#vampire bobby
lewmagoo · 1 year
Vampire Bobby????? With Werewolf Rhett?? I need it, I need it SO BAD!
It’d be even better if they were trying to figure out what to do with you. Do they let Rhett breed you and fill you with his werewolf babies? Or do they let Bob turn you so you stay this perfect forever?
Either way Bob is using you to teach Rhett control but if you disobey Bob? Well then, that’s when he turns Rhett loose to do what he wants to you. Sometimes you need a very overstimulating reminder of why Bob is training Rhett.
So many ways you can go with this I need a whole series 🥵
fuck, and they call you their toy 😵‍💫 they don’t quite know what to do with you yet, like you said either rhett will breed you or bobby will turn you. in the meantime, you’re used as a treat for when rhett behaves. if he loses control and goes against bob, he gets punished and your pussy is withheld from him, despite the way he growls and snaps his teeth and grumbles at bob. bob either grabs him by the hair or swats him on the cheek and that usually shuts him right up and then he’ll sit at bobby’s feet like a well behaved dog. but on the flip side, if you disobey? well, basically, bob goes “sic ‘em” and rhett has permission to use you however he pleases, overstimulating you as he laps at your cunt, until you’re babbling and begging and so fucked out. mmmm this is so delicious
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seraphinitegames · 1 month
Hey, Mishka!!!
I've been replaying TWC over the last couple of months, and must say, it's been an entirely rejuvenating experience for me. Like, I was reading it the first time, although I've replayed the series quite too many (worrying number) of times already. And it still manages to amaze me, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I've repeated this in the past, and I'll repeat it again. The Wayhaven Chronicles is a blessing for me and I'm sincerely thankful to have come across it when I did. And I'm grateful to you for making this lovely world a reality (and of course, the four beautiful vamps)! Really eager for Book 4 and have already player the demo; can say it's gonna be worth the wait. It every time is.
Replaying the series in the last few months, I had a certain uncontrollable urge to drop and ask a few questions to you. Apologize in advance for the long ask and message, but it had been bottling up inside of me for SOOOOOO LONG.
1. In Book 1, when we're to lead the investigation in one of the three directions, is there any way to get success in any direction without Bobby making a big joke out of our investigation in the newspaper?
2. In Book 2, when Nicole and Max Salinas come to report their incident, can Tina actually find out anything unusual? If so, what is actually needed to explain that?
3. In Book 3, I noticed if we choose to go the final mission alone, depending on the route chosen, Boddy/Doug will end up tagging along as well, jeopardizing everything. Is there still a way to complete the mission successfully and rescuing everyone like it happens when we go along with Rebecca?
4. Less of a question, but more of a plea. Please tell me we can get a pet anytime in the series. I was just curious if we can get one.
5. How powerful is the big baddie in Book 4 compared to Unit Bravo? You don't need to answer if this verges on spoiler-y territory.
Really sorry to overwhelm you with this, but it's just months and months of joy, happiness, and sheer ecstasy making me blabber on about this world like this. Thanks once again, for making this truly beautiful story, world, and the vampires a reality.
Have a good day!!!! Lots of love from India!!
You can never play a game you love too many times (I keep telling myself that as I gradually burn a hole into my poor old console playing Dragon Age over and over, lol!)! If it brings you happiness, then that's what is important! :D
Ok, let's see about the questions...it's been a whole since I've gone through the older games without being in editing mode, hehe!
I don't think so...Bobby is, well, Bobby. And that scene was there very much to establish their character and show the player what type of person they are.
I don't think so, again. If there's anything unusual or odd, then I usually like to let the MC find that instead of it happening 'off-screen' so it's more impactful for the player—unless it's Verda discovering stuff, because that needs to happen for…reasons.
Iirc, in the Bobby/Doug routes, you get the auction scene, so a lot of that branch involves focusing on saving yourself! But the other team that joins Unit Bravo will help in saving a lot of the captives in that version.
I would love that being a massive animal companion fan myself, hehe! But likely not, just because the MC is away a lot from home, and that's unfair on the pet, even a fictional one, lol. I was tempted to give the MC a supernatural pet that hung around at the facility—that was definitely a strong idea at one point just so I could write a pet in the series for those that wanted it (me, I was the one who wanted it, hehe!) :D
**BOOK FOUR DEMO SPOILERS AHEAD** It's not just that Book Four's villain is terrifyingly powerful (or will be. They are, thankfully for the MC and UB, in a weakened state for a while due to what's happened to them and what happened in Chapter Two) but it's a lot to do with the fact that their power specifically counteracts and weakens Unit Bravo's. So that's a double whammy!
Thank you SO incredibly much for the amazing message! It means more than you can know <3
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birbdaddygram · 4 months
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Smiling Critters Vampire Au!
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evilhorse · 22 days
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But vampires do exist
(Captain America #253)
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marvelwitchergilmore · 3 months
Fearless Hunter Saved
Summary: Dean Winchester x Fe!Reader -> You are the most fearless hunter Dean knows. But he also knows sometimes, even the most fearless, get scared.
Disclaimer: This is a lot of Sad-Fluff. Attacked by a vamp, descriptions and mentions of blood, cuts and old scars. This might get a follow-along, maybe. Not proof read.
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Dean had known you long enough to know you didn’t get scared. Ever. 
He might have only known you for six years, but it was longer than long enough to know when it came to Hunting - - you were one of the best. 
But he also knew everyone had their point. Maybe not a breaking point, but a point big enough to scare even the most fearless of Hunters. 
And for you, that was a Vamp hunt. 
You had done plenty of Hunts in your time. Even long before you met the Winchester boys. Werewolves, Vampires, Ghosts, Ghouls…if it was dead, you could kill it. 
But there was something about this hunt. This vampire nest. 
It was a point. 
Going into it, you were fine. You were normal. 
Until Dean looked over and found you gone. 
You had been fighting off a Vamp in the back corner of the barn last he had seen. 
Then he heard a scream. 
It wasn’t long until he found you; fighting for your life, weaponless, bleeding and getting weaker by the second. 
“Beg for your life.” The vamp kept telling you. “Go ahead, beg. No-one will hear you scream. You want to die with dignity? A Hunter, turning into something they fear the most. Go ahead, beg for your life and I might just do you justice and make sure your friends have a quick death.”
You shook your head, trying your best to fight off the tears but clearly losing. “Please…please don’t-”
The vamp laughed, feeling your limbs weaken beneath their hands. Only, as you closed your eyes, expecting death, everything went silent. 
The hands around your arms and the weight above your body became lighter and your chest…had never felt heavier. 
It took three low breaths for you to focus your gaze on Dean who was standing above you, having kicked the decapitated body from yours. 
Then he finally got a clear look at your face. 
The only emotion he could read was
Replacing his blade by his side, he lowered himself towards you, helping you sit up a little. 
“Hey, look at me, you’re okay.” He brushed the stray hairs from your face and tried his best to survey the cut across your head. “We got em’ all. You’re okay.”
Then, you hugged him. Tight. 
You were known to hug both Sam and Dean a lot more often than any other Hunter, but it was never anything longer than three seconds and a quick check to make sure they were okay. 
But this was different. 
Dean could feel your entire body shaking in his arms. Your breathing was uneven to say the least and the grip of your fingers in his back were more than just a warning that you were terrified. 
“Hey, Sweetheart, look at me. Hey,” Dean leaned back a little so he could see your face. “It’s gonna be okay.” 
He brushed the tears from your eyes before pressing a kiss to your forehead and bringing you back to him. 
“Keep your arms around my neck, okay?”
You nodded against him. 
“I need words, darlin’. Need to hear your voice.”
Your voice was quiet. Nervous. Shaking. 
Dean pressed his hand to your head as he held you closer to him and lifted you up. 
“Dean?! Dean! What’s-”
“Get in the car, Sam.”
Sam didn’t ask again. Instead, he packed up the rest of the kit as Dean carried you towards the car, opened up the door and helped you inside. When Sam slid into the passenger seat, he tried his best to gauge his brother’s reaction but couldn’t find an explanation. 
All he had seen was you being picked up by Dean and carried to the car. 
The drive that usually took two hours took far less to get home. And the entire way back, Dean’s gaze kept flicking to you in the rear view mirror. You didn’t look up once, and if you did, he didn’t catch you doing so. 
From what he could see, your hands were still shaking and tears were still silently falling from your eyes. 
In all the years he had known you, he had never once seen you cry. 
It wasn’t an image he wanted to see again. 
Seeing you cry pained him in a way he didn’t know even existed within him. 
By the time he pulled into the Bunker, he rounded the car and helped you out of it, lifting you once more. 
Your breathing had calmed a little against his neck but your body was still trembling. 
“You’re safe, Sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
The next words out of Dean’s mouth felt like they were lightyears away. It was something to Sam, about…you couldn’t work out what. 
And by the time you opened your eyes and looked up, Dean had sat you next to the double sink basin in one of the Bunker bathrooms. 
“I’ll be back in a minute, Sweetheart, stay there.”
And you did. 
Less than thirty seconds later, Dean returned with fresh towels, a first aid kit from your room, a change of clothes and one of his hoodies. 
He had removed his jackets so now he stood in front of you, a little blood-stained, in a black t-shirt, jeans and boots. 
“I’m gonna clean you up, so this might sting a little. But I need you to stay awake, okay.”
You nodded again. 
“Words, Sweetheart. I need to hear your voice.”
You swallowed thickly. “Okay.”
You didn’t know how much time passed. Just that it had. 
“Just count my breathing, Sweetheart.” Dean told you after a while. 
Your breathing was becoming shallow, the longer it took for him to clean up your wounds. He didn’t want you to fall into a panic attack. 
Taking your hand in his, he pressed two of your fingers against his pulse on his neck. “Just follow along.”
By the time he finished, a string of “sorry”’s each time you hissed in pain - though it wasn’t often, Dean turned on the shower. 
“Do…do you want me to help?” 
Any other time, Dean would be thinking less and less with his brain and more and more with another. Except, this was different. 
He had never seen you scared. Ever. 
He’d seen you die. Twice. And each time come back fighting, stronger than ever. 
But, sitting there. You looked like you were two seconds away from collapsing into a coma and waking up with a panic attack. 
He didn’t want to leave you. 
And you didn’t want to be alone. 
Dean nodded and for the following fifteen minutes, tried his best to give you as much privacy as he could despite the fact he was the one lifting the clothes from your body. 
And it just occurred to him that he had never truly seen your skin before. 
Not in a sexual way, or at least, he wasn’t trying to think that way. 
No, you were always covered up. You got dressed inside the bathroom after a shower. It was rare he saw you in something that wasn’t a pair of worn out jeans and a t-shirt. Even when he had seen you in a skirt or dress, it was always floor length or you wore tights. 
But now he was seeing…you. 
From your back alone, there were at least a dozen small scars and half a dozen deep ones that had been stitched at some point or another. 
New bruises were forming on your sides from where you had been fighting against The Vamp. And your legs…a couple of nicks from a razor or two, a couple of bruises mid thigh which he could only guess was from each time you seemed to catch the corner of a table when you walked in the library. And then one large rounding scar that was bleeding. 
Thankfully, it looked like it would heal quickly. It was more of a scar that you would get from a dog. Red, sore for a day or two. But this time you’d have some scabs to go with it where your skin had opened. 
Dean helped you tilt your head back under the water before he washed out the muck and blood with a double shampooing. 
He had removed his boots and socks to step a little further inside the shower with you, the water dampening his jeans a little and the suds from your hair flicking onto his t-shirt every now and again. 
But he couldn’t care less. 
His focus remained on you. You swayed on the spot every now and again, and Dean made sure he kept talking to you, giving you quiet directions on what to do and where to turn so he could wash the suds from your hair and body. 
Once finished, he held out a towel for you which you stepped into and wrapped around your body as he leaned around you and stepped towards the shower to switch it off. 
By the time he was back in front of you, you leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around you without a second thought. 
“You’re safe, Sweetheart. No-one can hurt you. Not here.”
Once more, Dean helped you get dressed, being sure to check over the cut on your leg. He helped pull the last of your hair from down your back as you squeezed what was left of the water into a towel. 
Less than an hour later, Dean was showered and changed and brought a glass of water to your bedside. Except, as he leaned down and kissed the top of your head, you held onto his t-shirt. 
“Stay with me?”
It took him a second to realise you were asking him to stay. 
You never asked anyone to stay. 
He nodded. “Just give me a minute.”
You pulled the cover from under you and scooted down the bed a little, soon joined by Dean. 
As he got in beside you, he pulled you closer to his side. And you both stayed like that for a while. 
“I was so scared.”
Dean stilled for a moment before turning his head to face you. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I think I need to.”
He kissed the top of your head. “Then I’ll listen.”
“I didn’t even see it coming. I just got rid of one of them before I felt someone pull me back. I thought it was Sam, at first. But then he threw me. When I hit the ground, I couldn’t even tell where I was. And then they were above me. They must have hit me with my blade because all I felt was this…sharp, cold air on my head. And it was making me dizzy. I didn’t have time to get on my feet and by the time I opened my eyes…they were there. They just kept telling me to beg for my life. And every time they did, it was seven years ago. I was on my own – just before Bobby called me and said he needed my help.”
Dean could remember that day. Bobby had been talking about some woman hunter he knew about that could maybe help the boys if needed. 
The day he met you, Bobby walked them both through the kitchen and into the living room where you were walking around, running your fingers over a couple of book spines before pulling one out and leafing through it. Bobby called your name and you looked up, replacing the book and walking over, a side-arm attached to your hip, holding out your hand and shaking both his and Sam’s. 
“It was a normal ghost hunt. Easy. But I didn’t count on the ghost coming to defend their own grave. From what I knew, they should have been hunting for their next victim. Either way, I was thrown and I could feel their hand burning my skin, screaming for me to beg for my life. Bobby had asked about the make-up on my neck when he saw me a few weeks later. I said I was fine. And I was. But after today…” 
You shook your head and Dean felt you wipe away your own tears. 
Scooting down a little, Dean turned his body so you were no longer lying on his chest but instead curled into it. 
Dean moved your hand from your face and replaced it with his own, and placed his own forehead against yours. 
His thumb brushed just a little under your eye, catching the tears as they fell. 
“I’m sorry you went through that on your own. You’re allowed to be scared, but you should never be scared alone.”
“T-Thank you, for helping me.”
Dean shook his head. “You never have to thank me for helping you. Even the best of us need help.”
You tried your best to stop them, but they flowed anyway. 
“I’m so sorry,”
Dean’s heart broke. 
Dean shook his head once more, holding you tighter against him and your own hands gripped at his t-shirt. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
That night, Dean held you close to him, not once letting you go. And you fell asleep, crying in his arms. 
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gabrielapazlima · 12 days
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i love my yuri being fucked up n kinda tragic-
i may need help
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nxoxart · 1 month
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👀 Coming soon
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oliversrarebooks · 3 months
How does it feel like to get erased? Does Lily try to make the process as humanely as possible?
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tw: mind control, hypnosis, dehumanization, memory loss
Bobby struggled against the chair's leather restraints, not because he really thought he would break them, but because it seemed wrong to not even try. Before he'd been dragged off, the vampires had said that he was scheduled for "erasure." He didn't know what that was, exactly, but the dead-eyed, unresponsive humans in some of the cells gave him an idea.
He desperately hoped he was wrong. He'd never been physically adept -- which was part of why the vampires found it so easy to manhandle him into the chair -- so he'd always relied on his mind to get by. Losing that…
Tears threatened to overflow his eyes, and he stopped struggling for a moment to choke them back, his strangled sob muffled by the thick cloth gag. He really didn't want the vampires to see him crying. They'd probably get some sick satisfaction out of it.
The door cracked open, and Bobby could hear a woman's voice. "It's a full erasure with obedience, so it'll take at least a couple of hours. Sure, he's probably going to crack quick, but erasure still takes time to do right… Okay, let's talk after I've finished. I'll see you then."
A petite woman with dusty hair and a floral housedress bustled into the room, looking as if she were in a hurry. Was this really the vampire sent to erase him? Her eyes swept up and down the man restrained tightly in the chair, and seemed to approve. "You must be Bobby. I'm Miss Lily. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Bobby just glared, unable to respond, and not wanting to give her the satisfaction anyway.
"I know this must seem frightening, but you really have nothing to fear, dear," she said in a sweetly ingratiating voice. "This won't hurt a bit. You're just going to start to feel very sleepy, and have a nice pleasant rest. Okay?"
Straining at his bonds, Bobby shook his head vigorously. She was nuts if she thought he was going to willingly sleep here. She must have some kind of drug, or magic…
"Just relax," she said, her hands fluttering back and forth, and Bobby couldn't help but watch. "Just relax now, Bobby. You're going to relax, and you're going to start feeling drowsy. Very, very drowsy."
Bobby jerked away from the sight, but she took his chin and gently but firmly guided his gaze back to her.
"Very sleepy, dear. So drowsy. Your eyelids are getting heavy. You're listening so well, and getting so sleepy, so relaxed and comfortable, so dazed and docile…"
Her voice was powerful in a way Bobby didn't understand, snaking into his mind and capturing it even as he tried to resist. He couldn't prevent himself from listening to her spell -- because it had to be magic, didn't it? The way her words tugged at him, the way he was already starting to feel strangely tired and calm despite being scared out of his mind, that had to be some kind of magic.
"Sleepier and sleepier as you listen to my words, Bobby. So exhausted, so deeply drowsy. You can feel how heavy your eyelids are, how much you want to yawn, how you're starting to nod off…"
It was happening so fast. His eyelids were already drooping, and he had to catch himself as his head tipped forward. She had only been talking him down into sleep for a few minutes, and he was already so drowsy he couldn't even think straight. Erasure, he kept reminding himself -- he had to resist at all costs, or they'd take his mind, possibly for good. He couldn't fall asleep, no matter how tired she made him, or he might never wake up himself.
"No more resisting, no more fighting. You're much too sleepy for that, aren't you? And the sleepier you are, the better you'll feel, the more calm and complacent, all of your worries melting away as you drift. Drift, and relax, and let your heavy eyelids start to fall. Feel so safe, so safe that you could just go to sleep. So safe with me."
It was a lie, of course. Nothing about this was remotely safe. But his rational thoughts could hardly penetrate the thick sludge permeating his mind. His thoughts were so slow, and Lily kept up a constant string of patter, reinforcing the ideas of sleeping and relaxing and feeling good. He tried to distract himself by thinking of the multiplication tables, or maybe all of the states and their capitals, or…
He jerked himself awake again, realizing that his eyes were half-closed and he didn't even remember what Lily had been saying.
And that was when he came to a realization that would have been terrifying if he weren't half-asleep and calmed by Lily's trance: he wasn't going to make it. He was only putting up the feeblest of resistance, and this vampire seemed almost bored by it all, like this was a rote day for her. She clearly had all of the patience she needed to drill her spell deep into Bobby's mind for as long as it took for him to fold, and he was dangerously close to folding already.
She was going to have his mind, and there was nothing he could do about it, no one to save him.
Lily reached forward and gently caressed his cheek. "That's it. Just sleep. It'll feel so good when you fall asleep and into a deep hypnotic trance. Sleep, and allow me to hypnotize you. Go to sleep, dear. It's time to go to sleep."
It was the realization that he'd never be able to hold out that did him in. That last spark of defiance sputtered and faded, and his eyes began to close as he fell into a daze. She kept speaking to him, speaking of sleep and submission, and the world began to fade into nothing. He had one more half-hearted attempt at rousing from slumber left in him, and then he succumbed.
As soon as he gave in, a wonderful feeling of calm bliss washed over him. It felt good to listen to the vampire, to do what she said, and for now she was mainly instructing him to fall deeper and deeper asleep. He felt so strangely warm and comfortable as his mind tumbled into an endless abyss, his anxious thoughts unable to find any purchase among the sleepy whispers she kept pouring in his ear.
She told him he was going to become more and more obedient as he fell deeper asleep, and it made perfect sense, didn't it? He was deeply asleep and utterly defenseless, so of course he would have to be obedient. It made sense for his own thoughts to be quieted, so soft and silent that he could no longer hear them. All he could hear was her voice, and all he could do was sleep, and all he could be was obedient.
The passage of time had no meaning. He had no idea how long he spent locked in trance, sleeping his mind away. He had been floating in a sea of complete calm and contentment for what seemed like forever when the suggestions in his ear began to change.
"Forget," the vampire whispered. "As you go deeper and deeper asleep, you're going to find yourself starting to forget. When you're completely asleep and obedient, you don't need your memories, so your memories of anything but this are going to start to fade away. You'll forget everything except for this deep hypnotic trance…"
That tiny spark of defiance might not have been completely wiped out, because there was a faint resistance within him. Sleeping and obeying was one thing, but he didn't want to lose his memories. He didn't want to lose himself.
"Shhh, shhh, just relax, dear. Just relax and fall deeper asleep. Your sleeping mind just can't resist. Your sleeping mind doesn't want to resist. It will feel so calm and peaceful as all those memories start to drift away on the waves. You can still see them, for now, but they're drifting so gently, washing away out of reach, and you're too tired to chase after them. You just want to relax and let go. Let go and sleep. Sleep and be obedient. Be so obedient and let those memories wash away."
He let out a soft groan as his one last spark left him. His thoughts were muddled and confusing as his memories started to leave, slipping through his mind like water through a sieve.
Trying to remember made him so sleepy. Trying to resist made him more deeply hypnotized. All he could do, all he was permitted to do, was listen and absorb her words as she carefully took away everything he was.
This seemed to last forever, too. As far as he was concerned, it could have been years that he spent entranced in that chair with Lily carefully washing his mind of every last scrap of his identity. He watched as his memories floated away on an imaginary ocean, and then even the ocean began to retreat from his mind, leaving nothing but a calm blank expanse.
She asked him questions at some point, simple questions. What his address was, who was the president, how many sisters and brothers did he have. He managed to answer her questions the first time he was asked, although it was like pushing the answers through a solid brick wall. She seemed satisfied with this, and continued casting her spell.
The next time, he was only able to recall his address, and he wasn't even sure it was correct.
After that, he didn't have any more answers for her. He just wanted to sleep and to be obedient.
Sleep, and be obedient, and forget everything.
"…Now open your eyes and remain asleep."
He had been so deeply asleep for so long, every part of his body so heavy and lazy, that he wasn't even sure he could open his eyes, but as soon as she suggested it, his eyes popped open all on their own.
"Very good," she said, the praise bringing him a vague sense of contentment. "How are you feeling?"
Words slipped from his fogged brain before he could think them. "Fine, sir."
"Do you know where you are?"
He stared straight ahead at the vampire, not bothering to examine his surroundings. "No, sir."
"That's perfectly fine. You'll stand and follow me."
Despite being a bit stiff, he did exactly what the vampire commanded, with no thought in his mind to do anything else. She was a vampire, and his only role was to serve them. That was all there was, that was all there had been, that was all there would ever be.
He was brought to a cell, and he walked in and sat on the cot, content to wait there indefinitely for further instruction as the door was slammed shut.
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nashvillethotchicken · 2 months
I don't think some of you all get how seated I am for s3. I have a background in ethnomusicology. My honors thesis was on queer identity creation through music. THIS IS MY SHIT
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hexedwinchester · 2 months
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lewmagoo · 1 year
The idea of Bob being in complete control of Rhett does something to me 😵‍💫😵‍💫 now I'm just thinking about Bob directing Rhett the whole time you're together, telling him how to spank you, telling him to spit in your mouth, telling him when he can make you cum and where he can touch you, punishing him when he doesn't listen and praising him when he does
right? and stubborn rhett actually submitting to him? gosh it’s so hot. rhett’s a brat and doesn’t always obey, which gets him in trouble with bobby often. but bob knows how to keep him in line. he uses you to teach rhett self control. he’s also teaching him how to be your dom. training him on how to take care of you, how to pleasure you, how to be the dom that you need him to be. but even when rhett is domming you, bob is in complete control, just like he always is.
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seraphinitegames · 5 months
I've been replaying M's route and I've to say it's my fave. This time I managed to get high relationship with Bobby (who's obviously not over the MC) and it made me think.
How would M react if Bobby told them something along the lines of "you might be sleeping with MC right now, but I know what's it like to be loved by them"
What would post book 3 M think about that? Would it even bother them? And what about the other ROs?
Hmm, good question!
I’m not sure it’s something that would have occurred to M to think of! But after Bobby would have brought it up, M would immediate shrug it off.
It’s not until later when it would wiggle and worm at them, and they’d be confused just why that statement is bothering them so much, hehe! :D
It definitely would be a thought that lingered for M at this point in the romance.
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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birbdaddygram · 4 months
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Relationship charts!
Had to redo a few so that’s why the key is changed for 4 of them
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mishaesque · 2 months
season 7 may be what it is but the villains were sooooo good
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lvkereggie · 1 year
my biggest heartbreaks have been my babysitter’s a vampire and julie and the phantoms getting cancelled on cliffhangers…
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bmodiwrites · 28 days
The inner most thoughts of Louis de Point du Lac during the 'you can read them to me' scene in 2x06. He's well and truly addicted to the idea of being anyone's master, let alone the ancient Armand. Read to find out just how well Armand is treated that evening with everyone listening.
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