#vehicular gate
castielawasg · 1 year
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Stucco - Modern Exterior An illustration of a substantial, minimalistic, split-level home in gray stucco
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mahina-honu · 1 year
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Concrete Pavers - Front Yard An example of a mid-sized modern partial sun front yard concrete paver retaining wall landscape in fall.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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The Golden Gate Bridge opened to vehicular traffic on May 28, 1937.  
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fan-art-ic · 9 months
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"NEW YORK CITY - At least 26 people were arrested Wednesday morning after an apparent pro-Palestinian demonstration blocked a portion of the Van Wyck Expressway inside John F. Kennedy International Airport, the Port Authority said.
Several demonstrators were seen holding banners reading "Free Palestine" and "Divest From Genocide," creating gridlock traffic and forcing travelers to exit their ride-share vehicles and cart their luggage to their gates.
In a statement to FOX 5 NY, the Port Authority said, "At about 11:30 this morning, PAPD was notified of protest activity on the Van Wyck Expressway inside JFK Airport. 26 arrests were made for disorderly conduct and impeding vehicular traffic. The roadway was reopened at 11:50. During the disruption, the Port Authority dispatched two airport buses, offering rides to travelers involved in the backup to allow them to reach the airport safely."
FOX 5 NY learned of similar protests in Los Angeles after chaos ensued when a group of pro-Palestinian protesters blocked traffic outside the entrance of the Los Angeles International Airport"
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Article and post date 27/12/2023
Fucking love to see this kind of direct action hit people in their wallets and inconvenience every fucking step to walk away without looking
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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What is the purpose of the Brooklyn Bridge?
Standing majestically over the East River, the Brooklyn Bridge is not just a remarkable feat of engineering; it is a symbol of ingenuity, resilience, and progress. Completed in 1883, the bridge has played a pivotal role in connecting the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, fostering economic growth, cultural exchange, and urban development. As we delve into the history and design of this iconic structure, it becomes clear that the Brooklyn Bridge serves a multifaceted purpose that extends far beyond its physical function as a pathway for vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Connecting Communities
The primary purpose of the Brooklyn Bridge is to serve as a vital link between the bustling boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Before its construction, travel between these two areas was primarily dependent on ferries, which were often unreliable and limited by weather conditions. The bridge, with its impressive span of 1,595 feet, revolutionized transportation, making it more efficient and accessible. This connectivity not only facilitated the exchange of goods and services but also brought together diverse communities, fostering social and economic integration.
Architectural Marvel
Designed by John A. Roebling, a German-born civil engineer, the Brooklyn Bridge is a masterpiece of 19th-century engineering. The use of innovative techniques, such as the use of steel cables to support the bridge's weight, set new standards in bridge construction. The twin towers and the Gothic-style arches give the bridge a timeless aesthetic appeal, contributing to its iconic status. Beyond its functional purpose, the bridge stands as a testament to human innovation and serves as an inspiration for architects and engineers worldwide.
Economic Catalyst
The Brooklyn Bridge played a pivotal role in stimulating economic development on both sides of the East River. By reducing travel time and facilitating the movement of goods and people, the bridge catalyzed economic growth in Brooklyn, turning it into a more accessible and attractive location for businesses. The increased connectivity contributed to the expansion of trade and commerce, transforming the economic landscape of the entire region.
Cultural Symbolism
Beyond its tangible contributions to transportation and commerce, the Brooklyn Bridge holds immense cultural significance. Its iconic silhouette against the Manhattan skyline has made it a symbol of New York City and the American spirit. Countless films, novels, and artworks have featured the bridge, embedding it in the collective consciousness of people around the world. The bridge represents not only physical connection but also the aspirations and dreams associated with the American experience.
Legacy and Influence
As the Brooklyn Bridge approaches its 150th anniversary, its legacy endures. The bridge has become a cultural touchstone, inspiring poets, writers, and artists to capture its essence. Moreover, its design and engineering principles have influenced subsequent bridge construction projects globally. From San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge to Sydney's Harbour Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge has set a standard for excellence in bridge design and construction.
The Brooklyn Bridge's purpose extends far beyond its role as a physical connector between Manhattan and Brooklyn. It is a symbol of progress, a testament to human ingenuity, and a catalyst for economic and cultural growth. As it continues to stand as an enduring icon, the Brooklyn Bridge remains a testament to the power of infrastructure to shape cities and define the spirit of a nation.
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tgmsunmontue · 7 months
Once Upon a Time in 1996... 2/?
IceMav TimeLoop. Maverick wakes up to a great day. Then it all turns to shit.
Chapter One
Once Upon a Time in 1996 - Chapter Two
                He wakes up and he feels… not hungover.
                That’s… surprising.
                He blinks his eyes open and he sits up, even more surprised.
                He’s in his bedroom at the Bradshaw home and he knows he ended yesterday drinking far too much with Tom…
                Maybe that entire thing was just a colossal fucked up nightmare his brain decided he needed to experience so he’d truly appreciate how good everything is… 
                Except Bradley runs out of the house and he’s got that piece of toast hanging out of his mouth and his stomach sinks, Carole comes into the kitchen wearing exactly what she was in his nightmare and he knows the next words that come out of her mouth.
                “I’ve got an appointment but I should be home around ten.”
                Everything is the same and he just sits on the porch and stares at the grass.
                Did he cut this grass yesterday?
                Was it yesterday?
                Or is it simply a prolonged and intense period of déjà vu?
                Is this a blessing? Something to help him navigate the horrors he knows are coming?
                He can’t stop Carole’s cancer, but he won’t be letting Bradley on his bike again. He won’t be skipping lunch and then making Ice break out his emergency vodka and he can’t remember why Ice had vodka, the nightmare hazy around the sixth shot, which he thinks is very realistic for a nightmare…
                Carole comes home and this time he doesn’t wait, goes out to her immediately and hugs her when she tells him, doesn’t say I know despite it being the first thing that pops into his mind. When he goes to the school to pick up Bradley he takes Carole’s car, adamant not to repeat that part of his nightmare. He’s far earlier than he needs to be, having been unable to stop Carole from reaching for the same bottle and still deciding not to tell Bradley. He leans against the car as the kids stream out of the gates, waves out and calls Bradley’s name, deals with the same happy surprise on Bradley’s face at seeing him and he can’t help the answering grin, because the grin on this kid is simply infectious.
                “You’re here!”
                “I am! I thought that maybe we could go and get ice cream on the pier, you know? Play hooky before going home to your mom?”
                “Ice cream!” Bradley agrees instantly and damn but the kid is so easy to please. He maneuvers the car out of the lot and heads toward the pier.
                “So, how was school today?”
                “Fine. We have a graduation thing next week. You’re coming right?”
                “Sure am. All finished with middle school and off to high school next. You know where you’re going yet?”
                “Nah. Mom’s letting me decide and I don’t really know what I’m looking at. Surely she can just tell me right?”
                Pete freezes, because yes, surely she can just tell him? Except obviously not, and he wonders how angry Carole would be if he just blurted out what was going on, if it would be easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. He can’t do it though, keeps it to himself festering away in his gut.
                “I think she’s trying to give you some control over your own life. There’s so much you can’t control, so maybe she’s trying to give you some of that…”
                As he thinks about it, about Carole’s diagnosis and what she wants to keep from Bradley, he thinks that maybe that’s what she’s trying to do. He wonders just how long she might have known or expected the news she’s gotten today and why she hadn’t told him earlier if she had suspected. He drives carefully, worried that maybe his nightmare warning is just going to somehow include a vehicular accident regardless. If there is going to be one it’s damned well not going to be his fault.
                They park a distance away, willing to walk in the warmer weather and Bradley keeps up a steady stream of chatter about his baseball team, then the goings on of the dramas of middle school and Pete lets the mundanity of it wash over him, glad that this drama is something he can just listen to and not be needed to worry or have to solve. His mind still trying to figure out how he can maybe make things right for Carole as much as possible. And Bradley. They need to provide Bradley some security. They need to talk about that.
                He doesn’t want to talk about that at all.
                Doesn’t know if he’s ready to be the sole remaining adult in Bradley’s life who will love and care for him. He can take care of himself, doesn’t know if he’s capable of stretching that skill to include a kid. He shakes his head and shoves his shoulders back. It’s not a kid. It’s Bradley and he’ll do anything and everything to keep him as loved and happy as he is right now. Except for wanting to keep him in the dark… Oh god. He gets it. He gets why Carole doesn’t want to tell him but he doesn’t have to like it.
                Bradley asks to go home and he can’t think of any good reason to keep him out longer, already bought two ice creams and at least he’s not having to endure Carole’s quiet rage and disappointment about letting Bradley on his bike. Which he’d never do. So it was obviously a nightmare. They head home and he asks Bradley to just wait in the car for a moment, wants to check that Carole is in a fit state, or semi-fit state to be a parent. She’s not drunk, her eyes are red and she just meets his eyes with sadness and he just gives her another hug, tries to convey that he’s here, even if right now he wants to run away and not deal with it right now.
                “Bradley’s just in the car. Let me go get him.”
                “What did you tell him?”
                “Nothing Carole, just that you’d had a bad day and might need a little time to feel up to being around people…”
                “So not far from the truth,” she says with a watery smile. “Thanks for helping me out, Pete.”
                “I just wish I could do more,” he says, and he wonders if he said anything along those lines in his nightmare-dream, even though it’s different now.
“You’re doing plenty. Now aren’t you meant to be having dinner with Tom?”
                “Yeah, but I don’t need to go just yet –” he starts, even if the urge to run away is still there.
                “Go send Bradley in and then go see Tom, I’ll be fine.”
                He wants to argue that she’s anything but fine, but he can’t bring himself to say anything, instead gives her another quick hug and heads back out to the car, grinning at Bradley and giving him a thumbs up.
                “Your mom is feeling much better, waiting for you inside. I’m off to see Ice so I’ll see you later okay?”
                “Aw man! I wanna see Uncle Tom!”
                “Tomorrow okay? He said he was going to come and see you this weekend sometime.”
                “Fine. I wanna hear about his trip!”
                Pete laughs, because calling a deployment a trip makes it sound far more interesting and glamorous than it actually is. But he guesses the idea of flying planes does sound far cooler than going to school everyday.
                “I’m sure he’ll love to tell you all about it. Take it easy on your mom okay? She’s feeling pretty tired I think.”
                “Sure thing Uncle Pete!”
                He gets a quick hug and then Bradley is running into the house and he wonders if the kids ever walks anywhere, he always seems to be in a constant rush to get from one place to another. He decides to take Carole’s car again, remove the chance that she might decide to go for a drive and heads toward base where Ice’s accommodation is based.
                He get’s to Ice’s an hour earlier than he did in his nightmarish dream and he knocks, hopping from one foot to the other in impatience. He’s not going to drink, except maybe one beer, but he wants to see if things are different here. Almost wants to check Ice’s freezer for the bottle of vodka, tries to remember what dream-Ice has said he had it for. Ice opens the door and he looks spooked, like he wasn’t expecting him and that’s so different from yesterday that Pete almost hugs him with glee he’s so relieved.
                “Sorry I’m early, needed to uh, get away from Carole and Bradley, there’s something I…” he trails off, pausing in the act of kicking off his boots. The table is different. It’s usually covered in paper work, and he tries to remember what it had looked like in his nightmare… he’s pretty sure it had been completely clear but he’s not sure. It definitely didn’t look like a table set for two, there are even wine glasses.
                Ice owns wine glasses. Who knew?
                “Am I… interrupting something?” Pete asks, looking at the table and then to Ice, trying to figure out why this is so different from his dream-nightmare when everything else has seemed almost identical. Ice is even wearing something different, one of his dressier shirts and shit, did he get the day wrong?
                “I was just clearing it away actually, just figured we could eat in front of the television like usual…”
                He’s early.
                Earlier than his dream. That’s the difference. He’s caught Ice by surprise and this is… This dinner setting is (was?) meant for him. He’s staring at it like it somehow holds all the answers, wonders if there are things already put away because he’s over an hour earlier, Ice had this table cleared in his nightmare and now…
                “I was just… I was thinking about telling you something.”
                His stomach plummets, flashes of Carole telling him she’s dying and he’s frozen to the spot, suddenly terrified.
                “Nothing, it doesn’t matter.”
                “Tell me anyway?”
                Ice stares at him then, the silence stretching out between them and he can’t really remember much after the fifth or sixth shot of vodka in his nightmare, but he’s pretty sure Ice hadn’t told him anything earth-shattering.
                “I’m gay Pete.”
                The relief he feels is almost palpable. He’s not sick, or hurt, or anything bad. It’s fine. Ice is looking at him like he’s waiting for Pete to say something and he just smiles and nods, not really sure what to say in the face of it being something that doesn’t make his world fall apart at the seams.
                “Okay. Cool.”
                There, that feels safe.
                Ice sucks a breath in through his nose, the short sharp one which always makes his nose twitch because he’s usually either annoyed or about to say something he’s been trying to say, piecing it together like a puzzle.
                “What? Is there something else?”
                “I… “
                “Oh my god, is there someone? That you like?”
                “Fucks sake Pete…”
                He snaps his mouth shut, Ice doesn’t often break out his name, but he had in his nightmare, and he has just now, and he doesn’t like it. Not at all. Fuck, he hasn’t even told him about Carole, the line getting blurred in his mind about Pete telling him in his nightmare… The look Ice is giving him is sad and he frowns.
                “You, Pete. I’m in love with you…”
                Pete freezes. Doesn’t respond in the positive or negative, just completely doesn’t make a move and he can feel Tom pulling away even though neither of them move physically.
                It’s him.
                He doesn’t know what to say or do; he’s never thought of Tom that way before. Well. That’s a lie. But he’s never thought he’d ever act on any of his very fleeting thoughts. People he works with, flies with, they’re all very firmly off limits. He’s never acted on any of his passing thoughts, keeping his eyes firmly focused on women as much as possible. He’s had some passing things with some guys, but never a relationship, never someone in the Navy, never something meaningful. He can’t imagine having anything but meaningful with the man in front of him.
                “I’m going for a walk.”
                “I'll come with you.”
                “Alone, Pete. I just… I need to walk. To think.”
                He opens his mouth to object, but Ice is pulling on his shoes and pushing past him, heading out the door without a backward glance and he wants to follow but he won’t, will respect his desire to be alone and instead wait for him to come back. He walks into the kitchen and the oven is on and there’s something cooking in there, but he has no idea what it is. Obviously Ice isn’t planning on being gone too long with food left cooking and just out of curiosity he opens the freezer.
                Hidden under some frozen peas is a bottle of vodka and he swallows nervously.
                Hours slip by.
                The sun sets and there’s no sign of Ice.
                He turns off the oven, whatever is in there well and truly ruined.
                He falls asleep on the sofa, Ice still not returned home.
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citizenscreen · 1 year
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San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge opened to the public for “Pedestrian Day”on March 27, 1937. #OnThisDay The next day, on May 28, the Golden Gate Bridge opened to vehicular traffic.
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ambrosearietes · 2 months
We (and by that I mean myself) demand more headcanons cuz they go hard asf😈
i have so many i’m gonna break these up by character. i will only do like the major ones. these are not all my headcanons just my big ones.
despite living in slavic countries for most of his life, adam speaks english with a british accent because he learned it from anthony. he can also do a perfect american accent because he played WAAAAAAAYYYYYY too much fallout
adam is autistic (this one actually is canon, i mean come On dude) but also has ADHD and C-PTSD
scrawny because he was malnourished during his time as d-class. very insecure about it.
he and sylvester sloan know each other through anthony. i mentioned that sloan babysat adam occasionally, i was completely serious. he let adam watch star wars and adam literally wanted to BE luke skywalker.
yeah luke was his gender awakening
uses she/her to refer to his younger self from before anthony saved him as a coping mechanism— in reality he’s trying to deny that it even happened to him in the first place.
smokes weed when the team is off. calvin does not approve.
marries harvey in every stardew valley playthrough.
romances halsin in baldur’s gate 3.
cracked at fromsoft games.
bisexual, he just doesn’t realize it.
calvin is a gamer. he had adam build him a setup. they play together. adam beats his fucking ass in everything and makes fun of him for it.
really, really bad habit of bottling his emotions (which is why olivia keeps dumping him)
was ~19 when he got arrested for the stuff hyun-ki mentioned. vehicular manslaughter while driving under the influence is considered a felony charge.
grew up in the midwest. talks like a midwestern dad.
his aunt owns a horse ranch. calvin REALLY likes horses as a result.
he once promised adam to take him to meet his horse and teach him to ride after everything. poor guys :(
he and aaron would have had a father-son relationship.
he was a very “difficult” child due to him not being believed about his mother’s death. he had no idea how to cope with it. often got into fights, which is why his aunt ended up sending him to boarding school. she got a lot of calls even when he was there because calvin just. got into a fuckton of fights.
he didn’t go to therapy until the insurgency MADE HIM go to therapy.
legally can’t drive. doesn’t give a fuck.
he would occasionally let adam just lay on top of him like a cat. he thought it was platonic. like just guys being dudes.
would be a good father.
if he saw his dad again he’d shoot the guy without any hesitation.
blames the foundation’s negligence for his mom’s death.
likes planes a lot.
sees adam as her little brother. they’re extremely close by O5-3’s chapter. she’s rather protective and very quick to defend him.
adam taught her to play dungeons and dragons and gives her book recommendations. she plays a halfling life-domain cleric/college of swords bard (multiclassing)
loves mystery novels.
adam introduced her to stardew valley. she usually marries leah.
bisexual. does not know this.
easily frustrated with calvin because calvin is terrible at communicating his feelings. calvin is trying to work on this. it’s going terribly. despite this, calvin is very affectionate with her and she does how open he is with that.
very relationship-centric person. this is mostly because she didn’t get much characterization in twie.
keeps a sketchbook. mostly doodles flowers.
her and sophia would have gotten along amazingly.
likes to dabble in poetry.
would romance wyll in bg3
huge fan of law and order. adam questions her taste in television shows.
if she had procreate she’d be fucking unstoppable.
i don’t have much on her bc characterization is so lacking :((
would have gladly taken sam (O5-11) with her back to the insurgency. deeply regrets that she didn’t. she thinks about sam a LOT, it genuinely haunts her. like she will try to sleep and she’ll just hear that gunshot and want to throw up.
i don’t remember if i mentioned this in the last post but vincent is a cat person. had a cat named mira. she was a calico.
in his ‘ideal world’ he would have lived with aaron and been able to raise adam.
very, very envious of people with ‘normal lives’.
we don’t know much about what vincent did in the foundation— the dialogue from O5-13 at the end of the children matches up with what he tells aaron in the apartment scene so i assume vincent was felix’s predecessor and felix held another number. as for what he did, we do know he was, like, an ACTUAL engineer who designed bombs at some point (stated in O5-5’s chapter); he could have been in charge of security.
it’s implied he had a second-in-command type position under aaron and likely was on the first delta command before his first ‘disappearance’, unless he wrote the summa modus operandi then just vanished off the face of the fucking earth for a while.
records of vincent are next to impossible to find within the insurgency as he worked so closely with the engineer and they don’t even know who the engineer was.
aaron thought vincent was dead until he received reports of anthony wright working with calvin.
anthony and sloan were good friends and out of all members of delta command during the way it ends, he respected sloan the most. anthony would have considered an actual relationship with him if he wasn’t like “no, i’m probably gonna disappear again or just straight up die soon anyway.” anthony was right, he did in fact die.
sloan knew who vincent arians was, he just had no idea that anthony and vincent were the same person.
genuinely, anthony wanted to die.
adam gave him a reason to live outside of vengeance.
GENUINELY sees adam as his son. he’s a bit harsh on him during TWIE because he never wanted adam in the insurgency at all. he and adam had a conversation at some point where anthony expressed this and told adam he wished the latter just went to a good college and worked in programming or IT.
would not have been able to kill calvin had he made it to the end. would also have not been able to kill aaron.
frederick traumatized this man just as much as he traumatized aaron, vincent just absolutely refuses to acknowledge it.
sophia knew about vincent’s love for aaron and may have even encouraged it.
if his love for aaron was reciprocated, they likely had a relationship while aaron was with the insurgency and tried to be secretive about it but felix carter just “I know what you are.”
he would be very sweet as a lover. very sappy. hopeless romantic. given who he was in love with, are we even surprised?
cigarettes are part of how he started aging again.
the insurgency kind of knows he’s older than he looks, they just say he’s in his fifties because he looks like it, but even TWIE says he’s been around as long as anyone can remember. likely, vincent surfaced as anthony wright around the same time that sylvester sloan joined the insurgency.
his plan in case anyone saw any old photos of vincent and noticed that he looked eerily similar to anthony was to say that he’s vincent arians’ grandson and that his mother was arians’ daughter.
vincent had no children, but he did like being around kids.
during his years with the foundation he’d often lock himself in his lab just to cry. aaron often checked in on him.
frederick repeatedly called him aaron’s dog as a joke that vincent found very not funny. vincent/anthony isn’t really big on dogs because of this.
if anthony saw adam today he’d be immensely proud.
if anthony had made it to the end he would have tried to make aaron tell him why he left. aaron would not have been able to tell him.
anthony was a bit scared of how much like aaron calvin is.
would have liked O5-11 if they met.
if you claim to be frederick’s #1 hater and you’re not aaron siegel then you’re fucking lying.
very sappy romantic, similar to vincent, but only with sophia. she thinks it’s adorable. he just really loves his wife a lot.
cannot let go of anything for shit. if he was at the scene of vincent’s death he would have tried to bring him back.
had a very weird father-child relationship with sam.
tolerated most of the other O5s at best, especially rufus (O5-6) and valerie (O5-7).
felix has always been his favorite aside from sophia (and vincent during the insurgency days)
borderline personality disorder
capable of straight up hanging up on frederick. this annoys the absolute fuck out of frederick.
sees mortimer (O5-5) as family because he’s the grandfather of alison chao, at least in other realities. mortimer gets along well with aaron.
very easily sent into overstimulation, it’s unknown why. he’s only ever perfectly calm in a sensory deprivation chamber.
extremely pale.
lives at overwatch. often falls asleep at his desk or on the fucking floor.
wreck of a man, but a surprisingly exceptional leader when he actually feels like leading instead of letting valerie handle things.
the other O5s don’t even know much about him.
visits san marco as much as he can.
obsessed with the string theory, literally discovered it before the idea was even conceived.
had a wife and daughter, both died horribly. his daughter was extremely young and he’s a tad bit obsessed with the idea of bringing her back. driven by grief but also the fact he’s just a Bad Person in General
extremely manipulative (canon), but also just likes to fuck with people.
sometimes he doesn’t even call aaron or calvin he just speaks into their heads.
sometimes he’ll just call them and ask shit like this. aaron would hang up on him but calvin can’t.
can manifest however he wants, he usually chooses the phone.
reality bender (canon) and extremely powerful at it. like it’s lowkey concerning.
god complex.
totally the kind of guy to go “no don’t kill me im just a girl”
adam ivanov as the engineer would beat the shit out of him if given the chance.
what aaron described in the apartment scene was literal psychological torture. aaron was not the only person he subjected, just his favorite punching bag.
aaron, near the end of his life, got him a world’s worst boss mug and kept it next to the phone. calvin got a second one just to drive the point home.
a bit obsessed with antediluvian anomalies (project paragon). talks to calvin about them extensively.
hated vincent for no real reason he was just a bitch.
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telomeke-bbs · 6 months
สวัสดีค่ะ Hi telomeke,
I'm new here... just because of you! 😅 Found your blog month ago while I did some BBS research... and I'm really impressed by your research skills, your amazing eyes for details and your patience in finding locations.
Now it happens that in 14 days I am flying to Thailand for 4 weeks. And in preparation for this, I saved alll the locations you mentioned on google maps. 😇 I think, I'll take a tour through Bangkok to all the locations.
I couldn't find out how long ago post no. 12 was and wether there will be any new ones to follow. But I think there is at least one location missing. (the companies of Pat's and Pran's parents)
Are you still searching for locations or is your work completed?
If you are interested, it would be my pleasure to talk to you about the serie. If not, it's fine too. I just wanted to make you compliments for your work! Thank you so much! ขอบคุณมากๆ น่ะค่ะ 🙏 I really enjoyed reading it and I've still many post to read. 😊
Okay, that's it! Hope your fine and still in love with BBS! 💖
เจอกันค่ะ คุณบี see ya, Bee 🐝
Hi dear @honey-beebs! สวัสดีครับ and welcome!😍
Awww, thanks so much for this lovely Ask. Any fan of BBS is immediately a friend in my book. 🥰 Thanks so much for appreciating my BBS research and analysis.
I can tell you also have a keen eye for research, because you saw not just what was there in my location posts, but also what was missing – Pat and Pran's families' shops. 👀 And sadly, that is the one location that I have been desperately searching for over these past two years, but have so far been unable to find. 😭
It's gotten me all worked up because there are actually a lot of clues, and I've been able to deduce quite a lot about the Jindapat and Siridechawat hardware stores:
It looks like the Jindapat one (belonging to Pat's family) is actually a construction material shop; the shelves and the items all around have been there for some time, not likely to have been cobbled together just for the show.
The Siridechawat shop though (belonging to Pran's family) looks like a covered vehicular park or outdoor storage, that BBS dressed up just so it could masquerade as a shop (not too successfully, in my opinion 😂).
The general location of the shops is likely to be not in Rangsit, but rather somewhere closer to central Bangkok (though not in the absolute city center). I say this because the outside shrubbery on the central road divider is very well-manicured (you see that more in central Bangkok, less in Greater Bangkok), and the lamp-post has markings that make it look more like central Bangkok ones. But there aren't any tall buildings visible, so it's not likely to be in the absolute city center where skyscrapers abound (and intrude on every view).
Actually, the road, trees, lamp-post and shrubbery look a lot like what you see at Phet Kasem Road, where the Boonyavej Hospital is located. There are lots of semi-industrial properties there that would fit the bill (including the wide gate and sturdy fencing), and the area is also more low-rise without being truly suburban (which would be the right setting for a shop that has giant billboards, that we can see in Ep.1 and Ep.3). Unfortunately, I've crawled the road several times over on Google Street View (it's hugely long) but have yet to find any matching property. 🤷‍♂️
If the shops are not on Phet Kasem Road, then it's very much a needle in the haystack search because Bangkok must have hundreds of roadway miles that fit the above description… 😭
Anyway, I'll still continue searching, and will post the location if I can find it. But with every day that passes, it seems less likely that the location will be found (because it seems ripe for redevelopment).
My location post no. 12 was dated 18 June 2023, and it's likely the penultimate one. I have just one more planned to identify the remaining minor locations. And if I can track down the hardware stores, then maybe I'll post a 14th one (but I don't know if that will ever happen 🤷‍♂️).
If my schedule permits, I'll try to write-up the few remaining locations that I've identified in the coming two weeks, so you should be able to refer to them by the time you're in Bangkok. But my work deadlines are looming, so I can't promise the post will be on time!
Please do post photographs of your trip and tag me, especially for the BBS locations. 😍 I would so love to see them. Other fans have also been visiting various BBS locations too, so you may wish to refer to these posts for additional information:
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Here are a few more pointers that I've gleaned from the above posts, and from interacting with other BBS fans (especially @tiistirtipii), since I made my own location posts:
U Café is no longer at the base of the block where the fight scene in Ep.5 took place (somewhere close by the Environmental Engineering Dept), so the setting looks a bit different now. But it's near the white tiger mural at the College of Engineering.
Gram Café and Pancakes is no longer at Level 2 of The Promenade; it moved to the foodcourt (in Fashion Island?) some time back.
The 112 Chemical Room 1 in Ep.1 (where Pat covered Pran's mouth while putting a finger to his own lips, after yanking him into the alley to escape the other Engine boys) is most likely somewhere in Rangsit University (probably the College of Engineering, near the workshops) but I've never been able to pinpoint the exact location (Google Street View doesn't do all roads and side alleys in RSU 😂). Do let me know if you find it.
As for your other questions, I'm always down to chat about Bad Buddy. Still very much a BBS boy at heart, and time hasn't dimmed how much I love the series! 💖 So feel free to send me Asks and messages if you'd like to converse about Bad Buddy. The only caveat is (as I mentioned above) my work has been building up lately (this week has been a bit slower, but it is expected to get busier after mid-April 2024 😭), so my responses to Asks and messages will sometimes be delayed (as my other friends on Tumblr have also experienced).
Have a great time in Thailand! Your Tumblr header makes it sound like this might be your first trip there. Do take care! Thailand is an amazing place. The usual precautions apply, but the place is full of wonderful sights and delicious food. I've always enjoyed every trip there. 😍
Warmest regards,
Tel 💖
P.S. Can I say how much I also love your Tumblr name? My first instinct is to read it as Honey Beebs, but then on looking closer I can tell it's also Honey Bee + BBS, which is really clever. 🤩
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cyberpunkonline · 1 year
Hey there, gamer fren! Buckle up, because we're about to dive headfirst into the pixelated time capsule of the 16-bit era, where video games pushed boundaries, buttons, and occasionally, a few more than that. Grab your joystick, my 90s rebel, as we explore the most controversial games that made Mary Whitehouse clutch her pearls and the censors hit the panic button.
Setting the 90s Scene: A Blast from the Past
Before we embark on our journey through pixelated provocations, let's set the stage. The 90s were an era of frosted tips, slap bracelets, and some wild societal norms. It was a time when over-the-top action heroes were all the rage, and people seemed to think shoulder pads were an essential fashion accessory.
In the world of video games, the 16-bit era was a wild west of creativity. Developers were pushing the limits of technology, storytelling, and, occasionally, good taste. Some games, in their quest for edginess and boundary-pushing, left parents, politicians, and pundits clutching their Walkmans in shock.
Hot Coffee and Controversy: "Mortal Kombat"
"Mortal Kombat" wasn't just a game; it was an outrage sensation. Released in 1992, this iconic fighter was infamous for its graphic, over-the-top violence. Spines were ripped out, heads were decapitated, and buckets of pixelated blood were spilled. This gore-fest had parents petitioning for stricter game ratings faster than you could shout "Finish Him!"
But wait, there's more! The Genesis version of "Mortal Kombat" featured a code that unlocked a "blood mode," which was like cranking the violence dial up to eleven. It wasn't just the uppercuts that were jaw-dropping; it was the moral outrage that followed.
Banned in the USA: "Night Trap"
Next up, we have "Night Trap." This Sega CD game was a full-motion video thriller that put you in control of a security system in a sorority house. But here's the kicker – it was accused of promoting voyeurism and even had scenes with scantily clad actresses in peril.
This game, along with the controversy surrounding it, was one of the key factors leading to the creation of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). So, while "Night Trap" was banned in some places, it also played a pivotal role in shaping the game rating system we have today.
Pixel Passion: "Leisure Suit Larry"
Now, let's talk about Larry. "Leisure Suit Larry" was a series known for its saucy humor and risqué themes. Larry Laffer, the hapless protagonist, was on a quest for love in all the wrong places. With its suggestive content and mature themes, Larry's adventures had tongues wagging and critics clutching their pearls.
Hellish Horrors: "Doom"
Enter the gates of Hell with "Doom." This first-person shooter brought gamers face to face with demons, gore, and a visceral sense of violence. "Doom" wasn't just controversial; it was a moral panic waiting to happen. Critics feared that it could corrupt the youth and turn them into bloodthirsty fiends. But for gamers, it was a thrill ride into the darkest corners of gaming.
Thrill Kill: The Game That Never Was
Now, let's talk about a game that pushed the envelope so far it got locked in a padded cell. "Thrill Kill" was a fighting game that was so violent and sexually explicit that it was never officially released. The game's content was so over-the-top that it became the stuff of legends, a game so controversial it was deemed too hot for the market.
Carmageddon: Driving on the Edge
Last but not least, we have "Carmageddon," a game that turned racing into a gleeful vehicular manslaughter extravaganza. Players mowed down pedestrians and rival drivers in a race to the finish line. Unsurprisingly, this vehicular violence stirred up quite a storm, with some countries even banning the game or demanding that it be censored.
Conclusion: Are We Better Off Now?
So, Tengushee, the big question is, are we better off now? The 16-bit era gave us a taste of gaming's wild side, pushing boundaries and sparking conversations about content and responsibility. It paved the way for better regulation, more diverse storytelling, and a more nuanced understanding of what video games can be.
Sure, the controversy was wild, but it also led to growth and maturity in the gaming industry. Today, we have a thriving landscape of games that cater to every taste, from family-friendly fun to mature and thought-provoking experiences. So, while we'll always have a soft spot for the pixelated provocations of the 16-bit era, it's safe to say we're better off now.
Thanks for taking this radical trip down memory lane, joystick wagglers. Until next time, keep those game controllers charged, and remember, the 90s may be gone, but their spirit lives on in the pixels of history.
- Raz
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menardsrail0 · 5 months
Exploring Menards Rail: Your Ultimate Guide to Railroad Materials and Supplies
In the vast network of transportation, railroads stand as timeless arteries, connecting cities, industries, and people across vast distances. To ensure the smooth functioning and safety of these essential conduits, quality railroad materials and supplies are paramount. Among the names synonymous with reliability and excellence in this domain is Menards Rail.
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With a legacy spanning decades, Menards Rail has established itself as a leading provider of railroad materials, offering everything from rails and ties to turnouts and crossings. Let's embark on a journey to explore the comprehensive range of offerings by Menards Rail and understand why it remains a trusted choice for railroad needs.
Rails: At the core of any railroad infrastructure lie the rails themselves. Menards Rail offers a diverse selection of rails, meticulously crafted to meet industry standards for durability and performance. Whether it's standard gauge rails for mainline tracks or specialty rails for niche applications, Menards Rail ensures quality that you can rely on.
Tracks: Building a robust railroad track requires precision and the right materials. Menards Rail provides a comprehensive range of track components, including track spikes, tie plates, and joint bars, to facilitate the construction and maintenance of reliable tracks that can withstand the rigors of heavy freight or passenger traffic.
Turnouts: Turnouts, or railroad switches, are critical elements that enable trains to transition from one track to another smoothly. Menards Rail offers a variety of turnouts tailored to different track configurations and operational requirements. Whether it's a simple switch stand or a complex turnout system, Menards Rail delivers solutions that ensure seamless rail operations.
Crossings: Railroad crossings are points where roads intersect with railway tracks, demanding specialized materials to ensure safety for both vehicular and rail traffic. Menards Rail offers a range of crossing materials, including warning signs, crossing gates, and track panels, designed to enhance safety and efficiency at railroad crossings.
Ties: Railroad ties, also known as sleepers, provide the crucial foundation for rails, absorbing the stress and weight of passing trains. Menards Rail supplies high-quality ties made from various materials, including wood, concrete, and composite, catering to diverse requirements and environmental conditions.
Railroad Supplies: In addition to core railroad components, Menards Rail also offers a wide array of supplementary supplies essential for railroad construction, maintenance, and operation. From fastening systems like E-clips and track bolts to signaling equipment and maintenance tools, Menards Rail ensures that every aspect of railroad infrastructure is well-supported.
Railroad Removal: Beyond construction and maintenance, Menards Rail also provides solutions for railroad removal and decommissioning projects. Whether it's salvaging reusable materials, dismantling tracks, or restoring sites to their original state, Menards Rail offers expertise and resources to facilitate efficient and environmentally responsible railroad removal.
In essence, Menards Rail stands as a one-stop destination for all railroad materials and supplies, backed by a legacy of excellence and a commitment to quality. Whether you're involved in railway construction, maintenance, or renovation projects, Menards Rail offers the expertise, reliability, and comprehensive product range to meet your needs.
Conclusion: In the dynamic world of rail transportation, reliability, and quality are non-negotiable factors. Menards Rail emerges as a stalwart in the industry, offering a diverse range of railroad materials and supplies that meet the highest standards of performance and durability. From rails and ties to turnouts and crossings, Menards Rail provides solutions that ensure the safety, efficiency, and longevity of railroad infrastructure. Whether you're building new tracks, maintaining existing lines, or undertaking railroad removal projects, Menards Rail is your trusted partner every step of the way. Choose Menards Rail for your railroad needs, and experience the difference that quality and expertise can make in powering the wheels of progress.
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Casa Dos Sueños, #Mérida, Mexico by Park Estudio @park.mx. Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Tamara Uribe @tamara_uribe @tamarauribeph. The architectural plan consistedof three main blocks. The first block consisted of three bays that retained the characteristics original constructive of the property, having ceilings of more than four meters of height, use a construction system of metal beams with wooden supports, and walls masonry loaders, which showed signs of moisture and deterioration. In this block was observed the construction of a mezzanine, stairs and two bathrooms, with Features not belonging to the original construction. In terms of finishes. The block had walls with putty and paint collapsed or in poor condition, in addition to Ceramic floors and decorative moldings, not belonging to the original state. On the part of cancelerías and carpentry, the conservation of original wooden doors was observed lasts, although in a state of deterioration, and the addition of a metal gate already mentioned, that provided vehicular access from the street to the end of the land without interruption… #mexico #yucatan #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Mérida, Yucatán, México.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpRbOBNMD2L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nightrestrp · 2 years
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Good evening. My name is Catherine Graves and this is Nightrest News.
Jacob Oh was found unconscious in Fog Gate just an hour ago after sustaining serious injuries due to a car crash. His Mercedes-Benz had travelled down the steep embankment leading into Collins Cove before colliding into nearby trees. According to our sources, Oh, a math teacher at Wardwell Academy, is currently receiving treatment at Griggs General.
What our eyes and ears on the ground are telling us is that law enforcement is treating this as an attempted murder and not as a vehicular accident. The crash site has been taped off and the local sherrif is on site. While we await an official statement from police, sources are saying that a cell phone, believed not to belong to Oh has been retrieved from the vehicle.
Oh was previously seen at Wardwell Academy, where the school acted as a shelter for numerous members of the community during this recent snowstorm. If anyone has any information in relation to Jacob Oh and the accident, please contact local law enforcement.
For those traveling on the road, drive slow and be aware of icy conditions as the snow plows continue to clear up the streets. As always, stay safe. I’m Catherine Graves and this has been Nightrest News.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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The Golden Gate Bridge opened to pedestrian traffic on May 27, 1937, creating a vital link between San Francisco and Marin County, California.
The Golden Gate Bridge opened to vehicular traffic on May 28, 1937.
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year
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cropark · 5 days
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A boom barrier is a bar or pole that can be lowered or raised to control or block vehicle access to a restricted area, also known as a boom gate, is a bar or pole pivoted to block vehicular or pedestrian access. Commonly used at toll booths, parking lots, and security checkpoints, it operates automatically or manually. The barrier lifts to allow passage and lowers to restrict entry, providing controlled access and improving safety and security.
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