pokemonofaurora · 2 years
Pay Day Coins disappear after about an hour. They’re also easily recognizable, so you can’t use them in most stores.
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
All Interregional Pokémon League Association member states have a League uniform: Galar is simply the only region where members are required to wear theirs during official domestic battles (since all League battles there are televised).
Since Pokémon battling isn't a physically taxing sport for the human involved, some regions have gotten very creative with their uniform designs.
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
The reason you don't see Medicinal Leaks out in the wild anymore is because, over the last few centuries, they were 'preyed' on by wild But type Pokémon, and brought near existence.
Medicinal Leaks are not cultivated in controlled farms, and used to create potions for the market, instead of being readily available in the wild, like they were for our ancestors.
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
do you have any headcanons for the houndour line? it’s one of my favorites (only if you want to ofc)
Houndour/Houndoom burns contain a specific toxin that causes them to hurt constantly. There are topical ointments sold that help draw out the toxins; you'll want to get some if partnering with one, as accidental burns are inevitable.
The line is social. They are not only very obedient towards their trainers, but they get along well with other Pokemon.
It's recommended you pair them with another Pokemon if you're unable to spend a lot of time with them each day.
The line has a short coat and requires little grooming, aside from the occasional brushing. They do not like water, so bathing isn't needed; they will surround themselves in flames to burn away dirt and bacteria instead.
Houndoom is considered a medium-level Pokemon to mega evolve; while they tend to stay lucid and are as loyal as ever, the internal temperates of their heat can hurt them if they're left mega evolved for too long. Because of this, carefully monitoring their condition during battle is a necessity.
The line has strong jaws and enjoys chewing. Various hard toys and treats should be provided, unless you want your furniture destroyed.
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
I love these comics, they have a huge fanbase who make their own as well
“Pixie and Brutus” is a popular webcomic about a heavily scarred Houndoom named Brutus, and the tiny, adorable Skitty his trainer just caught, named Pixie
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
Pokemon headcanon that once Absol are studied and people realize they prevent disasters instead of causing them, particularly dangerous workplaces get themselves a workplace Absol and it also decreases accidents.
Construction sites and fishing ships and factories will have one that pretty much just lazes about until it just gets up howling one day and knocks a dude down. They almost never figure out what would have happened but they're always like "yes absol thank you absol I am so grateful to be on the floor right now. Can I offer you a treat in this trying time"
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
Hoenn ❣️
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
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✨Shiny Lugia✨
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
A gathering of Stunky and/or Skuntank is known as a Stink Bomb
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pokemonofaurora · 2 years
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pokemonofaurora · 3 years
[ The Giratina Headcanons(?) cause i think about them a lot ]
As the title said this’ll mainly cover my personal headcanons on Giratina in Legends Arceus as well as Pokemon Platinum for they are one of my top 10 blorbos.
[ Notes before i get started ]
This’ll be very, Very long.
Giratina will be referred to with They/He interchangeably.
Covers PLA and Platinum.
Rei will be used to represent the time travelling teen.
Spoilers ahoy.
[ The Pre-During PLA Headcanons ]
To side track to pre and during game Giratina, he was probably in what he now considers his edgy teen phase. He was angry as Frick at Arceus for locking them in the Distortion Realm.
For the longest time during thought that he was the unwanted child (which some think is ironic since he’s the eldest) compared to the more ‘important’ Dialga and Palkia and Especially to the beings that lived on the upside world, How Arceus almost seemed to pamper them with gifts.
They felt this even before their banishment.
Giratina’s rampage was somewhat prompted by this insecurity (though there were  and later what prompted him to join Volo and later giving him the Spooky Plate.
This also resulted in them as a whole sort of shifting goals because of Volo’s influence. Cause originally it was just “I’m gonna Punch Arceus in the face because they put me in time out.” and now it’s “Yeah i’m gonna help this dude reset the world because Arceus’ world sucks lmao.”
They genuinely considered Volo a good friend because he understood what he was going through at the time and sympathised with them as well as bullshit his way into getting Giratina ’unbanished’.
Then they got their ass beaten by a time travelling child. 
Giratina’s Inferiority complex worsened when he saw that Arceus picked this time displaced teenager and he got even angrier at this because he thought that he’d be replaced by this mortal child in a way.
Also why he went Origin in this headcanon text post.
Of course his feelings kind of change after he got beaten.
At first it was shock because a God like him got beaten by a child. How humiliating it is to them, and they fled back to the Distortion Realm in a mixture of guilt and shock at this trainer’s strength.
Giratina did however continue to watch from the Distortion Realm after and the fucking Betrayal they felt when it turns out that Volo was most likely only being friendly with them to meet Arceus and out the world on a hard reset.
( Below the readmore are the Post-PLA and Platinum Giratina headcanons )
Keep reading
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pokemonofaurora · 3 years
https://mobile.twitter.com/PkmLegendArceus/status/1491481297084207111 (Not My Twitter)
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pokemonofaurora · 3 years
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pokemonofaurora · 3 years
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in terms of in-universe, it was pretty much the pokemon equivalent of nuclear war
the factors during the last wars period (15-20 years) that contributed to the creation of the Unovan Uninhabitable Zone are as follows:
first, lets take a look at the unovan continent pre-war.
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(this is very vague speculation of any other past or present territories on account of who knows what or where any future canon regions will be, so this map is def subject to change.)
unova, being analog to the united states, is assumed to have separate states with similar functionality, but here we will paraphrase that. unova began escalating disputes between the extinct provinces and the adjacent states of unova. having zekrom and reshiram within reach, they were able to utilize the legendaries to invade the northernmost territory.
kalos and galar, allies with the northern provinces, retaliate through channeling zygarde's power the ultimate weapon. they leave A Big Fucking Hole Where Most Of Unova Was.
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unova as it was once known is in shambles, and the surviving states are left in chaos. civil war ensues, and a few clusters of intact unovan territories are established.
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proto-orre was not caught in the blast, but the fallout of the god-nuke (extreme weather, toxic contamination, famine and disease ect ect) moved southward and tainted the land. proto-new unova held on by a thread because of the castelian metropolitan area. though their territory on this map seems far-reaching as they staked their claim, the central portion of the former unova was eventually rendered uninhabited and left to be reclaimed by nature.
almia and fiore, furthest from the conflict and having had a good relationship with kalos+galar as individual states than the former unova, strike a deal and kalos supports their independence.
new unova holds onto the belief that the other territories are still theirs by right. as the uninhabitable zone's danger simmers down over the next decade, the fallout hits everyone in some way. pockets of extreme weather turn some spots into tundra or desert where there otherwise wouldnt logically be (see: nearly every region having some sort of snow or desert biome). the preternatural nature of the blast makes the affected flora and fauna aggressive. many once populated areas are abandoned due to famine or danger, and taken over entirely within months by nature
the extinct provinces that were caught up in unova's bravado are too close to the zone to survive, and their proximity to the north pole turns much of the peninsula into a frozen wasteland. the final uninhabitable zone makes up much of the northern portion of the continent as people migrate and abandon their lands, and nature picks up the pieces.
this continues until the league steps in.
meanwhile, hoenn is doing great :)!!!
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