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The Doctor's Sister 🩶 | Charlie Swan Imagine
Takes place during Twilight: Eclipse & Breaking Dawn P.1
Twilight Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Charlie Swan x female!vampire!reader (romantic), Bella Swan x Edward Cullen, Edward Cullen x reader (platonic), Bella Swan x reader (platonic)
Content warnings: fluff, flirtatious banter, slight canon divergence | female reader (she/her) | wc: 2.9k
requested 📥 yes/no
Premise: It was supposed to be a quick trip in-n-out of the house to pack for her weekend excursion at the Cullen residence, but when Bella gets sidetracked talking to her dad, it results in Charlie being introduced to a member of the Cullen family who's a sight for sore eyes and a silver tongue.
“Give me five minutes,” Bella climbed the steps of her home, shooting a glance to the person over her shoulder, “I need to grab a few things and let my dad know I’m not being kidnapped…or skipping town again.” Without waiting for their reply, Bella entered the house and shouted for Charlie.
“In here!” he called from the kitchen, Bella walking in to find him seated at the table, newspaper in hand as he ate lunch. Out of uniform as it happened to be the rare occasion he got the day off.
“I’m staying over at the Cullens this weekend,” she announced, then quickly added at his taken aback expression, “if that’s alright with you. Alice wants to have a sleepover while the rest of her family is camping.”
Shrugging, not really putting up a fight, Charlie replies, “That’s fine. Is it just you two?” Bella nods, making him hum and visibly pleased. “Cool. Just check in once a day for your old man’s sake.”
“Of course,” with a tight smile, Bella turns on her heel and rushes up the stairs. Packing her Jansport and a duffle bag with clothes, her homework, and toiletries to last till Sunday. Lastly grabbing her journal and copy of Wuthering Heights on her way out.
Setting her bags by the door, she goes back to the kitchen, seeing Charlie’s back to her as he washes the dishes in the sink. “You gonna be okay while I’m gone?”
“Bella, I'm a grown man and know how to take care of myself. Go, have fun with your friend.”
She bites her lip, shuffling on her feet, “Are you sure you’re fine with me staying over there?”
“You said it’s just you and Alice, I see no reason to think otherwise,” drying his hands with a towel, he turns to face her, slightly shrugging, “she’s a nice girl and--.”
“You like her more than Edward,” She finishes his sentence with a defeated sigh. She’ll never change his mind. And nothing Edward could do will win him Charlie’s favor. It was a losing battle they were fighting.
Walking up to the counter, Bella leaned her back against the surface while keeping her attention on her dad. “I know, I just thought…after what happened last fall…”
“Please, don’t remind me, Bella.”
She flushed again, “I’m sorry. And I know it doesn’t make up for what I did or what part the Cullens’ played in it…but they’re my friends. And Edward is a part of my life, Dad. I’d like for you to find some forgiveness if you can.”
Charlie simply shakes his head, not really believing his next words but saying them for her sake, “You forgave them. I’ll try to. I may not know the whole story but I trust you--well I trust your judgment,” he corrects, narrowing his brows resulting in heat to reach Bella’s cheeks. Reminded of her impulsive trip to Italy.
Which he doesn’t even know the whole story about. Best he didn’t. Some secrets were worth keeping
Speaking of secrets. Bella completely forgot about the person waiting for her outside. Who took it upon herself to interrupt the conversation between father and daughter once her patience began to run thin.
“Bella,” The human swore her heart stopped, snapping her head to the entrance of the kitchen to find the source of the voice leaning against the doorframe with a mischievous smirk. Obvious delight in her eyes which were obscured by the tinted round sunglasses she wore. Charlie, also surprised by the sudden interruption--of a stranger no less in his house, spun around with wide eyes, immediately becoming flustered. “You didn’t say your father was so handsome.”
The sound Charlie choked on caused the woman’s smirk to widen. Bella shooting a, ‘what the hell?’ look, before saying, “I told you I’d be right out.”
“You said five minutes,” barely glancing at her watch, her tone shifted to mock annoyance. “It’s been six. Now, aren’t you going to introduce me? It’s been so long since this town has had anyone that’s a sight for sore eyes.”
Rolling her eyes, Bella waved a hand and turned to Charlie with apologetic eyes, who was perplexed, flushed by her flirtation, and awaiting an explanation. “Dad, this is Y/n Cullen. Carlisle’s sister.”
“Sister?” he finally found his voice, shocked by the revelation, yet somehow gathered himself to shake her gloved hand when she presented it. Having not realized she’d pushed off the doorframe and approached the two. “I didn’t know the doctor had a sister.”
“Oh,” she removed her sunglasses, revealing golden eyes. The same stunning color of her family. “Forgive my little brother.” Little was really pushing it. Carlisle had over 200 years on Y/n, but she was physically older having been transformed in her early to mid 30s. “We haven’t seen each other in years. Plus he’s too busy saving lives and raising children. I wouldn’t put it past the small detail being omitted, not to mention I’m rarely in the country to check in.”
Charlie, a little unsettled by her nonchalant way of saying the two were estranged, says, “What brings you back to town? Bella mentioned the Cullens were going camping.”
‘Oh you know, just preparing to fight against an army of newborn vampires to repay a debt owed to my dear brother and nephew after they killed my former lover who tried to kill me.’
“Yes, we leave this afternoon for the mountains,” Y/n smiles, still thinking about what awaits them in the days to come. “I’m not one for camping, but it’ll be nice to spend some time with my brother and the family after so many years abroad. And to answer your question, I came back home for Edward, Alice and Jasper’s graduation.”
“Y/n arrived last month and will be staying for a few weeks.” Bella interjected, trying to hide the stress in her voice. “But we met last summer.” The woman smirked, bringing a finger to her lips as the memory of their first meeting flashed in her mind. Where Y/n mistaken Bella for a stray human and Edward had to tackle her away, leaving poor Bella partially traumatized. Ever since then the two have developed a sisterly/aunt-niece relationship.
“Total misunderstanding,” Y/n waved a hand, winking at the man and ignoring the warning look she was receiving from Bella. “I had one too many that night and may have said or done some things I’m not proud of. Especially for a first meeting. But Bella here is an angel, and luckily there were no hard feelings. Am I right?” Bella just sent a thumbs up, willing the conversation to end and save her father from Y/n’s antics.
“Well we’re gonna go,” Bella leans to give Charlie a kiss on the cheek, gesturing for Y/n to start walking to the door. “Don’t want to keep Alice waiting before she decides to hunt us down.”
Y/n, humored by the girl and loving the way she and her father get easily flustered, goes, “Oh alright. Charlie, it was a pleasure to meet you,” while not hiding the way her eyes flicker up and down his body. Lips curling, liking what she saw.
Shaking her hand once more, this time longer and the touch lingering as they let go, Charlie smiles, “You as well, Y/n.”
“While I’m in town I could use a tour guide. It’s been ages as I’ve said since I’ve been in Forks and would love to know what all the hot spots are. As the chief of police,” her white teeth flash, nearly blinding the humans by their brightness, “care to show a lady around town?”
Desperately trying to not become red as a tomato, Charlie holds himself together and accepts the offer, “I’d be honored to.”
It’d been years since he caught the attention of a woman. The last date he went on was probably before Bella moved in. Or longer than that with how busy work had been. Now here he was with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, in his kitchen, chatting him up and not afraid to show her attraction.
“Wonderful,” Y/n mentally laughs at the exasperated reaction by Bella. Focusing on the handsome man in front of her. “I’ll be in touch.” Sending one last wink, Y/n turns on her heel and exits the kitchen. Bella follows her out, but not before giving one last apologetic glance to her father and grabs her bags as the two leave the house.
“Did you really have to do that?”
“What?” Y/n laughs/scoffs, moving to the driver’s side of her classic Ford Mustang. Bella putting her bags in the front seat while tsking. “Can’t a lady flirt and have some fun without being judged for once in her life.”
“I don’t care who you flirt with, Y/n. I’m not like Carlisle or Edward,” Bella buckles in, hearing the roar of the engine fill her ears. Letting her hands fall to her lap, she turns to the vampire with pleading eyes. “But he’s my dad. And he doesn’t know about anything. So please don’t mess with him--especially when you’re leaving once this is all over.”
“Relax,” Y/n places her sunglasses back on the bridge of her nose, leaning against the smooth leather of the seat. “I’m not going to get tangled with your father. He seems like a good guy. But I’m not kidding when I say he’s a sight for sore eyes.” Bella groans, igniting a laugh from the vampire. “Listen I’ve been around the world and this town takes the cake for the blandest looking men I’ve ever seen. The women are gorgeous and can do way better than what they’re given. But damn,” a low whistle leaves her lips.
Bella groans again, rubbing her temple, “Okay I get it. You think my dad is attractive. Now can we please go?”
With one last obnoxious laugh, Y/n steps on the gas and drives them away from the house. Blasting Price’s ‘Let’s Go Crazy,’ for all ears to hear. To which Y/n casually drops that she partied with Prince back in the 80s. And while Bella tried to assure herself Y/n would adhere to her promise not to mess with Charlie, she couldn’t help but think of the way her father lit up during that short encounter. Like he was mesmerized.
Something she hadn’t seen from him in years.
August 13th
The reception was in full swing. Bella held tight to Edward’s hand as he led them around to greet the guests. Alice had really gone all out on the perfect ceremony followed by the perfect party. Of course she had help from Rosalie and Y/n, who ended up staying after the newborn army ordeal once Edward and Bella announced their engagement. A decision which surprised everyone, but Carlisle the most.
And Bella had a tiny inkling the reason involved the person she was approaching the couple with.
“Well I gotta say,” Charlie began, beer in one hand and the other holding Y/n’s. Both wearing matching smiles. “Alice sure knows how to throw a party.” Edward chuckled, pulling Bella closer to him as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“I agree.”
“That’s the last time I’ll ever put my two cents in when it comes to planning an event,” Y/n comments, leaning into Charlie’s side. Her purple satin dress complimenting his dapper tuxedo. “Felt like I was going to lose my mind.”
“Thank you, Y/n, for everything. I know going head-to-head with Alice is a tough battle,” Bella teases, causing the woman to playfully gasp and the two men grinning. The sight of her father looking happy brought a smile to Bella’s lips, beaming at the way he looked ten years younger. All the usual stress and tiredness in his features disappearing.
After the battle in June, Charlie held his promise to show Y/n around town. Then the meetings continued. And when Y/n planned to leave Forks, her debt to the family paid, she suddenly announced she was renting a small home on the outskirts of town, leaving the number to a landline phone she installed.
“Carlisle, I love you. And I love this family like they are my blood one,” she said to him on her way out of the Cullen home, the older vampire following her with a million questions. “But I'd rather get my head ripped off by Aro than live under the same roof as you and your heathens you call teenagers. Trouble seems to follow you lot, and I do not wish the same for me. So,” patting his cheek like a sister would a brother, Y/n blows a kiss and scurries off, “call me if you need or drop by…but I can’t assure I’ll be of service.”
Yeah, it wasn’t long before they found out from Alice’s visions Y/n was seeing Charlie Swan. Not to mention Bella came home to Y/n’s Mustang in their driveway. Where she walked in to find Y/n pretending to enjoy a cup of coffee while she and Charlie discussed Italian history.
Two months later, the two have officially entered a relationship. Bella was initially reluctant to accept it, but upon seeing their interactions, and the obvious affection they shared, she knew it would be wrong to come in between their happiness.
And it would also make her a hypocrite if we’re being real.
“Is it like us?” she asked Edward one night, cuddling him in her bed while Charlie sleeps down the hall. “In Italy, Aro said my blood sings to you. Does his sing to her?” She felt him shake his head.
“What we have is rare. Most vampires never meet their blood singer--and in some cases become so overwhelmed by the scent they end up killing them.” Bella shivers, recalling the time Edward told the story of Emmett killing his blood singer. “But the feelings my aunt shares toward your dad is like the rest of my family. What Carlisle felt when he met Esme. Why Rosalie begged him to change Emmett when she found him. Why Alice waited decades at the restaurant for Jasper.”
She understood where he was going. Realizing the extent of Y/n’s fondness for Charlie. The sparks that collided in their first meeting and continued with each encounter.
But Bella made Y/n swear to her she’d come clean to Charlie before the year was over. Figuring out the next step though….that was a conversation for another day.
“Well we wanted to offer our congratulations,” Charlie’s voice pulled Bella out of her thoughts, bringing her back to the present. “We know a lot of people wish to do the same, so we won’t hold you up.”
“Thank you, dad,” Bella let go of her husband to embrace her father, moving to Y/n to do the same while Edward shook Charlie’s hand. “And thank you, Y/n.”
“Of course. It’s not every day your favorite nephew gets married.”
“Don’t let Emmett hear that,” Edward jokes, smirking when he hears his brother’s thought from across the dance floor, ‘I heard that!!’
At that moment the beat of TLC’s ‘Baby-Baby-Baby’ starts to play, prompting Y/n to tug on Charlie’s hand. “Now this is my song. C’mon doll face, let’s show them how it’s done.” Flushing red, Charlie downs the rest of his beer, handing the empty glass to Edward--who winks at him while Bella holds back a giggle, and follows his girlfriend to the dance floor. Joining Carlisle and Esme, and Billy and Sue.
“You know,” Edward leans down to whisper, grinning as he takes in the scene of his aunt and Bella’s father dancing. “I would’ve never guessed your dad would be the one to ground the infamous Y/n Cullen.”
“Baby, baby, baby
I got so much love in me
Oh baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby
'Cause if you gonna get me off
You got to love me deep”
Tilting her head back with laughter, Bella nuzzles into his touch, admiring the scene as well when she brings her gaze down again. “I never thought I’d see the day Charlie Swan gets sweeped off his feet. By the Doctor’s sister nonetheless.”
“Baby, baby, baby
I got so much love in me
Oh baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby
'Cause if you gonna get me off
You got to love me deep”
Chuckling, Edward leans his head on hers, “They make a good pair. Don’t they?”
She agrees with a hum, “They do.” Bella adjusts their position, so they are now facing each other on the dance floor, swaying to TLC like everyone else. Mouthing along to the words and at one point meeting Y/n’s eyes. The two share a wholesome look, igniting a loving wink from the vampire to the human girl's nod of respect.
“I can have any man that I want to
Time and place that I choose to
But I think you know that I would rather be here with you, yeah.”
#charlie swan x reader#charlie swan x you#charlie swan imagine#charlie swan#charlie swan fluff#charlie swan x vampire!reader#twilight fanfiction#twilight fluff#twilight imagine#vamprie!reader#twilight masterlist#bella swan x platonic!reader#charlie swan fanfiction#twilight eclipse#twilight breaking dawn#bella swan x reader#Spotify
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pairing; vampire!abby anderson x human!reader
summary; you recently became a live feeder for the anderson family, and abby is the first to drink from you.
content; dom/top!abby, sub/bottom!reader, dubcon (kinda), feeding from live humans, blood, biting, fingering.
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The rough hand pressed down your back, forcing you to walk down the hallway. You were scared. This would be your first feed for the Anderson family; they didn't hold the violent reputation for nothing.
The man knocked on Abby Anderson's door and stepped back. There was a few seconds before he gave you a nudge; you could open the door now.
You felt your heart speed up and a lump form in your throat. The vampire was beautiful. She sat at her desk, looking between documents and writing on a notepad. She didn't look up at you as you walked over to her; only rolling her chair back.
You stared dumbfoundly at her.
The sound of her pen scratching against the paper faltered, and she looked up at you with a disapproving glare. Her eyes raked over your body before a scoff fell from her lips.
"This is your first feed," She concluded.
You stiffly nodded.
She rolled her eyes and with her inhumane strength, she pulled you into her lap. You grunted as she manhandled you to be sitting sideways. One hand was pressed against your back, giving you support to lean into, and her other hand was buried in your hair.
"When I roll my chair back, I expect you to sit in my lap." She explained. "Do you understand?"
You nodded.
Her strong grasp on your hair almost had tears prickling in your eyes. She pulled at your hair and made it so your neck was displayed to her. She licked a long strip up your neck, chuckling at the uncontrollable whimper that left your throat.
She buried her fangs in your neck, the hand in your hair keeping you from pulling away. The pain was sharp and you dug your fingernails into your palms to centre yourself. As quickly as it came, the pain went away and was replaced by pleasure.
Vampire venom was used for many things. One of those things was sexual pleasure and drive.
As her venom worked its way through your system, you felt heat rush to your stomach and your clit throb. There was no doubt that she could smell your arousal.
Once you were buzzing with her venom, she started to drink. A guttered moan left your throat and you grabbed onto her shirt to stabilise yourself.
Your clit ached with desperate need and you felt your brain cloud. The venom was so overwhelming. You squeezed your thighs together, biting your lip to stifle a moan at the pleasure it brought.
The hand that was in your hair travelled down your front. Abby's fingers slipped past your waistline and panties, brushing her fingers against your puffy clit. The moan you let out was pathetic.
Abby rubbed small, tight circles on your clit, chuckling at how your hips jerked at each rub. With the venom, everything felt 10x more sensitive and pleasurable. You went limp against Abby and your eyes hazed over.
She pulled her fangs from your skin, licking over it to help it heal. She ripped your pants and panties off, almost drooling at how wet you were. She dragged two fingers through your slick before pressing them into your awaiting hole. Her other arm wraps around your waist, keeping you flushed against her body.
She pumped into you with inhumane strength and speed. Each thrust forced a throaty moan from you. You felt yourself getting close.
"You gonna cum?" She questioned, nipping at your neck.
You nodded with a cry.
Abby's thumb brushed against your clit, and it sent you full force into your orgasm. You didn't even process her fangs digging back into your skin until you came down from your orgasm.
You whimpered, wanting to pull away from Abby but felt too weak. She took one last gulp before pulling away and licking at the new bite.
She licked up the blood that dribbled down your neck, moaning at the taste.
She smiled at how out of it you looked. Normally, vampires would kick their feeders out once they had finished feeding but Abby didn't. She made you straddle her, your front facing her front and wheeled her chair back to her desk. She picked up her pen and started to write again.
You sighed against her, closing your eyes. The effects of the venom would leave you in this haze for an hour or so, and Abby had no intentions of letting you leave her sight. She would need to feed again in a few hours and she was not going to let one of her disgraceful family members drink from you instead.
You were hers now.
#abby anderson x reader#abby anderson x you#abby anderson x y/n#abby anderson x female reader#abby x you#abby x y/n#abby x reader#abby x fem!reader#vamprie!abby#monster fucking#melposts
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Porcelain Skin
Dimitri Belikov
Royal Moroi Reader x Dhampir Dimitri
Description: They have been friendly for a while. As friendly as a Dhampir and a Moroi could be, but the change of attitude has finally reached its limits.
It was my favorite time of the year. The tree leaves turned different colors and other than rain I like watching them fall. Of course the academy didn’t allow them to stay on the ground for long so I cherished the moment when I could see a couple laying around. I held my umbrella tightly as I sneaked out of the Moroi dorms. Every couple of months the Dhampir do long runs that last till sunrise and every time I can’t help but watch as they reach the finish line. I admire their determination and respect their hard working spirit. Training for a full day can be exhausting. “You shouldn’t be out here,” The shadow cast by the person standing behind me didn't make me aware until I heard his deep voice.
“I’m just admiring,” I exhaled. His sudden appearance scared me. He grunts as he takes a seat beside me. I move my umbrella a bit to see his face but quickly regret it as the rays of the sun touch my skin.
“I repeat again,” He whispers as he holds on to the pulled down umbrella blocking the sun in a quick motion. I smile feeling giddy on how close he was. Both under the umbrella, faces an inch apart as he inspects my skin. “You should’t be out here, princess” My eyes never leave his, as his eyes trail over me.
“I was admiring” His eyes flicker, finally catching my gaze. I could no longer hear the groans and grunts from the training happening feets from us. I could only feel the warmth his body radiates around me. His eyes are gentle and loving. My eyes fight to look down towards his lips knowing damn well our first kiss couldn’t be infront of all these people. It wouldn’t be right to be seen. A moroi and a dhampir kissing? My family would have my head, plus I don’t even know if he wanted to.
“You have attended many early trainings, what is there to admire?” He whispers, like if people were close enough to hear us.
“You” I said blankly. His eyes open in shock as I close my mouth in a quick response to what I had just said. “Well you-” My breath is cut off as his hand moves up to cradle my face and his forehead leans against mine with eyes closed.
“I wish to hear more but we can't,” his eyes open. “Because if I listen I am afraid I will never want to stop” A small smile plays on my lips. My hand moves to hold on to his loose hand not really caring about the burning sensation on my skin. The sun beams could reach the lower half of us that the umbrella could’t cover. “I hear your voice even in my sleep,” His head moves to the side of my ear, dreadfully slow. “You smell lingering and when I close my eyes I could imagine you are inbetween my arms” I squeeze his hand hoping to get a reaction but he is much stronger. “If I were your guardian, well that would be chaos” I hear a slight chuckle. With a deep sigh he pulls away. He looks down, noticing our hand. “Your hand” He held it up away from the sun and into the shade the umbrella provided. How could he do that? One moment he has me on the edge, ready to say fuck it and take him. Forgetting the stupid idea of being a moroi and just thinking of him. Then he goes back to distancing himself. Like there was some switch in him. He goes back to being a dhampir. “You need to be careful-”
“Dimitri” Our heads turned to Mikhail standing there with his arms crossed. “Princess” His hands fall to his side giving me a respectful nod. “You shouldn’t be here” I turn my head towards Dimitri with a smirk
“So i’ve been told” He shakes his head taking a stand.
“I was about to take her to get her hand checked” He was still holding on to my hand covering it with his. Truth was it was still red but no need for medical help.
“We are done for the day anyways so-” Dimitri didn’t listen as he pulled me up and started guiding me inside.
“I will see you tonight Mikhail.” He throws a wave back to him as he hurries me inside.
“Where are we going?” I look around the unknown corridors. Dimitri just kept walking with one hand grasping my jacket. “I don’t need any medical attention for a small burn” I look down and yep, I will live.
“Atleast something to sooth the irritation” He looks back with a warning look. There is Dimitri Belikov, one of the best dhampir guardians. Sworen to protect Lissa because he is one of the best we have. This Dimitri is also cold and distant. Compared to the nice and warm one a couple of minutes ago. I swear he is bipolar. He pushes me into a medical room and shuts the door.
“Dimitri, I'm fine” I groaned, ready to leave. “I will survive with a bit of irritation” I grab his hand stopping him from searching the whole room for some dumb cream. His eyes softened, grabbing my hand and examining it.
“You’re skin,” I place my hand under his chin and make his eyes focus on mine.
“My skin will be okay,” I whisper. “And if we are honest with eachother right now, you have more sensitive skin than I do” I chuckle as my hand moves up to skim my finger over his. His skin was a lighter shade than mine. His red undertones and impressively soft skin was incomparable to mine. “Porcelin skin” I whisper laughing to myself.
“My skin doesn’t matter. You are a moroi and I-”
“A dhampir” I pull away frustrated. It always has to be that. One moment we are sharing a sweet unaffected by our status moment and as soon as something reminds him of it, he turns his switch. “When are you going to stop caring about that!”
“I will never stop caring about it” He responds calmly. I hated him. I could cuss him off and throw my hands up in frustration and he would stand there calmly.
“I want you to care about me! Not about stupid status” I pointed at myself.
“I do. I do care about you but that stupid status can’t be ignored” I stop and look up at him. My chest falling up and down, unable to calm my breathing. I know he was right but I couldn’t allow it to ruin me. I walk up grabbing his face in my hands. I search in his eyes for something, anything that makes me know what to say. Every scenario ends badly.
“You care about me?” I ask simply and with a nod he responds. “Dimitri,” I ask sternly hoping he knew what I was asking. “Do you care about me?”
“Yes.” His hands move to grab my face and pull us closer. “I wake up and think of you. Every second I am breathing I think about you. Even when I sleep I dream about you” My breath cuts off hoping to not miss any of his words or how his eyes don’t blink as he stares deep into my eyes. “I want to protect you. I find myself caring more about you than anyone else, even Lissa” He whispered the last part as if it were a sin. And it was. Someone like Dimitri who lived by the rules, Moroi came first and in his life I wasn’t the moroi who should come first, he was Lissa’s guardian. “If I were your guardian I would live peacefully,” Our foreheads lean against eachother. Both our chest falls as we feel better being this close. “But then our status wouldn’t allow us to be more. I would have to stand while I watch you be married to another guy. Start a life with him and live a long happy life as I stand and watch from afar” I open my mouth but he shakes his head. “I can’t imagine getting a glimpse of us and not being able to have you.”
“Dimitri” My hands move to grab onto his hands, begging. Begging for him not to continue.
“But standing from afar atleast I know it won’t hurt me or you as much. Getting this close to you is already enough to scar me.”With that he pulls away, turning ready to leave.
“You can’t leave like this!” I grab the first thing I could reach and throw it at him. When he didn’t budge I threw the second thing and I regretted it as soon as I did. “Shit, I am so sorry” I came over to check on what damage I could have caused. “You need to let me clean that” I pull his face over to examine the cut on his cheek.
“It's just a cut, I will be okay”he removed my hand and pushed off to walk away. I let out a groan, quickly moving to block the door.
“I will throw you everything in this room for you to stay here and talk to me, even if it means you being half conscious” I raised my brow seriously on my statement.
“Move” His lower tone sent shivers down my spine but not enough to have me move an inch. He would never hurt me. “Move” Another warning as he steps forward, looking straight into my eyes.
“I need you” I whimper, hoping, begging for him. I move my hand towards his chest. They slowly move up and around his neck. His hands quickly wrap around my wrist a little harshly but don't pull me away. His head falls down enough to be beside my ear. “I don’t care what happens then, we will figure it out” I push my head back to be less than an inch away from his lips. “I want to know what happens with us, I won’t be happy knowing we didn’t give it a try” Slowly I move forward. Still giving him the chance to pull back but he didn’t. Our lips connected and as I withdrew our quick and gentle kiss, he looked at me.
“I spent nights thinking about how this could work,”
“And what was the verdict?” I tease playing with the strings of his jacket.
“Eitheir we run away,”
“I am open to that idea” His expression doesn’t change but a smile appears on mine.
“Or we keep this a secret long enough and see how things go”
“I think we should go with that one” Knowing my family will stop at nothing to come look after us.
“Whatever the princess wants, from now on will be my command” I shake my head chuckling. He moves forward to kiss me but I pull away.
“When it's us,” I grab onto his face. “I’m no princess, it's just you and me”
“Okay,” he whispers, moving slowly closer. “But, you are my princess” I was going to argue but how can I when he starts to kiss me. Our lips move together so in sync. His arms holding us close and my hands moving towards his hair. Who cares about status now?
#dimitri belikov#Dimitri#reader#yn#fluff#rose hathaway#lissa dragomir#Lissa#rose#vampire academy#vampire#vampire academy smut#vampries#vamp
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Eric Northman, "How many inches until you're clawing at my back for a break. Begging me tearfully with a cunt full of raw cock ?"
𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶- 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓿𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓼
#xread#smut#monster fucker#horror smut#adultreads#dark smut#xreads#bite#kiss#monster romance#eric northman romance#eric northman x reader#eric northman#trueblood smut#true blood romance#truelove#vampries#vampire boyfriend#vampyr#vampire smut
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Queen Of Shadows
she use to be an adopt I made back in 2019, but no one bought her so I made her into an oc! ^.^
however, I don’t mind parting with her if someone else really wants her :)
Price: $200
payment method: PayPal
#Adopt#adoptable#buy me#anime#artist on tumblr#art#anime art#anime artist#digital art#vampire x reader#mommy#mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy?#semirealistic#semirealism#x reader#oc for sale#oc adopt#oc artwork#oc art#vampries#shapeshifter#digital illustration#digital drawing#digital painting#illustration#drawing#procreate#digital artist#procreate art#Sakimichan inspo
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My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine
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#advance readers copy#advanced copy#arc#arc review#book#book review#fantasy#jenna levine#my roommate is a vampire#review#romance#stand-alone#vampries
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what about vampirehutner!gojo with vamprie!reader?? like you're forced to marry each other to calm down your respective sides, both of you despising each other the moment you meet.
you two barely speak, never see each other even when you're finally forced to live at his (rather large) estate, huffing whenever you pass by. it's awful and you hate it, but you know you have to stick by it. at least for the next year or so.
you never eat dinner with him, partly due to the fact that the humans think that vampires just don't consume anything other than blood, so you're basically either in your room, sleeping, or walking around the estate, wishing the hours would go by faster.
and it's hard to hate him as much as you've been conditioned to. gojo's so nice to his servants, so understanding with his men. if you didn't see him getting prepared to go on hunts (animal ones), you would have almost forgotten who he was to begin with.
and you miss the way he looks at you, the rare moments he gets to. eyes crinkling around the edges when he watches you in the garden, smelling the flowers he had planted before you came, shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts. but he stares at your face, your canines, and feels his face turn beet red, shying away in embarrassment because he could still hear his mothers words saying how gruesome vampires were. she never warned him that they could be so pretty.
it all comes to a heed when his men fail to bring back any animals, your blood supply empty for the following days until they could go hunting again.
"use me," your 'husband' mutters, eyes not meeting yours as he sits on his dining table, all the men gone from the room as he told them to leave.
"what?" you almost snap, confused, searching his face to find any traces of humor.
"use me," he cranes his neck, giving you space in between his legs as he spreads them even further, "you need to drink, so use me."
and when you step between him, your teeth sinking down into his soft skin, it's never the same again. his blood is part of you, and whether you like it or not, you become interlinked in a way those silly human wedding bands never could.
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Title: mate oh my mate chapter 2
Fandom: vampries knight
Characters: vampire knight cast
Fic type: fluff, angst
Pairings: Kaname. x reader, yuuki x Kaname one sided
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, Omega male reader, yuuki is angry, one sided love, reader has powers, reader can see the future and is an empath
Notes: thank you all for the support it genuinely means the world to me
Summary: things quickly spiral and Yuuki has enough and cross realizes that (name) knows more than he lets on
Yuuki couldn't stop staring at him.
The other Omega.
(Name) Walked with a grace she couldn't even begin to emulate and a poise that made her look like a wild animal and all that made her despise the vampire prince. (Name) Barely acknowledged her, not to be rude but their paths didn't cross very often and when they did he was so fucking kind to her!
"Just because he's an Omega, suddenly he's more important than anyone else!" Yuuki ranted to Sayori who listened patiently, knowing the brunettes love/obsession for Kaname and the sudden competition was driving the poor girl into a spiral. Sayori didn't have the heart to tell her that Yuuki was never even in the race, seeing how Kaname looked at (name) the few times that she saw them... That was a love that could never be faked. "I-I just have to show him that I'm good enough! That I can be a capable wife!"
Sayori didn't say anything but let her continue until the morning bells rang, halting the girls ranting.
(Name) Politely chatted with Aido, not sitting to close to the Alpha and primarily letting the Alpha chat away while Kaname spoke with the teacher,(name) liked Aido as the blond treated him like a genuine friend which was something (name) didn't have much of due to his status. "Thankfully the day students are less crazy in the mornings since they're tired and have to be in class!" Aido cheered and (name) nodded, finding the evening switch to be quite intense and the Omega frankly didn't know what to do with so many people fawning over him.
"(Name)" Kaname called out to his mate, (name) politely saying his goodbyes to Aido before promptly walking to Kaname with an obedience that made the Alpha let out a soft rumble, happy (name) was being good for him; mostly due to the fact (name) wasn't Hungry.
"Are you ready to leave?" Kaname) asked in a whisper, kissing his mates temple and (name) closed his eyes before nodding, exhaustion hitting him in slow moving waves.
The night class never spoke about the fact Kaname and (name) shared a bed, it kept (name)s instincts at bay and calmed him considerably... None of them wanted to deal with him when he was even slightly feral.
"Then let's get to bed ,yes?"
"So why is (name) treated the way he is?" Zero asked his adoptive father who sighed "Zero, do you know what a feral Omega is like?" He asked the young alpha calmly, the white haired teen thought for a moment before answering "they're strong, they run in instincts and they could take down an alpha if their instincts were on high Enough alert"
"Good you pay attention in class, now take all that and put that into a vampire who struggles with reality because they're a seer and the only person who can keep them calm is a busy alpha vampire trying to keep his sibling from putting the seer Omega into a spiral" cross was rarely this serious, staring at the other calmly and Yagari blew smoke from his cigarette "(name) is incredibly dangerous but he is incredibly vital, him being here and monitored by not just the night class will keep him and everyone safe"
Zero thought about his mentor and adoptive father's words "but why keep him alive if he's so dangerous?"
"(Name) Can see the future and can predict danger with terrifying accuracy, keeping him on our side is detrimental especially as the vampire royalty has made a treaty with the hunters!" cross smiled at the teen, wanting to calm him down a bit "so, as long as he's with Kaname or calm we shouldn't have problems"
"He must be a monster" zero spat, frustrated at the Omega being treated with such a level of superiority and cross sighed before looking out the window to see (name) walking with the night class "the thing is... Hes innocent, hes... He's just terrified and why wouldn't he? Would you not be terrified if you knew what everyones intentions were towards you? To detect ones emotions and know just how powerful one could be?"
"He lives in a nightmare in his own mind and we can merely bare witness to the events"
He could feet the rage, the resentment and the pure acidity of jealously radiate off his sister in law, the two locking eyes and flashes of her intentions and outcomes in the future flickering in this head before it locked onto Kaname protecting him from a rod.
He felt pity for her, he knew how vampiric traditions worked and he knew typically if it was possible, she would be with Kaname but (name) outranked her due to his omegan status...
He couldn't help but feel pity for her, breaking eye contact to continue walking to the night dorms while Kaname walked a bit behind, eyeing his sister with caution and trying to figure out what her next steps were.
Yuuki glared at (name), hands shaking and she hated that she couldn't smell his pharamones due to being a beta, (name) on the other hand smelling the anger radiating off her and scrunched his nose at the smell though to Yuuki it was seen as him looking at her with disgust.
And that's all she needed, pulling out her weapon to strike him down.
She ran full speed at (name) and jumped to strike him, (name) quickly turning and stepping away and letting Kaname step before him and block her attack. Yuuki was stunned at her brother, anger flooding her body and tears filled her eyes.
"That is enough!" Kanames voice bellowed through the courtyard, causing Yuuki to shrink back at the sound and (name) to fidget, a soft whine escaping his lips. "Yuuki, you were raised better than this" his voice firm and the girl glared at her brother teary eyed "you are old enough to keep your emotions in check, these childish tantrums are unbecoming and frankling pathetic, get your act together because no one cares to entertain these delusions!" Kaname would not tolerate his sister's blatant attack and if it weren't for the dwindling numbers of pure bloods, he would have struck her down where she stood.
He loved his sister deeply but this had to end.
"Whats going on?" Cross spoke hurriedly while Yagari and Zero followed behind, trying to assess the situation "Yuuki attacked (name), well attempted!" Aido called out and Ichigo checked in on said Omega who was mumbling things with his eyes closed much to the concern of everyone but Yuuki who was confused and a bit unsettled by the Omega "Kaname, take (name) back to the dorms will you?" Cross had to have a conversation with the youngest kuran-cross.
Kaname held (name) close, walking him briskly to the dorms while (name) whispered things that only Kaname could hear "her hearts made of fire and Brimstone.... Her impatience will cause her to fall from the tree..." (Name)s words barely made sense but Kaname put it together enough to know a problem when he seen one. "Let's rest now, love" he ushered him up to their room where (name) looked at kanames hand and the burn mark from the weapon "her fire burned you, my love" (name)s voice grew colder, the polite tone in his voice vanishing and at that moment Yuuki Kuran was an enemy to (name).
Kaname knew it was only a matter of time before (name)s instincts caused him to lash out, he would need to satisfy the omegas base instincts to settle him before (name) caused problems for the Alpha.
Oh the double edged sword of having a hopelessly in love mate...
"None of this..." Kaname scolded (name) lovingly and pulled him into a kiss, trying to distract him from the rage that was filling the others being "behave for your alpha" (name) enjoyed the kisses, his rage subsided to soak in the attention the other was giving him "but--"
"Shh" Kaname bit his own lip, blood staining the alphas bottom lip and immediately captivating (name) who wanted a taste.
And falling for Kanames tricks like an obedient dog.
But Kaname knew (name) wouldn't forget such insolence from Yuuki, he knew the Omega had cards up his sleeves that he had yet to share with his alpha, did he know of the attack? It would explain the step back...
He would have to gently interrogate (name) once the other calmed down, knowing if he didn't get this in check that Kaname would be an only child.
Cross remembered when he first met (name), the tragedy of someone so sweet slowly go mad due to the powers gifted to them from generations before, it was slight things that he noticed with (name), the mood swings and jumping from fully lucid and passive to existing in almost a dreamlike existence.
And now Yuuki made an enemy of (name), an Omega who was trying to find the fox in his henhouse but not knowing he was his own fox.
For Yuukis own safety, he had to put her under house arrest, he knew this was just teen jealously and she would realize what she did but till then, (name) was to be kept far away from her.
"She's furious but she's safe" Yagari said softly, having locked her in her old bedroom "I can't believe she would do something so rash and--"" she's a scorned lover even if that loves one sided" Yagari calmed the man "only (name) would have seen it"
Which was something that made them pause.
"(Name) Would have seen this, why didn't he say anything?"
But they subconsciously knew why.
(Name) Wanted a fight.
#anime x reader#anime x male reader#x male reader#omega male reader#omegaverse#male reader#vampire knight x reader#vampire knight x male reader#kaname x male reader#kaname x reader
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The Richmond Vampire
Damon Salvatore x Reader
Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: TVD/TO
Summary: Damon's come to retrieve his SO for involvement in some Mystic Falls drama, but unfortunately for him, they're not willing to miss their favorite class at Whitmore, which just so happens to be covering vampires.
Word Count: 1,699
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Hey! Babe!"
I stopped short of the door to my lecture hall, letting my classmates go ahead at the sound of my boyfriend's voice from behind me. I turned to find none other than Damon Salvatore heading towards me, weaving through the undergrads with incredible impatience.
"Hey yourself!" I called out to him with a smile. "What are you doing here?"
Damon huffed at the last college student in his way as they wandered past, before turning his attention to me.
"I need your help. We've got... business we need to take care of."
The smile immediately dropped off my face. I'd been dating Damon long enough to know that 'business' was code for some supernatural problem that had somehow managed to follow us out of Mystic Falls. I shook my head.
"No. No way, Day. I have class."
"Oh, come on," he said, rolling his eyes a little before taking a step closer to me, into my space. One of his hands came up to play with the ends of my hair. "Don't tell me I'm gonna have to convince you to cut class with me."
He lowered his voice, teasing and flirting at the same time, but I just put a hand on his chest to stop him moving any further.
"You know I love you, and if it was you in trouble, I'd drop everything to help you in a second. But I'm not missing my favorite class, especially not the lecture I've been waiting for this whole semester, just to involve myself in the latest Scooby Gang drama. Whatever it is, it can wait, like, two hours."
Damon opened his mouth to continue making his case, but I just gave him a smile and a wink, then pulled out of his grasp. I slipped through the door of the classroom before he could stop me and headed for a seat near the front. When I sat down, I wasn't surprised to see Damon following right behind me, settling a moment later in the seat next to mine. I turned to him with a grin.
"Last chance to leave before class starts. I can call you when it's over."
He turned to me with a fake smile I knew well.
"Nope. If you won't leave, I might as well stay here with you. Then we can leave even faster once it's over."
My smile only widened. "Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you."
Damon raised an eyebrow at me, but I was able to avoid answering him as our instructor began class, drawing my attention back to the front. Still, Damon didn't have to wait long to see what I was talking about.
"Alright, everybody, it's time for our much-awaited, headlining lecture for myths and folklore. Today... we're talking about vampires."
Damon didn't even bother to hide a snort, but I just grinned. Despite dating a real vampire, their place in mythology, folklore, and other storytelling had never lost its appeal for me. I loved reading and studying about them in all forms, and I'd taken this class largely for this part of the course. Having a real life vampire sitting next to me for the whole thing could only enhance the experience, as far as I was concerned.
"Everyone's heard a vampire story at least once in their life," the professor continued at the front of the class. "Whether it was Dracula, Anne Rice, or just second-hand knowledge of Twilight, as creatures, they're ingrained in our cultural conscious.
"However, not all vampires are the same. Stakes, crosses, cutting off the heads, garlic. Even whether or not sunlight will kill them, although sparkling is a bit of an outlier. Each myth of the vampire, or a vamprie-adjacent creature, has a slightly different description of exactly what makes a vampire. We even have our own local variety, with the myth of the Richmond Vampire existing for just over a hundred years now."
I leaned over to Damon, getting close enough to whisper in his ear.
"How many of these myths do you think you're responsible for?" I asked.
"All of them," he deadpanned, without even glancing over at me. "Except Edward."
Now it was my turn to snort. Luckily, my professor didn't notice.
"Today begins the unit of our class where we look at the permiation of the folklore not just of vampires, but of all the undead creatures that stalk the night. Is it simply a fascination with death that has led to most cultures telling a tale about some kind of undead creature, or is there something more? Something beyond the legends?"
"What do you think she'd do if you turned in a paper theorizing the vampire myths were mostly created and spread by this group of really old assholes we know?"
"Oh, so you're allowed to make little comments to me but I'm not allowed to make them to you?"
"Yes. That way I can make sure I don't miss anything I want to hear."
I didn't need to look at Damon to know he was rolling his eyes.
My professor continued her lecture, digging in a little on some specific examples of the vampire myth. I took dutiful notes, mostly blocking out the comments from my boyfriend, and eventually he settled for just doodling his own, much more sarcastic notes in the margins of mine. I smiled as he drew a particularly cartoonish fanged vampire. That'd make studying a little more fun in a couple weeks.
Damon managed to sit through the whole hour and a half class with me, all in all with much more patience than I'd been expecting. I should've known he was just waiting for his moment.
After class was dismissed, I quickly packed up, ready to head off with Damon to handle whatever ridiculous drama he'd wanted me to get involved with in the first place. When I stood with my bag, however, I found him heading for my professor at the front of the room. I frowned.
I walked quickly to catch up to Damon, hearing the tail end of his sentence as he shook my professor's hand.
"...incredibly interesting lecture to get to sit in on," Damon said, his voice dripping with charm and a fake smile plastered on his face. "Really, it was outstanding. The vampire myth is just so interesting."
I barely managed to stop myself from laughing out loud. For anyone who didn't know Damon, they'd likely be swayed by his apparently genuine interest, rapt attention, and dazzling smile. I'd seen him flip the switch to manipulative people-person enough that it didn't convince me anymore, although my teacher sure seemed to be falling for it.
"I'm glad you agree. It really is a most fascinating topic. You'd be welcome to sit in on future lectures, if you'd like."
"Thank you! I just might have to take you up on that. You know, I had a friend once who swore she saw a vampire in some small town bar around here."
My professor laughed. "I've heard of small town Bigfoot and Mothman sightings, but small town vampire sightings might be a new one."
"Right? I mean, I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but it's a little unbelievable to think a vamprie could be standing right in front of you, isn't it?"
I stepped up to Damon's side and discreetly elbowed him as my professor laughed. He just grinned at me in response.
"Well, it was almost as much of a pleasure talking to you as it was listening to your lecture," Damon said, holding out his hand again for a fairwell shake. My professor took it, and I caught the glint in Damon's eye as he shot the man a wolfish smile. "Take care. Don't let the vampires get you."
He chuckled again, giving both of us a smile as Damon finally dropped his hand.
"I promise, I won't."
Damon hummed and smirked while I fought through the most forced smile of my life as I hustled Damon out of the room, just barely managing to maintain a casual facade. The minute we cleared the classroom door, I turned to my boyfriend with a scowl.
"You laid that on a little thick," I said. Damon just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"I don't know what you're talking about. You're the one who insisted on sitting through that class. I just decided to engage with the lecturer and the content a little more."
I snorted. "Yeah, sure. I take it you enjoyed yourself then?"
Damon grinned. "Very much."
"Should I be changing your name in my contacts to 'The Richmond Vampire'?"
Damon smirked. "That wasn't very subtle."
"Neither was a single word you said to my professor."
He huffed a laugh. "True. Then sure, if you really want to. Just don't ask me to help you test which vampire myths are true and which aren't. You already know real vampires burn in the sun."
"I promise not to use you as a vampire lab rat as long as you promise not to take a bite out of my folklore professor."
"Fine. I promise not to bite your folklore professor. At least not this semester."
I rolled my eyes, but decided to let that one pass without comment, at least for now. Damon gave me his real smile as he took my hand, and I sighed as I leaned into him, the two of us heading for the doors to the building together.
"So am I going to be hearing about your vampire mythology theories for the next few weeks?" he mused as we walked. I hummed.
"Probably, yeah. It's part of being there for each other, right? I get involved in your little brother's teen drama, you listen to me talk about vampires like they're not real, and like the Mikaelsons had nothing to do with the global spread of the myth."
"Sounds like a match made in heaven."
"I'll say."
Damon and I shared a smile, and as we reached the doors, he paused long enough to pull me to him for a long kiss. I smiled into it as one of his hands tangled in my hair. Damon could be absolutely ridiculous sometimes, but so could I. At the end of the day, we made a pretty damn good couple as a result of it.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
#sophie's year of fic#the vampire diaries#damon salvatore#damon salvatore x reader#the vampire diaries fanfiction#the vampire diaries oneshot#the vampire diaries imagine#the vampire diaries x reader#damon salvatore fanfiction#damon salvatore oneshot#damon salvatore imagine#tvd#tvd fanfiction#tvd oneshot#tvd x reader#tvd imagine#vampires#mystic falls#stefan salvatore#vampire
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― pairing : Seungmin x fem! reader ― content warnings : angst, fluff, friends to lovers, Seungmin and reader are vampries, kind of an epistolary fic at some point, mentions of blood ― word count : 3.291
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌

Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix

Essentially, you and Seungmin were born literally one day apart; fate also wanted that your mothers were long time best friends, and therefore, the two of you naturally grew to be best friends as well. If anyone were to ask, the two of you were naturally inseparable, as if you were twin souls.
Anytime Seungmin’s mother was looking for him, she knew he’d find him with you and vice versa, anytime your mother was looking for you, she knew that you would have been with Seungmin.
The both of you loved to spend your time playing pretend you were both knights and fight with your wooden swords; some other days Seungmin suggested you were a princess and therefore, he was the prince that would snatch you away from the small village you lived in, in order to show you a life full of love and wonderful adventures.
You loved spending your days with Seungmin, and so did he; growing up, however, adolescence came around and the days you spent together were sadly interrupted every now and then by his friends as he was being dragged away – while you were being dragged away by the girls.
“They wouldn’t understand how to have fun”, each group would say, leaving you and Seungmin sadly wave to each other just for meet once again in the evening, talking about your day.
«I missed you.» Seungmin would gently say, sitting on the porch of your house.
«I missed you, too.» you nodded, as you felt your cheeks heaten in sudden strange feelings you didn’t understand.
Something Seungmin found funny, was the fact that you’ve been pretty much obsessed with baking cookies since you were seven; it was your favourite recreational activity, baking cookies with – or sometimes without, Seungmin and eat them together while drinking a cup of warm milk.
Growing up, you found yourself interested more and more with cooking, while Seungmin started helping the village’s blacksmith; by the time he two of you turned sixteen, he officially became his apprentice, and by the time you were twenty, Seungmin became so engrossed with his work that he’d spend the most of his time there.
Actually, it was just the time outside of work that he wasn’t spending with you. Seungmin loved his work, it was something anyone could understand and therefore, the routine where you surprised him at work with fresh baked cookies slowly settled in – also the one where you cursed at him and his habitude of not wearing a shirt.
«Seungmin, you’re half naked and sweaty!» you’d exclaim every time, and he’d chuckled at the fact that despite the same thing happened almost every day, you still didn’t get used to it.
«Well, I was working» Seungmin shrugged, sitting next to you after washing his hands.
«Well,» you immediately retorted, trying not to focus on the droplet of sweat falling from his chin, «then you’re a show off.» Seungmin laughed at your words, and that’s how you spent your days.
Because of the fact that you and Seungmin were basically behaving like a couple, people around the village started to think you actually were one, leaving the both of you flustered and stuttering on your denials, carefully hiding your mutual feelings.
As much as you genuinely loved Seungmin, you were also terrified about ruining your friendship; you knew that without him a part of your soul would have gone missing, and therefore, you preferred hiding your feelings under the carpet, even if it meant hiding a mountain of hidden dust taking up half of the room’s space.
Seungmin was just like you, but he was a tiny bit braver than you were; that’s how, at the village’s summer festival, Seungmin kissed you while you were waiting for your food to get ready. It was not romantic, just a simple and quick peck of your lips, but it was gentle, it was cautious and pure; it was just like Seungmin.
Neither of you said anything after the kiss, nor you tried to kiss again, since you were too embarrassed; still, you spent the night holding hands, looking away in a quick and shy manner as soon as your gaze met.
Sadly, life never go as planned, and few hours later the village was attacked by a pack of vampires; the festival was ruined, people were brutally murdered in front of your eyes, and for the first time in your life, you and Seungmin got separated.
Seungmin never forgot the day when, with extreme horror, he saw a vampire biting at your neck just to take your lifeless body away with him.

Without Seungmin, you were forced to admit to yourself that not only days didn’t fly anymore but also, you found it pointless living for eternity if the boy you had loved with your whole heart wasn’t there with you.
In the time you’ve been alive, the world changed dramatically, and you gradually got completely accustomed to the modern world; the vampire which turned you had been killed long ago along with his clan, and after few centuries of wandering in the desperate attempt to find something- anything, that could fill the void you felt in your soul due to Seungmin’s absence, you met three handsome and extremely chaotic vampires, which quickly became your friends and made you want to stop travelling without a destination.
«948 years,» you sighed to yourself, looking at the calendar hanged on the kitchen’s wall, «gosh, I’m old.» you mumbled with a strained voice, rubbing your eyes in a tired manner.
Hyunjin, Changbin, Jisung; by now, you spent at least 400 years living together and sharing the most funny and improbable adventures but still, deep in your heart, you couldn’t help to miss Seungmin. Everyday, your mind kept wandering to the same old thoughts of “I miss him”, or “I wonder what he would have done in my place”, or again “Seungmin would have found it funny as well”.
A habit which you definitely didn’t lose was baking cookies, things that your housemates definitely enjoyed.
«You know, for someone who can’t actually enjoy human food, these are amazing.» they would say, making you flustered as you immediately tried to change the topic; however, they were never having no one of it.
The chaotic trio – as you called them, knew about Seungmin, and were constantly trying to shower you with affection, so that you would somehow momentarily feel a little less sad; despite Hyunjin and Jisung being together, you were like a family of siblings, sometimes you fought for stupid things, but eventually, you could never remain angry at each other for too long.

«There’s an interesting exhibition this weekend at the town’s museum,» Changbin said at breakfast, his eyes fixed on his phone while he fixed his glasses using the hand holding his spoon; you hummed without any particular interest, and Changbin immediately stared at you suggestively, his red eyes glimmering in the faint light of your apartment, «Love through the ages.» he added, and you groaned in a mixture of annoyance, disapproval and disgust, immediately sitting up and walking towards the sofa while carrying your bowl filled with milk and cereals, where Hyunjin was uninterested looking at the TV.
«I don’t care.» you quietly answered, aware that Changbin had heard you nonetheless, as your attention was focused on the dating shows Hyunjin was watching.
«Come on, doll, you’re literally the only girl in the world which doesn’t want to see those things!» Changbin added, and then he told Hyunjin about the exhibition.
«It might be interesting.» he shrugged, and you glared at him.
«Aren’t you a traitor?» you pointed your spoon at Hyunjin, which simply giggled while running a hand through his long blonde hair.
«Are you talking about the exhibition about “love through the ages”?» the three of you heard Jisung scream from his room, before he excitedly ran all the way to the living room.
«I read it on the newspaper, it seems like a nice thing we could do!» Jisung ruffled his still damp hair with a towel, heading in front of Hyunjin just to sit sideways on his thighs.
The moment where their eyes landed on you, that’s when you realized you didn’t have a choice. The thing was, probably, they knew something you didn’t.

«Why does it never end?» you complained as you shortly lifted your forearm on Changbin’s shoulder in order to lean onto him to get some rest, «we’ve been walking for hours.» Changbin chuckled, while Hyunjin simply showed you the watch that adorned his left wrist.
«We arrived fifteen minutes ago,» he joked, and you snorted, «I can’t believe you used to wander by yourself.»
«Yeah,» Jisung added, momentarily lowering the headset provided by the museum that played the audio guiding the tourists along the corridors and explained them every painting, picture or panel they saw, «didn’t you walk for hours back then?» he teased with a smile, and you sticked your tongue at him in a silent answer; the four of you instantly started to giggle, only to be harshly hushed by a couple which was looking at the painting on your left.
«We can’t even be happy nowadays.» Hyunjin mumbled while rolling his eyes, and you started walking again.
The Museum looked infinite, and for sure, there was a lot to walk; lot of portraits were hanged at the wall, as well with a lot of letters. Despite your friends took their time to listen every information about everything they saw, you could never bring yourself to do that and so, you found yourself walking with a slow and relaxed place through the corridors, glancing at the exhibition but not actually looking at it.
However, as you arrived to a bigger room and decided to momentarily sit on the small leather couch in the middle of the room, something caught your attention; the room’s walls were filled with letters, a band of letters arranged horizontally so as to be at eye level for the reader was neatly arranged and eventually, your curiosity got the best of you.
For what your friends told you, you realized that it was the main attraction of the exhibit; apparently, they had found a countless numbers of love letters never sent.
Carefully, you selected on the audio player the number of the room while you curiously, walked towards the first letter, and your brows instinctively furrowed in confusion at the familiar calligraphy; after the description of the room’s content, an actor’s voice would read every single letter, and you started the first one.
“Dearest one, I don’t think I will ever forget about the day you’ve been taken away from me-”
With an annoyed sigh, you rolled your eyes, skipping to the next letter as you took a step on your left, standing in front of the second one and reading a random phrase from it.
“-There’s not a day that goes by without missing you, your stupid laugh, and how everything seemed to fit into place as I held your hand or simply looked at you-”
With another sigh, you stopped the audio player as you kept reading small fragments of each letter, wondering how could that mysterious boy write so many letters without ever sending them, since they appeared to love the other person so much. However, once you were in front of the twelfth letter, something definitely caught your eye.
“-I wonder if you’re still baking cookies as a compulsory stress reliever. I miss it. I tried baking with Chris but, it just wasn’t the same. On top of that, you were the only one which brought me cookies while I was at work, do you remember, the blacksmith at the end of the road?”
With a harsh grip on your headset, you selected the track corresponding to said letter, and as you meticulously listened to every words, your eyes widened comically wide, because suddenly, there was no doubt about who was writing those letters and who were they directed to; you quickly walked back, re-reading each letter from the beginning. The letters were undoubtedly written by Seungmin, but how could he be still alive?
Tears started to threaten falling from your eyes as Seungmin clearly wrote about things that only you could know about, an infinite reference of memories the two of you had built together, written on a paper with indelible ink, in full display for everyone to read.
By the fortieth letter, Seungmin had declared his love for you at least fifteen times, and claimed he would do anything to go back and try to save you at least ten times.
The realization of Seungmin being alive completely caught you off guard, and as you stood in front of the last letter in which he claimed that he would have wanted to ask for your hand in marriage, a countless number of questions rapidly formed in your head.
Was he happy? Did he found some friends like you did? How did he survive? Was he turned into a vampire against his will?
Gentle fingers slowly lowering your headset around your neck startled you, and you turned around expecting to find Hyunjin, Jisung or Changbin.
What you didn’t expect was for Seungmin to stand in front of you, his glimmering red eyes were making it clear that he was about to cry as well. You were petrified, your memories did no good to the Seungmin you used to remember; he was taller than you, wearing black jeans and a white shirt – the first two buttons were unbuttoned, his hair dyed grey, and his features were simply otherworldly.
Seungmin had survived, and he was standing in front of you while looking at your face as if you were some sort of miracle.
«Are you…?» you trailed off, your voice broken and on the verge of tears; you knew that the question was incredibly stupid since you would have recognized Seungmin anywhere and everywhere but still, you needed some kind of confirmations you weren’t hallucinating in the middle of a museum. Seungmin nodded with a gentle smile and you threw yourself in his arms.
Seungmin hugged you as tight as he could, caressing your hair and rubbing your back in the attempt to console you even if he was crying as well, incredulous about the fact that you survived as well and you managed to meet again despite everything that happened.
«What the fuck, Seungmin,» your voice still shaking as you briefly detached from him, hastily wiping away the tears from your eyes, «why didn’t you say anything?» you let your tears run free once again, just to clutch at his chest as soon as he enveloped you in his arms.
«Would it have changed anything?» Seungmin mumbled weakly against your ear, and you realized how much you missed his voice as well; of course, it wouldn’t have changed the fact that the village would inevitably been attacked by vampires.
The realization that confessing your feelings would have probably been worse, for the both of you, left a bittersweet sensation in your soul. Luckily, Seungmin was quick to capture your face in his hands and capture your lips in a gentle kiss; it tasted like a good dose of tears mixed with desperations, but nonetheless, it was perfect.
A rapid succession of soft coughs caught both your attention, and both you and Seungmin turned your attention towards the origin of those sounds, only to find Jisung, Hyunjin and Changbin sitting with other boys you didn’t recognize.
Few hours later, you found yourself with Seungmin and your mutual friends having dinner at your shared apartment, the nine of you somehow making it in your kitchen.
«What do you mean you work together?» you asked in disbelief, your attention rapidly moving between Jisung, Changbin and Chris; you felt Seungmin’s head nod, as he was kissing your shoulder while his right arm was leaning over the back of your chair.
«I heard him call Seungmin on the phone once, and we literally went feral because we connected the dots.» Changbin explained, pointing at Jisung as if he was his favourite partner in crime.
«Then, I found his letters,» Chris explained, his red eyes meeting Seungmin’s in a mischievous expression.
«You stole them.» Seungmin pointed out, and Chris chuckled.
«Those letters were at least 300 years old,» Minho chimed in, «they were essentially public property.»
They explained that – beside Seungmin which was unaware about the fact that you survived, they were all planning to make the two of you meet again, and so, they decided to do it in the most romantic way they could ever think about.
That evening, Hyunjin, Jisung and Changbin hastily organized a sleepover at Chris’ place, leaving you and Seungmin alone. Since your friends left, you and Seungmin had been talking non stop about your life, about how you survived, and about how you found your friends; much to your surprise, as it happened with your human life, your immortal life started exactly one day apart. Seungmin explained that the day after you left another small clan of vampires attacked, and he was turned into one.
«The things you wrote,» you said, re-adjusting your position as you sat on the couch next to him, «are they still true? Do you still…» you trailed off, unsure about how you wanted to end your own sentence.
«Do I still want to marry you?» Seungmin tried, and seeing your small and shy nod, gave you a gentle and reassuring smile, «of course I do, I thought I made it pretty clear.» he chuckled, and as your heart was beating as if you ran a marathon, you hugged Seungmin’s waist, pushing on his chest so that he’d lay down on the couch while you were slightly on top of him.
Seungmin’s hands were gently running through your hair, occasionally mumbling that he missed you, but you knew he was waiting. The wild beating of his heart right under your ears made it pretty clear that he was waiting for your answer at his indirect question.
With a sigh, you hugged him even close, finding it almost unreal that after centuries of missing and yearning for his presence, Seungmin was finally once again in your life.
The boy who you had always loved was alive, and he was there, hugging you and showering you with gentle affection; for a moment, it was as if you were still humans and back into your village, cuddling under an oak tree in the most platonic way as you could, talking about your day and pretending that you weren’t madly in love with each other.
With a slow movement, you turned your head so that your chin was pressed on Seungmin’s chest and you could look at each other; your eyes slowly wandered on his features, feeling your heart picking up pace at how, despite all those years, you were still completely in love with him.
«Yes.» you simply said, watching how Seungmin’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion because you’ve been cuddling for hours and neither of you had spoken a word.
«Yes, what?» Seungmin’s voice was a little bit raspier since he was probably dozing off to sleep.
«Yes, I want to marry you. Marry me, Seungmin.» you were sure that the smile he gave you as an answer was more than enough to delete all those infinite centuries of sadness you’ve lived without him.
Seungmin placed his hands under your armpits in order to effortlessly lifting you a little higher, finally kissing you again; as Seungmin’s lips met yours and he rolled the two of you around so that you were laying under him, you realized you were as happy as you could ever be.

all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.

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am in the process of writing a andriel/kandriel (havent decided yet) vamprie fic and am in need of a beta reader if anyone’s interested!! lmk and i can send you the parts as i finish them!!
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I sent an ask about being able to keep the team at a distance, and speculated S is an Angel because Trench Coat™
Please ignore it. Well, not the part about S potentially being an Angel.
I realised I was trying to play this story the same way I first attempted to play another IF I enjoy, where i try to just keep the MC outside the circle as much as possible.
That doesn't make it an enjoyable experience, so I scrapped that MC and made a couple new ones that are actually integrating themselves in different ways and I'm finding I am enjoying this IF a lot more now.
So many things to say and speculate, but aside from S I think I is a Vamprie because their drowsy/sleepiness and headaches are a result of them starving themselves of their needed daily amount of blood.
S is an Angel because Trench Coat™
I chuckled when I read this (in your previous message as well).
Fun fact: thanks to youtube shorts, I'm familiar with the main characters from Supernatural, but I've never actually watched even an episode (though I'm guessing you're referring to Castiel here).
Also, if you tell S that they're an angel, they'll chuckle heartily and say something like, "For you, pet Detective, I can be anyone you want."
I think I is a Vamprie because their drowsy/sleepiness and headaches are a result of them starving themselves of their needed daily amount of blood.
I love seeing how different readers interpret the ROs, especially someone as questionable as I.
All I can say about I is that kindness is definitely not what drives everything they do.
Thank you for your message!
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So I finally caught up (my library hold came in) on Born of Blood and Ash.
Full review including some spoilers below the cut, but my TL:DR of the book/Flesh and Fire series as a whole:
I really liked it, 4/5. Some parts did drag on for me, but I was ultimately satisfied with the world, the story, and the romance, and it's not a series I'll forget anytime soon. I'm eager for a Primal of Blood and Bone next spring to see if the FBAA series sticks the landing for me the way FAF did.
I really vibe with this world. I like the Greco-Roman inspired pantheon, with all the different primals and their courts and the fates. I also love the concept of the drakkens and a lot of the different creatures we see, and the way that drinking blood is something associated to the Primals/Gods - it ties in really well to the Ascended/Vamprys needing blood and being undead as Kolis' creations, compared to the Atlantians, created later, who can walk in the sun, etc.
That said, it does get very confusing. There's just.so.much. In part because of how much time went between books (due to publishing dates and the wait between library holds), and just the sheer volume of world-building, I sometimes had to open google to remember what a dakkai was, or the difference between a Demis and a Godling, etc. The Romance: I love Seranyktos. I picked up these books for the Persephone/Hades vibe, and I love how it evolved, with her becoming the True Primal of Life as he remains a Primal of Death, the yin/yang of it, the way they're heartmates, how even though he had his kardia removed he fell in love anyway.
But, sometimes, the smut was a bit much. And I'm not saying that in a prude way - no no, I like smut, I'm all for spice, it's one of the reasons I picked these up. What I mean is... sometimes they'd be going at it for like... 30 pages? Just over and over, and then finally leave the room to do something else, or they'd just get horny at the most random times, etc. It just felt weirdly placed at times, or like the smut wasn't thematic, which is a contrast to how it was in the first two imo. Idk, I guess I like when the smut informs the characters or advances the plot, rather than is in there to be in there as I felt it was in the last volume.
The Story:
I like it, I like the epic scale of the story taking place over eons, the connected generations through Sotoria's line, the eternity of Callum and how it all comes together between the two series. You don't have to read FBAA and FIF together, but it's clear they're meant to go together.
But it did definitely drag at times. The pacing was just off.
Language/Writing Style:
I'm mixed on this one. One the one hand, I really do not mind the more sarcastic tone of these books - it's kind of fun, actually. It's kind of funny when there's meta poking-fun commentary (everyone pointing out that "Lasania" sounds exactly like Lasagna for example).
On the other hand... the writing could be very repetitive. Sometimes Sera would think something, and immediately proceed to say it - which was just... redundant for the reader, or a character would actually say "Not to be repetitive, but". And I lost track of how many conversations had Sera eventually say "Oh, my gods." JLA really does seem to like to give her characters their catch-phrases, and that's not a problem when used in limited doses. But... over and over can be a bit much, and at times I started scanning dialogue pages to get to the point.
There was also the way sometimes something slipped in that shouldn't - I've heard people mention "wind tunnels" before - I don't remember seeing that, but I did make a face when in one of these books, I read "What the hell?". Why is someone saying "Hell" in a world without a Hell? They have an Abyss, that could have worked...
So, overall, I'm giving these books a 4/5. I do really like them, despite their flaws, and I won't forget them any time soon, and if Primal of Blood and Bone sticks the landing, I might be interested in re-reading them in the future and falling back into this world and the romances.
#born of blood and ash#Flesh and Fire#a shadow in the ember#a light in the flame#a fire in the flesh#Seraphena Mierel#Nyktos#Seranyktos
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Boiling Blood pt. 2
Pt 2 of my little uhhh erotica fic? I'm so far removed from reality I don't know what the kids are calling stuff any more...
This is eventually NSFW, so MDNI, I will not be held responsible if you read beyond this warning and are a minor.
Vampires, werewolves, reader (you, y/n, y/n l/n) is a vampire, fem!reader, A/B/O, brown chicken brown cow eventually
Pt. 1 is here
When you awoke the next night, you immediately contacted the professional mover, letting them know you needed a new single nest, preferably in a city with changing seasons, despite them being in high demand. For vampires, having changing seasons was considered a luxury, because it was a sign of the passage of time. It kept them aware of how long their lives were, which wasn't always desired, but it was still more popular than places with more consistent weather.
Your contact texts you that they already have a place that just opened up, apparently an older vampire had just left a house somewhere in the pacific northwest, it was large for just one person, but it was ready to go, and you had been a client for a long time. You had never had an incident, as your kept your instincts and impulses in check, and even when you hunted, you were extremely cautious.
That made you suddenly have a pang of fear. What if your mate was brand new, and couldn't control themselves? What if they exposed you both to mortals and their wrath? ...you shook your head to clear away those thoughts. You'd cross that bridge when you came to it.
The pacific northwest would be a good place, and it felt like the direction your mate would be in...
You made preperations for the rest of the night, calling the owner of the bar to get your last paycheck, letting them know you were quitting. You blamed it on an old ex having found you, and you had to run. They were sympathetic to your fake situation, and when you went to get your check, it was sizeably larger than anticipated.
Mortals had such soft hearts. Sometimes it made you wish you had stayed mortal.
But you couldn't rewind time, and you were a creature of night now. You packed your meager belongings, preparing the fridge for travel, as well. You would have to vacate by tomorrow night, but you were a little afraid, since every time you relocated, there was a real risk of dying from sunlight exposure. But it was worth it, you felt.
Your mate was out that way, and your likelihood of finding them was better if you came to them. New vampries shouldn't migrate too much, anyways. It was more dangerous, as they could be killed much more painfully. Since their body was still adjusting to being undead, if they were exposed to sunlight, they burned much longer, sometimes hours, suffering greater pain, than you would...where you would disappear into a puff of ash in maybe ten minutes.
You were put into contact with a driver, and they would pick you up first thing tomorrow night. You paced the apartment for a while, still on the fence if this was the best move...
But as your heart ached, screamed, nearly clawed at your ribcage, begging to be twined with your mate, you sighed. It was for the best, you would at least have a change of pace, if not meet the person meant for you to belong to since your first turning.
Your sleep was fitful, as you kept tossing and turning, which was unusual for vampires in general, as usually they slept perfectly still, like the dead.
But your heart would be racing, if you still had a heartbeat. You could tell if you were still mortal, you'd be sweat-slicked with fever. Your heart kept longing for your mate, as if trying to summon them to you. Or to summon you to them. But you had to be patient, and your heart refused to listen.
So when you awoke that night, exhausted and frustrated, you were tempted to chew out the driver for being an hour late.
But you reminded yourself that they were driving you all the way from the southern midwest of the US, all the way to the Washington state area. So you had to give them your infinite patience, as you sat on the stoop of the apartment building, your fridge hooked up to a car battery, and your meager belongings packed into a backpack and your purse.
When you were finally picked up, you immediately were taken onto the interstate, driven straight through night and day. Most drivers for these long hauls were familiars or mortals, very rarely vampires, and the ones that did drive these long hauls usually went under the pretense of being a cross-country trucker. The weird hours and strange behavior was more excusable in that profession.
This driver was a familiar, he was originally a stag, and he sadly had to file his antlers down to nubs under his hair every year so he could blend in. You and he chatted now and again, during the long hours of the night, otherwise you were in the u-haul trailer in the back, resting while covered in a moving blanket.
The familiar had to be careful here and there, some areas packed with werewolves, and they would be more than happy to upset the lives of a solitary vampire migrating across the country. So he would gas up and get a few extra tanks' worth in cans, then try to straight-shot it through the territories. He was ruthlessly efficient, nearly causing you to go hungry once or twice because pulling over to let you get to your bloodbags meant precious minutes he wasn't on the road.
But when you finally arrived, you were dropped off in front of what was essentially an abandoned manor, where what was clearly a newer vampire stood, wearing clothes from their original era, looking completely out of place wearing bellbottoms.
"Hey, you must be y/n l/n...this is the place, you'll have to find your own way to pay the bills, but this place doesn't have rent at least. But if you want internet, you're going to have to figure it out yourself, the last tenant was too old fashioned for that..."
You grimace, the one advantage of being in the suburbs was it was easy to steal a neighbor's wifi, and the only bill you had to worry about was electricity. Which...one time, when you were particularly hard-up for cash, you pirated it from a neighbor in a Florida neighborhood, where it wasn't unheard of in the first place.
So you hauled in your beat-up minifridge that was made to look retro, tied to a car battery, and your backpack, into the house, finding that the last tenant had been particularly considerate and left the curtains up in the rooms. You supposed it also made the place look more abandoned or something, perhaps the surrounding city had some haunting stories about the place...you would be more than happy to add to the lore.
You set up in the basement anyways, just to be on the safe side, as you wanted to be prepared for new encounters, as this was your first time in the area.
The city was split into many factions, this particular neighborhood was affiliated with your makers' clan, so you were safe so long as you didn't stray too far. The werewolves to the sour were generally chill, not particularly interested in engaging with the vampires, as they were a more well-established clan from ancient times.
The other vampire factions to the north and east were rowdy and fresh-faced, so to speak, and wanted to make their marks. But to the west was a newer clan of werewolves, and not a lot of intel was shared about them where you had been living. You hoped for the best, perhaps you could even broker an alliance of sorts, despite being so different, sometimes werewolf clans would be friendly with vampire clans, trading information. Especially in cities.
The denser the population, the more likely hunters were around...and you couldn't run the risk of stumbling across one of those lunatics again...the last time was over fifty years ago, you were still rather fresh as a vampire, and you had only escaped because earlier that night you had saved a werewolf pup. The werewolf mother had managed to get the upper hand on the hunter, since they were prepared for a vampire, not a werewolf. You ran for your undead life that night. It took a long time to calm down enough to stay in one place after that...
You shivered, this was the first time since then that you had entered a city as a resident, instead of as a visitor...you made a small prayer to the Gods of your old life, hoping they still blessed you, despite being an abomination to some of them...
a/n: still have more to post, I wrote most of this already, I just forget to upload lmao sry ;;
If you like this, please rebagel!
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My bias is sunghoon but reading ootdg made me 😭 for jungwon (I don’t even read jw smut and won’t ever!!) Really enhanced the sort of initial endearing way I felt towards him and made me crave this kind of relationship existing irl (even tho toxic) because while I do have “friends”, we don’t care for each other much like OC and jungwon and it gets really lonely :’)
Also!! I saw in one of the asks that you almost wrote about OC turning jungwon! What would’ve been sunghoon’s reaction to that? + Would sunghoon have stopped OC the first time she fed on jw and she couldn’t control herself and kept on feeding till he dies?
Thank you for writing, always!😭🤍
im such a sucker for the best friend roles i write :( like i always need that kind of person there beside reader when a fic can be fairly angsty and/or hard to get through. i would get excited EVERY SINGLE TIME i had a jungwon scene to write fr fr
as for reader turning jungwon:
it wouldn't be for a long while, though i believe jungwon would hassle her to do it. humans can be pretty ignorant and i mean, i'd jump for the opportunity to be a vampire too ngl LMFAO anyway
sunghoon would allow her to turn jungwon by the point it would actually happen. mostly because jungwon is quite consistent in her life even as a vampire and I believe he'd prove to hoonie that there's nothing sexual between them regarding love. after all, wonie was the one who had to share her with sunghoon first, and what did sunghoon do? he fuckin' killed her and took her forever. it's only fair that sunghoon wouldn't keep her from her best friend if said friend is a willing participant in the vamprie life. additionally, wonie would probably stake sunghoon in the heart if he ever tried to keep the two of you separated.
not super realistic, but wonie and reader are truly platonic soulmates, he wouldn't ever dream of letting her go and reader wouldn't dream of letting him die of old age or in any other way that could be more gruesome.
and yes. though sunghoon very much would have been fine with reader killing jungwon at her first feeding, he really does love her to the extent that he knew it would hurt her if he allowed it to keep going.
he was very well aware that she was acting on instinct and unaware of what she was doing for the most part. he was absolutely prepared to stop reader before she ended up killing jungwon, and that's why he was somewhat impressed when she did it on her own!
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Vampire arminnnn
Your wish is my command, I hope you enjoyed it, I took some creative liberties. Also, this connects with the universe of Exhumation, but you don't need to read it in order to undertstand this.
Content Warnings: Mentions of death and murder, mentions of blood drinking, Armin is genuinely not a good person, horror and tragedy
Vampire Armin
Vampire Armin, who was turned almost millenia ago. He was turned younger than he would like, barely out of his teenage yers. Armin has seen it all. Empires rising and falling, wars, cultural changes, nothing suprises him anymore.
Vampire Armin who was a feral monster for decades, until his senses perfected and his mind finally sobered up. The post transformation madness finally dissipating, allowing him to bloom into the wonderful night creature he would become.
Vampire Armin who never once felt bad about being the monster he was, the imortality serving him well. One could say he was his best version after the death of his humanity.
Vampire Armin who - in contrast with other millenia old vampires - never feels bored. He is an avid reader, and humans wrote in every single century, there was never a shortage of readings.
Vampire Armin who never stayed long in the same place, leaving before his young appearance could cause gossip and superstitions, he usually left after two decades or so, without a trace.
Vampire Armin who has a charm that helps him interact with humans in many ways, specially those of high society. During his existence, he had important professions: alchemist, historian, politician, advisor, philosopher, doctor, lawyer.
Vampire Armin who despite being socially known, was a lonely being out of choice. He grew to love the silence of his thoughts, the sound of book pages turning and cries of a victim. He had no interest in having a clan, usually dismissing any rogue vampire who seeked company.
Vampire Armin who was offered many daughters along the centuries, but never married a single one. He did get involved with them, but never married. In fact, if a specific high born girl caught his attention, she would be in a casket a few months later.
Vampire Armin who would often starve himself in order to find the perfect human to feed on. He would stalk them for months, sometimes even years, just to know them better. He would be a charm, be friendly - sometimes sinful - towards them, until his hunger was strong enough for him to strike.
Vampire Armin who drained his beloved victims with soft touches - he was not the insane animal anymore, he had manners. Their fear would last no longer than a few minutes once they realized that he was their sweet demise.
Vampire Armin who never left a dirty scene for humans to find. Always cleaning the body of the dirt of dragging them through the woods, washing the dried blood from the bites, laying the corpses in peaceful sleeping positions.
Vamprie Armin who went to the funeral of his victims, comforting wailing mothers, uttering empty prayers, watching as his latest pursue was lowered into the cold dark ground.
See more on Halloween Special 2023
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