#versus 13
regaliasonata · 2 years
I'm sorry but with all the versus 13 and FNC references for Yozora there's no way in hell we won't see ff13 characters in kh4
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Like from the crystal stasis and this unforseen realm beyond worlds? I need to see lightning or the 13 cast show up. Imagine Caius doing some crazy shit in the next game
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stuff-of-legends · 2 years
Ff15 Sequel ideas-
Sadly it doesn't leave many options but here are a few-
You could try following the Lucian survivors after Noctis fights Ardyn. There's the Chocobros, Talcott, Cor, Aranea and Iris so you got options.
A prequel with one of the previous kings could also work but you need a new interesting threat for them to fight. Ardyn sleeps for almost 2000 years and the Empire isn't that compelling.
There's still Verum Rex but that has big shoes to fill.
I'm open to both a Versus remake or Verum Rex but my hopes aren't that high. I lost faith in the Xehanort saga so I'm not a huge KH fan anymore. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
There are legitimate criticisms so I'm hoping FF16 learns from 15's mistakes.
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cecil2311413 · 11 months
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Early ffxv story boards from Roberto Ferrari in 2013. How much it has changed…
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rocketboots564 · 4 months
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truetealtears · 2 months
Hey kingdom hearts please don’t give up on ff characters right as we reach 13 and 15's (and type zero's?) turn to appear in the series, especially right as we go into the part of kh that will make it very obvious that it’s related to/taking heavy inspiration from Fabula Nova Crystallis and kh4 is basically re doing versus 13.
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mistergreatbones · 5 months
Tim Drake: oh man i hope there’s not an evil inverse me with reversed initials vying for my spot as smartest batkid
Duke Thomas:
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digi-lov · 1 year
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BT-13 Booster Versus Royal Knights releases worldwide on
July 21st! 2023
This set features all 13 Royal Knights as well as characters from the Digimon Savers/Data Squad anime!
Don't forget to check if you want to pre-order this from your local card shop, and look out for pre-release events starting Fri. July 14!
Here's some promotional images from the official website about what you can expect from this set! [Note: I shortened the graphic of Point 1 to only the Alt-Arts, cause the image was so dang long]
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ok4ru · 6 months
oh wait also I know you have thoughts about Stella and yozora and those guys, I have like zero clue what goes on/is implied about them (I know nothing about versus XIII), so if you’d like to rant about that use this an an opportunity:>
Okay, I read this wrong at first and went into a whole rant about Yin and Yang and they’re connected Yozora and Stella then I reread the question and put down this but now lets to the point.
I have some many feelings towards Yozora and Stella since they seem to be connected to Sora and Riku, not to mention the old Final Fantasy 15 too..
Now let's talk about Stella and Yozora:
My favorite thing is that the two of them are based off the old version of Noctis and Luna which I think is pretty cool cause you can see it in the design choice.
Yozora- Now from what we know about Yozora is not that much but I find him really interesting and hope that he is similar to the OG Noctis. I love his design even though he looks like a deviantart verison of Riku which I FIND SO FUNNY.
I feel like he’s gonna be the evil version of Namine, trying to replace Sora's memory with his and Stella or put Sora in Stella's place while also maybe making a false memory of him and Riku.
I feel like Yozora is gonna make Riku to be like some bad person in his memories and replace the good ones with bad and fake ones instead. 
I don’t trust Yozora but I do love him.
Stella- I love her! She is so pretty!! She looks really similar to Sora which at this point I'm convinced that Quadratum may be an alternative Universe maybe??
I wonder what her and Yozora relationship was like and if it was a close relationship like Sora and Riku.
Now, I'm gonna give you some info about the OG Noctis and Luna. Now it was kinda like Romeo and Juliet but it was mostly a kinda unknown one sided relationship? 
Noctis was the one to pined for Stella and tried to pursue her. Noctis doesn’t know how Stella feels for her and you don't know what Stella feels for Noctis. 
Then that reminded me of Sora and Riku. We know how Riku feels toward but we don’t how Sora feels toward Riku. (I don’t even think Sora know, lmao)
With this information it makes me think ‘OMG, what if Yozora was that deeply in love with her?? WHAT IF?!?!’ Knowing this is a Nomura game has me hoping that Yozora and Stella Relationship is shown like that.
Yozora gets ready to tell his feelings for Stella just for her to rip away from him. (Honestly, Nomura would do that…)
Also In the OG story of FF13 Noctis and Luna's families are against each other. So it's kinda enemies to lovers? But Noctis flopped and fell in with his enemy…BEAUTIFUL!
Fun fact: Noctis and Stella out represent white and black too which love that design choice cuz Light and Darkness elements..
Not to mention, Sora being light to Riku darkness which I think will have the same Yozora and Stella thing going on for the both of them...
Cuz, what if Yozora's heart gets taken by darkness and Stella would use the power of light to get it back?? 
Proving to be her light to his darkness!! But I think unlike the OG Stella and Noctis they’re being enemies to lovers. It's gonna be Friends to lovers then to enemies…
Have a KH1 Soriku thing going on but no lover thing included!
As for Aegis and Magia, Yozora Goofy and Donald. They’re pretty cool. I hope to see them in KH4 being helped by Sora during some battles!
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talysalankil · 2 years
Fabula Nova Crystallis: The Mythology
I was trying to dig this video up to show a friend and it occurred to me that holy shit, it's become almost impossible to find this video that Square Enix only showed once at a conference in January 2011, and we're lacking in a proper English translation for it.
So I'm going to put it here for archival purposes and hope tumblr doesn't take it down, along with a translated transcript. I'll be working off Lissar's and FFWorld's translations of the video, using the canon names for the various entities (yes I know "soul" is technically a mistranslation of 心 heart but it is the canon one so hush).
Since I had extra time on my hands, I also put it up on Vimeo with subtitles on. I can provide the srt file (the syncing isn't super tight but since there's a lot of blank space around each line I decided to leave each subtitle for longer than necessary), if anyone's willing to work on translations, you can DM me.
The full transcript is under the cut:
Fabula Nova Crystallis, the new tale of the crystal
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Once upon a time, the god Bhunivelze ruled the world. Bhunivelze defeated his mother, the goddess Mwynn, and took control of the world for himself. Mwynn disappeared into the unseen realm.
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Bhunivelze was troubled: the world he now ruled over was destined to die. He believed this was a curse laid on the world by his mother Mwynn. He knew he had to destroy her to lift the curse. To do this, he set out to search for the door to the unseen realm where his mother waited. Using his will alone, he created the first fal’Cie.
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First, he created the fal’Cie Pulse. The Focus he gave him was to clear out the world, and search for the door to Mwynn.
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Next, he created the fal’Cie Etro. But it was a mistake. Unknowingly, he created her exactly in the image of Mwynn. Bhunivelze feared her, and gave Etro no power of her own.
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Instead, he created the fal’Cie Lindzei. The Focus he gave him was to protect Bhunivelze from all who might seek to destroy him. Bhunivelze gave Lindzei one special duty. To wake him once the time came. Then he turned to crystal, and fell into an endless sleep.
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Pulse wished to expand the world, so he created many fal’Cie and l’Cie.
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Lindzei wished to protect the world, so he created many fal’Cie and l’Cie.
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But Etro was powerless, and could make nothing of her own. Lonely, she thought of her mother, who she so resembled. Etro tore her own body apart, letting her blood flow to the earth, and disappeared from the visible world. From that blood, torn from her body, sprang humankind. Creatures that were born only to die.
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The destruction of the visible world was no curse, only fate. The world was divided into two halves, the visible and the invisible. If the balance between these two were destroyed, the world itself would be destroyed.
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The goddess Mwynn could do nothing to stop this fate. She was being swallowed into the chaos of the unseen realm. Just before her last moment, Etro came to her side. Mwynn told Etro that she must protect the balance of the world, before slipping into the chaos forever. But Etro was ignorant of the meaning behind Mwynn’s words.
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Etro was lonely, but she felt affection for those humans who live only to die. As they died, she smiled, and gave them chaos. The chaos Etro gave them, the humans named “souls”. Their hearts would become their power, but the humans did not yet know this.
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Soon, they called Pulse the all powerful ruler. Lindzei they named their protector, and Etro they named their goddess of death. The humans lived on the world, hold chaos inside their hearts. Because they held chaos so close, the world once again was in balance.
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And Bhunivelze still sleeps in crystal stasis. Until the end of days, awaiting the right time.
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Once again thinking about how Kingdom Hearts is so powerful as a Bizarre Crossovers franchise that it's somehow managed to start having a crossover with a game that was cancelled a decade ago
Always some sort of unbelievable bullshit happening with this series (positive)
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regaliasonata · 2 years
Overnight by Aya
Makes me feel nostalgic for Versus 13 even though it doesn't exist. But everytime I'm reminded it'll be here in spirit when this new phase of kingdom hearts arrives.
Why can I see Stella or Nameless Star girl singing this song🤔
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littledevil12 · 1 year
The moon🌕
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cecil2311413 · 11 months
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The prince that still sleeps in fantasy. I think I’ll miss him forever.
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rocketboots564 · 4 months
So like, I’m nearing the end of season 13 right.
If I EVER see this musty, crusty, insecure and dusty bitch again… he better come back with a goddamn apology
Get a hobby you looser! Quit whining! Grow a backbone!
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Noctis figure coming soon!
Versus 13 outfit and throne available as well
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augustusaugustus · 2 months
13.50 You and Me Versus the World
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BOULTON: Do you ever wonder why you’re still a DC after all these years, Tosh?
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