#vampire Shen Wei
spicymalepolls · 3 months
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Shen Wei:
look going off of the show canon (it's quite different in the book, but I'm more familiar with the show) he's just a scientist professor guy who is quite old fashioned (does not have a cell phone) and is a fan of sleeve garters. except he's also a 10,000 year old omnipotent alien guy who is somehow simultaneously all blushy and shy and also activating the other main guy's latent authority and daddy kinks. there is a scene where Shen Wei is like full on chewing out one of his subordinates and the other main guy is visually having a sexual awakening about it. prim and proper professor with alien superpowers and a boyfriend who is into that
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Rupert Giles:
he's really hot ok
Giles is the ideal Acadaddy. Smart and nurturing are his main character traits but he still has the character depth to fail and mess up. A total romantic at heart and then there is his ripper personality. Oh boy hot-cha-cha!
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yilian0203 · 5 months
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"Did I hurt you?"
"My Lord, you could suck me dry and I wouldn't even mind."
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monsieurboyardee · 2 years
Mxtx wwdits!au where hc, wwx and sqq are vampires and xl, lwj, and lbh are their familiars
They all live together in a big ass mansion that the familiars mostly take care of. Hc is the youngest of the vamps, around 800 years old, wwx is about 900 and sqq is a couple years away from 1000.
Hc was turned just when he entered adulthood, so he perpetually looks about 19. Wwx was turned when he was about 25, and sqq was turned when he was about 29. Lwj and lbh are 29 and 25 respectively, and xl is 31. Lbh has been a familiar the longest, followed by lwj and then xl
Sqq took orphan street kid lbh off the streets and invited him to live with him, and so lbh has been his familiar for 10 years now and is kinda anxious as to why sqq hasnt turned him yet. The reason is mostly bc sqq wants lbh to live his life free of the burden of vampirism and immortality, and assumes that lbh will eventually leave him if he just ignores the issue enough (even tho he desperately does not want him to leave. He’s quite fond of his white lotus).
Lwj actually comes from a very long line of vampire hunters, and was actually intending on killing wwx. However while he was stalking him he accidentally kinda fell for him a bit, so he decided to become wwx’s familiar instead (he tries to keep his past a secret, bc he doesnt wanna freak everyone out). Hes been a familiar for about six years now.
Xl has been a familiar for only about three years. He used to be a detective, and one night while investigating a series of strange murders he came across an incredibly handsome man who instantly bewitched him. Soon after their encounter xl was accused of corruption and was blamed for the murders, and was arrested. The mysterious man from that night swept in and wiped the minds of everyone involved, saving xl, so xl became hc’s familiar to pay him back (hc insists that he does not need to be paid back, but if it keeps gege by his side then that’s alright with him). Xl is actually the reincarnation of the crown prince of xianle, who saved hc’s life when he was still human. Later on the two became lovers, but xl was cruelly murdered by jun wu, a covetous vampire king who then turned hc. Hc has spent the past 800 years finding xl’s reincarnations only for them all to be murdered by jun wu. This is xl’s 10th reincarnation.
(Also xl definitely has attempted mass murder in this au, which he hides from the others. Bc of this, he is the only one who lwj confesses his true nature to)
Also lbh is definitely still half Demon in this au, which eventually comes to up later and causes all sorts of problems)
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miss-ingno · 2 years
Love Me Forever (Or Not At All)
Fandom: 镇魂 | Guardian Ship: Kunlun/Shen Wei Words: 2.1k Tags: Vampire AU, vampire!Kunlun, human!Shen Wei, Kunlun raises Shen Wei, non-graphic descriptions of vampire sex, blood drinking, casual mentions of violence, power imbalance, Canonical Major Character Death, backstory
Summary: Kunlun always wanted a pet, but he didn't ask for a human. The kid grows on him, anyway. In more ways than one.
A/N: For @guardianbingo‘s square “Baby Shen Wei”. Read here on Ao3. Part of the All Is Written In Blood series. [Main fic | Ficlet 1]
Kunlun could feel the tension through the bond an hour before Nüwa and the contingent of vampires she took with her arrived back at the lair. Like his sisters and brothers, he greeted her in the courtyard. Unlike his flock siblings, he was singled out immediately by Nüwa's piercing gaze. She landed in front of him, her children scattering to make space. Usually, their dame was of an even temperament, but they could all feel her barely restraint temper.
More unusually even, she was carrying a bundle, plopping it down in front of him. Kunlun's nostrils flared as the scent of the small thing hit him. A human.
"Here," Nüwa said brusquely, pushing the child forward. It stumbled and fell to its knees before Kunlun. "You wanted a pet, well, there you go."
The small thing cowered before him, its eyes huge and wide.
"What am I supposed to do with… that?" Kunlun objected, his nose wrinkling. "It's too small to be worth more than a snack."
Nüwa waved him off with a dismissive snap of her wrist, a sneer twisting her mouth.
"What do I care? Just make sure it survives to adulthood," she ordered, stalking past him with a sweep of her long sleeves. Kunlun barely caught her mutter under her breath, "Shennong has some nerve, making such nonsensical demands."
Kunlun narrowed his eyes, his quick mind putting the pieces together. Lord Shennong had called for a meeting, and as he was the strongest amongst their kind, the vampire gentry complied. Like all those in power, Shennong too liked to rub his strength in the lords' and ladies' faces, reminding them of their place. Presumably, he'd decided on a competition this time, handing a human child to each flock and tasking them to raise it. For what purpose, Kunlun could only guess. Most likely, the idea of having the proud gentry raise their prey simply amused him.
"Rise," Kunlun commanded, and the child scrambled to its feet. He eyed its small frame, swimming in the robes it was bundled in. At least it had fine features, elegant eyebrows and cheekbones. It might yet grow up to be a beauty.
Satisfied, Kunlun nodded and turned on his heel, gesturing for the child to follow him.
First things first, he had to figure out what to feed the child. He'd been turned long ago, he barely remembered what it was like, but he had a vague memory of eating fruit and drinking goat's milk. Now, where to get a goat…
The child took to trailing Kunlun everywhere he went, sometimes literally clinging to his robes. His wide eyes took everything in—with fear or awe, Kunlun couldn't tell. It made it easier to look after the kid, though, having him stick close. Kunlun found that he didn't mind.
"The mountain has a shadow," Nüwa teased him at one point. "A little mountain ghost, hm?"
The nickname stuck.
Xiao Wei was a bright child, if shy. He would only talk to Kunlun and usually waited until they were alone. He had his hands full, between his fumbling attempts at raising the kid and fending off his hungry brethren when they got tempted by the fresh smell of blood (did all human children skin their knees or cut open their palms this often? Xiao Wei liked climbing rocks far too much for Kunlun's liking.) At some point, he realized that he'd gained xiao Wei's trust.
The realization hit him like a gut punch, as xiao Wei offered him a necklace made of teeth. He had no idea how xiao Wei had gotten his hands on them, ranging from animal teeth to demonic and vampiric fangs. It was a macabre gift, and Kunlun floundered, realizing his little ghost had grown up. He was nearly as tall as Kunlun, these days, maybe half a head smaller still. Kunlun had no idea how old he was. When did humans finish growing?
“Do you remember your life before you came here?” Kunlun asked him casually one evening, trying to hide how intently he was listening for an answer. He’d never thought to ask the kid how old he was back then, a fact he know regretted. He hadn’t asked much of anything, really, not interested in the sob story of some tiny human.
Had he always been so cruel?
“...not much,” xiao Wei finally said, slowly and carefully as if trying to gauge the right answer. Kunlun felt his stomach turn over with guilt. Seeming to sense Kunlun's disappointment, xiao Wei quickly added, “I have a younger brother.”
“Ah?” Kunlun perked up at the mention. Maybe he could reunite xiao Wei with his family, once this charade was over. He ignored the pang he felt at considering losing the kid – but a vampire’s lair was no place for a human. Already, his brothers and sisters were irritated with him for holding them back from an easy meal, only Nüwa’s sharp command holding them back. And once Shennong grew weary of his little challenge and withdrew his connection…
No. It was better for xiao Wei to return to his own kind.
The first time xiao Wei offered him his wrist, Kunlun refused.
Same for the second, and third time. After that, xiao Wei stopped offering, and Kunlun thought the matter settled.
He should have known better.
"You've done well, my child," Nüwa praised him. "Shennong was pleased seeing how well you've raised the human."
"Thank you, my lady." Kunlun bowed deep in respect. A measure of warmth filled his bones, knowing he had served his dame well. It finally settled his nerves, on high alert the entire time he’d escorted Lady Nüwa to Shennong’s court, to present their charge before him. Xiao Wei had been the healthiest of the children entrusted to the various flocks, leaving no one in doubt who won the competition. It left Nüwa in a great mood.
Xiao Wei was kneeling with his head bowed beside Kunlun, his shoulder pressing against Kunlun's thigh.
“Your little ghost truly grew up well under your guidance,” she mused, tilting her head as she let her gaze drift over xiao Wei’s bent form. A shiver of foreboding ran through Kunlun. “It’s almost a shame to waste such beauty. Oh well.” Flipping her hair over her shoulder with a dismissive flick of her hand, Nüwa bared her fangs in a grin. “As reward for a service well done, you may have the first taste, my child.”
"No," Kunlun snapped, and the hall grew silent. No one shifted so much as a finger, all eyes on their brother who dared defy their queen. Kunlun raised his chin under their regard.
"No?" Nüwa inquired, her tone deceptively mild.
"He's my pet, and his name is Wei. You gave him to me, and I can do with him as I like," Kunlun declared brazenly. He could feel xiao Wei startle at his new name. But then, Kunlun planned to offer him the bite, once he was ready, and Ghost was no proper name for a vampire.
"Wei…" Nüwa repeated, her glowing gaze shifting to xiao Wei. Kunlun had to fight down the urge to hide him from view with his cloak. "Lofty as your aspirations, my child. Very well. You have earned yourself a boon, do with him as you like."
Xiao Wei threw him a confused sideways look, but hurried along to follow him out of the hall, sticking close with all those eyes on them.
If Kunlun still had a heart, it would be beating rapidly in his chest.
The first time he drunk from his sweet xiao Wei, it wasn’t from the wrist but the thigh.
His flock mocked him for taking his pet to bed, but Kunlun could read the jealousy and envy carved into their disdainful masks. His xiao Wei had grown up beautifully, even Shennong had acknowledged it. Several of them approached xiao Wei behind Kunlun's back, cajoling and bribing and trying their best to seduce him, but xiao Wei calmly and politely rejected all of their advances.
Only one of them tried to enthrall him. Kunlun staked him through the chest, narrowly missing his heart, and left him stuck in the courtyard to wait for sunrise. A clear warning for his siblings to control themselves.
Arousal was an addictive spice, leaving a lingering aftertaste to the blood. During climax, it was near overwhelming: fresh and envigorating. Afterwards, the taste turned sweeter, almost as sweet as xiao Wei’s shy, pleased smiles as he settled into Kunlun's arms, sated and trusting.
Always so very, very trusting. It sat like a stone in Kunlun's throat, stealing any words he wanted, could say.
“Be mine,” he asked the next time, xiao Wei spread out underneath him like a feast, pliant as he took everything Kunlun gave him without complaint.
“Yes,” xiao Wei gasped, his legs wrapping around Kunlun's waist to better weather his thrusts. “Please, please, Kunlun, make me yours—”
“Forever,” Kunlun growled, pulling out despite xiao Wei’s best attempts to keep him. Dark eyes met his, pupils dilated with lust and gaze near feverish with yearning. Realization flit across xiao Wei’s face, so smart, always so clever, and his now, his for as long as they both lived—
“Forever,” xiao Wei breathed, arching his neck and offering up himself. “Yes, Kunlun. Yours, forever and ever, please…!”
It was tempting, but Kunlun had other plans. Instead of the neck, he ducked down and sank his fangs deep into the inside of xiao Wei’s thigh, drinking his blood spiked with arousal. Drinking him dry, to the last drop, leaving his mark to scar where no one else would ever see it, because xiao Wei was his, and his alone.
Then he sliced open his own wrist with sharp claws and offered it to his love as the light dimmed in his eyes.
Shen Wei walked stiffly across the hall on his way to the throne, shoulders straight and head held high. Whispers followed him as he stalked up to the throne, only falling silent as he turned around to silence them with his glare.
“Our sire is dead,” he announced, and the courtyard stilled the way only vampires could. Swallowing, Shen Wei added, “I am Kunlun's oldest and favourite. I will be taking over the flock.”
Shifting, now, the rustling of robes. Shen Wei stood cold at the head of Kunlun's flock, awaiting their judgement. Uncertainty whispered through the flock, several expressions closing off as he watched on, turning almost mutinous.
“You all have a choice. You may follow me – or leave.” Or they could challenge him. Shen Wei felt a twist of pain in his chest at the thought, but he didn’t allow it to show on his face. He would deal with them as appropriate: by killing them. He could allow no one to see him as weak at this crucial point in time.
Gongong was the first to leave. He’d founded his own flock already, it wasn’t really a surprise. Shen Wei never expected any of the flocks loyal to Kunlun to stay with him now that Kunlun was gone. Several others hesitated, until finally another left, and another. No words of farewell were spoken between them.
Finally, Daqing stepped up.
Pain lanced through Shen Wei, breaking his indifferent mask. He stared at Daqing, Kunlun's oldest friend and advisor. It felt like a betrayal, to have Daqing turn on him now — and yet, he knew better than anyone that he deserved it. After what he’d done to Kunlun, no matter how necessary, Daqing was well within his rights to leave him in disgust.
Daqing dropped to his knee, much to everyone’s surprise.
“Da-ge,” he addressed Shen Wei, his voice ringing out clear in the silent court hall, “I hereby pledged my fealty to you, Head of this Flock. As sure as the mountains stand tall and the seas fall and rise, I shall stand by your side.”
It wasn’t a vow of joining Shen Wei’s flock, but a variant of the ones pledged by a sire’s children who were starting their own flock. A vow of allegiance, of alliance. A promise of support.
Shen Wei swallowed past the sentimentality clogging his throat. “I accept your oath, loyal Daqing. Please, rise.”
With Daqing at his side, most others followed suit.
In the end, Kunlun’s flock didn’t break apart as most would have expected at his demise. While several of the older siblings broke off, more setting out to start their own flocks, almost all of the young ones remained, remembering Shen Wei as their Da-Shixiong and trusting him to lead them into the future.
And yet, Shen Wei’s heart was heavy. They didn’t know what happened to Kunlun, and it felt like lying to them to reassure them of their safety.
After all, it was Shen Wei who had killed their sire.
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wlwcatalogue · 8 months
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Chinese GL Webseries & Shorts for the Wuxia-Uninclined
Have you ever wanted to venture into the world of Chinese GL webseries and short films, only to find yourself at a loss about where to begin, or intimidated by the unfamiliar tropes and terms of the wuxia genre?
Well, worry no more! Here's a selection of non-wuxia webseries and short films curated by yours truly. Now you too can enjoy the lavish costumes and location shoots of these Chinese productions, so rarely seen in F/F works outside of feature films and the occasional TV series~
By the way, these are all translated and subbed by the inimitable Douqi (@douqi7s), whose immense contribution to the English-language baihe fandom is surely in breach of anti-monopoly laws. Offer up your thanks at her Tumblr and Twitter!
At-a-glance list
Ye-Mu Season 2 (1 hr 20m total, 2023) - standalone
The Vampires (41m total, 2022)
Ye-Mu Season 1 (27m total, 2022) - standalone
The Lost World (1hr 5m total, 2023)
Short films - order corresponding to the pictures above:
A Tale of Yearning (5 mins, 2022)
"She Brought Colour Into My World" (2.5 mins, 2023)
"I'm Her Weapon" (3 mins, 2022)
Miss Shen and the Woman Warlord (6 mins, 2023)
Women's Script (5 mins, 2023)
The Caged Canary (5 mins, 2023)
The Beauty of the Law (6 mins, 2023)
Flowers Bloom; Flowers Wither (9 mins, 2022)
Commentary under the cut!
FYI, I've opted to link directly to the subtitled versions since they're probably more difficult to find than regular anime, TV series, movies etc. If a link is broken, please refer to Douqi's blog directly.
Important note for the uninitiated:
It’s a bit difficult to talk about canonicity in relation to live-action works made in the PRC, as things which would normally be used as evidence of canonicity all fall under the censorship regulations— explicit references to romantic relationships or queerness, declarations of love, kissing etc. are all off the table. So while these may not look canon in the most traditional sense, they are intended to be read as such and should certainly not be dismissed as queerbaiting or yuribait. Also, the creators can get very imaginative, so this is less of a problem than you may think – see the entries on Ye-Mu Season 2 and The Lost World in particular!
1. Ye-Mu Season 2 / 叶穆 2 (32 episodes / 1hr 20m total, 2023, dir. Zhang Zhiwei) - MyDramaList
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(Note: Despite the name, Ye-Mu Season 2 is completely unrelated to the first season; the only thing the two share is the cast, crew, and focus on Penthouse-style melodrama.)
Determined to take revenge for her mother's death, Xu Baiqing (Sheng Wei) marries a wealthy and much older businessman in the hope of finding evidence to put him behind bars. But first she must assuage the suspicions of his cheerily hostile second daughter, moody youngest son, and estranged eldest daughter (Ye-Mu Zhixia, played by Wang Laoji), the latter of whom Xu Baiqing dated in university and who is currently seething at the sight of her former girlfriend marrying her father...
If you want to get a sense of the potential breadth of Chinese GL webseries, this is a pretty good place to start. It does a decent job of matching the tone and presentation of a melodrama you might catch on TV (and in fact looks higher-budget than some I can think of), while committing to something that can’t be done on TV yet— namely, featuring an F/F exes-to-stepmother storyline and delivering on the drama inherent in such a premise. Of particular note is how the framing and behaviour of Ye-Mu Zhixia is very much consistent with that of a male romantic lead; thanks to some clever writing, it’s basically impossible to deny the nature of her relationship with the main character. They don’t even lean on the plausible deniability afforded by the label of “friendship”— in fact, in an early scene she is incensed when the protagonist refers to her as “[her] only friend”. There are a few caveats – the main character ends up in a lot of scrapes that her ex-girlfriend has to save her from, the reveals are often rather unsurprising, and the story shifts more to a mystery focus around halfway – but it’s still worth checking out if a Korean-style melodrama with an F/F take on a romantic storyline sounds appealing.
 (CW: violence, murder, attempted sexual assault)
Note: See The Lost World (below), from the same creative team, for an even more impressive example of Chinese GL pushing the limits of censorship.
Links: MEGA / Internet Archive (compilation)
2. The Vampires / 吸血鬼鬼盲盒 (7 episodes / 41m total, 2022, dir. Zhang Zhiwei) - MyDramaList
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(Note: Spoilers for the first 15 minutes or so, because otherwise the summary would be “They end up locked inside with the monsters on board”, which wouldn’t tell you much more than the title already does)
Every night, Tianyue (Ye Miao/夜喵) has been having dreams about the mysterious cruise ship docked at the pier. Convinced that there is treasure hidden inside, she and her exorcist-cultivator girlfriend Xiao Ling (Wei Miao/微渺) sneak on board only to find that they are trapped there until the sun comes up. Things don’t seem too bad at first: although they run into two vampires – the cute, cheeky Xingming (Yang Fuyu) and her elegant mistress Su Tanya (Sheng Wei) – they are able to call a truce, on the condition that the humans help search the ship for the latter’s beloved (Fu Cha, played by Wang Laoji). But when Fu Cha wakes up without her memories, it is clear that something is terribly wrong, and that the ship and its inhabitants harbour more secrets than expected.
For a webseries, The Vampires takes a while to get started— it’s a bit difficult to tell what kind of story or indeed what kind of tone it’s going for just based on the somewhat campy and comedic first section. But after that wobbly beginning, it manages to pull itself together to tell a compelling – and sometimes genuinely tense – tale about a motley band of humans and vampires, and the truths they have to face together. While the ending is no happily-ever-after, I found it satisfying and hopeful, and surprisingly affecting. Also, a bunch of the characters have real polyam energy, and this is reflected in the narrative beyond mere flirting!
(CW: abusive parents)
Links - MEGA / Internet Archive (compilation) / YouTube (compilation)
3. Ye-Mu Season 1 / 叶穆 (12 episodes / 27m total, 2022, dir. Zhang Zhiwei) - MyDramaList
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(Note: Ye-Mu Seasons 1 and 2 are standalone stories; each season is entirely self-contained and the second season is not a continuation of the first.)
The head of the Ye-Mu family has died, leaving the next generation to squabble over the inheritance. It's a web of secrets, lies, and hidden resentments, as the characters dig out old grievances and fresh accusations in a desperate attempt to one-up each other. They're tangled up together to an almost incestuous degree, and indeed, the F/F subtext here is the ambiguous relationship between eldest daughter Ye-Mu Nanzhu (Sheng Wei) and second daughter Ye-Mu Nanmo (Wang Laoji) (rest assured that they are at least not biologically related).
Those who prefer darker stories and don't mind the pseudo-incest or other content warnings will find a melodrama which makes good use of its short runtime to deliver on twists, turns, and an explosive - if tragic - conclusion. That being said, the story is about the family drama in general, so do note that while the relationship between Nanzhu and Nanmo is narratively important, it is not fleshed out in great detail and certainly not the focus of the series.
(CW: suicide, ableist trope (spoiler – disabled character turns out to have been faking it), ableist language)
Links - MEGA / Internet Archive (compilation)
4. The Lost World / 夏夜知道风的甜 (1hr 5m total, 2023, dir. Zhang Zhiwei) - MyDramaList
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(Note: Spoilers for the purpose of flagging triggering content, as it’s particularly easy to trip into for this show. Also, some vague spoilers for later episodes in order to highlight in order to highlight the themes etc.)
This webseries feels like two shows smushed into one: apart from the very beginning, the first half is a gritty, bullying-focused take on university life, while the second is a true-blue romantic comedy (aside from one blip – see the note below for details). But even if you’re wary of the bullying, I would still recommend watching the back half – which is basically standalone – as it’s a very funny and heartfelt story about two childhood friends finally getting their act together. Without further ado, here’s two blurbs!
From episode 1 onwards: After saving a classmate from the class bully, popular college student Xia Huaichu (Yang Fuyu) is subjected to a lengthy harassment campaign by the latter. She is suddenly faced with having to protect her reputation in the face of false allegations and fake nudes– despite the fact that all she wants to do is focus on reconciling with another classmate, a high school best friend whom she had previously lost touch with (Mu Qingfeng, played by Wang Laoji). From episode 14 onwards: Childhood friends Xia Huaichu (Yang Fuyu) and Mu Qingfeng (Wang Laoji) are caught in a weird gay purgatory where each has feelings for the other, and suspects that the other has feelings for them too. But both are exceedingly stubborn and want the other one to take the initiative in confessing, leading to ridiculous displays of I-don’t-care-isms and lots and lots of UST. (Does anybody use that term anymore??)
As you may have guessed, I’m not too keen on the first part of this show, nor the decidedly unnecessary attempted rape segment, though that’s partly on me for not checking the content warnings beforehand. And yet I’m very glad to have stuck with it, because the second half is not only hilarious, but also a masterclass in censorship-dodging that needs to be seen to be believed. Not just in terms of the suggestive scenes, of which there are many, either— the story is literally about two women starting a relationship and having to reckon with parental disapproval, homophobia, and other obstacles which platonic friends wouldn’t have to deal with. I honestly don’t know how this ever got approved, and can only applaud. Bravo.
Note: For those who want to avoid the triggering content, I’d recommend starting at episode 14, but make sure to skip episodes 19 and 20 as there is a foiled rape attempt.
(CW for entire series: bullying (incl. violence, fake nudes), sexual harassment, attempted sexual assault, fatphobic language, homophobia
CW for episodes 14-24: attempted sexual assault in episodes 19-20, homophobia)
Links - MEGA / Dropbox
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Quick note: Click on the English titles for the subtitled versions, and the Chinese titles (which are really just the video titles) for the originals. And yes, although the majority of these are shampoo commercials, they really do hold up as short films in their own right. Give them a try, you might be surprised!
A Tale of Yearning / 一见误终生,不见终生误 (5 mins, 2022, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – A bittersweet story about a literature-minded young woman (Sheng Wei) and a Chinese opera performer (Ai Ye) who bond over their love of fiction, only to be torn apart by harsh reality. Tragic ending, but I liked the more literary turn of the dialogue. Shampoo ad. (CW: homophobia)
“She Brought Colour Into My World” / “她走后,我的世界又失去了颜色” (2.5 mins, 2023, dir. Zou Hui Qu Le/走回去了) – A very restrained short film (actually, more like a music video) set during the late Qing era, wherein a sheltered young woman (Xiao Yu Za/小宇咂) falls for her female neighbour, recently returned from studying abroad (Sheng Wei). Lovely use of music and visuals to create a dreamlike atmosphere. Tragic ending. Not a shampoo ad.
“I’m Her Weapon” / 我是你手里的一把刀 (3 mins, 2022, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – A moody, interior piece about an assassin (Ai Ye) who yearns for some sign of affection from her handler (Sheng Wei), only to be left devastated by her new assignment. Surprisingly not a shampoo ad.
Miss Shen and the Woman Warlord / 我们是孤独行走的钟,但也要做敲响希望的钟 (6 mins, 2023, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – I’d like to describe this as being inspired by the story of Mai Jia’s novel The Message and the aesthetics of Kawashima Yoshiko (1990), but most Tumblr users would probably find those references deeply unhelpful. Basically, a female spy (Sheng Wei) disguises herself as a male soldier and infiltrates the mansion of a Republican warlord. There, she meets the warlord’s daughter (Ai Ye), who quickly realises that there is more to the promising young officer than meets the eye. Shampoo ad.
Women’s Script / 纵使“科考”无女子,无碍红袖书香,星辰有光 (5 mins, 2023, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – While sailing down a river, a girl (Zhi Chun He/至春禾) catches sight of a woman writing poetry on the riverbank (Sheng Wei), and is fascinated by both her beauty and her flaunting of the rules against women’s literacy. Shampoo ad. (CW: domestic violence)
The Caged Canary / 如果这是一场骗局,那我也只愿意输给你 (5 mins, 2023, dir. Liu Yun Rui/流云蕊) – The protagonist (Ai Ye) is sent by her parents to beguile a wealthy young man into marriage, but ends up developing feelings for his modern-woman sister (Sheng Wei) instead. Shampoo ad. (CW: attempted sexual assault)
Flowers Bloom; Flowers Wither / 她们一个被铁链禁锢,一个被男装���缚,直到救赎彼此 (9 mins, 2022, dir. Qian Li Min/千里明) – Takes the romance between a cross-dressing noblewoman (Du Ruo/杜若) and her supposedly-mad stepmother (Rou Lian Cheng/肉脸橙) to tell a story about the restrictions placed on women in historical times, and how resistance, even when futile, can still have meaning. Tragic ending, obviously. Not a shampoo ad. (CW: domestic violence, misogyny, accidental misgendering, gender dysphoria)
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hils79 · 1 day
Top 5 characters game
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
Thanks for the tag @kholran
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Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS) vs. Lemony Snicket (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
For tie sweeps, im giving each match up a 0.2% margin. Additionally, you have to convince me that these two character have something in common besides being unreliable goofiers
Propaganda is very much encouraged :]
Please be nice to each other :( At the end of the day, this is a silly internet bracket with way too many obscure characters to count. remember to touch grass everyone
Polls from round 1-3 will be one day! From there, all polls will be a week, including the finals
The winner of the loser's bracket will go against the winner of the winner's bracket and that winner will be declared the most unreliable
There will be no propaganda on the polls. However I will still reblog art + propaganda in reblogs
There will be new characters so that the bracket is complete. These characters are highlighted in bold.
Main tag (with polls) will be #unreliable narrator battle
List of all characters below (+their match ups and brackets!)
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Semi Finals
Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS) vs. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon (books)) 
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs. Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby)
Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS) vs. John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
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Round 1
Yoo Joonghyuk (ORV) vs. Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) 
Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files Nirvana) vs. The Narrator of Fight Club (Fight Club) 
Lee Hakhyun (ORV; Side stories) vs. Wei Wuxian (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) 
Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3) vs. Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan (Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System) 
Cale Henituse (Trash of the Counts Family) vs. Apollo/Lester Papdopoulos (Trials of Apollo)
Noé Archiviste (Vanitas no Carte) vs. Beatrice (Umineko)  
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows) vs. Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson & the Olympians) 
Ted (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream) vs. Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) 
Phone Guy (FNAF) vs. Mima Kirigoe (Perfect Blue) 
Every Fic Writer (Real Life) vs. Submitter (Submitter’s life) 
Amanda (Amanda the Adventurer) vs. Sunny (Omori) 
Edith Finch (What Remains of Edith Finch) vs. The Batter (OFF) 
Cersei Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire) vs. Coriolanus Snow (Hunger Games)
Dr. James Sheppard (The Murder of Roger Ackroyd) vs. Singer of The Main Character (The Main Character) 
Odysseus (Odyssey) vs. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) 
Louis De Pointe Du Lac (Interview with the Vampire) vs. Narrator of Jane the Virgin (Jane the Virgin) 
round 2
Yoo Joonghyuk (ORV) vs. Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files Nirvana)
Lee Hakhyun (ORV; Side stories) vs. Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan (Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System) 
Apollo/Lester Papdopoulos (Trials of Apollo) vs. Beatrice (Umineko)  
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson & the Olympians) vs. Ted (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream)
Phone Guy (FNAF) vs. Every Fic Writer (Real Life)
Sunny (Omori) vs. The Batter (OFF) 
Coriolanus Snow (Hunger Games) vs. Singer of The Main Character (The Main Character) 
Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) vs. Louis De Pointe Du Lac (Interview with the Vampire)
Round 3
Yoo Joonghyuk (ORV) vs. Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan (Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System) 
Beatrice (Umineko) vs. Ted (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream)
Every Fic Writer (Real Life) vs. The Batter (OFF) 
Singer of The Main Character (The Main Character) vs. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) 
Round 4
Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan (Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System)  vs. Beatrice (Umineko)
Every Fic Writer (Real Life) vs. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) 
Round 5
Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan (Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System)  vs. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) 
Round 1
Alctraz Smedry (Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians) vs. Christopher (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) 
Benjamin Brynn (Before Your Eyes) vs. Charles Kinbote (Pale Fire) 
Neil Josten (All for the Game) vs. The Maid (The House in Fata Morgana) 
Grisia Sun (The Legend of Sun Knight) vs. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon (books)) 
Kvothe (The Kingkiller Chronicle) vs. Margot Garcia/Gottiewriters (An Unauthorized Fan Treatise) 
Tobias (Animorphs) vs. Brooke Page (Ever After High) 
The Biologist (Annihilation) vs. Varric Tethras (Dragon Age) 
The Narrators (Ever After High) vs. Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) 
Mysterious Man (Into the Woods) vs. Briony Tallis (Atonement) 
Simon Snow (Carry On) vs. Marco (Animorphs) 
Nishijou Takumi (Chaos;Head) vs. Jason Todd (Dc Comics/Batman) 
Ulysses (Fallout;New Vegas) vs. Montresor (Cask of Amontillado) 
Yukio Okumura (Ao no exorcist) vs. Rue Bennet (Euphoria)
Goob (Meet the Robinsons) vs. Humbert Humbert (Lolita) 
Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu) vs. Haruaki Fusaishi (Raging Loop) 
Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) vs. Joker (Joker) 
Round 2
Christopher (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) vs. Benjamin Brynn (Before Your Eyes)
Neil Josten (All for the Game) vs. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon (books)) 
Kvothe (The Kingkiller Chronicle) vs. Brooke Page (Ever After High) 
Varric Tethras (Dragon Age) vs. Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) 
Mysterious Man (Into the Woods) vs. Marco (Animorphs) 
Jason Todd (Dc Comics/Batman) vs. Montresor (Cask of Amontillado) 
Yukio Okumura (Ao no exorcist) vs. Goob (Meet the Robinsons)
Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu) vs. Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Round 3
Christopher (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) vs. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon (books)) 
Brooke Page (Ever After High) vs. Varric Tethras (Dragon Age) 
Marco (Animorphs) vs. Jason Todd (Dc Comics/Batman) 
Goob (Meet the Robinsons) vs. Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Round 4
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon (books)) vs. Brooke Page (Ever After High) 
Jason Todd (Dc Comics/Batman) vs. Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Round 5
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon (books)) vs. Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Round 1
Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit) vs. Kuzco (The Emperor’s New Groove) 
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) vs. The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) 
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club) 
Patroclus (Song of Achiles) vs. Dean Winchester (Supernatural)  
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs. Edie (What Remains of Edith Finch) 
Leshy (Inscryption) vs. Daniil Dankovsky (Pathologic) 
Jeramie Brasirie/Jeremy Brasirie (Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger) vs. Jude Duarte (Cruel Prince)��
Nelly Lockwood (Wuthering Heights) vs. Taylor Herbert (Worm) 
Rachel (The Girl on the Train) vs. Dr. Malcolm Crowe (The Sixth Sense)
Grace Marks (Alias Grace) vs. Guy Pearce (Memento) 
Yoo Jongwoo (Strangers From Hell) vs. Prince Huai (The Imperial Uncle) 
Nadeko Sengoku (Monogatari Series) vs. Odokawa (Odd Taxi) 
Rashomon Cast (Rashomon) vs. Narrator of Death in the Woods (Death in the Woods) 
The Narrator of Slay the Princess (Slay the Princess) vs. Lloyd Allen (Shaperaverse) 
Dr. Money (Presentable LIberty) vs. Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight) 
Jane (The Yellow Wallpaper) vs. Squealer (Animal Farm) 
Round 2
Kuzco (The Emperor’s New Groove) vs. Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs. Patroclus (Song of Achiles)
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs. Daniil Dankovsky (Pathologic) 
Jeramie Brasirie/Jeremy Brasirie (Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger) vs. Nelly Lockwood (Wuthering Heights)
Dr. Malcolm Crowe (The Sixth Sense) vs. Guy Pearce (Memento) 
Yoo Jongwoo (Strangers From Hell) vs. Odokawa (Odd Taxi) 
Rashomon Cast (Rashomon) vs. The Narrator of Slay the Princess (Slay the Princess)
Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight) vs. Jane (The Yellow Wallpaper)
Round 3
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) vs. Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs. Jeramie Brasirie/Jeremy Brasirie (Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger)
Dr. Malcolm Crowe (The Sixth Sense) vs. Odokawa (Odd Taxi) 
The Narrator of Slay the Princess (Slay the Princess) vs. Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight)
Round 4
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs. John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Dr. Malcolm Crowe (The Sixth Sense) vs. The Narrator of Slay the Princess (Slay the Princess)
Round 5
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs. The Narrator of Slay the Princess (Slay the Princess)
Round 1
Holden Caulfield (Catcher in the Rye) vs. Scout (To Kill a Mockingbird) 
Alex (A Clockwork Orange) vs. Guy Montag (Fahrenheit 451) 
Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby) vs. Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) 
Alex Eggleston (YIIK: A Postmodern RPG) vs. Joe Goldberg (YOU) 
Chief Bromden (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) vs. The Mother (Pumpkin Eater) 
Theo Decker (The Goldfinch) vs. Pi (The Life of Pi) 
Amy Dune (Gone Girl) vs. Josh Newman (The Secrets of the Immortal NIcholas Flamel (SINF)) 
Kukuide Kei (Ultraman Geed) vs. Darkstalker (Wings of Fire) 
Tsurugi Kamishiro (Kameh Rider Kabuto) vs. Vanora (Vincent; The Secret of Myers (VTSOM)) 
Gareth (Philadephia Here I Come) vs. Rune Saint John (The Tarot Sequence) 
Keyser Soze (The Usual Suspects) vs. Jane North-Robinson (Horrid) 
Ben (The Sin Eaters Confession) vs. Mars (The Honeys) 
Lacey (Lacey’s Diner) vs. Katrina Kim (Liar Dreamer Thief) 
Charlie Gordon (Flowersfor Algernon) vs. The Narrator of Greater Boston (Greater Boston) 
Italo Calvino (If on a Winter’s Night, a Traveler) vs. Ted (How I met your Mother) 
Claudia (Monday’s Not Coming) vs. Rosie Amo/Agent Red (The Admistration Podcast) 
Round 2
Scout (To Kill a Mockingbird) vs. Alex (A Clockwork Orange)
Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) vs. Joe Goldberg (YOU) 
Chief Bromden (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) vs. Pi (The Life of Pi) 
Amy Dune (Gone Girl) vs. Darkstalker (Wings of Fire) 
Vanora (Vincent; The Secret of Myers (VTSOM)) vs. Rune Saint John (The Tarot Sequence) 
Jane North-Robinson (Horrid) vs. Ben (The Sin Eaters Confession)
Lacey (Lacey’s Diner) vs. Charlie Gordon (Flowersfor Algernon)
Ted (How I met your Mother) vs. Rosie Amo/Agent Red (The Admistration Podcast) 
Round 3
Scout (To Kill a Mockingbird) vs. Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) 
Pi (The Life of Pi) vs. Amy Dune (Gone Girl)
Vanora (Vincent; The Secret of Myers (VTSOM)) vs. Ben (The Sin Eaters Confession)
Lacey (Lacey’s Diner) vs. Ted (How I met your Mother) 
Round 4
Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) vs. Amy Dune (Gone Girl)
Vanora (Vincent; The Secret of Myers (VTSOM)) vs. Ted (How I met your Mother) 
Round 5
Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) vs. Ted (How I met your Mother) 
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teardew · 5 months
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im gonna try to post sketchbook pgs every sunday n_____n other than that iv posted 2 process gifs of older art since the 1st post
also aiming to wrap up this round of commissions this week and slots will be posted to claim on patreon first ... after the next batch im raising my prices because uhm i take 500 yrs to draw and my wrists will fall off for real at the rate im going lmao
this weeks post is 10 pages of older unposted art and newer sketches btwn coms containing
a vampire oc from 2021
full art of alex ying wei com + background
shen qiao redraw of official art
second pass at a terezi commission
a shang qinghua from 2022
a figure study of shang qinghua fanning himself
another shang qinghua figure study
2 shang qinghua face explorations
moshang doodle
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skeptical-lynx · 2 years
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Zhao Yunlan and tiny Bat Wei
Vampire AU
I’ve been swept away with the vampire thematic for this halloween season. Yesterday my mutual proposed a cute idea of vampire Shen Wei’s bat form in tiny glasses and I couldn’t resist drawing it 🦇
Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei are both vampires in this AU. Shen Wei just enjoys hanging around Yunlan in the small bat form
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dandelionfairywish · 2 months
Snowfall theory part 1
ep 2- 3 spoilers
originally I thought that Situ Wei Lian was Shen Zhi Heng brother but he said that they knew each other for 3 years pluse in ep 1 at star we get a flash back to when the ml was a toddler so i ther brother must be older im now unsue.
I've got a feeling that the the servant is a part of the mind control vampire family because of what that one guy said about seeing a ghost
have you got any theory's .
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candysweetposts · 2 years
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It's here! Allow me to introduce you to Shen and Catherine. They are Alice's grandparents from the mother's side. I talked about them separately in this and this post, but to sum up: she was a princess who eventually became the queen and he was a traveler who decides to stay because he liked her.
Here's what happened that day:
Catherine wanted everything to be perfect so she had to be very involved with all from the location, to decoration, to her dress and also Shen's costume.
About Shen's costume. He was extremely uncomfortable in it. He was used to wearing clothes where he could move freely and this tight-ass pin-pointed costume wasn't for him and he only wore something like that at his grandkids' school gathering. (it's actually a very interesting story)
At the wedding, there were guests from all around the world including lords like the vampire lord (Vlad), the dragons' lord (Olrinlor), and even the all-mighty kitsune lord himself (Ryuu). Unfortunately, Shen's brother (Wei) didn't come, but his best (Tao) friend was.
Because at that time, they didn't have cameras, they had to pose for the painting (that happened way before the wedding). Ironically, nobody knows where that painting is now.
The ceremony+party took some time (2 and a half days to be exact) because Catherine likes to party and had to form new connections and brag and dance, etc.
Unfortunately no, and I mean NO celestial being went to the wedding because they felt like something bad was about to happen but it didn't... at least not at the wedding.
But after all, everyone had a great time, Shen also got to meet new people and feel happy in general. He got to marry the woman he loved (which was very rare at the time since all the weddings were planned by parents who wanted to form alliances with more or equally powerful people).
And yes, the wedding was expensive as heck. They had a very big cake with cherries dressed in gold. There were some famous musicians, a big orchestrate with acrobats and dancers. Others include: 110 white unicorns and 88 peacocks, wedding bands made by the purest light (this means that most of the time, the rings were invisible bc...you know, but when they wanted, the rings would be this glowing energy around their fingers), 12 faires, all with different blessings, 1 million flower petals and last, but not least, a future reading (there were extremely rare at that time)
The groom and bride dance was actually nice. Both had to take some serious dance lessons before, especially Shen. It was your standard waltz since it was very easy to learn.
Yes, they did "consume their marriage" afterwords.
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moonwaif · 6 months
Thanks @mathclasswarfare for tagging me!!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Here's mine:
After his first ascension, Xie Lian assumed his life would be devoted to the heavens.
Dianxia's Adventures in Modern Dating
Shen Qingqiu is used to dealing with the remnants of Bing-ge’s original harem.
More Trials, More Tribulations: Spring Comes to Xian Shu Peak
Wei Wuxian’s knees are going numb when the door to the Lan manor opens.
Out of Key
Have you heard of the prince who was born with an irregular soul mark?
You're Finally Here
As far back as he can remember, Lan Wangji has spent his summer vacations at the Lan Yi Sanctuary and Rehabilitation Center for Spiritual Aquatic Life.
Catch and Release
During the several decades Shen Yuan had been a vampire, he had largely avoided feeding on humans.
The Way To His Heart (Is All In The Veins)
“The elders think I should take a wife.”
The trip had been a fiasco from the start.
Oh You Beautiful Doll
It starts like this.
Stay Awhile
“Look,” Wei Wuxian says, “I know what you are.”
Tagging @myasphodelmeadow @spookykingdomstarlight @voulezvulcan
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mejomonster · 1 year
Okay so 1 I love how intense shen wei is. He's like "I have followed you and learned everything about you and I KNOW I shouldn't be near you but I want to caress your beautiful face it will warm my ice cold flesh" (how vampire of you babe) "and despite the lies I desperate yearn to just tell you you're the reason" oh shen weiiiii
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Meanwhile Zhao yunlan, really, should have SOME clue of his reincarnations I swear to fuck. Why? Cause if he went to pretty much any psychic, medium, tarot reader, or even a therapist... they'd point out fairly quickly "um sir? Why do you have like an absolutely irrationally large hatred for cycles? Every time someone mentions a circle you start raving about how endless cycles are fucking awful messed uo things. I asked if you'd like to live a different life And you just went OFF about how when we die we forget who we are and everything is LOST and what the fuck is the POINT if it's all gone... so I guess upside you're probably not a suicide risk since you're so anti dying but like? Why do you even believe in reincarnation, sir, if it makes you THIS pissed off?"
Zhao yunlan: "because it's fucked up! It's absolutely fucked okay?! You croak, and fuck everything you love and care about cause you don't even have your memories, and shit out of luck for them because they're remembering a bitch who you are NOT anymore and can never even be again like. What the FUCK. What the fuckkkkkkk. Its stupid. Absolutely beyond stupid. I mean figures right, ghosts hurting people is stupid and fucking annoying too, but that's the world right. So go figure the whole life death process is all stupid too."
"Um sir. Did you just say ghosts exist? Wanna.. talk about that?"
Zhao yunlan: "-.- not particularly" (currently seeing like 5 potential ghosts he wasn't sure if they were just other customers/patients, since he's seen dumb dead people his whole life. At least those fuckinf ghosts still maybe REMEMBER something and are still A LITTLE BIT THEMSELVES)
"Um sir. You said that aloud? The thing about ghosts remembering...??"
Zhao yunlan, shit eating smile: "no. I didn't. I didn't say anything." (Gaslight gatekeep girlboss) "oh LOOK at the time, i gotta go, I'm a workaholic you know! Bye~~"
"Wait! Uh. Sir... oh I hope he calls back for another visit mm..."
Zhao yunlans brain the second he remembers his WATCH is ROUND and life and death are CYCLES so anyway reincarnation is killing its a fucking piece of shit I'm going off on the next fucking government supervisor about my reincarnation Thoughts when they bother me. Win win, I vent, they don't get a word in edgewise to critique me.
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Anyway my point is just. You'd think ANYONE he'd talk to who believes in past lives would be like "hey? Zhao yunlan? Have you considered maybe in your past life you REALLY wanted to remember or hold onto something and lost it and you were SO angry about it you manage to still be that angry now?"
And he'd completely miss the point made. He'd just jump right over it and be like "who cares who I WAS. This is me NOW, Zhao yunlan! And fuck any thing in the universe that thinks I'm letting THIS ME go. Fuck that. When I die, a long time from now (better be), I'm not forgetting SHIT mark my fucking words." (I'm gonna be a fucking lingering ghost with that attitude huh... oh no da qings gonna Claw me again -.- bastard)
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sscarletvenus · 4 months
top five fictional characters of all time?
OF ALL TIME??? I NEED TO LOCK IN AND THINK... off the top of my head :
1) daenerys targaryen from game of thrones
2) geto suguru from jujutsu kaisen (close tie : wei wuxian from mo dao zu shi)
3) chi you from 这该死的求生欲(this damned thirst for survival) and seo moonjo from strangers from hell
4) jake kim from lookism (close tie : louis de pointe du lac from interview with the vampire)
5) shen lanzhou from qiang jin jiu (close tie : chu wanning from 2ha)
REALLY REALLY ALSO WANTED TO ADD NANGONG JINGNU from jwqs/ clear and muddy loss of love, SEORAE from decision to leave, LEE DONGSIK from beyond evil
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kakushigo · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Tagged by @merinnan
3 Ships You Like: Weilan (Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan), KaiShin (Kuroba Kaito/Kudou Shinichi), Joosik (Han Joowon/Lee Dongsik)
First Ship Ever: I'm not sure. Either Sonoko/Ran (from Detective Conan) or Hiei/Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho
Last Song You Heard: You're the Inspiration by Chicago
Favourite Childhood Book: Eragon by Christopher Paolini
Currently Reading: Omniscient Reader Viewpoint & Snuff
Currently watching: Just finished Next in Fashion
Currently consuming: Just had a tootsie roll
Currently craving: No cramps and enough money to live on
And there's a 'tag someone else' component to this, but I'm like a vampire. I need invited to tag people, which defeats the whole purpose
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rp-partnerfinder · 5 months
Hi, I’m Gryph! I’m 34 and am looking for rp partners 20 or older. I’m in Pacific Time Zone (GMT -8). I’m available pretty regularly; I try to reply at least once a day if not more. I’m not picky about reply length, though I do like to keep things moving if possible. I love world-building with my rp partners, so don’t be shy about suggesting things! I mainly rp via Discord, though I’m happy to do it through email as well. Feel free to DM me here on Tumblr, as that’s the easiest way for me to get back to you.Fandoms
-Scum Villain Self-Saving System
Pairings (Preferred roles in bold) :
Moshang- Mobei-jun/Shang QinghuaScumplane - Original Shen Qingqiu/Shang QinghuaCumplane - Shen Yuan/Shang Qinghua
-MDZS/The UntamedPairings (Preferred roles in bold) :Wangxian - Wei Wuxian/Lan WangjiNieyao - Nie Mingjue/Meng Yao3zun - Nie Mingjue/Lan Xichen/Meng Yao
-SupernaturalPairings (Preferred roles in bold) :Sabriel - Sam/GabrielOC/OC
-Omegaverse elements are more than fine. I have several prompts that can work.Preferred ‘verses/genres:-Fantasy Arranged Marriage-Fantasy royalty/nobility-Fantasy world in general-Mob/Organized Crime-Urban Fantasy-Vampires-Shapeshifters (doesn’t have to be just werewolves)Hard Nos: Wasteplay, partner abuse/infidelity, child abuse, permanent injuries
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