#vane is also bi
gay-strawberry · 5 months
the peter porn books are gonna be the death of me. im currently reading book 4. so heres yet another shit post
winnie pov:
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roc and hook:
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vane and pan:
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red is bash. blue is pan.
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kas would send this in their gc:
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the lost boys tm everytime winnie breathes:
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(even more shitposts)
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feralradicalbastards · 4 months
Making more of these till I get attention *stares into your soul* /silly
That’s /hj, I really did want to make this songtive as soon as I heard the song
Edit: it took me 2 days to do this actually 💀
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⟦ 🌱 ⟧ ⟣ Name(s): Butcher, Roadkill, Karni, Guts, Carcass, Scarlet, Narcissa, Saber, Sabel, Fallon, Venom, Bane, Rudy, Hydra, Virus, Ouroboros, Vapula, Vepar, Morax, Veni / Venison / Venni / Venn, Havoc, Crimson, Blade, Bloode, Wraith, Haunt, Velle / Velvet, and/or Sanguine
⟦ 🍄 ⟧ ⟣ Age: Adolescageless (“young” is fluid from older teen to young adult)
⟦ 🌻 ⟧ ⟣ Gender: Neonymgirl, Cannibalcoric, Uncannygender, ADAB, Butchervanic, Cannibslaughter, Cannibalintrusive, Gendermonster, Nonhumanthing, Fauxhuman, Invicannigod, Humanitropic, Rawmeataesic, Gluttonicoitus, Cannimata, Distortgirl, ACHAB, and ABAB
⟦ 🥞 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (3rd): She/her, They/them, it/its, Sh🥩/h🥩r, Sh🩸/h🩸r, Sh⨳/h⨳r, kill/killself, slau/slaughter/slaughterself, starve/starveself, murk/murder/murks/murders/murderself (or murkself), butch/butcher/butcherself, 🔪/🔪self, freak/freakself, meat/meatself, gore/goreself, mag/maggot/maggotself, tear/tearself, cut/cutself, glutton/gluttony/gluttonyself, sin/sinew/sinewself, bone/boneself, blood/bloodself, app/appetite/appetiteself, sin/sinself, addi/addict/addictself, maim/maimself, stab/stabself, rip/ripself, 🥩/🥩self, 🩸/🩸self, 🪓/🪓self, 🪦/🪦self, ⚠️/⚠️self, ‼️/‼️, and 🍖/🍖self
⟦ 🍂 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (2nd): you/your/yours/yourself, mur/murker/murkers/murkerself, and 🪓/🪓r/🪓rs/🪓self
⟦ 🐑 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (1st): I/me/my/mine/myself, canni/canne/canny/cannibine/cannibalself, 🪓/🪓/🪓y/🪓ine/🪓self, ‼️/‼️/‼️y/‼️ine/‼️self, and 🔪/🔪/🔪y/🔪ine/🔪self
⟦ 🌿 ⟧ ⟣ Orientation: Biflexible (Bi to Omnisexual) and Hypercanni
⟦ 🌷 ⟧ ⟣ Species: (Gluttony)Demon-human hybrid, demon aspects aren’t visible.
⟦ 🧺 ⟧ ⟣ Role(s) & Abilities: Prone to being a Hunter-Persecutor (May get the urge to hunt down and harm another headmate in headspace) & Malicitor. They can be a Guzzler when need be, and It is also Omniscient at which it may use to h⨳r advantage.
⟦ 🍀 ⟧ ⟣ Source(s): Butcher’s Vanity by Vane, Ricediety, and JamieP (Cw for blood, weapons, cannibalism, and similar themes in the song & music video).
⟦ 🍓 ⟧ ⟣ TransID(s): Transbutcher, Transcannibal, Transcannibalismaddict, Transpsychopath, Aempathy, Vantablakamian, Translingual Chinese, Transambidextrous, Transpara (⚰️), Bloodscentian, Xenoaura (Aura: Fear, “Wrong”, Uncanny, & Blood), Albdermanism, Transdrooling, and Permahungry
⟦ 🧸 ⟧ ⟣ CisID(s): Intrusive thoughts (around cannibalism), Low empathy, Nihilist, God Complex, Pale, Sadist (only barely sexual), Red eyes, black hair, and tattoos (sin has hidden red lines on tears skin outlining the different parts of maims body).
⟦ 🍃 ⟧ ⟣ Paraphilia(s): Cannibalism Kink (Not as bad as a para)
⟦ 🍯 ⟧ ⟣ Personality: Sh🩸 is a very careless, energetic, and clever being. Often exhibiting very observant and intelligent behavior, 🥩 enjoys analyzing behavior in humans, especially under pressure. Starve is occasionally kind and friendly towards people it deems equals, but it bit a lot of studying a person for butch to lead up to seeing someone that way.
⟦ 🌸 ⟧ ⟣ Interests: Human Anatomy, Studying & Collecting variations of weapons (commonly knives), Butcher work, Collecting random items, and Theology. It also likes scaring people in differing ways.
⟦ 🌻 ⟧ ⟣ Dislikes: Not eating for a while, the concept of “normal”, majority of humans, spring, and “mundane foods”
⟦ 🥐 ⟧ ⟣ Signoff(s): 🥩, 🍖, 🔪, 🥩🍴, 🪓, 🩸, ⚠️
⟦ 🥧 ⟧ ⟣ Other: She looks (and sounds) like h🩸r source character. It has two “faces”. The more realistic facial appearance is her real face, and the “^q^” is a mask. <- I had to include this detail, I love it XD.
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Disclaimer: An headmate/alter does not need to be exactly as specified, and we do not support forcing an headmate/alter to be exactly as specified. Also, we are not responsible for anything that a headmate/alter made from this does. 
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just-ghaleon · 2 months
Hello friend, please give to me Jessica and also finish your gay Dyne hypothesis you owe me.
I know you changed your request to Mauri to spare me from drawing so many Jessicas, but SURPRISE!!! You get an extra Jessica!! :3 I do love drawing her. <3
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(Pose meme by @starfleetrambo)
Alright, to the business at hand:
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I'm going to attempt to keep this on the short side, since I can get long-winded and incomprehensible if I'm not careful, and I have a lot of queer theories, observations and headcanons to share. For, like, the entire cast of Lunar 1. So this might actually become something of a series...
Hypothesis: Dyne is gay. (Or possibly bi/poly. But definitely queer.) Or to phrase it another way, I don't think Ghaleon's feelings for Dyne are one-sided.
Exhibit A: Dyne steals Ghaleon's clothes like a smitten teenage girl.
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In the second arc of Akari Funato's official Lunar manga "Vane, the Story of the Inheritance" we can observe a cute and casual mutual coat and cloak swap. This on its own would be paltry evidence--IF this were the only time Dyne has done this.
But no, dear reader. It turns out that stealing Ghaleon's clothes is not only something that Dyne has done as a character--IT'S BAKED INTO HIS VERY DESIGN.
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On our left, we have one of Ghaleon's prototype outfit designs. And on our right, hitting the exact same pose, is Dyne's (Laike's) finalized character design. And what's that he's wearing? A suspiciously familiar sash! (Hell, even the creamy tan cloak could be the same one he so casually "borrowed" in the manga, some 20 years earlier.)
And going back to those panels from the manga, look how they're both so comfortable wearing each other's clothes. This intimacy is clearly the norm for them.
Exhibit B: --actually, I am going to have to do this in installments or I'll never finish it. And it's already been like almost a year from the first time you asked! :B (Also I'm reminded that writing long-form essays make me an anxious wreck. So I gotta stick to small, digestible bites.)
In my recent replay of LSSSC I noticed a lot of little things that add up to paint a broad picture, but I didn't take screencaps of everything. So I kinda need to scrub thru my stream vods at some point and see if I can get captures of the dialog I'm missing.
So, until next time...
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tiofrean · 1 year
Oh boy... OH BOY... I was reading through comments and tags under that Flint vs. Stede post (and before that in Silver vs. Oluwande post) and OH BOY RANT INCOMING
Feel free to ignore. No, I'm prickly about this.
I LOVE how people are like "Black Sails fans are so mean why are they like that T.T ?" in the tags and comments.
So we have this show that has been marginalized and has been pushed to the side for years. A show that has excellent plot, wonderful intrigue, magnificent representation and well-written, 3D characters that are complex and relatable. You get your edgy queer men (whether you want to characterize Flint as gay or bi, doesn't change the fact that he likes dick whichever way), you get your edgy queer girls (Anne), you get your flamboyant whatever-the-fuck-Jack-Rackham-is (<3), you get sweet gays (Thomas), you get confused bisexuals (Eleanor, Silver), you get straight sweets (Miranda) and straight angery dicks (Woodes Rogers), and competent, edgy straights (Vane). Oh! A competent, master-of-the-house lesbian? Check (Max). You even have asexuals, or that is what I shall forever classify Billy as. You have a f/f sex scene in the first damn episode, ffs. You get threesomes (sexual, romantic), you get couples, you even have Silver in a brothel orgy.
But sexual representation is not ALL! You get goofy pirates (Jack Rackham), you get serious pirates (Blackbeard), you get balls of rage (Flint), you get chill, laid-back sea dogs (Gates), you get competent little weasels (Silver), you get incompetent rats (Dufrense). You also have marvelous extras and side characters (Beauclerc the marksman, Captain Fruit-Fruit, Idelle... OHMYGOD IDELLE <3333).
There's the political plot that's historically accurate, the story's plot that's Flint's big gay rage, there's the sociological context of being painted as a monster, there's the gold hunt, there are ships correctly operated by crews of more than five fucking people, there are guns, blood and realistic injuries. You get quotations and allusions to Shakespeare, Cervantes, Julius Caesar, Marcus Fucking Aurelius, a metric ton of other classical writers. You get so many tropes done right it's astonishing and too effing long to list them all here.
On top of that, there is the picturesque landscape, absolutely gorgeous ships and very accurate portrayal of how life looked back then.
We had to defend that show when it first came out, the actors had to fucking fight homophobic assholes upon the airing of season two (IMAGINE THAT), people who loved it had a hard time going around, although admittedly it's a "fandom" hard time, not a "real life" hard time. We persisted, we persevered, and now we're here, clinging to what's left of our fandom, because we are admittedly all over the place and we don't have "troops" on any one social media, which makes our numbers small in comparison to other fandoms, and makes fandom interactions very limited.
Now imagine that there aired a show... a pirate show promising a lot. And then the show turned out to be an office-type comedy with no lesbian/bi women representation (I may be wrong, but I did watch it out of curiosity, didn't see any, just guys). A show that the whole plot of is just a rendition of the Beauty and the Beast for pirate times with so many historical inaccuracies (couching your crew like a bunch of office workers? Plz. The way they speak and the concepts they talk of that weren't there? It's like they were sitting around a fire, holding hands and singing kumbaya). And don't get me wrong, there's place for those shows as well, and maybe it works for you (and great for you too!).
We tried to ignore it, really we did. We basically gave it the eyebrow-raise-huff-ignore thing that you do on the internet when you want someone to enjoy their stuff and are not interested in it yourself.
But you know what happened? Suddenly there were people on twitter tagging everyone and their dog from Black Sails with renditions of Flint/Izzy (Izzy who comes across as an extreme asshole at best and a homophobic shit at worst and you can't fault people for reading it like this). Let that sink in - our fandom babe Flint, who had his whole life ruined due to homophobia and homophobic assholes is suddenly being shipped with a guy who suspiciously fits the description a bit too much for our tastes. Wouldn't you get angry? Of course you would, we're all very protective of our babes. We are, you are, everyone is. We asked you not to do this, and while I admit that hurling curses your way might not have been the most polite way of asking you to stop, the message was clear enough. What does OFMD fandom do? They all double down. Double fucking down on fanfiction and tagging everything in BS again, pairing Flint and Izzy together, writing things way out of the realm of any possibilities because most of the writers didn't watch BS (I did read their comments on that. They weren't even sorry). If you take such character and throw him into a work of art that can and will be seen as controversial, you should at least have the decency to do your homework on the original work he comes from. Otherwise, to our eyes, you're taking the most wronged man from our beloved show, wronged due to his sexuality, and throw him together with a literal asshole just to see them fuck because they would look pretty (and that's an actual comment from one of the artists, I shit you not). Wouldn't you feel a bit angry about that? I bet you would.
What's worse, people loving Black Sails and not liking OFMD usually point out how narrow the representation is, how improbable the show is and how they're not remotely invested in the plot. It's a cheesy show for your average Sunday afternoon, don't make it into something it's not. It's not a political statement any more than Guess The Tune is.
What's more, when I've seen attempts at people pointing out the obvious flaws in plot, in logic (how many people crew that ship exactly? How is he not dead after being stabbed clean through with a sword?), all we've gotten was "Oh it's not that type of show, OBVIOUSLY", "it's just a comedy, duh" and my personal favorite "you just DON'T UNDERSTAND IT BOOMER". (I'm a late Millennial, thx). Every attempt was chucked out the window. What got me most, tho, was the high praise of OFMD IS THE FIRST SHOW TO [insert whatever queer thing it did supposedly]. No, it's not. There was even a post on twitter that debunked all those claims one by one. I get it, you're happy that you got your gay pirates, good for you. But give credit where credit's due, otherwise you're gonna piss off a lot of people. People who watched our show struggle and crawl so that your show can run today and be fine and accepted widely.
And personally, I felt disappointed watching it because of the lack of representation. Disappointed that Ed turned out to be just as rainbowy as Stede. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against rainbowy, ultra-sweet characters that are big softies. I love them. But not everyone in the lgbtq community is like that. Actually, it's the minority. There are your sweets, there are your glittery rainbows, but the majority is on the more... inconspicuous part of the scale. And there are edgy people (like myself) who don't like glitter, pink, feathers, fluff and a shitton of other things this show had in abundance. You know what made me wince while watching? When I realized that the only person who I could remotely like for the way they weren't so glittery-rainbowy-sweet was Izzy, and I hated him because he was an asshole. Even Jim got the fluffy af oranges arch. So not my (and others') cup of tea.
So yeah, our recent anger and rabidity is not based solely on one post about an insignificant poll (that you're winning only because our fandom is significantly smaller and most people are dispersed between different sites). It's all those things combined and it's the result of them.
And no, I'm not going to finish it with a "please forgive us if we seem a bit angery, we're coping". Flint wouldn't.
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mermaidsirennikita · 10 days
Im pretty sure you had an enemies to lovers list but I can’t find it 😭 so can I request a list of the best enemies to lovers you’ve read?
Sure! I will say, I definitely have gotten a bit stricter about what constitutes enemies to lovers for me. There's dislike, and then there's being an ENEMY.
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole. Enemies in that, though they are fated mates and he knows this, he hates her because she's a vampire and he's been trapped under the Parisian catacombs for 150 years in eternal flame, tortured by vampires. She does not love the fact that he kidnaps her, her family comes to kill him, it goes on.
Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole. Enemies in that her brother rules his stolen kingdom and she is enlisted to seduce and kidnap him, and subsequently get him to impregnate her with the heir to the throne so they can like... kill him. Again, they know they're mates, but THE GAME IS V MUCH ON.
Dreams of a Dark Warrior by Kresley Cole. They're fated and have actually been lovers in all of his previous lifetimes... but each time they do consummate it, he dies shortly after and gets reincarnated again. She intended to avoid him to spare him, but oops, in this lifetime he's a militant anti-immortal warrior who's kidnapped her and is now holding her prisoner on an island. This is inteeeense.
Lothaire by Kresley Cole. He's an evil 3,000 vampire, she's a 24-year-old human who he believes has been possessed by the soul of his fated mate. His intent is to have her own soul taken from her so his mate can stay there permanently—her intent is to not have that happen. By any means necessary. Very much a Clash of the Titans type EtL in terms of willpower.
Evernight by Kristen Callihan. Victorian paranormal, the heroine is like... a witch who manipulates metal and also a mad scientist lol... the hero is a vampiric demon type. She was used to warp his body by an evil villain, he's out to basically force her to fix him, BUT THEN it turns out that the only way he feels peace is when she's touching him, oops!
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson. After her brother kills his entire family, their nations go to war and he wins. As a part of the peace treaty, she's forced to marry him, but it's with the understanding (on her end) that she'll probably be an agent from within, and he's aware of this. Also, there's a lowkey threat that if she doesn't get pregnant within a year, he'll put her on like. A glacier. Lmao
The Witch Walker Series by Charissa Weaks. Begins as this for the core hero and heroine; he's the "witch collector" who takes witches to some mysterious locale from which they're never heard of again, he took her sister years ago, she intends to get her sister back and also kILL HIM. Even after they fall in love, however, you've still got a great secondary romance going on between one of the main villains (an evil prince with amnesia) and one of the main good guys (a hot disaster bi winter king who's like "but what if I healed his heart with the power of love").
The Kingdom of the Wicked Trilogy by Kerri Maniscalco. The heroine is a witch who wants to get vengeance for her identical twin's murder. There are tons of spoilers I can't give away here, but suffice to say... the hero..... has a lot going on that leads to EtL situations lol. Throne of the Fallen is a standalone spinoff that also has these vibes. Very much "enemies who reluctantly have to work together" throughout these novels.
The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon. Very classic EtL, hero and heroine are on the opposing side of a war, he's all shadow she's all light, an arranged marriage MIGHT be on the table...
A Heart of Blood and Ashes by Milla Vane. Another reluctant EtL situation, but their enemy deal is pretty heavy because her dad killed his parents. Recently! However, she also wants her dad dead, so they enter into a betrothal situation with zero trust.
A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught. They're very literally on the opposite sides of a political conflict (he's English, she's Scottish, it's medieval times) and he has her kidnapped at the beginning of the book. The king does force them to marry, and they're not happy about it!
The Widow's Kiss by Jane Feather. She's a Tudor era lady who's recently been widowed for the fourth time, each time enriching her more. He's the guy Henry VIII sends in to investigate her for murder, essentially... also, he benefits if she loses her lands (which would likely also end in her execution). There's a ton of distrust here, and it is very fun.
A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart. He's sorta responsible in part for her family dying in the Reign of Terror, she's become a cook in his cousin's house, and when he shows up there (because he's waiting out whether or not this guy he shot in a duel will die, he's the worst) she tries to kill him! And then goes on the run when it doesn't work! Definitely pretty damn dark, a true enemies to lovers book, TW TW for dubcon and past noncon and a ton of of other shit.
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale. The hero takes the heroine and forces her to marry him as a part of his political scheme. He's crazy and murderous, she hates him... until she starts to learn from him. TW for noncon first encounter.
The Viper by Monica McCarty. The hero and heroine had an almost-thing years ago, but then he basically dropped the ball and she ended up being imprisoned and separated from her kid for years. Now they're reunited, and the beef remains VERY real and the trust is ZERO.
When a Rogue Meets His Match by Elizabeth Hoyt. The hero is the henchman for the heroine's evil uncle; and he's about to quit his job when the uncle is like, "do one last thing for me and you can marry my niece". To which the hero says "GREAT! LOVE THAT FOR ME!" She does not love that for him, and in fact begins plotting. If he dies, he dies.
Mafia Mistress/Darling, Mafia Madman, and Mafia Target by Mila Finelli. A guy who kidnaps a girl to have her marry his son, then decides to make her his mistress! ANOTHER kidnapper, this time with more hatred and both of them deciding to destroy each other! An assassin falling for his target while still vowing to kill him! This is the stuff fairy tales are made of.
King's Captive by Amber Bardan. I mean. He kills her dad in the beginning of the book and keeps her on his private island for years. She's not thrilled, and she does want out.
In Sierra Simone's Lyonesse series (MMF), Tristan and Mark are not enemies... and Tristan and Isolde are not enemies... But Mark and Isolde are in an arranged marriage in which she is trying to learn his secrets to take him down from within, and he is Terrified of Feelings while also being like I ALWAYS WIN, ISOLDE. So. Yeah. Begin with Salt in the Wound to find out Why They Are The Way They Are.
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zalrb · 1 year
this isn't directed at you more so at the anons here but: this isn't the place for questions about shows directed at queer audiences. you may think you understand a lot but clearly camp as a concept escapes you or you wouldn't be so harsh about sam reid's performance as lestat. i'm pretty sure you even referred to yourself as straight in an answer to an ask at some point and you don't seem to have interest in queer characters or ships that aren't het so why should your opinion matter?
you're out there comfortably boasting your take on a lesbian character (willow rosenberg) and her superior chemistry with a male character and i'm bi, i'll be the first to say that given her past attraction to men they could have gone down the route of making her bisexual and it's only the context of the times and queer rep in general being what it was that stopped it but as it is willow is a lesbian whether you like it or not willow canonically is a lesbian and i find it just baffling that you would not even be able to find one moment of chemistry that matches up or exceeds the chemistry oz/willow had with the chemistry of her love interest of four fucking seasons. if the only point of comparison was kennedy/willow than fine despite the fact that in the show's canon oz/willow only happened because of willow's comp het the chemistry between her and kennedy was still lacking but tara?? and it's not like there aren't other exemples you're out here using xena/ares as an exemple for an ask about chemistries and xena is one of the most queer coded shows of all time. but let's not talk about that let's focus on ares/xena i guess even though xena's main love interest is gabrielle and the only thing stopping the subtext from being fully text is again the times. you managed to watch spartacus and somehow again in four seasons no queer ships got your attention. the self proclaimed fucking authority on chemistry only found grace in het ships when agron/nasir was right here and gaia/lucrezia or lucrezia/ilithyia but even if we forget ships you don't talk about queer characters on their own either. and the one that genuinely angers me the most: black sails. this show is too fucking good for you. not only have you managed to again ignore all the queer characters and queer ships (miranda/thomas/flint, thomas/flint, flint/silver, maxanor, maxanne. and these are just the canon ones) but you've also paid dust to the black characters. except for madi and i like madi, i like silvermadi too so it sure is ironic i literally went to see your black sails tag just to see if i'm being too harsh but no it's just as horrendous hot takes from a straight girl as i remembered it. literally first post you wish you could find silvermadi content without flint and it exists. if you type silvermadi you'll find some. silver/madi/flint content is usually tagged differently and some people also see parallels between silver/madi/flint to other trios in the show it's not that complicated but you sound so fucking entitled whining about how you don't find content for your straight ship from a show AIMED AT QUEER AUDIENCES like girl shut up. have some sense. i've never seen the eleanor/rodgers shippers (yes they exist) whine about their ship having less content than maxanor or eleanor/vane because they know what show they're watching but clearly you don't"
i'm pretty sure you even referred to yourself as straight in an answer to an ask at some point
Yes, because I used to talk about whether or not I thought something was queer baiting but now, I'm like, what I have to say about the subject doesn't matter because I'm straight, my opinion on what is and what isn't queer baiting doesn't matter. It wasn't like I was asked what do you think of this ship and went omg no I'm straight, I can't talk about wlw or mlm relationships. Come on.
you're out there comfortably boasting
You mean, stating an opinion.
wouldn't be so harsh about sam reid's performance as lestat
I didn't think I was harsh at all, I just said I didn't think he was charismatic as he was supposed to be or as menacing as he was supposed to be.
you're out here using xena/ares as an exemple for an ask about chemistries and xena is one of the most queer coded shows of all time. but let's not talk about that let's focus on ares/xena i guess even though xena's main love interest is gabrielle and the only thing stopping the subtext from being fully text is again the times.
I used Xena/Ares as an example for the ask because I was making a point about a specific kind of chemistry, which was a simmering, anger-to-passion type of chemistry and Gabrielle/Xena wouldn't have fit the context of the post,
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the self proclaimed fucking authority on chemistry
So clearly you don't understand sarcasm because the only time I've said I Am The Authority On Chemistry is as a facetious response to anons like you who keep saying that I call myself an authority on chemistry when that has literally never happened.
I am so fucking tired of this.
only found grace in het ships when agron/nasir was right here and gaia/lucrezia or lucrezia/ilithyia
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Pretty much every time I mention Spartacus, I also mentioned Agron and Nasir because I loved watching them together? I also speak about Pietros and Barca
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but even if we forget ships you don't talk about queer characters on their own either.
So I don't talk about Annanlise. Or Tegan. Or Connor. Never spoke about Burt and Irv. Never spoke about Lafayette. Never spoke about Mickey or Ian or Gallavich. Never spoke about Chiron, never spoke about Kevin. Never spoke about Isaac. Never spoke about Damon, never spoke about Ricky, never spoke about Pray Tell, never spoke about Even, never spoke about Isak, never spoke about Mateo etc.
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literally first post you wish you could find silvermadi content without flint and it exists.
OK so let's not act as if it isn't common for tumblr to ignore a canon ship involving Black women in favour of non-canon ships between white men -- in fact I was accused of upholding the same type of preference because I ship Merthur over Arwen despite the multiple breakdowns that I have as to why and the fact that I go hard for Gwencelot -- that's why I was annoyed looking through the tag that everything I had seen about Silvermadi also included Flint. I have dismissed Silverflint in the past, shouldn't have done that.
Madi and Silver are the ship I care about on the show, a lot of the times there is that One Ship I focus on with a show, for Severance it was all about Burt and Irv, I barely spoke about anything else unless asked, for Living Single, it's all about Max and Kyle, I never mention Overton and Synclaire, for Charmed it's Piper Leo etc. etc. because Black Sails isn't a show that I love, I don't talk about any of the characters much -- including Madi -- unless asked. The fact that you're acting like there is a wealth of complex, nuanced, well-written Black characters on the show is kind of astounding to me because there are four and they're not all written equally. When asked, I spoke about what I liked about Max, what I liked about Madi, what I liked about Mr. Scott and what I liked about the Maroon Queen
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but the actress made homophobic statements
I didn't know that.
So, like, I'm not really sure what you wanted to accomplish with this ask. I can't comment on IWTV or Sam Reid's performance as Lestat because I'm straight? Don't talk about wlw/mlm ships because I don't think Tara and Willow have chemistry? Don't say anything about Black Sails because Silvermadi is my OTP? No one ask me anything that has anything to do queer characters or ships because you don't like my opinions on certain ships and characters? Like what?
I'm also surprised that you're still lurking considering how much you detest my opinions??
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skeletonpoett · 2 years
To add to the flower meanings (I've never read a book about Victorian flower language, this is just my 20 minutes of research and analysis)
Ch5 Vane Family Discussions:
These are mentioned while Sybil and Jim are arguing(?) about Sybil's engagement to Dorian
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The tulip beds as "rings of fire" could just be red tulips to symbolize the love that Sybil's expressing for Dorian
But when it says "fiery" I'm thinking bi-colored tulips like these
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Yellow tulips in the Victorian era symbolized hopless love and jelousy
While orange tulips were for forbidden love, or a deep bond
These two combined with the red tulips (passionate romantic love) I think are representing both the siblings feelings about Sybils engagement
The red for Sybil's passion, yellow for Jim's jelousy or feeling of loss of he and Sybil's familial bond, and also letting is know that Sybil and Dorian's romance is not going to end well (hopless love)
Orange is for the actual bond between the siblings (deep connection) and Jim's disapproval of the engagement (forbidden love)
I could go deeper into my interpretation but then again Wilde could have just meant red tulips to let us know "hey Sybil's really lovestruck here"
Also the orris root is used in perfume and medicine and it comes from irises which signify things like enduring faith, admiration, and wisdom (maybe Sybil's complete trust in Dorian and Jim's reasonable scepticism, or how Sybil believes she's the logical one because she's older than Jim)
I might add more later and again if anyone knows more about flower language feel free to point out anything I got wrong
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czolgosz · 2 years
dorian gray for the character thing?
sexuality headcanon: aromantic (romance-indifferent) & bi
gender headcanon: nonbinary (vaguely masculine)... i am projecting you understand.
a brotp i have with said character: madame de ferrol, she is only mentioned briefly but they seem like good friends... also i want dorian & sibyl to be friends but of course this is not really achievable in the story...
a notp i have with said character: basil & henry. i dont like the 10 year age gap sorry i know theyre canonically interested in dorian but i still am not a fan of oscar wilde's whole pederasty thing..! of course not denying that this is a thing in the book i just don't think they should actually be in a romantic relationship. also the relationship would be mutually unhealthy (i mean it already is with them being friends) which can be interesting but like i'm not interested in it here. and this is all ignoring that i just Don't Like Romance lol
a random headcanon: um. their favorite animals are the honeybee & the cape mountain zebra <3. <-i have so many headcanons but i'll keep it to that.
general opinion over said character: they're like my favorite character ever idk. they're rather well-written. if their parents didn't die and/or if they had any normal friends they literally would have been fine. however in their current state someone needs to beat them up or something please. when james vane held a gun to their head and said he would kill them that was a good moment and it should happen more often. also: they are literally me
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deltaponline · 10 months
New submersible pumps in discharge tube with a maximum flow rate of 8000 m³/h for a wide range of applications
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The new AmaCan D submersible pumps in discharge tube are designed for low life cycle costs. (© KSB SE & Co. KGaA)   The new KSB submersible pump in discharge tube design has an open multi-vane impeller. The type series has been named AmaCan D. Its main application is transporting large volumes of municipal or industrial water as well as wastewater from stormwater, drainage and irrigation pumping stations. When selected with optional corrosion-resistant and abrasion-resistant materials the type series can also be used in water pollution and flood control or in seawater aquaculture systems. The pump generates a maximum flow rate of 8000 m³/h and a maximum discharge head of about 30 m. The highest motor rating available as standard is 340 kW. Priorities set by the developers were to achieve a high operating reliability of the waste water hydraulic systems as well as high hydraulic efficiencies. Here, they were focusing on the typical operating ranges of submersible pumps in discharge tube. The pump's self-centring, non-positive seating in the discharge tube, sealed by an O-ring, makes it easy to install and remove. No anchoring or anti-rotation elements are needed. Integrated, intelligent sensor monitoring detects any vibrations or leakages and measures the temperature of bearings and motor. It provides continuous supervision of operation and early detection of malfunctions as well as the option of predictive maintenance. All electric motors of these pump series are of an efficiency corresponding to class IE3 for standardised motors to IEC 60034-30. Two bi-directional mechanical seals prevent water ingress into the motor space. A chamber filled with environmentally friendly oil ensures cooling and lubrication of the mechanical seals even when gas-laden fluids have to be pumped. Generously dimensioned ball bearings sealed for life support the stainless steel shaft. Special focus was further placed on the design of the cable gland. Individual conductors stripped, tinned and sealed in resin ensure that the cable gland is absolutely watertight. Even in the event of damage to the cable sheath or the insulation, thanks to this design the pump is protected against short circuits. To ensure that the pumps can be easily dismantled even after years of operation under tough conditions, all wetted screwed connections are made of high-grade stainless steel. www.ksb.com Read the full article
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ao3feed-torchwood · 10 months
Passing Through
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51499978 by Sacred_Algae Two immortal hedonists: One as true to himself as one could be, and the other in the depths of brainwashing and grooming, destroying every single person who got too close to him. The Picture of Dorian Gray wasn’t published yet, and yet, here was an incredibly beautiful blond-haired, blue-eyed man claiming to be named Dorian Gray in front of Jack. Really, he should be a lot more cautious about this, or maybe do something professional about it. But also, Jack really wants to see where this goes. Fuck Dorian Gray, ask questions later. Because that won't have any repercussions at all. Words: 5644, Chapters: 2/19, Language: English Fandoms: The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde, Torchwood, Doctor Who (2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Dorian Gray, Jack Harkness, Josephine (Audio Drama: The Victorian Age), Robert Lewis (Doctor Who Comics), Henry Wotton, Basil Hallward (mentioned), Sibyl Vane (briefly), Original Characters Relationships: Dorian Gray/Jack Harkness Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Toxic relationship exploration, Mentions of Suicide, and the effects of losing people to it, Heavy Drinking, Drug Use, Brainwashing, Grooming, Author is a Dorian Gray apologist, He's a fucking victim everybody, Author wants to kill Henry Wotton, Dubious Consent, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, aka messing with the timeline for plot convenience, Audio: 07 The Victorian Age (Torchwood), Torchwood One, obligatory joke that all Torchwood employees are some flavor of bi/omni/pan, London, Aliens, Abuse of Retcon, Victorian, Historical Accuracy, (as much as I can), Polari, Period Typical Attitudes, Hedonism, Absinthe, Opium, Heavy Angst, and lots of sex, the two modes of this fic, bisexual dorian gray, Dorian Gray has ADHD, Immortality, Protective Jack Harkness, You can't fix him Jack, Jack Harkness Being Jack Harkness, Dorian Gray Being Dorian Gray, They're both so horny, BDSM, Jack Harkness is a switch, Dorian Gray is a Switch, Praise Kink, Blood Kink, Impact Play, Light Choking, Bondage, degradation kink, Dorian Gray is a Brat, And we LOVE that for him, Author has a thing for emotionally torturing Jack Harkness more than his other characters, for some unknown reason, Dorian Gray gets second place, so buckle up fuckers, minor alterations to Dorian Gray's canon
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icharchivist · 1 year
okay but oosaka ryoutas star character being the grand of the guy hes playing is a power move in its own right, can we talk about that?
Officially Ryoosaka's fav is Djeeta, actually, he's obsessed with her, he finds her insanely cute and it's why he's a Djeeta main.
But you can't Star Character Djeeta so he had to do the next best thing.
And i do think like, Ryoosaka genuinely adores Percival, it's why he's been in every stream so far. he's super involved in his character, he's really soft when stuff about it is mentioned. (i will. forever remember the one stream where Aglovale's New Year's skin was announced, and Ryoosaka just commented, deadpan, "oh, Aniue." and then, like 5 mins later, they announced Vane would finally get his 5*. And both OnoYuu and Ryoosaka just stood up and started just cheering so damn loudly because "IT'S ABOUT TIME, OUR FRIEND, ONE OF OURS ONE OF OURS". this is the type of "so devoted to his character that his friends are also the seiyuu's friends now")
And sometimes i wonder how much of the fact Percival is canonically one of the male character who's the most smitten with MC is a result of how Ryoosaka loved Djeeta so much that he just decided his character would be her husband.
(if you want to add to how funny that is, look at Percival lines in gbvs when he faces Gran VS when he faces Djeeta. The contrast is so wild he's just downright doing love declarations to Djeeta where he just pats Gran in the back) (i think that's a coward move on the degree of how in the main game Percival is the same with either of them and you should let him be the bi king he is, but i think it's relevent to discuss Ryoosaka's love of Djeeta and how it adds up to it)
So, in general, Ryoosaka is just genuinely devoted to Percival and it's no wonder therefore he loves him so much he puts him as his star character. it's a powermove, it's genuinely nice, but he also genuinely is super devoted to Percival in general.
But yeah there's also this layer of "i can't Star character Djeeta so i'm Star charactering her husband, which happens to be me" which is another layer of power move.
I respect him a lot.
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cordeliachace · 4 years
testament // black sails amv [x]
my tribute to all the wonderful gay characters on this wonderful underrated gay show!! i kept it to my canon LGB pirates (though obviously i see you king jack rackham)
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thewinterbucky · 6 years
John Silver aka Tricky Precious Pirate Boy
Charles Vane aka Angry Trash Pirate
Anne Bonny aka Badass Angry Knife Pirate
Jack Rackham aka Scheming Pirate Boi
James Flint aka Captain Angry Sad Pirate
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ncquams · 6 years
// morning guys! go ahead and hit the like button if you are up to plotting via mobile!
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vowel-in-thug · 7 years
does anyone here have a TvTropes account? not only is the Black Sails page pretty sparse but it lists Max as a bisexual and i’m triggered
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Do you (and maybe your anon too) have any queer HR recs, sapphic and others?
I do, yeah! And anyone else is free to chime in, as I definitely read more m/f when it comes to HR (and very little m/m, tbh).
I would recommend Nicola Davidson--I've only read a couple novellas from her, but she's very good, high heat, and writes a lot of menage if you're into that. And I don't mean "it's not gay if it's in a three way" menage. A Rake, His Patron, and Their Muse is a mmf book that I reeeally liked--super hot.
Sierra Simone wrote a novella called the The Last Crimes of Peregrine Hind, which is a m/m kidnapping book with a touch of d/s. A dandy rake is kidnapped by a highwayman who wants revengeeee. As a note, her other historical romance novella, The Chasing of Eleanor Vane, is also queer in that both the leads are bi, but it is m/f.
Cat Sebastian writes a lot of queer HR and it's reeeeally good. Pretty much all of her books involve queer leads, even if they're m/f like The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes (both the hero and heroine are bi). Unmasking the Marquess features a non-binary lead.
Erica Ridley recently wrote a sapphic-ish (both leads are AFAB but one is NB) called The Perks of Loving A Wallflower that's good.
Olivia Waite writes a lot of sapphic HR. The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics is my favorite, so good.
One of my favorite books this year was A Lady for A Duke by Alexis Hall, which features a trans heroine. Achingly good premise here--she and the hero were lifelong best friends and she faked her death during the Battle of Waterloo in order to transition. Her friend was traumatized and become disabled due to the war, and she goes to see him years later as her true self to help bring him out of his alcoholic haze--he doesn't recognize her immediately but when he DOES......... GIRL. This book is SO romantic.
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