#vaggie carmine AU
patacrepe-san · 6 months
Vaggie Carmine AU
Chapter 1 : The Angel
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inkperch · 8 months
A question about your vaggie carmilla AU.
What would be carmilla, odette and clara's reaction to Chaggie?
Carmilla is just. Constant knowing smirks lol. Possibly with a side of 'how the hell has someone as nice as Charlie survived that long down her- what do you mean she's Lucifer's daughter??'
Clara and Odette are just. Max older sibling teasing. Vaggie can't breath in Charlie's presence without being called a simp-
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punikyukyu · 3 months
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New addition
Pov: you get stuck with two (older?) sisters after fighting with their mom to gain her aid in helping protect your girlfriend's hotel
I'm a firm believer in the whole "Carmilla adopts Vaggie" thing/Vaggie Carmine aus that I just had to draw my sillies together (Vaggie does NOT want to be there lmao)
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crackerzaf · 1 month
🖌️Teacher Au part3🖌️
Previous - Next
Sooner or later I’ll have to actually give it a name😮‍💨
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Dead but I’m happy with it
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peceraynadamas · 9 days
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The girls again.
Plus Vaggie :)
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DIHWYF Incorrect Quotes but it's mild Carmine sisters chaos
Because ✨sisters ✨
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Clara, staring at newly adopted Vaggie: Um...want a beer?
Odette: She's like...five!
Odette, whispering into her phone: Uh, hi- we locked our baby sister in the car and people are judging us.
Clara, now running around looking for a rock: I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA BREAK IT!
Odette: But if you keep making up words, no one will understand you.
Young Vaggie: Clara will. Watch. *tugs on Clara's arm*
Clara: Yeah, squirt?
Vaggie: *complete gibberish*
Clara, immediately playing along: Whoa, are you serious?
Vaggie: *more gibberish*
Clara: I'd never considered that before!
Vaggie: *very serious gibberish*
Clara, patting her head: This changes everything.
Odette, facepalming: You're both crazy.
*Odette, spotting Vaggie trying to sneak out of her bedroom: Oh, not again. Come on, go back to bed before Mamá sees you.
Vaggie: But I don't want to go to bed!
Odette: Too bad, manita.
Vaggie, pouting: Why do I have to go to sleep? Why can't I just stay awake all night?
Odette, sighing and getting up to walk her back bed: Because that's the way the world is.
Vaggie: Well I'm going to make it so that's not how the world is!
Odette, tucking her in: That sounds like a big job. You're gonna need a full night's sleep for that.
Vaggie: Yeah, I will! *triumphantly snuggles in*
Vaggie, ten minutes later: Hey, wait a second-
Vaggie, curled up in front of the fridge: :(
Clara, spotting her: You alright, hermana?
Vaggie, sadly: I just miss Odette**.
Clara, sitting down next to her: Aw, I know.
Vaggie: And the fridge doesn't like me :(
Clara: I...know?
*Odette: Bed. Sleep. Now.
Vaggie, trying to hide behind Clara: But I'm not tired!
Clara: Yeah, 'Dette, she's not tired!
*they're both asleep in Clara's bed in ten minutes later*
Clara, snuggling lil' Vaggie: Big sister's going to drop-kick anyone that touches you 🥰
Odette, without missing a beat: And bigger sister's going to bail big sister out of jail.
Carmilla, cuddling Vaggie after she tripped and fell: I know it's tough, mija. But hey, how many times have you bumped your head or gotten a bruise while you're playing with your sisters?
Vaggie, holding an ice pack on her knee: Um...lots.
Carmilla: Right. And what do they always tell you?
Vaggie: ...don't tell Mamá?
Carmilla, who was fully expecting a different answer: What?!
Clara, who'd walked into the room to check on her little sister: Uh...I'll maybe come back later?
Clara, holding an ice pack to her sister's head: How much do you remember?
Teenage Vaggie, who'd just gotten into her first fight: Just the ambulance ride to the hospital, I think.
Odette: That wasn't an ambulance ride, I drove you.
Vaggie: But I heard sirens?
Clara: That was your girlfriend.
Charlie, clutching the largest teddy bear the hospital sold***: I got nervous!
Charlie, fresh into their relationship: If something happened to Vaggie, I...I couldn't live with myself.
Odette, completely straight faced: You wouldn't have to. Clara and I would kill you.
Vaggie, trying to sneak off with Charlie at a party: Guys, I need your help.
Clara: Oooh, ok. I have an idea.
Odette: Is it a bad idea?
Clara: *darts off in Velvette's direction*
Odette, jumping up to chase after her: CLARA, IS IT A BAD IDEA-****
Vaggie, walking by with a teapot:
Clara: Whatcha doing?
Vaggie: It's for Zestial. I'm planning on making some bad choices tonight and I want him on my side when Mom finds out.
Clara: Oooh, smart. I'll have to remember that.
Odette, not looking up from her laptop: I never realized the forethought that went into raising our mother's blood pressure.
Carmilla, trying to calm Lucifer down after he came to her for advice about Charlie: Look, I've raised three fully functional, well adjusted children and-
Luci, sniffling: You have three kids I don't know about?
Carmilla: ...
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Here's a link to the AU!
*these exchanges definitely took place less than an hour apart.
**Odette is fine, she's just on a business trip and her sisters are sad.
***That bear is not for Vaggie. She has a different one for Vaggie. The older Carmines got her that so she would calm the fuck down
****is this a hint as to how Charlie and Vaggie meet? 🤫
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xellas-the-wanderer · 3 months
Here’s a skrunkly baby Vaggie in the care of one exorcist Carmilla.
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Here you go @seramilla @tanema123 @coallise @phantom00maverick
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
Apple Seed 19: STOP!!!
Charlie: Vaggie, where's the baby?
Vaggie: ........I put him down for a nap.
Charlie: .........He isn't in his crib......
Vaggie: ............
Charlie: ............
Charlie & Vaggie: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Abuelita Carmine: *wearing Sammy on her chest in a baby harness and holding up a baby onesie* I think the powder blue one would look best on him.
Clara: I'm buying him little weapon rattles!!!
Odette: I'm buying him "Advanced Physics for Babies!"
Clara: .....Nerd.
Sammy: *giggles and chews on the harness*
Vaggie: *storms into the store, sees Carmilla with Sammy, and swipes him out of the harness* NO STEALING THE BABY!!!
Vaggie: *sighs in relief as she sets Sammy down on his play mat* I can't believe she kidnapped him....
Charlie: I mean. I can. He's adorable!..... *looks on the floor mat where Sammy was playing a moment ago* Vaggie..... where'd he go?
Vaggie: Huh? *looks at the mat* ..........
Charlie & Vaggie: NOT AGAIN!!!!!!
Lucifer: *putting Sammy in a duckies onesie with a duck hood* There we go! Such an adorable little duckie! Yes, you are! Yes you are!
Sammy: *squeals in delight as Lucifer gives him cheek raspberries*
Charlie: *bursts into Lucifer's room* STOP STEALING MY BABY!!!
Luficer: *shrieks*
Much Later:
Charlie: *crawling into bed after putting Sammy to bed* Fuck.... this.... day..... *faceplants into her pillow*
Vaggie: Agreed...... *pulls up her phone and opens up the baby monitor app* .........Charlie?
Charlie: Mm-hmm?
Vaggie: Where's the baby?
Charlie & Vaggie: ..............FUCKING HELL!!!!!!
Angel: *snuggled in bed with Fat Nuggets in his lap and Sammy cradled in his arm as he reads* Bears love flowers. And grass that tickles feet. Bears love honey because it tastes so sweet. Bears love bees and lots of other bugs. But what Bears love most are AUNCLE BEAR HUGS!!! *cradles Sammy and rocks him in a hug while blowing a raspberry of his cheek*
Sammy: *giggles and shrieks excitedly*
Charlie & Vaggie: *burst into the room transformed and holding weapons* STOOOOOP STEALING OUR BABY!!!!
Angel: *Screams in fear*
Sammy: *giggles and makes grabbing motions to Charlie and Vaggie* MA-MA!!!! MA-MA!!!!
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Carmilla: "Vaggie is not my daughter or my responsibility."
Velvette: "Is too!?"
Carmillla: "She is not."
Velvette: "How the FUCK did you know I was talking about her then???"
Carmilla: (hangs up)
Velvette: "BITCH IF SHE LEAVES SPEAR MARKS IN HIM WE'RE SUING!!! All of hell knows you gave her a shit ton of weapons once!"
-five minutes later-
Carmine Family Chat Room O: Stop. Vgay: y? C: mom's pissed Vgay: not my mom O: Shall I tell mother you said that. Vgay: no C: cool C: next time she says less threats more stab Vgay: got it
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tanema123 · 5 months
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Hazbin cats again folks. We got, Carmilla saving Vaggie from starting a fight with Alastor.
Alastor is sad that his meal got stolen.
Vaggie was put in a "hamper jail", aka. a laundry basket, to reflect on her actions.
Finally, Vaggie wants to go home, but Carmilla, ain't letting her. She ain't finished grooming her.
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seramilla · 5 months
Here's a fun idea, extorsists are from miscarriages. Let's say one day vaggie gets hurt and needs a blood transfusion, sinner carmilla and her girls offer to be tested and they all have the same blood type and Vaggie is fine.
Thing is, vaggie has a rare blood type
They end up doing a DNA test and find out that vaggie is technically carmilla daughter that she miscarried.
Vaggie had always known there was something...off about her. And not just her; all the Exorcists, really. None of them had memories of a life on Earth. They also weren't created like other angels were, and Heavenborn who were willing to talk about it all insisted they were previously mortal. Vaggie never had any proof to the contrary, but the details of her aforementioned life, were never disclosed. There was like a wall there, almost like amnesia. The Exorcists seemed to exist in a vacuum all on their own, kept away from the rest of Heaven's population, in their own private barracks.
When Vaggie had asked Adam about this; why they were kept separate from every other Winner in Heaven, and not allowed to fraternize with other mortal souls, he just shrugged. He insisted he didn't know. His warriors had always been hand-picked for him by Heaven's elders, and he'd never personally questioned where they came from. He told her to stop worrying about it; questioning the life she had before was pointless, and he needed her to be in tip-top shape for what was to come.
All of that worrying ended when Vaggie fell. Suddenly, her origins were no longer a top priority, and she quickly forgot about it once Charlie welcomed her into her home, and into her bed. It was always in the back of her mind, but it suddenly mattered much less than it had before. There was no longer any need to consider the life she had on Earth, whatever it was; her life was here, and it was now, and Charlie needed her, and that was enough.
That was the case, anyway, until after the battle for the hotel, and Adam's sudden demise. Vaggie hadn't realized at the time, but during all the excitement, she'd lost a lot of blood in that battle. That had all been Lute's doing, and once Vaggie collapsed suddenly in Charlie's arms, Vaggie's next memory is waking up in a hospital bed, with blinding lights and loud electronic noises blaring in her ear.
Standing next to her bedside is Charlie, holding her hand. Also to her surprise, Carmilla is sitting off to one side, near the foot of her bed, clacking away at her laptop like she's just completing another day at work. Combined with the sound of all the beeping and booping from hospital machinery, Vaggie finds she can barely fight off the beginnings of a headache.
"Where am I?" Vaggie asks, and Charlie assures her she's all right.
"You lost a lot of blood, Vags," Charlie admits, grasping on to her hand tighter. "We...we rushed you here, after you collapsed. You desperately needed a blood transfusion, and, well...we thought my dad would be a match, but he wasn't. Carmilla was, though."
Wait. Wait. Hold on. Fucking wait.
"What? What do you mean?" Vaggie responds, trying to sit up. Charlie pushes her down, gently with her hand, before the angel can hurt herself. Carmilla closes the lid of her laptop, standing up slowly, looking at Vaggie with a gaze that might intimidate any other Sinner here in Hell.
Definitely not Vaggie, though. She knows now the arms dealer would never hurt her. She might kick her ass again, but it would all be for the purpose of teaching one of her twisted, secondhand lessons. She's not sure if she's ready for another round of that, just yet.
"What's going on?" Vaggie asks, bringing herself back to the subject at hand. Charlie looks away, still fumbling to give her a straight answer.
"Umm...well...you see..."
"Let me tell her," Carmilla suggests, moving to stand next to Vaggie's bedside. Vaggie hadn't noticed it before, but as Carmilla gets closer, she sees a bandage sticking out near the opening of her sleeve. That must be where they'd hooked her up to draw her blood. The blood that had saved Vaggie's life.
"Carmilla," Vaggie begins, questioning where in Hell this conversation is going.
Carmilla looks down at Vaggie, sighing deeply. Her gaze is longing, almost hurt and forlorn, like she might cry. Carmilla gets choked up at first, stuttering and fumbling for words like Charlie. She finally manages to say, through a clenched jaw, "We need to talk, mija."
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patacrepe-san · 6 months
Vaggie Carmine AU part. 1
Okay, I’ve got a lot to get through and not a lot of time so here it goes.
Right after the extermination, Clara and Odette are scouring through the streets, retrieving angelic weapons from sinner’s corpses.
In a back alley, the two sisters stumble upon an unconscious girl clad in Exorcist’s gear, missing an eye and bathing in her own golden blood.
They are puzzled by the sight, not understanding why this angel was left in hell nor how did she get hurt.
They contemplate leaving her like this, but after thinking it through the sisters ultimately decide to make it their mother’s problem and bring Vaggie back to the compound.
Having been in the weapon dealing business for a few cycles, Carmilla is no stranger to unexpected complications. Yet, even she does not know how she’s supposed to react to her daughters bringing back an angel with multiple mortal injuries to her doorstep.
While tending to her wounds, Carmilla notices how messy and bloody the base of Vaggie’s wings are. Whoever tore off this girl’s wings, they clearly enjoyed taking their time doing it.
When she wakes up, Vaggie is confused to see that her injuries have been treated, and she was definitely sure that she lost consciousness in a street and not inside a lavish apartment…
And her ponderings stop when she notices the demon standing in the room, observing her with a cold gaze.
She wants to flee, but she is still way too weak from her injuries and fall flat on the floor as soon as she tries to stand up.
Carmilla makes Vaggie sit on a chair before her desk and boy she has questions!
Vaggie avoids giving too much information, answering Carmilla with short answers like “Yes” or “No”, both out of distrust of the overlord and of lingering loyalty towards Heaven.
Still, Vaggie lets it slip that she can’t go back to Heaven.
Carmilla can feel a headache as she thinks about the situation. If the angel is left alone in hell, she’d forever be a potential threat for all of Hell.
And should an overlord manage to make a deal with her, they’d gain an invincible soldier at their disposal.
After weighing the pros and cons for a few minutes, Carmilla comes up to Vaggie with an ultimatum.
“You have two paths in front of you. The first one, the easy one, is where I kill you here and now. A swift shot through the head with one of my angelic weapons, it will be quick and painless for you. Or you can choose the painful one, and make a deal with me.”
Carmilla snaps her fingers, and a golden contract appears before her.
Carmilla will keep Vaggie’s true nature secret, and provide her with shelter and food for as long as she stays in hell. In exchange, Vaggie will have to work for her and will not be able to go against Carmilla’s commands. Those are the terms of the deal.
Vaggie knows better than making a deal with a demon, but what choice does she have? She picks up the pen.
So at this point Vaggie and Carmilla aren’t exactly fond of each other. They’ll be family one day, but it’ll get worse before it gets better though.
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inkperch · 8 months
In my 'Carmilla adopts Vaggie' au.
I'm so tempted to have Clara and Odette (gently) bully their dumbass little sister into telling her girlfriend she's an angel waaay earlier than canon
But also, the angst to Charlie learning angels can be killed and having no way to know if Vaggie knew and didn't tell her in an Au where it was Vaggie's mum who killed a fucking angel-
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xenahikart · 5 months
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Another one!
With some new faces!
Putting Alastor in a cardigan felt so good, and thats probably Voxs turtleneck lol
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jazzmasternot · 6 months
Hazbin hotel college AU head cannons
Note: decided to write these out after reading @sprainedwriting’s fanfic about Adam being a frat boy and I took that concept and ran with it.
Obviously this is based off of my own university experience where I attend a really big public university in the southern US. so that’s where my takes are coming from.
This is also my first time writing anything on here so there’s that aswell.
Majors in musical theatre, but not performance education. She wants to be the unhinged theatre teacher that everyone loves. Lives in one of those really fancy student apartment lofts with keke. And is part of the cat club where she feeds the cats on campus
She probably does something super hard like biomedical engineering (let’s go women in stem!) which takes up allot of her time already. Is also an RA for one of the dorms on campus which is good for her bc free housing and gets paid to do her homework at the front desk. Met Charlie in an English class and have been together ever since. When she’s not on call she’s spending the night at Charlie’s and Charlie’s almost always sitting at the front desk with vaggie even tho she doesn’t work or live at the dorm and no one says anything bc it’s just not that deep.
Majors in audio engineering and runs the campus radio station that people definitely still listen too. He went to community college first then transferred to a four year (to save money ofc) and is a commuter where he still lives with his mom. Does work study where he works the front desk of the library where he does his homework and works on his scripts for his radio show. Has no interest in working with Vox since he runs the tv channel simply bc he doesn’t want all that extra work. Still takes his notes on pen and paper and still has a nightmare of a time figuring out to electronically submit all his assignments and take his tests.
Angel dust
Okay so hear me out he majors in math ikik it sounds crazy but every gay math major I’ve ever met acts just like Angel dust. Goes to raves and frat parties even tho the guys don’t want him there but he always brings girls with him so the kinda have to let him in. Does nude modeling for extra cash at the art school so he’s kinda a celeb over there even tho he’s not in anyway related to that major.
Majors in Restaurant and hotel management and is one of those college students that are in their late twenties so already has more life experience than most other ppl here so he doesn’t do allot of the stupid college that allot of other ppl do. Lives in some off campus apartment that’s just a large house rented out to students made to look like a apartment (yk the ones in talking abt) works at the dive bar located just off campus that everyone goes to atleast once in their four years.
Sir pentious
Majors in mechanical engineering or industrial design I can’t really decided. Definitely uses the 3D printer all the time and is on the robotics team, which wins every competition they go to.
She’s changed her major so many times nobody knows anymore. Is part of the kpop club and has biases complete with intricately decorated covers, like she has so many photo cards. Also runs the campus hotties account where it’s just a bunch of candids of cute guys taken from far away. Will also get really pissed if you don’t wash your dishes bc it will attract bugs so if ur her roommate you better do the dam dishes.
Cherry bomb
Art major and is the one who got Angel the nude modeling gig. Is always pulling all nighters bc she kept postponing the assimgment till the last minute. Has probably vandalized a couple buildings surrounding the university but hasn’t been caught. Goes to raves and the aforementioned frat parties with Angel. Also has a traffic cone in her dorm room for no other reason than just bc.
Majors in multi media marketing, runs the campus tv and YouTube channel. Definitely the president of a frat that inflates his ego more than it already is. Always at sporting events at the front row with all the frat guys giving everyone the inside scoop and game commentary. Is very pissed that alastor won’t work with him. Treats himself like a campus celebrity even tho ppl could care less and are just trying to get their degree.
majors in film and media productions yeah he’s one of those. Always asking if you’ve seen pulp fiction and telling you that you need to watch some random black and white movie that’s only in French. Will definitely invite you over to watch something with you but we all know that’s not the case. Also all his film projects has allot of unnecessary nudity and sex under the guise of artistic expression, even when it’s so not relevant to the plot. Unless it’s a film that he’s making for the university in which case Vox is controlling every aspect of it which in this case is a good thing. Smokes in his dorm room without a care in the world and has really loud inconsiderate sex at any random point in the 24 hour day cycle.
Majors in public relations and runs the university’s Instagram account. She’s always walking up to ppl with a lil microphone to ask you to tell us what you’re wearing. Speaking off she always comes to class dressed up (like the international students) no leggings and tennis shoes for her. Also is definitely in a divine nine sorority, and runs their insta too.
She’s a professor for the aerospace engineering dept and shes here bc she got sick of making rockets for Lockheed Martin and reatheon. Hella smart and ppl are baffled that she chose to give up a seven figure job to teach a bunch of college kids but she’s so chill abt it tho.
Definitely English lit professor, makes you read the books no one’s heard of and not the classics. Always brings his own open regular coffee mug from his house to sip his tea from instead of a thermos, everyone asks how he doesn’t spill it on his ride to work. Also just straight up has an electric kettle in his office so he can have tea whenever he wants. Takes turns with carmilla eating lunch in each other’s offices.
Studies agriculture sciences and food processing. Will probably run a slaughter house when she’s done with her degree. Hangs out with Alastor in his radio booth from time to time just to gossip about whatever drama is going around lately. Wears long skirts and a tote bag all the time. Is always sweet to Charlie and Emily, also loathes Vox just as much as Alastor she just finds him annoying.
Is probably a religion professor that’s not religious at all and is super laid back in his class like one easy discussion board post a week. The kinda guy to be like “it’s so nice out let’s have class outside today guys” or “if I make this shot ur all getting extra credit on the quiz this week”.
Definitely majors in finance and is a frat boy. And his band plays at all the said frat parties. Is very insufferable to talk to at parties will try tell you how crypto is the currency of the future and how wolf of Wall Street is his favorite movie. Has a Saturdays are for the boys flag in his room and navy blue sheets. Oh did I mention he vapes he definitely vapes those Mike Tyson ones that taste awful and look like bricks yeah those. Always gets drunk at the tailgate way before the game is even started.
Yeah she’s in premed and wants everyone to know she’s better than you bc of it. Everyone else’s major is easy compared to hers so don’t you dare complain about all your assignments in her vicinity. She’s basically made it her whole identity like she’s in the premed honors society, future doctors of America. Types her notes on her laptop and then rewrites them with all her gel pens and fancy highlighters, like thee be so colorfull and pretty then the title would be something like blood clots. Still friends with Adam bc they went to the same highschool together and always helping him with his homework in turn he gets her into the tailgate tents and frat parties so she always gets free alcohol.
Majors in Elementary education and looks like it too, with the Stanley cup, James Avery charm bracelet, and all. She also takes super pretty notes but she does them in class which is super power all in itself, like her desk is scattered with gel pens and highlighters of every color and swears by her bullet journal. She also feeds the cats on campus with Charlie and runs the arts and crafts club on campus where they always host events like tote bag painting in the grass area of the university. Also doesn’t drink bc she’s not twenty one yet even tho she’s in college and definitely won’t smoke even tho most of the ppl that show up to her events are total potheads
She’s like the university president who doesn’t actually GAF abt the students and just fund’s athletics and raises tuition every year under miscellaneous fees. She tries to come off as supportive when she’s out in public but no one’s buying it.
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 8 months
In my AU, Carmilla learns that Vaggie's own mother was the one to take out her eye and cut off the wings she was born with. She then calls over her daughters and just tells them they have a new sister now, pointing at a very confused Vaggie.
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