#I can send all Versus 13 trailers if you want me to BTW
ok4ru · 6 months
oh wait also I know you have thoughts about Stella and yozora and those guys, I have like zero clue what goes on/is implied about them (I know nothing about versus XIII), so if you’d like to rant about that use this an an opportunity:>
Okay, I read this wrong at first and went into a whole rant about Yin and Yang and they’re connected Yozora and Stella then I reread the question and put down this but now lets to the point.
I have some many feelings towards Yozora and Stella since they seem to be connected to Sora and Riku, not to mention the old Final Fantasy 15 too..
Now let's talk about Stella and Yozora:
My favorite thing is that the two of them are based off the old version of Noctis and Luna which I think is pretty cool cause you can see it in the design choice.
Yozora- Now from what we know about Yozora is not that much but I find him really interesting and hope that he is similar to the OG Noctis. I love his design even though he looks like a deviantart verison of Riku which I FIND SO FUNNY.
I feel like he’s gonna be the evil version of Namine, trying to replace Sora's memory with his and Stella or put Sora in Stella's place while also maybe making a false memory of him and Riku.
I feel like Yozora is gonna make Riku to be like some bad person in his memories and replace the good ones with bad and fake ones instead. 
I don’t trust Yozora but I do love him.
Stella- I love her! She is so pretty!! She looks really similar to Sora which at this point I'm convinced that Quadratum may be an alternative Universe maybe??
I wonder what her and Yozora relationship was like and if it was a close relationship like Sora and Riku.
Now, I'm gonna give you some info about the OG Noctis and Luna. Now it was kinda like Romeo and Juliet but it was mostly a kinda unknown one sided relationship? 
Noctis was the one to pined for Stella and tried to pursue her. Noctis doesn’t know how Stella feels for her and you don't know what Stella feels for Noctis. 
Then that reminded me of Sora and Riku. We know how Riku feels toward but we don’t how Sora feels toward Riku. (I don’t even think Sora know, lmao)
With this information it makes me think ‘OMG, what if Yozora was that deeply in love with her?? WHAT IF?!?!’ Knowing this is a Nomura game has me hoping that Yozora and Stella Relationship is shown like that.
Yozora gets ready to tell his feelings for Stella just for her to rip away from him. (Honestly, Nomura would do that…)
Also In the OG story of FF13 Noctis and Luna's families are against each other. So it's kinda enemies to lovers? But Noctis flopped and fell in with his enemy…BEAUTIFUL!
Fun fact: Noctis and Stella out represent white and black too which love that design choice cuz Light and Darkness elements..
Not to mention, Sora being light to Riku darkness which I think will have the same Yozora and Stella thing going on for the both of them...
Cuz, what if Yozora's heart gets taken by darkness and Stella would use the power of light to get it back?? 
Proving to be her light to his darkness!! But I think unlike the OG Stella and Noctis they’re being enemies to lovers. It's gonna be Friends to lovers then to enemies…
Have a KH1 Soriku thing going on but no lover thing included!
As for Aegis and Magia, Yozora Goofy and Donald. They’re pretty cool. I hope to see them in KH4 being helped by Sora during some battles!
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