#vector portraits
solgasart · 1 year
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saylercreates · 2 months
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Did this Logan portrait in Adobe Illustrator. Probably the fastest and simultaneously most complex Illustrator piece I've ever done, so props to me, I guess. We were so close to points in Silverstone!
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eobsinj · 18 days
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✨ he wins 1043 days later, marc marquez is back - aragon 2024 ( twt )
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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"NDIDI SPACE" by odhara 
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yoaz · 8 months
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My instagram
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missingsunlight · 5 months
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vector line practice 💙
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Creative woman portrait - pointillism ♡
Need a portrait? PM us!
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kubra6 · 8 months
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El abrigo amarillo
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pixel-shape · 1 month
New poster with Melina and Torrent!
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artsometimes · 5 months
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Gradient tool fun ⭐️🌟✨
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saylercreates · 2 months
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Here it is! Only my second Illustratot project in this style, but I really like how it turned out.
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mvbphoto · 5 months
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Digital Vector artwork designed and edit in Illustrator. Was a cool job :)
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autonnaton · 2 months
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Not sure if I've uploaded this yet, but here is my vector portrait of Eurydice from Hades.
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len0ri · 5 months
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gift for vanilla-chan on Twitter
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annaflorsdefum · 2 months
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ES|| Esta soy yo y mi gato imaginario.☀️ Para los que no me conozcáis: Me llamo Anna Valpuesta Farré y soy ilustradora infantil. Nací y vivo en Barcelona y me apasiona crear personajes adorables que solo con mirarlos me saquen una sonrisa. En mis tiempos libres soy una voraz devoradora de libros y siempre llevo una taza o termo de infusión de hierbas en la mano (fresquita en verano y calentita en invierno). Me encanta la naturaleza y los animales, siempre voy mirando los pájaros, las flores y plantas, las abejas y cualquier animalillo que me pase por delante… Me fascina descubrir animales que no sabía que existían en el mundo y tengo una llista mental de animales que sería un sueño ver en directo en su hábitat natural. Por este motivo siempre aparece naturaleza en mis ilustraciones. Ahh! Y me gusta hacer fotos, pero no que me las hagan y creo que esta es la primera vez que hago un autorretrato!! 🌻🐝
EN|| This is me and my imaginary cat.☀️ For those of you who don't know me: My name is Anna Valpuesta Farré and I’m a children's illustrator. I'm from Barcelona and I’m passionate about creating adorable characters that just by looking at them make you smile. In my free time I’m a voracious devourer of books and I always carry a cup or a thermos of herbal tea in my hand (cool in the summer and warm in the winter). I absolutely love nature and animals, I’m always looking at birds, flowers and plants, bees and any little animal that passes by... It fascinates me to discover animals that I didn’t know existed in the world and I have a mental list of animals that It would be a dream come true to see live in its natural habitat. For this reason, nature is always present in my illustrations. Ahh! And I like taking photos, but not being in them. I think this is the first time I've made a self-portrait!! 🌻🐝
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mattlyon · 1 year
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Teoh - Seaside Sensation
Recent artwork for Tokyo Dawn Records, including unused portrait cover
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