#vehicle accidents
themarginalthinker · 11 months
(The boys go for a drag race along the beach. They do not use protective gear. Guess they'll just use their thick heads instead.)
Vampire bodies are pretty durable in the grand scheme of things.
Sure, sunlight was no picknick (just ask David, the poor guy couldn't even handle a sunrise) and running water made things difficult (lord knows why Max decided to move them right to the edge of the fucking ocean) but all in all, final death was a pretty distant concept. How many randos on the street would one, just happen to be carrying an authentic, sharpened wooden stake they had the strength to shove through someone's chest - muscle, bone and all - and two, would be willing to do so in public because like hell anyone could sneak up on the pack at home.
'Eternal life' meant just that. Death is a social construct, just like nuclear families and the economy.
Which meant that whatever David was going to do to Paul when he was back in one piece was perfectly fine.
It had started as a perfectly average night. Maybe, if he'd really been paying attention, David might have noticed that Paul had woken first, and been out of the roost before the others had even had time to spend the requisite fifteen minutes sleepily blinking at the wall before moving. Maybe that he'd been the one to suggest going for a drag race at the Boardwalk beach, despite it being just after the height of the season and plenty of people still dotting the sand to make for dangerous obstacles.
Paul had been vibrating with that certain something that drove him, his 'go-motor' as Dwayne called it once, kicking into high gear. Paul had wanted to satisfy that demon inside him, be it a fight, a fuck, a fly. Far be it for David to deny. Most of the time, Paul's instincts lead them to some pretty wild times.
Honestly, after thirty years of knowing him, David ought to have known better than to feed that beast one too many times.
So they'd raced. Marko picked the starting point, just far enough out to give them a decent sized 'track', where the lights of the hustle and bustle of the 'Walk started to blur into the distance, but also, per Paul's own wishes, just close enough to the populated parts of the beach where bonfires in the later season were flickering. 'Good for slaloming', he'd said. 'What's the point of a drag race if all you do is drive in a straight line?'
Alright, so the maniac could still coax even immovable Dwayne into some immortal stupidity once and a while. They were all still young. In a way.
So off they'd gone. David and Paul first, the others hollering after them, keeping pace just to be sure of the winner. (Lord knows David would cheat when he could, bend the rules and be a terrible pedant when that wouldn't work, and Paul would kick up a tantrum twice as hard just for shits.)
It was exhilarating. Not much got their slow, cold blood to actually move in their veins like a hit of adrenaline. Sometimes that was stolen from their prey, like shotgunning smoke from someone else's lips, and sometimes it was things like this. Cliff-diving from what ought to be fatal heights, actual diving to depths humans would get nitrogen narcosis and drown at. And this.
Skidding along the sand at speeds that would barely be allowed in town, let alone out here on the populated beach. People jumped and screamed when they saw what was coming out of the gloom - curses and bottles thrown at them in equal measure as they flew by. Paul showed teeth and David could barely keep himself in check to not do the same. Tawney eyes meet in the dark, flashing in the passing bonfires. David picks up speed, trying to match Paul's insane bobbing and weaving. Christ, but he was like a man possessed tonight. At one point, he comes to a raised section of sand, clearly a leftover from someone's art project that day, and actually gets some air.
Paul's face as he actually leaves the ground can only be described as rapturous. Across the bond, David gets it second-hand. Weightlessness in a very human way. Marko and Dwayne howl with Paul as he lands, building that feeling just to feed off it themselves. It's intoxicating. It's addicting.
So much, he nearly lets Paul win. Their turn around point was the pier, first one back to their starting position wins.
Maybe David should have let Paul have this. After all, he'd started it, and had been the most enthusiastic about it. Getting the most out of the game. But no, David was feeling it too, the air whipping at his face, the competition, the show of teeth, the drive in the bond, egging him faster, better, more, more, more. He'd win, just so he could watch Paul snarl and snap and insist he'd cheated just to race again.
Maybe 'eternal life' combined with 'eternal youth' meant the synapses were always going to be firing at just a slow enough pace that the earthly gift of 'foresight' would always be a rarity for them.
Before the pier, there was a cluster of rocks along the surf. Part of a much larger formation under the ground that the legs of the pier were situated on, keeping it steady. Paul locked onto these, and David knew what he was going to do practically before he did.
Paul veered off, knowing his own bike wouldn't win on straight speed, knowing that there were no other obstacles to make David have to check around. This might slow his packmate just enough, and give Paul the extra boost he needed. Literally.
His front tire hits the base of a flat, angled rock, and suddenly David knows, like he knows his own name, that this is about to go fucking pear-shaped.
The rock was by all means ramp-like. It wasn't too far off the ground, and dry enough from being out of the tide for long enough. No slippery seaweed or algae coating it. And maybe, that would have been enough.
If it hadn't been for the unseen divot at the very tip of it.
Paul's wheel catches in that hole, and speed can do a lot, but not drive through solid rock. It stops the tire spinning it its track - but all that momentum needed to go somewhere.
There is a moment, like shining, crystal clarity, where all the secrets of the universe align in one's head, where Paul knows just what this means. How he calculates the trajectory, the force, the how his own body is lifting.
But not really enough time to do anything about it.
He flies in a way that rocks dropped do not, but with all of the same finality of destination.
His head hitting one of the jagged stones makes a similar sound.
Marko and Dwayne are already off their bikes and racing to him, David pulling up quickly and dismounting. Paul lays in a sprawled heap of limbs, twisting around in ways they probably shouldn't.
Vampiric blood is thick in the air, drawing the back of David's head - and the other's as well - in. Pack blood. Better than any prey.
Paul's head is. Well. Not quite in two, but the image of an egg smashed onto the edge of a bowl and left to hang there wouldn't be an inaccurate description.
David growls, lips lifting to bare his teeth in utter frustration.
"Fucking idiot!" Marko barks, clambering over the rocks to try and lift Paul's body up. Dwayne is doing the same from the other side, going for legs. Across the bond, Paul's connection is sluggish. Here, but not responding. No shit.
For once, Paul's head was literally in two places at once.
David suddenly wants a cigarette.
"Get him up. Guess we're fucking staying in tonight," he sighs instead.
They do, and manage to sling him onto the back of David's bike. (He was going to make Paul clean every stain he left behind off with his fucking tongue when he woke up.) Marko circles anxiously, eyes never leaving the limp body as David balanced it against him, but Dwayne stays back a few moments by the rocks.
David raises an eyebrow, and Dwayne holds up a finger.
It's a few moments, but soon he comes trotting back. Marko asks what he was doing, and Dwayne wordlessly holds something up.
A long bit of blond scalp and red-stained bone.
Oh yeah, Paul was going to be cleaned all of their stuff for a month.
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myraelvira · 3 months
Soilent Green's Accidents
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Soilent Green’s First Accident
Technically, if we’re going to be funny, Soilent Green’s first accident was their song, “It Was Just An Accident”, which is the first song on their album, “Sewn Mouth Secrets”. I’ve been told that the song was written about a girl that they knew, who drank a lot and got into some bad relationships (as told to me by Ben).
But the focus of this is about the two motor vehicle accidents that the band got in.
On December 4th, 2001, Soilent Green got into an accident. One article from Lambgoat, posted on December 5th, 2001, stated that Soilent got into an early morning crash, that resulted in “numerous injuries, forcing the band to cancel its touring plans” for the rest of 2001.
At around 4am Pacific Standard Time, the band’s van rolled 4 times on an icy, snow covered road, in Eastern Washington. Brian Patton and Scott Williams suffered broken bones in the shoulder area. Tommy Buckley and Ben Falgoust escaped with minor injuries. At the time, they were on tour for the “Extreme Music For Extreme People Tour”. All of the band gear survived the crash.
On January 2, 2002, Lambgoat posted an article about how Scott Williams was recovering, and in good spirits, but still in pain.
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Soilent Green’s Second Accident
Less than six months later, around April 13th, 2002, Soilent got into an accident again, on the road. This time, the band got into a crash in Chicago, Illinois. Jon Model, their touring bassist was injured, along with Ben. The other members escaped the crash with minor scrapes. At the time, the band was on tour with Gwar, for their “Blood Drive 2002” leg.
An article from May 4th, 2002 stated that Ben was still recovering from the crash, which had resulted in both of his legs being broken. Falgoust was at the wheel of the van during the accident. The article quoted him, saying”
“I don’t remember much, just a few pieces. I was told that I was avoiding a car spinning out of control and as I came back into the lane, I ran in the back of an 18-wheeler. The story is still not in full. No drinking and driving, or any drug use!”. Ben went to physical therapy during this time, and Soilent was expected to be in full gear by the end of that year (2002).
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An April 21st, 2002 article stated that Ben was still in the hospital. He had already gone under two leg operations to repair broken bones. He was still in Chicago at the time, and was to soon return home to New Orleans.
In 2003, Soilent made a come back, going on tour, and in 2005, they released their album “Confrontation” (Which is personally my favorite).
A 2006 article mentioned the crash, stating that Ben was nearly killed. He had to endure numerous surgeries, and go through rehabilitation to learn how to walk again. According to some people I’ve talked to, Ben was initially told that he may never walk again.
He ended up needing a skin graft on his foot, the donor site being from his torso.
I don't know what his pain management or physical therapy was like. I can only imagine it being incredibly rough and frustrating. There's a part of me that wonders if such an accident could lead to being thrown opioids constantly. I wonder if being wheelchair bound was more painful than learning to walk again. From a therapy point of view, I can't help but wonder, what the process was like. I wonder what it felt like to be told that you'd never walk again. Did that frighten him? Did it make him feel mad?
Did he truly expect to walk again? Or did he figure that it was at least worth trying?
These are just some of the questions I have. It's quite hard trying to get into contact with any of the members of Soilent Green. The last time I got to talk to Ben, he told me he didn't really do interviews anymore.
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In a 2014 interview, Ben recalled some of that time, from after the accident.
“It was just bad luck, it was all timing and stuff like that. But the only thing you can do at that point is persevere and move forward and do all you can. When I was in the hospital, I remember I was in a wheelchair for like a year, and I was going into this hospital in New Orleans, and I didn’t have any money; so it was kind of like a hospital for people with low funds.
I remember being next to people and seeing some of the situations they were in. I kept thinking, you know, both my legs were broken, I tore my heel. But this guy, his face was sewn up or something and he couldn’t talk; he had to write everything down on paper. And some dude was there who got shot in the hip, and his whole hip fractured and broke up in little pieces. When you’re in those situations, you start to see a lot.
There’ll be people thinking, “Oh pity on me, I’m in this situation,” but I was like, look at this shit these other people are dealing with. You know, I need to get through this and I just need to sort it out. I had a lot of good friends and my family was really close and helpful, so that was a beneficial thing too.”.
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Years later, in 2017 or so, Ben broke his legs again, when touring with Goatwhore. The ramp door to a trailer came down on his head, threw him back, and landed on his leg and foot. Initially, the door was supposed to have a hydraulic system, but the mechanics to it failed causing the injury. Of course, he had to go to the hospital for treatment, but because of his prior accident, he didn’t need to have rods put in his legs, as he already had some in there.
Nowadays, you can’t even tell what Ben has been through. It’s amazing how strong of person he is, not just physically, but mentally. The mental fortitude one must have to go through what he’s gone through is incredible. In the very least, I am so glad that he , and the others, are still around today.
Ben, if you ever see this, please know that I’m proud of you. ♥
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goldmandaszkal · 9 months
How to Choose the Right Auto Accident Attorney for Your Case
Vehicle accidents have the potential to be life-altering events, causing injuries, emotional trauma, and financial strain that can turn your world upside down. In such trying times, the selection of the right auto accident attorney isn’t merely a legal decision; it’s a lifeline to justice and recovery. The emotional and financial stakes that accompany auto accidents, including medical bills, lost wages, and physical pain, make your choice of attorney pivotal in determining whether you receive a just settlement or face an overwhelming burden.
Expertise Matters
When it comes to choosing an auto accident attorney, expertise is key. You need an attorney with a deep understanding of personal injury law, specifically related to auto accidents. Look for attorneys who specialize in this area. Auto accident cases can be complex, and you want someone who has a proven track record of success in similar cases. Auto accident attorneys, often referred to as auto injury lawyers, have the knowledge and experience to navigate the intricacies of these cases.
Assess Their Reputation
Perform background checks by checking references and the attorney’s professional reputation. Speaking with previous clients can provide a deeper understanding of their performance, and verifying any disciplinary actions with the state bar association is essential. Finally, reflect on the information gathered during your research and interviews, weighing the pros and cons of each attorney. The decision you make is pivotal, so choose the attorney who aligns best with your needs and goals, knowing that they will play a significant role in the outcome of your case.
Communication and Accessibility Setting up initial consultations with potential attorneys is an essential part of the process. It provides an opportunity to understand their expertise and approach, so prepare a list of questions for the interview. Pay attention to their communication and interpersonal skills, as clear and empathetic communication is crucial. Understand various fee structures, including contingency fees, hourly rates, and flat fees, and clarify potential costs and additional charges.
Clear and open communication is vital, so ensure the attorney will be accessible and responsive to your questions and concerns. Identify the primary point of contact within the law firm to maintain a seamless flow of information. Investigate the support staff and resources available to your attorney, including paralegals, investigators, and experts, to ensure your case receives the necessary attention.
Motorcycle Accident Expertise
If your case specifically involves a motorcycle accident, it’s essential to find an attorney with expertise in this area. Motorcycle accident lawyers, with their specialized knowledge, understand the unique challenges and issues associated with motorcycle accidents. They can provide tailored advice and representation to maximize your chances of success.
Legal Fees and Payment Structure
Understanding the attorney’s fee structure is a critical aspect of your decision. Most auto accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if you win your case. However, it’s crucial to discuss the percentage they will take from your settlement and any additional fees that may apply.
Personal Compatibility
The attorney-client relationship should be built on trust and mutual understanding. It’s essential to have a personal connection with your attorney and feel comfortable discussing your case openly. Choose an attorney who is empathetic and genuinely cares about your well-being.
Location Matters
Selecting an attorney who is familiar with the local legal landscape can be advantageous. They will have a better understanding of local laws, court systems, and the specific nuances that may affect your case. A local attorney may also have established relationships with judges and opposing counsel, potentially leading to more favorable outcomes.
In the aftermath of an auto accident, selecting the right attorney is your lifeline to justice and recovery, and it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Thorough research and careful decision-making are essential steps to ensure you choose the attorney who will best represent your interests and fight for the justice you deserve. Remember, the right attorney can make a world of difference in your auto accident case, providing you with the support and guidance you need to rebuild your life after a challenging ordeal.
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Vehicle Accidents Lawyer
Vehicle accidents can be overwhelming, leading to injuries and financial hardships. A vehicle accidents lawyer specializes in handling these cases, advocating for the rights of victims. They navigate the complex legal process, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and pursue fair compensation. With a vehicle accidents lawyer, you can have the necessary expertise and support to seek justice and recover from the impact of a vehicle accident.
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389 · 3 months
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Breakdown by Luca
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yourlovingfng · 9 days
Simon Riley X Reader.
"You're staring"
"I don't trust you, Si."
In fact, you didn't trust Simon's driving skills, and whoever gave him his license should be put in jail because you've never seen another atrocious driver like him.
"What if we change seats? I'll drive this time."
"Don't worry, Dove. I'll drive us safely." Your instinct tells you otherwise, and now the person in the ambulance is telling you the same, "I told you we should've switched." With nothing to say, he just grumps in response, "It was a good call to step down; if I hadn't forgotten my purse, I would be next to you right now." He just grumps again in disappointment at himself. The car is getting towed out. You look at the tree Simon hit accidentally, just to sigh at the whole scene.
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majormisunderstanding · 2 months
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A 1939 Ford V8 as part of the Civil Ambulance, staffed by the South Australia Police.
South Australia Police Historical Society.
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itellmyselfsecrets · 1 year
“Men are more likely than women to be involved in a car crash, which means they dominate the numbers of those seriously injured in car accidents. But when a woman is involved in a car crash, she is 47% more likely to be seriously injured than a man, and 71% more likely to be moderately injured, even when researchers control for factors such as height, weight, seat-belt usage, and crash intensity…She is also 17% more likely to die and it all has to do with how the car is designed - and for whom…When men and women are in a car together, the man is most likely to be driving. So not collecting data on passengers more or less translates as not collecting data on women. The infuriating irony of all this is that the gendered passenger/driver norm is so prevalent that…the passenger seat is the only seat that is commonly tested with a female crash-test dummy, with the male crash-test dummy still being the standard dummy for the driver's seat. So stats that include only driver fatalities tell us precisely zero about the impact of introducing the female crash-test dummy.” - Caroline Criado Perez (Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men)
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riewritten · 2 months
ok so ive reread Oil Well Fires for the first time in a while and i, for the love of god, could not physically recover to this abhorrent shenanigan johan had pulled because reader had a nice day with the inspector
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like not even out of jealousy. our pathetic boy believes he’s not capable of such human feelings. i dont know what brought him to do THAT 😭
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The Only Successful Chernobyl Robot: The Toy Tank
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Chernobyl is a notable example of the use of robots to clean up and scout out areas hazardous to human workers. The robots of Chernobyl are infamous amongst the Liquidators who worked with them for their unreliability and expense. Because of their cost and the way Soviet procurement worked, any robot that failed while being used had to be retrieved by the Liquidators. Since most of the robots died in high radiation areas, many men were 'burned' (met their radiation quotas) just to get them into relative safety where they could be repaired or scrapped. There is, however, one notable exception to this trend; the Toy Tank (seen in the photo above).
Purchased by a liquidator in Kiev for 12 rubles (~$5) in 1986 after the Chernobyl disaster, this plastic tank had a short cord attaching it to its remote controller. It could move forwards and backwards, turn, and rattle to imitate firing its gun. After being brought to the Chernobyl Zone, it was quickly retrofitted for use at the CHNPP. The controller wire was extended to ten meters, and the tank was retrofitted with a flashlight, thermometer, and dosimeter. Using these tools, the tank could be sent ahead of exploration teams in the warren of rooms and hallways of Unit 4 as a 'hunting dog' to do primitive dosimetric and temperature exploration. This allowed the Liquidators to move with far more safety and caution into the depths of Unit 4.
The tank was procured and used by the Chernobyl Sarcophagus Exploration Team, a group of scientists from the Kurchatov Institute tasked with locating and monitoring the uranium fuel of Reactor 4 within the Unit Block. Nuclear fuel gives off radiation and heat, and so the tank was used to keep the team out of any unexplored rooms that may have contained these hazards. The tank was by all accounts extremely effective, and as an added bonus was far easier to decontaminate than the complex robots provided by various science ministries.
The performed its task deftly and with great success until the spring of 1987, when it became impossible to decontaminate any further. It was entombed in the Sarcophagus which it so dutifully explored.
This may seem like an urban legend or a wacky story made up by a tour guide, but it is in fact corroborated by countless memoirs and interviews with Liquidators. Also, no discredit to the other robots that served admirably at Chernobyl. There were probably other, equally as effective robots used in the zone, but this is the one most people who worked at the CHNPP itself speak of with any form of reverence.
Borovoi, A. A. (2017). Chapter 5: Robots. In My Chernobyl: The human story of a scientist and the Nuclear Power Plant Catastrophe (pp. 68–69). essay, Piscataqua Press.
The Toy Tank does have a big brother, three (some sources say four) ISU-152 self propelled gun that were used to demolish large buildings in the Chernobyl Zone.
Below: One of the ISU-152 'Demolition Tanks' used in the Chernobyl Zone. The New Safe Confinement covering Unit 4 can be seen in the background.
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Click here for more info on the ISU-152s
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Man I am just SO CONFUSED. About the time line of this game.
No one is telling me how long links been gone! Or how long the botw-totk timeskip was! They all just started selling my stuff again lol. I'm going to have to get everything redyed!
Me: hey random stranger! Lore dump? You look like a lore dumper.
Kindly npc: why hullo there, link ^^! My, I haven't seen you in a while since the calamity ended! I was so worried when they said you and the princess had gone missing! But it's good to see you're well.
Me: aw, thanks. How long has it actually been tho.
Kindly npc: ^u^
#Having a great time btw I've just been chased across a near sea of miasma by stal riders and more! 10/10 nearly died in a high speed chase#Made it out relatively unscathed which is truly amazing lmao#Spoilers ahead: I have had the funniest time doing the great plateau quest chain. Once I sucked it up and made nice with the creepy statue.#He's(?) been alright. Fair trader. Good deals. I've mostly been terrorising kohga in between absolutely failing to craft working vehicles X#His new boss fights are so much easier than the first one lol. Less fun I'll admit but the music is groovy. You can probably make a#Machine and try and dog fight him but with few exceptions the turning circles are decrepit so I just stuck to mild dodging and shooting him#And running over to hit him some more. Kinda bland for a boss fight I'll say. Could have done with a lot more pizazz. It's kohga come on.#Anyway I do feel kinda bad because apparently he's been stuck down there for however many months/years and I AM kinda cheating with the arm#After the first fight he fled to the gerudo mine and the steward very nicely showed me how to get there but never underestimate#My procrastination because I'd already found it by just exploring so I just teleported. In game it must have been terrifying lmao#Racing across an endless void filled only by the light of your rapidly running out of battery glider and the red glow of the gloom away fro#The apparently immortal ancient warrior who beat you up and tossed you down there and there's no sign of perusal so you're probably safe#But you get there and he's already sitting there poking some bananas having wiped out your goons and plundered your supplies.#Like sorry man but the arm comes with the hero territory I can't exactly take it off.#Maybe if you stopped terrorising the people purah would let you have one of her long distance teleportation slates. It comes with photos?#It can't have been long since botw link hasn't grown an inch XD. Also I've been turning the lore timeline over in my head and still no idea#Are we not sure Rauru isn't from some alternate timeline that got fused with the main loz timeline by accident??#loz#legend of zelda#totk#loz totk#tears of the kingdom#loz tears of the kingdom#totk spoilers
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techtuv · 5 days
What do you think about that?
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 11 months
Whump Prompt #1290
Whumptober #22: Vehicular Accident
Give me accidents that aren’t your character's fault. Give me engines that fail regardless of how recently they were serviced; doors with a faulty lock or tires that pop or an electrical system breaking at a key moment. (Or something that pertains to the mode of transport your characters use: the horse gets spooked, an axel on the waggon snaps, a storm threatens to sink the ship…)
Give me the fear in the moment - the panic and frustration as well as the lasting effects on those travelling. Are they injured in the initial accident? Is there a crash that leaves them impaled/trapped? Are they alone or with others - if so, do they have to sacrifice resources in order to keep someone alive, or are they able to travel on foot? How far are they able to make it?
Also... was the accident truly an accident? Was it a minor fault the engineer missed, or was there something more sinister planned for those travelling?
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teamhawkeye · 1 year
love walking on the sidewalk and having some crazy old woman drive straight at me, jump the curb, and almost obliterate me before driving off without ever stopping or looking back 🫠
she hit a parked car somewhere further up the street, so that other person wasn't as fortunate as myself
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fruitless-vain · 7 months
Well I can add car crash to the list of things Yoshi has been exposed to
This is not my damn week
Everyone’s fine, we were hit by a car turning left from a lane to the right of us. We just have a dent n some missing grips on the truck’s step but otherwise fine, they smashed the majority of their front end. And they just hit where our back passenger door meets the bed of the truck so not near my passengers, Yo didn’t even flinch, just like “oh that’s a big speed bump”.
Anyways I get to spend the day on the phone with insurance now
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detentiontrack · 6 months
So apparently now on t*ktok being a terrible driver is a funny “trend” and not being reckless and selfish and endangering everyone else on the road
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