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princeysanders · 5 months ago
he wasn't having anyone's bs
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where-are-the-spooky-gays-2 · 6 months ago
(Virg and vamp bf)
I know exactly what tweet you're talking about and Y E S!!! Let Vee be the Bella to Ree's Edward (P L E A S E no one take that seriously /light hearted)
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buglaur · 2 years ago
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romansbookshelfofelves · 11 months ago
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the-duke-of-nuts · 2 years ago
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Day 4 : Pirates @dukexietyweek
Just a Pirate Captain and his Vampire Boyfriend nothing strange about it
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italian-lit-tournament · 4 months ago
Italian literature tournament - Third round.
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Propaganda in support of the authors is accepted, you can write it both in the tag if reblog the poll (explaining maybe that is propaganda and you want to see posted) or in the comments. Every few days it will be recollected and posted here under the cut.
First, propaganda for Ludovico Ariosto, then for Guido Cavalcanti. The quantity of material will be colossal, so just scroll down for more.
For the Ludovico Ariosto stans:
by @larmegliamori
The opposing party has brought on the big guns, I see: us Ariosto girlies, gays and they must bare our teeth and ambitions.
So, here's my two cent on why you should vote Ludovico Ariosto!
Extreme relatability: Deeply entrenched into the politics of his time (as the firstborn of ten children, of which one was disabled and other five were women), but at the same time just wanting to stay home to live of his poetry? Dare I say iconic. Perfect representation of us literature kids.
He actually managed to marry his muse, Alessandra Benucci, and did it respectfully!
Working various jobs for patron(s) he didn't particularly like? Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Not to mention his most widely known work, the poem "Orlando Furioso" (The rage of Roland), has all the goos stuff us modern audiences would like! It features:
A wide, diverse cast, spanning from Ireland to India, stretching probably to the (by then) newly discovered Americas;
Fantasy elements: faeries, sorcerers, giants, orcs, the first modern iteration of the hippogryph and even a fantastical voyage to the Moon!
Citations and references galore: from Virgil to Ovid, from old chansons de geste to Boccaccio!
Proto-feminism and gender studies: Ariosto's female characters, although often very feminine, are actively involved in their story arcs. The poem also features two warrior women, Bradamante and Marfisa, the former of which is the protagonist of her own subplot. Said subplot heavily relies on gender, may it be appearances or not. And let's not forget the famous tirade at beginning of the fifth canto, where the author berates femicide! If you're willing to open your heart to his writing, Ludovico Ariosto reveals himself to be a compelling, layered, modern author, and yet there's a levity to his writing that works like a balm. Vote for Ludovico Ariosto (even if only for the memes)!
I'd also like to add that Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, in the 70s, got a theatrical AND television adaptation that was too campy for its own good.
It featured, amongst other things:
- 1500s inspired costuming (it sure was... A choice but I'm not complaining)
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- Mechanic horses (that literally ran on rails) and hippogryph:
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- Olympia of Holland, one of the most tragic characters in all the poem, as a vamp (slay):
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(Posing with Orlando/Roland in on the left, with her lover Bireno on the right)
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The television adaptation was partly shot in the famous Baths of Caracalla, in Rome. If you want to witness this masterpiece yourself, it's on YouTube! In two parts.
Remember to always stan Zio Ludo, and vote for him! ✨
Hello everyone! For today's Ariosto Propaganda Piece, I'd like to talk about the Satire.
Those seven pieces written in terzina dantesca (because our boy Ludo knew how to pick his role models) are an interesting insight about early 1500s society and Ariosto's character and private life. They all start from an actual event in his life and enlarge towards society as a whole, often with a critical eye towards it.
The first one, destined to his brother Alessandro and a friend, starts these absolutely iconic lines:
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[Quick translation: Ruggiero, if you make me so ungrateful in the eyes of your descendants, and it bears me no advantage to have sung your worth and your mighty deeds, why should I stay here, since I don't know how to cut huns on a fork, nor how to hunt games with hawks or dogs?]
A bit of context: Ariosto's first patron, bishop Ippolito d'Este, had to move from Italy to Hungary and wanted all his court to follow him. Ariosto refused because of health and family matters, and he was threatened with the loss of all the benefits he had previously granted him. Note that Ariosto was basically a kind of personal secretary to Ippolito, carrying out different important missions for him, and even risked his life a couple times to carry them out. So it's understandable he feels disappointed at his patron's reaction... and that's why, in this more "private" writings, he complains with Ippolito's ancestor, the hero Ruggiero he had extensively wrote about in his main poem.
Honestly, a genius move. Not something you see often in poetry, is it? Another reason why you need to vote for this man ;)
For the Guido Cavalcanti stans:
Propaganda in favor of Guido Cavalcanti by @eresia-catara
May I add further propaganda for Guido: He's a noble, he disdains aristocrats, he was Florence's number one Server of Cunt, he was the city's faggot, he was heretical, he went on a random pilgrimage but interrupted it and managed to be buried in a church anyway, he had an archenemy who sent some men to murder him on said pilgrimage, he came back and tried to murder him back in plain daylight, he gave zero fucks about politics, he got exiled because he was considered a menace for the city. He SAW DANTE's poetical talent, encouraged it, shaped it, and through him the whole of italian literature. Think about it. Also they became besties until they evolved to a tormented psychosexual haunting dynamic (see break-up poem) where Dante himself actually exiled him. In the 13th century his poetry anticipates so many of the literary themes of the XXth century, going from fragmentation of the self (his is basically vivisection and dispersion of his parts), to dissociation from one's own mind and body, lack of identity, irony, desecration, his poetry is full of schizophrenic-like hallucinations, reading them is truly a trip, and yet his language is profoundly meoldic and sweet. And there's also gender-fuckery. and theater, of course, because his poems develop like a scene from a theater (adding layers to the dissociation). So really he has it all guys.
The thing is, Ariosto feels very contemporary but Guido is the og relativist and unreliable narrator. His poetry offers NO truth whatsoever you only have a sequence of schizophrenic hallucinations and what he describes only seems like it's real but who knows, the narrator is dead, how can he even speak or if he's alive he's not because he has dissociated himself from his body and is only coldly contemplating his own murder. He's not reliable because he has lost his reason, his soul has crubled into pieces and each piece has fled his body. Also he hears voices, and feels a sadistic presence in his mind in the form of a woman watching him die. This man was too ahead of his time, he was too dramatic, too eccentric, but also too acute and sensible, he must have looked deranged and we love him for it. and deserves to be voted!
Guido Cavalcanti propaganda by @girldante
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in conclusione
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you can find my old propaganda here, but listen, while i do respect zio ludo's rizz, a vote for guido cavalcanti is a vote for gender roles reversal, death-life liminality, medieval atheism, antisocial freaks obsessed with philosphy who imagine their pens are talking to people about their owner's suffering (what is wrong with him), eye carving enjoyers (what the FUCK is wrong with him), sons who are sacrifical lambs, people who have long swinging necks like geese (allegedly???), and gay breakups involving dante alighieri. and also, well, I don't recall ariosto wearing a miku binder. twice.
in conclusion
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Guido Cavalcanti propaganda by @apis-vergilii
Here’s my Guido propaganda: @girldante and @eresia-catara have already covered the poetry reasons, and I’m here to get metatextual about the whole thing.
Simply put, this is the Weird Niche Hellsite, and Guido is the Weird Niche Hellcandidate.
We live in an era of the cynical enshittification of the internet. In a sickened sea of dying social platforms, AI slop, and every last pixel being for sale, THIS is still the webbed site where a bunch of strangers can rediscover a lesser-known medieval poet in all his angsty, gothy glory, abandon all pretense of ironic detachment or mature indifference and go absolutely apeshit over his life and work, breathlessly and deliriously creating everything from exhaustively researched essays with footnotes, to anime fan art and inexplicable photoshops. This is the place where Goncharov happened. This is the place where we stole the president’s shoelaces. This is the place where a heretical medieval Tuscan stilnovista got himself a full-on Fandom, and we are all so much the better/worse for it.
So vote for the spirit of the old internet in all its dorky glory. Vote for the joy of learning things for fun and not for school. Vote for the bizarre Florentine emo goth. A vote for Guido Cavalcanti…is a vote for all of us.
if all else fails to convince you, well, i don't recall ariosto having an historical fantasy saga centered around him where he gains clairvoyance and gets increasingly more and more manipulated by the manifestation of his generational trauma. also he gets out of his body to have epic fights with spiritual creatures.
this should be a testimony to how his cuntserving echoed through time
Propaganda by @girldante and @eresia-catara that I guess should be read together:
well. seeing as we're on topic. Was Ariosto ever described as having
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les bras d'Hercule avec des mains de nymphe by a 19th century french story? It is not made up guys, he served androgynous cunt so hard it didn't go unnoticed. Guido simply suggests fluidity.
Like. Arms like Hercules and hands like a nymph.
And Lorenzo il Magnifico also Fangirled over him in a letter to the Federico of Aragon
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he (Lorenzo il Magnifico!!) was simply begging him to read his poems, and that's because they are absolutely eatable in all their irreverent, elegant, goth glory.
Finally, Boccaccio wrote about him in his Decameron (VI,9) and, truly, can you say no to him:
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this little ballerina? look at how sad he looks!
would you look at that! Guido Cavalcanti propaganda is publicly sponsored by thee Lorenzo De' Medici himself!!!
as for the last bit, Boccaccio's novella from Decameron, where Guido calls out a bunch of idiots through a riddle that said idiots will take a bunch of time to understand and then proceeds to abandon them jumping over a grave, was cited by thee Italo Calvino in his Lezioni Americane as an example of his conception of lightness, as in the ability to lift oneself over the heaviness of the world.
In conclusion: Guido Cavalcanti is literally your fave's fave.
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brandstifter-sys · 6 months ago
Vamp Remus x human Virgil because Thomas confirmed Remus sleeps in a coffin in a tweet
Virgil was unhealthily obsessed with vampires (not to a weird annoying extent ofc but he loved them) then he met a weird vampire and was fascinated lol. That vampire was Remus. The vampire was weird asf but Virgil didn’t mind as first. Virgil was excited to have a vampire friend
But the vampire was already head over heels in love lol. He gave off the human hints of his affection but the human never gave in or noticed.
Virgil=21 year old college student
Remus= been alive since 18th century
Roman is in this au but it’s logince lol. He and Virgil are besties.
Remus lives in a castle with Roman. Their parents abandoned them when Roman and Remus were teens and left for a better life. (Roman is bitter about it but Remus doesn’t care)
The twins are close but Remus annoys Roman and Roman wants Remus to be more empathetic and more humane.
Roman is number dukexiety shipper cuz he’s never seen his brother like this before lol.
This is where I'd insert a joke about emo kids being mistaken for vampires if I had one
You know Remus would immediately latch onto this weird human gremlin. Unfortunately for him, courting in the 18th century is very different from modern dating, so of course Virgil doesn't catch on at first
And of course Remus would be just as oblivious if Virgil had the guts to flirt with him. The pure frustration building between the pair would drive Roman absolutely insane. How can his OTP be so dense?? This is why he's single. im gonna go ahead and willingly ignore that part of the ask before the ick hits
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atm-sctey · 1 month ago
Sanctuary Electrons/Sanctuary building
This is gonna be a VERY long post, so just... watch out... (not adding Beau, Alix, or Euclid as they have their own other post. Plus, they're long terms. Everyone listed has been in the sanctuary less than 7 years.)
Esme (She/Honk): A veteran circus electron! Still has her legs as she never got rid of them due to being an acrobat in the circus. She dresses in colorful clothes, mostly because she likes it, and often deals with the kiddos (younger electrons). She's often practicing her routine to perform every Saturday night.
Felix (He/They/Burn): Ex-Cult member. He was seen as the prophet of the god they worshiped due to him hearing and seeing things that represented holy, burning beings, also his "wings" on either side of his head. The protons of the cult burnt feather scars around his head. Turned out he was just schizophrenic and had polymelia. He now stays as a co-leader to Beau, usually intimidating the others.
Dewey (He/It): A chill asf backyard bred electron. He's pretty gnarly looking and wheelchair bound, but he's cool like that. It knows it's kinda scary, so when meeting new electrons, it usually waits for them to be mostly calm before wheeling in. He's def smokes weed but he'd never let the kids into the hot box room.
Winn & Dixie (She/They/It/We): Electrons with diprosopus. The one to the viewers left is Winn, and the one to the right is Dixie. They were originally a part of a freakshow, but that oddly burnt down due to unknown causes. They had to stay as strays before being found. They are the sanctuary loud mouthed drama starters. A kiddo (one of the youngest electrons). They are a part of the Sanctuary Clan, going by the name "Two'Face"
Stella (He/She/It/Star): An ex-test subject. She often pretended to be an astronaut to ignore the pain she went through, soon forming another version of her to take care of the pain, and another to help take care of the threats. She has DID, yeah. She attacks any proton (even Prot), meaning the electrons care for her. Her main caretakers are Esme and Percy.
Johanna (She/Her): Forced model. She's abnormally skinny due to her constant lack of food she was given when she was younger. She was just rescued, meaning she's the newest addition. She's a kiddo.
Percy (Any): A barn stowaway. He was taken from his family when he was younger by some outlaws as payment to keep his family safe. He was found in a barn not too far from the sanctuary. He now cares for the kiddos an tends to the garden.
Ino (They/Then): An abandoned electron, left by their clan after getting lost. Butcher found them on a hunt, and brought them back. They are now a part of the Sanctuary Clan, going by the name of "Muzzle'Foot"
Virgil (He/They/It/Vamp): Ex Personal Nurse. Only one in the sanctuary that has basic to moderate knowledge on aid which is extremely helpful as most hospitals don't take in electrons for minor stuff (and electrons often rebirth at major stuff). Vamp's the only one who can address Narrator properly, despite Narrator's dismay.
Arla (She/He): Ex secretary. She watches the camera's for security and keeps notes for rebirthed electrons. She has insomnia, so this is just keeps her busy during bad nights.
Kit (They/It): Ex clan leader. They watched their whole clan die by the hands of the protons. They still feel like they're fighting for everything they love, which is why they are so hostile. Considered a kiddo despite being one of the older electrons. Leader of the Sanctuary Clan. Goes by "Tiny'Star"
Willis (He/Him): A retired hunting electron. He's here on his own accord. He just hangs out with Dewey.
Prim (Any): Supposed stray. Was rather pampered when they were younger but got lost and ended up in the sanctuary. They try to act tough but they ain't shit. A part of the Sanctuary Clan and is know as "Shadow'Claw". A kiddo.
Sanctuary layout:
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Circuit has her own guest room btw...
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buntress · 2 years ago
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༺ ·˚ 𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 // ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 ℑ𝔇 𝔭𝔞𝔠𝔨 ˚· ༻
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[PT: Monster / Creature ID Pack]
Req By :: @monsterdogboy
༺ ·˚ 𝔑𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔰 ˚· ༻
[PT: Names]
Abaddon // Acheron // Amon // Azazel // Bael // Balor // Betelgeuse // Bones // Carman // Cath // Cerberus // Cetus // Claudia // Cylla // Damien // Darius // Drake // Elizabeth // Frank(ie) // Fenris // Ghost // Ghoul // Griffin // Grim // Hel // Hunter // Hydra // Issie // Jack // Jingwei // Kelpie // Leo // Lestat // Levi(athan) // Lizzie // Mara // Moth // Ness(ie) // Nix // Oni // Owl // Pandora // Phoenix // Qing // Raven // Samael // Samara // Scylla // Selene // Shadow // Titan // Typhon // Undyne // Ushi // Vamp(ire) // Virgil // Wendy // Wisp // Wolf(gang) // Xing // Yeren // Yeti // Yuki // Zilla // Zu
Note :: As many of these names are from various cultures, please be mindful when picking a name for yourself! Do your research and such <3
༺ ·˚ 𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔰 ˚· ༻
[PT: Pronouns]
Bea / Beast / Beasts / Beastself || Blood / Bloods / Bloodself || Bo / Bones / Boneself || Crea / Creature / Creatures / Creatureself || Cryp / Cryps / Cryptid / Cryptidself || Dae / Daem / Daer / Daemself || E / Eerie / Eerieself || Fear / Fears / Fearself || Ghou / Ghoul / Ghouls / Ghoulself || Grim / Grims / Grimself || Haun / Haunt / Haunts / Hauntself || Lev / Levi / Leviathan / Leviaself || Mon / Mons / Monster / Monsterself || One / Ones / Oneself || Phan / Phantom / Phantoms / Phantomself || Rake / Rakes / Rakeself || Scy / Scyll / Scyls // Scyllself || Spook / Spooks / Spookself || Thon / Thons / Thonself || Vam / Vamp / Vamps / Vampself || Wer / Were / Weres / Wereself || Wy / Wyrm / Wyrms / Wyrmself || X / X's / Xself || Zomb / Zombs / Zombself || [REDACTED] / [REDACTED]'s / [REDACTED]self || 💀 / 💀s / 💀self || 🕷️ / 🕷️s / 🕷️self ||| ⛓️ / ⛓️s / ⛓️self || 🧟 / 🧟s / 🧟self || 🩸 / 🩸s / 🩸self
༺ ·˚ 𝔗𝔦𝔱𝔩𝔢𝔰 ˚· ༻
[PT: Titles]
The Monster // The Creature // The Monstrous Creature // The Horror // The Ghoul // One Who Stalks The Shadows // The Wretched // The Dreadful Beast // The Beastial Horror // Vam With Beastial Claws // The Altered Beast // The Balrog // The Haunted One // It Who Haunts // One With Sharp Fangs // The Shadow
Note :: All pronouns can be replaced w/ your preferred pronouns!
༺ ·˚ 𝔏𝔞𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔰 ˚· ༻
[PT: Labels]
Aldernomaly // Alderseamonster // Anomalothing // Bloodycreature // Boycreature // Brokemasctoyic // Creaturic // Crypteyeessencez // Cutecreature // Darkforestcreatic // Deerredacted // Eldritchseathing // Ensilásma // Femmonstic // Frankenmonster // Frankenpupic // Fuckedupcreature // Genderjamagix // Girlmonster // Gorturecreature // Hunterbeastic // Huntermonster // Lovecreathing // Mascmonstic // Monfriendgender // Monster4Monster // Monstercoric // Monsterlovic // Monsterslasher // Monstropunk // Monstrumpraeaffectis // Neumonstic // Panwerewolfix // Pomebeastgender // Radioacticreaturic // Reptrickcryptic // Seamonstercutic // Suncreature // Werebuggender // Werevampirive // Zanicesh
Note :: The first letter of each term is a link to that term!
PS: I actually ran out of room for the label section bc there was so many! Oopsie!
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princeysanders · 5 months ago
i love roman in this ep sm. he's just sooooo
also ignore the fact im clipping this video in november.... happy belated hallows eve ᥫ᭡
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where-are-the-spooky-gays-2 · 6 months ago
The vamp au where Remus is a vamp and Virgil was a vampire fanboy lol
I wrote the au in an ask of @brandstifter-sys lol
I used to make it so that Virgil would survive being attacked by Remus but the sun came up and he rushed Remus back to his apartment. But it sounded far fetched so here’s the new one
Virgil was a delivery boy that was mailing a package to two brothers that lived in a mansion. Surprisingly, all the delivery boys or girls would go missing or quit after going to that mansion so Virgil’s as already anxious. When he goes to the castle he knocks on the big doors and a prince (vamp Roman) opens it up and asks Virgil to come in to help them. When he’s deep inside they attack Virgil but Virgil manages to run inside the castle and manages to hide.
…I need ideas for the rest of how it turns out and how Remus and Roman stop trying to kill him 💀
OOOOH!!! Sounds cool!!! Now I would suggest the typical Dukexiety route where Ree gets a better look at Vee once they've found him and falls for him and tries to convince Ro they can't eat him for whatever reason the chaotic Vamp comes up with but I'm not sure how in depth you want this whole thing to be
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tulipanthousa · 4 months ago
vi im at work i havent had chance to see the video yet you cant be posting these things ill get flustered /j
pieces, eustress verse, and the vamp virgil verse - i usually make him a switch, laoft, eatd, ping verse, the prinxiety omegaverse and i havent written smut for them but mpd and academic standards
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kytiapseud · 6 months ago
A Long Time Coming
Emile is a vampire who has been running his bar for vampires and humans for a long time. Remy is a human customer and friend who has been coming for a while (by human standards). He is known for being down for almost any vampire there to feed from him. So Emile is surprised when one day Remy asks Emile to be the one to feed from him. Why does the thought fluster him so much though?
Set in @edupunkn00b's 'Beside Me' universe
Pairing: Emile/Remy
Wordcount: 2662
Warning: blood drinking, suggestive content
Notes: Vampires have been on my mind lately. So that lead me to rereading again one of my favorite vampire fic series, 'Beside Me'. This prompted me to get several ideas related to that series. Since I've gotten Edupunk's enthusiastic permission to do so, stay tuned for some of those. I think I have maybe four other ideas aside from this one.
This fic makes more sense if you've read those fics, but I do try to give context in it that is needed to understand the premise.
This is set after the second fic in that series, 'Dee'.
Emile hummed as he prepared a tray of drinks. It was still early into the night, but a lot of times his evenings at his bar became pretty routine. It wasn’t hard to catch the types of drinks his regulars preferred. Most of his customers were regulars after all. There weren’t a lot of new vampires to have to prepare for anyways. It actually wasn’t a common thing. Aside from Virgil’s group that was.
“Hey there, hot stuff,” A familiar voice said. Emile smiled and turned to Remy who had just sat at the bar. He was a human regular who often arrived early into the night. Something about having more opportunities for willing vamps to feed that way. Emile giggled. Then he got Remy a glass of water. Remy was totally down to drink, but he usually didn’t right away. Some vampires weren’t comfortable drinking from an intoxicated human. He typically didn’t want to chance a rejection.
“Good evening, Remy. Would you like for me help pick out a vampire to feed from you?” Emile asked.
“Actually,” Remy lowered his sunglasses and looked at Emile, with less caution than he really should. He knew better too.
“I was hoping you could feed from me,” He said.
“W-what?” Emile asked and then cleared his throat. He was usually more composed than that.
Remy smirked.
“You heard me, Em. I’m in the mood for my favorite vampire to feed from me. You work hard here. You deserve to get a treat,” He said.
Emile let out a bit of a nervous laugh.
“I appreciate the offer, Remy. But I don’t usually feed while I’m on the clock,” Emile said.
Remy shrugged.
“So take a break. There’s gotta be someone who can fill in for you for a little bit.”
Emile sighed.
 “I also don’t need to at the moment. When I need to feed, I tend to do so before arriving here,” Emile said.
Remy sighed a bit dramatically.
“Well, when is the next time you’ll need to feed?” Remy asked.
Emile blinked, a bit surprised Remy was still offering for the future.
“Uh, not for a while,” Emile said.
Remy hummed and shrugged.
“Well, I guess I’ll just wait until then,” Remy said.
That was really not like Remy. He had a tendency to take on many vampires in one night. Emile had never seen him willing to wait for a specific vampire, let alone for him. Remy had been going to this bar for a long time too. Not nearly as long as Emile had opened the place, Remy was only human after all. But as long as he could really.
He’d flirted of course, but tended to flirt more with the vampires who could feed from him while at the bar.
“Y-you don’t have to do that, Remy. I know how much you enjoy it,” Emile said.
Remy hummed in consideration.
“True…alright, just let me know before the next time you do feed, alright? Please? I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to of course,” Remy said, shifting a bit like he was nervous. Also unusual for Remy.
“N-no,” Emile cleared his throat. “I’m fine with it. Yeah, I’ll uh I’ll let you know.”
Remy smiled and winked.
“Great! Can’t wait,” Remy said. He finished off the rest of his water before slinking off onto the dance floor.
Emile just watched him for a moment, still processing their conversation.
Then he shook his head, turning to face the new group that had entered. It was Virgil’s group, Emile should have known. They’d  been coming more frequently than Virgil used to with the two newer vampires to feed. He smiled at them as the three of them came in. No Dracula tonight though. He didn’t often come with them. Emile wasn't really sure why. He got the impression maybe the count just wasn't used to drinking from places like his bar. Emile could tell the ancient vampire was still around though.
 Emile gestured for them to go to their usual booth and then went on to set up their drinks.
After they were seated, Emile made his way over. He set down the glasses in front of each of them.
“Good to see you three this evening!” Emile cheered. He went on to pour juice for Virgil and Remus. Then whiskey for Logan.
Logan narrowed his eyes at Emile.
“Is everything alright?” He asked. At Logan’s words, Virgil brought his attention to Emile and looked him over.
Emile felt his face heat up a bit. He let out a bit of a nervous laugh.
“Yeah! Why?” He asked.
Logan hummed.
“I don’t know, something just seems off,” He said. Emile waved his hand.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m fine. I wouldn’t be here if I couldn’t do my job well tonight after all,” He said.
Logan frowned.
“That’s not why I asked,” He said.
Virgil nodded.
“Emile, I’ve been coming here for a while. You can talk to me.”
Emile hesitantly nodded. He shifted a bit, then decided to set the bottles on the table for the moment. He would be the type to just suddenly become clumsy.
Remus looked at him and then chuckled.
“Did someone hot flirt with you at the bar or something?” Remus asked.
“Emile’s been running this bar for a long time, and has no doubt been flirted with many times. I haven’t seen him react this way to such a thing before, have you?” Logan asked. Virgil shook his head, now looking more curious then concerned.
Emile waved that off.
“Oh, it’s nothing like that. Just,” Emile sighed.
“Remy said he wanted me to feed from him. I told him I didn’t need to tonight. But then he asked me to let him know the next time I do need to, so I can feed from him. I just didn’t expect his insistence at being an option, I guess?”
Virgil raised his eyebrows then shared a look with Logan.
“I know I haven’t been around you when you’ve fed, but that seems like an unusual reaction to such an offer,” Virgil said. Logan nodded. Remus chuckled.
“Could there be another reason such an offer has flustered you so?” Remus asked.
As Emile thought about it, his breath catches a bit as he imagines how close he would get to Remy while feeding.
“You have known him for a while,” Virgil said.
“For human standards, yes,” Emile said.
“Not that length of time is necessary to fall for someone,” Remus said, smiling at Virgil and Logan. They both smiled back at him.
Emile reached up and fidgeted with his hair some, smiling shyly as he thought about what he liked about Remy. He was charming, funny, flirty. Good at showing confidence. He wasn’t afraid to go after what he wanted. Plus he also had his sweet side that not everyone got to see. Emile had always felt honored he was one of the few who got to.
 It’s not like Emile was new to liking someone, so why did he feel so out of his element here?
“This may be a strange question, but have you dated before?” Logan asked, almost as though he knew what Emile was thinking. Emile nodded.
“Of course I have…” Not in a while though. It just wasn’t something that was often on his mind. He was usually occupied by helping people at the bar.
Logan hummed and nodded.
“You seemed very unsure about why Remy would want this with you. Perhaps it would be a good idea to ask him? That may help keep you from overthinking the interaction,” Logan said.
Emile wanted to protest that he wasn’t doing that, but well…he was, wasn’t he? Emile nodded.
“That is probably a good idea. Thank you all, for the help,” He said. Virgil smiled and nodded.
“Of course.”
“You’ve helped us many times. It’s the least we could do,” Logan said, lifting his glass up to Emile before drinking from it.
“You deserve to be happy as well,” Remus said.
Emile giggled.
“Alright, let me know is there’s anything else I can for you,” He said.
They nodded.
“We’re good for now. Thank you though,” Virgil said. Emile waved to them before going back to his duties checking on other customers. He was admittedly a bit distracted now, thinking about this feeding with Remy. He almost wished he hadn’t just fed right before arriving tonight. Because now he’d just be thinking about it until next time.
The next time Emile was thirsty, he texted Remy. He also let his usual human friends know that someone else offered this time. He arrived at the bar early, before opening, so it would be easier to meet with Remy. He shifted a bit in place, nervous about what was to come. He’d been around Remy many times. But this would definitely be the most intimate thing they did. Something felt more special about it too with how much Remy wanted it.
“Hello~ Emile.”
Emile’s breath caught as the delicious scent of Remy’s blood wafted over him. He’d usually been pretty good at keeping himself healthy. And with willing human friends who were kind about it, he hadn’t gotten to a point much where he would be thirsty long. Really it hadn’t been that long for him. But he was desiring it more than usual. And Remy smelled good.
He looked over to Remy, struggling more to not meet his eyes. He gave him a shy smile.
“H-hey, Remy,” Emile croaked. His eyes were drawn to Remy’s neck, fixated on his pulse.
Remy chuckled.
“Oh, you’re definitely ready for me now,” He said.
Emile swallowed.
“Here, let’s take this somewhere more private,” Remy said.
Emile blinked and carefully looked up at Remy’s face again. He wanted to know why. No one else was here anyways, and Remy had never seemed to care who watched him as vampires drank from his neck. But in that moment, Emile was too thirsty to care.
“I live in the basement under the bar,” He said. The basement had been there before he opened the bar. Although it was more traditional for business owners to live over their places of business, living under had worked out to be safer from the sun anyways.
Remy smiled.
“Sounds good.” Remy gestured for Emile to lead the way. Emile mechanically walked him over to the stairs and then down. Barely thinking past the draw of Remy’s blood overcoming him. When they got to his door, the hand holding his keys was nearly trembling. Remy gently took the keys from him and opened the door.
“Bedroom?” Remy asked. Emile didn’t even question it, just walking straight over there. Not bothering to close any doors. Just wanting Remy to be close. Remy must have closed the doors behind them because it was a moment before he joined Emile in the bedroom. The bed was big enough for both of them.
“I’ve never seen you like this,” Remy said. Emile didn’t respond. Remy cooed.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll take care of you Em.” Remy sat on the bed. He kicked his shoes off and scooted up. Then he  gestured for Emile to join him. Emile plopped onto the bed next to Remy. He started reaching for Remy’s wrist, but Remy pulled his arm back. He shook his head.
“Aw, come on, Em. We’re close enough you can go for my neck,” He said. He shifted so he was facing Emile. Then he bent his neck to make it enticing. Emile almost reached forward then had the mind to pause when he saw the scars on Remy’s neck from all the feedings. Remy sighed.
“Don’t worry about those, Em,” He said. He reached forward and brushed a hand over Emile’s arm.
“I don’t mind. And I want you,” Remy said. That’s what finally did it. Emile rumbled as he launched himself onto Remy. He knocked them both over so they were laying on the bed when Emile finally sank his teeth into Remy. Remy laughed and then let out a very pleased sound as Emile began to drink.
He tasted so good. Emile felt how warm Remy was against him. Remy continued to make pleased sounds, touching over Emile as he fed from him. Remy’s scent so enticing and around him. There was something so satisfying about getting to feed from him. As enjoyable as this was, Emile knew better than to overindulge. So when Remy tapped him, Emile was already pulling off. He had to catch his breath before he rolled off and laid next to Remy. Still facing him.
Remy hummed pleased and turned to face Emile as well.
“Well, that was certainly worth the wait,” Remy said, running his hand along Emile’s side. Emile smiled a bit dreamily at him. Remy chuckled.
“You really enjoyed yourself too, hm?” He asked. Emile hummed and nodded.
“I’ll always be available for you, okay?” Remy said. He used a finger to catch some blood from the punctures on his neck. Then he waved it over Emile’s mouth. Emile immediately put his mouth over the finger and sucked the blood off. Then he blushed at his own eagerness. Remy laughed.
“Aw, it’s okay doll.” He scooted closer to Emile and put a hand to the side of Emile’s head.
“I don’t mind,” He said quieter. Emile’s breath stuttered when he felt how close Remy’s lips were to his own.
“Can I kiss you?” Remy asked. Emile sucked in a breath at that.
“Yeah,” He said quietly, voice shaking a little. Emile could feel Remy’s smile before he leaned in. The first kiss was slow. Then he kissed Emile again, gradually deepening it. He rolled over on top of Emile as he continued, in a reverse of their positions when Emile fed from him. Apparently Remy didn’t mind any lingering taste of his own blood from Emile’s mouth. They made out for a bit more, Remy getting more handsy. Just as his touches started to move to the next level, Emile pulled away, laughing.
“Remy,” He said.
“Hmm?” Remy asked. His hands paused, but he continued to kiss along Emile’s jaw then down his neck. Emile hummed and his eyes fluttered. Then he shook his head.
“Remy, I do still have to eventually open the bar,” Emile said.
Remy sighed and pulled his mouth away. His hand going back to just feeling over Emile’s side.
“Fine. I guess I’ll just have to wait for you until after,” Remy said. Emile blinked at him.
“You’d be willing to wait?” Emile asked.
Remy smiled at him.
“Of course.” He moved his hand up to card some hair behind Emile’s ear.
“I like you, Em. I’ve been waiting a long time for this,” Remy said.
Emile giggled.
“I like you too Remy,” Emile said. Remy smirked and leaned forward to kiss Emile again. This time a slow sweet kiss that lingered. Remy made a rumbling sound as well as he pulled away.
“Damn, I could just keep kissing you, Em.”
Emile blushed and giggled.
“Later, or we’ll never get up,” He said. Remy sighed as he started to sit up.
Emile sat up as well. Seeing Remy’s neck, he seemed to remember himself.
“Oh! Let me get that taken care of for you,” Emile said. Remy watched Emile with a fond look as he went about getting Remy some fruit juice and cookies. He didn’t even bother to complain. He just continued to look at Emile in adoration when he started to drink the juice he was given. Emile blushed and shifted again, smiling shyly. But then Remy leaned on his side, so Emile leaned against him as well.
“It’s a shame you’re always working at the bar. It would be really nice to get to dance with you there,” Remy said. Emile hadn’t even considered hiring another until Remy’s suggestions. But now it seemed like a good idea.
“Maybe we’ll get to at some point,” Emile said with a smile, glancing to the side at Remy.
“We have time.”
Remy smiled back.
“Yeah, I like the sound of that.”
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thesquirrelqueer · 6 months ago
& Juliet 10/1/24 Notes
- justin’s return! also ava!lady cap and dan!richard
- “it looks so good you look like a basketball player” - jas to virgil about his hair during preshow
- mic issues for justin and jeannette during domino
- show stop after show me love because of the mic issues, philippe and paulo started their scene but their mics weren’t on so only people close could hear them
- during the stop the lights and projections went red for a few minutes then green then red again then back to normal and then the show started again
- drew saw me as he made his entrance and stuck his tongue out at me
- ava doing an extra evil laugh before doing her lady cap singing part in SMTM because she and andrew messed up the vamp timing
- drew wiping dan’s tears away with his quill when they’re together on the side of the stage during SMTM
- tiernan blowing justin a kiss when they passed him in the back during SML
- philippe going “jeez” when paulo entered like he got jumpscared
- philippe blowing on the coffee like it was hot when maya handed it to him
- philippe leaning in to kiss maya before she spins him around and pushes him away during oops
- paulo and jeannette were making a lot of new choices during teenage dream
- there is the stuffed animal I saw makai have that one time in the carriage but I still don’t know what it is because I only saw it for like .5 seconds
- philippe being very gentle with justin on the first bump
- justin mouthing “okay” to themself after NAG
- philippe saying “I like kissing you” instead of “I just like kissing you”
- paulo leaning in for a second kiss after the teenage dream one
- khailah’s “yes” of “yes! I like that” was super extra
- justin pointing and winking at me during everybody
- drew squishing philippe’s face a little bit on “come brothers let’s go rehearse”
- betsy line flub during TTWII where instead of “penniless in a small house, rich but miles apart” she just went “miles apart… and close together”
- dan giving bex the shoulder rub during SUBG instead of daniel
- dan and bex playing the knife game with their hands during gay gossip table
- philippe had the armor on a lot higher than usual and was being very silly about it
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delimeful · 2 years ago
to taste your beating heart (8)
warnings: implied abuse, mild blood and injury, non-graphic blood drinking, vamp thralls, assumptions/miscommunication, lmk if i missed any
Anx hadn’t really believed the hunters about the whole ‘protecting the innocents’ thing.
Sure, he believed they believed it, but that didn’t necessarily make it true. There were all sorts of ways to ‘save’ someone, and there were all sorts of reasons to deem someone guilty instead of innocent. Especially if that someone happened to be a monster.
Hunters were hunters. They could try and use pretty words to conceal the truth of their occupation all they wanted, but it wouldn’t fool Anx.
They’d realize he couldn’t give them what they wanted soon enough, and then he’d be fair game; subject to however they actually treated the other vamps they ran into.
That’s what he’d thought, anyhow.
After having a coven head waltz into their house like he owned the place, convene for a private meeting with them, and then walk back out without a single threat issued or drop of blood spilled, though, he was beginning to re-evaluate his initial impression.
The entire situation had been so jarring and strange that he’d almost doubted its authenticity for a second, but there was no faking the scent of a coven head. Especially not one as well-established as... Janus.
(Something about the name scraped at him, like sandpaper against skin. It wasn’t the same sharp, piercing pain of ‘Virgil’, but it was disorienting nonetheless.)
He wouldn’t have thought a coven head was even capable of getting through an entire meeting without any blood spilled, especially a meeting with humans. Especially one where the humans in question seemed to spend half the time blatantly bickering with him.
If it had been his coven head that had been treated with such disrespect from beings as reviled and lowly as hunters…
He didn’t even like these humans, but the thought made him shudder.
Things were different around here, clearly. Everyone else already knew the rules, and he’d been left scrambling to catch up before it cost him.
“Fangtastic Four, are you even listening?” One of the insane humans in question prodded him in the side, eliciting an automatic low hiss.
Instead of looking even remotely threatened, Roman moved his finger up to point at Anx’s face instead.
“I’m over here putting my sweat, blood, and tears— mostly the blood, actually— into making sure you don’t wither away into a particularly pointy-toothed husk, and you aren’t even paying attention!” he accused, frowning theatrically at him.
What was this guy even talking about?
“Nope,” Anx replied, popping the 'P' with a casual air that would have gotten him cuffed at best by any older vamps in the coven. “I checked the kidnapee contract and ‘listen to my captor’s ramblings’ wasn’t on there. Add more fine print next time.”
Roman gaped at him for a moment, before pulling back slightly, his lips twisting with something Anx couldn’t read. In the next moment, he had returned to ranting, dramatic flourishes included. “I cannot believe you’re trying to pull the ‘poor, abducted victim’ card when you literally tried to take a bite out of Patton.”
Anx’s shoulders hunched slightly against his will, still waiting for the other shoe to drop even as he opened his mouth to snipe back. “Hey, I just call them how I see them. I was brought to a basement while unconscious, I can’t leave, and I’m wearing handcuffs. Facts are facts.”
Roman sighed exaggeratedly, a flicker of discomfort crossing his face. “Yes, well, don’t try to mind-control and-slash-or murder me during this whole bloodsucking thing, and we can discuss alternatives to the cuffs.”
As though the cuffs were the main problem.
“I feel like maybe you’re missing the bigger picture here,” Anx said, before the rest of the sentence registered. “Wait, you’re serious?”
Midway through the process of rolling his sleeve up to expose his vein, Roman raised a deeply judgmental eyebrow at him. “Have you been paying attention at all since my brother left?”
No, not really. Between the lingering haziness of his forced metal retreat and the bizarre fuzzy-feeling instincts that Remus had somehow activated, he’d been just disoriented enough for the conversation going on around him to go in one ear and out the other, leaving little to no actual impact on his brain. Something about research?
Somehow, he got the feeling that the others didn’t actually know Roman had decided to do this now. Letting a moderately untrustworthy vampire feed from him for the first time didn’t seem like the sort of thing they’d let him do alone.
This did explain why they’d returned to the room with the containment circle, though. His nose crinkled at the cloying smell of the runes, and he eyed the inactive circle with distaste.
He could already see the way things would go. He’d get to feed for precisely as long as they deemed necessary, probably the bare minimum required to keep him alive, and the moment he overstepped, all Roman would have to do was yank his arm back over that line and let the burn of the ward do the punishing for him.
What was the point of pretending this was an extension of trust, then? From within the circle, even if he did try to thrall Roman, he wouldn’t be able to escape.
“Hello? Tall, Dark, and Stormy, can we get on with it?” Roman cut into his thoughts, waving a hand in front of his face. Anx barely resisted the urge to bite it. “If you keep spacing out, you’re going to give me performance anxiety.”
“Performing? For what audience?” Anx snorted, and then watched with bemusement as Roman planted himself on one of the halloween-themed beanbag chairs.
“For an actor like me, all the world’s a stage,” he retorted, flapping his bared arm at Anx expectantly. “Now hurry up before I start developing stage fright.”
“What, you want to do it there?” he asked, brow furrowing as his gaze briefly slid over to the convenient, risk-free containment spell that was only a meter away. He was kidding, right?
“Remus said I would faint, and I’m fairly sure he was bullshitting me, but not sure enough to risk cracking my head open,” Roman replied dryly. “I’ve never actually done this bit before, you know.”
That wasn’t really what he’d been talking about, but whatever. It wasn’t like he was going to be the one to insist he be trapped, even if it was the obvious smart decision.
Anx tentatively sank into the matching purple beanbag chair next to the hunter, and wrapped his hand around the wrist of Roman’s arm, which had been helpfully (read: obnoxiously) shoved into his space.
Despite Roman’s faux-casual words, his heart was thumping a little too fast for him to be anywhere near relaxed. An actor, indeed.
Anx checked the doorway again, searching for shadows under the crack or the subtle turning of the knob. Any signs that the other two were waiting to pounce. Anything at all that indicated he was currently walking into the world’s most obvious set-up, other than his own panicked mind.
He frowned, eyes darting back down to the free meal he was being offered, and then sighed. Whatever the catch was, he might as well take advantage of the offer while he could.
Roman shifted antsily, darting glances at Anx from the corner of his vision. “Do you always take this long to— ow!”
Roman barely resisted the urge to twitch away as Anx sunk his teeth in, both from pain and indignation alike.
The pain faded only a second or two later, his lower arm going pleasantly numb, but he still felt like Anx could have been a little gentler about it. He would have appreciated a warning, at least!
He opened his mouth to say as much, and found that the part of his brain dedicated to coherent words seemed to have scuttled out of reach while he wasn’t looking.
Everything was a bit distant, now that he thought about it, like all his senses had been wrapped in a hazy layer of gauze. The realization caused a strange swoop in his stomach, but he couldn’t figure out what to do about it.
It was hard, thinking like this. All the important thoughts seemed to slip between his fingers and get lodged in hard to reach places like grains of sand. He blinked several times in rapid succession.
That seemed a little bit not good. Maybe he should have gotten one of the others to chaperone after all.
Anx was lifting his head now, gaze bouncing around the room like a hunted deer before finally settling on Roman.
Roman could feel the vamp’s nervousness, his gut-clenching anticipation, as though it was his own. He could feel the expectation of pain that hovered over his head like a guillotine, ever-present and automatic.
(Had Patton been able to tell just how wrung-out Anx was during his own stint under thrall? It explained the sympathy, at least.)
He also felt the moment that Anx realized that the thrall bond had snapped thoroughly into place between them. That for all his posturing, Roman wasn’t anywhere near experienced enough to throw it off or even resist it.
Anx could strip away his free will with the simplest of commands, and he wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it.
He knew this was bad, logically. There was a part of him that was freaking out, but it had been confined to a small corner of his brain and cut off from the rest of him.
Physically, though, he’d never been more relaxed. His heart thumped along a steady metronome, his breaths coming deep and easy. According to his body, there was nothing to worry about.
His body was a dirty traitor, and there would not be any replenishing spa days for it in his near future.
Assuming he still had a future.
His fingers twitched again, and Anx followed the motion, still holding onto his arm with those icy fingers.
He stared at Roman’s sluggishly-bleeding bite mark for a long moment, worrying at his lip with a conflicted expression. Roman tried very hard to feel concerned about the likelihood that he was about to be drained by a vampire, and mostly failed.
“This is so stupid,” Anx muttered, and moved Roman’s arm back over to his side, releasing it.
In the same moment, Roman felt a mental tug, like an intangible line had been pulled taut, and then with a snap, the bond was severed.
For a few long seconds, he sat there, stunned by the sudden wave of sadness he felt at the rejection.
In the next moment, his survival instincts snapped back into place like a lock clicking, and he sucked in a sharp gasp of air, his heart rate kicking up belatedly as adrenaline surged through him. He fumbled for the dishtowel he’d brought and quickly wrapped it over the bite, just as an extra precaution.
“There. I played nice,” snapped Anx, his posture defensive as he watched Roman take big, gasping breaths. “Are you satisfied? Do I get to go home now?”
Roman held up a finger in a silent request for him to wait, still trying to shake the lingering effects of the bond. His whole body had gone from relaxed putty to rigid plastic in less than a second, and it was more than a little disorienting.
It had the added bonus of letting him actually think about his answer for a few moments, instead of letting the knee jerk response he wanted to give tumble out of his mouth. (This is your home.)
“We brought you here because we thought you were V– our friend,” he corrected hastily. “And because we thought you were in danger, and needed a safe place.”
“I’m not him.” Virgil’s glares had always been scathing, but the unnatural purple irises added a whole new layer of eerie.
“Yeah, we picked up on that much,” Roman said curtly, ignoring– for now– the way he’d noticed a hundred little mannerisms that Anx and Virgil shared. “But the rest of it, I’m not so sure we were wrong about.”
Anx blinked, his defensiveness stopped in its tracks by Roman’s easy agreement. “What?”
“Anx,” Roman said, the name strange in his mouth. “Were you in danger? If you went… went home, would it be a safe place?”
For a brief, telling moment, Anx hesitated.
“Of course it’s safe,” he snapped, a beat late. “Safer than I am in a den of hunters.”
Roman worked his jaw, trying not to dwell on all the signs he’d seen that the opposite was true. If Anx had retained even half of Virgil’s stubbornness, there was no point in arguing in circles to try to force him to change his mind.
A different tactic, then.
“If you stay with us for a while, we could at least help you recover some of your memories. You can’t tell me you’re not curious about your life before turning at all.”
Anx’s lip curled up in a half-snarl. “I can tell you that, actually. What came before doesn’t matter, anyways. That’s the whole reason why vamps lose memories after turning.”
“Uh,” Roman blinked, genuinely thrown off. “Not to be contrarian, but that’s not true? Remus was turned, and he probably remembers more stories about our childhood than I do.”
Mostly so he could embarrass Roman at every opportunity, but still.
“I’ve actually never heard of memory loss as a symptom of being turned,” he added, trying not to let his concern crease his brow too obviously.
Anx had gone statue-still, and Roman bit his lip for a second before reaching out to set a tentative hand on his arm. “Are you–?”
“Don’t touch me,” Anx snarled, and in the next moment, he was on his feet and then bolting out the door.
Roman sat upright with some half-formed intention of going after him, or at least letting the others know that their resident vampire was upset, and then promptly flopped back against the beanbag as the world spun nauseatingly around him.
Right. Blood loss. He’d just text them then.
Letting his head fall back, he stared at the deep purple walls of the room and tried very hard to not think about how much he missed Virgil, and mostly failed.
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eclipian · 9 months ago
Vampire Subsystem
pt: vampire subsystem
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
Name: Vampric Coven , Insomniacs , Sanguinepop , Candy Coven
Collec. Name(s): Bella , Amber , Carmilla , Selene , Orsova , Virgil , Sebastian
Age: appears 14-18 yo Pronouns: It/Its , Hy/Hym , Hie/Hiem , Vam/Vamp , Vae/Vaer , Vae/Vaem , Vi/Vir , 🩸, 🦇, 🖤, 🔪
Gender: Vampselaesic , Vampboy , Lacilvampivir , Homvampesque , Vampbodiment , Vampcoric , Vampiregender , Vampcoriea , Macabric
Orientation: Bloodamoric , Vamp4Vamp , Vamirean , Vampericbleed , Vamptraction
Species: Vampire. All members are vampires
Aesthetic(s): Vampire , Vampire Goth , Hyperpop , Emo
Name — Pronouns — Identity — Role(s)
Asaroth , Lysander , Asema , Anton — Hy/Hym , Hie/Hiem , Vae/Vaer , Vae/Vaem , Vi/Ver , Blood/Bloods , E/Em , Ey/Em , ⛓ , 🖤— Man , Vampire/Blood/Gor Xenogenders | Bi-Gay Aspec — Physical Protector
Lionel , Osanna , Merle , Silvia , Elwin — Ey/Em , E/Em , E/Eir , Vi/Vir , Vae/Vaem , Gor/Gores , 🖤 , ⛓ — Xenic Man | Pan — Romantic Protector
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