#very pleased to have finished something. anything. but also i think this came out quite decent
callixton · 3 months
CHAPTER 2 YIPPEE!! fic officially finished <3 please take a gander i think there's some interesting stuff going on in here
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experimentfae · 8 months
Alastor x Wife! Reader
Oneshot / fluff
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After you and alastor had moved into the hotel to “help.” Let’s just say that the rest of the hotel residents saw pda all. The. Time.
Vaggie watched as alastor kissed your hand again! “Sweet satan can those two get a room already that’s literally the seventh time he kissed her hand.” She grumbled out “aw come on vaggie you have to admit it’s sweet seeing love like that’s down here, it’s rare, except our love of course.” Stated Charlie.
“I get it, we get like that, but the difference is that we do it SOMETIMES they do it EVERY TIME they have the chance.” She Argued “and besides I just really don’t like that radio dipshit.” “Oh please you don’t like anyone attached to a dick.” Angel dust butted in while he laid on the other couch busy looking at his phone.
Vaggie could only roll her eyes in response “well I think our pda is not of your concern.” Spoke alastor with a smug look which made everyone except you jump a little “satan’s asshole do you always have to come out like that?!” Argued angeldust “it’s more entertaining to watch all of you jump in a little scare.” Alastor replied proud of himself to make them a little scared.
“Dear even if it was quite hilarious we can’t do that to them all the time… it wouldn’t be entertaining anymore like that.” You advised him while you walked towards him to be next to him. “You’re right my dear, wouldn’t wish that.”
“Yep a match made in hell.” Grumbled out husk then he continued to take his beer “husk is right my dear we the perfect pair.” “I don’t think that’s what he meant sorta, but we are perfect for each other.” Just then you looked to see the clock then you let out a gasp “oh Al we don’t want to be late for our dinner reservations.” You stated, “oh yes, we must get ready.”
With a simple snap of his finger’s you and alastor were completely dressed “what’s up with the getup?” Angeldust questioned “it’s our anniversary, so we going to the cannibal colony to alastor’s favorite restaurant.” You smiled “wait you’re a cannibal too.” Vaggie asked in shock “well… I did try demon meat and it’s not that bad.” You answers shrugging your shoulders “so that’s a yes? Or … no?” Charlie questioned further “mmm yeah I believe so.” You answered again.
“Huh didn’t take you for a cannibal.” Spoke husk “yeah have you ate another’s man pecker and Al if she did would you be ok with that?” Questioned angeldust “absolutely not.” You both answered “enough with the questions we must hurry (y/n).” Demanded alastor “goodb- you didn’t get to finish you’re farewell due to alastor, once again he snapped his fingers and you were at the restaurant.
“Thankfully my love we made it on time.” Alastor spoke while he grabbed your hand and guided you inside the restaurant. A host was at the front seeming to writing something “welcome to the FedOnPals how may- when he looked up he immediately panicked “T-The alastor by hen smiled wider “yes me the radio demon and my lovely wife!” Alastor stated proudly also just because you knew he was an attention whore so he wanted others to know he was there.
Of course some of the cannibals in the restaurant seemed nervous. “Well- yes um of course I see you’re name on the list so… let me b-bring to your table.” The man said clearly wanting to get out of this situation as fast as possible.
Of course you two got the best seats in the house “a waiter will be with you shortly very… shortly p-promise.” The host immediately left with only made alastor chuckle “I do love the perks of being an overlord.” “Aw even more than me?” You teased with a smirk, he smiled wider “no dear you know I can’t love anything more than you.”
You smiled “I love the outfits you picked for us by the way very classy.” “Of course, only the best for my wife.” Just then a waiter came in “hello I’m Mindy and I’ll have your orders.” The demoness spoke as she gave you two the menus.
As the demoness left you two picked out your orders, ate, alastor paid then you two left to go to a jazz club to dance “oh honey you rembered my favorite spot.” You spoke with pure joy “I could never forget, besides our love for jazz is how we meet.” You smiled brighten as you pecked his cheek making him lightly blush “adorable.” “Me? adorable!? dear don’t joke like that.” Alastor demanded making you laugh “oh honey alright just having a little fun.”
Alastor opened the door for you, the song ‘lets misbehave’ by Irving Aaronson filled you’re ears “oh that’s a good song.” You stated, you thanked alastor and went through and he went after you.
You immediately dragged him to the dance floor which he happily let you, both you begin doing the Charleston funny enough this song always reminded you have alastor.
He then brought you into the foxtrot dance, you both looked into each others eyes that are filled with love. He the suddenly gave you a kiss making you blush but immediately kiss back.
You two continued dance, happy to in each others arms and having a loving relationship and knowing that you two where always will be inseparable.
<- Back to MasterList or back to Hazbin Hotel
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celesteleoves · 3 months
Could you do a todoroki oneshot/head cannons for him having a secrete crush on (y/n) and doing some cheesy confessions? Thanks a lot!!❤️🤍
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shoto todoroki x reader.
summary: shoto has developed a crush that even he himself doesn’t quite understand, so he’s hiding it. you however, have a small huge crush on him yourself aswell. hopefully he can confess!
warnings: mentions of the todoroki family, shoto being a little insecure, fluff with a SMALL tinge of angst! reader is as whipped as he is lol!
a/n: i decided to turn this into a little one shot. ty for requesting this ml! i really enjoy writing shoto and trying to understand his character (especially trying to interpret how he would do a confession lol!) enjoy!!!! pls send more requests. this is quite long i feel like :( i hope it’s to your liking!!!
“todoroki, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in love?”
that was a sentence shoto didn’t think he’d have to answer at 10 am in the morning. yet here he is. standing very stiffly next to a happy momo who is helping him make breakfast for their classmates. the question certainly woke him up at this early time.
“not really.”
“oh come on! you know i’m not the type to push boundaries but are you sure?” momo looked at him in confusion, for a boy like shoto everyone would’ve thought love defintely came easily to him.
“i don’t think i have. please hand me the knife.”
momo sighed and passed him the knife before moving around the kitchen and grabbing the rest of the ingredients to finish up their meal.
the conversation with momo had been stuck in shoto’s head all throughout the day (it was currently 1 pm). he felt as though he answered her wrong. yet, how would he know a thing about love? romantic love. souls being practically tied to another. he didn’t know anything about it.
shoto felt uneasy facing emotions he never explored: love. It was like standing on a cliff's edge, peering into an unfamiliar abyss. His usually composed demeanor faltered as he grappled with the intensity of these new feelings. yet, despite his apprehension, a part of him was curious, cautiously reaching out to understand this uncharted territory.
from a young age, shoto learned he couldn't rely on his parents to model what real love looked like or how to navigate relationships. they weren't an example he could follow, leaving him uncertain and unguided in matters of the heart. that’s something shoto learnt at a young age, he couldn’t rely on his parents to show him what real love looks like.
he’s not very good at lying. thats also something shoto learnt at a young age. it baffles him how he has been able to hide his crush on you for this long.
you sat comfortably next to shoto, scrolling through your phone and peppering him with questions about the various foods you were discovering on your Pinterest feed.
“oh my gosh! did you know that strawberries are the most common fruit people use to confess their love?” you grinned like a child and turned your phone towards shoto who was already paying attention to your scrolling.
“oh wow, i didn’t know that.” shotos answer came out more nonchalant than he wanted and he winced, praying you wouldn’t be upset with him.
instead, you felt a warmth in your stomach at his words. excited to teach him more about strawberries, you leaned closer.
shotos breath hitched at the smell of your perfume engulfing his senses, he could practically see ever detail of your face. to the way you did your makeup all the way down to the necklace you wore that shoto had gifted you for your birthday.
the sight made shotos cheeks flushed as he took deep breaths. as of right now, shoto wished he would be more calm like he usually is.
damn it, hiding a crush is not easy.
little did either of you know, you were both thinking the same thing.
strawberries. the history of the strawberry dates back to Ancient Rome where the fruit was considered the symbol of Venus, the goddess of love, because of its red color and enticing taste.
shoto had been sitting in his dorm for hours looking up facts about strawberries.
he gently placed his phone down and pondered. does the kitchen have strawberries? or would he have to go buy some?
“i’ll check the kitchen.” he mumbled, hurriedly making his way there.
upon his arrival, he realized everyone seemed to be also chilling in their dorms. it was only 5 o’clock and a free day for his classmates to relax and catch up.
he searched the fridge, a deep frown settling on his face when he realized there were no strawberries.
shoto stared at the fridge for a couple minutes, debating what to do.
“shoto? is that you?” he jumped at the sound of the kitchen door creaking open but relaxed after realizing it was just you.
“sorry! didn’t mean to scare you. what are you looking for?” you moved towards him, stopping right behind him and peering over his shoulder to look at what the fridge might contain for him.
much to shotos dismay, it didn’t contain the one thing he wanted. the thing he craved however was just standing behind him.
“i want strawberries. do you want to come to the store with me to get some?” shoto peered back at you with the cutest look on his face. your heart clenched at his unintentional puppy eyes.
“yes! i mean- sure.” you stumbled over your words and he softly smiled, moving to grab his hoodie as you excitedly walked beside him, leaving the dorms and heading to the store.
the walk was calm, exactly what you needed but also despised. for months, it felt as if you had been left in the dark with shoto. it seems as though he’s keeping something from you.
selfishly, you really want to understand his sudden demeanour change. he’s almost softer, sweeter and very careful with you.
selfishly, shoto also wants to just run away and hide. he is not good at keeping secrets from you. this secret is something he knows would affect your friendship greatly. which is why he’s afraid.
“shoto. we’re here.” you spoke to him softly, the chill evening air makes you feel at peace next to him and shoto swears you glow as the afternoon sun hits the side of your face perfectly.
“i really want strawberries.” shoto said and you swore you almost let out a cackle at his blunt words, why did he need that fruit so badly?
“then let’s look!”
you two trudged to the fruit section of the store, analyzing which strawberries would be perfect.
“y/n, look at these ones.” shoto beckoned you over and you happily walked over to where he stood.
shoto had managed to find the most perfect strawberries you had never seen, they looked so perfect! (just like him) and you quickly nodded your head towards the cashier.
“hello! my my, what a lovely young couple you two are! did you know, strawberries are a symbol of love?” the cashier, a friendly middle aged women, spoke endearingly at you two.
“oh! we aren’t a-”
“thank you, m’aam.” shoto softly smiled at the lady and she grinned back, winking at you as you blushed.
“have a good one, you two!” the cashier waved as you two exited the store, you being too flustered to reply while shoto waved back at her.
his nerves began to get the best of him, his idea didn’t seem like it would work now. what if his perspective of love is wrong and he’s doing the opposite of what you think love is? the questions continued to plague his mind like a sick joke and taunt. his mind seemed to be his biggest enemy.
were you against the idea of dating him? you didn’t reply to the lady in the store. was it his scar? was it his personality? shoto suddenly really liked the idea of crawling into hole.
you moved towards a bench nearby, patting the seat next to you. you didn’t enjoy how quiet shoto had been. normally he would at least say a few words and you would be able to continue the conversation. shoto seemed speechless suddenly.
shoto stared at the batch of strawberries in his lap, grateful they were washed. he could eat them now with you.
he picked up what seemed like one singular strawberry that laid perfectly on top of the rest. as he picked the strawberry up, it revealed to be a double strawberry. (press on the text to learn more!)
“woah! a double strawberry, can we split it?” you spoke for the first time in a while and shoto felt his heart swoon, you wanted to share a strawberry with him?
shoto only nodded and split the strawberry for you two, a red hue very evident on his cheeks as he took a bite of the strawberry.
“you know, i’ve been wanting to tell you something for a while.”
shotos nerve racking words caused you to perk up in your seat as you quietly ate the strawberry, encouraging him to continue.
“um, strawberries mean love.” shoto mentally face palmed. that is not what he wanted to say!
you giggle, “i know sho! i told you that.”
silence overtook you two once again as you gave shoto a moment to think about his words, patiently nervously swinging your legs back and fourth beneath the bench.
“it is also said that if you spilt a double strawberry with someone, you two will fall in love.” shoto whispered those words as if they were forbidden.
your eyes widened and you let out a huff of laughter, trying to make humour of the situation incase he does but agree with your next words.
“and what happens if you’re already in love?”
shotos eyes bulged, he looked up from where he was staring at his feet nervously to make eye contact with you for the first time in a while.
the feeling of being nervous about what the other will say seems so intense, but once you're already in love, every word they utter becomes a symphony that warms your heart. you two felt that way each time the other spoke.
“then… the two will grow their relationship and be more than friends?” shoto asked shyly.
“yeah, that sounds about right.” you grinned, shuffling closer to shoto, finishing your strawberry as you place your head on his shoulder.
shoto smiled a toothy grin, silently applauding himself. his confession wasn’t as bad he thought it would be! strawberries really do symbolize love.
A/N: UM HI… i hope this was how you wanted it!!! i kinda got carried away… if you guys can’t tell i really like strawberries so i had to include them. please send tips for me to improve my writing and requests for not just mha, but jjk too!
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wonuwonder · 8 months
Hi! I love the way you write!
So I was thinking about seungcheol taking reader’s virginity…maybe that would inspire you to write something idk
Have a nice day/evening!
first time - choi seungcheol (m)
an: thank you sm for the request anon!! ngl i was kinda intimidated by it but i think it came up pretty well? i got carried away honestly, sorry if i took too long! mdni
content: smut, choi seungcheol x fem reader, virgin!reader, best friend!cheol, non relationship, first time, anything else lmk!! lowercase intended, 1.9k words😵‍💫
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“if i wasn’t a virgin, would you have fucked me the other night?” you ask blantly, piercing at his darkened gaze.
“thoroughly” he simply replied, maintaining his gaze.
‘the other night’ yeah well, the one where you crashed at your friend’s place after hanging out, and basically dry-humped seungcheol until he made you cum on his fingers, exactly that night.
your mind went blank after that happened, and the tension with seungcheol had escalated almost painly, you just saw that man and wanted him to ruin you, but he was too much of a gentleman to do it, even though you had asked, multiple times.
seungcheol was your best friend, and quite frankly you have had a thing for him for a very long time, but since you didn’t want to ruin your friendship, you never said anything or told anyone. all this time you had thought it was a stupid one sided crush until you found out it wasn’t, and that he also was attracted to you, which made the tension you already felt, become almost unberable.
but before that was known, since there was no one else you trusted more than cheol, you had asked him, to just take your virginity, which he had refused every single time, even though it pained him, he didn’t know you felt something for him too, so he just didn’t want to waste your first time like that, and ‘get it over with’ like you had said.
“it’s not like i haven’t done anything myself” you said “i have a bunch of toys and dildos, wanna see?i got one that’s ginor-“ you continued but he hushed you before you could finish, putting his hand on your mouth.
“please stop y/n, i don’t need to know” he said, half laughing half dying inside, you were totally oblivious to the effects you had on him with the words toys and dildos coming out of your mouth. just the thought of you with one of those stupid toys buried deep inside your cunt made him go insane.
but even if he was itching to touch you, he’d thought that your first time should be with someone important, at least. he just didn’t see himself as that person, although there was no one else who would fit in that description apart from him.
now you were in your apartment, as he had insisted on bringing you home after hanging out with the guys. you were both standing on each side of the kitchen island, glaring at each other, seungcheol, trying to restraint himself, and you almost begging with your eyes for him to just fuck you, once and for all.
after a few minutes of silence, you say “i’ll walk you out” but as you brush past him, he’s faster and captures you by the arm, locking you in front of him, breathing heavily, he brushes your lips with his thumb and presses his mouth against yours, you kiss him back almost instantly, he grabs the back of your neck and starts leading you towards your room.
he settles you on the bed before him. standing, he gets loose of his jacket, his pecs and biceps pressing hard against the white fabric of his t-shirt, making you drool at the sight. he gets back to you smirking and you quickly loose all your clothing, spreading them all over your bedroom.
laying on the pillows with him on top of you, you pull back from the kiss and look at each other’s eyes, he tilts your chin up with his hand and says “if there’s anything you don’t like, don’t wanna do or just want me to slow down or stop, please tell me” you nod, as if you could possibly want him to stop “use your words” he adds.
“i will” you finish, and he gives you a kiss on the cheek, making you shiver.
he starts to make his way down your body kissing your tummy all the way to your –very wet panties, he places a kiss through the fabric, making you whimper in surprise, and then discards the tiny piece of clothing, displaying yourself for him, and only him.
he kisses both of your thighs and spreads them apart, he settles himself between your legs and grips each one of them tightly, you huff out a moan, and he goes down on you.
he starts by circling your clit softly, making you jerk your hips at the sensation, he goes up and down your slit with his tounge, gathering all of your arousal.
“tell me how you feel y/n, talk to me”
“feels s-so good” you say, while trying not to whimper too much.
you feel him smirk before going down again, his tongue now going lower, pressing your hole with the tip, and then gliding up to your clit. your hands tangle at his hair, and he loves it. his tounge flattens against your folds gathering all your juices from up and down your slit. you jerk your hips up one more time and he lets go of one of your thights to start teasing your hole with one of his fingers. then he kitten licks your clit and adds one, your hands gripping his hair, making him look up at you, already pussy drunk. he licks your folds again and adds another one, stretching yourself, you start to feel a familiar knot in your stomach.
“i’m gonna”- you start, and he presses his thumb against your clit, with his toungue sliding between your folds, you come undone, moaning his name. he gathers your juices with his fingers and puts them in his mouth. while you stare at the ceiling, defeatedly. “that was so good” you finally mutter out, he smiles and kisses your cheek, he leans close to your ear.
“where are your toys?” he asks, getting on top of you again, “the ones you always like to tease me about” he says almost growling, and kisses your neck, your bare legs entertwining around his hips, rubbing yourself against the erection pressing hard on his boxers, he grabs one of your thighs and kneads it softly.
“my favorite one is on the bedside drawer” you answer looking at him playfully, and he shakes his head, reaching for the drawer next to you, he pulls the fake dick out, and looks at it trying to hold in his laugh. “i told you it was huge-“ he looks back at you and laughs mockingly.
his attention drawns back to your entrance, and he rubs the toy up and down your slit, coating it with your arousal. he starts to press it against your hole and you whimper, slowly feeling the toy entering you, as he pushes it all in.
“show me” he demands, “show me how you do it” you moan and grab the base of the toy, pushing it hard against your core, and with your left hand you start stimulating your clit. cheol starts rubbing himself through his boxers, groaning, he kisses your lower abdomen and says “you look so pretty like this” he leans closer and bites the hem of your ear as you continue to fuck the toy inside you, “but you know i’m bigger than that toy right? think you can handle it?” —fucking tease
“cheol please just give it to me” you plead, already a whimpering mess.
“who do you think about? when you do it?” he asks grabbing your chin finding your eyes.
“you” he groans at your response.
his hands find your cunt and he pulls the toy out, edging you, you moan at the loss. he finally pulls his boxers down and his cock springs out, already leaking with pre cum, and he was not lying, his cock was fucking huge. he grabs a condom from his pants and rolls it over his length.
he turns you over, pulling you on top of him, straddling him, you moan as you feel him under you, rubbing himself against your core.
“use me” he says, grabbing your hands to steady yourself, “whatever you do, i will enjoy it, just do what feels good, you can’t do anything wrong” he tugs your hand and kisses it, reassuring yourself.
you grab his dick and give it a few strokes, before you start sliding down him, your eyes shut at the new feeling, it was completely different, much more intense.
“that’s it, go slow” he says, his palms sliding over your ribs trailing your spine, which made you relax under his touch. whimpering, you ease down further, he halts a breath at your welcoming, groaning, he caresses your back with his palms.
“fuck cheol” you mutter out, your hands moving to his shoulders for support, he kisses your wrist. “gosh i just-” you whimper and your eyes flutter shut as you go down another inch, “already feel so full”
“you’re almost there baby, you’re doing so good” his praise reassures you and you drop yourself down the rest of his length, crying out because of the stretch, you move your hands to his chest for support as your head falls, nails digging on his skin to get through the feeling, “you okay?” he asks, massaging your back, you nod, lips shut. “talk to me y/n”
“yes, ugh, it’s just-” you whimper, “you’re so thick” you confess and look up at his eyes, can’t believing the sight in front of you, Seungcheol spread on your bed, gripping your ass with his cock buried deep inside your cunt.
he smirks at you, trying not to groan, “alright when you’re ready, just move, lift yourself and go down again, make yourself feel good, i’ll enjoy every second of your pleasure as well” his guidance encourages you, easing out your nervousness, you nod and do it just like he told you, instantly biting your lower lip.
you feel all of his girth as you lift yourself, when sinking down, you moan out loud, suprised at the feeling of his thick cock inside you, so foreign, but becoming more and more used to it as you do it over again. cheol grunting under you boosts your confidence as well, knowing that what you’re doing is making him feel good too drives you crazy.
you start moving your hips in ways you didn’t know you could, but every movement feels better than the last one, your muscles relax onto him as you rise and drop more roughly, making you and him whimper at the feeling and sight, your cunt filled with his thick cock looked incredibly hot.
“fuck that’s it baby, ride me, make yourself feel good” he moans, grabbing your waist with his hands, he presses you down even more against him, whimpering loudly at the sensation, he starts guiding your hips, his cock filling you up completely.
“you like that?”
“fuck yes!” you scream, and he moves one of his hands, coating his fingers with your arousal, he starts fiddling your clit, the pleasure overwhelming you, taking you to the edge. “i’m- m’close” you mutter out in between moans, he grabs your waist again and presses you down on him harshly, making you reach your high instantly.
you cum on his cock, moaning his name, holding onto his shoulders for dear life, he thrusts one more time and comes undone. breathing heavily, he grabs the back of your neck and hugs you against him, laying on his chest, both trying to steady your breaths as he slowly pulls out of you.
grabbing your cheek slowly, he kisses you and rests his forehead against yours “you did so good baby, so good”. you stay like that for a while, snuggling and kissing, and then he runs a warm bath for you, taking care of you, as he always has.
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an: likes, replies, reblogs are appreciated i love to read what you think! x
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AITA for pretending I cheated on my partner when our common friend asked why we fought?
It will sound fake and fictional, but please bear with me because I'm getting crazy over it. And also sorry for any english mistake, we're not from an english speaking country.
To give some context: I am a man. There was this person, B(m), which whom I kind of grew up with. We went through the same schools from our 6 years old to 17 but we never were really friends. Then, around our 13, I got into a clique that fed into all my bad habits and I started to actively bully B because he seemed like an easy target at the time. I enjoyed it and was encouraged to do so (because I was such an asshole and I'm not even cringing thinking about it, it's worse. I regret it so much and I was a stupid and bad teenager). It was so bad that after years of enduring it, B changed school before we graduated and I went on with my life.
It' was's been about 15 years ago that I graduated.
In the meantime, I dealt with some problems that I had with my family and I went through intensive therapy which changed me for the better, and I came to terms with my sexuality as well.
Flashforward to 2019/2020, I meet with someone online through some games and it goes very well. Thanks to the Covid and the lockdowns, we play even more and get closer. At some point, I talk about an event happening close to my city, and he tells me that he knows about it as well and that we're living close to each other. Because we enjoyed our time online (ngl, we had started flirting although I didn't know how sincere it was) we decided to meet at that event.
And there, I find out that my online friend is B. It's extremely awkward but only for me because he cannot recognize me for three reasons: 1. I changed physically with my puberty finally finishing the job after my 18 birthday, and I found some love into dying my hair. 2. I changed in terms of personality thanks to the therapy I went through. 3. My legal name was changed when I said goodbye to this fucking family of mine and left without turning back (but I was getting sick just saying my last name).
I, obviously, didn't tell him anything about who I really was because I just wanted to enjoy that evening with a friend, and we didn't see each other since he left high school because of me. My plan was just to slowly distance myself from him after that evening but it failed because we had a lot of fun and we actually really hit off and I was dying constantly at the idea that he could find out.
We've been in a relationship sicne the beginning of 2021 and I was decided to just never tell him (horrifying idea I know, anyone with a braincell would have told me that it was bound to be found).
A month ago, I met with an old friend from high school (so yeah, he was in the bullying gang but more of a followers, so we stayed in friendly terms when we both agreed that it was bad) and as he recognized B, he decided to excuse himself and hoped that B would forgive him like he "forgave" me (I never got to tell that friend to shut up about that) so yeah, B found out that I was his main bully who had lied to him for almost 4 years now.
We had quite a big talk about it. How bad my bullying ended up for B; why I lied like that and never admitted it. And even if it went alright, B told me that he needed a break to think about things and it's going to be one month that I'm crashing at a common friend of us. At first, I just said that B and I got into a fight and it was good enough, but as it's been already a month, the friend asked more about it. Not wanting to bring up B's trauma to someone else (especially after our conversation), I just told the first lie that came to me and pretended that I cheated on B and he found out.
Now that common friend is calling me an asshole and keeps reminding me how much they are disappointed in me to have done something so horrifying to B. I keep wondering if I did well to lie like that, or if I should have found another way out.
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mustainegf · 3 months
Idk if you’ve done something like this before but maybe a list of all the kinks you think the tallica boys have 🫣🫣
Headcannons for James, kirk, Jason, Lars & cliff
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𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄: James likes to dominate a lot in bed, very much like his stage personality, leading the band. He likes having that dynamic of power, placing him with the responsibility of you getting to finish. However he isn’t always like this, he can be just as soft and gentle with you when he’s in a romantic mood.
𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄: Verbal affirmation is both given and received in massive amounts from him. This came out of all the shit he's been. And plus, he just loves to tell you how perfect you are.
𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: James LOVES the idea of you having his kids, and not in a weird way, he just love the idea of the both of you being so in love and having beautiful babies with you. He constantly thinks about how pretty you would look pregnant, carrying his child. He would be so proud.
𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆: he just loves the playful punishment, all consensual of course. He loves when he lays a teasing slap over your ass, watching the print of his hand flush into your skin.
𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆: He is one for really extending pleasure with himself and you, enjoying the build-up and the intense release that follows. He’d rather see you cum after being edged for hours rather than in 15 minutes.
𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘: His interest in horror films and all extends into the bedroom, keeping things quite interesting. You two don’t always do it, but whenever you do, Kirk is almost always a vampire, and you’re the damsel.
𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆: Kirk finds hair pulling exciting due to the sting. Put he doesn’t pull your hair, he likes having his hair pulled. Whether he’s eating you out or pounding you into the mattress, one tug on his hair and he’s a moaning mess.
𝐕𝐎𝐘𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐌: He is interested in being watched, though he tends to keep this one to himself, afraid you may not be totally on board with it. It excites him nonetheless.
𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍: Except… it’s not you who’s submissive. During sex, Kirk and you are always on an equal level of power, but if there ever is an imbalance, Kirk is always submissive. Good god this man is obsessed with doing whatever you say, watching your body loom above him, breasts bouncing as you ride him and call him a good boy
𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐅𝐈𝐗𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: He loves to give and receive oral, for it is intimacy. AS much as he loves a blowjob, he’ll beg you to let him eat you out all night, and he will, rutting into the mattress with his mouth full with you.
𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏: He was in love about all the little things of your body, appreciative of the beauty and a physical connection. His hands will search all over for something new to squeeze, caress, kiss, lick, anything.
𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐌: Jason gets excited about being watched. He wants to world to see him fucking you and know you belong to him and only him. Sometimes he’ll leave the door unlocked when he fucks you backstage, knowing full well one of the guys will probably walk in on you two.
𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊: He wants to verbalize his intentions of what he feels like doing and, in turn, loves to hear what you would want him to do to you. He finds it oddly, but insanely arousing to be able to communicate so bluntly during sex.
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐋: Lars LOVES being in control, not only concerning business matters but also in bed. This pleases him to lead the experience, being in charge of every aspect, and punishing you when you whine.
𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆: He's into the playful part of teasing, making it a real drawn out affair, he’ll tease you from your whimpers, how desperate you are, about how bad you must want him if you’re already this whiny.
𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘: Lars likes the feel and the sound produced by impact, whether it’s by way of spanking or some other manner of consensual striking. He wants to mark you.
𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘: Slow, passionate lovemaking is meant for Cliff. The act is lent a deeper intimacy, and he takes it quite seriously.
𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: absolutely loves to have music playing while having sex, in fact, you’ve never had sex without music on. He needs it, it makes it that much more intimate
𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐗: Cliff's love for nature spills over a bit to a desire for outdoor lovemaking, like on a sunny morning, the sun is still rising and the sky is pink as you have each other in the warm morning air.
𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 & 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇: foreplay with this man lasts a while, he wants to leave no stone unturned, he’ll give his attention to every inch of your body before finally moving on to the goods.
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thir10th · 4 months
I literally love the way you write emily! could you please do something like Morgan or anyone on the team points out how clingy you are around her so you get insecure, but Emily makes it better? thank you💕
hi anon 👋 ofc i can!! i love this concept ❤️
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summary: Morgan says something that upsets you, thankfully Emily knows exactly what to do (basically the ask lol) tw: smut, shower sex, oral sex, idk i'm tired i think that's all a/n: i'm trying to do your requests, like you guys already know i can't promise i will make them all, but you're still very welcome to try! Like & reblog as always <3
You had spent a whole week on LA on this last case, more than 3 women had been murdered before you caught the unsub, which means you desperately needed a long night sleep, preferably wrapped in your girlfriend's arms.
You're sitting on the window seat, keeping the one next to it free for her, she smiles when her eyes meet yours, and sits next to you, you surround her with your arm, kissing her cheek, she moves to peck your lips as well
"hey baby" you whisper, your mouth close to hers
"hey" she answers with the sweetest voice, you can sense she also wants to get home as soon as possible.
Your other hand wraps around her leg, squeezing it
"I'm gonna go for a tea, ok? you want one?" she asks getting up, wrapping herself off of you "yeah that'd be nice" you answer, the silliest smile on your face.
"ugh, you two get a room" Morgan's voice makes you lift your head, the smile instantly erased form your face.
"What do you mean?" you ask, he has never pointed you two out before, so it surprises you
"c'mon, can't you spend 2 seconds without touching her? we were just at the airport and you were all over each other, i could not handle someone being so clingy" you're too baffled to say anything. Clingy? you had never thought about it, you loved your girlfriend so much it came natural to you hugging her and touching her, the possibility that she didn't like it had never crossed your mind.
Morgan couldn't be bothered about it, he put his headphones back on as soon as he dropped the unfriendly comment.
"there you go baby" Emily said, handing you your cup, you take it, a small smile to thank her, and you lay back to the window.
As much as you're trying you can't seem to get Morgan's comment out of your head, you never wanted to suffocate Emily, you just wanted her to feel loved, maybe she was just ashamed to tell you how uncomfortable it made her.
You sip your tea, looking out the window, "hey" Emily grabs your cup when you're finished and opens her arm offering you to lay on it
"I think I'm gonna try to sleep now, ok?" you tell her, and turn around to lay your head on the window.
You can tell se knows there's something going on, she frowns, you can feel her stare, but finally let's it go, and gets back to her book.
When you finally get back to your apartment, Emily throws her bag away, and you do the same, moving to sit on the couch to take your shoes off more comfortably.
"Well, I desperately need a shower, you coming?" she asks as she takes her shirt off
"Yeah, you go" you don't even look at her to answer, trying to focus on untying your shoes, you keep your head down.
Emily stands on the middle of the hallway, she looks at you, raising an eyebrow, now she knows there's definitely something going on.
"You're not gonna shower, love?" she asks, a concerned tone on her voice "Yeah, sure, you can go first tho"
Your girlfriend was too stunned to speak. It wasn't like you to turn down the offer of showering together, you couldn't remember a time when you had said no to a shower with Emily, specially after a case.
She would always lather your back soothingly, you didn't even always have sex (although it was quite common), sometimes you would simply enjoy the warm water stream, you would take care of each other, wrap yourselves into a warm embrace that could last minutes, and she would always lend you her clothes afterwards, there was no other feeling better than going to sleep clean and fresh into your girlfriend's clothes, wrapped around each other. What do you mean you don't want to shower with her?
"So, you will wait for me to shower, and you will go after me? first on the plane, now this? Baby, is something wrong? Did i do something to upset you?" you lift your head to look at her after getting rid of your shoes, her big brown eyes reflect the worry on her voice, she looks to you carefully to see what is going on.
"no, it's nothing, i just... i just don't want to be too clingy, you know?" you finally reveal. Her mouth tenses up, and she bites her lip. You know your girlfriend way too well to know that's one of her classic faces, it's the one that says -ok now i see-. She walks up to you, sitting right next to you on the couch, places her hand on your thigh soothingly.
"Baby, who told you that?" you don't wanna say, you don't want her to get upset too, but the way she runs her palm over your leg to soothe your worries makes you want to tell her everything she asked for.
"Well, Morgan, he suggested i could be suffocating you" when you say it aloud it sounds ridiculous, since when do you care about what Morgan says? About what any man has to say about your relationship? His words had just sunk into you way more than you could've expected.
"what did he say?" she licks her lips out of impotence "Because after a whole career on the fbi i'm considering murder just now" you laugh it off, blinking to avert the tears pickering your eyes.
"he said if i was his girlfriend, he would feel suffocated by how clingy i am, and how i can't keep my hands off of you" her eyes scan your face, runs her hand up and down your thigh "ok, i'm sure gonna kill Morgan tomorrow" you both chuckle "well he is kind of right, i mean we can barely spend an hour off of each other" you say trying to make sense out of the situation
"ok, so you are clingy, so what?" her voice raises a bit towards the end, a couple of notes higher, you can't help but to smile, you think it's too cute.
"I love touching you" the hand that was resting on your thigh now gets higher to rest on your waist, her other hands moves up to your neck, her thumb caressing your face "I love it when you touch me" her face gets closer, the tip of her nose brushing against your cheek, you close your eyes relaying on the touch
"I love feeling you close" she moves to sit closer to you on the couch (if that is even possible at this point) her hand keeps moving up and down your back, she kisses your cheek, "and i don't care about what anyone has to say about that, i don't want you to care about it ether" her words sink into you, everything is basically forgotten.
"I want you to touch me, to feel me" she moves your hand, previously resting on your side, she places it on her waist, and you take it upon yourself to grab her face with your other hand.
Closing the small space between you, your lips collapse in a deep kiss, Emily holds you. The kiss is quite sensual. Emily takes her time and eases your mouth open, slowly pushing in her skilled tongue into your mouth, but to your displeasure, the kiss breaks.
"C'mon, baby, come shower with me" she says standing up, holding your hand, you get up too, grabbing on to her for support "lead the way" you say, a grin on her face.
Emily opens the water stream, letting the warm fog fill the bathroom, you try to catch Emily's lips to kiss her again, she offers a very fast for your liking peck that you try to prolong, but she's faster to grab the neck of your shirt, unbuttoning the buttons one by one, and taking it off.
Her eyes never leaving yours, she kisses your collarbone as she unclasps your bra, you reciprocate the action, doing the same with hers, Emily sighing in relief as her own restricting bra was undone.
The soft trail of small kisses on your collarbone soon moving southern to your sternum, she reacher your left boob, her soft lips feel warm on your smooth skin, never getting exactly anywhere, she removes your pants along with your underwear, and you do the same with hers.
You just want to jump in the shower with your girlfriend as fast as possible and forget the day.
She slowly pulled you into the shower behind the hot water, instantly calming your tingling body. Emily instantly pulled you into a hug as the warm water engulfs you two, running her hands through your back.
She lets you lean on her shoulder while she takes whatever sweet scented body wash she could reach faster and scrubs your back, washing the day off of you.
You do the same, grabbing the bottle and squeezing some on your hands to lather your girlfriend's slightly muscular arms, up and dow, then you move to get her shoulder, her back, you cover her in bubbles.
"I love your hands" She says. Her words take you by surprise, too focused on your task of getting your girlfriend clean that you hadn't even realized she was following your every move, her expression full of love. You chuckle first, but she interrupts before you open your mouth "I'm serious, baby. Please, please don't stop touching me" she kisses you again, depositing all her love and care on the kiss.
When you break the kiss you keep your ministrations, this time you lower your hands, her breath hitches when you cup her breasts, the same massage you were delivering to her arms, now you give them a gentle squeeze.
"mh- please, honey, touch me" you love hearing your girlfriend beg, asking for it, it's not the most common thing for her to do, but whenever a plead falls form Emily's lips, your completely at her mercy, ready to comply anything she asks you to.
She let out a breathy gasp as you played with her breasts, giving your girlfriend's mighty breasts another hearty squeeze before ultimately releasing her boobs. She grabs your hips pulling you close to her, she then leaned in, giving you a quick kiss, as you swiped her tongue against her bottom lip, she grabs your ass ginig it a gentle squeeze.
Grabbing her by the hips, you push her body gently against the shower wall, you move the kisses to her neck, sucking and biting her sensitive spots as Emily throws her head back to give you better access. You slowly kissed down her valley, dropping to your knees and stopping at her belly button.
"I will touch you as much as you want baby, whatever you need" You say as you look up at her. Emily only moans in response to your reassuring words. The sound sending her into a frenzy as you slowly lick up Emily's pussy with your broad tongue, stoping at her clit as you slowly suck it, swirling your tongue with intent. 
"oh god- yes sweetheart just like that" you moan at the nickname, the sound sending vibrations over the swollen bud. You alternated between gentle licks and firm sucks, using your fingers to tease and explore every inch of her sensitive flesh.
Emily could already feel herself beginning to fall apart, with her knees threatening to buckle out at any moment while pressure swelled within her loins, she places a hand on the back of your head for support, slowly pushing it to encourage you to keep going, and breathed out, "y/n… More! F-fuck, this feels great baby…" said as you dive back into her pussy with your tongue.
Your own arousal surged at the taste and sound of Emily's ecstasy, with each flick of your tongue, each gentle caress of your fingers, you bring Emily closer and closer to the peak of pleasure.
Really, you could keep your head in your girlfriend's pussy all day just eating her out, especially from hearing Emily's sweet moans.
Honestly, she could have stood to keep you buried between her legs forever. It won't take too long for her to be able to keep holding out against the growing pressure between her thighs, which makes her legs feel weaker and weaker with every lap of your tongue.
"I'm so close, baby, please" she moans, you pick up the speed, flicking your tongue against her clit as you curl your fingers against her g spot over and over again. Emily screams as her orgasm takes over. Crying out your name, she allows her body to do as it pleases as she comes hard onto your face.
As she comes down from the height, Emily holds you tight as you slid back to you feet, standing up, the warm water still running, warming your muscles, as your bodies grind against each other, she holds you close in an embrace, surrounding your waist with her arms, you both stay there letting the water rinse your bodies.
Emily is the first to break the silence "you have no idea how lucky i feel when you touch me" she says, caressing your lower back in soft circular motions.
"I'm the lucky one, Em" you say looking at her, she grabs your face, all wet from the shower "but i'm starting to get cold, we should get out now" she chuckles, pressing your lips together in a much sweeter, gentler kiss.
Next day you arrive to work together, Emily has her arm fully wrapped around yours, you don't pull apart until you get to your deks.
Emily sees Morgan on the kitchen, he's making himself a coffee, excusing herself to go talk to him
"Hey Prentiss, how you doin'?" he asks, in his face the usual cocky grin, Emily doesn't even respond
"If you ever tell my girlfriend anything about the way she is with me again, you will suffer the consequences, all right?" she says, a big, ironic smile on her face, she pats him on the shoulder, warning him.
She never leaves your side for the whole day.
Ok yes this one is longer than i thought it would be, but this was such a cute concept, I love overprotective Emily (should i write something with that? idk) Also no hate to Morgan at all!!!! I love him and he was just being playful, ok? I won't tolerate any Morgan hate on this blog!!!!
Hope you enjoy!! <3
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yuriisclumsy · 5 months
Hi im still not sure if this is how you request😅😅
But can you please write a scenario about a reader who is very flirty with cale and always having a way to insert flirty lines into their conversation while cale just ignores it (secretly liking it) but one day he had enough and responds to a flirty line that the reader just said which leads to the reader being shocked. Also bonus if the fam also actually sees it HAHAHAHA
Thanks for reading🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
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Who's The Teaser Now?
»»►In this scenario I like to think [Name] has been a servant of Cale’s for years. Like, she saw him when the two were teens , and was like “Well damn, hot momma. You lookin’ fine tonight,” like a high school girl drooling for her crush. And the rest is history.
»»►Having [Name] flirt with you for YEARS makes you unreactive to her remarks; immune to any of her advances. But one day, because he was feeling festive, he decided to reply to one of [Name]’s many flirty lines.
»»►And let me tell you. [Name]. Was. SHOCKED. Pikachu style.
»»►Now we jump to the present.
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Cale was on his way to relax in Heris Village, where his villa resided, after the battle with Arm in the Hais Islands. Only to have it disturbed not even two minutes into the carriage ride back to the Henituse Territory, by none other than [Name] the Simp.
She first started soft, asking if he was alright after the battle: “You didn’t get injured, right?” To: “Well, just WHO would even hurt such a refined gentleman such as yourself, Oh young and handsome Master Cale?”
Now Cale was starting to get pissed. He just wanted a nice, AND QUITE, ride back. But no, he just had to hear your annoying voice…. 
Oh. An idea just crossed his mind.
Let’s see if this will resolve his problem, even if there is a possibility of it backfiring. 
“Y’know Master Cale, every girl in the Henituse Territory is now DYING to see your pretty face. Especially after getting that fancy title of yours. A title, which I must say, is rather fitting of you, young master. Honestly, I’m so lucky that I can just admire it whenever you call me. If you asked me to marry you I wouldn’t even think for a second and just say yes. Truly, a dream come true!” [Name] was making his, On’s, Hong’s, and Raon’s ears fall off with how much she was talking.
Ah! Wait a second. This was the perfect opportunity! 
“Oh yeah?” Cale started, “If I were to fall on my knee and ask you for your hand, would you accept in a heartbeat?” He asked as one curious gaze and two unsure gazes fell on him.
[Name] just looked at Cale, unsure at why he was asking. Usually he just orders her to do something to get her away, or simply ignores her altogether.
“Uhh-uhh..yeah?” She answered.
“Then you don’t mind if I do this then,” he said, getting down on one knee in the moving carriage. 
At this point [Name]’s eyes were wide, almost to the point they might pop out her sockets.
Cale took her right hand and looked up to meet her eyes. With a wide smile he asked, “[Name] [Last Name], will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive, and give me your hand in marriage?” He finished.
The children looked at him like he had a loose screw. Had he finally a lost it after not getting a break to be a slacker? Was this his limit? [Name] had an unreadable expression. Almost concerning.
Did I go too far? Cale asked in his head while assessing her expression. What scares me the most is that she isn’t saying anything cheezy inturn, a sweat drop apparent in his face, falls.
A screeching yell was heard from inside the compartment. The carriage stopped and those outside came running to aid–in what their opinion was a threat–those inside the carriage.
“Young Master Cale! Is everyone alright?! What happened—!?” Choi Han asked in a hurry, swinging the door of the carriage wide open, sword in hand. Only to see Cale kneeling on the floor of the carriage with a [Name] crunched up on the corner of the seat opposite to the door.
What happened? 
All everyone could see was a girl that looked like she was dying slowly in a corner, and a young Master that probably fell from his seat after the carriage suddenly stopped. 
To not make things more awkward, Cale spoke.
“Ah, you guys,” he got their attention, “go back. [Name] just saw a bug. So there is no need to worry.” He skillfully lied, sitting back up.
“...if you insist,” getting a hesitant response from Choi Han, and some worried looks from the others. 
All the while Ron is just smiling in the back. We all know he knows what happened.
Going back to their positions, the carriage started moving again. Only this time, it was quiet. Just how Cale liked it. He looked at the source of the blissful peace to see the girl still in a crouched up position.
“Huff, where did that ‘say yes in a heartbeat’ go?” Cale asked the girl, getting that last remark for his triumph.
In response, all he heard was a muffled “Shut up…!” from her.
Red hues adorned her ears, indicating she was blushing. She was trying so hard to hide her face with her arms and legs too.
How cute.
No wonder [Name] enjoyed doing this to him, being the one on the teaser end is certainly amusing.
He smiled, looking out the window, deciding not to tease her anymore to save her from more embarrassment.
He should turn this into a hobby after seeing that expression on her face.
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Hello, lovelies! I hope you enjoy this. Surprisingly I wrote this in two days...fascinating.
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @ru8yx. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family for more updates.
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changenameno · 2 months
Fingerblast PART 1
(Complete, link for the second part, down below ⬇️)
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It’s the middle of summer and therefore incredibly hot. Of course right then something had to be wrong with your AC. How fortunate for you that a handyman can come right over…
Pairing: Syverson x Short Fem. Reader
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, cursing, explicit description of sex, thirst trap named Sy, teasing, size kink, chasing?, choking (if you squint?), p in v (use of y/n = Your first name) -> most of these warnings apply to the second part
Word count: 1.3 K
A/N: Okay here goes my first attempt at writing smut…This is way longer than I intended it to become, whoops. Honestly this just came to me while stumbling over a song (aka the title of this specific fic 🤣). Also I think this reads a little like a bad porn video SORRY…but anyway….here goes nothing🙈😅….
It’s not proofread, any mistakes are my own. Please be kind, comments/reblogs are very appreciated…Thank you❤️✨
!Syverson is not my own creation (unfortunately)! And the song/lyrics don’t belong to me either!
It hadn’t even been twenty minutes since you’ve called but apparently the handyman had just arrived, if the heavy rumble of tires on gravel was anything to go by. So you made your way onto your porch, because honestly it didn’t make any difference if you’d wait in- or outside.
The heat had been crawling into your house since sunrise and now it was nearly more stifling inside, than out on your shaded porch. And at least here the stone beneath your bare feet was somewhat cooling.
You squinted at the huge red pickup truck now parked not far from your house.
Whoever was still seated inside was listening to music, clearly above a healthy decibel level, because you could hear it blasting even from where you stood quite a distance away.
At that exact moment the door swung open and you heard just a snippet of the song still playing, “Use my index, I can use my thumb.
Even use my pinky, it'll make you come. Close your eyes, it'll happen real fast
I just got you off with a fingerblast…”.Before you could hear more the door of the truck shut loudly. The sudden noise almost startling you.
Shaking your head you tried to compose yourself after overhearing what must have been a most charming song. You took a step forward, hell bent on pretending you hadn’t heard anything. Only now you’d noticed the mammoth of a man that had existed the truck.
Chiding yourself on how you hadn’t noticed him before.
You wrote it off as shock, because how else could you not have noticed the biggest fricking man you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Said man raised his left hand in greeting, while pushing his sunglasses up on his shaved head with the other. He wore a red T-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. Realizing you stared way too long at the handsome stranger without reciprocating his greeting, you quickly waved back; albeit a bit too late, as he had already turned his back to you.
Fortunately for you, he took his sweet time getting to his toolbox or whatever. Giving you the perfect opportunity to stare some more and that you did.
Good god, how did his shirt not rip when he moved? All that muscle had you salivating.
As he turned towards you, with his toolbox in hand, you couldn’t help but notice the ominous bulge in his shorts.
And then one thought lead to another, having you think about, how something entirely different would most certainly rip, upon his movement. That image had you clenching and swallowing thickly.
“Hey, I take it, you’re hav’n problems with your AC?” he drawled in a rough southern accent. You didn’t trust your voice, lest only a squeak would leave you, so you shook your head yes.
“Alright then, may I come ‘n?” He continued, an amused expression on his face, after you didn’t make a move to let him past you or into your house.
Finally you found your voice again, “Mmh yes, please do come…in,” you finished awkwardly, wanting to hit yourself for behaving like a middle schooler with a major crush.
It didn’t seem to bother him though, he simply chuckled deeply and entered your living room. As he walked by, you caught a whiff of his colon along with what must be his own natural musk, making you swoon on the spot. Damn it, he even smelled fucking fantastic.
From inside he called, “The name ‘s Syverson by the way, if you were wonderin’. But everyone calls me Sy anyway.”
Taking a second to draw a deep breath to calm your nerves and more accurately calm your ovaries, you headed in, after him.
He was standing in the middle of your living room, toolbox standing on your little coffee table, taking in your interior. Shaking your head, as if you could rid yourself of any indecent thoughts, you studied him once more.
Sy was big in every way possible, from his height, to his built and presence. Easily taking over your normally at least middle sized living room, making it seem shrunken.
This time you were a little bit more prepared when his sparkling blue eyes landed on you. Smiling you replied, “I’m y/n. Thank you for being here so quickly. The AC is right over there.” With a wave of your hand, you gestured in the direction of your adjacent kitchen, where the damned thing was let into the wall. He picked up the toolbox once more, before he followed closely behind.
As you lead the way into the kitchen, you could feel him staring at you hungrily, making you shiver from anticipation alone.
Sy swallowed thickly as the white dress you wore, showed even more of your pretty legs, with every bouncy step you took. Once in the kitchen you pointed up, at the opened AC. “I don’t know what seems to be the problem, normally if I do this…” you tried reaching the green button, even going as far as getting on your tiptoes, to show him, what normally did the trick.
As if hypnotized, he kept staring at the hem of your dress continuing to ride up, now almost getting a glimpse of your perfectly white panties. Fuck it, he thought as he drew impossibly closer, putting the toolbox on the kitchen counter in one swift movement.
You squeaked in response, when you felt his broad chest collide with your back. Before you could lose your balance, a beefy arm pulled you back by your midsection and against his sturdy body. A hot breath tickled your ear as he growled, “Darlin’ that dress of yours, might be a tad short for what you had in mind.”
His deep, lust filled voice made you reckless so you purred right back,” Mmmh I think it’s quite perfect for what I had in mind, no?” To emphasize your point, you pushed your rear purposefully against his groin, making him growl some more. “Careful there sweetheart, once the beast is awakened, it got a hankering…and…for one thing only.” You could undoubtedly hear his cocky grin. So you playfully replied, “Oh no, we certainly don’t want that now, do we? You know what they say, about sleeping dogs …”
Following your teasing you grabbed his arm and swiftly pulled it away to be able to slip from his grasp. Striding over to the door, making sure to sway your hips, all the while stifling your giggles. When you turned around, lightly leaning against the doorway, Sy still stood unmoving, glaring at you with dilated pupils. He was sure he’d never wanted a woman as much as he wanted to have you.
One more push and you knew you had him right where you wanted him. You bit the insides of your cheeks, trying to conceal the gleeful smile forming on your lips. Deliberately slow you blinked up at him, readying yourself for what you were about to do next, “Catch me if you can…” You didn’t wait for his reaction, you just bolted through the doorway and straight up the stairs.
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fakesimp · 7 months
Bartender Romance, With Shu Yamino
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Warning !
Fluff ; Bartender! Shu ; Mentions of Alcohol ; a very slow ? Slow burn
A/n !
It's been so long since the last I wrote a proper fic omg. It's been 2 months, so much is happening in NijiEn, and there' so much happening on my side of life too.. 😮‍💨
Heavy, Frustration, Fatigue.
Praying to God to end this hell hole you're going through, the week had gone rough on you. Endless work pouring down on you, one after another. You finished one, a new one came in.
Truly, almost no break at all, and now, you're finally free from that hell, though only temporarily. You know very well the moment the weekend ends, you're going to go through hell once more.
You walked and walked, realizing your foot had took you to, seemingly like a bar or some sort. You wandered inside, not expecting much from the place.
And how wrong you are the moment you entered, you're greeted with a cozy place, accompanied with a jazzy music at the back. There's not much of a crowd, but there is some people chattering in a comfortable whisper. Not too loud, but also not too silent.
"Welcome—!" A Soft honeyed voice echoed throughout the place, there are some others glancing towards your way for one second before continuing what they're doing. You look over at the owner of the voice, a male standing behind the bar. Mixing up some drink for somebody, with a unique combination hair color, Raven, Yellow, bits of pink and purple. His Hair is pretty short.
A fine looking bartender.
He smiled towards you, as if you're enchanted, you approached the bar and sat down across him. "Rough week?" He started off and poured the mixed drink into a glass, and pushed them off to the person who ordered. You glanced towards the person, he had a beautiful light blonde, with mix of purplish color by the tips. The Stranger's purple green eyes twinkled as you two made eye contact, he smiled slightly before looking away. And with that you also looked away.
The first thing you see the moment you look away is the bartender wiping up some glass, and looking at you. Seemingly to wait for you to at least, order something. "Would you like to get some drink?" He offered, "Alcohol? Or non alcohol?" He waited.
You thought quite deeply, "Non Alcohol please, Anything that have no alcohol in them. Not in the mood to be drunk at the moment." You said, he chuckled softly, "Okay, I got you." He said and then started grabbing ingredients, and start making a drink for you.
As you waited, your eyes wandered to the Bartender's hand. Silently examining them, watching them move from one thing to another. After awhile, you didn't realize he had finished making a drink for you. He placed the drink in front of you, pushing the glass slowly towards you. He tilted his head and chuckled softly, "You seemed distracted, Does my hands seemed much more interesting than me ?" He asked in a whisper while starting to clean up the things he used to make your drink.
"...N, No...?" You answered, rather, hesitantly also, confused. The bartender chuckled softly, and not long after you arrived, the place started to get crowded, much to your dismay. You stayed on your seat, fiddling with your drink. The bartender you talked with had gone to mix other customers' orders, and there is another bartender came into their shift. Helping the previous bartender, the second bartender seemed much more, talkative. Bringing out a golden retriever energy around him, not to mention his blonde hair.
The two bartenders spoke with each other, you don't know what they're discussing, and all you heard is '700 something'. The crowd truly started to make quite amount of noises, you noticed the blonde bartender seemed to tease the Raven bartender. Making the Raven have pink tints on his cheeks, he then regained his composure again before somehow glancing towards your way.
You blinked, thinking maybe it's just your imagination because it happened only in a matter of seconds. And unfortunately, your drink have come to an end. You slip your money under the glass and decided to take your leave, feeling somebody staring at your figure behind you as you leave the place.
. . .
You don't remember how long has it been since the last you came to that, bar. Oh, it's only been a week. This week doesn't seem as rough as last week, you came to visit the bar with not much weight in mind and not much fatigue.
As soon as you entered, you're greeted by the same previous bartender, "Welcome— Oh it's you!—" He seemed to remember you despite this is your second time, not to mention the crowd last week. The chances for him to remember you is, low, no—?
You approached the bar and took the same seat, he smiled at you, "Same drink?" "Yeah, thanks" He then started making the previous drink he made for you. After awhile, he pushed the glass towards you. "Drink is ready to for you" he said, and not long after that the crowd start to come in.
He once again doing other's orders, and the second bartender came in. Cannot miss this blonde bartender, especially with his Golden retriever vibes around him. How can you miss this gigantic guy?
You noticed that the Raven bartender seemed to be much more on your side than the other, and as soon as you pointed it out, the Raven asked—
"So, How was your week? Rough like before?" He started off, "No, not really, at least it's not as rough as last week." You sighed. "At least it's much better than last week, no?" He chuckled softly, and you noticed that the Raven bartender seemed to slip up some time to talk with you. You appreciate his effort though, the way he smoothly slide to talk with you.
Truly made you skipped a beat, no—?
. . .
You don't know how long this had been going on but you somehow got yourself returning to the bar again and again at the weekends, just to see the Raven bartender's unique V shaped smile, and voice whenever he greets you and talked to you for a bit.
Truly missed that voice of his for the whole week before weekends arrive. And you unconsciously, worked harder just so you can always finish early and at the weekends you can enjoy more of your time at the bar.
You believed it has been going on for at least 2 months now, almost every weekend you always visit the bar to have a drink. You visit the bar at least once or twice at the weekends before you have a time for yourself at home, being in the bar itself slowly brings you comfort. The crowd no longer felt overwhelming, the crowd felt decent, the noise is no longer making you feel cramped.
But this month, seems so, packed than usual, you didn't have the time to go visit the bar, and without you realizing it goes on for at least 3 months without you visiting the bar. You had been busy with your work, catching up with deadlines and things. You did take breaks in between, making sure you're not getting overwhelmed with the amount of tasks that you need to do.
And then it went to 4 months. You finally finished your work, and can finally have a long break. You can finally have time for yourself to relax, you look over at the time, its 6 pm. You sighed softly, stretching your arms out before packing up your things and visit the place you haven't visit for awhile.
You wondered if the Raven bartender is still working there, does he still remember you? It's been 4 months after all. You didn't expect much, but it does leave a bit of disappointment for not being able to see the Raven bartender.
Or so you thought—
"Hello, Welcome—... Oh, Welcome back—!" The Raven bartender greeted you behind the bar like usual, mixing up a drink for a customer. You stood still for a moment before smiling at him, "It's been awhile" You said and noticed amongst all chairs thats occupied on the bar, there's one seat opened. As if it was waiting for someone— or you— specifically, to sit on them. You approached the chair and sat down.
"Give me a moment to mix up your drink" He said, you haven't even ordered anything, but it seems like he's reading your mind. You sat there, waiting and watch him move around the bar, making drinks for others and then finally you see a familiar drink he made for you 4 months ago. "Here you go, the usual." He said and wiped his hands, smiling at you.
He cleaned up the things he used and he strike up a conversation, "It's been awhile since the last time I saw you" He started off as he wipe some wet glass. "Yeah.. work had been piling up the past few months" you sighed as you took a sip of the drink he made, "I see, then, how was your days?"
You started talking a lot, telling him what you had been through, if only you noticed how he went as far as telling you to halt for a bit as he made a drink for another customer and when he's done he's talking with you again, though with a little apology for stopping you. But he listened to all of your rants, stories, almost everything. And without you realizing the second bartender, had arrived mostly taking care of other customers at the other side, while the Raven takes care of the costumers on your side. After yapping for who knows how long, you two bid goodbyes.
It was really nice talking with him.
. . .
Another new week arrives, and a new pile of work arrives too. And so you did your best to finish them early, you then decided to do your previous routine on going to the bar once or twice a week. It goes on longer than the last time, without you realizing you had been going to the bar for a year.
Everything seems to move fast without you realizing, so many things happened within the year. Both bad and good, you're just happy you could spend the year without stressing everyday.
And it's mostly thanks to The Raven Bartender.
. . .
New year had passed, it's weekends, you decided to do the usual routine, visiting the bar.
Upon arriving at the bar you are greeted by the Raven bartender, that you have yet to know his name. But you didn't bother asking because just him, maybe one day, you'll eventually get to know him more than just a bartender.
You sat down at your usual seat, that's always open for you no matter how crowded it is. And as soon as you sit down, a drink is served right before you. As if it was already been waiting for it's time to shine, "Y, You—? Made it before I came here?" You asked, the Raven just chuckled softly. "You never seem to order anything else, and you often visit us at Saturdays, so, I decided to take initiative to make it before you arrive." He added and glanced down at the drink that's now in your hands, "...You didn't need to go that far you know" The male only chuckled.
You two talked for a good time, despite the halt in between, you always enjoy his company. Your eyes unconsciously stick onto his figure, wherever he goes your eyes followed. Whenever your drink is out, he will ask if you want for another. You really favor this drink he made, so sometimes you'll take another drink.
Worse scenario is you take another drink is because you just want to see him work, but we'll talk about that another day.
And then, the Raven bartender slid to your side after making a drink for another costumer, "Hey, can I ask you something?" He started, making you confused but also curious. "Yeah, sure, I don't mind. What is it?"
"...What's, your name?" He finally asked, and you were taken aback at his question, you point at yourself upon his question, he let out a hearty laugh at your reaction, "Yeah, you, what's your name?" He asked once again. "... [ ]" You told him your name, his eyes soften as he repeated your name in a whisper.
Making you feel things when he did so, he chuckled softly upon finally, after a year. To know your name. You just smiled at him, you then started packing up your things before taking up your leave. But when you're about to get up—
"Here," He then slip up a small paper towards you. "I, I hope we can hangout sometimes—" You glanced down at the small paper, you picked it up staring at it confusedly before turning the paper to see numbers— oh wait, it's a phone number.
It's his phone number—! Then below his number there's..
'Shu Yamino'
you look back up to see the Raven bartender, you believed his name is, Shu, had already left to serve other customers, he glanced at you, smiling sheepishly for one moment before looking away.
You felt something inside your stomach, you felt your chest tighten up too. You slip the small paper into your bag before you walk up to the door, glancing to his way before leaving the bar.
. . .
As soon as you got home, you added his number. You sent a hello, though of course it won't be immediately responded because when you left, the Raven bartender is still working. So you left your phone on the table next to your bed, you got yourself cleaned up before you head off to sleep.
In the morning, you opened your phone to check the time, and right below the time you see a notification from Shu.
'Shu Yamino' 5 hours ago
'Hey, sorry I just replied, I just got off from work, haha'
You look at the time once again, it's 7 am. The message was sent 5 hours ago from Shu— and he said he just got off from work??? You, with your heavy, sleepy eyes replied.
'You' just now
'You just got off work at 3 am???'
Not long after you sent the message, you got a reply from the Raven bartender. Telling you that he indeed just got off work at 3 am, his shift must be night shift. That means he's going to sleep soon, you message the Raven bartender and asked when is he going to sleep, it took him a good minute to reply.
'Shu Yamino' Just now
'I am just about to'
You spat an apology towards him and wished him for a good sleep, he said it's okay and eventually he went off to go to sleep.
Seems like you two will now no longer just a Bartender and a Costumer, you two are now friends, right?—
That name, and number exchange. Is a new beginning to your actual friendship, after a year of not knowing each other's name. You two finally knew about the simplest thing about each other, that is your names.
Ever since the exchange, you two started talking way much more via text, and calls too sometimes. New things you learn about him is that, he sometimes play games when he's not on his shift. That's one thing for sure, who would've thought a bartender is also a gamer.
Day by day, you learn new things about him.
Until one day, you two finally had the perfect time to do an actual face to face hangout, other than meeting up by the bar at the weekends. You two finally decided to hangout by the mall, and you saw him outside his bartender suit for the first time.
Just him in a casual clothing, "Hey, we finally got the time to hangout now huh?" He stated, making you chuckle. "Yeah, after how many attempts?.." you tried to recall how many attempts you two tried to hangout and then you two started walking around the mall, talking and chattering. And eventually stopping by at a restaurant before starting heading to the arcade.
After eating you two headed to the arcade, playing so many types of games in there with him, but most of your time with him is playing multiplayer shooting game. And heaven's, he is carrying you in game. Having much more kill than you, you two had fun though.
Eventually the day had come to an end, Shu decided to give you a company when you're on your way back home. "You don't need to trouble yourself this far you know," You stated and glance at him, "It's fine, I rather see you get home safely." He replied, letting out a chuckle.
You two walked in silence, not awkward but comfortable one somehow. You don't know why, the silence is comforting. All you could hear is just each other's footsteps, you don't know why but it felt so long to get home when walking with him.
The moment you arrive at your humble abode, you turned to see him standing near you, smiling with that identic smile of his. "Go in, I'll leave when you went inside" he suggested, you nod and did exactly what he said.
After you went inside, you peek through the window, and you two made eye contact for one moment, he then chuckled before waving at you and walked away. You felt something, weird. As you see his figure retreating by the distance, he looks. Lonely.
You shook your head, you're exaggerating.
. . .
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, your friendship with the bartender had changed in so many ways, you've learned so much about him, one is from the second blonde bartender is actually his friend, and almost half of the crowd at the bar is actually his colleagues, truly surprises you.
You even got a chance to meet with them outside that bar, becoming friends with them too. They're such a sweethearts, who would've thought the day you're stressing out and by chance your foot just decide to take you to the bar.
If your foot didn't do that, you wouldn't even be in this position. To be friends with a bartender, some of his friends even teased you and Shu for being together a lot. Poor male got flustered by it.
. . .
Today is weekend, and you decided to visit the bar like usual, entering the bar, greeted by Shu himself, and then some of his friends that's already in the bar. Nodding their head towards you as a hello, some also smiled at you as a greeting.
You sat on the same spot, and your drink is immediately served right in front of you. "Thanks" You thanked the Raven bartender and he smiled back at you, not long after that the second bartender entered. The sunshine he is, he brushed pass you and had his hand on your shoulder for one moment as a greeting before he walks into the staff room.
After awhile, after serving a lot of customers, Shu had a short break, and he approached you. "So," he started off and chuckled softly, "I believe you're enjoying yourself at the bar now, or am I wrong?" You shook your head, "I enjoy my time here, all the time." You added and chuckled. "Good to know.." he said, there was a long silence before he decided to ask something—
"Hey, do you think.." He stopped half sentence and glanced at the glass he's holding, he stopped wiping them for a moment. "... Do you think, I, .. uhm, had a chance?" You tilt your head confused, "A chance in what?"
It took him a good minute before he spat out the next sentence, and it definitely made your heart skipped a beat—
"..To be—" He stopped for one second, taking a deep breath before he continued— "With you, like— You know, more. Than, we are now..?"
Goodness, it felt like the time had stopped, you stared at Shu, and he slowly rise his head up and look at you in the eyes. He soon looked away, seeing how flushed he is clearly that he wants more than a friendship level with you.
"... You, want to take the friendship to, another level ?" You hesitantly asked, making the male even more flustered than before. He even closed his eyes and took a deep breath to talk! Truly embarrassing himself in working hours now did he..
"... Y, Yeah— Like dating— But, it's fine if—"
"Okay, Let's go on a date tomorrow then."
You had made the Raven bartender gone speechless, he opened his mouth slightly before closing them again, he looked averted his eyes, he got one of his hand at the back of his neck, sheepishly looking away from you.
"Then, I'll be, .. Looking forward for our first date tomorrow.." He whispered, totally can't miss that pink hues on his ears, neck and cheeks. Such a cutie.
"Me too, ... You're so cute." You swore you heard a small whine coming out from the Bartender's lips, "Okay... I'll, text you when I'm on my way to, pick you up tomorrow.." he said.
"But we don't even know where we're going—"
"I know a place, don't worry.. I believe both you and me will have memorable and lovely time there.."
You stared at him, and he does too. He smiled softly at you, you noticed there's a loving glint in his purple eyes.
Another new beginning of your relationship, at the same place where you met him the first time. This bar, really changes your life, huh?
You silently thanking fate for letting you two met. Even though it had a rough start, but in the end, everything worked out.
You smiled to yourself and the thought of your first date tomorrow, you wonder how it'll go..
But no matter, where or what it is, you know very well you'll definitely have fun with Shu. That was just a stranger, then a friend, and now,
Your boyfriend.
©fakesimp ; 2024
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A/n !
Oh christ, that took longer than anticipated omg.. But I do hope y'all liked it 🥹, I'm sorry if I disappoint y'all with the ending.. ueueu
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i-fucking-hate-ppl · 8 months
Sup mah dude! I've just finished binge reading your HH hcs and I freaking love them! ✨ If you're still taking requests, may I get how getting married with our demon boi Alastor would be like? From what lead him to deciding he was gonna marry our reader, how he proposes, what's the marriage gonna be like, etc., etc. And if you can, maybe include how our other main characters would react? Thank you for blessing us ❤️✌️
Wassup! I hope you enjoy this fluffy bundle of fluff!
Alastor decided he was going to marry you the moment he came to term with his feelings. He hasn't even thought about courting anyone since, well he was alive! Even then it was mostly to please his dear mother!
He can't recall a time he's ever felt this way about anyone before, and if he was ever going to marry someone he knew it'd be you.
Of course he's a gentlemen though, he won't start with that. No no no, it simply won't do.
He'll test it out first. Make sure you two are actually compatible. It'll be a few years before he starts asking subtle hints about what you like it rings, like certain cuts or perhaps gold vs silver, ring size.
To be safe you don't know, he'll buy you a ring for you birthday to throw you off.
And once he's done browsing and has found the most perfect, stunning ring he'll propose.
He'll make sure it's your anniversary to once again throw you off, and take you out to the best restaurant. He'll make sure to plan quite a few activities, and at the end he'll take you for a walk. Of somewhere private and most importantly quiet with the most beautiful view you could possibly find in hell.
He'll find the perfect opportunity to step back, while you're distracted by the site seeing to kneel and just wait patiently for you to turn around.
And the moment you say yes he's up and slipping that ring on your finger with a peck to your forehead.
Charlie was flabbergasted. She didn't think Alastor would ever, in a million years, propose and get married. Although that didn't stop her excitement. She's quick to congratulate you two and squeeze you both in a big old hug!
Vaggie really couldn't care less, she was shocked but just doesn't care as much. Giving a smile congratulations and a smile. She does wonder if you have magical, voodoo love spells or something though..
Angel Dust most certainly said something inappropriate and is now trying to fight off a pissy Alastor during all the congrats.
Sir Pentious is just "Really? That's who you want to marry? For the rest of your life that's who you want to be stuck with? I'm not judging.. but I'll be praying for you dear!"
Husk gives no fucks, he tried warning you and you ignored him. It'll be your own bad decision he already made his. No congrats either.
Nifty is jittery and beyond excited. Talking and asking questions a mile per minute. Climbing all over you while she does. She also can't believe Alastor will be married, what is your secret to a bad boy's heart! Tell. Her.
The wedding is most certainly in cannibal town, it's the place close to Alastor's heart. It reminds him so much of his era in life, honestly can't imagine the wedding taking place anywhere else.
He would prefer if the wedding was more traditional, such as you wearing a white dress/tux. But if you would prefer a dress/tux of a different color he will be willing to bend since he wants you to be just as happy as he will be.
He'll also want it to be very, very small. Just a few people.
He will try to do most of the work so you don't have to worry about anything.
Rosie will most certainly be the wedding officiant, she got certified just for him! She didn't expect an Ace in the hole such as Alastor to ever get married and is beyond excited to do this for him!
Zestial is his best man, and the rest of his best "men" are Husk (who was most certainly forced to be there) and Nifty.
He didn't care who you chose as your best, as long as it wasn't Lucifer.
He'll most certainly go for a red and black theme and hope you agree.
The flowers would be deep red roses with black lilies, with a small touch of pink roses just to brighten it a bit.
Cake would most certainly be yellow, with black frosting and deep red frosting roses on it, decorated beautifully.
He'd pretty much make sure the whole wedding was perfect and beautiful. Just for you.
Zestial will be walking you down if your Father isn't in hell. He doesn't want you to walk alone down the aisle!
His vows would be
"You know dear, you are very special to me. There isn't a single soul in heaven or hell that could possibly make me feel the way I do for you. You're one in a million! A random, wild chance that I will never take for granted! The first and only one that could ever warm my heart! I promise that I will always take care of you and protect you until the very end! A promise that will never be broken, forever and always my darling."
He'll make sure no one can see the sealing kiss, but he most certainly seals that shit. You are his now, always.
Zestial will also act as your father for the first dance and give you away to Alastor after as well, if your Father isn't present. Just to keep things traditional and make you happy.
Of course the music is played from a radio and of course it's mostly Jazz.
After it's all said and done and you're home, Alastor might feel the very rare want to have sex. But if not he'll hold you close and read to you from one of your favorite books without his radio static. He'll have tea and snacks on the side table for you to enjoy as you listen to him speak. If you doze off he'll change you into some pajamas and lay down you down in bed before getting ready and laying with you and holding you close.
Then it will be your turn to plan the honeymoon, he will let you have free reign to decided where you'd like to go and what you would like to do and only give input if you ask for it.
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Hey! Hope you're having a fab day <3 I came across your lil Daemon/Matt 'crackfic' and it gave me such a giggle...plus also got me thinking about a similar scene with Aemond/Ewan..! Obviously no pressure to write this, but what about a sorta Aemond x reader scene where they're maybe filming a sparring scene? Fight training/flirting vibes? Doesn't have to be anything spicy, maybe just fluffy flirty good times but also realistically aemond x reader sparring = *sexual tension* so lol, take from it what you will. As I say, no pressure at all to write this. I love your blog so much and am such a fan of your work! Wishing you a wonderful weekend xoxo
Choke 'Em
Ewan Mitchell x Actress!Reader (low key Aemond x Reader)
Summary: You and Tom were very much convinced that Ewan is good at everything, so you had a bet that even if you took Ewan surprise in one of your sparring takes, he could 100% overpower you. Things don't necessarily go as planned.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, drama instigator!tom glynn-carney, puppy!ewan, idk how to choreograph action 😞, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: YES IN A MILLLION LANGUAGEs, i watched like this one of 3 actors from the last kingdom saying they think ewan is good at everything or something along the lines, and then theres this gif set of tom glynn-carney saying that he was going to bite ewan and ewan was basically "aw yeah!" and ASFHLASHFHASFHFHA PUPPY im love him, anyway, i had those stuff in mind when i wrote this i hope you like it my love floofdeloop. i did an express pass on your req cos i have been writing rpfs lol also this gif T_T HES SO ??????????? HOT ????? HELP ME WHY DO I THINK THIS OF HIM ???? HWELP? Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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"No!" I exclaim, shoving Tom from the floor we were sat on. He nearly chokes on his salad as he falls to his side and laughs. His hand darts out to keep him upright, his laughter dies down when he turns to me.
I continue, "I can't attack him outside of the choreography we practiced!"
"I'm not telling you to do that!" Tom says, raising his voice in amusement, "I'm saying maybe just-" he breathes out through his nose, "go a bit harder than normal? Or-or add a few licks to-"
"Tom," I deadpan.
"Oh, please," he blows a raspberry, "against him? You're dead meat."
"He's not immune to accidents, lame brain," I take the final bites of my sandwich.
"All I'm saying is, Ewan is probably, like, secretly a swordsman."
"Dude," I point, "there's nothing secret about that."
I look out to the set, watching as Ewan, who quickly finished his lunch to rebuff on our choreography, twist the prop sword in his hands with much ease and mastery.
I chew slowly, "maybe I could tell him I'm doing extra attacks beforehand."
Tom, who stuffed some salad into his face as he too watched Ewan from afar, turns to me, perking up in intrigue. He speaks with a mouthful quite excitedly, "yes, yes, yeth, weth!"
I give him a look then purse my lips as I shove a tissue to his mouth
When we got to filming the dialogue part of our scene, we already set a pretty high bar for our consequential fight sequence, and so when I offered the idea of adding an extra few jabs in my sword fighting, not just to Ewan, but to our fight choreographer and director, they were all on board with it.
"I was thinking I could," I start, raising my imaginary weapon up, pointing at Ewan, "try to jab at you by your throat, then," I slowly step forward, twirling the way we did in practice, "once you evade me, I could elbow you," I bring my arm by his chest and slowly push him back, "and shove you against the wall."
Ewan, following my train of thought and movements, steps back and leans back on the wall. He nods, looking down at me with a soft smile, "I like it," he turns to the choreographer, "I think it adds to their tension."
I turn to our choreographer and director, nodding, "then we could add the dialogue we scraped off cause there was no room for it."
The director claps his hands, "I love it," he motions to us, "then you can grab her, and try to make her confess."
I turn to Ewan, leaning back into him a bit so that he could bring his arms around me. I turn front then look down at his arms that were coming around me. I pull him tightly around me like a jacket.
Ewan has no choice but to lean into me; my back was against his chest and I could hear his breathing. He was a welcome presence in all honesty. Quickly, I relax against him and he seemingly does the same against me.
"Well obviously not like that," the director calls, "you look like a married couple if you do that."
We break into a laugh. I lean against him, "it's not too late to change the script. She and Aemond could away together."
Ewan hums, as though he was in character, "I think he would like that."
I snort, turning to Ewan and his eyepatch, "I would like that."
Ewan's eye darts down to me quickly. He purses his lips, holding back a chuckle. I pull away from him when I see the pink in his skin, laughing a bit louder.
"Shall we give it a go?" the director asks.
One nod later, and were back in our marks, ready to tryout our added choreo.
"You lied to me," I heave, "you told me you would release my father if I gave you the information you needed.
Aemond walks over to me, hands behind his back, "I said I would think about releasing your father."
My expression drops, my nostrils flare, "liar."
He hums.
He chuckles.
"MONSTER!" I lunge towards him and the next second, Aemond has his sword unsheathed. We go against each other, weapon against weapon, then he overpowers me, sending me reeling back. I push against the crates behind me, as the prince calls out, "let me offer you another deal you surely cannot refuse."
I fume, groaning, "I think we're past deals, oh prince."
"Oh, but I-"
Aemond's eye widens as I press forward a few lines too early. Like clockwork, I attack him just like we practiced earlier, except, he was clearly taken off guard and reacts a bit too late.
Once I have him pressed against he wall, he looks down at me, shocked, heaving.
He's forgotten his line.
I make up for his silence, "perhaps you are prettier up close."
I pull away from Ewan, turning to him, dropping my prop. I reach out to his cheeks, giving him a worried look, "are you okay? I didn't injure you, did I?"
"I-" his hands come up to my wrists, "no, no," he chuckles under his breath, "I was just a bit floored by how fearsome my lady is."
My face contorts into a smile, "my lady, am I?"
"I-" he opens his mouth, "well, I mean... yes."
We both break into a chuckle. It seems we both had blood rising up our necks now.
"That was amazing!" the director calls, walking up to us, making us pull away, "I like these turn of events more than what we had planned."
"What if they have more contact?" Ewan pipes up, coming in front of me, "in this part, instead of being turned back," he looks at me intently, "you can lift your sword to my neck then choke me."
I gasp when he takes my hand and places it by the base of his throat. It was quite softly spoken, but it seems it was not soft enough, "damn, that's kinky."
Ewan's jaw slacks.
I break into a chuckle, playing it off, just as the director laughs, proceeding to say, "I like it! The more sexual tension the better." He turns to me, "choke him real good."
Ewan begins to stutter. My own jaw slacks as I feel my face heat up. I awkwardly nod and salute, "will do."
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vorfreudevortex · 2 months
a portrait of us - eight
a nanami x reader smau
warnings: angst lol, slow burn, swearing, a little ooc, a typo or two
notes: ngl i am starting to hate this story but it's okay!! also I'm drunk but I'm posting this anyways idc. also - written portion - 1.3k words (?!!). i'm finding it impossible to not write long ass parts. also pls feel free to request or ask me anything bc i don't like this smau and need something to distract me in between writing it <3 love u bye
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as the car pulled up to the museum’s front entrance, you shakily smoothed your hair and dress with one hand, the other clutching a crumpled sheet of paper with your speech.
you couldn’t decide which was more pitiful. the frizzy flyaways escaping your hastily curled hair? or the piece of stationary, painstakingly flattened but still creased, one of the thirty-two drafts you’d written, retrieved reluctantly from the hotel floor?
the driver parked as an attendant opened the door, offering a hand to help you out. the museum director approached with a reassuring smile, and a suit probably worth more than thirty of your paintings combined.
the driver parked an attendant opened the car door and offered you a hand to help you out. the director approached you with a comforting smile and a suit that probably cost more than 30 of your paintings combined.
“welcome! how are you feeling?”
“to be honest,” you replied with a nervous smile. "I'm terribly anxious.”
he chuckled, holding the front door open for you. “that’s perfectly natural. don’t worry! the patrons will love you and your work. anyone would be foolish not to.”
“thank you, director…” you murmured, his words doing little to calm your trembling hands.
the head assistant joined your walk to the gallery hall, peppering you with one question after another.
“the catering service has just finished setting up. would you please take a final sample of the gyoza and ohitashi? they don’t look quite the same as they did during the original tasting…”
“we have a very important guest from malaysia… would you like me to introduce you two when she arrives? it would be a shame if you didn’t at least find time to say hello…”
“are you absolutely certain about the painting for the final reveal? i know you said it’s special to you but the other assistants and i agreed that the other one would-”
“alright, that’s enough questions,” the director interjected as you neared the gallery hall. you let out a small breath of relief. you thought you might burst if another word came out of the assistant’s mouth. “please go make sure the waiters have the champagne chilled and poured.”
“thank you,” you whispered to the director as the assistant walked away.
“please, don’t thank me. they can be so overbearing. sometimes, it’s better to just let things flow as life means them to,” he replied with a smile.
“yeah…” you replied, glancing at your paintings, their eyes seemingly judging you.
“i can see you’re terrified, and that’s okay. you’ve never done this on such a big stage before!” he laughed. “but truly, it’s not all that different than a smaller exhibition.”
“i don’t think i deserve to be here.”
“if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be.”
you looked at the director, letting his words calm your nerves a bit. your gaze wandered to one of your paintings, a vibrant reinterpretation of jeanne: spring by édouard manet, now alive with bold reds and yellows. 
it was both different and familiar, evoking nostalgia even in those who knew the original. the abstract strokes depicted a striking dark-skinned woman you had met in the park, with bright orange braids cascading down to her waist, her skin glowing against the polka-dotted umbrella she carried.
upon meeting her, you had eagerly asked to paint her, offering what little savings you had left in return. she had given you a sideways smile and agreed, letting you capture her portrait for free.
over the next week, you posed her in your small apartment, finding moments between both of your busy schedules. when you finally showed her the finished piece, she grinned again and said, “oh sweetie, you’re gonna be big one day.”
though she couldn’t be here in tokyo, her spirit was with you, embodied in the painting with that sideways smile even the umbrella couldn’t overshadow.
your attention shifted from the painting to the other side of the room, where a group was led by itadori yuji and his toothy grin.
“and me! hello?” satoru added playfully.
“of course, you too,” you smiled. “thank you for coming, i'm so thrilled you’re here. you all look amazing!”
“no, you look amazing. and i wouldn’t miss this for the world,” satoru said, hugging you. "onee-san, i want you to meet all my students!”
as he finished introducing you to the first and second years, a warm hand rested on your shoulder. you turned to see an old classmate, now with long hair and a familiar pair of boots.
“shoko ieri, take my shoes off right now!” you laughed, throwing your arms around her.
“um, no way. you never even wore them when you had them,” she teased.
shoko's expression softened as she noticed the tears welling in your eyes. she looked just the same, but you couldn’t help noticing the worry lines between her brown, evident even with her smile.
“i didn’t think i'd see you again,” she said quietly.
“me neither… i'm so-”
“-stop talking,” she interrupted. “we brought gifts for you!”
you let go of shoko while yuji held out a large bouquet of blue and pink daisies.
“oh, stop it!” you exclaimed, taking the flowers. “they’re beautiful. thank you all so much!”
“we’re not done yet! there’s more,” satoru said slyly, holding out a small black box.
your heart nearly stopped when you pried the lid open to reveal a large pearl pendant on a gold chain.
“-there’s more. look under the velvet,” shoko urged. you carefully lifted the padding to reveal a check with the note “a commission for the staff and students” made out for…
“ten million fucking yen?!”
“whoa, language!” satoru laughed. “kids, go run and play or something.”
“shoko, did you know about this?” you panicked as the students filed away with quiet giggles. “i seriously can’t accept this!”
“yes, you will,” shoko retorted, crossing her arms.
“a commission for what?”
“girl, did you even read the check?” satoru huffed playfully. “you’re gonna paint a portrait of the staff and students at jujutsu high. and hopefully, instead of ignoring us, it’ll cover a plane ticket back so you can visit us next year.”
tears welled up in your eyes again, spilling down your cheeks.
“no. seriously. i-no! i can’t accept this! this is an insane amount of money for a commission like that. i'll paint for you guys for free. and you’ll return this necklace because i know you spent too much money on it, too.”
“stop talking and just accept the gift,” shoko urged.
“but i don’t deserve it.”
“now you’re just spouting nonsense,” satoru said as he placed a hand on your shoulder and turned you toward the gallery entrance. he pointed at the large banner bearing your gallery information. “what does that banner say?”
“it says my name,” you sniffled, still clutching the flowers and box.
“no, idiot. i'm talking about the quotes.”
“um…” you blinked away tears. “someone truly exceptional…?”
“a modern-day van gogh…?”
“one more.”
“art that every being should hope to be privileged enough to experience.”
“good job, you can read!” satoru smiled, giving your shoulders a slight shake. “some snobby rich art critics said that about you. now, stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself and make sure everyone has their attention on you tonight.”
“and deposit the check when you get home,” shoko added.
“yes, please deposit the check,” satoru agreed. “if you lose it, i'll be pissed.”
you wrapped your arms around satoru and shoko, squeezing tight in tearful appreciation. they had no idea… the check would cover over a year’s worth of rent, premium canvases, all fine-haired brushes you could ever want, and even a payment on a car. you swore to yourself that you’d pour your soul into painting them a fucking masterpiece.
“now let go,” satoru said, pushing you away. “and go impress all these high-class art people.”
“okay, okay, i'm going!” you smiled with a sniffle.
wiping your tears away, you waved at your classmates as you walked further into the gallery to greet the small crowd that had arrived. sometime during your conversation, your hands must have stopped trembling.
“you’re gonna be just fine,” you thought to yourself with a grin.
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next: part nine
tag list // @bubybubsters @sad-darksoul @corvid007 @kenqki @ikon-teen
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Boy fucking howdy, the BG3 obsession is real, and so is being unable to sleep. I cranked this out in 20 minutes in an absolute fervor because I’m OBSESSED, as we all are. Please forgive my absence, but let us rejoice that I have been possessed enough to write again.
Admittedly, you all have had better days on the road to Baldur’s Gate. There have been close calls and hard fights, but today has decidedly been the worst. What started as a hopeful descent into the Githyanki Crèche ended in most of your party downed, and watching Laezel’s eyes lose light as she died. Shadowheart thankfully still had the wherewithal to walk you through the scroll you said you’d never had to use, hand in shaky hand. It took you about an hour to detach yourself from her side once you all made it back to camp.
Quiet nods and looks of understanding were sent all around you as you commanded your feet their last few steps to your tent. Gale would take over dinner tonight. Karlach would take care of the owlbear and Scratch. Others would take other duties. You would take care of sitting down on your cot and disassociating before you could unclip both straps of your armor. That’s how Astarion found you anyways.
You had been close, today. Despite the looming threats, you both woke up in cheery spirits. You had gossiped about how Raphael was a scumbag, but a hot one, how Shadowheart and Laezel would definitely make out by the end of this journey, among other things. Once battles had started, you had even found a nice flow physically. Shooting arrows over each others shoulders, stabbing enemies before they could get to the other. Something went wrong along the way. Discussions didn’t seem to go your way. No one you all encountered seemed very convinced of your decisions or leadership. You felt that it had started to infiltrate your team, despite their objections.
But someone had died on your watch. And for that, you’d never forgive yourself.
“Sweetheart, armor comes off before bed, you know.” A little less smug than usual. “He’s worried,” you think in passing. It seemed that his voice came from farther away, until you felt the whisper of his fingers on your shoulder. His way of not wanting to scare you. He’s very familiar with the look in your eyes right now. You have enough energy to finish unbuckling the second clasp before the chest piece falls to the floor with a dull thud. As you extend your torso to stretch properly for the first time today, both sets of eyes fall to a particularly dark red patch in your torso, right underneath your heart. Seems you’ve been stabbed. How long ago is anyone’s guess, but the armor seemed to hold as the worlds worst tourniquet. The volume of voices tune back out as you hear Astarions call for help, the pitch of panic sending you deeper into… something. Not quite nothingness. Not quite enough of something to call it anything. A general state of pain and emptiness.
Two sets of hands lift you enough to lay down on your cot. Voices mill around, but you feel the large hands of Halsin gingerly lift your shirt to begin healing. He leaves you in your bra as he begins his work. He has a way of making his deep booming voice so soothing when he knows you’re in pain. Astarion sits down closer to your face, and has one hand on the side of your cheek. His thumb runs across your cheekbone a little faster than usual, trying to comfort you as well as himself. Halsin has been around this enough that both men don’t seem to be phased, but Astarion starts his mix of worry and chastisement and care. Funny how he can speak so softly and so cutting at the same time.
“How many times have I told you to tell me when you’re hurt? You’re not holding up your end of the bargain,” he says, with no real seriousness. You look over long enough to see his creased brows, but in them, something new. He’s angry at you, for compromising the plan. For compromising his journey. For compromising the trust he put in you for being a team. He’s also mad at himself for not being in front of you to catch the blade.
“You’re no good to me dead, you know. I need you… I need you here.” He says, voice shaky, as Halsin finishes his spell. The newly connected skin is always itchy, so he puts a salve on before he leaves. He puts a large hand on Astarions shoulder and exchange a few words before he leans over and kisses you gently on the temple. He whispers, between the three of you “We’re here to take care of you, my heart. Please allow us to.”
Now that the physical pain has started to subside, the emotions you’ve been pushing down through the day start to bubble up. You start to feel the dirt, the blood, the viscera on your skin. How compressed everything is starting to get. You lean up and start to breathe. A little too fast, a little too heavy. Astarions eyes get wide, he’s seen you stressed but this is something different. You hurry to a nearby abandoned building near camp while he stays behind a step, a little stunned.
Normally this would be the time he freezes, unsure of emotions, unsure how to help. But it’s usually him that’s going through something like this. It’s usually you who calms him down, brings him back to center. What has he done to make you feel like this?
You sit in the corner of a decrepit old rampart. Panic attacks haven’t been prevalent for quite some time. You don’t hear him, once again until he’s next to you. You notice your cot and some creature comforts set up a few feet away. A few curtains strewn to block out the inevitable morning sun. Some candles for light.
“Thought you might like some alone time tonight.” He says, voice deep and steady and sure of himself. For someone so lithe and nimble, you forget he can lift you in his arms. And he does settling you in bed, sitting while you feel him taking his shirt off and leaning you against his chest. The skin on skin contact, you’ve found, comforts him as much as it comforts you.
The shock of Astarion moving with such assuredness brings you a little bit back to surface. You clear your throat and say “I’m sorry for troubling everyone. Today was a little hard for me.” Your voice breaks a little at the end, and so does your resolve as you cry, letting the emotions of the day out.
He runs fingers through your hair and turns you into his chest as you release all your worry from the day. “You know, I honestly don’t know how you’ve kept it together this far, my sweet.” He brings his face to the side of yours, steadying your breathing and letting his breath warm your neck. “I haven’t had to be strong for anyone… well, other than myself. But I didn’t even do a good job then. You’re so much more than you know. To them. To me.” He lays a field of kisses to the side of your face and neck while his arms surround you, fingers lacing together. “I… don’t know how to do this part. I don’t know how to be good at this. To comfort. But I do know I’ve never been more torn apart when you’re in pain. Please. Let me… try. Let me try to be good at this.”
Chest heaving, you look up and take his mouth into yours. You kiss deeply, letting it say all the things you’re too tired to say. Too tired to thank him for. He seems to understand, as he cradles your face in his palm. A kiss that’s said more than you’ve said to each other for weeks.
As sleep overtakes you, he brings you into his chest, arm circling your shoulder.
The last burst of energy wouldn’t allow your mouth to say it, but Astarion felt the tadpole twitch with the three words you two had been dancing around for some time. If his heart still beat it would keep him up for the rest of the night. In hope. In anticipation to say it back. But you two were together. Alive. There would be time for I love yous in the morning.
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princhii · 10 months
↳ Ciclos
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bada lee x fem!reader
not proofread per usual, this is vry short just a little smtg!
↳ cw!: angst, toxic, cheating, very slightly suggestive, light(?) manipulation. just sad lol
a/n: literally copy n pasted from my notes..! i’m coping rn srry…if i gotta feel it so do all of u..! also i do not condone anything mentioned below the cut. lowkey just venting i’ve had quite the week 🌷
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“i trusted you.”
“i know.”
you sat uncomfortably on the plush sofa, hunching over and covering your face with your now wet hands. your eyes nonstop letting tears roll down.
the only sound audible being sobs you choked out. complete silence on the other end.
you huffed out an exaggerated sigh and sat up, frantically wiping your tears away— trying to, at least. the older girl who sat on the other side of the couch shifted slightly, her eyes glaring over at you. stoic expression. you really couldn’t read her. she extended her arm out, attempting to put her hand on your thigh. quickly, you smacked her hand away and jolted up from the sofa. her expression once again, unreadable. she didn’t even react.
“do you even really care?”
“bada, answer me. please.”
bada looked up at you before standing up herself. she calmly walked towards you, but still leaving enough distance between the both of you. opening her mouth slightly to say something, she quickly shut it once she realized she truly didn’t know what to say. what does one even say when they get caught cheating? again?
“i know i gain nothing by apologizing. what you saw was real. what you heard was real. it all happened and,” bada groaned lightly, sitting back down on the sofa. “i don’t think anything i say even matters.”
this time you stayed silent. completely.
the two of you in the living room which was now filled with very awkward silence and an uncomfortable tension.
and in the heat of the moment, you couldn’t keep it together any longer. you snapped.
“bada lee, you are so fucking unbelievable! are you even listening to yourself right now?” you shouted.
the older girl just blinked. once again, saying nothing.
“countless times i’ve asked you about her. you knew how those rumors made me feel. you told me not to worry for christ’s sake!” you wept out, your tears once again getting the best of you.
this time, bada reacted. her hands balling into fists.
you scoffed at her weak attempt of an apology. this personally annoyed the older girl. it was made known once you saw her get up and grab her keys.
“why do you always do this? any time we try discussing something, you get pissed and you leave. you go out with your friends, jesus, and now i know you go to her.” your chest heaved with every word. could she really not grasp the seriousness of the situation?
looking over her shoulder, bada looked right at you. only this time, you could see how glossy her eyes became. was it guilt?
as much as you wanted to run over to her and beg her to stay, you couldn’t. you froze. how did you know it wasn’t guilt? because it wasn’t the first time, unfortunately. empty promises of her changing, she never changed. bada stayed the same.
“i’ll be back tomorrow. have a good night, y/n.”
tomorrow had in fact, never came.
you hurriedly typed away, attempting to finish an essay you had been pushing back up until last minute. your hair in a messy bun, glasses slightly smudged, and very tired eyes. the bright screen of your laptop slowly creeping up on your eyes and stinging some.
you felt your phone vibrating from underneath the covers. you put your laptop to the side and looked for your phone, lifting it up to see what it was and who could possibly be calling you at such late hours.
unknown caller id
it could either be one, a scammer, or two, maybe one of your friends or relatives got a new number.
and handing the caller the benefit of the doubt, you went with the second option and picked it up. immediately regretting your decision as soon as you heard the voice on the other line.
“ah, hello. is this y/n?”
your heart sank, your stomach churning uncomfortably, and your chest suddenly aching. unknown caller was bada. letting out a breathy sigh, you decided to respond instead of hanging up. was it a good idea? no. why would it ever be?
“what do you want?”
“can i come over?”
“you’re insane, leave me alone.” right as you were about to hang up, her voice got louder. growing curious, you pressed your phone against your ear.
“y/n wait, please. i just need to talk to you— in person.”
“it’s two in the morning.”
“it’s been so long, please let me see you. let me talk.”
“a year and eight months but who’s counting?”
you hung up.
“i missed you. so much. so damn much.”
the older girl peppering kisses across your jawline. her large hands roaming all over your body, leaving goosebumps along the skin she caressed.
to say you fucked up was an understatement.
both of your naked bodies intertwined and sprawled out on your bed. truth is after you hung up on her earlier, she kept calling and messaging you. quite literally blowing up your phone, it started heating up. you gave in after a while. but only to talk. just talk.
that was not the situation at hand. far from it.
“and you said all you wanted was to talk…”
“and you weren’t complaining when i had my fingers deep insi—“
you cut her off by smacking her away, embarrassed by the truth behind her words. bada laughed softly and pulled you closer towards her, resting her chin atop your head. you felt her fingers lightly stroke your hair, causing you to yawn and grow aware of how tired she had made you. leaning into her touch, your eyes grew heavier. you were sleepy.
“will you be here in the morning?” you muttered.
“of course, my love. i won’t let you go. i love you, y/n.”
your heart fluttered.
“i love you too.”
“are you happy?”
you let out a long sigh, feeling like an idiot for even bothering to ask such a stupid question. the older girl scooted closer to you, arms brushing slightly against each other. the two of you sitting on the park bench, looking up mindlessly into the starry night sky.
“can i hold your hand?” bada whispered, fidgeting with her fingers.
“your girlfriend wouldn’t like that. no.”
a long pause of silence was exchanged. although shortly after, the both of you met halfway and interlocked pinkies. you knew you shouldn’t have, but there was no possible way for your heart to slow down. you knew this was a mistake.
bada hummed softly, leaning against the bench and tilting her to the side, giving you a smile. and, god, was she so attractive underneath the pale moonlight. her eyes sparkling perfectly with the way the natural lighting of the moon shun upon her face. her lips curled into that sweet smile she’d always give you. tightening your grip on her pinky, you looked down into your lap. you refused to look at her like this.
“why did this happen to us?” you chuckled dryly, letting go of her pinky to cover your face with both hands.
“i forgave you so many times. you’re doing the same thing to her, except it’s with me now. why couldn’t you just change, bada. why did we have to go through all of this?”
bada kept quiet before answering.
“i still love you.” she huffed.
“we can’t keep doing this. we’re going in circles. it’s a never ending cycle, bada.” you retorted, sneering at the older girl next to you. bada frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. the two of you stayed like this for another good ten minutes. not a single word exchanged between you two. just the sound of the wind breezing lightly and leaves rustling.
you had no intentions in meeting up with her tonight, especially as somewhere as public and open as the park. but here you were, again.
although it wasn’t on your list of plans for the night, you had made a decision, mentally. tonight you were cutting her off for good. you had to.
to say it hurt you was an understatement. it absolutely destroyed you. this person was someone you genuinely saw a future with— someone you did plan your future with. deep down, you’d always hope and pray for the day bada would keep her word and change. she always proved you wrong, though. every. single. time. after the breakup, quite some time had passed and here you guys were. back to square one. bada finds her way to crawl back, and you let her. she’ll shower you with empty promises of her changing, of how much she loves you. oh, and she swears it. only this time it was worse. she was in a relationship, and it wasn’t with you.
it took you by surprise considering the fact that she was dating the girl she had constantly told you not to worry about. and here she is, being unfaithful once again. you couldn’t help but burst out into a hysterical laughter. clutching onto your sides from the pain growing caused by your fit of giggles. the girl next to you gave you a concerned look, but still not bothering to say anything. she’s always like this.
after recollecting yourself, you took a deep breath and stood up from the bench. grabbing the older girl’s hand, you helped her up. bada’s face flushed a very light and subtle pink. you both stood in front of the other. looking up at bada, you couldn’t stop yourself from giving her a smile. she smiled back and pulled you into what you swore was the tightest hug you’ve ever experienced.
“will i ever see you again?” bada finally broke down.
she was crying.
you pulled yourself apart from the taller girl, gently pushing her away from the shared hug. you felt tears pooling in your eyes again.
a huge part of you just wanted to say ‘fuck it’ and try it all over again. give bada just one more chance.
but you knew how the story ends. every time.
“take care of yourself, bada.”
you walked away.
and guess what?
so did she.
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w1shes43 · 1 year
Forbidden Proximity
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- (TMR) Newt x reader
Summary: Takes place in "The Fever Code", before an examination test, you meet the beloved Newt. After meeting him, things start to be different and someone warned you to watch your proximity. But you think you're doing just the opposite.
Taglist: @heliads
A/N: AHHH, IT'S FINALLY FINISHED!! This fic took me so long. Motivation came and left like 1000 times. Sorry about that, and here it is!! Also, let's just imagine that newt is not like a minor here and is his movie age ;_; The ending is a bit rushed as I just wanted to get this fic finished tbh.
Wake up, examinations and tests, eat food, maybe add a hint of some learning and then sleep. And it's repeating the same routine every day, over and over again. It's been like this for you ever since you got taken in this facility called W.I.C.K.E.D. They're not so harsh towards you but you saw and heard from others of what they can be like when they're angry so you usually do what you're told to be on their good side.
But life in this facility is very repetitive and dull so you always opt to do something fun once in a while, being extremely discreet of course. Whether it's going to see your friends in their rooms during night or sneaking to catch a look at the other group, Group A. You have to admit you don't know why you all have to be separated into different groups, maybe they don't want certain people interacting with each other? You found the question lingering in your mind for a while, so you plan to ask at your next examination, which is tomorrow, that very question.
You sat on your bed, waiting in your room for Dr. Paige to do some tests on you, observing around your room trying to pass time. You always seem to land on the clock. Time ticking like usual, you wondered how the clock can be so perfectly timed to the real time, but then again just another question to add to your pile.
"Questions and questions" you sighed, looking down at your feet, swinging them back and forth. You realised you were getting taller which makes you glad because Harriet used to tease you about your height, saying how you won't be able to reach anything. Guess you could prove her wrong now, you slightly chuckled at that.
The door opens and you look up thinking you were going to see Dr. Paige but instead a tall lady with round glasses. She had a firm look on her face as she approached you,
"Y/N, Dr. Paige is quite busy for a while so she won't be able to do your test right now."
She stated, looking at her clipboard which had some files on it, "She will do your examination in about half an hour. Please come with me to another test room."
You nodded as you got up from the bed to follow her out the door. She shut the door and you walked beside her as she brought you to the elevator and pressed a few buttons, you waited for about a minute and the doors opened to the 2nd floor. She ushered you to walk beside her as you looked around the 2nd floor, you've only been here once before and that was the first time you got examined.
You followed her into the first room on your right, and she told you to sit down and that she would inform you when Dr. Paige was here. As she left, you looked around the room and noticed that there was a blonde haired boy on the other side of the room, he had his head in his hands and he seemed to be the same age as you. You assumed both of you were here for tests.
You walked over to him and sat down on the empty chair beside him, the sound of the chair made him look up and he met your eyes.
"Oh hello there." The blonde smiled, you noticed he sounded a bit different, he definitely had an accent, not that you minded though it sounded nice. "You here for an examination too?"
You nodded and smiled back, "Yeah I am, how long have you been waiting here?" You asked, curious to talk to this boy.
"Probably been waiting for about 10 minutes?" He said, stretching his arms "I'm not really counting the time to be honest with ya, just waiting for this to be done and over with. So I can go and hang with my mates."
You raised an eyebrow, "Mates? What do you mean by that?"
"I mean my friends," he laughed, but then leaned in to whisper "We all usually hang out after our tests, obviously wicked doesn't know that, so keep it a secret for me and you could join us too." The blonde boy winked as he whispered the last part.
You chuckled, a corner of your lips developing a small smile. "Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. And I didn't catch your name?"
"Name's Newt, pleased to meet you.. ?"
His sentence trailing off at the end in hopes of getting your name.
But before you could answer his last statement, the door swung open and you were greeted by two people, Dr. Paige and the other lady from earlier. They looked at the both of you and nodded to you, Dr. Paige calling your name as she was about to take your examination.
You nodded back to her and stood up from your chair, turning to Newt before you approached them, "Y/N. Pleased to meet you too." You smiled and waved at him as you followed behind Dr. Paige.
Your walk back to your room was silent, you usually would talk to Dr. Paige about a lot of things, how you were doing with learning and food or something along the lines of vital sign check ups. But this time you were silent, smiling to yourself as you thought about your encounter with the blonde boy, Newt was his name. Well not his actual name, as you knew they gave everyone different names but you thought it suited him, it was an oddly interesting name. To be honest you thought he was pretty cute too, you haven't talked to a boy your age since forever, before you even came to this place.
Smiling away to yourself must have caught Dr. Paige's attention as she talked to you as you both turned the hallway, heading to your room.
"Something on your mind Y/N? You look rather happy there." She spoke as she opened the door to your room, holding the door open so you could walk inside.
As you entered the room you sat on your bed, nodding to Dr. Paige's last statement.
She took a seat in front of you and got ready the equipment for your tests.
"Yeah I would say so, although I have a weird feeling in my stomach when I think about this certain … thing." You admitted, looking down at your feet and watching them swing back and forth again.
"Weird feeling in your stomach about a certain topic you say? Is this very recent or has this been happening for a while?" As she questioned you, she got ready the syringe for your injection and you took that as a sign to roll up your sleeve on your left arm.
"Quite recent. Actually right before you came to the room on the second floor."
She stopped and gave you a look.
"It's about Newt isn't it? That boy you met there?" She asked and her thoughts were confirmed when you looked at her and nodded. She sighed, "Y/N, that weird feeling you are talking about is called attraction or well starting out as a liking. We are specifically trying to prevent this though, it might interfere with your progress in tests. So please try not to think about him or even try to see him for that matter."
Dr. Paige had this firm look on her face, the one you heard about when Wicked employees got angry, you definitely didn't want to aggravate her even more but you still had to ask one more question, a very risky one considering the topic of the conversation.
"Dr. Paige, why do we have different groups, like why do you have to separate all of us?"
You looked at her eager for her answer as it could explain things. But she just pinched the bridge of her nose as she let out an annoyed sigh and with a sharp tone dodged your question.
"Y/N, enough questions. Remember you are here for one reason and that's to save the world. Everything we do is for your own good, be grateful you are even alive after what's going on out there." She snapped and looked you dead in the eyes.
Your eyes widened, you were stunned, Dr. Paige never raised her voice at you before. What was so wrong about the question you asked? You just wanted to understand their ways of running things, surely that's not a bad question but you assumed it was since she yelled at you.
She swiftly injected the needle into your arm, taking a blood sample for your test. And quickly put it into a plastic bag and sealed it inside another bag.
She turned around and headed for the door,
"I'll have some food delivered to your room so no need to go to the cafeteria for lunch. Remember Y/N, you're here to save the world, not question how things are."
And without another spoken word, she left and closed the door to your room.
You just stared at the closed door, pondering on what she said. You've always heard those words before 'Save the world.' How though? And wouldn't it be easier to save the world if we understood what's going on inside and outside? You scrunch your hair in annoyance and lay your head in your hands and thought for a bit.
You know what?
You were going to see Newt again.
But you have to think of a discreet way to meet up with him. How in the world are you even going to find him?
You could try and go back to that waiting room you were in earlier but chances are he's already gone and done his examination.
You usually catch a look at Group A, but that's through the vents and you don't really know your way around there as well as Harriet or someone else in your group.
As you try to think of ways to find him, your thoughts are interrupted when someone knocks on your door, it opens and it is one of your great friends, Harriet. You both smile and run for a hug, "How did your examination go?" Harriet asked, pulling away from the hug.
"I don't know what to think, I just hope I haven't angered Dr. Paige. But before the examination I was in a room and there was a boy there." You explained the whole thing, from meeting the boy Newt and to asking Dr. Paige about the 2 groups.
And this conversation led to Harriet coming up with a plan to sneak you into one of Group A's testing rooms in hopes of finding and meeting someone from the other group, or even better Newt.
She would start off by going to get some "lunch" and while doing that she would distract the guards so you could sneak into Group A's testing rooms. But you had to watch out for other employees that might leave the rooms and also cameras. But you would check every room and see if Newt is there.
Hiding behind corners and dodging employees wasn't easy, you were suprised that you even got this far. You looked around, no one. The employees may have taken a break or something, not that you minded, it made this a whole lot easier for you, less hiding.
"Well, hello there." A voice from behind you spoke. You jumped at the sudden sound, swiftly turning to see who had spoken and you had hoped that it wasn't Dr. Paige or any of the employees for that matter.
To your suprise, you were met with honey brown eyes, the same eyes of the boy you were looking for. At least you didn't have to look too far to find him.
"I thought I'd see you again, just didn't expect it to be so soon?" He raised a brow, inspecting you. But before he could ask any further questions, you pulled him into a nearby room.
"Okay before you ask anything, I need to make sure this room is safe before we get caught being somewhere we're not supposed to be." You explained, closing the door quickly and glancing around the room.
"Technically, you're not supposed to be here, but here we are." He smirked while you just rolled your eyes, he continued, "I mean, I'm not complaining and I think this room will be perfectly safe, considering that it's my room." He chuckled, and when you turned around with wide eyes, he just smiled.
"Well," you started, "I thought about your offer to join you and your friends and I gladly will." You smiled softly, but your smile grew even wider when you saw how the boy in front of you had a slight red face with another smile.
"You did all that effort to tell me this? You seem very dedicated Y/N."
Oh, you have no idea, you thought.
You spent what felt like hours with him, laughing along and chatting about anything under the sun. Even hearing a bit of his past but you didn't want to pry too much into it.
Your first meeting with Group A went quite well you would think, you quickly made friends with most them of them and even if Gally and Minho were quite skeptical of you at first, they warmed up to you eventually and even shared a couple of their jokes with you.
But as quickly as you made friends with them, the quicker your relationship with Newt grew to be stronger and you had hoped, he felt the same as you. Days turn into weeks and your time spent with him made your whole life better even if you weren't supposed to be of close proximity to him.
But as good things come, they always have to go. You found yourself running through the long bright lit corridors of the wicked facility.
Hoping to get there in time.
Hoping to get that one last chance.
Hoping you weren't too late.
With tear filled eyes, you start remembering the one memory you hoped would never leave you - Newt's confession.
One day, he pulled you aside when you were about to sneak out to go see all your friends.
He softly took your hands and placed them in his own.
"Um.. I don't know if you felt the same, but it did take me a while to realise it wasn't just some weird feeling I had about you, you made me feel like I could trust you, I felt..."
He scrunched his eyes in search of the right words to tell you, "Comfortable around you and safe, mainly safe. My point being, I like you. A lot, in fact, I can't really fathom why my brain works that way, but I hope you understand what I mean." His hope filled eyes begged you, not moving his worried scene that danced around his face.
You thought it was adorable and were quick to calm his worrying thoughts.
"Yes, I understand what you mean," you said with a laugh. "I feel the same way Newt."
How did wicked find out? But then again, they always are monitoring you. They always find out, or maybe they always knew.
Maybe you should have seen this coming.
But nothing always goes your way, you were aware of the Maze, they started sending your friends into one, a few weeks ago.
You were quickly made aware by some of your friends that they were going to send Newt into one. And not at the usual time he was supposed to go in. He was supposed to go a few weeks after.
You ran to the one place you knew you would find him before it would be too late. The hideout.
When you entered, you found him pacing around the room. He heard your footsteps and looked up and locked his dark eyes with you.
Just by looking at him, without even saying anything, you knew what he was thinking, and you wanted to save him from all this.
"Don't leave, why can't you just stay here?" You pleaded with him, grabbing his hands to curl them up into yours. "We could leave, run away right now, or even -"
He pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you like you're his source of life. You went silent and returned the hug. It was quiet for a good while, and you felt as if the white noise could swallow you both whole until Newt spoke.
"I want you to know that even if I die, or something happens and I might never see you again," his breath hitched in his throat, eyes dreading even the thought of it, "Nothing would ever make me forget you. I would go to the ends of the earth just to do this all over again if it meant being by your side, being here with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me."
Tears that have flowed down his cheeks have now dripped onto the cold floor. The same room, same building that you first met, the sweet hearted boy. Even if you didn't know what would happen next, you knew for certain you loved him.
You knew you were never meant to be near him in the first place, but you did just the opposite.
"I'll love you forever and always."
He wiped the oncoming tears from your eyes with his thumb and smiled. You wish you could just capture this moment and stay with him forever.
The doors opened, and your warm hands quickly became cold as the warmth from him slowly drifted away from you.
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