#vax x the briarwoods
ravenquingvax · 2 years
Seeing people like posts about the Briarvax AU that I'm still working on the first chapter of after a year.
Ahahah. Ha. Ha...
I'm still trying to make it work, it's not abandoned, I'm just struggling to make the words word 😭
I really want to write this one!!
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I’ve connected some dots.
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bastart13 · 2 years
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Thank you @direful for some awful brilliant inspiration with the Briarwoods
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brookie9001 · 6 months
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Vox Machina! FUCK! SHIT!! UP!!!
Nein whole years of Critical Role and too much good stuff to celebrate so for day 1 or 3 we've got the Super High-Intensity Team that is Vox Machina! These are more shots back from the amazing Critical Role shoot back in October before MCM!
Delilah Briarwood - @lady_honey_designs Percy - @octopicos Vax'ildan - @loey_cosplay Keyleth - @ayato._.cosplay The Raven Queen - @ghostcat-cosplays Lieve'tel - @post_a_ghost
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dervampireprince · 2 years
ASMR | Vox Machina - Sylas Briarwood x Listener SFW You Smell Delicious [M4A] [Vampire] [Yandere??]
[M4A] [Vampire] [Threats] [Mind control] [Body control] [Biting] [Blood drinking] [Dubious consent]
Well well well... A very old request getting fulfilled. I was drawing Sylas and Vax on stream the other week and it sparked old ideas and a couple friends encouraged me so here he is, an attempt at a character I always feared not having a masculine enough voice for. I know it's not perfect. Let's avoid the misgendering please. I've been ignoring so many Silco requests because those videos seem to attract the most transphobic and misgendering comments ( for those unaware I am a trans man)
Custom audio commissions are open! Full spicy audios on soundgasm and Patreon. Downloadable versions, exclusive  spicy audios and Discord on Patreon. I also stream on Twitch 3 times a week @ dervampireprince . [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit my audios/videos]
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
I was thinking of a scenario like the end of DDHAT - have you seen it? **SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SEEN D&D Honor Among Thieves**
Percy x Reader - at the conclusion of a big baddie battle, everyone is checking in, except for Reader. They finally find them - they’ve been struck by the baddie’s poison weapon, to which there is no cure, sorry Pike, not even you. Death is imminent and painful. Percy IS in possession of a resurrection tablet (in this version Cassandra didn’t survive the Briarwoods) that they just quested for and that Percy was intending for his sister. As they’re drawing their last pained breath the reader says their only regret was not telling Percy about their feelings sooner. Percy is a mess. Vox is devastated and even a few members beg an already conflicted Percy to bring them back. He brings them back. Happy happy confessions love angsty romantic bliss 🤭🥰
Long convoluted idea - sorry!!- love all your stuff!!!
This was such a guilty pleasure movie for me! I loved it and now this idea makes me sad 💔
Cw slight mention of death
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After the final blow was delivered, Percy’s immediate reaction is to check on you
he sees you hunched over as you hold your wounded side, a hand covering the fatal gash
Vex’ahlia is to your other side, holding you upward, and fighting back the heartbreak she feels encroaching
behind him, he can hear Keyleth, Vax, Grog gasping in shock just as they realize what’s happened
You look at him with a bittersweet expression. Either you accept your fate or regret not making the most of what the gods had offered you in life, but somehow focusing on Percy takes away the burden of what feel’s impending
“…that was a hell of a fight, wasn’t it? At least I made this one count…”
Denial and every other emotion of bargaining overwhelms Percy, and he comes to your
there’s no joy in the song that Scanlan whispers along with you to offer as a small comfort when he holds your hand
Percy can see the hope dwindling out of Pike’s eyes as her magic fades, she can’t heal you and even if there was a chance to revive you…it couldn’t…
every thing feels as if it’s crashing down and they’re helpless to stop it
With his trembling hands, Percy tries to hold onto you as he’s begging through breathy sobs. You grip back as much as you can as your strength wanes.
one. Two. Three agonizing seconds go by until he realizes you are still with a parted smile on your face.
He looks to the tablet. To you. The memories of his family, Cassandra; that all start to blend with you and Vox Machina and the new life he’s started to form. You’ve been there; all of you, from you and Vex to everyone and he can’t imagine a life without any one of you. As he speaks the words, Percy offers one final plea despite the years of pain before
The quiet pleas from the rest of the party are all but background noise to him as he watches you for any sign.
you look around in amazement at seven pairs of tear-stained eyes widening as you realize what’s happened
“Don’t tell me you used that on me….” is all you can manage as you gasp in amazement and shock
Percy holds you close to him before you get a chance to utter more words
“I was a fool to not tell you sooner than later…”
you look at him in disbelief laced with the same love that he holds for you, not realizing the tears that are falling on your face
“Percy…I’ve always loved you too,”
now there are seven pairs of of arms around you, just holding you a little tighter than normal after a close encounter they don’t want to repeat
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saphirered · 2 years
Can I request a vax’ildan x reader fic where the reader doesn’t want him to be alone when he goes with the raven queen so she strikes a deal with the matron to serve her eternally by his side?
Hope this is to your liking! I struggled a bit with this one for some reason buuuuut I managed to nail down all the angst! 😘
Tick tock, goes the clock of the pompous asshole (affectionately) lord of Whitestone. Tick tock, time runs out. Vax’ildan knows one day the time will come where the matron will call upon this bargain; his sister’s life for his undying service. It’s a sacrifice he’d make over and over again. The goddess of death is as cryptic as she is creepy and what purpose he might serve now, reveals little by little through vision and calling of something within him that was not there before. One could argue at least he got some fancy armour out of it but that would be a joke in poor taste. The weight of it becomes heavier as time passes. Losing his sister is perhaps the worst thing imaginable to him and that remains the same. She’s always been there for him. He needs her more than she needs him. It just so happens that some other idiots walked into their life they both happen to care about a tremendous amount despite what odds they might be at at times, in the end he’d go to hell and back for them. It makes it all the more difficult that he knows when that bargain of his is called in, he’ll have to leave them behind. 
That makes all these moments count the more, these memories, he has to make sure he’ll never forget them, not through eternity because they make him who he is, every single one of them; Pickle and Scan-man, Big Man, Kiki and Freddy, his sister Stubby and then there’s you; Sparkles. Just the thought of that nickname he gave you brings a smile to his face. You’d asked him many times why Sparkles. He’d always given you a different answer, each one more ridiculous than the last. In reality he knows exactly why. When he makes you smile, your eyes light up. It’s so simple. It’s so stupid. But it stuck. He’d do anything to see you smile again. You’ve not smiled at him like that ever since he told you of the deal he made with the Raven Queen. He’s not truly smiled since. 
You had so many questions, he could feel but you didn't ask. You had sat there and the sparks in your eyes dimmed, instead it was the light reflecting off your tears this time. You’d wrapped your arms around him, you’d held him and told him everything would be alright even though you both knew the likelihood of anyone weaselling their way out of a deal with a literal god. You hadn’t sobbed, when he did. Your grip never weakened when his body fell too heavy and the weight of the expiration date on his life with his friends and family and you became too much of a burden to bear, to heavy a reality to face. You were strong when he couldn’t be. You comforted him when he put on a brave face before the others, when the times got tough. And when you finally pulled away, when you cupped his face and told him this doesn’t change anything, the trailing tears already drying nearly broke him again. You smiled at him but there would be no sparkles in your eyes. 
Effort was made, by yourself, his sister and your friends. Research was done on the matron of death, her history, her ways, her temples, and so much more but it never seemed like enough. With more knowledge revealed, the more damning this got. Vax slowly witnessed you lose more courage. You started dabbling in certain magics, but heeded his warnings and stayed clear of the things that brought the Briarwoods their demise. You respected his wishes, besides you did not think those treacherous practices would keep at bay the Raven Queen. Silas Briarwood had just died. Vax has not and will not. You did claim you might have had an easier time undoing some devil’s deal. He had simply retorted he doesn’t like to half-ass things. You’d smiled and there had been a brief spark but it faded as quickly as it came. 
Vax had found you praying to her sometimes. You’d be looking at the stars when you thought no one could hear. You’d ask for guidance, a way out, freedom, justice, anything to save him. Sometimes he’d find you with a raven’s feather in your palm, or tucked somewhere in your hair or clothes. You’d be surprised at its presence and when he asked how you got it, you never knew how it ended up on your person. You didn’t lie necessarily. It just wasn’t the whole truth. Now he finds you gone, off somewhere away from everyone, in her damned temple. You sit at the red pool  surrounded by books and a broken orb. You read the pages again and again until on your knees you draw runes and markings he cannot begin to comprehend. He’s quiet and sticks to the shadows but something urges him closer. He resists. The magic seems to fizzle and you cry in frustration. You throw a bowl into the red pool. Its splash reaches you and stains your clothes despite you wiping it away best you can. 
“I’ve tried everything. You won’t even listen to me. What’s the use? You think yourself better? Because you ascended? Does that make me not but a bug in your palm waiting to be squashed?”  You speak dryly getting to your feet picking up the orb. You’re half ready to cast it away, shatter it into a million pieces. But then you see what you see, know what you know and you cannot undo someone’s life work like so. That’s the stories of so many people long gone held in that one orb. You won’t condemn another to the dark. You tuck it close to your chest. 
“What are you doing?” You turn on your heels to face the shadows the Champion of the Raven Queen steps out of. Your expression softens and out of habit you go to wipe away the already dried tears from your cheeks. You sniffle. You approach stopping just a step from him, asking permission. You’re hanging on by a thread. You’re falling apart at the seams. Vax forgets his questions and instead invites you into his embrace. You wrap one arm around him to pull yourself closer while the other holds on tightly to that orb in your grasp. 
“I’m sorry.” You don’t say anything else but those words feel heavier than they ever have. They feel hopeless. “I’m so sorry.” You can’t hold back the sob this time, nor the shake of your body. You hold on tighter as you cry and it’s Vax’ turn to silence his own suffering. He has to stay strong for you this time. You need him right now. He kisses the top of your head. 
“It’s alright. You’ll be alright.” He whispers in your ear as he rocks the both of your side to side, rubbing your back, stroking your hair and doing anything and everything to comfort you while his own tears fall silently. 
“I’ve tried- Everything. I’ve done everything. She won’t accept. She won’t listen.” You cry. 
“It’s okay. You’ve already done so much. I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me.” Your cries stop and you freeze just for a few seconds. You pull away. You cup his cheek. The cogs in your head are turning at rapid speed as you put the pieces together and clutch that orb in your palm like it’s the key to solving everything. Vax is confused and shakes his head. “I won’t let you sacrifice yourself for me.” He argues but you shake yours in return. 
“I won’t- I’m not. You told me not to and I’ll respect your wishes. But I think I am ready to make a deal…” You speak more to yourself than to him when you step out of his embrace. You do not look at him as you turn to the pool and kneel down to submerge the orb into the thick red liquid far to akin to blood, it might as well be. “Come on, come on, come on, come on.” You repeat. 
Hesitantly Vax watches, a million things run through his head. He has half the mind to stop you, to drag you out of here and take you far away. He has half the mind to tell you this is madness and a lost cause. Hope has withered and died within him a long time ago. Perhaps that’s why he settled so easily for the inevitable and just dealt with the pain. You’re not like that. You find solutions to impossible problems. You do impossible things with every breath you take. You’re filled with wonder and that makes you wonderful. You promised to respect his wishes and not lose yourself through this dead end, and he believes you’ll keep it so why should he stop you now? One last time. If it fails, you’ll make the best of the time you have left together. If it succeeds… well he doesn’t know what would happen then. Vax stands with you, places a hand on your shoulder as you wait. Your brow furrows and something seems to will you into the pool but he holds you back. Whatever you did, whatever it is you hold, this pool wants it, the Raven Queen wants it. But you’re not about to give up your bargaining chip for free. He realises then.
“You really want it that badly? You’re no different from the rest of us measly little bugs, are you? Come out and face me!” With Vax’ help and by some miracle of your own making you pull your arm free from the pool, orb still in hand and when you and him fall back on your asses, you find yourselves staring up at the visage of the Raven Queen herself, looming in all her might, though you know she’s not truly here. She’s but an avatar, an illusion, but still real enough to smite your arses should she call your bluff. You’re willing to take that risk. Vax’s arm falls around your waist, your back to his side. He’s protecting you without getting in your way, even though he doubts he could do much to stop the Matron of Ravens, he’d certainly try, for you. 
“I didn’t see it then but I see now. You’ve forgotten who you are. They tore you apart and you’re left to piece yourself back together all alone. You want to remember as much as you want to be remembered. I thought ancient knowledge would show me a path to my goal. It wasn’t knowledge. It was compassion. You’re lost.” However faint it may have been, you recall the memories of a woman, a mage, a teacher, someone powerful and respected, but above all someone loved and surrounded by people. You raise the orb towards her. 
“I cannot give you this but I can give you my memories of it, everything I saw, and everything I will find. I will scourge the earth for memories of you, before you became this. I know what fate is set cannot be undone but it doesn’t have to be faced alone. Let me be his memory so he might never forget who he is.” And that’s the offer you make. It’s no deal of wit and trickery, no bargain of a merchant and a customer. This is a bargain of compassion. You offer something the Raven Queen has not seen much of since her ascend. Despite your grievances and selfish intentions your offer remains true. 
The porcelain white mask bends down. Vax helps you to your feet. You have to leave his embrace but you lace your fingers together. The world beyond his arms seems so deadly cold, so lonely. When you take a step forward and another, up to the foot of the goddess, right before you stare up at her expressionless mask, you look over your shoulder and smile. For the first time in a long time Vax sees those sparks again. He could have cried in that very moment. The goddess does not speak when a golden thread flows from you to her. She does not speak when she extends a long finger and pulls the thread. It stretches and you feel as if you’re pulled towards her but you hold steady. She pulls a loop. Vax steps forward, wether of his own volition or not, until he stands just one step further than you, but still at your side. The Raven Queen loops the thread until it curves around him and then she lets go. The new tether sets. Your offer has been accepted. The threads fade and the masked face cocks. That same finger reaches out and raises your head. You do not shy away from those black pits for eyes. He squeezes your hand once more. You smile and offer a thankful nod. Whatever the Raven Queen saw in your eyes must have satisfied because in a burst of feathers and darkness she is gone. 
The moment she is gone Vax’ arms wrap around you and hold you close. He whispers sweet nothings and tells you how reckless and stupid and stubborn you are but you only hear the words as a faint echo as the memories of a dead woman from ages long since passed flash through your mind and you feel a secondhand cold mournfulness. When the memories fade and you feel like your mind has returned to reality the orb is in your pocket and Vax has dragged you away from the cursed temple, far away from gods and this world, and beyond. Faintly do the halls of home flash you by until the shutting of a door behind you pulls you from your trance. 
“You have no idea how much I love you.” Vax breathes as he holds your face between his hands. Your eyes shine but not with tears or sadness. They shine with light and life and hope and wonder, and love, so much love. You hold onto his wrists, a reminder he’s still tethered here, to this place, and forever tethered to you. He shakes his head in disbelief but smiles and places his lips against yours in a loving kiss. Again and again and again. He showers you with love and affection, as you give back in turn. 
You don’t know what it’ll mean or how things work but you know a bargain has been struck and you’ll stay at Vax’ side no matter what. He’ll never be alone. Not when you’ll be tethered to him. 
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house-of-kolchek · 1 year
Twisted Tango (18+)
Vax'ildan x Reader
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Enjoy the elf smut. That's all.
Word Count: 6169 (nice.)
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It wasn’t often you found the opportunity to dress up. 
So, when the Sovereign Uriel of Emon called for a formal dinner… gala… whatever the hell Percy had called it, you couldn’t help the surge of excitement at the opportunity to let your hair down - literally - and find a nice dress that would outline the smoother aspects of your battle-hardened form.
That, and you hoped to maybe catch the attention of a certain half-elf.
You arrived to the venue, feeling bright and tall in a fitted dress embellished by twin slits on either side, reaching your mid-thigh. Though they felt a little wobbly, you’d chosen the pair of striking heels Keyleth had suggested, giving you an extra couple inches of height and complimenting the colour of your outfit. Having just barely arrived, you’d already received multiple compliments and stares. Even Vex had voiced her approval, shooting you with a knowing look and a quirked brow that sent a flush to your cheeks.
But they were nothing compared to the moment when Vax noticed you. 
The rogue - who was dressed quite handsomely himself, with his usually loose hair gathered to a low ponytail - faltered in his steps, nearly running into Scanlan as his eyes stuck to you. As the gnome started shouting a few choice words, Vax simply ignored him, his attention solely stuck to you. You couldn’t help but catch the slight warmth that dusted Vax’s cheeks, and the quirk in his lips, his gaze flickering from your feet to the top of your head. 
At that moment, Percy took the opportunity to lecture the group on proper etiquette, breaking whatever spell had fallen over the two of you. With that, you simply sent Vax a bashful smile, turning your attention to the gunslinger and preparing to break out your admittedly rusty people skills. 
As your group finally entered the expansive castle, a hand gently brushed against the back of yours, and you glanced to your left to catch Vax’s soft grin. He dipped his head towards yours, stealing your breath away as he dropped his voice to a near-whisper.
“You look fantastic,” he uttered. It was simple and quiet, yet it still sent your heart rate into overdrive. You thanked him, offering a look and a compliment of your own that decorated his cheeks with a matching warmth.
Surveying the room, you strayed off towards one of the walls, though you felt Vax’s gaze follow. With a fairly noble history, you found yourself slipping into a pleasant smile, meaningless greetings and empty chuckles. When a racket of noise sounded from the middle of the room, you had to bite back a snicker at the sight of Grog and Pike, throwing back glasses of champagne as if they were shots. 
Your amusement was short lived, however, as your gaze slid over to Percy, your heart dropping at the expression painting his features. Gone was his excitement, his wonder at speaking with all the diplomats, lord and ladies. You instead saw a strange combination of visceral fear and rage swirl in his eyes, and excused yourself from the bland conversation you’d been sharing with a Lady who’s name you’d already forgotten. 
By the time you’d reached him, the rest of the party had joined, surrounding the man in a small circle. His gaze was haunted and distant, and you were nearly at the point of snapping in front of his face before Vex pulled him from whatever trance he was in.
“Those two…” Percy uttered, describing the fall of his home at the hands of the couple - you’d overheard their names as the Briarwoods - Sylas and Deliliah. They seemed unassuming, like perfectly reasonable, if anything rather pompous characters, but if Percy spoke truth…
“Should we say something? To Uriel?” Vax offered, sending a curious glance towards the retreating couple. His brows had furrowed in that slight way, deepening with suspicion. Percy refuted - how could you say anything without any proof?
“Well, it looks like they’re staying overnight,” Vex commented, laying a supportive hand on Percy’s shoulder. You followed her gaze, noting the trunk that was being dragged up a distant stairway. In your sympathy for Percy, and newfound distrust of the couple, you began circulating different ideas of how to find any proof of wrongdoing. 
Naturally, Vax beat you to the punch.
“Why don’t I make myself scarce, and slip into their chambers. See if I can figure anything out,” He suggested, this time earning the group’s agreement. Nodding his head, he turned towards the staircase, until you caught his arm.
“I’m coming with you,” you stated. No room for questioning. “You’ll need a lookout. Y’know, just in case someone else decides their bedroom is a good place to throw a party.”
Vax didn’t resist your grasp, and his lips twitched upward at your joke. With a whispered agreement, he offered you his arm, and you looped your hands around the bend of his elbow.
He guided you through the room, matching the pleasant greetings and smiles you sent towards other guests. If he was impressed by the way you swiftly and politely dodged conversations with the nobles, directing their attention to other bragging opportunities, he didn’t show it. 
Though he did gently elbow your side as you turned towards the staircase, fixing you with an amused grin. 
You slipped up the staircase easily, your arms parting at the end of the hallway, though you continued to crave the soft warmth he’d provided. You followed his lead, ducking behind an archway in the oncoming hallway. You held your breath, waiting for one of the guards to pass through the hall, before Vax ushered you to creep along the wall. He stalked behind the guard, flicking his foot to the side to gain their attention towards the opposite wall, motioning for you to slip past. You watched as he expertly circled around the guard, remaining completely unseen as he caught up to you.
He sent you a quick, cocky grin, quirking one of his brows before motioning for you to follow him into the next hallway. To say you were impressed was an understatement, and you nearly got caught up in your distraction, as by the time you reached him, he was…
Why was he unbuckling his belt?
You watched him throw the belt into the hallway, incredulous as you peeked into the room. The article hit the ground, forming into a snake that clearly caught the attention of the two guards in front of the door to the chambers. With mirroring exclamations of confusion, they raced after the snake, leaving the hall empty. Vax caught your hand in his, leading you towards the door as he picked the lock, the both of you sparing a last glance around the hall before slipping into the room.
“You weren’t going to tell me you’re literally wearing a snake?” You whispered, shaking your hands out. Vax only chuckled, shooting you another cocky grin as you stepped further into the room.
“One of the many tricks up my sleeve,” he remarked, glancing at the door. You huffed out a laugh, keeping next to the door to listen for any commotions outside.
Vax swept through the room, rifling through drawers, papers - even checking under the bed. Finding nothing, he let out a disgruntled sigh, catching your gaze before turning to the last item in the room. You watched as he opened the trunk, yanking out article after article of clothing until it was empty. 
“Wait - look at this,” he uttered, and you stepped forward, watching him run his fingers along the top of the trunk until it made a clicking sound. The item shifted, shelves full of strange items emerging from the sides. The top panel opened to display a wicked looking book with a skull plastered across the front. 
“Well there’s your evidence,” you commented, leaning over Vax’s shoulder as he picked up the book, running his fingers along the cover before flipping through a few pages. Most of the scrawled writing was incoherent, scribbled out in a language you didn’t quite recognize. However, the ominous pictures and sketches of skulls were enough to carve a pit in your stomach. 
“The whispered one?” Vax muttered, hesitating on one page before a muffled voice rang through the hall. Both of your heads snapped up, and you cursed, rushing to refill the trunk as he tucked the book into his jacket. 
“We need a distraction!” You hissed, reaching to pull him to his feet. Your thoughts raced for a moment, gaze desperately flickering throughout the room until your eyes rested on one of the pillars of the bed. Vax grunted as you spun around, leaning your back against the pillar and yanking him forward until his chest nearly pressed against yours.
You couldn’t words, your stomach dropping and your eyes widening at the position you’d put yourselves in. Suddenly, it felt like a stupid idea. What the hell would Vax think? But then the voices continued to get closer - the deep echoing timbre of a man that had to be Sylas Briarwood.
Vax’s lips parted, his brows raising in a sort of confused shock. As you dropped his hands, they hovered in place, right above the curves of your waist. You swore his pupils dilated, his eyes searching your own, before dropping to your mouth. And then, as dread and horror all started to twist their way into your brain, he blinked, a choked sound forming in the back of his throat before he surged to crash his lips against yours.
Your chest exploded in sparks, your brain quickly catching up with you as you attempted not to fall into the kiss. This was a distraction - a way to excuse your presence in the room. It would be easy to play the eager couple getting too hot and heavy to find the right room. You hiked one leg over his hip, pulling him flush against you as his hand cupped the bare skin of your thigh. You found his free hand, guiding it to slide up the side of your torso until his thumb just barely brushed the underside of your breast. 
This was a distraction.
Was it?
Vax let out a short gasp, seeming to buckle further into your form at the brush of his thumb. His mouth was hot against yours, a low sound clipping in the back of his throat as the door opened, and light filtered into the room. 
It was over before you’d even processed it, and Vax broke away from his lips, swinging his head to the doorway and feigning surprise at the new presence. Your lips still tingled as you followed his gaze, catching the eyes of Deliliah Briarwood. Vax’s grip grew tight along your hip, and you fought to ignore the sparks it shot up into your chest.
“Oh dear- we must have ended up in the wrong room,” you drawled, and you didn’t really need to try and add an extra husk to your voice. You caught Vax’s gaze quickly, his eyes flashing with something you hadn’t seen before, something almost hungry as he moved to drop your leg to the ground. “I’m sorry about that, as you can see, we got a little eager.”
The Lady Briarwood’s lips parted, as if she were about to say something, and you finally processed the fact that you might have actually gotten away with it, until her gaze fell on something just past your feet. You dared to follow her sight, your heart dropping as you noticed the open trunk, which must not have latched properly. 
Vax also seemed to acknowledge the fact that you were, in fact, busted, as he scrambled to stand fully, his hand finding yours to pull you behind him. 
“Right, we’ll just get out of your hair then,” he rushed, beginning to yank you toward the door with him, when Sylas Briarwood caught his collar. The man grinned, looking absolutely wicked as his eyes flashed with gold, and then Vax froze, dropping your hand. 
“Wait- Vax!” You cried, rushing to get between the two, when Sylas punched you - hard. You flew backwards, crashing into the wall and falling to the ground. Your head throbbed and the world around you grew fuzzy, Deliliah’s form blurring as she draped herself onto the bed. Shaking your head, you propped yourself onto your elbows, your vision snapping back into place just as Sylas sunk his teeth into Vax’s neck.
He cried out, his eyes flickering back to their normal hue as he fell forward, hitting the ground just in front of you. He was on his feet in the next second, catching sight of you and reaching to pull you up. He stood in front of you with one arm outstretched from his side, and the other clutching at his blood-soaked neck. 
You uttered his name, watching as the Briarwoods approached you with matching wicked smiles. Vax’s hand found yours, and suddenly he was running in the opposite direction, only turning around again to wrap his arm around you, pulling you into his chest as he jumped backwards, crashing through the window. 
You barely had time to gasp before you jolted in midair, Vax grunting in pain as his back hit something solid, and then you were spinning the rest of the way down, only coming to a stop when you both landed in a pool of water. He grunted again, a rush of bubbles tickling your face as you hit the bottom of the fountain. 
With a gasp, you broke through the water’s surface, adrenaline forcing you onto your feet. The water came up to your knees, and you reached to drag Vax up with you, the rogue looking closer to unconsciousness than you liked. You could feel the Briarwoods’ gazes from their window as you hooked your arms under his, struggling against the water to drag him from the fountain. 
“Shit.. Shit- Vax! C’mon we gotta go!” You hissed, earning a half-coherent groan from him as the ground shook below you. You dared to glance up, pure visceral fear striking through you as you watched Sylas step out of the now cracked concrete, and towards you. You had no weapons, no real way of fighting back as Deliliah appeared next to her in a cloud of dark purple smoke. 
Your heel caught on something beneath the water, sending you tumbling back, Vax falling with you and into your chest. You heard a rumbling chuckle from Sylas, as Vax gasped awake, reaching to clutch at his neck again. You wrapped a feeble arm around his waist, feeling his hand brush against your leg pressed against his side. You were fucked, and you knew it. 
And still, Vax leaned forward, pushing off the ground as your arm fell away from him. Seemingly out of nowhere, he unearthed one of his daggers, surging forward on unsteady feet and taking a swipe at the man standing twice his size. You followed suit, rushing to stand and raising your fists. 
Vax swung the dagger again, just barely missing the sleeve of Sylas’ arm. You surged forward in an effort to distract the man, swinging a fist, which he easily caught. He bent your wrist back, drawing a sharp gasp from your lips, until Vax’s dagger dug harshly into the top of his shoulder. 
Sylas barely even flinched, swinging you backwards and reaching around to catch Vax by the throat. You landed back into the water, spitting out a short stream and looking up just in time to see Sylas swipe, leaving angry red slices across Vax’s stomach. He yelped out, growing limp in the man’s grip, and you scrambled onto your feet once more. Without thinking, you plucked one of your shoes from your feet, hurling it at the man’s head and catching him across the cheek. 
He barely flinched, his gaze darting your way before returning to the half-elf. Whatever words he said were drowned out by a shrill cry, and a bird - whom you had to assume was Keyleth - dove across his face, slashing across his cheek with her talons. 
This time Sylas did flinch, throwing Vax across the fountain before whirling around to face Keyleth. Your surge of relief was once again overpowered by fear. You rushed to Vax, your heart dropping at the pool of blood dying the water around him, when a sudden force of dark energy hit your side, sending you flying back once again. You shouted, gripping at your side and flicking your gaze to meet Deliliah’s menacing grin.
“For fuck sake, I am getting real tired of being thrown around!” you roared, kicking your other heel off and rushing towards the woman. You dodged another burst of magic from her, diving in close to swing a leg towards her. She caught the kick, extending a hand and curling her fists. Your eyes couldn’t help widening as a force seemed to squeeze on your throat, fully constricting your airway.
Just as quickly, that force was gone, and Deliliah darted to the side to avoid a sharp gunshot from Percy. Stumbling backwards, you just barely brushed soothing fingers against your neck, sparing a brief glance towards Percy - his teeth gritted and eyes wild. 
You hadn’t seen that look on Percy before.
A shout from Grog caught your attention instead, and you almost wanted to cry at the sight of him covered in angry cuts, Sylas’ blade hovering and seeming to glow. Another shout from Pike had you whirling around, as she fell against a burst of Deliliah’s magic. 
“Wait, where’s-”
Your babble was cut off as a hand caught your arm, tugging you back out of the fountain. You could hear Vex’s voice, her familiar deep timbre and accent, though you couldn’t make out one word she was saying. Suddenly, a huge wall of green vines erupted in front of you, snapping you from a daze as you fell back into Vex’s grasp. 
“Love- are you alright?” She asked, and you frantically met her gaze, before searching the rest of the group. 
Your gaze finally settled on Vax, upright and missing those horrifying slashes across his torso. While Pike must have taken the time to heal him, he still looked worse for wear, blood dripping from smaller cuts as Keyleth supported one of his arms over her shoulders. 
“I’m okay yeah,” you breathed, catching his gaze, and the flickering relief that settled between you two. 
Until Percy let out a wicked scream.
The group whirled around, catching sight of the retreating figures of the Briarwoods. Percy took aim, emptying his barrel without any luck, before whirling around again, his eyes seeming to glow with anger. 
You stepped back.
“You let them get away!” He cried, pointing at Keyleth.
“Hey!” you snapped back, though he wasn’t listening, his attention returning to the Briarwoods’ abandoned footman. He stepped towards the trembling figure - who looked no older than just a boy, really - demanding questions, and receiving shaky, desperate answers. 
“I don’t know anything!” the boy cried, stretching his hands out in front of him. A black smoke seemed to surround the two of them, and the world around you felt like it was growing cold. A gunshot rang out, and the boy screamed as his fingers flew off his hand.
“Percy!” Vex shouted, dropping your arm to rush forward a few steps. You barely heard the argument between the two of them as you watched the boy curl in on himself, a wave of confusion, sympathy, and fear washing over your shoulders. 
And then the palace doors opened, and everyone was ordered to their knees.
In the grand scheme of things, you’d gotten off easy. 
It didn’t stop you from grumbling as your weapons were stripped away from you, and the doors to your keep slid shut, clicking with a heavy lock. House arrest, until the council and the sovereign could all determine just what the hell had happened that night. 
While your bones and your head ached, you decided against going to Pike, opting to give her some space as she kept a distant stare at the wall. You could always take the edge off with a spare elixir or two that you’d stashed in your room. 
As you stalked away from your chambers, still tired, but feeling more refreshed than before, you caught sight of Vax’s door, which was just slightly ajar. Peeking forward, you saw him laid back on his cot, his gaze fixated somewhere along the ceiling. Surveying his form, he looked relatively unscathed, save for a few slight scratches, and two angry looking pinpricks along the side of his neck. 
A heavy breath of relief left you. He was okay. 
“Are you gonna continue to stare at me or come in?” his voice rang out, startling you out of your thoughts. With all that had happened, you’d forgotten just how good his hearing was. 
You stepped into the room, closing the door as he pushed himself to a seated position. The silence between you grew stuffy and awkward, your gaze darting from the dim expression in his eyes to the cracked stone tile that laid just at the foot of his cot. Your fingers tangled together, your foot tapping on the ground as you chewed on your lower lip.
“Almost lost you back there.” You intended it as a lighthearted joke, though it felt like it couldn’t quite reach your eyes. Vax was quiet, his brows falling and his lips turning downwards as he took in your expression. Leave it to him, being able to see right through the meek defence you put up. 
“C’mere,” he soothed, and you didn’t hesitate to follow, stopping just a few inches from his knee. Vax reached out, catching your tangled hands and gently tugging you forward until you stood between his legs, having to tilt your head down to meet his gaze. You watched his eyes brighten with every step you took, his shoulders sagging from the tensed position you’d noticed the second you walked in. 
It was like all your words left you, as you grew acutely aware of the way his hands brushed against yours, the little bit of body heat you could feel from him. 
“I’m glad I had you there to watch my back,” he breathed. His thumb swiped across your knuckles, and you felt that tension in the back of your head slowly start to melt.
“I wasn’t worried,” he breathed. “I had you there to watch my back.”
“Your back took too many hits for me,” you argued, your mind flashing back to the moment he threw you both out the window, how he took each impact on the way down. You reached across, draping an arm over his shoulder to rest along his back, hearing a sharp intake of breath from him. 
“It was worth it,” he hummed, gently pushing you back so you could meet his gaze. “I’d rather take the hit if it meant you didn’t have to.” Your heart squeezed at the earnest look in his eyes.
“You’re incredibly important to me,” he answered, sincere as he met your gaze. This time, your heart felt like it might have actually burst. He seemed to notice, a grin forming on his face as his tone grew lighter. “That, and I have to keep you in top shape if we’re gonna make a team.”
It wasn’t necessarily his words that drew you to the fact, more of a combination of everything. The way he gently kept his hands on you, as if reminding himself that you were real. The way he’d kept you out of harm's way, not just that night, but many more in the past. The way when his gaze held yours, it seemed to soften and grow bright again. It was all those moments, and this one now, when he looked up at you as if you were the brightest treasure in the world.
“A team, hmm?” You played along, the fears and worries melting away as his presence drew you in closer. Vax brightened even more, and you watched his eyes flicker with something new and playful.
“Of course. Who else would have come up with such a…” You watched his ears twitch, his throat bobbing up and down. “..clever idea on the spot like that,” he stated, gaze flickering to your lips. Your cheeks grew warm, the memory of his kiss tingling on your lips again. 
“Psh- it didn’t even work,” you rebuked, clearing your throat. Vax’s grin grew wider.
“I would argue that it did work, just perhaps in a slightly different way.” Your raised brow was replaced with a gasp as Vax wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest and spinning the two of you around until he was hovering over you, your back flat against the sheets of his cot. His hair fell loose, fanning over you like a curtain and just barely tickling your collarbone as he met your gaze, a sincere grin on his lips and mischief behind his eyes. 
“Vax,” you breathed, reaching to curl your hands around his forearms. He didn’t move from that position, simply watching you for a moment. It mirrored that moment hours ago, before all the blood was shed when you’d held him in front of you, in that breath between admittance and action.
“If you haven’t been able to tell already, I am quite hopelessly in love with you,” he muttered. His gaze flickered between your eyes, your lips, studying your reaction to those fateful words. Your heart, on the other hand, felt like it was exploding through your chest, as you played the sentence over and over in your head, your brain taking a hell of a long time to process it. 
Just as a slight uncertainty pulled at his expression, you reached up to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in to meet your lips in a deep kiss. 
You felt his breath catch in the back of his throat, dropping to his elbows and allowing his body weight to fall on you. You reveled in the warmth, feeling it spread throughout your chest as he tilted his head, pulling back just slightly before catching your lips again. Vax’s kisses felt desperate, as he led one of his hands to tangle between the strands of your hair. 
He held you close as he tasted your lips, and it almost felt like he was trying to fuse you together. Breaking from your lips, he hovered over you for a breath, taking in your features before he was kissing you again, and again, and again.
Your hands slid across his shoulders, resting against his chest as he parted from your lips again, brushing his nose against your nose, against your cheek as he trailed his focus down towards your jaw. Vax sighed against your skin, vocalizing the relief the two of you felt, the sudden outpouring of emotion that had been stewing between you for who knows how long.
“Do you think we can finish what we started?” he muttered, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of your jaw and letting his hand trail down to guide one of your legs over his waist. 
And Gods were you eager to agree.
Vax chuckled at the urgency of your legs wrapping around him, pulling him even closer than before. You toyed with one of the many belts across his torso, humming as his lips trailed down the side of your throat. As he reached your collarbone, teasing the skin with his teeth, you managed to unclasp the first buckle, fingers flying to work on the next, and the next, until each strap had fallen loose. 
Seeming to catch the hint, Vax sat up, letting your legs drape across his as he shrugged off his tunic. The pieces of hair that usually remained tied back had fallen across his forehead, framing the sides of his face and scattering across his eyes. It was a beautiful sight to take in, his pupils blown wide, the darkness of his hair and his eyes complimenting the golden hue of his skin. 
It was so different from the put together and suave Vax you knew. There was something unseen that glinted behind his eyes. And you loved it.
You reached forward to let your fingers trace along his surprisingly soft skin. He sighed, melting into your touch as his hands rested on your thighs, tracing upwards and dragging the fabric of your own shirt up as he lowered himself towards you again. He pressed slow, gentle kisses to each exposed inch of skin across your stomach, grumbling low in his throat as your muscles tightened beneath his lips. It felt like you had all the time in the world, and Vax took his time to strip your shirt off, hesitating for a moment to take in the full sight of you.
“Gods you are beautiful,” he breathed, and you felt beautiful. You let out a soft breath of his name, drawing his gaze for a brief moment as he brushed his thumb across the underside of your breast. Again he repeated the action, edging closer and closer to the sensitive flesh of your nipple, until he caught the peak, eliciting a long, admittedly whiny breath from you. Immediately, his head dipped towards your skin, his lips taking place of his hand as he savoured the touch, massaging and flicking his tongue across your nerves. Your hands tangled into his hair, tugging on the strands as you drew his face even closer, heat drawing down and flaring in your core. 
Vax took his time, his free hand drifting along the back of your thigh as you hiked it higher along his waist, a groan catching in his throat at the friction of your core. He rolled his hips against yours once, and you gasped, digging the tips of your fingers into his shoulder. 
“Do that again,” you whispered, meeting his hips with your own. You matched his sigh, your brain slipping into a haze as he ground into you again, the motion sending shots of pleasure into your lower stomach.
And then he slipped his nimble fingers past the band of your pants. 
As two fingers brushed against your clit, you tipped your head back against the sheets. Your lips parted as his continued to savour every inch of your skin, worshipping each dip and curve and scar. Vax shifted to his side, and you lifted your hips, allowing him to shimmy your pants off and toss them to the floor. His hand returned to your core, his thumb tracing your clit as he slid a finger between your folds. You let out a breathy moan, turning to press your lips against his shoulder.
He curled his fingers inside you, massaging that perfect spot and drawing an involuntary buck of your hips. You continued to press merciless kisses and bites against his skin, drawing quiet, clipped moans from him and leaving pinkish marks across his collarbone and throat. Vax continued to massage your clit with his thumb, practically meeting his curled fingers and sending strikes of pleasure up into your chest and down to your toes. 
“Tell me that feels good,” he whispered against your ear, groaning when you answered him with a gravelly voice. 
“Feels so fu-” you cut off with a whine as he spread his fingers to stretch you open. “So fucking good. Keep going,” you pleaded, and he was not one to deny you. He kept up the pace, curling and scissoring his fingers until your back was arching off the bed, and your voice grew higher in pitch. As if he could sense you growing close, he picked up the pace of his fingers, adding one more for good measure. Your eyes screwed shut, and just as your hips lifted from the bed, he slipped his fingers free, fixing you with a teasing smile. “You fucker,” you cussed as your eyes flew open. Vax was quick to soothe you with a harsh kiss, drawing your frustrations away within seconds. As he broke from your lips, sliding his tongue along his shining fingers, your own spark of mischief emerged. 
With a gentle push, he was on his back, looking up at you with hooded eyes and pupils blown wide. His lips were parted, slightly swollen, and he dared to run his tongue between them with a growing grin. Seeing him all shaggy, painted with marks from your own lips and drawing hot, heavy breaths was absolutely delicious. And he knew you liked it. 
He barely had the time to blow a stray chunk of hair from his face before your lips were on his. He wasted no time running his tongue against yours, propping himself up on one elbow and reaching to tangle one hand into your hair. This kiss was sloppy, growing desperate and hot as his tongue fought against yours. You brushed your hand against his clothed length, adding more pressure as you ran your palm down, drawing a long, broken groan from him. You repeated the action, earning more pitchy breaths and moans, until-
Oh my God,
“Vax, I need you inside me,” you nearly whined. He knew what this had been leading to, had actively been working towards it, but still those words had his breath hitching in his throat. He flicked his tongue out to wet his lips, gaze settling on you once more before he scrambled to strip off his pants. 
Before your gaze dropped down, he cupped your jaw with one hand, guiding your lips into another steamy kiss. You whimpered, tongues meeting and teeth brushing against his lower lip as he gingerly pushed you onto your back, draping a leg over until he was hovering over you again. His eyes met yours, a crooked grin on his lips as he ran his length along your slick, before finally letting out a broken “Fuck,” as he entered you.
You groaned at the stretch, feeling every inch of him until his hips were flush with yours. He gave a shallow, experimental thrust, which you eagerly met, sliding your hands to brace against his shoulders. You felt frantic in your movements, grinding against him in an effort to find some friction. To get him to move.
“Love, there’s no need to rush,” he hummed, his lips brushing against your collarbone as he rutted into you. “I want to enjoy you.”
Everything else outside the room simply slipped away. All you could feel was his lips hot on your neck, his fingers digging into your back, and the absolute fullness of him pressing deep into you with each shallow roll of his hips. You panted against his hair, pulling on the strands and drawing low growls from his throat. He voiced his pleasure with a particularly hard snap of his hips, his pace slowly beginning to quicken. 
You eagerly bucked against him, letting one hand fall to trace against his abdomen, across the freshly healed skin of his stomach, and the tightening muscles that drove you wild. He stuttered in his pace, growing distracted at your touch. Muttering obscenities into your ear, his movements grew less calculated, more focused in chasing that release you both so desperately craved.
You arched off the bed, your chest falling flush with his. The added friction of your skin against his, the constant pressure of him hitting that spot deep within you had you frantically clawing at his back, a shout building in the back of your throat. One of Vax’s hands fell from your waist, wringing into the sheet beside you as he gave a harsh buck of his hips, snapping the coil in your lower stomach in two. 
You barrelled over the edge, crying out his name as you pulsed around him. Vax whined, losing himself in your new tightness and riding out his high with a stutter in his hips. When you came down from your high, his arms were shaking, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours.
He looked absolutely wrecked, though you were sure you didn’t look much different.
Slipping out of you, he rolled onto his back, guiding your head to rest on his outstretched arm. Your breathing slowly calmed, and you found his other hand, playing with his fingers. You felt his breathing against your side, felt the warmth beating off his skin. He was there, and he was solid and he was real.
You glanced up at him, the messy hair that stuck to his forehead, the slight sheen of sweat painting his features and the dazed look in his eyes as he took in your presence. His fingers curled against yours, pulling your hand up to place a kiss against your knuckles, and then one more against your temple.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, his voice low and growing hoarse. “Let’s do that again sometime.”
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innocent-cat · 2 years
Instead of Cassandra being taken by the Briarwoods from the acid chamber, reader tosses her back out with Vax and instead they both get hypnotized. Percy fighting his (not yet confessed to) love interest. Or he could fight her and Cassandra but that may be a bit much.
OH! Sylas makes Cassandra and reader try to kill each other in front of Percy.
i would LOVE to.
Percival de Rolo X Reader
Warnings - Cursing, violence, implied murder, control, kidnapping
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"Please excuse my pathetic act of a rabbit.", Percy x Reader
(A/N - Reader is not a doe. I just don't know how to address them.. doe basically means "A beautiful, delicate, sweet person.")
You walk distanced from Percy, sensing now likely wasn't the time to be excitable around him. The silence between Vox Machina was unbearable, and the air was thick.
He walked behind a women with one hand, who you had watched in shock, being held at gunpoint just moments ago. Percy achieving closure on who wronged him in childhood was something you saw as a positive, but you were on edge from the way he acted so quickly on it.
Yeah, sure, you had killed, and you've seen him kill before too, but it was different. Of course, the literal demon possessing him when he found someone who wrong him, such as Anna Ripley, was really the only time you froze when you watched him hold a gun to someone's head.
God that weird crow thing scared the fuck out of you.
All you could feel was anxiety swallowing you whole, a dark pit developing in your stomach. The team opting to not talk on the walk under the castle only ate at you more.
Of course, there was bickering between the group, but you tuned it out. Your arms encircled your body, as you tried to focus back on what was going on between the group.
You had all grouped into a strange room, that looked like it was used for what used to be a pool.
There's a box of white substance, sand like. Scanlan runs to it, threading his fingers through the potently smelling clump.
"We just hit the Jackpot! Does anyone have a pipe?-"
He lets out a groan when he's met with a slap in the back of the head from Percy.
"I'm fairly certain that would be a unpleasant trip. This is residuum. The pipes must carry acid for it's refinement process."
"It looks like they're making a lot of it." Vex pipes up to Percy's response, quick to conversation.
You subconsciously followed Cassandra, hoping she wouldn't be as awkward as her brother in the situation at hand. You walk up the stairs with her, and turn to see your group of friends with their backs to the two of you.
Percy was looking at his gun, seemingly shocked when you looked at him.
"Cassandra, do you know what this room is for?" You turned to her, expecting an answer. Instead, you make a 80 degree turn to the sound of Percy's shout, a sharp feeling of whiplash in your neck from your quick turn.
She turns to you, the color in her eyes gleamed. Her arm stretched to a small button within the large, open wall. "It's a Vat of acid." She places her free hand on your shoulder, and scoots you backwards, into the hall that led forward from the room. You stumbled backward, grabbing onto air in an attempt to stop your fall.
Falling onto your ass, you begin to stand up, watching as she presses the plate. The doors slide close, dramatically slow.
"Cass! What are you doing?" Percy exclaimed, hands against the wall, his eyes flickering from you and back to his sister.
Chills run down your spine as you feel a hand on your shoulder. Percy feels his voice emptying when he sees the man behind you. Sylas Briarwood.
"Excellent work, dear."
Percy scowls at the voice, but remains still, knowing he can't do anything.
You quickly turn, and sharply elbow Sylas. Before you can do so, you feel your body reanimate. You no longer control yourself, and you go limp.
"Bit of a slow learner." Sylas laughed in your face.
You, or more like something, turns your body, to face Cassandra and Percy.
"Why are you doing this?" Percy cried out to his sister, still praying for her to turn back on her heels and tell him she would never do such a thing to him.
"You did this to yourself, Percy. The day you left me lying in the snow, choking on my blood like a hunted animal." Cassandra's voice strains, sounding like she's on the verge of tears.
You feel your posture straighten. Your hands fall to your sides, and you blankly stare towards them. You can't tell what you're looking at, but you know you can at the same time.
"My brother abandoned me." Cassandra squeezes her eyes shut, and turns with a scoff, storming towards you and the Briarwoods.
Percy stares back at his sister, mouth agape, and his eyebrows knitted together in sorrow, as she remained unflinching when their childhood torturers walked closer to her and you.
You continue watching Percy. Your eyes do not follow Cassandra, and that seems to be the only thing you maintain the right to. Your own eyes.
You watch him with sorrow in your eyes. You see him fall to his knees, hand to the glass, letting out a groan. He was defeated. Bested by his own emotions, he let out a cry. His tears fell, your stomach dropped.
Oh, how you wished you could run through the glass, hug him, and tell him it was all gonna be okay. Hold him to your chest, softly stroking his hair, whispering in his ear. But you couldn't. You weren't allowed to.
The Brairwoods rest a hand on Cassandra's shoulder, pushing the two of you together like they were standing for the 'world's most monotone family photo'. Sylas's hand on your shoulder, and Delilah's rested on Cassandra's.
"But they.. they welcomed me. They would never do what you did, brother."
The Briarwoods turned with Cassandra and walked away. Your feet stood, glued to the ground, undirected. You continued to look at Percy, begging the Everlight, to allow him to look into your eyes.
Your pleads were met. He looked up to you. You stared back at him, hoping he could read your emotion with just your eyes. His hands applied more pressure to the glass, but did not lift.
"Come on, little doe. We have a very important purpose for you today."
And with that, you forcibly turned on your heels. You walked naturally, as if it was to your own will that you followed these monsters.
Without Percy in your view point, you lost the strength to fight your animation. You slowly but surely began to lose focus, and just let the possession guide you to your demise.
(A/N This is Percy's little story without you(✯◡✯))
They stared at him, and he stared back. Their eyes were scattered, and they were scared. A last resort call for help, unable to use their own body. They turned on their heels, and walked with the Briarwoods.
Have I not lost enough, Lady Moirai? (A/N - plural goddess of fate)
The pipes begin clicking, and rats scatter from their homes within it. He continues watching them walk away. Waiting for them to turn back on their heels and tell him they would never do such a thing to him. That's all he asked for.
"Uh.. guys?" Keyleth panicked, watching a rat fall apart by her feet.
"There has to be a way out of this. Does anyone have a plan?"
"Why are you looking at me? I don't have a plan either!" Vex scoffed, panicking.
"Percy? A little help here?"
He remained unmoving, oblivious to his surroundings. All he could think about was how he let the both of them slip out of his fingers all over again.
"Right." Vex sighs. "Well.. stop the acid!" Vex desperately points to the pipes.
When twisting it with vines doesn't work, everyone panics as the acid rises higher. Scanlan brings his magic hand out, and everyone piles on.
Grog yanks Percy onto the the hand, as the acid rapidly rises.
(A/N back to you because I LOVE reader and 100% not because I don't want to write word by word)
You climb the thousands of stairs to the top of the ziggurat, your legs feeling like they would give out at any moment. But, you didn't stop. You couldn't.
"Little doe." Your head shot up towards the name, eyeing Delilah Briarwood.
"Step closer to me. I need you within the center of this circle. You are our sacrifice."
You walked towards her without exchanging words, stretching your arms out forward to her, wrist side up.
She took out her knife, and watched her clock move. She slowly and deeply cut into you.
The pain seared. You wanted to yank away, cry, scream, and kick like a toddler resisting their bedtime, but you couldn't, in fact, you didn't even feel your tear ducts swell. You remained resistant to the pain.
You showed no emotion towards the continued cutting. You hated it. It was deep, long, and would surely bleed you out like a lamb.
Delilah's head whipped to the left of her, eyeing the rapid footsteps climbing upon the stairs.
"God damn it. Those pests were supposed to be dealt with. You said they would be gone, Sylas."
"Don't worry about them dear, I'll take care of them. In fact, why don't we have little doe beloved and little sister beloved go in to take care of the last standing de Rolo?"
Delilah lets out a laugh, and brushes her hand upwards, pointing towards Percy.
You turn to him, waiting and watching as Sylas corners him. You jump down from the overview of him, between the two, prepared to body block a hit for Sylas.
Instead, you feel your body drag itself to Cassandra.
(A/N - Percy pov i need angst lol)
I pull out my pepperbox, aiming it upwards to the Vampiric monster dead ahead of me.
I'm met with his hand grabbing me, and tossing me to Cassandra and our reanimated cleric. They were butting heads. Their hands tightly locked into each other's, force differing as they pushed, kicked, pulled, and head butt.
"No! Stop this at once!" I fought against Sylas, pushing and pulling to no avail. His hands tightly gripped my arms together behind my pack, and he pushed me to his chest as he held my head with his free hand towards the most important people I held dear to me.
I'm a horrible person for not doing anything. If either of them spoke to me after this, I will have been dreaming.
I abandoned my sister again, and I couldn't protect the one I need by my side to cherish and adore.
They were fighting and bleeding in front of me, and I was useless to them.
They bled from head to toe. Their knuckles covered in both their own blood, and their opponent's blood.
Cassandra hacked up blood as the opposer punched her in the gut, releasing air, spit, and blood all over the fighter.
Cassandra gagged, like she was gonna vomit. She breathed and stared back at 'little doe'
She tackled them, bringing them to the floor, tagging multiple punches into them. Their face swelled and bled, while their mouth seeped blood.
Yet I couldn't do anything but beg pathetically for them to stop. For someone to make them stop.
"Please, either of you, now is not the time for this! Snap out of it!" I pleaded, struggling against Sylas.
Then, Sylas dropped me. The beloved and the Endeared stopped fighting, Endeared falling to her knees, and my beloved falling on their ass.
Both of them coughing and heavily breathing, they were suddenly conscious. Wide-eyed and shocked that they had lived to see the moment where they were freed.
Then, they looked to what Sylas was headed toward. Fucking Keyleth casting the sun inside of a cave.
The beloved lets out a cough as they laugh, hacking up more blood.
"Do you have enough energy to heal yourself, cleric?" I quickly begin fixing up Cassandra and they begin using their magic on both of them.
Breathing heavily, the cleric looks at me. Tears swelling in their eyes, they wrap their arms around my neck and let out a sob. Their whole body shook as they shifted their weight onto me.
"It's all going to be alright now. We'll be out of here free of sacrifice in just a few seconds."
The light emanates, casting upon Sylas as he burned away fighting Grog.
Cassandra stands up on her own, running after who could only be Delilah.
I pick up the wounded divine healer bridal style, holding them close as they hiccup and sob into my neck, scared to death.
I'll kill her.
Smoke wafts from my body, seeping to the ground. The scent of iron and gunpowder wafting anyone and everyone's nose.
"Per-Percy. No. Stop. Plplease." They pleaded to me, begging me to stay outside of the ritual room Delilah just entered.
I look down at them, my thoughts floating away. I sit beside the door, sliding against the wall, still holding them close.
My arms wrap around their body, holding them in a protective stance. Never allowing harm to come their way ever again.
"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you." I quiver, remorse and regret evident in my voice.
"I love you." They respond, suddenly. It wasn't at all what I expected, and I paused for a moment.
Rubbing a circle into their back, I softly whisper back.
"And I you."
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blueseachelle · 2 years
It’s a Contract. Chapter 5
Vox Machina Critical Role
Percy De Rolo x Female Human Draconian Warlock! Reader
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Vox Machina was under house arrest in there keep in Amon. Percy was in his room, tinkering with his gun. Every night he relives that very day. He saw the love of his life save him. From what he was told during his torture, she did not make it. She was slain. She sacrificed herself for him. With a whole life ahead of her to be cut down. He lives with the guilt everyday. Sometimes he hears her voice in his head. He can imagine how beautiful she would be now. It was all taken too soon.
He missed her dearly. He held a slight hope that the Briarwoods were lying. He wanted to go back, reclaim what was his, and (possibly) find her. That’s all he thought about when the started there travel back. With the help of his friends, he will save Whitestone and hopefully come back to you.
*Time skip and back to Y/n*
Y/n sat in her room. She sat on a high ledge, waiting for her time. It was close. She sat with her eyes closed. Her keen hearing heard the sharp heels of Dahlia and the click of Silas’s boots coming to her room.
The door opened with a creak. Dull, glowing blue eyes looked at the intruders.
“It’s time. I have a mission for you. Bring Percy to me.”
Y/n’s eyes widened. She refused inside of herself but, her body betrayed her. A voice emitted from her. It was her voice with an undertone of a deep dragon voice.
“Yes. It shall be done.”
She then melted into a mist and disappeared to find the target.
*Back to Percy*
Vox Machina, along with Cassandra, ran down the alleyways, avoiding the giants and fighting the undead. They tried to make it to the safe house that was just a couple more blocks away. They ran 1 more block before a dark mist filled the street, capturing all of their feet and help them in place.
“The smoke.”
Said Keyleth as she poked at the ground with her staff.
“This is not the time, Percy.”
Vex said as she pulled at her feet.
“This isn’t me.”
Percy quickly snapped back as he went to grab his gun. The mist reached up and grabbed everyone wrist, un-arming them in the process.
“I don’t like this.”
Vax said through gritted teeth.
The undead that was coming toward them instantly stop and wondered away from them as if they lost interest.
A figure emerged from the mist in front of them. All they can see is glowing blue eyes. The mist slowly turned into a female figure. There stood a girl with Long sliver hair with horn protruding from the hair. She wore a white dress with metal scale like armor on it. She had long black claws and matching wings from her back. She held a long sword in one of her claws. Her eyes glowed a dull blue but, looked empty, almost dead.
The first one to talk was Grog, who shouted,
“Hey! You better release us or face my wrath.”
The figure said nothing. She locked eyes with Percy. Instantly, he felt a pain in his heart. The familiar pain of guilt over losing Y/n.
“Hey! Are you gonna answer or not?!?”
Yelled Grog once again,, getting even more agitated.
The girl finally spoke,
“I’m not seeking you. Just the gunslinger.”
The voice was dark but, though the darkness of the voice, Percy recognized it. He stared in disbelief. He thought she was lost but, she is alive but, what has she become?
The world seemed to stop. The girl looked at him and just blinked. Percy couldn’t hold back the tears that started to form. It was her. The love of his life. He will save her from this as well as the people of Whitestone.
“She’s dead. For she has been dead since the fall. I am not her.”
“You are her! I can hear you!”
Trapped inside, Y/n proceeded to cry. She was trapped until the contract was broken.
“She is not here. She may be inside but, she is not in control. For she has things inside like you. Now, you are coming with me, Percy.”
He stood in shock. He couldn’t believe that Y/n had this inside. She has been the sweetest thing yet, she has this inside.
“Why are you working for the Briarwoods? You know what they have done! How can you do this?!?”
Y/n just stared into space for a second.
“It’s a contract.”
With that, Percy and her disappeared into the mist.
“Percy!” “Hey!”
Exclaimed the group as they left eye site. They were released from the binds that constrained them to the ground. Once they were gone, the hoard was one them once again. They had to run. All they can do is hope he will get out alive where ever he disappeared too.
*To Y/n and Percy*
Percy was enveloped in this mist. All he saw was darkness except the glowing blue eyes of Y/n.
“Y/n! What do you mean it’s a contract?!? Was this your idea? Or this spirit?”
All he heard was a chuckle.
“She’s not here. What doo you think? Do you really think she would come after you? She saved you. She loved you. She crys out to Bahamut himself to keep you safe. Sometimes to make yourself whole, You have to trap the evil.”
“Trap the evil?”
“Since she trusts you, I’ll tell you about the contract. The deal is if the Briarwoods break the contract, I take there souls to make Y/n whole. She lost her soul because she traded it for your freedom. Did you think the only reason you escaped was luck? No, it was Y/N’s trade. That’s the only reason you are here today. Anyway, in the contract, it states that if they try to kill you in front of Y/n it breaks the contracts. They never inquired so, they do not know this. So, if I take you to them, they will try and this breaks the contract, of course, taking a soul takes a little bit so, you and your friends are going to come in handy.”
Percy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She forfeited her own soul to keep him alive. She did this all for him.
“What’s with this form though?”
“Her favor lets her tap into things no one can. This is the pure power she can acquire so far. There is more she can grow into but, it’s all situational. Protecting you unlocked this. Bahamut graced her with this. It’s a blessing. Not an evil thing. The only reason you see it as such is because of the situation.”
Percy swallowed. He just wanted Y/n to come back. He will do anything to break this contract.
“Let’s go to the Briarwoods and free Y/n.”
“We’re here.”
Suddenly, he was placed in front of Dahlia and Silas. She smiled her sickening smile.
“Amazing job. I knew our contract would come in handy.”
Y/n just stared ahead next to Percy, saying nothing.
“Let’s get this over with. Silas, strike him down.”
Percy saw Silas dash toward him with his sword. He closed his eyes, he will trust Y/n so she can be free.
He heard the familiar clash of blades. He opened his eyes to see Y/n in front of him with her sword. Dahlia gasped in shock.
“What is the meaning of this? You are breaking our contract!”
Y/n’s head cocked slightly. She stated with an even darker voice and her eyes finally glowed with a fury that cannot be kindled. The eyes that they saw from the first fight were even more terrifying.
“No, you have. If you inquired about our contract, you would know trying to kill Percy in front of me breaks the contract. Now, the fear of me in your heart will forfeit your soul. Bahamut shall be your judge. After what you have caused, he will send you straight down.”
With that, Y/n held out her hand. A mist started to in case them from there finger tips. Dahlia let out an angry screech and tried to strike Percy once again.
Y/N just deflected the attacks and they disappeared in a mist once before.
Percy stood there. His hand reached out to her.
“Y/n, are you back?”
Finally, the Draconian Mage smiled at him.
“I’m here and I’m not. I can’t go into my true human form until I take their souls.”
Percy’s eyes watered. Silent tears left his eyes. She is back.
He pulled her into a tight embrace. Y/n hugged back.
“I miss you, My Love. I thought you were never going to come back.”
Y/n giggled,
“You thought I would lose to them? Nah, I got some different plays. This will just make it easier for you to have vengeance. I just need their souls. I think it’s a fair trade. Tell your little demon he doesn’t want to meet mine. I will fight him for my fulfillment.”
Percy just held her tighter. He didn’t want to let go. Y/n just rubbed his back,
“Come on, let’s go and find your friends. Let’s finish this.”
Percy slowly released her and nodded,
“Yes, let’s finish this.”
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ravenquingvax · 10 months
once again thinking about Crimson Diplomacy and The Feast Of Realms at 3am
just.... Vax pretty, both before and especially after being bitten... the Briarwoods sexy, Sylas before and after painting his lips with Vax's blood... Liam's fucking speech in Crimson Diplomacy when he thought Vax was dying... Sylas caressing Vax's cheek...
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if I hadn't already known I was bisexual before these episodes, then holy fuck
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eviefrie · 1 year
wip choice awards
i was tagged by @faarkas to make a 24-hr poll with the names of my wips, let it run, and then write one sentence for every vote the winner receives
passing this on to @urban-sith @rnanqo @dykeyphantom @theinkandthesea @swordsmans & anyone else who writes fic that i’ve forgotten to tag
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I'm loving the OUAT au, but I have so many questions about details, if you're interested in elaborating.
1. How does Vax escape the curse? Because he is fate touched by the Raven Queen?
2. What role/job does each Vox Machina/Mighty Nein/Bells Hells character have? Including Gilmore, Uriel, Kima, and Allura?
3. Whose true love's kiss breaks the curse, considering Percy x Vex are supposed to be the "true love" couple, but in the show it was the parent/child true love that broke the curse more than once?
of course!
I think he escapes because Vex and Percy ensure that he does. The plan is for him to take Vesper through the tree portal to the new world. Percy and Vex knew they could never escape the curse, not when it was centered around them to begin with. And there was no one they trusted more with their child than Vax. Where things went wrong was in the tree, he was holding Vesper's hand as they stepped through but when he reappeared in our world, she wasn't with him. And he found all of his memories of Exandria wiped and gone. Unbeknownst to them, the Briarwoods had planned for that very thing.
So I elaborated on this a bit on some other posts but here's a complete list!
Vex- works in an accounting firm Percy- an inventor working for Ripley Vax- Not part of the curse Pike- the Dr. Whale of this au Scanlan- a busker on the streets Grog- owns a 24 hour gym Keyleth- works in a greenhouse
Fjord- is a dockworker Caleb- a teacher at the high school Beau- works a boring desk job Jester- a struggling artist Veth- a thief, constantly in and our of jail Caduceus- loner living in a van in the woods Yasha- imprisoned (like Belle)
FCG- the Dr. Hopper of this au Laudna- in a coma in the hospital Imogen- reads to coma patients to help her anxiety Ashton- works a shitty retail job Fearne- owns the B&B Orym- an assistant to Keyleth Chetney- almost never leaves his home
Cassandra- forced to the Briarwoods' daughter Gilmore- owns a pawn shop Kima- is the sherrif Allura- works at the library
3. hmmmm I think that in this au it would be the same, Vax kissing Vesper's head after Delilah tries to kill her for trying to break the curse. He is not her parent, but he does truly love his niece so I could see that working in this au too.
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the-night-writer1 · 2 years
In the moment
This is a Vax x Percy ship fic for Vox Machina. taking place in an au I like to call “One of the De Rolos”. My partner wanted me to share this because it made them cry. They are very hard to make cry. I can’t remember the actual ship name so sorry.
blame @autisticrandomart for convincing me to post this )
It was a private moment, in the moonlight that seemed to dance around their features. Bringing a sense of calm and sweetness to the scene as Percy approached the half elf.
That elfen grace showed off at its finest as Vax'ildan stared off into the distance of Whitestone from the Castle balcony. He had Percy so smitten that even Percy's father could see it. Tonight had been a bust. That state dinner with the Briarwoods had Vax's nerves on high. 
Percy looked at the ring in his hand and thought back to what his father had told him. The best time to purpose was in the bleakest of times as it proves you love them even when everything has gone wrong.
"Vax?" Percy asked softly as he over and stood next to the half elf. Vax looked over at him with a tired expression. More tired than Percy could register. Almost alien in this moment," could I ask you something?"
"What is it Percival?" The half elf grumbled as he looked away from Percy. 
"Well I know today has been rough and -"
"Oh yes remembering that my father sold me has been "rough" that's the word for it" the half elf stated as he rubbed his brow,"just get to the point Percival "
“I love you Vax” Percy started nervously as the half elf looked back at him, their expression not changing as Percy swallowed air,”I have for a while now, there are not enough words in the world for me to express how much you being here means to me.You’re sweet and kind but also reckless and stubborn. My entire family adores you”
“Percival I'm tired, get your point” Vax said with a near hiss that sent a shiver up Percy back. Something was off with the half elf. He’d never heard Vax call him by his full first name so much. Recently it was Percy or Freddie. He looked at Vax’ildan a bit concerned. He didn’t realize today had been that draining. Yes the Briarwoods had been a bit blunt about their feelings on Vax’s arrangement but he and his parents had gone to bat for half elf. Eventually even kicking them out of the castle. They did really care about him, surely Vax knew that right? They wouldn't bat for him if they saw him as a mere pawn.
“I'm just trying to say that you are loved” Percy said as he tried to place a hand on Vax’s hand, the half elf merely pulled away from him which hurt. He could tell that Vax needed some kind of subtle comfort which he wasn’t allowing Percy to give him. What could be done?
“I was sold to your family” Vax said as he cocked a brow at percy. It seemed like Vax didn’t see it as genuine love for him. Percy thought he knew that Percy’s parents just wanted to get Vax out of a bad situation. Did Vax forget? 
“It was the only way to get you out of the bad situation. Hell my parents still are trying to get your sister out there Vax. If there was any other way we would have done it.”Percy said, a bit concerned by the sudden bitterness the briarwoods had instilled in the half elf.
“Oh yes I’m the charity case and pet half elf for the De Rolo family” Vax grumbled as he turned away from Percy.
“We don’t care that you're a half elf or where you come from! “ Percy said as he grabbed Vax from behind. Then the entire mood seemed to shift and there was suddenly a large sense of dread. His hands seemed to be covered in blood as he let go of Vax. His heart was racing as the room had changed. What was going on?!
“Did you really bring me into a better situation?” Vax’s voice echoed.
“Brother wake up, they brought Vax back!” Cass said in a panic as she shook Percy awake. Right, right it was a dream. He pushed himself up as they threw the half elf inside the cell. He scrambled over and pulled Vax into his lap. The half elf was weakly breathing as Cassandra brought some of their water over. 
“Vax can you hear me? Can you understand what I'm saying” Percy asked softly as he removed some bloody hair from the half elf’s face. It brought the De Rolo twins to tears to see his condition everytime torture was over. He was bloody, torn up , there was even black goop in some of the wounds that concerned Percy. They could be signs of infection and he couldn’t do anything! He was pleading to the Dawn father every night for some kind of rescue!
This man was the love of his life, his sister’s savior from physical torture, and there was nothing he could do to help. Those far to familiar tired eyes made his heart ache, especially as Vax weakly lifted a hand up to cradle his face. It hurt so much to see the tired pain in Vax’s eyes as he rubbed Percy’s cheek with the softest of smiles.
“Here Vax. drink this slowly”Cass said as she fought back tears as she came to the other side of Vax and slowly gave him the water to drink as he lowered his arm. It was so much worse this time. His left leg was mangled by claws and teeth. Possibly and probably other items from Dr.Ripley's as well. She was trying to keep her hands from trembling as she poured the water into Vax’s mouth. 
Percy however lost that battle as he held Vax in his hands. His whole world was shattered weeks ago and one of the only loved ones he had left was bleeding in his arms. In worlds of pain he could only imagine. The half elf was so cold as well and it terrified Percy. This was his lover, the only person who could drag him into a prank war when he was doing experiments. The only person who could convince him Cassandra wasn’t evil and they were laying in his arms barely clinging to life.
Cassandra was ripping a large part of her dress off as Percy brought Vax’s head up and kissed his forehead. Trying to form words. Words that keep Vax alive. He was trying to think but what could convince Vax they’d make it out of here?
“The best time to purpose son is when times are at their bleakest. It shows that even in your darkest hours your love will always be there” His father’s words echoed in his head as he glanced at the De Rolo family engagement ring in his shirt pocket. Only items other than the clothes on their backs and Percy’s that weren't taken. He thought about it as Cassandra put their medical training to use. She wrapped up Vax’s leg as tears were now leaving her own eyes. 
Percy took a deep breath in as he took the ring out of his pocket with his free hand as he pulled vax in close. He pressed iit gently against Vax’s chest while saying,” Marry me? Be with me forever Vax’ildan? Be the De Rolo you are destined to be and throw away Vessar forever… I’ll do whatever you want we escape here”
His tears were no longer silent as he spoke so only Vax could understand what was he saying now as Cassandra was starting to sob as well,”Anything anything in the world Vax…anything you want no questions asked. Just..Just marry me. Promise to be mine forever. I’ll take you anywhere you want… we could even overthrow your father just marry me…just say yes.. I wouldn't be able to marry anyone else… My heart, my being, belongs to you already.”
Percy closed his eyes for a moment as he continued to sob, pleading silently to any god who’d listen to let Vax’ildan live. Unaware a goddess was listening to his plea from behind him on the wall. A shadow who’d been following Vax’ildan all day. The goddess of death, though Cassandra and Percy couldn’t see her, Vax had been staring at her. Too broken and battered to fight her, she could tell by the look in his eyes he wanted too. However not for his own life but for the other two in this cell. It was very commendable that even like this he wanted to fight her for other people’s lives. So few morals showed that trait and she felt Percival fight her for Vax life. 
Before making a final decision she looked to the veil, she wanted to see the outcome of denying Percy’s plea. She didn’t like it. His string would end very shortly after Vax’s if she did. Which left her with only one option. Lengthen the half elf’s life, She looked away from the veil to the soul she’d originally come to get and with a rare smile to Vax she said,”live”
Then she was gone and Vax looked back to Percy. With all the energy he had he cradled Percy’s face in his hands and weakly smiled,”..when we marry…if we have children…no long ass names Freddie”
“OF Course! I promise no long names” Percy said as he kissed the half elf through tears,”I love you I love you I love you more than anything!”
“I love you too”Vax said as he pulled Percy back into the kiss.
“Ew gross” Cassandra said trying to be annoying as she was fighting back sobs. Poor 13 year old.
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ahmoseinarus · 1 year
The Price
Whumptober 2023 Day 10 Broken Phone | Stranded | "You said you'd never leave." Mind the tags! The Price - Ahmose_Inarus - Critical Role (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own]
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randoimago · 3 years
Will you please write headcanons for dating Percy, Vax, and Sylas Briarwood (seperately)?
Dating Headcanons
FANDOM: Critical Role
Character(s): Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vax’ildan, Sylas Briarwood
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Hey request for Sylas, hell yes! I mean, fuck him, but he’s kind of cute tho ngl
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Rather emotionally constipated. Communication is not his strongpoint and when you do try talking to him, expect lots of sarcasm and dry remarks. 
Actions speak a lot louder than words to Percy so while he is dreadful when it comes to telling you he cares, expect to receive cute gifts from time to time. Or having him drag you to some romantic outing.
Very much into tinkering so if you have something you need made then he’ll gladly try and make it for you. 
Seriously, you can come up with something absolutely ridiculous and he’ll say, “That sounds like nonsense, I’m going to make it.”
I can see Sylas at first being with you just to peek his curiosity. He is a vampire so perhaps you could provide something for him.
Ends up being a total romantic when he does have genuine feelings for you. Will always have a rose ready to give you. Presses kisses to the back of your hand, those types of things.
Because you’re his partner, he won’t want to feed on you but should you offer he won’t decline. It’s a rather intimate thing, but again, he is perfectly fine finding someone else as he would never want you to be uncomfortable.
The guy is pretty messed up though so if he ever gets jealous or over protective of you then there will be lots of bloodshed. He always tries to keep himself and you free from blood splatters, but should it happen he will wipe it away with a handkerchief and give a peck to your cheek. Just know, you will never get an apology from him for killing others for you.
Vax puts his heart on his sleeve so it’s impossible to not know how he’s feeling towards you. You’ll get all kinds of compliments and cheeky comments. You’re just precious to him and he wants you to know it.
Might not be too big of a gift giver but if he sees you eyeing something then he’ll get it (rather by legal means or not). 
Tries to find things in your color as well because he loves to make comments about, “It highlights your eyes.”
So many pet names. Just all the pet names from Vax. They’ll be very cute like “angel” or they’ll just be cheesy like calling you “peach” or some other food name.
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