#verse / the hallows.
valtsv · 1 month
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do you ever think of me and my two hands, and wonder why they never soothed your fevers? and wonder why they never tied your shoes? and wonder why they never held you gently?
in other news i'm still in hell with these two
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tilbageidanmark · 2 months
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(All the other memes I made..)
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illyanarasputinfan · 2 years
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One of the things I’ve enjoyed about Dark Web is the debut of Janine Godbe as the villain Hallows’ Eve. Her character design and abilities are neat. I like that The Goblin Queen is the one responsible for imbuing her with her strange power set.
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reddawnmultimuse · 27 days
It was frankly a miracle he had not awakened him. Muichiro was curled up on the lap of a strange man in a wheelchair, very reminiscent of a kitten as the five year yawned and settled further onto Hidan. Sweepy........
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A miracle indeed. Hidan had ended up falling asleep after morning sermon. He hadn't slept very well the night before, and his chair was very comfortable. It had a pillow and blanket like a mobile bed. He wasn't sure how long he was out but when he woke up, it was to something weighty on his lap. Oh, a stray must've nested itself on his blanket. Wouldn't be the first time it happened. But no, it wasn't a cat or dog but an entire human child!
"Wha...?" He must be mistaken. He didn't have his glasses on; that must be it. His eyes--eye--wasn't playing tricks on him. So, Hidan put on his glasses and--nope, it was a kid. "Now where in the hell's bells did you come from, lil' one?" They must've come in from the outside. It was raining outside, and a church was the perfect place to wait out the weather. But why did they decide to use Hidan to sleep, of all places?
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comicwaren · 1 year
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This week on Marvel Comics (21st June 2023):
Avengers Vol. 9 #002
Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #005 (Finale)
Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #005 (Finale)
Cult of Carnage: Misery #002
Edge of Spider-Verse Vol. 3 #003
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 7 #003
Hallows' Eve #004
Hellcat Vol. 2 #004
I Am Iron Man #004
Incredible Hulk Vol. 4 #001 (NEW!)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Vol. 2 #007
New Mutants Lethal Legion #004
Scarlet Witch Annual #001 (One-shot)
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #035
Ultimate Invasion #001 (NEW!)
Venom Vol. 5 #021
X-Force Vol. 6 #041
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justana0kguy · 1 year
2023 OCTOBER 11 Wednesday
"Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test."
~ Luke 11:2-4
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wanderingblindly · 8 months
hello beloved!!! ☉ and ✦ for the fic ask game please
EMMYYYYY MY ANGEL!!!!!!!! Thank you for asking, you're the best and I adore you
☉ What do you do when you get stuck writing?
If it's daylight, I'll go for a walk to CVS to get a treat; if it's dark/cold I'll go take a shower and talk out loud to myself until I crack the code. If all else fails, I just end up word vomiting to my captive audience (aka u, Lima, and Latte) until SOMETHING clicks. Though, that's mostly if I'm stuck on a concept. If I just can't get my brain to sink into the universe, I let the WIP sit until my braincell cooperates lol.
✦ Easiest and hardest fics to write?
Easiest: I think a tie between Rules of Engagement and Hot Pink Ring Pops, for similar reasons. Both of them were concepts where the entire plot came to me at once -- the beginning, middle, and end were all super clear right away. After that, it's all about connecting the dots. Rules of Engagement let me use a bunch of little personal details to fill in the gaps, and Hot Pink Ring Pops naturally allowed for stupid comedy that I didn't need to think too hard about. Hardest: I've talked about how much I struggled with Chapter 2 of Is It Gay To Watch Your Teammate on Tiktok, and I stand by that. That said, I struggled a lot with my first fic: Origins of Want. I hadn't written in a decade, and all I had was a quote that wouldn't stop bouncing around in my head. I spent so long just trying to remember how to write in a way that felt expressive rather than strictly descriptive (shoutout to my business degree for ruining that), and the pacing never quite felt right. I'm still glad I put it out there, but man was it harder than the output would indicate hahahah
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aspiringroleplays · 1 year
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Something about this place set Sora off.
He was down in a crouch, hands out in preparation as he looked around the landscape. He didn't smell anything dangerous, and he wasn't hearing any movement, but something in his instincts had been triggered, and he was on the verge of shifting just in case.
He didn't realize it was his "heart" reacting, his new sense of "darkness" activating at the strange rules of this universe.
Pools of shadow formed around him, and Sora whirled around to see himself surrounded. Dark entities emerged from the depths, with glowing yellow eyes and sporting a strange emblem. What the-
Sora shifted, summoning his demonic traits and growling in warning. These things weren't demons, he could tell that much, but whatever they were he had a feeling they weren't friendly.
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valtsv · 4 months
cw for discussions of suicide and suicidal ideation but i'm thinking about tsv saints again and wondering if they're even capable of self-destruction (self-iconoclasm?). like, every saint we've seen so far, no matter how much suffering they're being forced to endure and how much of their self-awareness they've retained, has only been able to die if they're dispatched by another character - with the exception of the woundtree saints, which are generated by suicide as an act of protest, but they're an intentional outlier. this isn't a "should saints be euthanised if their quality of life is determined to be below a level that is considered acceptable" debate because that's a whole different ethical can of worms. i just wonder because there's an argument to be made that in taking away their ability to intentionally end their own lives, the hallowing procedure attacks another facet of personal bodily autonomy by denying the right to harm or terminate that body. compounding the horror of it all further.
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azukilynn · 2 years
bwa ha ha
black paws
teeth and claws
sugar-cube white
gleaming in the night
pumpkin heads
bones, shadows, dread
is the trick a treat?
do we dare to eat?
ripe red apples, lollipops
candy corn, chocolate drops
sweets appease
spirits dance with glee
hallows' eve needs to feed
the treat may be a trick
i'll eat until i'm sick
azuki lynn
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sclarflared · 1 year
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i love au's so much, so i'm super excited to explore altered versions of my muses. first we have jaehyun, your local neighborhood witch who runs a store for all your magical needs in his home. though they might not admit it, just about everyone in the town has sought out his assistance for something or another even humans who act as if they don't want to associate with the supernatural.
jaehyun comes from a long line of witches, generations spanning back to a group of witches that are no longer of prominence in the hallows. growing up, jaehyun learned everything about magic from his mother as she passed down all her knowledge to him. his father ( no surprise here ) was said to have left for the land across ocean before he was born and so he has never known him.
unfortunately this version of jaehyun no longer has his mother around. one night she mysteriously disappeared, a tracking spell that he performed having led to the edge of the forest near the darkness but then disappearing entirely. he doesn't admit to anyone that his mother's disappearance years ago still haunts him.
his mother had always been the type to help out friends and others with magical needs from time to time, but instead jaehyun decided to turn it into a business. running a store out of his home, human and supernatural alike come to him for various things. whether it be some kind of ingredient, a potion, or a spell performed.
though jaehyun knows what his abilities are worth and will say no to anyone who doesn't pay him well for his work or a spell that he's unwilling to perform. he tries not to get too involved in other's affairs when they come to him but he won't do anything that's like downright evil.
but he won't say no to like some slight hex or spell that might inconvenience someone's life for a bit because they wronged you. besides he knows how to mask his magical signature so that no one could trace it back him because he's not about to have them beating down his door because of it.
and yes there is a tall ass ghost named iseul haunting his shop and home, he just showed up one day and now won't leave. but while jaehyun might grumble, he actually doesn't mind his company but don't let iseul know or he'd a get a big head about it.
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reddawnmultimuse · 1 month
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Hidan clasps his rosary to his chest. "Jashin protect me. There's a rage in the air, I don't like it. Someone must'a pissed Kakuzu off again, n' it ain't me fer once."
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tlltaleheart · 1 year
aaaaandddd re-presenting minseo, local gorgon who wanders around blinded but is a v adept clockmaker & general gadgeteer. his gorgon origin means he used to be able to (and did) petrify people into stone when he looked into their eyes. thankfully(?) his parents had him blinded via a witch's hex several years ago, so they didn't have to deal with the problems that came w/ having him as a kid once again, these are more details under the cut, but like this if u'd like me to come and plot out a thread !
is currently a clockmaker's apprentice. his parents dumped him at this village a few years ago and skedaddled to a boat supposedly heading to astra
usually makes his way around the village blindfolded, like he needs an extra safety net despite alr being blinded underneath. but it's not completely redundant --- it has magical properties tied to a small magical lantern that he built, which holds a seeing eye ! he can direct it around him like a regular lantern and the eye "sees" for him. he has to change out the eye every so often when it runs out of magic
but tbh he prefers Not seeing sometimes and at home he puts the lantern away and takes the blindfold off and just vibes. lives at the northern edge of the village where he mostly minds his own business and has no idea the kinds of strays he's actually attracted. he thinks he's just been feeding stray cats (cats don't food bowls whole like that) (they also don't make those noises at night)
his house is filled with all kinds of clocks and odd little sculptures. most of the clocks don't work, mainly bc he likes the act of carving them more than actually making clocks. outside, on his porch and around the property, are more seeing lanterns that alert him if a presence steps foot onto his property.
his boss is just an npc for now but they are disgruntled from how much time he wastes making his own little things instead of fulfilling orders. sorry if you are a customer
if ur a magic user, he can make a small clock / pocketwatch that you can enchant to keep time of a certain thing? like have it count down to certain events, etc!
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sllvertongue · 1 year
re-presenting haeran, one of ur local council members posing as a human and hanging onto the disguise by her fingernails. she's really a hellhound, a product of her mother fucking around the blight and eventually finding out. for the most part she's the same core character as her canon version but i've included au specific details under the cut. + like this if u want to plot a little thread tgt !! lets have some dramaaa
lives in one of the nicer houses in the village. her (human) mother was known as a former council member, but a decade ago she was exposed for using her position to basically feed people into the darkness monsters lol believing that the sacrifice would appease it (it did not work!!!). so her mother was banished from the village, hasn't been seen since, and now haeran publicly denounces her every chance she gets
i think technically speaking, haeran just had shapeshifter blood in her lineage, but her mother's constant proximity to blighted magic affected her pregnancy with haeran, and now haeran's source of magic is blighted too. sooo instead of being able to shapeshift to typical creatures, she's stuck with a hellhound form. i'm thinking it's werewolf-esque but with elements of shadow and brimstone !
her hellhound form is closer to the size of a grown tiger? comes up to the stomach of a typical adult man, with a shaggy coat the color of charcoal
she can shift willingly, but she suppresses it so much that sometimes it comes out unwillingly too. mostly it comes out at night, and she has a bad habit of getting into the forest like that. for the village's sake and also her own sake, she tries to contain her hound form so that it doesn't attract unwanted attention (read: the monsters) and accidentally lure them back to the village
hazy when shifted ? distant, like she's just a passenger in her own body. can think logically, but it's harder to translate into actions bc her hound form is more animalistically-driven
very particular abt getting her work done on time every day, before sunrise, and retreating to her house for the rest of the evening.
has a lot of jobs she wants done discreetly so if ur muse is looking for work, come knocking on her door (in a timely manner......)
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justana0kguy · 1 year
2023 JUNE 22 Thursday
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and do not subject us to the final test, but deliver us from the evil one."
~ Matthew 6:9-13
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