#valentines day wip
kattramen · 2 years
I started working on this WIP for valentines day, but, if you hadn't seen- valentines day was almost a month ago. I might pick this back up next year, but I dunno yet. It's a little messy, but it would just rot away with the rest of my wips if i didn't post this. Anyway, please enjoy what I do have! :^>
Thank you @here-2suffer for giving me the inspiration to write as much as I did. Sorry I didn't end up finishing before writers block swallowed me whole.
February is that weird transitional month between the harsh winter weather and the wet and warm spring. Not quite cold enough to warrant your heavy winter coat but not warm enough to ditch the hoodie. The chilly morning air fills your lungs with a new vitality, a new day, a new week. Let's hope this one is more promising than the last, working in the pizzaplex is beginning to weigh heavily on your shoulders. So many faces to remember, so many noises, so many messes… 
You sigh, punching your employee ID number into a kiosk to clock on.. glancing over the schedule plastered on the corkboard nearby you search endlessly through the list of faceless employees that keep the glorified mall running like clockwork. One of the downsides of being a float in the Plex is you never quite know where you're going to end up for the week. 
"Let's see, Betsy, Romello, Sara, Leo, Pete, Macky, Jillian, Robert, Mike, Vlad, Ah! Y/N, there we go." You trace your finger down the paper, stopping when you reach your name.
"Now where did they stick me- Oh!" A soft smile creeps across your face, "Daycare huh? It looks like it's gonna be a good week after all." You walk towards your locker, taking a simple black hairband from your wrist you tie your formally loose hair up into a pony, taking the time to slip your fazco branded cap into place. Brushing off the invisible dust on your uniform you look towards a mirror to straighten yourself out, taking the time to readjust your fringe and checking the cleanliness of your teeth. You could probably use a mint.. maybe some gum.. a quick pat of your pockets serves as a gentle reminder that you haven't been to the convenience store yet this week. Oh well, gum has been banned from the daycare ever since the bubble-blowing incident anyway. It took months before Sun stopped smelling like Hubba bubba. 
You chuckle fondly at the memory, shaking your head as you recall how long it took the daycare attendant to pick the rubbery pink substance from each crater in his faceplate. Sparing a quick glance at the clock you decide you've spent far too long stalling in the locker room. You turn, heading off through the endless underground tunnels toward the daycare. 
As the mechanical door rises and you step out onto the ground level, the heavy bustle of service bots zipping around the building and settling everything into its rightful place reaches your ears. You can also hear the faint chiming of the arcade on the floor above you, more than grateful you wouldn't be on ticket desk duty this week. Some of those kids are ruthless, and the adults aren't much better.. sure Mr. Hippo isn't the most popular animatronic from the franchise, but that surely doesn't warrant hurling those heavy-ass magnets at poor unsuspecting service workers' heads. 
As you approach the large wooden double doors, something becomes blatantly obvious... Neatly cut pink paper heart chains are hung carefully above the door. A peek at the exterior of the rest of the daycare reveals these aren't the only ones... Suddenly the reason for your 'peaceful' work week becomes all too clear. It's Valentine's week....fantastic. You contemplate turning back and locking yourself in one of the charging booths, but decide against it to save yourself from possible radiation poisoning.
Holidays in the daycare are always unbelievably hectic. Not only are the kids bouncing off the walls, but there's also a million and one things Sun likes to jam-pack into the week. The history of the holiday, crafts, sweets, face painting, themed games, stories, movies, and a dozen other activities he somehow manages to come up with. You're not sure if you wanna know just how long he plans these things out. But he's always so excited to enact said plans, and watching him find genuine enjoyment in his craft makes the next few weeks of pocket glitter worth the trouble. 
You grab hold of the door, trying to prepare yourself for the mess of red, pink, and white covering every inch of the daycare. The door opens with an agonizingly slow creak, you make a mental note to tell maintenance that the hinges need to be greased. What lies beyond the doorway exceeds your expectations, they outdid themselves this year.. paper hearts of several varieties and baby angels are strung up all around the daycare, chains similar to those on the exterior also stretch along the interior walls, bunches of paper bouquets adorn the crafting tables along with what seems to be all the materials to make cards, the security desk has been covered in pink paper and decorated with a billion tiny hand drawn hearts, and heart balloons of varying colors are scattered about the floor. 
In the center of it all, dressed in bright red overalls, a frilly white button-up, pair of angel wings, a halo, and what seems to be a bow and arrows. Is a rather ecstatic-looking Sun, he aims at you, sending an arrow hurtling at your head. It makes contact before you can even react. Too stunned to speak, you glance up at your forehead at what looks to be the aforementioned arrow suctioned in place. 
"Haha!! I got you Sunbeam!! You've been shot by cupid! Looks like sooooomeone's fated to find love today!" Sun cheers as he jogs over, plucking the arrow from your forehead and tossing it back into his sling.
You stare blankly at him, still trying to process what just occurred. "I'm gonna what?" 
"Find love! them's the rules after all!" He shakes an arrow at you, grinning cheekily as he taps his chin in thought. "Noooow, just who to set you up with.. hm… can't be any of the kids.. can't be second staff.. They have a boyfriend don't you know!" He strikes his palm, raising a finger up when the answer comes to him. "Ah-ha! That just leaves two eligible bachelors!!" 
You quirk a brow, “And just who might those gentlemen be?” Your voice holds a certain level of perspicacity, an incredulous look plastered across your features. Sun’s grin only seems to widen, he leans against the security desk, arms folded.
“Well I can tell you now, they’re swell guys! Very sweet, charming, some might even call them handsome.” He nods as he speaks, “Very crafty too, you wouldn’t believe what they can do with some scrap paper and a glue stick! Being resourceful is an extremely desirable trait, especially in this day and age! That recession is quickly approaching after all!” He turns, beginning to pace in a circle as he babbles, hands animating each sentence. “There is a bit of a catch.. It’s a two-in-one package, can’t have one without the other, buuuut that just means double the hugs, and you simply can’t beat a deal like that!” he quits his pacing, stopping to gauge your expression, despite the friendly face his anxiety seeps through the cracks of his carefully crafted confidence. Fidgeting with his clothes, thrumming his fingers, refusing to look at you longer than a few seconds at a time, the intensified whirring of fans attempting to regulate internal temperatures. He’s nervous, thats apparent. 
“Oh really? They sound like really great guys, but I sorta already had a valentine or two in mind. So you’ll have to let them down gently for me Sunny, I really didn’t take you for the matchmaker type. Do you set employees up regularly?” If he was going to be roundabout in asking, you were 100% going to play into it, and tease him a bit. It’s only fair, they take every opportunity to mess with you, might as well give them a taste of their own trickster ways. 
Sun visibly deflates, rays despite their inflexibility almost seem to sag. You can’t help but compare him to a withering flower, his grin twitches ever so slightly. “I.. I see.. Seems like you get out more than we thought Starlight! We didn’t even think you left the house for anything other than work, never would have imagined our little Star would be so.. Popular! Popular! Popular! Ha..” He slips effortlessly back into his role, pushing away any lingering anxiety and melancholy, sweeping the emotions under the rug to be addressed at a much later time, until eventually the pressure causes a fuse to go out, or a gasket to be blown. Even so, his voice holds a certain tightness, and his movements come across as choppier and tenser than normal. “We don't normally take too much interest in coworkers' love lives! But seeing as it’s the season, and how bright and special our Star is to us, we thought you might need a little help celebrating this year! That's all!” he lets out a small disconcerting laugh before growing quiet and stagnant, you’ve come to realize that in these moments of silence is when he and Moon converse freely. 
Which makes him an easy target. 
You wave a hand in front of his face, testing his awareness, when you’re still met with clouded eyes and a dazed expression you turn to the desk. Grabbing a washable marker and popping the cap off, you once again approach Sun weapon in hand. You only have a few more seconds to work, so you simply choose to write an 8-letter word across the expanse of what would be considered his forehead “Gullible”. Snickering, you step back from the bot, admiring your work. The idea is to drop as many hints as humanly possible, after all, you would be asking them to be your valentines before your shift ends, might as well have a bit of fun with the build-up. 
When Sun fronts he straightens, a new emotion hidden behind half-lidded eyes, envy. Whatever he and Moon discussed, you can already tell it's gonna get you into trouble. “So,” He starts, “Sunshine.” His voice is laced with an undertone of apathy, “Moon and I  have discussed it, why don’t you bring your date here? We could make it a night to remember.” The sharpness in his voice definitely promises a memorable evening, just not in a way that would get you a second date, hell, probably not even a full first one. A thin smile is taut against his face as he speaks again, “What are their names? How long have you known them? Do you think it’s love? Are they your friends? Did they ask you first? How did they do it? Did they get you flowers? Are you dating? Do you want to date them? Do they have a stable income? Do they make you smile? Have they made you cry?” Sun’s eyes almost feel as if they’re burning holes into yours, pelting you with an onslaught of questions, questions you didn’t have answers to. It doesn’t help that as he continues to speak his words almost become covetous and condescending towards your imaginary dates.
You hold up a hand, prompting Sun to stop speaking. He quiets with a small huff, breaking eye contact to fiddle with the ribbons around his wrists while he waits for answers to questions he doesn’t really want to be answered. After all, the more he knows, the more this situation becomes real, and the more he has to accept that you really are as unobtainable as he and Moon originally believed you to be. You probably shouldn't find this amusing, but their blatant interrogation is oddly endearing. With a deep inhale, you stuff down the urge to poke fun, choosing instead to pull an answer or thirteen out your ass. 
You chuckle, awkwardly scratching your cheek "Gonna be honest Sunny, I missed about half of those questions.." you make a face, scrunching it up as if you're trying to recall while you stall for a bit more time. "Their names are… Ray… and.. Mani.." You say less than smoothly, like you totally didn't just look at Sun's rays and pull some obscure name that means Moon out of no where. "I've known them.. funnily enough just about as long as I've been working here. I run into them on shift sometimes." Sun's eye twitches at that last bit, an invader, a thief, in his own home, how devastating. 
You continue, "I'd say we're really close, they're probably both some of my best friends. They haven't asked yet.. but I can tell they want to, I'm actually gonna ask them today." Sun's expression is beginning to morph into a Glower as he readjusts his skirt frills for the umpteenth time. "We're not dating, but, I wouldn't mind having them as partners.. they.. both have jobs.. but they don't get paid.." you hesitate a bit, goosebumps ghosting over your arms as you feel the iciness of the animatronic's utter disapproval. 
Oh boy, that was definitely not something Sun wanted to hear. How are they going to support you? How dare they make you the main breadwinner, you already work yourself too hard as it is. There's no way these two incompetent fools could ever treat you right.
"What kinda names are Ray and Mani anyway, they sound like losers." Moon's voice echoes through the headspace. 
"EXACTLY! Losers, bet they wouldn't even remember Dewdrop's favorite color." Sun claps back.
"The nerve" the lunar AI grunts.
"We absolutely have to do something, it's our right." Says Sun.
"As their best friends" Moon responds.
And so, Operation: Prove that Ray and Mani are complete trash and get Starlight to fall madly in love with us. Was formed. How would they do so? Obviously they need to first convince you to take your dates here for valentines day, after a bit of passive-aggressive button pushing they'll get them to crack and show their true colors. Then, when they break your sweet, sweet, heart they'll be there to console you, effectively sweeping you off your feet and BANISHING the two from ever stepping foot in the daycare. It's the perfect plan, nothing, aside from the 62.81% chance of failure, could go wrong. But, Sun was never one for statistics, he preferred to believe that when something is meant to be, things will just work out swimmingly. So he wasn't worried. Moon on the other hand, was worried. Not enough to ditch the idea, but he could acknowledge that this isn't their brightest light bulb moment, and the odds aren't exactly in their favor. 
Regardless they both cross their fingers, and hope somehow this all works out.  
I mean, how hard could it be to convince you? It's clear they would be a far better valentines day date than these.. these..
Dirty stinkin' Starlight snatchers!! 
The animatronic jumps, startled back into reality, he leans forward head tilted towards you. 
"You good Sunshine?? Normally you respond quicker than that, you and Moon must be really getting into it in there. You're clutching the desk so hard the paper is ripping-" sure enough when Sun looks down at his hands the pink paper beneath his fingertips has been contorted. 
"Ha… how.. Did that happen? Must've been a bug.. Moon will have to take a look later..." He smooths the bunches out, opening a small compartment in his shoulder to dispense several strips of tape to fix his mistake. "Anyway, Starlight, I think I may have gotten distracted with Moon for a moment or two." He finishes the repair, closing the compartment with a whack of his fist. "Now. Where were we? Ah yes, your dates. Please. Continue." His words come out with a taste of venom, whether it was intentionally placed or not. You pause for a moment, unsure if continuing this joke is a good idea. But you've come this far, there's no turning back, you have to double down. 
"Well.. they make me smile.. even when they're not around, they're silly, clever, charismatic, understanding, loving.. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am when they're near.. Mani has the most beautiful singing voice, and Ray is probably the most talented dancer I've ever had the pleasure of dancing with. They're both, just.. wow.. You should see them with kids, it's like a superpower, really." The fondness in your voice causes Sun to shiver, your face is so soft, eyes full of complete admiration.. He has to wonder, what it'd be like if you looked at him the same way.. With those pink cheeks and that shimmering gaze.. he watches as you bite your lip, pursing.  He reaches out unconsciously, cupping your cheek like it were made of porcelain, stroking it gently with his thumb. "S-sun..?" You call, a bit redder than you were seconds ago. 
"Oh!" He retracts his hand like your skin was hot to the touch, grasping it with his other as if he didn't entirely trust himself not to do it again. "I apologize Star.. I'm not sure where I went just now. I didn't hurt you did I?" Concern and what seems to be guilt is etched into his faceplate. 
You frantically shake your head "No no! Not at all. I'm perfect, just peachy, see, all smiles.." to make a point you exaggerate a smile doing your best to convince. Sun simply nods, clenching his hand experimentally. "Are you sure you're alright Sun..? Did you forget to charge last night? Maybe you should go upstairs and rest before the daycare opens.." You do your best not to sound too concerned, was this your fault..? Did you upset them? Ugh, of course you'd manage to over complicate something that was supposed to be straightforward. The weight of Sun's hand against your shoulder is enough to pull you from your less than kind thoughts. 
He smiles giving your shoulder a pat, "I'm alright Sunbeam, just a bit lost in thought. You'll have to forgive me for being so spacey this morning. Hehe~" Sun wiggles his brows, pleased with his crafty wordplay. 
"You did not." You stare blankly back at the animatronic in question. 
"Oh ho ho~ but I did." Sun grins smugly, there's an unspoken challenge behind that smirk. 
Annnnnd thats all I have down. If you read this far, thank you! I really appreciate it! ^w^
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snarkspawn · 7 months
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this is so dumb and cheesy I'm sorry lmao happy valentine's day! 💖
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macksartblock · 7 months
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hey gang <3
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spengsart · 2 years
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everythin’s bigger in texas
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choccy-milky · 7 months
Your art and blog sparks joy in me! Keep it up! (At your own pace where you are comfortable)
aw thank you!! i will!!😭💖💖 i wont be posting any new art till valentines day but in the meantime i give u all this wip that im drawing for my fics 1 yr anniversary on the 18th, bc soft seb makes me 🥺💘🥺🥺🥺
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rrotostap · 7 months
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Jokorb and Gorb wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day 💞💞
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sylph--scope · 7 months
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happy valentines day to these two and these two only
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day ♡
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jinglejails · 7 months
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You can show your love in many ways.
‪‪❤︎‬ Happy Valentine's Day! ‪‪❤︎‬
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Eek- it's my first time postin' a "messy" drawin'. (. . ;;;o) I prefer drawin' like this/more traditional; I never show these types of drawings, but I'm tryin' my best to build up the courage to. It's not much, but I hope you like it! .˓ (^  ^;;;o)
Most importantly, I hope you have a super lovely day! : >)
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toytle · 7 months
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i didn’t realize but my friend pointed out that i drew a heart in barry’s ear
even subconsciously, i can only see him thru heart eyes,,,
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Might have the full thing posted later tonight
Warnings: Smut directly below this, we’re diving in real quick with this one!
NSFW below the cut, minors DNI
You weren’t sure how you ended up in this situation. Well…that’s not entirely true. But you never thought that you would ever be in the situation you found yourself in. Not that you were upset at all by it. Lucifer, the almighty ruler of Hell itself, was bound and blindfolded in your bed wearing nothing more than his briefs. His hands were restrained to the bed post with tightly knotted rope while a silk ribbon obstructed his vision, leaving him absolutely helpless. Of course, you both knew he could more than easily break free from his bondage, but he wasn’t going to. He trusted you with his entire being, his devotion to you was undying. He was now yours to tease, to use, and to break. The thought excited both of you. You had already stripped, wasting no time as you closed in on your prey.
“Are you ready, Luci?” you asked, inching yourself closer to the foot of the bed.
“Yes, darling,” he answered sweetly, “do with me what you please.”
“Good boy,” you hummed. You heard a light moan escape his lips from just your words. He loved nothing more than receiving praise from you. You began by resting your hands on his ankles, ever so slowly moving them up to his calves, and stopping to massage the inside of his thighs. It was already apparent that he was having a difficult time sitting still, he was very sensitive after all. Your touch was intoxicating, he could never be satisfied. And the blindfold certainly amplified the experience. You finally moved your hands up his briefs and onto his hips, where he finally bucked up from your touch.
“Ah, ah, ah,” you chastised, “don’t move, baby. Be good for me.”
“Y-yes, love,” he murmured.
“Already so needy, aren’t we?,” you teased, noticing the very obvious wet spot on his shorts. “We’ve barely started.” You palmed his erection, eliciting a yelp from Lucifer. You began to slowly stroke him through his clothing, you felt his cock twitch at your gentle touch.
“Pl-Please, I-mmhn, please m-more,” he babbled. The sounds of his begging were pure ecstasy. What a feeling to have power over the most powerful being in the realm. You chuckled, reaching for the hem of his briefs, finally releasing his hardened cock. His tip leaked precum onto his stomach, Lucifer whimpered softly.
“Use your words, sweetheart,” you coerced, “tell me what you want.”
You heard an audible gulp from Lucifer. Even with the blindfold, you could tell that his cheeks had flushed a bright red. “T-Touch me, pl-please…need to f-feel you,” he choked out.
You smiled as you reached out to grab the base of his cock, forcing another moan out of Lucifer. You started to stroke his shaft up and down at an agonizingly slow pace, precum leaking onto your hand. It felt like he could burst at any second, but you planned on making this last as long as possible. You could already feel yourself getting wet from the sight of him writhing under your touch. Lucifer’s breathing became heavy as though he couldn’t get enough oxygen in his lungs. Unfortunately, he bucked up his hips to your touch again. You let go of him completely, Lucifer nearly sobbed at the loss of contact.
“What did I say, Luci?,” you scolded.
“Imsorryimsorry!!,” Lucifer cried, “Please! Please, I’ll be good. Please don’t stop…”
“You need to learn some patience, baby,” you retorted, kneeling down and taking a long lick from the base of his shaft to the head. Lucifer’s moans had turned into breathy gasps for air. Without warning, you plunged your mouth down on his cock.
“FFFUUUUCCCKKKK!,” Lucifer yelled as you continued to bob your head up and down on his length. He was well endowed, so you were carefully not to take too much of him all at once. Your hot mouth engulfed half of him while your hand stroked the rest, perfectly in sync. You circled your tongue around his tip, loving the taste of his precum. The only sounds from Lucifer were screams of pleasure as you overstimulated him with your mouth.
“Talk to me, sweetie,” you commended, “how does this make you feel?”
“S-so good, love,” he panted, “ffffuuucckk, I’m so c-close, soooo close…”
“Mmm, what a good boy you are, Luci,” you smiled. You take your hand and mouth off his cock in an instant, leaving it to lay on his stomach once again. Lucifer’s breath hitched as he whined inconsolably, completely devastated by the loss of any friction. “But I’m not done with you yet.”
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coffpot · 8 months
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Valentine's day wips♡
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I've been meaning to draw Poppy more, she's one of the first neighbors I ever drew!❤️ Very lovely, a piece dedicated to her, yes it is here!!!! Happy early Valentine's everyone, tell someone how much you love em!
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killer-laurent · 7 months
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Commission process 😌
Marius 🖤 Armand
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skeletonnerdy · 7 months
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Bunny Girls wip <33
They were originally for Valentine's Day, but being Wips and all you see how that went. I've been working on their line art. Who do we want finished first, or should I just post them as a batch like last?
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bubblegumflavor · 7 months
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No.. no they didn't do anything specific this Valentine's Day.. : )
(Yes they got secretly married! = ) and... (answering to a previous tag question: It's always Bobby! =D<3)
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