#very delighted by that.
matchbet-allofthetime · 2 months
Love, love, LOVE the idea that the ONLY scar Z has is the incisions from Dr. Genus cutting him open in a Y cut autopsy-style.
In fact, he probably WAS dead when it occurred, so it, to a degree, probably WAS an autopsy.
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lotrmusical · 7 months
never let anyone tell you that trawling through mediocre victorian poetry isn't worth it. we just happened upon an absolute BANGER of a worm poem. go read it or else 🪱🪱🪱
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merrigel · 5 months
Everybody do the wenis!
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t00thpasteface · 10 months
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"i've just been working on a... celebrity impression. it's for a sting operation of sorts i've been putting together. yes as a matter of fact it WILL keep me busy tonight—"
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jztr-77 · 1 month
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Before they became a couple
My input on the earlier stage of their relationship based on @honeqq 's married billford au!!
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infernal-lamb · 9 months
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Searching your eyes for the saint is an act of futility
something that's just been on my mind recently!
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druid-for-hire · 9 months
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[images ID: three images of a comic titled "one must imagine sisyphus happy" by druid-for-hire. it is a visual narrative beginning with someone with wrist pain (depicted by bright orange nerves) working at a drafting table. the reader is shown the same wrist as the person uses it for many everyday tasks such as carrying a grocery basket, pushing elevator buttons, typing, and doing dishes, until the pain dissolves all the panels into chaos. the person then performs several physical therapy exercises until the pain subsides. they sit back down at a desk with their laptop, sigh, and begin typing. a small spark of pain reappears. end id]
a fun little piece i made during the semester and submitted into our school comic anthology! (which you can buy at the Static Fish table at MoCCAFest in NYC ;] ). it's about artists and injury
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egophiliac · 4 months
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tsum events really are just the best, huh
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waitineedaname · 1 month
Shen Qingqiu manages to bullshit his way through a lot of xianxia skills through muscle memory, and i bet that includes painting since Qing Jing is a peak for artists, so when he zones out and lets his hands do their thing, he can produce art that fits the ancient Chinese art style. When he tries, however, and actually thinks about his art, it becomes very clear to any modern observer that he likely had several "how to draw manga" books as a young teen. His students are captivated by this new art style and everyone starts attempting to mimic it and before he's realized it, there's a new art style coming out of Qing Jing Peak. Word that the Qing Jing Peak Lord has pioneered a new painting style reaches Shang Qinghua's ears and as soon as he looks into it, he loses his fucking mind
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color-palettes · 8 months
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Parallel Play - Submitted by Synoicus
#CADCE4 #889EC4 #966A91 #413169 #E8D2B0
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
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New friend acquired!
Bug Fact: Colombian Lesserblack Tarantulas have pet frogs! The frog protects the spider's eggs from ants and in return, the frog is kept safe by the spider.
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mims-crown · 1 year
Welcome Home Sally Starlet!! (Edit: she was missing a HL on her sleeve so I fixed it! .. Bonus: He is watching you )
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soosoosoup · 6 months
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Fluffy rearing
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 339
So erm, Danny might’ve fallen through a portal. And might have no clue where he is right now. 
He fell into an alleyway! Right into a dumpster! Which isn’t the worst thing he’s fallen into but still. Ew. Well, Dad should be able to find him and bring him back home! …Right? 
He shakes out his itchy fur and scales, already impatient and bored in the single alley despite it only being a few minutes. What’s a realms hatchling to do but explore? Well, besides taking care of his shed, but it’s too dry where he is anyway. Maybe he’ll find a lake! 
Hm. He can’t understand what anyone is shouting or freaking out about. It’s like they’ve never seen a dragon or something, geeze! Oh well, he’s on his way to find water, he’s not built for the desert…
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itzitxou · 9 months
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Smooches for shizun 💞
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ariadne-mouse · 2 months
Upon hearing there might be a M9 episode interlude now in C3:
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