#vaguely sauntered downwards
zivilzz · 1 year
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“If I should fall, on that day
I only pray, Don’t fall away from me.”
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I swear if we are gonna get a scene of Crowley’s fall in the next season, I will not be okay… I will not recover from that! 😫
I did add this piece to my InPrnt, if you wanna grab a physical copy! ♥️
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ruchirarambles7 · 1 year
So apparently, DT was worried that "the walk or whatever it was might have slightly left me."
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Captain Swagger doesn't walk. He sort of vaguely saunters....
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veil-of-lament · 3 months
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oh well.
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kaeraesketches · 10 months
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✨ “What I NEED is for HIM to be nowhere near ME, and the precious, peaceful, fragile existence that I’ve carved out for my myself here.”
✨ Here’s another Crowley study…I gave him silly little horns because YOLO or something. This one took much longer than the last…by at least a few hours. I seriously redrew him like 7 times before I finally got some shapes that I could carry forward. And, I’m playing with an unfamiliar brush, so the textures are not what I’m used to. I guess some days, the mojo doesn’t mojo very effectively 😆🤦🏻‍♀️😅. Anyway, I hope you like him!
✨Digital drawing, Procreate. One layer, one brush.
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Can I just say how much I adore Good Omens’ portrayals of falling? I especially appreciate Gabriel’s weird abrupt turn in s2, because sometimes it really is like that.
My own loss of faith took years. It also took about 10 minutes.
If you had asked me that afternoon how I felt about [pick any controversial topic], I would have been 100% on the party line. And that wasn’t a performance or a mask, that was what I genuinely believed. Ask me about those same topics the next morning, and my positions on ALL OF THEM had completely changed.
Because: beliefs are related to each other! They support each other! You can’t always change one belief without changing dozens of others that are connected to it. So that final switch was turning a hundred different switches on the switchboard. In the years leading up to it, I was collecting those switches. I was installing the switches. But they stayed firmly in the Off position. These were things other people believed. They could only flip (becoming things I believed) once they had ALL been installed, because they ALL had to flip at the same time.
To people who haven’t experienced that (or who lost their faith in a different order / for different reasons), a gradual, piece-by-piece process probably looks more realistic. It’s way, way more common in fiction. But I personally find those portrayals to be so alienating. It often feels like storytellers can’t put themselves in a believer’s shoes at all. Like they’re writing a character that never really believed any of that stuff, deep down. So it’s very easy for that character to shed bits and pieces of those beliefs over time, because they were never actually integrated into their concept of reality.
Compared to that, Gabriel feels so much more real.
Because there won’t always be a nice, gradual Questioning Phase in between “archangel fucking Gabriel” and “what about no armageddon”. Sometimes it’s a long, invisible process of data gathering — all while 100% on heaven’s team — punctuated by a very very sudden freestyle dive.
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rochenn · 1 year
"haha yea i'm doing this fic about obi-wan joining dooku during the clone wars rn"
> proceeds to write over 30k of setup. dooku and obi-wan have not yet interacted
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gooseinsoup · 9 months
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happy season 3 announcement i hope we get to see crowley fall scene
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medidoctorate · 1 year
thinking about the episode where house gifts wilson a chemo photo montage with "any way you want it" playing in the background... and just realizing that it's supposed to juxtapose against how they usually play "you can't always get what you want". it's so telling. house's WHOLE SCHTICK is telling people that they can't get what they want.
"any way you want it, that's the way you need it"?
house is practically TELLING WILSON "your wants and needs are the same to me, whatever you wish i will try to give to you— you've provided so much for me and it's my turn to provide for you"
and he fucking DOES!!
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shadowofthemoth · 1 year
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It’s a dangerous business, angel, asking questions.
(Also I haven’t taken my pen up in forever, sorry for the quality).
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hillyhindi · 1 year
If you got to sprain your ankle, sprain it with style. 😈🔥🩹
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scarystickers · 1 year
Me after good omens season 2
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808pats · 5 months
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Crowley’s Lament by Lauren Rogers
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foe-of-fate · 1 year
I did a thing 🐍 😇
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Good Omens Headcannons cuz I'm bored and why not
1. Crowley overthinks a lot and its so dumb but so cute. The few things he still overthinks a lot about: When Aziraphale told him "You go too fast for me, Crowley" he knew that it wasn't his driving at all and thinks its something else ( which, in all fairness, is something else). He also thinks that Aziraphale doesn't like his name and always tries to think of one that the angel might actually like.
2. Aziraphale does not have a specific gender cause he thinks its nothing really to think about while Crowley basically tries to own every single on of them.
3. Aziraphale learned to dance the "gavotte" thinking that one day, he and Crowley can dance it. Bonus: an improvised closing step done by couples dancing the gavotte is to kiss each other, I bet Azi knew that and instantly thought of Crowley. ( i think this is a little bit canon )
4. Crowley created the endearment "angel" ( I think this is kinda canon somehow )
5. CANON : When Anathema first met the two, she thought they were together because Crowley called Aziraphale "angel" ( at least in the books )
HEADCANON : When she found out they weren't together, she kept telling them how they were MADE FOR EACH OTHER.
6. God is there no.1 shipper. (Me at 2nd place tho-)
7. Aziraphale reads smvt for fun and isn't emberrassed about it because he literally normalizes it.
8. ​Crowley never hated Gabrielle that much until he and Azi "switched" and found out how they treated his angel. He wanted to punch him so much but kept his composure because he thought Aziraphale might get mad at him. ( also MIGHT be canon but I'm not really sure )
9.1.Azira definitely fell in love with Crowley when they first met as angels and then either 1, didn't know what it was but he just knew he wanted to be with Crowley for the rest of eternity, or 2, he realized that it was love which they thought was wrong so he supressed those feelings because he knew or thought that they weren't going to return those feelings for him. Whether it was situation 1 or 2, Aziraphale was just content with the fact that he was there with Crowley, he may not be able to tell ( or even know ) his feeling for the other, he's still happy to be there with/for him.
9.2. When Crowley fell ( sauntered vaguely downwords ) he thought he lost everything, but then he saw an angel, he saw Aziraphale. And then when they talked so easily with him like almost nothing really happened and that he gave the humans his flaming sword, she realized that she fell in love with Azi. He already knew that Aziraphale was kind of special for him, he just didn't really see it. It also made him aware of his situation where in any time and moment, he can lose everything to him like how he lost his "everything" back in heaven.
9.3. In the WWII flashback, where the actor Michael Sheen, who plays Aziraphale, describes the look Azira gave Crowley after he saved his books the "final look" implying that he realized that he really did fall for Crowley that hard AND that he thinks the're might be a chance for Crowley to love him back. (again. idiots in love who are bad at communicating with each other)
10. Crowley loves being complimented by his angel but he wouldn't show it because he thinks Azi might think he's weird ( he's overthingking it again )
11. Crowley changes his hair over the centuries/years to see which ones Azi likes/compliments the most. ( Aziraphale seemed to compliment or notice whenever Crowley grows his hear out so during GO2 she was growing it out)
12. Zir pronounce for Beelzebub. ( idk if I'm using them right ngl, i just saw neil's tumblr post )
13. Azi knows how to drive a car ( more specifically his and Crowley's Bentley ) but he likes it better when the foul fiend drives him to his bookshop.
14. Crowley is cold-blooded because he's a snake. ( might be canon but idc tbh )
15. Crowley and Aziraphale can change what they look like ( change SOME things ahout their body ) but are afraid to do so because they think the other won't recognize them.
16. Whenever they had a "huge fight", Crowley would buy, -miracle- Azi first-hand books while Aziraphale buys him different kinds of wine/plants.
17. Before Armage-didn't and when they would be separated because of a certain miracle-ing mission from their head offices for a long time, they would send secret letters to each other and if the're not able to, Crowley re-reads the letters his angel sends to him while Aziraphale listens to the playlists Crowley recommends him throughout exchanging letters. ( don't worry, Crowley knows very well what kind of music his angel is into ) ( also i can imagine Crowley being like "This song reminded me of you <3" with a song either something to be funny like liturgical music or heartfelt songs from Hozier or David Bowie )
18. The bentley prefers Aziraphale as it's driver (shhh, don't tell Crowley )
19. Crowley turns into his snake form when he's sad. But when he's EXTREMELY sad he goes to the pub and tries to discorporate by intoxicating the body he currently has. ( He fails though, all the time )
20. After Beelze appeared randomly in the Bentley with the flies on S2Ep1, the Bentley would suddenly go feral whenever there is an insect inside/near it. ((When I said feral I mean; it starts making weird engine sounds, it plays random and mixed songs , it's lights and gears would flicker on and off, etc))
21. After Crowley fell, heaven gave him snake eyes so that, even though a bit difficult, he can still see the stars he created. ( Heaven didn't give him the eyes of an animal that can't see or completely blind because they want him to suffer with the fact that he can never perfectly see his creations again )
22. One day, Azira heard of a new band that was getting quite popular called "Queen". It happened that Crowley had a new car and decided that, as a gift, it needed some, unintentionally permanent, music. (( Found this one on tiktok and thought it was sweet ))
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This one came to be in a dream
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rainbowd00dles · 2 months
I know you aren't doing commissions right now, but do you have a kofi maybe? Where u can drop a tip or two? Cause you just keep giving and giving ♥️♥️♥️♥️
I have a Kofi, but I'm not accepting donations on it right now, I feel weird accepting tips when I can't give art back to everyone who tips 😅 besides I'm doing all this art right now for fun, not for profit
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