#jeannette bayardelle
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thesquirrelqueer · 2 months ago
& Juliet 2/9/25 Notes
- gabe!may, mack!juliet, nicki!gregory, romy!lady cap, ava!rosaline, and alaina!rumour
- alison mimicking romeo's kick on "I hope youre very impressed with yourself"
- after the map bit, alaina still went the wrong way and then looked at the map again and then went the right way
- alaina pointing at nicki and going "gregory..." on "about being in love with a young man"
- alaina does a spin in her rumour solo
- gabe started walking towards the ladies room when the bathroom attendant points it out as a "toilette for mademoiselles"
- mack singing the word "fourteen" on "and on my birthday im gonna be fourteen"
- absolutely chaotic line flub from joey of "or when I conquered the bedroom on the honeymoon with your wife may- WITH YOUR MOTHER may she rest in peace"
- gabe clutching the crown to their chest on the first chorus of NAG
- alaina and joomin still play rock paper scissors during SML
- jeannette mouthing “what am I doing" over and over as she's sneaking around before TD
- jeannette’s mic wasn’t on for “that’s my girl”
- cassie SCREECHING the line "oh my god I'm obsessed with you shakespeare"
- makai doing a little wave to the audience when he finds out he's playing the friar
- joey going "thank YOU" when nathan handed him the gameboy
- gabe making a very small but uncomfortable laugh in response to people laughing in the audience at "bien sir"
- gabe really emphasising the "yet" on the last "not yet a woman”
- joey going "happy nights to happy days to me too hahaha yeah!"
- liam doing a small laugh after the end of the second chorus of IML
- mack doing an opt up on “I just wanna be with you”
- joey wasn’t wearing the codpiece during the scene before TTWII in either show that day
- gabe still has the original da bois band jacket design
- liam very clearly going "you know, I will say it" after juliet sings "there's nothing you can do or say, baby"
- drew making an "I don't know" noise before "it can be whatever you want"
- romy!imogen debut! also nicki!gregory, alaina!rumour, and ava!rosaline
- romy still gets lifted during blow
- half the time there are no thoughts in romy!imogen's head and I love that for her
- both of the aussies doing the SML couple's dance!
- the players pretending to play football during the preshow (it was superbowl sunday)
- nicki winking at me during their final everybody pose
- drew dragging his hand down liam's face on "you're back from the dead"
- alaina getting in liam’s face during her roar freestyle
- drew skipping off stage after "come on brother let’s go rehearse"
- drew touching nathan’s face the same way he did with liam before "come on brother let’s go rehearse"
- maya doing a goofy dance the second she was out of sight after leaving the stage during TTWII
- drew quietly going “me, I wrote that” after “is that something you always say”
- I have absolutely no idea what accent/voice romy did for "he said did my heart love til now"
- romy giving daah a shoulder massage during SUBG
- drew singsongy going "if there's something for me at some point"
- nathan and daah both had cheering sections of people who knew them it was really cute
- maya doing a peace sigh on "dope" during overprotected
- shoutout to all swing romeo fan club
- maya making a referee touchdown pose on "refuse his game" (this is made funnier by it being superbowl sunday)
- romy playing with her braids in cassie's face during gay gossip table
- romy playing with her braids during the romeo's exes cluster during SMTM
- romy listening very intently to shakespeare at the beginning of SMTM
- nathan going "okay :)" after "do I still play the virginal" "yes"
- drew accidentally skipping over alison's line after "the poison romeo drank was actually a sleeping potion"
- drew doing a☝️on "I will... shakespeare"
- liam forgetting to say the line "what has happened?" during SUBG
- joey saying "I want to make it very clear that it's my son's happiness that is in there for me, son's happiness, that’s it" instead of "I want to make it clear that my son's happiness is of course my primary concern"
- daah wiping away his tears with a piece of confetti during ALAYLM
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montygatorguy · 6 months ago
&juliet notes 9/28/24 evening
tonight had maychael, dan lord cap, and esosa!augustine!!
act 1
- makai was nodding a ton at the line “isn’t this fun?”
- betsy broke drew a bit when she did the “april may and july-et” joke, he was giggling so much he had to just put his face into his hands for a sec
- drew was pedaling the carriage so aggressively like jesus calm down sir
- phillipe was just being super silly and giggly this show in general
- phillipe screamed “AH” before going “ohmigod” much much quieter
- during that whole scene maya kept giggling a bunch at his antics
- when he said “and im dangerous” he looked like he was trying to cast a moutherfuckin spell or something like a wizard
- paulo had such a 🥺 vibe during teenage dream (he also did a little trill on the “are we?” line)
- phillipe was playing peekaboo w the cups in oops
- instead of making a full heart, phillipe did one half of a heart towards maya and when she didn’t complete it he completed it himself
(not a show note but i overheard a conversation in the bathroom between a parent and their kid:)
parent: “romeos ALIVE”
kid: “i don’t want him to be though”
parent: “yeah no one wants that”
act 2
- maya did some super awesome opt ups/riffs during since you been gone
- paulo almost forgot to give phillipe the armor but when he realized he put his finger up in the air and walked back to him
- problem. was probleming i could feel the bass in my heart really strongly
- phillipe literally skipped into the scene before everybody hello??
- dan looked like he mouthed “calm down” to najah before romeo announced he was at the wedding
- jeannette was just killing fuckin perfect like oh my god HER VOCALS… people died
- michael and phillipe were hugging each and rocking back and forth in each other’s arms during roar
- btw roar almost made me cry which is the first time that’s happened at &j i have no clue why i was getting so emotional just mayas voice and the euphoria maybe idk
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theonlyadawong · 1 year ago
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The Harder They Come
Book by Suzan-Lori Parks, songs by Suzan-Lori Parks and Jimmy Cliff
Co-Dir. Sergio Trujillo
Dir. Tony Taccone
The Public Theatre, 2023
Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and The Public’s Writer-in-Residence, Suzan-Lori Parks, brings to The Public a new musical adaptation of the 1972 movie, THE HARDER THEY COME. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the breakthrough film, produced and directed by Perry Henzell and co-written with Trevor Rhone, tells the story of Ivan, a young singer who arrives in Kingston, Jamaica, eager to become a star. After falling in love and cutting a record deal with a powerful music mogul, Ivan soon learns that the game is rigged, and as he becomes increasingly defiant, he finds himself in a battle that threatens not only his life, but the very fabric of Jamaican society. (X)
(Photos by Joan Marcus)
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bikinibottomdayz · 3 months ago
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All my videos can be found here, full release under the read more! I am also offering the two & Juliet videos as a bundle for 30 USD!
This release includes: & Juliet (7/13 & 7/31), HPCC (tour), The Who's Tommy (Danny Quadrino), Wicked (Laurel Harris)
& JULIET July 13, 2024 (M) | Broadway | 4K MP4 (9.85GB) | bikinibottomday’s master Cast: Maya Boyd (Juliet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway), Austin Scott (William Shakespeare), Makai Hernandez (u/s Romeo), Philippe Arroyo (Francois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Jeannette Bayardelle (t/r Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (t/r Lance), Brittany Nicholas (s/w Lady Capulet/Viola), Andrew Chappelle (Lord Capulet/Sly), Tiernan Tunnicliffe (Eleanor/Benvolio), Virgil Gadson (Augustine), Matt Raffy (Gregory), Daniel Assetta (Henry), Jasmine Rafael (Imogen), Khailah Johnson (Judith), Joomin Hwang (Kempe), Megan Kane (Lucy), Bobby "Pocket" Horner (Rumour), Michael Iván Carrier (s/w Thomas) Notes: Excellent 4K capture of Makai as Romeo! First ten minutes are a bit rough, with a few short blackouts and wide shots, but it gets better as it goes on. Some wandering / readjustment and unfocusing throughout. Includes curtain call, audio is fed from external source. https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBzrLT | ASKING $20 USD NOT FOR SHARING EXCEPT THROUGH ME UNTIL JULY 2, 2025
& JULIET July 31, 2024 (E) | Broadway | 4K MP4 (10.04GB) | bikinibottomday’s master Cast: Maya Boyd (Juliet), Betsy Wolfe (Anne Hathaway), Austin Scott (William Shakespeare), Daniel J. Maldonado (u/s Romeo), Makai Hernandez (u/s Francois), Justin David Sullivan (May), Jeannette Bayardelle (t/r Nurse "Angelique"), Paulo Szot (Lance), Najah Hetsberger (Lady Capulet/Nell), Andrew Chappelle (Lord Capulet/Sly), Tiernan Tunnicliffe (Eleanor/Benvolio), Virgil Gadson (Augustine), Matt Raffy (Gregory), Daniel Assetta (Henry), Jasmine Rafael (Imogen), Khailah Johnson (Judith), Joomin Hwang (Kempe), Bobby "Pocket" Horner (Rumour), Michael Iván Carrier (s/w Thomas), Ava Noble (s/w Titania) Notes: Great 4K capture of Makai as Frankie! Footage starts 8 minutes in at the beginning of “Hit Me Baby,” audio only until then. Very minor head obstruction throughout. Some wandering and unfocusing throughout. Includes curtain call, audio is fed from external source. https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBC6zM | ASKING $18 USD NOT FOR SHARING EXCEPT THROUGH ME UNTIL JULY 2, 2025
HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD September 10, 2024 | First US Tour (Chicago, IL) | 4K MP4 (12.67GB) | bikinibottomday’s master Cast: Emmet Smith (Albus Potter), Aidan Close (Scorpius Malfoy), John Skelley (Harry Potter), Trish Lindstrom (Ginny Potter), Ebony Blake (Hermione Granger), Matt Mueller (Ron Weasley), Benjamin Thys (Draco Malfoy), Julia Nightingale (Delphi Diggory), Naiya Vanessa McCalla (Rose Granger-Weasley), Kaleb Alexander (Sorting Hat), Mackenzie Lesser-Roy (Moaning Myrtle, Lily Potter Sr.), Larry Yando (Albus Dumbledore, Amos Diggory, Severus Snape), Katherine Leask (Professor McGonagall, Professor Umbridge), Timmy Thompson (Craig Bowker, Jr.), Caleb Hafen (Cedric Diggory, James Potters), Julianna Austin (Polly Chapman), David Fine (Yann Fredericks), Zach Norton (Karl Jenkins, Viktor Krum), Maren Searle (Trolley Witch), Alexis Gordon (Madam Hooch), Torsten Johnson (Professor Mazoni), Nathan Hosner (Voldemort), Travis Patton (Teacher), Rene Thornton Jr. (Station Master), Chris Jarman (Voice of Phone Box/Voice of Bookcase), Paul Thornley (Voice of Ludo Bagman), Markus Blair, Casey Butler, Erin Chupinsky, Reese Sebastian Diaz, Simon Gagnon, Lauryn Hayes, Markelle Leigh, Evan Maltby, Ayla Stackhouse, Jennifer Thessen, Kristin Yancy Notes: Excellent 4K capture of the tour’s first preview! Some wandering / readjustment and unfocusing throughout. Some washout on the wider shots. Includes curtain call, audio fed from external source. https://mega.nz/folder/NtpHyKQC#yEDS9jvDa4nP0K-T0xby_Q | ASKING $20 USD NOT FOR SHARING EXCEPT THROUGH ME UNTIL JULY 2, 2025
THE WHO’S TOMMY July 10, 2024 (E) | Broadway | 4K MP4 (8.2GB) | bikinibottomday’s master Cast: Daniel Quadrino (u/s Tommy), Alison Luff (Mrs. Walker), Adam Jacobs (Captain Walker), John Ambrosino (Uncle Ernie), Bobby Conte (Cousin Kevin), Haley Gustafson (Sally Simpson), Aliah James (Nurse), Jenna Nicole Schoen (Nurse/Mrs. Simpson), Christina Sajous (The Acid Queen), Nathan Lucrezio (Lover/Mr. Simpson), Sheldon Henry (Hawker/Judge/Specialist), David Paul Kidder (s/w Allied Solder), Mike Cannon (Minister), Olive Ross-Kline (Tommy, Age 4), Reese Levine (Tommy, Age 10), Tyler Eisenreich (Commanding Officer), Alexandra Matteo (Head Nurse), Lily Kren (Psychiatrist), Andrew Tufano (Allied Soldier), Mark Mitrano (First Pinball Lad), Jeremiah Alsop (Second Pinball Lad), Dee Tomasetta (s/w Chief Resident), Reagan Pender (Bartender, s/w Harmonica Player), Ronnie S Bowman Jr. (Ensemble) Notes: Excellent 4K capture of Danny’s debut as Tommy! Minor head obstruction on the bottom which blocks off a bit of action. Some moments of wandering and unfocusing. Some washout on the wider shots. Momentary blackout during the last song due to a standing ovation. Includes curtain call, audio fed from external source. https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBzd79 | ASKING $20 USD NOT FOR SHARING EXCEPT THROUGH ME UNTIL JULY 2, 2025
WICKED July 25, 2024 | Broadway | 4K MP4 (11.33GB) | bikinibottomday’s master Cast: Laurel Harris (s/b Elphaba), Alexandra Socha (Glinda), Jordan Litz (Fiyero), Donna McKechnie (Madame Morrible), Brad Oscar (The Wizard), Natalie Ortega (Nessarose), Jake Pedersen (Boq), William Youmans (Doctor Dillamond), Stephen Hernandez (s/w Chistery) Notes: Excellent 4K capture of Laurel as the temporary standby Elphaba! Increased wandering / readjustment and unfocusing throughout. Overall more messily filmed / wideshot than usual. Some washout on wider shots. Includes curtain call, audio is fed from external source. https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBBqBi | ASKING $20 USD NOT FOR SHARING EXCEPT THROUGH ME UNTIL JULY 2, 2025
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eddieredmayneargentinablog · 8 months ago
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New post: Broadway Barks! 🐕🐶
Over 30 Celebrity Presenters Will Join Bernadette Peters and Sutton Foster for Broadway Barks
The annual pet adoption event will be held later this summer in Shubert Alley.
Celebrity participants have been announced for the annual pet adoption event in Shubert Alley, Broadway Barks, which will once again be hosted by Tony winners Bernadette Peters and Sutton Foster.
As previously reported, the 26th annual dog and cat adoption celebration—founded by Peters and the late Mary Tyler Moore—will be held August 3. The day kicks off at 3 PM, and celebrity presentations of the adoptable pets from 25 participating rescue groups and shelters will begin at 5 PM and continue to 6:30 PM.
Newly announced for the event are celebrity presenters Eric Anderson (The Great Gatsby), Philippe Arroyo (& Juliet), Jeannette Bayardelle (& Juliet), Shoshana Bean (Hell’s Kitchen), Dan Berry (The Outsiders), Maya Boyd (& Juliet), Stan Brown (Water for Elephants), Andréa Burns (The Notebook The Musical), Andrew R. Butler (Stereophonic), John Cardoza (The Notebook The Musical), Gabriela Carrillo (Six), Victoria Clark (Kimberly Akimbo), Jenn Colella (Suffs), Joe De Paul (Water for Elephants), Olivia Donalson (Six), Gregg Edelman (Water for Elephants), Jordan Fisher  (Hadestown),  Jasmine Forsberg (Six), Sara Gettelfinger  (Water for Elephants), Dorian Harewood (The Notebook The Musical), Nikki M. James (Suffs), Jeremy Jordan (The Great Gatsby), Sky Lakota-Lynch (The Outsiders), Storm Lever (Six), Isabelle McCalla (Water for Elephants), Wade McCollum (Water for Elephants), Paul Alexander Nolan (Water for Elephants), Brad Oscar (Wicked), Emma Pittman (The Outsiders), Maryann Plunkett (The Notebook The Musical), Eddie Redmayne (Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club), Jelani Remy (Back to the Future), Didi Romero (Six), Adi Roy (Aladdin), Austin Scott (& Juliet), Christopher Sieber (Death Becomes Her), Jennifer Simard (Death Becomes Her), Emily Skinner (Suffs), Steven Skybell (Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club), Alexandra Socha (Wicked), Dennis Stowe (Aladdin), Justin David Sullivan (& Juliet), Paulo Szot (& Juliet), Jordan Tyson (The Notebook The Musical), Michael Urie (Once Upon a Mattress), Ben Jackson Walker (& Juliet), Khaila Wilcoxon (Six), Betsy Wolfe (& Juliet), and Joy Woods (The Notebook The Musical).
Proceeds from the event benefit the participating shelters and rescue groups: 1 Love 4 Animals, Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniels Rescue, Adopt A Boxer Rescue, Animal Care Centers of NYC, Anjellicle Cats Rescue, Best Friends Animal Society, Bideawee, Bobbi and the Strays, City Critters, Francis’s Friends, Hearts & Bones Rescue, Husky House, Linda’s Cat Assistance, Little Shelter, Long Island Bulldog Rescue, Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League, Muddy Paws Rescue, North Shore Animal League, Pet ResQ Inc., Save Kitty Foundation, Second Chance Rescue, SPCA of Westchester, Urban Cat League, and Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue.
Foster first co-hosted with Peters in 2022. Both are returning to Broadway later this season: Foster in the revival of Once Upon a Mattress and Peters in Stephen Sondheim's Old Friends.
Since its inception in 1998, approximately 85% of the more than 2,000 cats and dogs showcased in Broadway Barks have found forever homes. Visit BroadwayBarks.org.
Broadway Cares is one of the nation’s leading industry-based, nonprofit AIDS fundraising and grant-making organizations. By drawing upon the talents, resources, and generosity of the American theatre community, since 1988 Broadway Cares has raised more than $300 million for essential services for people affected by HIV/AIDS, COVID-19 and other critical illnesses across the United States. Visit BroadwayCares.org.
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delaneywuzup700 · 4 days ago
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Remember Island Delight from G3? Well here she is in G4, now as a hippogriff and seapony! Decided to think outside the box for a creating a G4 version, I mean the name "Island Delight" does sound fitting for a hippogriff/seapony wouldn't you think? And I think I pretty much outdid myself with her design, although it was completely AGONIZING to get her done, especially with MS Paint doing another weird thing where for some reason an already drawn images turns blurry and low-res, kind of like how everytime I post a high-res image like a base or one of the Little Aliens Forever things it turns out blurry and low-res, I don't like this, the seapony form turned low-res and I had to fix it. 😖
Speaking of seaponies, I think I need to get rid of my unfondness for the hippogriffs being seaponies, which was mainly because I'm such a bird lover, that also I never understood why when becoming seaponies in the first place, they decided to get rid of their beaks, I mean they could've just become sea hippogriffs or something. But in all, it was pretty petty of me and I was a dinky little 12-year-old with angst at the first time so I think should let that go, but I ain't giving my sona seapony form, I can tell you that! Anyways, let's get into G4 Island Delight:
Name: Island Delight
Age: 30
Race: Hippogriff/Seapony
Sexuality: TBA
Voiceactor: Jeannette Bayardelle (No certain type of voice, just Jeannette's same old voice. I really liked her song "I Will Sing" from The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning, her singing is beautiful and it seems fitting cause of seaponies)
Bio: From a young age Island Delight had a love for singing, dancing, and music, she dreamed of becoming a famous singer in Equestria. But alas, the threat of the Storm King put her dreams on hold when she and the hippogriffs had to go hide underwater. When he was defeated, Island was more than happy to stretch her back legs on land again, and was finally able to share her voice to the rest of the world, and became a gigging musician at any concert available in Equestria. And with having a seapony form, she decided it would be great to use for underwater performances.
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mrjoeiconis-blog · 2 years ago
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Jeannette Bayardelle as “Jann” in La Jolla Playhouse’s world-premiere production of THE UNTITLED UNAUTHORIZED HUNTER S. THOMPSON MUSICAL; photo by Rich Soublet II.
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cassecorrea · 2 years ago
Anyone know where I can find a full/clean/live version of I Will Sing from Ariel’s Beginning by Jeannette Bayardelle 👀
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awkwardjewishtheatrenerd · 26 days ago
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I'm still waiting for my transfer....
Gun & Powder April 2024 (Matinee) Papermill Playhouse- $9
Cast: Liisi Lafontaine (Martha Clarke), Ciara Renée (Mary Clarke), Jeannette Bayardelle (Tallulah Clarke), Aaron James McKenzie (Elijah), Hunter Parrish (Jesse Whitewater), Jason Sweettooth Williams (Townsperson), Zonya Love (Flo/Kinfolk), Katie Thompson (Fannie Porter/Townsperson), Aurelia WIlliams (Sissy/Kinfolk), Reed Campbell (Townsperson), Carrie Compere (Kinfolk), Francesca Grannell (Townsperson), Rickens Anantua (s/w Kinfolk), Mary Claire King (Townsperson), Malik Shabazz Kitchen (Kinfolk), Rayshun LaMarr (Kinfolk), Tiffany Mann (Kinfolk), Tony Perry (Kinfolk), Adam Roberts (Townsperson), Christine Shepard (Kinfolk)
Notes: MP4 format. Filmed from front center mezzanine. Mix of wide shots and zooms. My battery died and I didn’t notice, so the last 15 minutes of Act 1 are audio only. THIS is the papermill show of the season to have a quick broadway transfer, not The Great Gatsby. Can’t wait to see where this show goes. Minimal dropouts. Includes bows. NFS forever except through master and NFT through May 24, 2029.
Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBoeqZ
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openingnightposts · 11 months ago
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oldbaton · 1 year ago
Besides I’m Here which is brilliant and perfect structured I’ve never thought the musical version of The Color Purple did it justice. But let me tell you I saw Jeannette Bayardelle as Celie. And the ROAR when she said “I’m beautiful”. That was 2008 and I’ve never forgotten it.
This song and the moment is perfect. The way it builds to the simple phrase “I’m beautiful”. Stunning. You gotta watch Jeanette do it:
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thesquirrelqueer · 6 months ago
& Juliet 10/1/24 Notes
- justin’s return! also ava!lady cap and dan!richard
- “it looks so good you look like a basketball player” - jas to virgil about his hair during preshow
- mic issues for justin and jeannette during domino
- show stop after show me love because of the mic issues, philippe and paulo started their scene but their mics weren’t on so only people close could hear them
- during the stop the lights and projections went red for a few minutes then green then red again then back to normal and then the show started again
- drew saw me as he made his entrance and stuck his tongue out at me
- ava doing an extra evil laugh before doing her lady cap singing part in SMTM because she and andrew messed up the vamp timing
- drew wiping dan’s tears away with his quill when they’re together on the side of the stage during SMTM
- tiernan blowing justin a kiss when they passed him in the back during SML
- philippe going “jeez” when paulo entered like he got jumpscared
- philippe blowing on the coffee like it was hot when maya handed it to him
- philippe leaning in to kiss maya before she spins him around and pushes him away during oops
- paulo and jeannette were making a lot of new choices during teenage dream
- there is the stuffed animal I saw makai have that one time in the carriage but I still don’t know what it is because I only saw it for like .5 seconds
- philippe being very gentle with justin on the first bump
- justin mouthing “okay” to themself after NAG
- philippe saying “I like kissing you” instead of “I just like kissing you”
- paulo leaning in for a second kiss after the teenage dream one
- khailah’s “yes” of “yes! I like that” was super extra
- justin pointing and winking at me during everybody
- drew squishing philippe’s face a little bit on “come brothers let’s go rehearse”
- betsy line flub during TTWII where instead of “penniless in a small house, rich but miles apart” she just went “miles apart… and close together”
- dan giving bex the shoulder rub during SUBG instead of daniel
- dan and bex playing the knife game with their hands during gay gossip table
- philippe had the armor on a lot higher than usual and was being very silly about it
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magicpotiondaily · 3 years ago
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Tony Awards 2022 - Fave looks ♥️  
~Kara Young, Jeannette Bayardelle,Tamara Tunie, Barbara Whitman, Jessica Chastain, Paris Jackson, Uzo Aduba, Carmen Cusack, Colman Domingo, Cara DiPietro, Cynthia Erivo, Jeremy Pope, Billy Porter, Leslie Bibb, Ariana DeBose, Emilio Sosa, Julianne Hough, Jordan Roth, Ruth Negga, Phillipa Soo, Patti LuPone, Jonathan Groff, Skylar Astin, Vanessa Hudgens, Myles Frost, Charlie Rosen, Dominique Morisseau
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kenpiercemedia · 3 years ago
"Girl From The North Country" Play To Pause Until Spring On January 23rd
“Girl From The North Country” Play To Pause Until Spring On January 23rd
We’ve enjoyed bringing some of the news from Broadway to your attention but while its been wonderful to see people heading out to theatre, there have been a number of closures over the last few weeks. Just a short time ago, the producers of “Girl From The North Country” announced a pause until Spring to take place on January 23rd. I’ve embedded their post to Facebook for your consumption. (more…)
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thediaryofatheatrekid · 7 years ago
Dream Schuyler Sisters
Okay… This is going to be a long one. Read below cut-off
Casting Goals:
Eliza Hamilton:Adrianna HicksAli EwoldtAna VillafañeArielle JacobsDenée BentonEmily BautistaJeannette BayardelleKatrina LenkLianah Sta. AnaNicole Scherzinger
Angelica Schuyler:Alexia KhadimeAmber GrayDan'yelle WilliamsonDaphne Rubin-VegaJasmine Cephas JonesJeannette BayardelleKatrina LenkKrysta RodriguezLilli CooperMerle DandridgeNaya RiveraNikki M. JamesRachelle Ann GoRaven-SymonéRebecca Naomi JonesSaycon SengblohTracie Thoms
Peggy/Maria:Amber GrayBrandyBrittain AshfordEva NoblezadaJoaquina KalukangoLulu FallNaya RiveraNikki M. JamesRebecca Naomi JonesSaycon Sengbloh
Once Upon a December:
Eliza Hamilton:Nikki Renée Daniels
Angelica Schuyler:Queen Latifah
Peggy/Maria:Daphne Rubin-VegaFantasia BarrinoFrances RuffelleIrene CaraKatrina Lenk
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playbill · 7 years ago
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See Jonathan Groff, Will Swenson, and More Stars Reunite for Hair 50th Anniversary
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