Am I reading too far into it or are Zanza and Meyneth’s human names made out of the names of their respective mortals from Xenoblade 1?
Klaus: Shulk backwards (kluhS -> Klaus)
Galea: either a feminized version of an anagram of Egil (gilE + a -> Galea) or a remix of both Egil and Vanea’s names gil + ea -> Galea
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frickingcasual · 1 year
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rebuilding alcamoth during the future connected credits
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cypressayez · 6 months
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artificervaldi · 1 year
Ever think about XC1 being the only game without a prequel? Well, I can fix that!
Here's a 10 chapter, 26k word fic I wrote about the time of the Giants, Egil, and the possession of Arglas!
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frickingnerd · 10 months
jealous egil
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pairing: egil x gn!reader
tags: jealousy, established relationship
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with you and egil spending most of your time alone agniratha, an uninhabited city, he isn't used to having to share you with someone
egil is so used to having you all to himself and for you to always do everything with him that he gets quite jealous whenever he can't be with you
there aren't many people aside from him that you have contact with, but rest assured, egil is jealous of all of them, to varying degrees
he's mostly jealous of vanea though, as she spends the most time with you aside from him and because he knows your relationship with her is so much different than the one he has to you
even if you are just friends with vanea, egil still doesn't like to see you spend too much time with her and often tries to give you things to do that allow you to be near him…
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theawezomeone · 1 year
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Vanea and Gadolt!!
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kkanmei · 7 months
vanea grew up on the streets of uldah with his only guardian being his older brother mhara. he made friends with most other people who were in similar circumstances as him, he was well loved by the refugees and the poverty stricken in the city. since he was homeless and had no money he would mostly get food by stealing from vendors on sapphire avenue.
when he was 10 or so he tried to steal an apple off of a vendor, but was caught. the vendor he was stealing from decided to make an example out of him and have him a very thorough and mostly public beating— he was taken to the back streets so that other poor people could see his punishment without the vendor revealing his cruelty to his client base on the exchange. he was left there.
he was found by aeter, a boy his age who he was very close with. aeter brought him to the safe house of a small band of rogues that he was secretly involved with. the boss Frederick (alias, no one knows her real name) allowed vanea to stay and recover. while he was unconscious aeter explained what had happened to him, and when vanea was fully recovered he was taken into the group and trained on how to be a rogue.
in terms of the game vanea wasn't involved with the rogues guild in limsa lominsa at all, he got his start with this group in uldah
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
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Hi there Xenoblade 1 fans!!! Happy anniversary!!! :)
Do you wish Meyneth got to talk to and interact with the party members more than she did in canon?
Did you already really enjoy Shulk's character arc but are also interested in seeing a slightly different take, where I get to write him suffering from even more extreme emotional anguish?
Do you like character studies and fics that expand upon the source material's lore and themes?
Well I'm currently writing an angsty longfic about just that!!
( If you're a fan of Egil and/or Vanea, you can consider the prologue to be its own oneshot about them as well! :D )
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nicecurves · 2 months
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redoxchai · 3 months
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Au Ra limbal rings
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With Dawntrail out, I'll probably be doing more FFXIV posting, but no worries, all game spoilers will be tagged! Remember to have your filtered tags set!
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puppyluver256 · 6 months
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And here's my Miraidon, Vanea! She runs into Rosemary shortly before Team Persistence gets started up, and much like the in-game Koraidon/Miraidon she just...hangs around, staying out of battles until her power is absolutely needed. And yes, she loves sandwiches just as much as her in-game counterpart.
...and if you're curious, the aggro Koraidon and Miraidon in my 'jinkaverse are named Lorithia and Egil respectively, for the exact reason you're thinking XD
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are preferred as they let more people see my artwork! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Miraidon and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Vanea and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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leeches-drawer · 11 months
just realized I've never posted my Xenoblade Chronicles 3 ocs here, so why not change that! today I introduce to you: Vanaea the Bygone Warrior, and Bluebelle the Wistful Guard
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(more info under the cut)
I don't have many drawings of them, with that one being just from tonight, so bear with me for the lack of pictures.
so to start off with, here's some basic descriptions:
Vanaea - A reckless attacker, she constantly thirsts for a good battle. she often throws herself into conflict without a second thought, leading her partner (romantic) Bluebelle to go chasing after her and desperately try to draw the massive aggro away from her. she loves to live on the edge, and lives a somewhat careless life, living only for the adrenaline rush. when not putting her life on the line, she enjoys adventure as a whole. ever since escaping the flame clock through genocidal means, she has been wandering the world with Bluebelle, exploring every nook and cranny that Aionios has to offer. she is usually rather stoic in her display, though she can get excited very easily, especially in the face of a threat. she's always looks for a new experience, so that her life never gets dull as it reaches its bitter end. she escaped death once, and will continue to, all while hoping that her life never gets lost in vain. if she doesn't make it to her homecoming, then she at least wants to go out swinging. an unarmed death is a pathetic one, and she will fight like hell to see her life to its end.
Bluebelle - an apathetic Kevesi off-seer, this Machina lives only for the sake of seeing the next day. they don't fear death itself, with it being so prevalent in their life, but they instead fear the concept of the unknown after. what lies in that inky darkness when you close your eyes for good. so with a brittle heart, they fight on, keeping their girlfriend by their side. apart from living for the sake of avoiding the terrible unknown, they also live to protect. Vanaea has become their tether to the world, their reason to live amongst all this agony. however, their girlfriend's recklessness constantly worries them and gets on their nerves, so they often end up bickering over their exchange in danger. they're often quite tired, doing the bare minimum every day, all while playing deeply melancholic tunes on their standard Keves style flute.
now I offer some refs, to get a better look at their designs
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the text reads:
- 10th term (early)
- Role: Attacker
- Class: Bygone Warrior
- Weapon: (Twin) Gunknives
- Colony 5 (survivor)
- she/he
- 10th term (early)
- Role: Defender
- Class: Wistful Guard
- Weapon: Decorated Sabres
- Colony 5 (survivor)
- they/them
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Vanaea's weapons up close, with assorted details
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the two's Arts palettes, top being Vanaea's, bottom being Bluebelle's. each of those read:
Hack 'n Slash - Break
Winged Revolution - back Topple
Abandon All Thought - Evade
Dripping Revolt - AOE
Sidestep Slash - draw aggro
Smokescreen - Daze
Wilting Flower - Taunt
Drifting Petal - draw aggro, phys def. down
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void-kissed · 1 year
taken life, given soul (Xenoblade Ship Week 2023 Day 1)
Vanea's work in constructing Face Nemesis requires a suitable pilot to house the soul of Lady Meyneth. After finally acquiring a worthy candidate, she is surprised to learn that the chosen Homs still lives after the procedure, and is even more surprised at her willingness to strike up conversation with a supposed enemy. (2311 words)The second part of this writing replaces the Face Nemesis cutscene from the end of Chapter Six.
This is the first meeting between Vanea and my self-insert, Citri! ..Not the most conventional or romantic of first meetings, but here it is in writing nonetheless! Despite being a couple of days late on the finishing, I decided that hopefully this could be fitted to this year's Xenoblade Chronicles ship week, as set up by a friend of mine - I hope that that's alright ^-^
(Anyone is welcome to comment on or reblog my work if they wish, as long as my DNI is respected! Tag list and document transcript are under the readmore.)
Tag list: @dragonsmooch | @hiraya-rbs | @bugsband | @sunlight-ships | @winds-beloved | @goatfaggot | @starlit-selfships | @stargazer-sims | @sharkyaoi | @detective-with-one-arm | @deepsea-loves | @wexlcr | @artificervaldi | @thatslikesometaldude (To be tagged in (or stop being tagged in) what I make, please see this post!)
Document transcript:
The Central Factory that lay within the chest of the Mechonis was where all Homs were taken after their capture, ready to be repurposed in the bodies of the Faced Mechon and used to assault the titan they had once dwelled upon. The recent attack on Colony 9 had provided the Mechon with some valuable resources, even if some of the initial reports were conveying worrying news about a new wielder of the Monado arising. Within the metal walls of the facility, new Mechon soldiers of all kinds were constantly being manufactured, mass-produced Faces among them. All operations were brilliantly orchestrated by the lone man spearheading the charge against the Bionis, who even now was doubtless deep in thought about how best to proceed in his efforts.
However, in an illuminated chamber that sat above the rest of the vast factory, his sister - a similarly-tall Machina woman with long grey hair - was overseeing the automated construction of a vast white-silver figure. Its parts all towered above her, interlaced with golden details and a doubled red diamond on its helmet-like faceplate. Below the mechanical figure lay an additional array of compatible pieces resembling parts of a human body, ready and waiting for a pilot to be fitted into them. Dozens of individual pieces were being put together by fine machinery, each one being subtly tweaked or modified as the woman carefully adjusted the many glowing controls before her, but the overall structure had yet to be properly assembled.
"Lady Vanea." came a sudden voice from the communication system above the woman. "There is a matter which requires your attention."
"What is it?" Vanea responded, addressing the empty chamber with cautious, distracted uncertainty. "I am still trying to resolve the faults in this Face's digits; can the matter not wait until this is resolved?"
The other voice seemed to pause, but only for a moment, before continuing its announcement. "It is about the pilot for the Face you are currently working on. Two potential candidates have been identified by our preliminary systems."
That was enough to catch Vanea's ear, as her eyes widened slightly before she finally turned her head to face the other voice. "..Very well. Please bring them here immediately, then."
A few robotic chirps could be heard, before further machinery began to whir into action - this time at the other end of the chamber, which Vanea had now turned to face with her back to the silver Face's controls. Its parts continued to be constructed without her direction, aside from what should have eventually become its pilot's fingers, given that they still lacked the proper range of movement to be fitted onto such an important Faced Mechon.
After a few moments, an opening appeared in the dark metal floor of the chamber, and the bodies of two young Homs women were lifted up through it, held up by actuators from the factory. Both looked somewhat similar at the first glance, being the same height and appearing of similar age - they both had golden blonde hair (though one wore it in a long dishevelled plait where the other's only fell to just past her shoulders), and as they were each scanned for further information, Vanea could see on the displays that they both had dark green eyes. One had freckles dotting her shoulders and rounded cheeks, and was littered with a number of scrapes and bruises, while the other's skin was clearer and she appeared to have suffered one particularly significant wound that had clawed at her clavicle.
"..What about these Homs has marked them out as worthy vessels?" Vanea asked, before the continued operations of the myriad machines circling each Homs began to output the pertinent results on the floating screens around her in the chamber. Carefully examining the data that had been gathered, Vanea found the answers lying within each girl's scanned memories, snapshots playing from them like a slideshow - the pair clearly shared a long history with not only each other, but also several other inhabitants of their home colony, and one boy with light blonde hair stood out particularly strongly to the Machina.
"..The Heir of the Monado." she said aloud in recognition.  "They were both friends with him, it would seem.."
She pored over the memories closely, trying to glean what information she could about the two Homs' personalities from them. It seemed like somewhat of an invasion of privacy to do this, but it was of the utmost importance that everything was as perfect as it could be for her current project, so such measures had to be taken to ensure the correct compatibility. Finally, after some time, she had made her decision - it was the freckled Homs with the longer hair who would be used for this purpose, due to the piercing injury sustained by the other one potentially making it difficult for the key component to be added correctly. The glimpses of her many days spent pursuing scientific endeavours with the Monado's newest wielder had also caught Vanea's eye more strongly.
"Please take this girl and prepare her for piloting Nemesis." the Machina stated to her assistant machinery, before turning to look over her shoulder at the unfortunate error still blaring from the screens behind her. "..Adjust the current pilot specifications to her body plan, but- try to preserve her original hands, if possible. That may have to be the workaround for the defects in the current digits, non-ideal though it may be.."
She then sighed, and addressed the chosen girl's companion.
"This other one does still hold promise, though.. Perhaps see whether any of our experimental designs might be compatible with her frame - Azure, for example."
As the machinery around her whirred to action once more according to her choices, and each girl was sent to her fate, Vanea took a moment to compose herself, staring up at the pieces of her dream - the central prism of golden metal standing out above all others.
A vessel had finally been found to hold the soul of her people's goddess, and with her divine revival thus at hand, the time had come for the tides of war to shift.
As long as everything in this experiment proceeded as it was meant to, the end to such ceaseless conflict may have finally begun.
What a shame that the Homs' past would be erased in the process..
Enough time had passed for all the preparations to be made. The Homs girl chosen by Vanea now had most of her body replaced by the mechanical components made beforehand, each piece now individually modified to ensure maximum compatibility with her remaining reconfigured immune and nervous systems. The only parts of her left that still appeared biological were her head above the neck and her hands past the wrists, though even they had received artificial upgrades below the surface to better serve as the Faced Mechon's central nerve unit.
This pilot unit was now being lifted into the central cockpit of the much larger silver Mechon, which had now itself been fully assembled. Its spiked and winged structure hovered high above Vanea like an angel, ready and waiting dutifully for its first activation as the final touches were smoothly made to its surfaces.
“Face Nemesis." Vanea began, addressing the construct above her.
"Your frame is complete.  
As is the integration of your pilot."
Some of the assistant Mechon receded, revealing the pilot's unconscious figure sat in place within Nemesis' torso.
"This Homs..  
She holds memories of the Heir of the Monado.  
She appears to have seen him as a friend.  
..I wonder what she would have been like to know.  
But, that is not important here.  
It only means that her body will be an able vessel for you, my Lady.  
All that remains is the soul transfer..”
All other machines departed as the final Mechon descended, carrying the golden metal prism in its grasp. With exactly-calculated precision, the triangular component was fitted onto the chest of the Homs pilot. There was a moment of silence, before familiar red energy started to flow through the body of Face Nemesis; the soul component then started to glow with power, before settling down again as the armoured plating closed over the cockpit chamber.
"..I have fulfilled my duty." Vanea stated, allowing herself to smile as everything finally fell into place.
"You and only you can bring about a new age on Mechonis -
no, the entire world.
My mistress,
Lady Meyneth."
She waited, and then became all too aware of how empty the chambers around her still felt.
"..Lady Meyneth?"
A feminine voice suddenly rang out through Nemesis' speakers, but it was not the kind and caring tone that the Machina so fondly recalled, even all these centuries since she had last heard it directly.
"Ah.. Where.. W-Where am I..?"
Vanea's own voice caught in her throat from hearing such an unexpected response, and her brow furrowed. "You.. Are you Lady Meyneth?"
"What?" came the other voice, sounding weary and confused from inside the Faced Mechon. "No, my name is Citri. Um.. What *is* all of this..?"
At that moment, all Vanea could do was blink. She had never spoken with a Face pilot directly before, and the concern rising inside of her about what she had done wrong was making it all but impossible for her to properly address the anomaly.
"Something has gone wrong with the soul transfer.." she mumbled to herself, beginning to anxiously flit between the different screens and keyboards in her vicinity. "Yet, the scans themselves seem to be indicating that everything is properly in place.. Her presence is clearly *detectable*, and yet the central core is not showing signs of *activity*-"
A sense of panic flared within her, and her ability to maintain a composed exterior was rapidly deteriorating.
"My dearest goddess, what have I done wrong..?"
As she stifled a sob, the sound of mechanical joints moving rang out through the chamber, before they stopped (having been moved in error) and the torso plating opened back up instead.
"Um.. When you say "central core", do you mean this part?"
A tiny *tap-tap* noise, much quieter than any type of metal hitting metal could produce, prompted Vanea to lift her gaze. The Homs girl - *Citri*, as she had called herself - was tapping her still-organic fingernail on the prism of golden metal that was fitted to the chest of her new body.
"..Yes, that is correct." Vanea admitted, blinking uncertainly again.
"It.. feels as though something is inside of it." she then tried to explain, tilting her head as much as the cockpit would allow her to. "Some*one*, rather, if.. what you were saying before about your goddess is true. But.. I'm not sure whether she can wake up yet?"
The Machina took a moment to consider Citri's words. "That would be unfortunate, but.. it is reassuring to know that you are able to sense her presence."
Citri gave a small nod, very tentatively, but her expression was uncertain.
"..What was supposed to have happened?" she then asked.
"That Lady Meyneth's soul would be swiftly transferred into your body, overwriting your own, for her subsequent use as a vessel to pilot Face Nemesis." Vanea stated matter-of-factly. Then she stopped.
"..That was rather callous of me, wasn't it?"
"Somewhat, yes." admitted Citri, who would have mustered a smile if not for how disoriented she still felt. "But if nothing else, you definitely answered me clearly with how you said it, so.. thank you."
An awkward silence then settled in between the two.
"..Could you possibly tell me more about what's happened? What you've done to me, and all?"
The genuine nature of such a question, and the absolute lack of malice that she had expected to permeate through any Homs unwillingly stolen by Mechon, made it impossible for Vanea to simply dismiss the girl's curiosity. Something softened in her expression, and she opened her mouth to try and form an explanation, but the same voice from before piped up through the communication systems as she did so.
"Lady Vanea." it called out. "Master Egil wishes to see you."
This made her pause with some uncertainty. "Understood. Tell him I will see him.. momentarily." she then settled on.
The device whirred away as Vanea's gaze fell back onto Citri, her red eyes meeting her green ones for a moment before neither felt able to hold the gaze further.
"..I apologise for this interruption, but- you may have my word that I shall return to these chambers once I have finished meeting with my brother." she then said. "It may well be that Lady Meyneth has properly awakened by that time, but if not, then.. If you would listen to our story, then I see no harm in sharing it with you."
"I understand." replied Citri. "That means a lot, Vanea."
She smiled at the mention of her name. "You miss little, I see. Very well then. I shall return shortly, Citri."
With nothing more to say for the moment, she then left her alone within Face Nemesis.
Only *after* she had turned to leave the chamber did Vanea realise her own instinctive use of the girl's own name, and she was surprised to have found herself recalling it from one mention. Nevertheless, she persisted in her next objective, doing her utmost to regain her usual composure even as she silently came to the conclusion that it was a name she wished to remember, despite part of her also knowing it was not a name she should have ever had a chance to learn.
Thankfully for both, there would still be many opportunities in the days that followed to converse, and to learn, and to get to know each other more than either could have envisioned beforehand.
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seagullcharmer · 7 months
that survery was very long but now i am thinking wistfully about xenoblade characters again
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Side Characters Masterlist
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so close, so far away - drabble
don't fight against our love - drabble
poly relationship with shulk & alvis - headcanons
poly relationship with alvis & kallian - headcanons
dating kallian antiqua - headcanons
secretly dating kallian antiqua - headcanons
kallian having a crush on you - headcanons
poly relationship with alvis & kallian - headcanons
poly relationship with melia & kallian - headcanons
poly relationship with melia & tyrea - headcanons
caught making out with tyrea - headcanons
tyrea being in denial about her crush on you - headcanons
jealous egil - headcanons
vanea befriending a half high entia - headcanons
dating dickson - headcanons
poly relationship with dunban, dickson & mumkhar - headcanons
poly relationship with dunban, dickson & mumkhar - headcanons
yandere zanza - headcanons
dating meyneth
dating gael'gar - headcanons
yandere gael'gar - headcanons
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