#vehicle options
hsmagazine254 · 7 months
Exploring the Advantages of Owning a 4x4 or All-Wheel Drive Van in Kenya
Enhanced Capabilities and Options for Off-Road Adventures When considering purchasing a van in Kenya, opting for a model with 4×4 or all-wheel-drive (AWD) capabilities offers numerous advantages, especially for those who enjoy off-road adventures or frequently traverse challenging terrain. Here are some compelling reasons to choose a 4×4 or AWD van and a glimpse into the types of vehicles…
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prince-liest · 6 months
Kicks feet. I'm very excited: in the next two months I'm going to go from "student living with roommates and driving a '97 Corolla" to "have a job, have my own apartment, have a new hybrid car" thanks to the combination of starting residency, moving, and getting a pretty hefty local government grant for turning in my old car to them. For the first time in my life, total self-sufficiency! Training wheels off adulthood!
I'm applying for a 2B1B with in-unit laundry which will cost less than 30% of my post-tax income for rent, and the government grant is knocking $7k off the price of a car as long as I get a hybrid from an approved dealership, so I feel like I've finally hit the point in life where I don't have to adhere quite so strictly to the "pick the cheapest option possible" mindset. My mom will be helping me move in June! I'm already planning where to put my plants, haha, the kitchen has a lovely little window-facing bit of shelving that would be perfect for a few of them.
Anyway, it all just feels very cool. Life progress!!
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pianokantzart · 2 months
Pardon my lack of art and overall absence lately. I have been caught up in a little side project, and since I just recently reached my progress goal I figured now was a good time to show it off!:
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I have a winter greenhouse on my parents' property that, ever since I left home, got completely abandoned and taken over by weeds since it never had a proper floor to begin with. My brothers helped me clear the weeds and put down the rock, but I laid out the new lawn fabric and built that pond wall on my own (it's neither the sturdiest nor the prettiest thing in the world, but it does the trick of keeping the pea gravel from being kicked into what is eventually going to be a pond.)
A few more things I'd like to do before I once again leave home:
Add more stone (probably just a few Home Depot bags here and there to even things out)
Staple that back flap of the pond tarp back into place (you can see the wood where it's falling away)
Use some weedkiller around the edges to keep all that bermudagrass from creeping back in.
Transport some of the old tools & gardening pots back into the greenhouse
But yeah!!! I'm excited for when I can settle in, get a pond pump installed and actually get some stuff growing :D
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macadam · 1 year
If I ever made a tf comic or fanfic or au of any kind I think it would focus entirely on a transformer exploring completely alien worlds
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mileena--kahnumm · 5 months
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Sweet Tooth "Needles Kane"
Twisted Metal: Black (2001)
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littlejazzy · 10 months
(*this can be either a Child's Play/Charles Lee Ray to Chucky the Good Guy Doll situation or a Toy Story/You're Simply a Living Toy situation)
the brands listed are just to give the idea of the category, feel free to disregard brands all together when choosing/make-up the type of toy you'd be! put it in the tags!
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stromuprisahat · 5 months
Aw man, I'm sorry to hear you're depressed. I hope things become okay for you soon. I've sort of started relapsing into some of my depression symptoms too. I'm not experiencing the lack of excitement that you are experiencing right now, but I did experience something like that a few months ago when my depression was especially bad. It's a really hard thing to deal with, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Anyways I hope you're doing okay and I hope things become better for you soon.
That's sort of what might happen, when your employer lets you know you'll be forced to quit in two weeks, because he's cancelling transport from your area, where there's no way to get to the point he made on a map to collect affected workers from. And either you quit yourself, or you're getting fired, when you don't arrive three times at work, because simply firing you would mean he has to pay redundancy payment. Taking away your only means of transport apparently doesn't count, because "You'll figure it out somehow." (His words.).
Oh, and we weren't even informed personally, he wrote it on a slide during "All hands meeting"...
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carnivorous-arboretum · 8 months
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welcome home.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Oh my gosh I almost forgot so at my OTHER job (its a restaurant) we had a guy place an order and at the part where it says to describe your vehicle (so we can take your food out to you) it said red ambulance
Me and all my work friends were laughing but lo and behold a whole ahh ambulance pulls into our parking lot to get food
I just imagine Hyrule and Mo having a particularly bad night and they just go get food afterward even in the ambulance
-ER anon
HA they absolutely do. Or they forgot to bring food and Mo says no when Hyrule suggests they live off EMS room snacks for the shift.
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xkeyon · 7 months
Emperor's Children for 10th
Most likely the EC will be in 10th Edition, thus finishing the MONOGOD Chaos Space Marine factions. As for what could be brought out I see it being in 3 phases. Phase 1: The Warbands. This will be for EC fans while waiting for the army we will see something like that with the World Eaters did during the CSM 9th codex release where you used that & a White Dwarf magazine, though we replace Kharn with Lucius, and Khorne Berzerkers with Noise Marines. With the different Combat Patrol rulers I see the magazine issue giving a combat patrol for them. 1X Lucius the Eternal (95 pts) 3X Noise Marines 5 man squads (85 pts) 1X Helbrute (140 pts) Enhancement, Intoxicating Elixir. Both the Noise Marines & Lucius getting new models available before the true launch and there would be a story reason.
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Eidolon is about ready to bring the 3rd Legion back into the Galaxy truly, but knows he can't use them all as they would be to useless to fight as a united Legion some being now shells of themselves they would be a waste of skill, while others are to strong and will try to usurp leadership in the new formation of the Legion. So have these Lords & Champions go out and take planets to weaken others in a specific part of the galaxy where a plan Eidolon needs to do something (I do have an idea it will be shared in another post). If they take these worlds it will be theirs & the 3rd will never try to force any orders of them, & when the 3rd comes they will be allowed to use some new weapons and soldiers that will come with the new Legion.
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Phase 2: The Legion. Eidolon has brought the Emperor's Children he knows that will be able to help achieve a plan. The units that come with this phase would be Eidolon who could also be made as a generic EC Lord.
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A more non-battle line unit would be the return of the Palatine Blades... kind of. Some of these new ones will have been the ancient ones from 30K while others will have proven themselves. But now they have fused with with their blades feeling whatever it touches. This is also not a Daemon Possession but more like that of the mutilators. This warp fusion also has mutated them where they now wear Death Masks of Fulgrim, a Chaos version of the Sanguinary Guard.
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I don't think they will get unique Terminators and Helbrutes, but instead their units will get a unique weapon option for each of them, this is how Sonic Dreadnoughts be a thing.
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I also think they will either get Helbrutes or Terminators in phase 2 (I would lean to the former) while the other will be out phase 3. Phase 3: The Primarch. Fulgrim is here with the rest of the army.
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Along with their Primarch we will see the other unique Legion weapon unit, a Psyker for them, & a unit that takes after their Primarch's snake look mixing tech & warp mutation resembling the Laer.
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Sorry this feels incomplete but there are 2 other parts that will bring it more all together.
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mabaris · 1 month
oh wait i’m cooking. i’ve had an amell planned for a while who would romance and harden alistair and then conscript loghain (because the wardens need his experience) and sacrifice herself (she’s strongly anti blood magic and even tattled on jowan in the prologue)
I think after lothering, they would head right to redcliffe, but she wouldn’t want to get involved with all of their shit bc she has her own problems to deal with. so they go to get the ashes themselves, without helping the town. she poisons the ashes (because why not? she’s not devout and she has to eliminate the possibility that their enemies also might need this, and if that’s the case she has the upper hand) and kills leliana. they return to redcliffe triumphant, having made their own sacrifices—but it’s gone too
she’s an armchair strategist, fancies herself a pragmatist because she’s read books and knows theories and history. she knows, on paper, that war requires sacrifice, as does working for a greater cause. but she’s also never been outside before and doesn’t fully understand the consequences of her actions until that moment.
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ageless-aislynn · 11 months
I've used "I queue because I care" for literal years now as my queue tag but look at what Tumblr wants me to use Every Single Time I start to type it in...
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7-oh-ta1 · 5 months
Prominent a3en memory was that, upon learning the game was NOT an otome, Taichi became my favorite and so I would save up for his cards but the thing is the only semblance of romance in the game IS IN THE RARE CARDS so when I would get lucky and actually get the card I wanted, I would then proceed to turn him down at every opportunity 😭
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ladyluscinia · 2 months
Airport rental car lots are everything that's wrong with American car culture
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shepherdbarks · 3 months
GOOD NEWS CHAT: May have just found a new car!!! Well not NEW but like a car!!!!
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dailylicenseplates · 6 months
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License Plate of the Day 0097
State: Texas
Run: 2003-present
Type: optional
Slogan: Be a blood donor
Supports the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center
Image Credit / Source
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