itzjosh01 · 4 months
Entry One: Week 2: “Starting Out”
Having completed a Certificate III in Sport and Recreation during my VCE years, I gained early exposure to the academic environment at Holmesglen. This laid a solid foundation for my academic growth. Additionally, I completed a Dual Diploma in Sport & Event Management the following year, in collaboration with the St Kilda Football Club. This provided invaluable insights into pursuing further studies. Further, the Sports Business Bachelor stood out as an extension of what I had previously completed. Despite not attending the first two days of Orientation Week (O-Week), I approached the first weeks with an open mind, quickly searching for common interests with classmates across a variety of areas, which is integral to building connections and forming healthy relationships.
I outlined my transportation routes to campus through trains and buses, and by utilising this time wisely to work on assessments and preview announcements for the week, I would be in a fresh headspace prepared for class and ready to learn.
I identified and incorporated past successful learning strategies into the classroom environment to effectively manage my transition, recognising the importance of establishing a strong foundation for a good learning space. Vermunt & Verloop (1999), supports this viewpoint by highlighting the correlation between destructive friction between students’ own individual learning preferences and the practices and demands of the learning environment.
Vermunt, J. D., & Verloop, N. (1999). Congruence and friction between learning and teaching. Learning and Instruction. Inaccurate DOI. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959475298000280?via%3Dihub
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regioonlineofficial · 4 months
Vanwege de Nationale Archeologiedagen organiseert Stichting In den Scherminckel (SIDS) op vrijdag 14, zaterdag 15 en zondag 16 juni enkele Archeologische Publieksactiviteiten. Kom ook en ontdek het verleden van Bergen op Zoom! Tip: 16 juni is het Vaderdag! Neem je vader mee op een archeologische excursie! Open Dag Archeologisch Opgravingsterrein Scheldeflat In de tuin van de voormalige Scheldeflat aan de Borgvlietsedreef in Bergen op Zoom zijn de afgelopen jaren bij archeologische onderzoeken verschillende sporen gevonden van bewoning uit de vroege Middeleeuwen. Vondsten uit die tijd, van de 6e tot de 9e eeuw, zijn vrij zeldzaam, zeker in deze regio. Er zijn resten gevonden van zogenaamde hutkommen, half verdiepte huisjes die de functie van werkplaats hadden. Ook werd veel aardewerk, glas, dierlijk bot en ijzerslakken aangetroffen, wat duidt op ambachtelijke activiteiten. Nu de Scheldeflat en de aanleunwoningen gesloopt zijn, gaat het onderzoek naar dit mogelijke 1200 tot 1400 jaar oude ambachtscentrum verder. Tijdens deze Open Dag zullen vrijwilligers van Stichting In den Scherminckel, de gemeentelijk archeoloog Marco Vermunt, de projectleider van SOB Research en vertegenwoordigers van Stadlander aanwezig zijn om toelichting te geven. *Het opgravingsterrein heeft een oneffen zand ondergrond en is daardoor helaas minder geschikt voor mensen die slecht ter been zijn. Betreden van het opgravingsterrein geschiedt op eigen risico. De open dag wordt gehouden op vrijdag 14 van 11.00-15.00 uur en is bedoeld voor zowel volwassenen als kinderen. Er zijn geen kosten aan verbonden en aanmelden is ook niet nodig. Je kunt terecht bij Opgravingsterrein Scheldeflat, Borgvlietsedreef. Volg ter plekke de aanwijzingen. Open Dagen Archeologisch Depot en ArcheoHotspot Hier kun je alle vondsten uit de Bergse bodem ontdekken én natuurlijk het verhaal erachter horen. En zelf met échte vondsten aan de slag gaan! Er zijn deze dag verschillende activiteiten, voor zowel kinderen als volwassenen: rondleidingen door het archeologisch depot heb je zelf iets gevonden? Wij zoeken voor je uit wat het is en hoe oud het is ontdek bijzondere vondsten zoals de Grote Man, Romeinse amforen, honderden pispotten en een zeldzaam kanon puzzel zelf mee met échte middeleeuwse scherven ga op de foto als échte Romein! lukt het jou de archeologische puzzel op te lossen? test je archeologische graafvaardigheden uit en nog veel meer! De open dagen wordt gehouden op zaterdag 15 en zondag 16 juni van 13.00-16.30 uur en is bedoeld voor zowel volwassenen als kinderen. Er zijn geen kosten aan verbonden en aanmelden is ook niet nodig. Je kunt terecht bij het Archeologisch Depot en ArcheoHotspot aan de Wassenaarstraat 61 in Bergen op Zoom. Archeologietour Verborgen Vesting Tijdens de Archeologietour in de Verborgen Vesting ontdek je de ontwikkeling en de werking van de vesting in Bergen op Zoom. Je hoort over de opgravingen van de Verborgen Vesting en over andere – al dan niet – opgegraven vestingwerken. In de Verborgen Vesting sta je tussen de eeuwenoude archeologische restanten van de vestingwerken en beleef je zelf de aanval van de Fransen in 1747. *De verborgen Vesting is ‘verstopt’ onder de grond in een speciaal aangelegde kelder en is alleen per trap toegankelijk. De tour wordt gehouden op zaterdag 15 en zondag 16 juni van 10.00-11.30 uur en is bedoeld voor zowel volwassenen als kinderen. Een kaartje kost slechts € 3,00 en kan via de website van Den Scherminkel besteld worden. De start is bij ArcheoHotspot, Wassenaarstraat 61, Bergen op Zoom.
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ronnydeschepper · 1 year
De leestips van Nonkel Fons (308)
Fons Mariën las Feria van Ana Iris Simón (Trijne Vermunt, translator) Continue reading Untitled
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ontourlady · 2 years
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fravely · 2 years
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Was für ein tolles Erlebnis! Wir waren Eisklettern! Wow! Mit Berführer Martin ging es mit der Vermunt-Bahn hinauf und dem Tunnelbus bis zur Bielerhöhe. Rings um waren 3000er Berge 🏔️ dick verschneit zu sehen. Wir schnallten uns die Steigeisen an, schlüpften in die Klettergurte und setzten die Helme auf. Martin überprüfte nochmal alles und schnappte sich ein 70 Meter langes Kletterseil. Und dann kletterten wir mit Eispickel und Steigeisen die Eiswand hinauf. 😎 Das Eisklettern kann man hier im Montafon ausprobieren und der Kletterpark Silvrwtta Bielerhöhe ist perfekt dazu. Ein super Familienabenteuer! ♥️ #silvretta #silvrettamontafon #silvrettabielerhöhe #meinmontafon #eisklettern #eis #klettern #sportklettern #visitklostertal #österreich #austria #bludenz #alpenregionbludenz #familie #urlaub #fravely #reisen #travel #travelfamily #reisefamilie #unterwegsmitkind #winter #winterurlaub #winterwandern #hiking #wanderlust #schnee #steigeisen #eiswand (hier: Silvretta-Bielerhöhe) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0vcsNtTsJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alpinfitness · 2 years
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Rennradtour Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse ;-) VIDEOLINK IN BIO Wir sind bei dieser Tour in der Unteren Au (Frastanz) gestartet, durch das Walgau und das Montafon waren es dann schon 50km und 700hm bis zur Mautstelle der Hochalpenstrasse. Von dort dann nochmal 15km mit 1000hm bis zur Bielerhöhe auf 2032m / Gesamt: 128km 1881hm Streckenbeschreibung Hochalpenstrasse: Die Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße ist eine der schönsten und beliebtesten Gebirgsstraßen der Alpen. Nicht ohne Grund nennt man sie auch "Traumstraße der Alpen für Genießer". Die spektakuläre Bergkulisse und die direkt am Wegesrand liegenden Seen Vermunt und Silvretta ziehen Besucher mit und ohne Fahrzeug in ihren Bann. Seehöhe Mautstelle Partenen 1.051 m Seehöhe Mautstelle Galtür 1.725 m Passhöhe Bielerhöhe 2.032 m Länge Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße 22,3 km Anzahl Kehren 34 Steigung 10 % bis max. 12 % in den Kehren ca. 5 % Zwischen Kehre 22 und 23 findest Du die ideale Stelle für schöne Bilder von der Hochalpenstraße. #hochalpenstrasse #silvretta #Montafon #vorarlberg #bielerhöhe #Austria #passstrasse #rennrad #Alpinfitness #hammernutrition #brannerfitness #radhausrankweil (hier: Bielerhöhe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjKPQ__KKfW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jonerys-art · 6 years
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Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow by Feline Vermunt on Behance
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"Mein #alpenchalet #chalet_alpentraum_bludenz liegt 35 Autominuten bis #partenen im schönen #montafon entfernt und führt von dort aus zu einer der schönsten und beliebtesten #panoramastraße der #alpen . Die #mautstraße (#mautstrasse ) führt 22,3 km von Partenen im Montafon (1.051 m) in 34 Kehren über die auf 2.032 m hoch gelegene #bielerhöhe bis nach #galtür (1.584 m) im #paznauntal . Die #silvrettahochalpenstraße wird nicht ohne Grund "Traumstraße der Alpen für Genießer" genannt. Die spektakuläre #bergkulisse und die direkt am Wegesrand liegenden Seen #vermunt und #silvrettastausee ziehen internationale Besucher in ihren Bann. Die alljährlich stattfindende #silvrettaclassic ist ein Muss für jeden #oldtimerfan !" (hier: Silvrettasee Bielerhöhe)
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02022020space · 5 years
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[UTC+5] NL - Jan-Peter de Graaff - That all Changes
[New European Ensemble Project]
Jan-Peter de Graaff NL | Composer
That all Changes - Music composition for Guitar Solo
That all changes is a short piece that explores the more percussive side of the guitar. The piece starts with a short statement that soon forms the basis of an ongoing stream of melodic semiquaver figures, taking twists and turns via different style quotations and jazz licks. At the end of the piece, the guitar is almost fully transformed into a percussion instrument; the tonal material from the beginning is still there, but bares little to no function anymore.
Performer: Martin van Hees
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Jan-Peter de Graaff (*1992), born in Papendrecht and raised on the isle of Terschelling, started composing at the age of 15. After two years of private lessons in composition with Klaas ten Holt, he was admitted to the Bachelor studies in Musical Composition at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague in 2010, where he studied with Guus Janssen, Calliope Tsoupaki and Diderik Wagenaar (BMus 2014, MMus 2016). During his final year he took part in an Erasmus+ exchange programme  which allowed him to study at the Royal College of music with prof. Kenneth Hesketh. During his composition studies, he studied orchestral conducting with Alex Schillings and Jos Vermunt as a minor subject.
Venue Sponsored by Scheltema Leiden
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raymondgerson · 5 years
Can Student Learning Patterns be Influenced by Teaching Methods?
Learning patterns consist of cognitive processing, beliefs and feelings about learning, motives for learning and self-recognition based on metacognition. This conclusion was reached by J.D. Vermunt and V. Douche (Educ Psychol Rev 2017) after reviewing 925 research articles on student learning in higher education which were written from 2004-2016. The authors identified the following four qualitative learning patterns or approaches to learning: Reproduction-directed learning, meaning-directed learning, application-directed learning and undirected learning. What follows are brief explanations for each of the four learning patterns:
Reproduction-directed. Learners memorize materials in a sequential way for the purpose of doing well on tests. They see learning of knowledge as something that you take in from an outside source and they rarely consider relationships between larger units.
Meaning-directed. Learners take a deep approach to learning. They work to understand meaning, look for relationships between separate points of view, place ideas into a larger whole and actively engage with the material. They are self-regulated and feel responsible for their own learning. This learning pattern has the highest correlation with excellent grades in higher education.
Application-directed. Learners are interested in how to apply classroom knowledge to their world outside of the classroom. They look for examples that they can apply to their lives. When they see how they can apply knowledge it motivates them to learn and to engage with the study materials. Preparing for a career is a strong motive for learning.
Undirected. Learners do not know how to approach learning in a higher education environment. They usually rely on previous learning strategies that do not work well in post-secondary education. They often lack self-regulation and question their ability to succeed in higher education.
Students may be using one or more than one of these four learning patterns. Meaning-directed and application-directed learning patterns correlate strongly with the best learning outcomes in higher education. Vermunt and Donche  recommend that educators in higher education institutions strive to help students to develop and use meaning-directed and application-directed learning patterns through innovative teaching methods such as problem-solving learning, project-based learning, case-based and competency-based teaching. Review of the literature did not support a one size fits all teaching approach.
Bloom’s Taxonomy was not specifically mentioned in the article by Vermunt and Donche, but I have used questions based on Bloom’s Taxonomy in my classes to help students develop and use meaning-directed and application-directed learning.
Below is the revised terminology for Bloom’s Taxonomy with brief definitions.
Levels of Thinking 
Create - See big picture
Evaluate - Judge value
Analyze -  Compare and contrast parts
Apply - Transfer and use information
Understand - Can explain it
Remember -   Recognize and recall
In my courses there are many small group activities and discussions based on questions that I create from Bloom’s Taxonomy for a particular topic. For example, students learn about the importance of teaching others what they are learning and the value of using self-teaching when studying by themselves.
So if we covered the topic of self-teaching, I might ask students to get in small groups and give them a list of questions such as the following:
Remember. What is self-teaching? Understand. Can you explain self-teaching? Apply. How will you use it? Analyze. How would you compare and contrast self-teaching and teaching others? Evaluate: What information can you provide to support the value of self-teaching? Create. What could be changed to improve your own benefits from self-teaching.
Based on my own classroom experience and the review of the literature by Vermunt and Donche, I believe that student learning patterns can be influenced by teaching methods.
You can see the entire article at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-017-9414-6
Vermunt, J.D., Donche, V. A Learning Patterns Perspective on Student Learning in Higher Education: State of the Art and Moving Forward. Educ Psychol Rev 29, 269–299 (2017) doi:10.1007/s10648-017-9414-6.
By Raymond Gerson
Raymond Gerson taught college and career readiness courses for fourteen years at Austin Community College. He is the author of Achieve College and Achieve Career Success series (brief and full editions). These books are and have been used to teach college and career readiness and success in high schools and colleges. Educators who order multiple copies for their students can purchase additional instructor materials.
For more information go to: https://www.upbeatpress.com.
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sorchacummins · 5 years
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In andabeat, the story revolves around the monotony of life. The main character finds himself in a routine he wants to escape. In the midst of the daily structure of the eatery, he finds himself daydreaming for eternal freedom. Music video made for the diverse artist Hans Vermunt. 
This project was a bit chaotic but thats always the case with music videos. I was the producer and helped with the art direction. 
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Zierikzee - Op zondag 4 juni opent de Kunstroute Havenkwartier Zierikzee haar deuren voor het publiek. Van 13:00 tot 17:00 uur zijn zes locaties te bezoeken waar beeldend kunstenaars en galeriehouders wonen en werken. De kunstroute is een samenwerking van deze kunstenaars en galeriehouders die zich in Zierikzee bevinden. De deelnemende kunstenaars staan klaar om de bezoekers thuis, in hun atelier of galerie te ontvangen. Ze vertellen graag meer over hun werk en de inspiratiebronnen die hen drijven. De te bezoeken adressen zijn te herkennen aan de lichtblauwe vlag, die voor de deur wappert. Kunstroute De kunstroute Havenkwartier Zierikzee biedt een breed scala aan kunstvormen, van schilderijen en etsen tot fotografie en keramiek. Het is een uitgelezen kans voor kunstliefhebbers om in contact te komen met de kunstenaars en hun werk van dichtbij te bewonderen. De deelnemende locaties van deze keer zijn onder andere Galerie Parlevinker, waar Toon en Mariette Oomen hun werk tonen (Nieuwe Haven 7), Galerie BuB-Art (Sint Domusstraat 58) heeft sieraden van Anne de Kam en de nieuwste schilderijen van Jan Bart Visser, keramiek en glaskunst, Bij Saskia Eggink (Sint Jacobstraat 19) ziet u etsen en vintage, Charlotte Beunders ( Korte Groendal 16) laat u haar schilderijen zien geïnspireerd op de onderwaterwereld, Patricia Vermunt Koppelaar (Meelstraat 24) heeft kleurrijke schilderijen en tekeningen van het dierenrijk en Marleen Appel (Verrenieuwstraat 3) maakt schilderijen en bonte objecten van verschillende materialen. Een plattegrond van de kunstroute is te vinden op facebook.com/kunstroutehavenkwartierzierikzee. Mis deze kans niet en ontdek het artistieke talent dat Zierikzee te bieden heeft.
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adalidda · 5 years
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Figure : Location of study area and map of crop types in Flevopolder. (credits: Saeed Khabbazan, Paul Vermunt, Susan Steele-Dunne, Lexy Ratering Arntz, Caterina Marinetti, Dirk van der Valk, Lorenzo Iannini, Ramses Molijn, Kees Westerdijk and Corné van der Sande)
Crop Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 Data: A Case Study from The Netherlands
Authors: Saeed Khabbazan, Paul Vermunt, Susan Steele-Dunne, Lexy Ratering Arntz, Caterina Marinetti, Dirk van der Valk, Lorenzo Iannini, Ramses Molijn, Kees Westerdijk and Corné van der Sande
Journal Title: Remote Sensing
ISSN: 2072-4292 (Print)
Publisher: MDPI AG
Agriculture is of huge economic significance in The Netherlands where the provision of real-time, reliable information on crop development is essential to support the transition towards precision agriculture. Optical imagery can provide invaluable insights into crop growth and development but is severely hampered by cloud cover. This case study in the Flevopolder illustrates the potential value of Sentinel-1 for monitoring five key crops in The Netherlands, namely sugar beet, potato, maize, wheat and English rye grass. Time series of radar backscatter from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 Mission are analyzed and compared to ground measurements including phenological stage and height. Temporal variations in backscatter data reflect changes in water content and structure associated with phenological development. Emergence and closure dates are estimated from the backscatter time series and validated against a photo archive. Coherence data are compared to Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and ground data, illustrating that the sudden increase in coherence is a useful indicator of harvest. The results presented here demonstrate that Sentinel-1 data have significant potential value to monitor growth and development of key Dutch crops. Furthermore, the guaranteed availability of Sentinel-1 imagery in clouded conditions ensures the reliability of data to meet the monitoring needs of farmers, food producers and regulatory bodies.
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/tavQkaF5g5NiRiDFB/crop-monitoring-using-sentinel-1-data-a-case-study-from-the
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zjarondinelli · 6 years
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So I think that this is a perfect example of why Spatial Literacy is such an important 21st Century skill for people to learn.
Let’s talk about how to read these pages/panels, shall we?
I think that it is safe to assume that the most likely phrase for the post to be communicating is, “All Are Welcome In This Space!”. If that’s true, then there’s a problem. The way that the board is set up does not make reading that phrase easy... 
The first two pages/panels set up the (presumable) reading pattern. With this in mind, the board can either read “All Are Welcome In Space! This” (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or “All are in This Welcome Space!” (1, 3, 5, 2, 4). 
But, as we’ve agreed, neither of those are what the board is trying to say. In this case, we need to break the implied reading pattern and follow an uncharacteristic and unpredictable pattern (1, 2, 3, 5, 4).
Now, I’m not saying that the board is unreadable. With a little effort, anyone can crack the pattern and figure out what the board is communicating. However, the problem is that there is destructive friction here that makes the interpretation of the board unnecessarily complicated. 
Now, don’t get me wrong; I am an advocate for the meaningful and intentional inclusion of friction in literacy education. In fact, my paper at the upcoming UBCO Digital Pedagogies Symposium will be focused on this exact topic (and how digital comics can help demonstrate this). However, the friction included here is not constructive. 
Constructive Friction is defined as “a challenge for students to increase their skill in a learning or thinking strategy” (Vermunt and Verloop qtd. in McKenna and Chaucey 2508). Texts that include elements of constructive friction are designed to intentionally embrace that friction as a way to enhance learning. Young Kiwi provides an excellent example of constructive friction in his digital comic, Wild Life: https://abwaesser.net/comic/wildlife/.
In the case of this board though, the intention is to get the message of inclusivity across as cleanly and quickly as possible. In that, the board fails because it’s understanding of spatial modalities is limited, or underdeveloped, causing it to become less clear. The reader stumbles across the reading pattern which causes comprehension to be slowed down.
The easiest way to solve this problem would be to swap 4 and 5. If “This” was in the 4th spot and “Space!” was in the 5th, the reading pattern would be clear and the spatial orientation would be clean and accurate.
It might be a small example, but it’s a really good one!
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persinsala · 5 years
Segni New Generation Festival: Il nido di chi sei, Due Destini, Super Eureka, Shake Shake Shake
Segni New Generation Festival: Il nido di chi sei, Due Destini, Super Eureka, Shake Shake Shake
Una varietà di spettacoli domenica 27 ottobre a Segni, il Festival di Mantova dedicato al teatro per l’infanzia. Tanti spunti e qualche riflessione. (more…)
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mahalenator · 7 years
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New reads for the west coast ✈️
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