#veronica tetzlaff
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eileen-crys · 2 months ago
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Happy 50th Wedding anniversary to John and Veronica Deacon! 🥰💕💕💕
In such a busy time and in a moment in which I feel so slow at drawing, I managed to make my annual drawing for their anniversary 💖 I know, probably it's not that grand, especially for their 50th anniversary, but I still poured all my heart on this and I hope you'll like it! 🥺💕 Also I'm very happy of finally having drawn John in his real 1971 hairstyle, still quite short and growing! 🤭✨️ This is the hairstyle in which he joined Queen and also met Veronica so I HAD to draw it! Unfortunately we still have no photos of Veronica in the 70s, bear with me hahah 😅 This time I also wanted to give her a more wintery wedding dress, with a jacket with fur to put on.
Little fun fact: for the central pose I took inspiration from a 70s comic panel of Doctor Strange with his wife Clea, which are my other favourite couple 💜
Please do not repost or trace or feed to m4ch1ne learn1ng, thanks! Reblogs and comments are welcomed 💜
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jhenny-d · 7 months ago
cutest couple!
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I LOVE THE STORY OF HOW JOHN AND VERONICA MET! And I wanted to sketch it. They are my favourite married couple ever! Я ОЧЕНЬ ЛЮБЛЮ ИСТОРИЮ ЗНАКОМСТВА ДЖОНА И ВЕРОНИКИ! И хотела это зарисовать. Это моя самая любимая супр��жеская пара!
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not-the-coffee-machine4 · 1 month ago
lowkey, has any primary source ever actually *said* You’re My Best Friend is about Veronica
this is one of those thing where I realized I don’t know the origin of this “fact”
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itsjuyced1 · 6 months ago
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Spooky season 🎃👻🕸️🕷️
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johnica-weeks · 2 months ago
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The Johnica Week 2025's collection has already been blessed by two fics on day 1! Be sure to check them out and give support to their authors with kudos, comments and by sharing them! 🥰
The Invisible Man
By I_should_be_working_but_im_not
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Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness
By QueenFandango / @melinamercury6538
Johnica Week 2025 Prompts&Rules
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queenpolyweek · 2 years ago
Queen Polyweek 2023 Masterlist
Rated Gen
All at Once Joe Fanelli/Jim Hutton/Freddie Mercury (G) by @your-one-day-ecstasy
Colossal Love John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (G) by @freddie-mercury-rising
if you say the word I could stay with you John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (G) by @queenies-bug
Made for the Sky John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (G) by @queenies-bug
Sunburnt Whiteboy and Seagull Feet Flavour: A Series of Unfortunate Events at the Beach John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (G) by @shewas-agaystripper
the worse ppl to be trapped with or the best John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (G) by @queenies-bug
Rated Teen&up
Everything's All Right John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (T) by @mysticanni
I Wanna Dance With Somebody Joe Fanelli/Jim Hutton/Freddie Mercury (T) by @your-one-day-ecstasy
Love Had A Bad Reaction John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (T) by @mysticanni
Maybe This Time John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor, Jim Hutton/Freddie Mercury, John Deacon/Jim Hutton/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (T) by @your-one-day-ecstasy
Sometimes revenge is a long con Adam Lambert/Brian May/Roger Taylor (T) by @moriarty-sisters
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (T) by @carrrothead-vol2
Stay With Me (You're All I Need) John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (T) by @your-one-day-ecstasy
Stealing More than Gold John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (T) by @queenies-bug
To Learn To Care For Each Other John Deacon/Crystal Taylor/Roger Taylor (T) by @mysticanni
When Words Fail Adam Lambert/Brian May/Roger Taylor (T) by @moriarty-sisters
You Make Me Wonder John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (T) by @mysticanni
Rated Mature
English Country Gardens John Deacon/Brian May/Roger Taylor (M) by @belladonnic-haze
I'll Cruella DeVille you John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor (M) by @carrrothead-vol2
The Ridge Farm Game John Deacon/Brian May/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor, John Deacon/Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor, John Harris/Roger Taylor (M) by @dendjustice
The tales of John, Roger and Veronica John Deacon/Roger Taylor/Veronica Tetzlaff (M) by @eileen-crys
Rated Explicit
It's Too Darn Hot Adam Lambert/Brian May/Roger Taylor (E) by @moriarty-sisters
Young Poor and Crazy Brian May/Roger Taylor/Robert Plant (E) by @deacon-deacoff
Hanahaki Disease Brian by @sunnymeddows
Hanahaki Disease flowers by @sunnymeddows
Polyamory: because it takes a village to keep this idiot in line @sunnymeddows
Cyberpunk Roger by @sunnymeddows
Brian at the Met Gala by @carrrothead-vol2
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warriorteam1924 · 2 years ago
My body’s aching
John Deacon x Veronica Tetzlaff
Author note : Hello my beauties. I'm back for John's birthday of course !! I’ve been super busy lately and I’m aware it’s not my best piece, but  I hope some of you will enjoy it anyways. Thanks in advance to anyone who will be giving honest feedback, it’s always very appreciated. Also, I remind you English isn’t my mother tongue, apologies in advance for the mistakes.
Warnings : none really, just my awful writing. and a slight sexual innuendo…. 
Summary : a slight problem on a birthday morning
Words count : 1,243 words
Permanent taglist : @reavenedges-lies​ @thosequeenboys​ @born-to-lose​  @orionis8689​ @queenlover05​​ (communicate with me regarding tagging please)
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As he usually did, John Deacon went to bed at a reasonable hour that day. He kissed his wife goodnight and got comfy under the cover, the fresh air coming from the window cooling the room’s atmosphere. He wasn’t thinking at all that the following day would be his birthday. Not that he didn’t care at all, but at this very moment, all he wanted was a good night’s rest. After all, he was going to be 72 in a few hours, he had to take care of his sleep schedule, since he wasn’t 23 anymore.
Dreams. John didn’t have many of them, or at least it didn’t recall them very much.  A few fragments, snippets of actions or moments in the blur, faces or vague figures but nothing more. All he knew was that he moved a lot during his sleep, and apparently it was according to his dreams, to the actions he was making while he was in dreamland. His wife never complained about it, she just mentioned it a few times, curious as for what her husband could have been dreaming of.
This night, Veronica noticed her husband was particularly agitated, and hoped he was not having a nightmare. Thanks to the weak light that was in the room, she looked at his face, ready to wake him up in case he was in distress. But his face seems happy, more than happy even, so Veronica gently kissed his cheek and went back to sleep.
John was also usually an early bird, waking up first in the house. He usually went downstairs to make coffee and this day being his birthday didn’t mean he would have waited to be served like a kid on his special day. Just like he did every morning when he was waking up by her side, he looked at his wife for a moment, as she was still slightly snoring, gently rocked within Morpheus’ arms. He turned around to get up.
“OUUUUUUUUUUUUCHHHHHHH”, John let out a loud scream of pain, brutally waking his wife.
“Oh my God, John, are you okay?”, she asked, terribly worried.
“My back, my back is stuck, oh lord it hurts so bad, what the hell???”, John explained, complained and cursed all at once.
“Are you able to move at all ? what’s going on?”, Ronnie asked, still incredibly concerned.
“I can’t, I’m stuck….”, Deaky said as he put back his head on the pillow.
“Hold on, I’m gonna get some painkillers right now and I’m going to try to massage you”, his wife said as she energetically went out of bed to get what she needed to help her husband.
John looked at her, with a mix of anger given how quickly and easily got out of their bed. She rapidly came back with a glass of water and a painkiller, which John put in his mouth right away. He swallowed, as his back was still tense, hoping the tablet would be efficient soon.
“Okay, turn around now.”, Ronnie firmly said.
“Excuse me?”, John replied, raising his eyebrow.
“I’m gonna massage you, silly. Shoo, turn around”, she repeated as she made a motion with his hands to illustrate her words.
“Oh, no Ronnie I’m going to be fine, don’t worry.”, John said, trying to avoid a massage.
“John Richard Deacon, you better lay on your stomach right now or else I’m going to do it myself and I’m not going to be gentle.”, she warned him, very seriously.
John looked at her, confused. Was she really going to use force to give him a massage? He wasn’t sure, but she seemed extremely serious. As a result, John complied, gently laying his stomach, waiting.
He felt his wife’s soft hands on his skin, making him shiver.
“I hope my hands are not too cold…. Where is it painful?”, she asked, this time way more gently.
“My lower back seems stuck….”, John replied, his head between two pillows.
“Okay, let’s see….”, Ronnie carried on, as she put some lotion on her husband’s back.
John slightly arched at the sensation, but tried to remain still, so that the massage, combined to the painkillers, would be useful. Deaky suddenly heard his wife giggle.
“Are you mocking me?”, John complained, his voice muffled given his position.
“No no, of course not. I just had this silly thought of me being a Dom right now, doing erotic stuff to you….”, she explained, tittering again.
“Ronnie, do you really think this is the right moment to think about sex?”, John asked, as he was still feeling his wife’s hands massaging him on his back.
She got closer to his ear, whispering : “it’s always the right moment to remind my husband I love him and I still have a strong desire for him”.
John felt his cheeks suddenly getting hotter and probably as red as the most mature tomato one could ever see. As a reply, he only let out a soft ‘hum’, a smile still appearing on his lips.
And then, all of a sudden, and since his wife had mentioned the topic, John remembered. Fragments, like he often did, but he remembered.
He remembered a passionate moment with his wife in his dream, his skin pressed on hers, the ardent kisses they were sharing, his hips rocking on hers.
And he remembered how his last thrust as he was reaching orgasm made him arche his back strongly. His body surely moved as well as he was dreaming, hence his back blocked as he woke up.
“John?”, Ronnie asked. “The massage is done, are you okay? You’ve been very quiet”, she worried.
“Yes, thank you, honey.”, John replied, as he got into a more comfortable position, to breathe properly.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re as red a as tomato?”, Ronnie asked.
“Yup, all good, I’m feeling better already. I’m be up soon.”, John tried to reassure her.
Yet, the two of them had been married for a very long time now, and even if Ronnie was no mind reader, she knew her husband so very well. She looked at him in silence for a few seconds and a smile appeared on her lips.
“We did have a steamy night in your dream, right? And you took me so intensely that your back got stuck, right?”, she asked, a mischievous smile on her lips.
“Oh god, Ronnie, what the hell?”, John tried to fake being shocked after her insinuations.
“Try and tell me I’m wrong. After all, there is nothing to be ashamed of…. Even in our vows, we said ‘I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.’….”, she reminded him.
“Yes, okay, yes, that’s true. Happy?”, John confessed, his feeling switching from being ashamed, and slightly irritated.
Ronnie was still looking at him with a mischievous smile. She got closer and kissed him on his soft lips.
“Try and get better so that after the kids are gone, we can celebrate your birthday properly, just the two of us.”, she said with a wink.
She got up and left the room, leaving John with his thoughts. He spoke out loud, as if he was warning his back.
“You better get back on the right tracks buddy, because tonight’s gonna be the night….”.
That day was surely to be a very unusual birthday….
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blossom-melina-burnickel · 1 year ago
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My entry into Johnica Week 2024, “You’re My Only One”, is here! I originally wanted to publish this on January 18 for the anniversary, but alas, I couldn’t get it done in time. 😕 So I decided to publish it on Veronica’s birthday instead! 🥰☺️
This is a oneshot fic based on the prompts “Purple”, “Surprise Gifts!”, “Handmade By the Other”, and "Oh my, this must have been expensive!"/“Nothing is expensive enough for you, my love."
18th January 1976: Veronica and John are celebrating their first wedding anniversary at home with their six-month-old son Robert, where Veronica has a big gift prepared for John, but John has an even bigger gift in store for her.
To read, click the link in this post or search for “Blossom_Melina” or the “JohnicaWeek2024” tag on Archive Of Our Own (A03)! 
⚠️Disclaimer: Although inspired by real events, the story shared in this post is a work of fiction and nothing in it should be taken as gospel. Any real people, places, and events are used fictitiously, and any fictional characters, places, or events are figments of my imagination. I mean no disrespect to any real people used fictitiously; this was written out of love for my favorite band and one of my favorite pairings connected to said band. 
Photo credits for cover (clockwise from left): Vintage Greeting Card (Publisher Unknown), Zonda on VectorStock, Joadl on Wikipedia. Layout by me.
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deaconverse · 2 years ago
Queen and friends: witch ones will see barbie and witch ones will see Oppenheimer.
Freddie: *headcannon he secretly likes barbies*
Deacy: *doesnt even know what barbie is, but thought it looked cute*
Veronica: *went there with Deacy, and the two had a long makeout session throughout the movie*
Roger: *doesnt want to look like a girly girl*
Brian: *making sure Roger doesnt cause any chaos*
Miami: *likes films like Oppenheimer*
Paul: *doesnt like barbie nor Oppenheimer*
Micheal: *didnt know what to choose so he went to both*
Crystal: *would rather go to a marvel movie*
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melinamercury6538 · 2 years ago
I’ve had this on my computer for a while now and have finally got round to posting it.
Enjoy a frothy tale of coffee, yearning and two silly beans who need to communicate better…
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eileen-crys · 2 months ago
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*nuzzle* 💕 Happy birthday Veronica Deacon! 👑
It's the 2nd time that for Veronica's birthday I redraw the photo of John and Veronica at John's birthday party, but it's just so sweet and I love to give it new life, imagining more cute interactions between them 🥰 I hope you'll like this!
Please do not repost! Reblogs and comments are welcomed 💕
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jhenny-d · 2 months ago
You and I
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John and Veronica for Johncia Week! @johnica-weeks
They're like something cosmic, like two stars meeting
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spogo1 · 1 year ago
feeling like rping some queen, hmu if you're interested. have a couple ideas for maylor, johnica, and poly queen, but im open to other pairings. I do smut, aus, angst, fluff, whatever. pretty much anything that's interesting and scratches my brain in the right way. I prefer to rp on discord but I can also do DMs
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itsjuyced1 · 1 year ago
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Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️
Since they were already married at the time, let's pretend they left Robert at home with the nanny to have a romantic night and celebrate their love (and maybe order the second baby with the stork.) 🤭
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johnica-weeks · 1 month ago
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Welcome to the masterlist of the Johnica Week 2025!
Here you can find, as always, all the entries to the event, including those who are not on AO3, with the links to all tumblr posts so you can reblog them 💕
Once again, the AO3 collection and the event will STAY OPEN, and I will keep sharing your entries in this blog, and will add them to the masterlist!
You can join with any Johnica fanfic and artwork you might've written for other occasions, birthdays, song anniversaries, late entries to this event or just for fun. Just let me know that you'd like your creation to be added to the collection and the event! Your contributions are always highly appreciated, without rush! 🥰💕💕💕 You don't have to follow the prompts, just check out the rules as always and be respectful!
2025 Rules & Prompts / AO3 Collection
Meanwhile, under here you'll find all the creations written, drawn and put together so far. The Queen fandom is getting more quiet so each engagement is super precious for our contributors, don't forget to show your support!
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💖 Fluff ahead!
🔥 This fic contains mild/discussed sexual themes, and 🔥🔥 contains explicit NSFW scenes! 🔞
‼️ This fic contains delicate themes and/or angst, mind the tags before reading!
🪐 This fic is set in an Alternative Universe.
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The Element of Love by @eileen-crys 🪐
Are you Happy? Are you Satisfied? by I_should_be_working_but_im_not 🪐‼️
The Invisible Man by I_should_be_working_but_im_not 🪐💖
Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness by @melinamercury6538 🪐💖
You've Always Been My Strength by @melinamercury6538 🪐‼️
I Love You Just The Way You Are by @melinamercury6538 🪐💖
One Of The Reasons I Love You by @melinamercury6538 🪐💖
These flowers ain't for you by @eileen-crys (coming soon)
Visual artworks
You and I by @jhenny-d 💖🪐
Wedding and Memories by @eileen-crys 💖
Wedding Anniversary by @itsjuyced1 💖
"My wife is the best" by @amara447
Veronica's birthday! by @eileen-crys
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alittlesilhouettoofaman · 2 years ago
Froger Love Is Looking for Role Players!
If you’re interested in playing any of these characters, fill out our questionnaire: https://forms.gle/Nx5iYy9wVgdeRstr7. 
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