#vaccinium oxycoccos
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phantom-of-the-north · 1 year ago
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Picking bog cranberries in -8C was fun but my fingers were so cold
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
One Poem a Day: November
"beautiful" words related to November for your next poem/story
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November - 11th month of the Gregorian calendar. Its name is derived from novem, Latin for “nine,” an indication of its position in the early Roman calendar; a communications code word for the letter n.
Aeonian - lasting for an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time
Apotheosis - the perfect form or example of something; quintessence
Bonfire - a large fire built in the open air
Cavalcade - a dramatic sequence or procession; series
Chrysanthemum - any of various composite plants including weeds, ornamentals grown for their brightly colored often double flower heads, and others important as sources of medicinals and insecticides
Cider - fermented apple juice often made sparkling by carbonation or fermentation in a sealed container
Cinnabarine - a deep vivid red
Citrine - resembling a citron or lemon especially in color; a semiprecious yellow stone resembling topaz and formed by heating a black quartz in order to change its color
Claret - a red Bordeaux wine; a dark purplish red
Confiture - preserved or candied fruit; jam
Cotyledon - the first leaf or one of the first pair or whorl of leaves developed by the embryo of a seed plant or of some lower plants (such as ferns)
Cranberry - the red acid berry produced by some plants (such as Vaccinium oxycoccos and V. macrocarpon) of the heath family; a dark red
Eld - old age; archaic: old times; antiquity
Felicific - causing or intended to cause happiness
Firewood - wood used for fuel
Flaxen - resembling flax especially in pale soft strawy color
Foliage - a cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches; leafage
Glissade - a gliding step in ballet
Gramercy - archaic: used to express gratitude or surprise
Kuchen - any of various coffee cakes made from sweet yeast dough
Lionize - to treat as an object of great interest or importance
Petiole - a slender stem that supports the blade of a foliage leaf
Rufescent - reddish
Sempiternity - eternity
Titian - of a brownish-orange color
Topaz - a usually yellow to brownish-yellow transparent mineral topaz used as a gem
Torchère - a tall ornamental stand for a candlestick or candelabra
Torpid - exhibiting or characterized by torpor; dormant
Vermeil - vermilion; gilded silver
Whiffle - to blow unsteadily or in gusts
Sources: 1 2 3 ⚜ More: Word Lists ⚜ Writing Prompts
If any of these words inspire your writing, do tag me or send me a link. I'd love to read your work!
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vandaliatraveler · 2 years ago
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Winter made an encore appearance to the Central Appalachians this past week, with some locations above 3000 feet receiving a foot or more of snow. By Friday, all that nasty cold and freezing precipitation had moved out and spring returned with a vengeance today, with temperatures in the upper sixties to low seventies. It was a perfect day to explore the ancient sphagnum bog at Cranesville Swamp Preserve, whose boreal wetlands community owes its existence to the cool temperatures provided by the frost pocket in which it nestles. From top: small cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) and eastern teaberry (Gaultheria procumbens) grow from a sphagnum hummock; lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium); eastern skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) growing in a damp spot near the bog’s edge; fringed polygala (Polygaloides paucifolia); dwarf ginseng (Panax trifolius); goldthread (Coptis trifolia); and downy serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea).
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bonefall · 2 years ago
question! your clanmew fruit guide mentions cranberries, and it’s generally thought that cranberries help lower risk of UTIs and stuff like that in people dogs and cats. would the clans have any knowledge of this?
I have to look into it! I know the studies can be a bit mixed, some say they do lower risk of UTIs, others don't
But most of all I need to check if the compounds in that species of cranberry is the same as the species that Clan cats have access to. The American cranberry is the type that makes up the majority of these studies, but the Clans encounter BOG Cranberry!
American, also called "large cranberry" = Vaccinium macrocarpon
Bog = Vaccinium oxycoccos
I'll get to this research when I finally getting around to the urinary herb guides, which will probably be around the same time I get to the bowel movement guides
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cannibal-rainbow · 8 months ago
i mean many people have probably pointed this out but cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccos) are also native to eurasia and very common berries.
I think so much about the food people ate pre-Columbian exchange. Huge parts of cuisine extremely important on both sides of the pond just didn't exist.
You've probably heard a little about what was brought over from the New World, corn, potatoes, cocoa, cassava, peanuts, chili peppers, avocadoes, cranberries, pumpkins, and the like. Imagine cooking without chili! Without potatoes! Modern Indian cuisine contains enormous amounts of potatoes and we just didn't have those for the vast majority of history. The best of the nightshades all on one contiguous hunk of land. Hell, tomatoes! Almost forgot about those.
But we don't often look at what the Old World had. Wheat! Barley! Rice! A profusion of incredible grains, really, the finest poaceae has to offer. Carrots! Tons of rosaceous plants like apples and cherries and pears and peaches and apricots! Grapes! Soy and Bamboo! Okra and watermelon! All these things were simply never found in the Americas. The grains one is the wildest for me, the variety of grains available across Eurasia and Africa was truly astounding.
You know what binds together the food of all cultures across the world? Onions. Onions are fucking everywhere. There's probably onions growing near you right now. Allium Gang Unite.
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raccaryusui · 2 years ago
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欧文名:Caccinium oxycoccos
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tommymacsblog · 3 years ago
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Vaccinium oxycoccos (Cranberry), Photographed on Rannoch moor bog pools, near to Rannoch Station by Tom MacDonald 2002.
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ash3 · 5 years ago
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And those vines will give blood drops
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okaima · 2 years ago
Karelian words - (edible) Berries
Muarja - berry Muaččoi - berry, cutesy or "kids" word
Akanvavarno - european blackberry ( Rubus plicatus)
Buola - lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
Garbalo - cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos palustris)
Hepokka - arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus)
Hilloi - cloudberry plant (Rubus chamaemorus) Šĺuboi - ripe, soft cloudberry Muuŕoi - reddening, but still raw, hard cloudberry Suppu - raw, unreddened cloudberry
Juomoi - bog bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum)
Koarnehus - black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)
Luumarja - stone bramble (Rubus saxatilis)
Mandžoi - strawberry (Fragaria, especially Fragia vesca) Ukonmandžoi - musk strawberry (Fragaria moschata)
Mušt'oi - european blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Vavarno - raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Tuesday 1 October 1839 Travel Journal
7 ½
1 ¼
fine morning but flags wet – F61 ¼° now at 8 55/.. am Reading Murrays’ encyclopaedia geography vol. 2 Siberia p. 1077. ask at the botanic garden for
Rosa berberifolia
Saxifraga geum
Tragopogon orientalis
Pedicularis Elata
P. proboscidea
Pinus cembra (from 4500 to 6500 Parisian ft. of elevation) what is the meaning and derivation of the word lychen what was Linnaeus’ favourite flower
Juniperus nana
Betula nana
Salix nana
Betula alba (common brich)
Pinus Siberica (p. 1078) ‘grows at the foot of the mountain with fir but more frequently with the Spruce [?] (Abies) and at 2000 to 3000 is very abundant’
October Tuesday 1  ask difference between Pinus and fir and what is the name [?] to fir
+ Chamissos’ flora of stamtschatka, Aleutian island and Beharings’ straits
Pinus cembra, seeds of eaten by the Russians
Sorbus aucuparia (mountain ash?)
Alnus incana
Populus aspen?
what 2 other sorts (p. 1079) grow on the banks of the river Siberia?
+ quoted much in Hookers’ botanical miscellany
Cornus Suecica
Urtica dioica   common nettle?
Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry?) bleau bery? cloud bery?
Sanguisorba Canadensis
Ferns (filices)
Geum (Fischer knows nothing about as a sacred architectural plant)
Oxycoccos (p. 1081)
Uva ursi
Fucus esculentus (sea kale of the Russians)
Pisum maritimum
Pale and black lichens islands of St. George and St. Paul (p. 1081)
Spiraea chamaedrifolia [chamaedryfolia]
what is the red moss in Sweden? and the yellow on the oaks at Stockholm?
October Tuesday 1
Linnaea borealis (Handbook p.111) favourite flower of Linnaeus
Lantana and Vitalba what?
Lantana, Wayfaring tree – a sorb?
Kapusta white cabbages of enormous size in the Crimea.
Trifolium did not Mrs. Lawton mention a new sort brought to England growing 5 or 6ft. high?
breakfast at about 9 ¼ in about ¾ hour – before and after writing of foregoing notes of inquiries to be made and read Murrays’ encyclopaedia of geography etc. till had Dr. Lefevre for near ½ hour till 11 ¼ - out at 11 ¾ to the Library (Imperial) – at 12 Mr. de Moralt went round the 21 salles with us in ¼ hour – the new wing = 6 salles finished I think he said in 1832 and adjoined to the old part part part finished in 1812 –
a pupitre of 4 shelves on a moveable axes – no description or model of it to be had – the shelves seemed about 20in. wide and 4ft. long? this sort of thing might be contrived at home –
at 12 20/.. sat down to look at mss. – an artist here copying Alexander by Dove who did this and all the [generals] etc. at the Hermitage at 1,000 rubels each – I left A- to the mss., and looked over the folio ‘Voyage de Messrs. Humbotdt und Bonpland. Partie Botanique ........ in ordinem digessit Carol. Sigismund. Kunth. Fascicul 10. Figures colorieés – à Paris. Libraire de Gide fils. Rue St. Marc – Feydeau, no. 20. Planches de l’imprimerie de Langlois.
October Tuesday 1 Layards the name of the author of the Handbook signing himself E.L. Mr. Moralt said he was introduced to him by Brieffy the bookseller – at the library till 1 ¾ having latterly had Mr. Atkinson the English librarian for the modern works – very civil – the library not rich in English works – neither Captain Cochranes, nor Bremners’ –
at the Botanic garden at 2 5/.. – Mr. Fischer, on the lookout, came to us immediately and took us to the serres a verst long! the Berlin garden the richest in Europe – Kew not much now – the Edinburgh botanic garden the best in Great Britain – became a royal garden and became tho’ Dr. Graham less scientifie (savant) than Sir William Hooker the Edinburgh Gardener Mr. MacNab is one one of the best in England in Great Britain – the Glasgow garden is by subscription and the college had 10 or 12 shares (actions) but tho’ this give some weight at Hooker (the college professor) yet he has not weight enough – spoke of Knights? exotic garden at Chelsea -
for £2,000 a year more – F- would make this the finest richest botanic garden in Europe – he would have jardins [filials]  
Rio Janeiro
at the mouth of the Amazon Maranham [Maranhão]
Cape of good hope
New Holland
Preserve gardens at the 7 places named – I had said I thought the emperor ought to have a [?] garden in the Crimea
Mr. A- said 7 librarians and 4 under ditto at the Imperial library
here 120,000 rubels per annum 400,000 from Jardin des plantes – the fault of the English gardens (Liverpool the best (ranks with Edinburgh and Glasgow) is that the old plants are thrown away for new ones – novelty is too much sought after – Loddiges establishment costs £10,000 a year –
Lambert on the genus Pinus  vice-president of the Linnean society – 8vo. edition 4 vols.
F 20 years at Moscow with............ the hothouses separate – lost his health in going from one to the other by the sudden changes of temperature .:. here had all the houses under one roof – the flood in 1824 did great damage – the water 2 or 3ft. high in the serres – the emperor once thought of removing them to the Taurida [Tauride] palace garden – but now the plants so well rooted etc. it would not be advisable –
Marshal Bieberstens’  [Marschall von Bieberstein] flora Tauro-Caucasia. 3vols. 8vo.
à son Altesse
Mr. le prince Volkonski  ministre de la maison de l’Empereur
he would [was] the man to apply to for leave to see the the favourite flower of Linnaeus Andromeda polifolia F- thinks Ficus sarmentosa or stipulate the beautiful little creeper in my favourite serre when concrétionnés lime stones are piled up for the rock plants – very pretty and natural looking
the son or nephew of the French ambassador was there with F-‘s belle soeur and F- introduced us to her en passant – saw her afterwards – very civil – came away at 4 ¾ - home direct at 5 ½ - dressed – dinner over at 6 50/..
Krusenstern 51/426 ‘La méthode d’Enseignement est celle de Lancastre dans toutes les écoles paroissiales des villes, bourgs ou villages’
Each school has ‘cartes géographiques etc. (books maps and other objects d’instruction’ approved par le ministère 52/426. at the District schools (p. 55)
Les Gymnases p. 57 more particularly destined for the education of gentilshommes – Latin Grammar and French taught – Greek (for want of masters) only taught in the university-town gymnases
p. 64 young peasants free or not, inadmissible now to the gymnases – Education should be suited to the position of the person – those overeducated found the state to which they must return insupportable – ‘et l’expérience a prouvé que ces hommes out tombaient dans une noire mélancolie, ou se livraient à des, excès qui finissaient ordinairement par les perdu’
p. 67 according to the new règlement of 1835. German French English and Italian taught – and vid. p. 66 Arabian, Turkish, Persian, Mongole and Tartarian taught
p. 70 every professor after 25 years of service obtains the title of Emeritus and his chair is considered vacant – but may be re-elected for so long as he is able –
October Tuesday the professors who have obtainted the title d’émerite after 25 years service have a pension égale a leur traitement annuel – ½ for 10 years – ¾ for 15 years – vide
p. 74. vide salaries of professors – at Petersburg and Moscow 5,000 R-
p.79 at the university de Casan particular attention paid to the Arabic, Persian, Tartar, and Mongol to prepare young men for being employed as dragomans and translateurs.
Mongole grammar par Schmidt. p. 81.
5 young Buriates one of them a Lama, studying at Casan - .:. hope to rapprocher ‘des trésors de la littérature tibétaine, restes inaccessibles jusqu’ à présent aux recherché des Européens, car c’est entre les mains des Lamas Buriates que demeurent ignorés de précieux monumens de cette littérature’ p. 82/486
Dorpat p. 87 et seq. ‘les travaux scientifiques de l’université’ sont ‘trés étendus’ e.g. the Atlas Zoologique de professor Eschholtz who accompanied Captain Kotzebue in his voyage round the world.  and the expeditions of professor Engelhardt in the government of Olonetz  [Olonec] and the east parts of the Oural [Ural] chain – his mineralogical works known to all the mineralogists of Europe –
Struve for his astronomical discoveries
Ratke histoire naturelle in his travels on the north of the Black sea
Göbels’ scientific travels in the Steppes of this part of the empire
Ledebur’s Flore des monts Altay [Altaj]
Parrot’s voyage à l’Ararat.
October Tuesday 1 ‘De plus il y paraît chaque mois une publication sous le titre de Chronique de Dorpat.
Odessa p. 97 et seq. – p. 100 ecole at O- for the oriental languages –
Gymnases at Tiflis [Tbilisi] etc. etc. Kouba, Bakou, Derbent, at Erivan. o. 105
p. 109 et seq. on private schools and private tuition no Russian allowed to leave Russia to study abroad before aet. 18
académie Impériale des sciences p. 123 – among its members (p. 124) were Euler, Gmelin, Pallas, etc.
p. 124 vi. Scherers’ Aperçu historique des travaux de l’académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg depuis 1726 jusqu’ à 1826’.
p. 125 the académie has 206,000 R. (Ukase du 30 Janvier 1830) per annum
p. 126 ---------- 239,400 R. per annum
p. 128 the 6th series of memoires (faisant suite à 73 vols. published before) was commenced in 1826 (since 1826?)
For an account of these memoires vid. Receuil des Actes de l’ académie vid. particularly
p. 128 Mr. Krug sur l’origine des Slaves
Mr. Fraehr’s important discoveries dans les auteurs arabes vid. an earlier part of  Krusenstern the old Russian letters resemble those on the rocks in the desert…….
p. 130 Flore Russe published par les soins de l’ académie and ‘Dessins appartenant à la zoographie de la Russia d’Asie.’
p. 131 Description statistique de gouvernement de Vologda par Mr. Broussiloff.
October Tuesday 1
p. 133 L’expédition archéographie de Mr. Stro��eff Stroïeff
p. 134 this work will = 10vols. folio (from 1340 to 1700)
this work completed Stroïeff/2 and the academy/1 will s’occuper d’un travail plus vaste – ‘la publication d’un receuil systématique de totues les sources de l’histoire de la Russie’
p. 137 the academician Dr. Mertens in 1826 from Russia in North west America and Asia brought 2500 plants etc. and 100 dessins –
p. 338 magnetic observation made at Pekin by the astronomer Fuss and Dr. Bunge at the same time explored le règne végétale de la Chine -  
p. 339 Ermanns’ voyahe sur le Lena and Bunge explored also les mountains Altai [Altaj]
p. 140 on the level of the Caspian – Parrot now thinks no difference between level of Caspian and Black sea?
p. 142. Atmospheric pressure varies – doubts as to infallibility of the barometer as a measure of heights
p. 143 Mr. Sjogren agrees with Klaproth that the Ossètes are Indo-Germanic –
p. 145. Catalogue = 100+ of ouvrages Arabian Persian and Turc that are to be sought for –
p. 146 a limited no. of persons admitted to some of the Séances of the academy
p. 148 17 April anniversarie de la [?] de [?]  le Cesarewitch is the day the academy prizes are given
p. 150. 151. Le musée asiatique ‘le cabinet est unique dans son genre en Europe: Mr. Fraehn en fait un catalogue raisonné.
October Tuesday 1 vid. at the observatory Dopat (p. 155) la fameuse lunette de Frauenhofer, un des instrumens le plus parfaits qui existent. vid. [Observation] central (1st stone laid in the spring of 1834) sur la montagne de Pulkowo no buildings houses allowed to be erected with a verst of it –
p. 159 the academy has published ‘Notices de l’academie 1815-1823 4vols. – Publication periodique 1829-1832. 4vols. memoires 1834-1836. 3 vols.
sat reading so far of Krusenstern to p. 160 and making the above notes till now 12 at night
p. 225 Le genre du vie des élèves vid. 8 hours for sleep
p. 130 et seq. vid. ecole des mines – fine day
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healthcaremedicineforyou · 2 years ago
Dried cranberry: uses, nutrition and health benefits
Cranberries belong to the subgenus Oxycoccus of the genus Vaccinium and areToTo evergreen dwarf shrubs or trailing vines. Vaccinium oxycoccos may be referred to as cranberries fruit in Britain, while Vaccinium macrocarpon may be referred to as cranberries fruit in North America. Plants that produce cranberries grow to a height of 2 metres (7 feet) and have slender, wiry stems that aren’t heavily woody and evergreen leaves.
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phantom-of-the-north · 2 years ago
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Some photos from cranberry foraging in the home village with my family 🍂
I really miss living here :’( The nature feels so safe and familiar and I miss the dogs even if I get to see them every Saturday when I come out here.
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vandaliatraveler · 4 years ago
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The hills are alive . . .  with wild blueberries. I literally ate my way through Yellow Creek Preserve yesterday. The berries (Vaccinium angustifolium and Vaccinium pallidum) are at peak ripeness in the local mountains - and they are sweeter and more nutritious than anything you can buy in a store. Meanwhile, bog cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) is on the way (bottom photo). The cranberries will ripen in late summer, long after the blueberries have been eaten by wildlife (and people) or withered away.
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bonefall · 2 years ago
omg cranberrypaw is such a cute name. if you’re saving anyone please let it be them 🙏
I need ALL HANDS ON DECK for WindClan, I'm even considering breaking the Emergency Glass and yanking out some unaligned StarClan spirits. There's a HUGE bald spot in what I'm calling the Crusade Era up until the Campaign Era, and even then, the Erins made a ton of these cats live a RIDICULOUSLY long time when they're supposed to be at war with ShadowClan
So Cranberrypaw is absolutely safe, I need her
Though as a side note, I was actually just looking into her name to make sure it's region-friendly. The answer is surprising; Yes, But, it's not the Cranberry you're imagining
She would be Vaccinium oxycoccos, the swamp cranberry. It's edible, but not the type that Americans have in Thanksgiving dinner. It's acidic and sharp-tasting. The American cranberry, which is farmed, is Vaccinium macrocarpon.
It's also a pretty interesting choice of a name. Cranberries of all kinds grow in wetlands, it was certainly a choice to name this kitten after a plant that would be heavily associated with ShadowClan.
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Scientific Names: Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos Other Common Names: Bog cranberry, marsh apple, mountain cranberry, mooseberry, iso karpalo, and pikku karpalo Overall Safety: 😊  
Therapeutic Efficacy and Considerations:
UTI Prevention: 😊 Although the clinical evidence is somewhat variable, several studies have demonstrated that cranberry may be effective for prevention of UTIs. Cranberry is relatively safe, with minimal adverse reactions and drug interactions. Due to antimicrobial resistance, overuse of antibiotics, and its plausible mechanism of action, it may be recommended as a prophylactic agent for UTIs. Issues affecting patient counseling include the fact that many of the studies used unsweetened cranberry juices; effects may differ with juice cocktail products containing less juice and more sugar. Only two studies utilized cranberry tablets or capsules, but both had positive results; these products may be advisable for patients wishing to avoid the calories or sugar content of cranberry juice. For UTI prophylaxis, use 250-750 mL cranberry juice cocktail daily in one or divided doses, or 600-2000 mg of encapsulated extract daily in divided doses. Ideal doses are not well established. As a urine deodorizer, use 3-6 ounces of cranberry juice cocktail daily.
Chemistry/Pharmacology: Cranberry inhibits bacterial adherence to uroepithelial cells. The component’s fructose and a high molecular weight compound called proanthocyanin, appear to be responsible for the interference with bacterial binding.
Drug Interactions: Warfarin, due to possibly increased INR. Because of acidity, cranberry may decrease effectiveness of antacids. Absorption of vitamin B12 may increase in patients taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Cranberry may inhibit cytochrome P450 2C9 so use cautiously with any drugs for which 2C9 is a major metabolic pathway. Clinical significance of these interactions is not well established.
Contraindications/Precautions: Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to cranberries, with benign prostatic hyperplasia, or with urinary obstruction. Many preparations of cranberry juice have high sugar content and are contraindicated in diabetics. Cranberry is not a substitute for antibiotics when urinary frequency, hesitancy, or burning are present.
Adverse Effects: May cause diarrhea with large doses and uric acid kidney stone formation (increased risk if >1 L/day for prolonged period of time).
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sunnyspetscorner21 · 4 years ago
Cranberries are a group of evergreen dwarf shrubs or trailing vines in the subgenus Oxycoccus of the genus Vaccinium. In Britain, cranberry may refer to the native species Vaccinium oxycoccos, while in North America, cranberry may refer to Vaccinium macrocarpon. Cranberries are a member of the heather family and related to blueberries, bilberries, and lingonberries.
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