, around which most of the party is gathered: the hosts, and a few extended family members you’ve definitely been introduced to, before. Sarah is here, with Holland, which is a nice surprise. The kids are deep into a game of corn hole, in the small grassy area. 
You settle at the table, folding chair pulled flush against Pedro’s. A large hand palms above your knee, exposed below the inseam of your shorts. The sun is warm on your skin, fingers wet from the condensation of the can you’re pretending to nurse.  
“— the AMPTP doesn’t know what they’re talking about,” Holland is saying, from where you’ve entered the conversation. 
Oscar’s brother, whose name you should know by now, laughs. “Been four months now, though,” he shrugs. “You think someone would’ve budged by now, but—“ 
"Woah, woah." From his perch on his wife's lap, Oscar points, looking scandalized. “What the fuck is that!" 
Pointing, unexpectedly, at the ring on your finger. 
"Uh." Pedro's looks sheepish. 
"You're joking!" A hand dramatically clutches his heart, while Oscar swoons against Elvira. "I'm wounded. Sarah, did you know about this?" 
Across the table, she raises a glass, mockingly. "I picked out the ring." 
"That's not true—" Pedro begins to protest. 
"—Sorry, I forced him to make a fucking decision because he'd been agonizing over three options for like a month." 
Pedro shrugs. "I wanted it to be perfect," he says sheepishly, "sue me!" 
"No, no, backup," Oscar says. "I don't care about the rings. I can't believe you didn't tell me!" 
"I can," Elvira offers, "you've got a big mouth." 
He groans. "It's not like it was a secret!" 
Loud interruptions from across the table. "It was absolutely a secret, that's the whole point!" 
Oscar throws a hand up. "You already act like you're married, is anyone surprised about this?" 
"You were surprised." 
"I was surprised you didn't tell me! Wounded, frankly. Irredeemably. To the core." 
"Are you done?" Sarah rolls her eyes, squeezing Pedro's shoulder affectionately. "About damn time, but we're happy for you." 
She gestures at Oscar. “Yeah, yeah, we’re happy for you.” 
“With feeling this time.” 
“Guys,” Pedro interjects, “I wasn’t keeping anything from you. It happened two days ago!” 
He launches into the tale, eggplants and double-rings and all. The hand stays planted on your knee, and you take advantage, laying yours on top to thumb over the band on his ring finger. Someone tops Pedro off, and you reach for a sip— strawberry, you determine, is the marg syrup. You’re not really listening, but you lean back, content to watch him retell the story. 
The next time he kisses you, as the sun sets into the Brooklyn skyline, you taste like strawberries, too. 
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