#vc shield
crazytiles · 1 year
Scratch Resistance Tiles - Somany
VC Shield Technology provides a protective layer that safeguards tiles from wear and tear, scratches, stains, and weather damage. This remarkable achievement earned the company its first Indian Patent (No. 227692) in 2009, cementing its position as the first ceramic tile company in India to develop such innovative technology.
When it comes to choosing the best scratch-resistant flooring, several options offer exceptional durability and longevity. One of the top choices is ceramic tiles, particularly vitrified tiles, known for their impressive resistance to scratches and wear.
Vitrified tiles are engineered through a process of high-temperature vitrification, transforming them into dense, non-porous surfaces that are highly resistant to abrasions. This makes them an ideal solution for spaces that experience heavy foot traffic, such as hallways, kitchens, and living areas.
Among the reputable brands that offer scratch-resistant vitrified tiles, Somany Ceramics stands out for its commitment to quality and innovation. With a wide range of designs, colors, and patterns, Somany's tiles not only provide remarkable scratch resistance but also elevate the aesthetics of your space.
Somany Ceramics' scratch-resistant tiles are part of their VC Shield collection, a testament to their dedication to providing flooring solutions that prioritize both safety and style. These tiles offer a unique combination of functionality and beauty, ensuring that your floors not only withstand the tests of time but also maintain an appealing appearance.
Whether you're seeking scratch-resistant flooring for a residential or commercial space, Somany Ceramics' collection is designed to meet your needs. Their reputation in the industry for delivering high-quality products makes them a trusted choice for those seeking durable and aesthetically pleasing flooring solutions.
In conclusion, when considering scratch-resistant flooring options, vitrified tiles, particularly those offered by Somany Ceramics, provide an excellent blend of durability, style, and practicality. With their scratch-resistant tiles, you can enjoy floors that not only look stunning but also retain their pristine condition for years to come.
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thebreakfastmuses · 5 months
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He has his work cut out for him keeping the four of you alive...
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caestusvulpes · 4 months
did i tell yall abt how hikari brute forced the pillar climb. how this fucking moron watched caesar cleave through the oil, said 'fuck that shit', and instead coated her entire body in oil by pressing her head against the pillar to let it cascade over her body, hung on one hand at a time to cover her hands equally, charged her 'oil armor' for like two hours, and fucking climbed through it. Hikari 'Path of Most Resistance' Nakama.
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darabeatha · 6 months
@cyneris replied ; he has the most gorgeous eyes 😿 10 / 10 would fall for the gaslighting, gatekeeping, and manipulating 😿
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝ These eyes of mine are only mirrors, my lord . Nothing else .. ❞ㅤThey reflect what is beautiful, what is longed for. They light up for you, because of you.ㅤAnd he cradles Esra´s hands in between his, shielding them from the sun's intensity with his leather gloves . ❝ However; only one word from you would be needed for them to turn into your light and your shield. ❞
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❝ Remember that . So that when you leave, have the grace to thread upon wherever you desire, Esra. I'll be looking for you then, guiding you .
Each step you take . ❞
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jabberwockprince · 2 years
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i like to think Sonia tried really hard to actually teach Purin about the stuff she's researching as a professor but the mf hasn't used their brain in like a decade so her little lessons never went anywhere
anyway, they're now her little personal rubber duck whenever she's stuck and needs to organize her thoughts
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corferox · 1 year
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also on the topic of link's swordsmanship : something i think is really fun is that link is STRICTLY a one-handed sword fighter, not sword AND shield. in story instances, he's only ever seen with a sword. and then when he IS fighting with a shield during gameplay, he's consistently making the beginner mistake of swinging the shield back when he strikes, rather than swinging the sword AROUND the shield he has equipped. he clearly seems to retain most of the muscle memory he had from 100 years ago, so i guess no one ever trained him out of it ?? or maybe the prodigal martial genius knows something i don't ? who knows. i do think it's funnier if he just hates shields so much that he never bothered to learn how to properly use one though.
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tvrningout · 9 months
hmm chiyo sunday thoughts below the cut — more so bc of the subject matter than explicit content!
just thinking about the first time chiyo sees any sort of bruises or marks on herself after being intimate with her significant other. i think there’s a certain thrill in seeing them as well as a giddiness bc ofc her mind wanders to memories of how they got there. ofc she thinks about she was the one to inspire that sort of passion. marks and bruises are a physical representation of the feelings her lover has for her, so chiyo very much loves to see them.
her partner might be worried the first time they see the aftermath of their intimacy, but she is just “ no you didn’t hurt me shush 💜 gimme some more actually 💜 ”
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halchron · 1 year
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why is he always in the middle of it
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sapientiiae-a · 2 years
💭 + Sheik
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Sheik is the closest thing Zelda has ever had to a friend. While Link could be considered a second runner-up because she does care for him, she does not get anywhere near close to the same amount of time with Link as she does Sheik.
Growing up, it wasn’t very common to see other children in the palace. Occasionally she might cross paths with another child if someone had to bring their child with them to work that day (i.e. one of the maids, soldiers, or one of her tutors), but those instances were pretty rare because it isn’t exactly easy to watch your kid and complete your daily responsibilities at the same time. Let’s also add in the fact that when other children are around, they’re likely told to keep away from Zelda because she is the Princess of Hyrule, so engaging with her wouldn’t be appropriate or they need to not distract her from her studies. 
And if having another child in the castle was rare, Zelda leaving Hyrule castle was nearly unheard of. With the exception of special events that took place in Castle Town, Zelda seldom left the palace, and when she did she certainly wasn’t interacting with children in the square because that could be dangerous.
Sheik, however, is the one anomaly to this. As a Sheikah, it was anticipated he would one day serve the Royal Family, so he is given free access to the grounds. His mother was also the Queensguard/Zelda’s nursemaid, so the two were often thrown together since Sheik would shadow Impa in many instances.
Growing up, Zelda never realized just how much trouble she created for Sheik, something she is able to reflect on as an adult, which she does genuinely feel bad about. She knows she often made things more difficult for him, but it causes her to appreciate his companionship even more because he’s stood by her side despite all that.
When they are given a chance to, more or less, “redo” their childhoods, Zelda has her memories from their first childhood. She’s already made it to adulthood once, so she is much more intentional with her actions the second time around and tries to keep Sheik out of trouble (such as intervening during fights or pleading to her father on his behalf) rather than be the reason he gets into it.
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wisperwords · 1 year
Hey, Shield Knight, how have things been after the Order blew over? How's Altius doing? You guys recovering OK?
🛡️ - "We're doing all right, all things considered. My arm's healing up and Shovel and Black are obviously just thrilled I'm around again. They both worry so much." She chuckles fondly, shaking her head.
"I've been helping the Order settle into honest life as best I can. ...None of them know why I'm helping, though--they just assume it's because of Shovel. It's for the best that I keep things that way. I don't think they'd appreciate knowing I know them better than they know me." ...Her expression briefly turns sour. "Well, none of them know except Specter, of course, but I haven't seen him since." And she'd rather continue not seeing him, to be honest.
Shield's quick to brighten back up, though. "And Altius is fine! Shovel took good care of him and his wing's healed up nicely. You should've seen him when I got back to the Burrow, though--I thought I was going to suffocate under all that happy owl. Showed him my arm and told him we matched, heh."
Really, his injury had been a blessing in disguise. If he hadn't been hurt, she might've taken him with her to the Tower, and then...well. She'd rather not think about that.
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fusionbolts · 2 years
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as the resident ancient muse enabler (well, the former resident ancient muse enabler. I guess in my absence Kei and Knight have largely taken over that role for me.), I present: a list of Technically Canon ancient muses the community should definitely make: - The Ancient Hero referenced in legends Arceus - The ancient draconid lorekeeper that saved Sootopolis (we had this one once upon a time actually) - The unnamed youth that originally banished Necrozma with the Tapus (referenced in the secret notes in the Malie Library) - Heath of the Area Zero expedition team - The "pokémon wielders" who sealed the treasures of ruin
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vixlenxe · 1 year
When I am just doing my thing on FFXIV & someone in my party compliments my tanking abilities.
'Thanks this is literally all I am doing'
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cornerstonc · 2 years
what flavor is your soul?
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ah, the old soul, nice to meet again. the time of ages is etched into your bones, you see clearly. you've watched the heartache in this realm and sworn to solve it. but kindness without limits is self destruction. 
oh little leaf, strong and wise, you seek to bring peace with your presence. I'd be wrong to say you fail at this effort, but you mustn't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. you wish to please everyone, to protect them all. but if you shield the saplings from the sunlight they will never grow, and you one day will wither. protect yourself too. you know there are no happy heroes, so don't be one. be a friend. 
your loved ones will not forsake you for not being perseus slaying all their demons. you have your own monsters, why not meet them first before you conquer anyone else's nightmares. 
oh true-hearted paladin you are brave, and you are good enough. you know that right? be true to yourself, one cannot do anything saintly if they did not tend to their own wounds first.
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oh heart of ice and mind of gold, what am I to do with you? you are only good in small amounts, bittersweet fledgling, you are hard for most to swallow. 
your spirit is strong, your wit is potent, your biting essence drives even the most daring away. but why are you hiding your sweetness? I know within you, you are soft, but humanity has made you bitter. you mask your pain and sorrow with spite and sensibility. you say you do not care about trivial things, but don't you? 
sweetheart relax. you can let down your drawbridge, the waters are not poisoned. I know you have looked monsters in between the eyes and scoffed at them, but please, relax. you think your armor protects you but it is smothering you slowly. 
little owlet, when will you learn, words can only get you so far? feelings are what makes this world pulse. do not suppress your feelings. your heart can still thaw my dear. trust.
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reallyrandomtj · 13 days
A bit depresso expresso without the expresso ( no coffee ) as I lost my 50/50 to Clara on my Asia account and lost to Himeko on my American account... I JUST WANTED JIAOQIU so I could decide if I wanted to add him as a muse!
Guess I'm more likely to add Feixiao or Moze once they release? Give me the pretty Foxian man @ HSR?!
To cheer myself up? I'm going to nuke everything with my mutuals characters on my American account because it has made me happy so far-- xD
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minban · 4 months
' don't you ever fucking dare do that again! ' she lashes out at cloud, hands sternly gripping at his turtleneck so as to force him to regard her, to stay grounded with her in the moment, ' why do you go around foolishly risking your life?! ' mya admonishes cloud, not sparing him the violent maelstrom of her words, ' i hate it when people do that for me! i hate it when someone wants to die for me! don't you get it?! i am sick and tired of that! '
it is, of course, no fault of his that this has come to be. her father has already taught her to despise the rhetoric of "he fought for you". fuck that! she's never asked for any of that! she's never asked to wake up one day, look in the mirror, and behold part of the reason why her father is dead.
' i'm so damned tired, ' the redhead continues, ' of standing by, powerless and useless, when people i love get hurt for me! or worse, die for me! ' she does not release him from her grasp, lest he dares to turn to dust under her touch. for all that, her touch softens, open palms laid on his chest. her agitated breathing slowly begins to even. ' i forbid you to die for me, cloud strife. do you understand me? ' ( lbr this is probably when mya confessed to cloud she loves him ajshdgfg )
@furiaei / then what is a hero, if not a sacrifice?
wounds mar his skin painting pale flesh in streaks of crimson, tearing through his clothes so that he is covered in his own blood and gore. and he heals so slowly, worn down and exhuasted from the battle he had so easily thrown himself in, using his body as shield for the woman he has come to hold close to his heart, his blade a shining metalic silver that protects her from harm. yet it scarcely protects himself, as he comes out the victor with injuries as his prize and an anguish in his wake, for mya does not appreciate all that he has done for her.
and it's such a silly thing that she does not wish for harm to come to him when it is to protect her, because had she not wished for him to be her hero? had she not brought this title upon him, when he was so tired and exhausted from all that gaia has thrown at him and continues to throw at him. he is gaia's champion, and the planet continues to expect that he will be a sturdy warrior, an unshakable protector.
so cloud does not understand why mya comes to him with anger in her voice and worry in her face, distraught that he had thrown himself in front of her so easily, so willing to face unimaginable dangers, and to face those horrors alone. he does not understand, when she sees her father in him, a whispered pain that she spoke of all that time ago, of his eyes bringing back memories of the past. he thinks that maybe, her father had been her hero once, and mya has soon started to call cloud her hero as well. so what is he to do, but to follow in the footsteps of a figure mya held so dear to her heart, so that he too may be held that closely as well.
"i'm sorry," he whispers through exhaustion, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her closer so that he may slump against her. "i wanted to protect you, to keep you safe." he needs for her to be safe, so that she may be a beacon of light at the end of the road paved in crimson and corpses, someone to look forward to seeing, to holding in his arms just as he is doing now. he needs her to be that for him, just as she has placed the title of hero so gently on his crown. he wonders if she knows how heavy it weighs him down, if she knows that he has begun to drag his body around beneath that crown lest it crushes him till he is hardly but a speck of flesh on the ground.
cloud buries his face into mya's shoulders, uncaring that his skin is still slowly and painfully stitching itself back together, that he has not stopped bleeding and that he is staining her red as well. he does not wish for the anguish that she presents to him, for her to be worried enough to yell at him, to grab him and shake him until he may see reason in her words. and he gets it, he does. had their roles been reversed, then cloud would not wish for mya to put herself in harm's way for him. and yet this is not the situation at hand, and he hopes it will never be. he hopes that he will always be the one with swords piercing his flesh, with his limbs being torn piece by piece off his joints, that he will be the only one to suffer torments, so that mya will be spared the brunt of the pain.
what a shoddy hero he is, that he can not even speak to mya about promises to ease her worries, to soothe the pain that she feels now. they would all be empty promises that he would never be able to live up to, because he would die for her, he would die for her as many times as he is able to just so that she may live. he will take as much pain as he is able to endure, pain that would not be able to endure, all so that mya may live peacefully. he will not promise her a word, but he nods his head while buried in her neck, so that she may know that he has understood her. so that he will not have to speak to her instead, for he knows that no words that come out of his mouth will be ones that she wants to hear.
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shinraffairs · 6 months
Date or Pass
" .... " The query catches him off guard. The President-- Rufus is someone who Tseng trusts implicitly. It would be impossible to define their bond with something as banal as date or pass. Was this, perhaps, some kind of joke? Or was Rufus feeling some kind of ... insecurity?
His gaze lingers on the other, trying to discern some kind of meaning from the sudden question.
-- And without finding anything at all, he looks away. "You surely know the answer to that, sir. "
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